In these activities
psychologists do not steal, cheat, or engage in fraud, subterfuge, or
intentional misrepresentation of fact." (APA, Principle C) This is a
reinforcement of the consistencies which cross between St. Leo's
University's core values and the code of ethics by which the APA remains
bound today.
This is important because prevailing research today suggests that
there have been some fundamental failures in the maintenance of standards
for those entering into the practice. As one research document states,
"there appears to be minimal consensus regarding those elements of a
candidate's previous experience that should be scrutinized prior to
licensure. The authors highlight the frequency of character and fitness
items across applications and ancillary licensure materials and conclude
with several recommendations for licensing boards, national associations,
and directors of training programs." (Johnson & Campbell, 654) This
accounts for the value to the field of such universities as St. Leo, which
pay a distinct focus to the matters of personal, professional, academic,
spiritual and character development. The…...
mlaWorks Cited:
American Psychological Association (APA). (2002). EthicalPrinciples of Psychologists and Code of Conduct of American PsychologicalAssociation. APA.Johnson, W.B. & Campbell, C.D. (2002). Character and Fitness Requirements
for Professional psychologists: Are There Any? Professional Psychology:Research and Practice 33(1), 46-53.
Theology -- St. Leo University Core Values
Saint Leo University fosters several core values for the benefit of its members and the wider communities served by its members. The core value of "Community" encourages members to "listen, learn, change and serve" to create a socially accountable, accepting, unified and interconnected University community. This socially accountable environment, based on trust and respect, assists members of this University community and ultimately the communities that are and will be served by members of the University. The encouraged practices of listening, learning, changing and serving are readily applicable to the establishment, improvement and adherence to an Emergency Action Plan.
Body: The Application of Saint Leo University's Core Value of Community to an Emergency Action Plan
a. Community
Saint Leo University's core value of Community is focused on establishing environments that are socially accountable, encouraging all its members to "listen, learn, change and serve" (Saint Leo University, n.d.). In…...
mlaWorks Cited
OSHA - U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.). Evacuation Plans and Procedures. Retrieved April 18, 2013 from Web site:
Saint Leo University. (n.d.). The first Florida Catholic university. Retrieved April 18, 2013 from Web site:
For instance, the APA places a great deal of emphasis on competence. According to Kaslow et al.
"Competence is a common a term in psychology today, as it is in other health professions (Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, 2000). Educational programs are expected to produce competence, professional credentialing bodies are required to certify individuals as competent, policymakers laud competence, and consumers demand it (Hoge et al., 2005). As professions are regulated to ensure public protection, we have a responsibility to ensure via education, training, and ongoing lifelong assessment that practicing psychologists and future generations of psychologists provide quality and safe services. Assessing competence throughout the training and career of a professional psychologist facilitates the determination of what one knows, if one knows how, if one shows how, and how one does things (Kaslow et al., 442).
Psychologists are educated in a standard way and they are also expected to…...
mlaWorks Cited
Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct With the 2010 Amendments.
Kaslow et al. Guiding Principles and Recommendations for the Assessment of Competence. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice 2007, Vol. 38, No. 5, 441 -- 451
Rezaee Z., Elmore, R.C., Szendi J.Z. Ethical Behavior in Higher Educational Institutions: The Role of the Code of Conduct Journal of Business Ethics 30: 171 -- 183, 2001
Shattock M. Managing Good Governance in Higher Open University Press, 2006.
Code of Ethics
Core values
My core ethical value can best be summed up as follows: 'always put yourself in the other person's shoes.' I consider this to be a modified version of the Golden Rule of 'do unto others as you would have done unto you.' The Golden Rule suggests that you should treat other people as you would like to be treated. In my version, I have modified this dictum by asking: 'if I were like this person, with his or her experiences and perspectives would I like to be treated in such a manner?' For example, I might not mind having people tease me about my appearance, in good fun. However, someone who had been bullied for most of his or her life might feel threatened by what I consider friendly banter. It is not enough for me to say: "because I would not mind, he would not mind."…...
The core values of St. Leo's are expressed on the university's website as excellence, community, respect, personal development, responsible stewardship and integrity. These all in some way inform how the university and its staff handle private data, but in particular the values of integrity, respect and responsible stewardship all apply. Respect for others is a core value that relates to private data, because to protect the privacy of the data is to respect the individual. This is something that should always be remembered -- that data represents individual people, and that is the reason why it is important to protect data.
The most important core value with respect to data privacy is integrity. The value of integrity stands for a pledge to be "honest, just and consistent in deed." This value implies that there should be a high value placed on integrity in terms of behavior -- deeds -- and…...
Catholic School's are ministries of the Catholic Community that exist to provide education rooted in the Catholic faith and Christian values. Such schools are developed to offer assistance to families regarding the intellectual, spiritual, and physical development of their children. The Congregation for Catholic Education [CCE], 1998) explains the function of Catholic schools as "a place of integral education of the human person through a clear educational project of which Christ is the foundation," (p. 4). Thus, in general the vision of any particular Catholic middle school is to foster the development of Catholic values through prayer, learning, and stewardship toward the Church and the community. To prepare students for life goals the schools attempt to set the stage in their students for the development of life-long learning, strong moral decision-making skills, and well-being in mind and body for all learners. Catholic middle schools attempt to provide students with a…...
Barbuto, J.E. & Wheeler, D.W. (2006). Scale Development and Construct Clarification of Servant Leadership. Group & Organization Management, 31(3), 300-326.
Black, G.L. (2010). A correlational analysis of servant leadership and school climate. Catholic Education: A Journal of Inquiry and Practice, 13 (4), 437 -- 466.
Buchanan, M.T. (2005). The REC: Perspectives on a complex role within Catholic education.
Journal of Religious Education, 53(4), 68-74.
ethics is and I will link this to my own belief system. According to aird (2012), the study of ethics has the objective to make people reflect on two particular topics of interest: the individual and the community, namely what kind of people we want to be and what kind of community we want to live in. This is why, as aird pointed out, the discussion about ethics, business ethics included, should start from a discussion about our core value.
I would like to briefly refer to these, in connection to the course and as these values apply to the course and to this discussion. My belief system is based on three main pillars and the first pillar is, I believe, the most important for the discussion at hand. It refers to not lying. I believe that lying is the worst thing that could happen for an individual, both in…...
1. Baird, C.A. (2012). Everyday ethics: Making wise choices in a complex world. Colorado: EthicsGame Press, Publishers.
The author of this brief report has been asked to offer a few words and answer a few personal questions about spirit. Within the confines of this report, three major questions will be answered and otherwise spoken to. First, there will be a listing and explanation of the five core values that the author this report holds important. In terms of the explanation, there will be a clarification as to how those values are fused with the spirituality of the author. There will be a reflection and discussion of how those values have been and could further be used for overall growth on a person and professional level in the future, Finally, there will be the use of an outside source used to supplement and cement what the author of this report holds to be true. While the firm and definitive values for many do tend to differ, the author…...
Du, L. (2012). 8 Horror Stories Of Evil Bosses On Wall Street. Business Insider. Retrieved 25 January 2016,
Zappos & LEAD
When looking at Zappos, their Chief Executive Officer Mr. Hsieh and what the company has done over the recent months and years, it is clear that they have a clear and focused set of guiding principles and guidelines that they follow. Indeed, they only hire people that fit with their distinct company culture and this is wise on a number of levels. The ten core values that they use to fill their positions, the climate that is emphasized at Zappos and how it is enforced and how Hsieh approaches conflict (not to mention the author of this report's view on the same) will all be covered as part of this brief report. While there is more than one way to run a company, the method that Zappos uses is clearly better than the overall repertoire of many other firms.
Before getting too deep into the minutia of the answers…...
Research NAEYC Core Values of the Code of Ethical Conduct. Summarize your reading and develop a one-page essay on how early childhood teachers can demonstrate one of these values in their daily practice. Submit by the due date.Section I-2.8 pertains to the collaborative effort between educators, children and family members. This is a particularly important value now as education requires much more collaboration. The overall population is becoming culturally diverse. In addition, the needs of students are now becoming more varied. Due to the substantial differences is needs on a per student basis, much more collaboration is required between teacher and parents. This is particularly true due to the contentious racial tensions that are prevailing in the developed world today. Killings of unarmed African Americans, hate crimes against Asian Americans due to COVID-19 originating in China, and now abuse of Russian-Americans within the United States. All of these incidents ultimately…...
Leaning to Lead by Expeience
Two yeas ago, I lost the most impotant peson in my life. My heat ached. Befoe I lost my mom, I thought I was in the most secue point of my life -- but I was not. Thoughout the pocess of gieving, I found out who I tuly was. I was someone who took advantage of situations and people, someone who was caeless with money by spending it ecklessly to make himself feel bette and ignoe poblems. I was someone who neve leaned fom my mistakes and kept huting othes because of these decisions. All I knew was that all of these thing that I was doing wee wong but I did them anyways, because it was the only way I knew to solve my poblems. I had to take a long look in the mio knowing what kind of hoible peson I was. The toughest…...
mlareferences from books:
1. Northhouse, Theory & Practice. (3) styles of leadership and examples.
2. Dwek, Mind Set: The new psychology of success. I would talk about the process of my leadership.
3. The Arbinger Institute, Leadership and the self deception. Talk about being in the box and out of the box. I have really took this book to heart on how I approach situations and even feelings/thinking of people.
4. Life Map
Business sustainability is about realizing the pathway to preserving and protecting profits, people, and the planet. It is expressed through a company’s focus on the triple bottom line, also defined as the management of financial, social and environmental risks, duties and opportunities. Firms that engage in sustainable practices typically have some form of corporate social responsibility (CSR) program or policy in place that allows them to support and promote initiatives that are considered to be important either to the communities in which the firm operates or else good for the overall environment as a whole. Sustainable practices that businesses focus on can include anything from “going green,” reducing one’s environmental footprint, protecting water supplies, promoting scholarships in communities where economic disadvantages are high, and so on. Engaging in sustainable practice is the essence of maintaining a commitment to culture and to one’s core values. This paper will define the term…...
The courts retooled by a generation of conservative judicial appointments and crazed case law now function as social abettors, in which the poor and the dark skinned are shunted off to a concrete hell with industrial efficiency. Left behind are broken families, more addiction, more disease, more illiteracy, and thus a more docile society" (Parenti, 2001).
There are different changes being made in the system to reflect new and evolving values. For example, recommendations have been made that all police interrogations be video taped, so that juries have access to the process of confession and not just a typed end-product. This way police can ensure the values of integrity in the confession process. The increasing use of DNA testing, where possible, is also a way of helping to ensure that only the guilty are punished and justice is upheld.
The main purpose of police department is to provide services to the…...
Parenti, C. (July 2001). The "New" Criminal Justice System: State Repression from 1968 to 2001. Monthly Review. 539(3): 19.
Platt, a. (2001). Social Insecurity: The Transformation of American Criminal Justice, 1965 -- 2000. Social Justice. 28(1): 138.
Wright, K. (1999). Leadership Is the Key to Ethical Practice in Criminal Justice Agencies. Criminal Justice Ethics. 18(2): 2.
Townsend, P. (September 2005). Detention Redemption: In One California County, Progressive Leaders and Law-Enforcement Officials Are Transforming a Troubled Juvenile-Justice System. The American Prospect. 16(9): 20+.
Values and Ethics
A person's worldview is shaped in many ways starting from birth. The values held by his family, friends and community are impressed upon him during the first years of his life, and form the basis by which he interacts with the world and through which he understands his experiences. hile many people remain truest to the ethics developed in childhood, and only develop complexity in their ethical standards as they age, others choose to stay true to the values that call to them most clearly and build up their values around a new pattern of beliefs. My values were rooted in my family of birth and developed through the influence of my friends and community, but they crystalized during the nearly two decades I spent serving in the U.S. Marine Corps. Among my core values are the Marine Corp ethical goals of honor, courage and commitment, and the…...
mlaWork Cited
Merriam-Webster. 2011. "Definition: Honorable." Retrieved June 4, 2011 from
values of American culture. Specifically, it will connect this theme with two or more of the following: American energy consumption and foreign policy. Many writers (American and foreign) have commented on the core values of American culture, using terms like "rugged individualism," "individual freedom," "self-reliance," "pioneer spirit" and "democracy." Do you see a theme here?
Americans have always been noted for their loved of individual freedoms and their self-reliance. This tradition began before the Revolutionary War, when America stood up for her rights as a colony of England. Americans have been called "rugged individualists" who embody a "pioneer spirit" because we demanded our rights then, and we continue to do so today in a wide variety of areas, and all you have to do is turn on the television or read a newspaper to see some of these core values which are exhibited every day in our culture. For…...
**Community Relations vs. Public Relations: An Exploration of the Synergies and Distinctions**
Community relations and public relations, often intertwined concepts, play crucial roles in shaping an organization's reputation and fostering its relationships with external stakeholders. However, these disciplines exhibit distinct approaches, motivations, and target audiences, warranting further exploration and comparison.
**Community Relations: Nurturing Local Connections**
Community relations focuses on building strong, mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and the communities in which it operates. It emphasizes local engagement, participation, and collaboration, aiming to address community concerns, support local initiatives, and foster a sense of belonging.
* **Key Goals:** Strengthen community engagement, foster local support,....
1. Self-reflection: the importance of taking time to understand your thoughts, feelings, and behavior
2. Exploring your values and beliefs: how they shape your identity and decision-making
3. Embracing your strengths and weaknesses: learning to appreciate and work with both aspects of yourself
4. Setting boundaries and priorities: understanding what is important to you and how to prioritize your time and energy
5. Nurturing self-compassion and self-care: the role of self-compassion in building a healthy relationship with yourself
6. Overcoming self-doubt and building self-confidence: strategies for overcoming negative self-talk and building self-confidence
7. Discovering your passions and interests: exploring what brings you joy and fulfillment in....
Embarking on the Journey of Self-Discovery
Introspection and Identity
Exploring the Layers of Identity: Unraveling the multifaceted aspects that shape our sense of self
The Impact of Experiences on Identity Formation: How life events mold and refine our self-perception
Embracing the Paradox of Identity: Understanding the dynamic and evolving nature of the self
Understanding Our Values and Beliefs
Uncovering Our Core Values: Identifying the principles that guide our actions and aspirations
The Role of Beliefs in Shaping Our Perspectives: Exploring the influence of our beliefs on our worldview and decision-making
Reconciling Values and Beliefs: Navigating the complexities and potential conflicts within our....
Topic 1: Forgiveness as a Journey of Self-Discovery
Forgiveness is often perceived as a static act, a one-time gesture where the past is wiped clean. However, forgiveness can be a profound journey that leads to personal growth and a deeper understanding of oneself. This essay will explore forgiveness as a journey of self-discovery, examining how it can transform our perspectives, heal our wounds, and empower us to live more fulfilling lives.
Body Paragraph 1: Uncovering Hidden Truths
The decision to forgive can trigger a process of introspection and self-reflection. As we confront the wrongdoings of others, we are forced to confront our own....
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