Contrast Essays (Examples)

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Like a compare and contrast essay, a contrast essay asks you to choose two or more items and ideas and write about them.  However, instead of highlighting similarities between

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Contrasts of Phonological Therapy
Pages: 3 Words: 1004

Phonological Therapy
Dodd, B., Crosbie, S., McIntosh, B., Holm, A., Harvey, C., Liddy, M., Fontyne, K., Pinchin, B., & Rigby, H. (2008). The impact of selecting different contrasts in phonological therapy. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 10(5): 334-345.

The purpose of the study was to determine how different contrasts in phonological therapy affected children who had phonological disorders. The authors were interested in the question because it affects a significant number of children and slows down their ability to learn to read and speak correctly. The more that can be discovered about the disorder, the easier it will be to determine how to help these children make better strides in reading and comprehension. The authors created a hypothesis regarding the study's outcome that was the traditional minimal-pairs approach and a non-traditional approach that did not use minimal pairs would provide different results in how well they allowed children to process language…...

Contrast of Content and Process Models of Human Motivation as it Applies to Healthcare
Pages: 7 Words: 2821

Motivation in Health Care
Desire is inbuilt in man. Our life and its furtherance through breeding are dependent on desire. Achievement of desire is what motivates us. On different levels, one might consider motivators and incentives. Often, the expeditious and efficient completion of a project is associated with a bonus. Motivation theory is a field of study that has established formalism for one important aspect of human behavior -- fulfillment of need. In fact, these needs are designed in a hierarchy. At the basic level, there is a motivation to live. Therefore, any act on the part of the person is generally motivated by this desire. Among basic needs are the need to eat, the need for shelter and the need to procreate. The dynamics of the "need to eat" is also worthy of consideration. Many aver that an American's need to eat will often coincide with the need to fulfill…...


Bibliography (2003). Theories of Work Motivation. Retrieved December 23, 2003, from the World Wide Web: 

Franco, L.M., Bennett, S., & Kanfer, R. (2002). Health sector reform and public sector health worker motivation: a conceptual framework. Soc Sci Med, 54(8), 1255-1266.

Gwynne, R. (1997). Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. Retrieved December 23, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

Sherman, R. (2000). Motivation. Retrieved December 23, 2003, from the World Wide Web:

Contrast and Compare Essay Starry Night and the Scream
Pages: 3 Words: 944

pain, Van Gogh had somewhat of a twin. Edvard Munch, the painter of the famous Scream and Vincent Van Gogh, the painter of the widely popular Starry Night, were both deeply affected expressionist painters that saw French impressionism and admired Gauguin's symbolic boldness and abstract qualities. By depicting nightmarish lithographs of depraved sexuality, some of Munch's images harkened back to Gauguin. However, the similarities between Van Gogh and Munch are clear even if the work seems at opposite ends of the spectrum, marked with several differences.
To begin, both artists were influenced by expressionism, therefore there are similarities in the way both painters drew their subjects. hile there is no one person in Starry Night, the wavy quality of the brush strokes is similar to The Scream. Both coming from Northern Europe (Van Gogh from Netherlands and Munch from Norway), expressionism existed in several regions, with Germany in particular. hat…...


Works Cited

Ferguson, Ron. George Mackay Brown. Edinburgh: Saint Andrew Press, 2011. Print.

Gardner, Helen, Fred S Kleiner, and Christin J Mamiya. Gardner's Art Through the Ages. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2016. Print.

Contrast of Eb Tylor and James Frazier Accounts of Religion
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

EB Tylor and James Frazier Accounts of Religion
In comparing and contrasting the accounts of religion offered by E.B. Tyler and J.G. Frazer, it is noteworthy to mention that they were not contemporaries of one another. Frazer's ideas on the history and evolution of religion were preceded by Tyler's. As such, there were certain tenets propagated by the latter that were incorporated into the ideas of the former which help to explain some of the similarities between these authors. The relationship between their conceptions is discussed at length in the initial part of Daniel Pal's Seven Theories of Religion. One of the crucial distinctions between the two works is the fact that whereas Tyler's account is based on the notion of animism and Frazer's largely explains religion as a progeny of magic is that the latter's ideas are more consistent with the major forms of religion dominating contemporary existence -- specifically…...


Works Cited

Pals, Daniel. Seven Theories of Religion.

Contrasting Jobs and Fiorina at Leadership
Pages: 2 Words: 745

To contrast leadership styles, it might be instructive to take a look at two tech giants whose paths went in very different directions in the mid-2000s. One is Apple, which was wildly successful, and the other was Hewlett Packard, which struggled to keep up with the times. Apple under Steve Jobs was successful in large part because he was involved actively in the company's strategy, and in guiding his team to perform to a standard that he felt was acceptable. He would be the final arbiter of what was good enough, but was also able to communicate those standards effectively. Essentially, Jobs would push his team to perform at high levels, but ensure that they knew what that meant, and that they had the tools to do the job. This constant sense of challenge would ultimately motivate and inspire the team. One of Jobs' hallmarks was his insistence that the…...



Kalla, S. (2012). 10 leadership tips from Steve Jobs. Forbes. Retrieved February 26, 2016 from 

Tabrizi, B. (2015). Carly Fiorina's legacy as CEO of Hewlett Packard. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved February 26, 2016 from

Contrasting Plato and Mcluhan Regarding the Medium and Truth
Pages: 3 Words: 1308

Plato and McLuhan: Truth and the Medium
McLuhan does not directly address the idea of truth or reality but does state that by understanding the structure of various media forms, we can become more aware of how it shapes our thinking and our environment. McLuhan's idea of truth is to reveal the structure of media and thereby not succumb to its effects. He offers different ways in which we can attempt to unravel the structure of media. How does his approach contrast with Plato's method of knowing reality and Truth?

Plato's declaration in Phaedrus is basically that humans acquire knowledge through a recollection process. According to Plato, a person is born with an innate knowledge of the truth that is not acquired through learning or conditioning. hen people recognize something as being true, it is due to this inherent concept within. They recall this "truth" when they are compelled by external forces.…...


Work Cited

McLuhan, Marshall. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Ed. Terrence W. Gordon. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.

Plato. Phaedrus. Trans. Robin Waterfield. Oxford: Oxford World's Classics, 2002. Print.

Leadership Comparing and Contrasting Leadership Juxtaposing Six
Pages: 4 Words: 1023

Comparing and Contrasting Leadership:

Juxtaposing Six Authors' Two Theories for Success

Leadership is a complex and fulfilling task. Being a good leader, one can say, is an inborn quality. For this reason, not many individuals are as such, and not many are successful. However, there are some examples of leaders who have changed the world, and who include Martin Luther King, Jr. And Bill Clinton, amongst others, individuals who present us with fantastic models of leadership. Yet this paper will focus on two specific theories. The first relates to the article on "Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis," by Heifetz, Grashow, Linsky, and the second relates to theories proposed by Hersey, Blanchard and Jonson, in their book, Management of Organizational Behavior. These two sources will then, present differing views on leadership, which will be described, compared and contrasted below.

In their article, Heifetz et. al. (2011), describe various tasks that a leader must…...



Heifetz R., Grashow A. & Linksy, M. (2011). Leadership in a (Permanent) Crisis. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 9, 2011, from .

Hersey P., Blanchard, K. & Johnson, D. (2007). Management of Organizational Behavior, 9th Ed. Prentice Hall.

Northern Renaissance Portraiture Contrast the
Pages: 3 Words: 1109

Even the Virgin and Christ are depicted in a realistic fashion
ogier van der Weyder, another great Northern master of the portrait, likewise used symbolism in an instructive fashion for the reader, as manifest in works such as his Madonna in ed. In the painting, the infant Christ clearly pages backward to the beginning of a Bible, indicating how his coming is the fulfillment of the prophesy of the coming of the Messiah in the Old Testament. "So specific are the Child's efforts, in fact, that he should be seen not only to be paging through the book, but to be doing so backward, toward its beginning. Once this is recognized as deliberate and unusual, it becomes clear that the entire composition is devised to urge attention toward it" (Acres 2000: 77). The use of symbolism is more subtle than in Van Eck's work and more naturalistic -- instead of…...



Acres, Alfred. (2000). Rogier van der Weyden's painted texts. Artibus et Historiae,

21 (41): 75-109.

Held, Julius. (1955). Review of Early Netherlandish painting, its origin and character.

By Erwin Panofsky. Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1953. The Art Bulletin,

Crime & Punishment Dualities Contrast
Pages: 3 Words: 885

There is a certain duality in the novel even concerning the concept of morality itself. It is somewhat ironic that, although Dostoevsky seems to suggest that a pure faith is more useful than a muddied philosophy, he uses Crime and Punishment to elucidate his own philosophy of morality through the various contrasting events in the novel that explore the topic. Morality seems to be determined by motive far more than action; even the original murder of Alyona Ivanovna is displayed as somewhat acceptable; it is motivated by productive intentions and carried out purposefully. But "fear gained more and more mastery" over Raskolnikov after the "second, quite unexpected murder" (Dostoevsky I.7). This murder is even more immoral because it has no purpose beyond simply concealing the first murder. It is unplanned and unreasoned, and that is one of the main reasons it is the more immoral of the murders.

Another very important…...

Royal Tyler the Contrast Royal
Pages: 2 Words: 557

2. Royall Tyler's play the Contrast was meant to provide criticism in regard to people's tendency to focus on material values as the most important concept in society. Moreover, the playwright was frustrated as a result of the fact that many Americans were concentrating on reproducing attitudes that they observed in Englishmen. The play is thus generally meant to emphasize the contrast that actually exists between England and the U.S. The playwright most probably wanted to raise public awareness regarding the importance of national pride and the significance of accepting new customs as being more important that customs borrowed from the British.

Royall Tyler was one of the most important Americans who started to express interest in preserving American culture primarily because of the fact that it is different from English cultural values. Colonel Manly perfectly exemplifies an individual that Tyler considered to be American in character. He brings on a…...


Works cited:

"ROYALL TYLER (1757-1826) and the Contrast," Retrieved May 18, 2012, from the Wayne Turney Website:

"The Contrast; a Comedy in Five Acts," Forgotten Books

Band Compare Contrast the Beatles and the Rolling
Pages: 2 Words: 690

and Compare/Contrast
The eatles and The Rolling Stones are two of the most popular and prolific bands that emerged during the ritish Invasion of the 1960s. While they became popular around the same time, each band had a unique style and sound. The eatles and The Rolling Stones helped revolutionize music by introducing audiences to music they had never heard or experienced before.

The eatles consisted of John Lennon and George Harrison on guitar, Paul McCartney on bass, and Ringo Starr on drums (Szatmary, 2000, p. 103; The eatles, n.d.). As The eatles began to hone their sound, their manager, rian Epstein, felt that it was also necessary for the band to have a distinct image. Initially, The eatles adopted a rocker look that was heavily influenced by their American rock-n-roll heroes, which included Chuck erry, Elvis Presley, Johnnie Ray, Frankie Laine, and ill Haley (Szatmary, 2000, p. 104). However, Epstein felt…...



The Beatles. (n.d.). Accessed 17 September 2012, from 

The Rolling Stones. (n.d.). Accessed 17 September 2012, from 

Szatmary, D.P. (2000). Rockin' In Time: A Social History of Rock-and-Roll. Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Windows CE Compare and Contrast Linux and Windows XP
Pages: 4 Words: 1180

Windows CE: Compare/Contrast Linux and Windows XP
Windows CE

Windows CE (consumer electronics), as the name indicates is Microsoft's embedded operating system specially developed for many types of consumer electronic gadgets like PDA's, industrial controllers and other mobile communication devices. It is in a true sense a multitasking and multithreading operating system and hence allows for two applications to be run at the same time. The first version of Windows CE had a similar feel to Windows 95 and included specially tailored versions of Word, excel as well as other features like PPP Internet connectivity, customized email and support for applications from other vendors.

Microsoft is on the verge of releasing the latest version windows CE 5.0 this year. The HPC explorer software used in windows CE allows for translation of files from handheld systems (using scaled down versions of excel and word) to the format suitable for desktop operating systems like Windows…...



Bob Brewin, "Microsoft previews Windows CE 5.0," Computer World, March 29, 2004, Retrieved on 30th March 2004, from,,10801,91729,00.html 

Microsoft Corporation," "Why Microsoft® Windows® CE.NET and Not Embedded Linux," Retrieved On March 30th 2004, at

Michele Healey, "NEC and MIPS Technologies Announce Windows CE Operating System Support for 64-Bit Microprocessors," Retrieved On March 30th, 2004, from,

Tim Chart, "Experiences with Windows CE and Linux," Lancaster University, Retrieved on March 30th 2004, from,

Organizational Climate Compare and Contrast Organizational Command
Pages: 5 Words: 1277

Organizational Climate
Compare and Contrast organizational (command) climate with organizational culture.

Organizational climate is the recurring patterns of behavior, attitudes and feelings that characterize life in an organization or company. It is used to describe the dimensions of the environment at work. The factors that determine organizational climate are leadership, organizational structure, historical forces, standards of accountability, standards of behavior, communication, rewards, trust, commitment, vision and strategies, and organizational correctiveness.

Leadership is a factor since the leader has a powerful influence on the expectations and manners of everyone in the company. The leader needs to strategize and methodize the alterations needed to compete in the future as well as the best ways to integrate everyone in the company to gain commitment. Organizational structure is important since how the company organizes itself is a reflection as to what it considers critical to its success and reflects the commitment and values of the employees. Historical…...



Culture vs. Climate. (n.d.). Kennedy Group. Retrieved December 11, 2011, from

Denison, D. (1996). What is the Difference between Organizational Culture and Organizational Climate? A Native's point-of-view on a decade of paradigm wars. Academy of Management Review, 2, 619-654.

Endsley, M. (1995). Toward a Theory of Situation Awareness in Dynamic Systems. The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 37, 32-64.

James, L., & Jones, A. (1974). Organizational climate: A review of theory and research. . Psychological Bulletin, 81, 1096-1112.

Mr Forrester Mr Crawford Comparing and Contrasting
Pages: 3 Words: 963

Mr. Forrester Mr. Crawford
Comparing and contrasting the character of Mr. Forrester and Mr. Crawford in Finding Forrester

The 2000 film directed by Gus Van Sant entitled Finding Forrester could be described as a classic 'fish out of water' story. The main protagonist Jamal is an intelligent, young African-American adolescent who is offered the opportunity to attend a prestigious private preparatory school on a scholarship because of the strength of his SAT scores. Jamal has been concealing his academic interests from his friends because he is afraid it will make him seen stuck up or 'white.' However, he reads widely and writes a great deal on his own. Through a series of improbable events, he comes to be privately mentored by Mr. Forrester, a reclusive writer who wrote one great book and then stopped writing entirely.

Jamal's encounter with Forrester is rather unexpected, beginning when he sneaks into Forrester's house on a…...

Classical Baroque Comparing and Contrasting
Pages: 5 Words: 1709

The geniuses strained the boundaries of the characteristic styles more evidently and more quickly than those of their contemporaries to bring about such seismic changes.
orks Cited

Baroque: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Baroque: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Ludwig van Beethoven." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2007. 23 Apr 2008.

Posner, Howard. "hat is basso continuo?" Early Music FAQ. 1994. 23 Apr 2008.

Sadie, Stanley. "Baroque." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000. 23 Apr 2008.

Sadie, Stanley. "Classical." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Norton, 1994. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000.…...


Works Cited

Baroque: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Baroque: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

style of writing and use of langauge in a streetcar named desire?
Words: 111

There are two main levels of language used in A Streetcar Named Desire. These are the text of the stage directions and the words the actors actually say to one another. The biggest contrast is between Stanley's course, slang language and Blanche's classy, flowery statements. While Blanche's language sounds much more proper, it also sounds very fake and false in comparison with Stanley's speech. This is how Williams wanted it to sound when he wrote the play. By using two styles of writing and language, Williams was able to distinguish the two main characters from one another very easily, which....

Can you compare and contrast caring theories?
Words: 450

First, we want to reassure you that being confused about nursing worldviews puts you in some good company.  Many nurse practitioners find that the approach that place worldviews at the beginning of nursing inquiry may actually be hampering the development of nursing scholarship and keeping the profession from evolving as quickly and as efficiently as it should.  In addition, the material can become very confusing because different authors use the words paradigm and worldview interchangeably, though they distinguish them from metaparadigms. 

Broadly stated, an individual’s worldview consists of the beliefs and assumptions that the person uses to interpret....

What are the differences between the French Revolution and American Revolution?
Words: 417

While it is impossible to escape the similarities between the French Revolution and American Revolution and there is no question that the American Revolution helped inspire the French Revolution, there are a number of important differences between the French and American revolution.

Location was an important difference.  America was a colony that was revolting against a ruling government that was separated from it by a large distance, while the French Revolution occurred in France and was aimed at the monarchy in that country.

Social class played a much more important role in the French Revolution than the American Revolution. ....

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