Contract Management Essays (Examples)

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International Contract Management & the
Pages: 6 Words: 1607

" Therefore, the budget person must be included from the beginning of the contract. Secondly in importance "is the person who is responsible to ferret out all the contract requirements for that particular commodity purchase." (2005) Stated as third, "in order of importance to quality and customer satisfaction is the supplier. A good supplier willingly carries out the obvious intent of the contract requirements -- as well as the not so obvious. The supplier is also a buyer of the commodities he must purchase from others. He will select qualified craftsmen or vendors to provide or install critical features. He will see to it that all the bits and pieces come together within the contract timeframe. Contrast that with the poor supplier who will not select his craftsman for the critical features, will bid shop his materials, and will play with the edge of the contract specifications. The supplier…...



Gabbard, E. (2006) Challenges of the International Contracting Environment. Contract Management Journal 1 Mar 2006. Online available at 

2007) Contract Specialist. Belgium-Brussels. Michael Page International. Online available at 

Patel, V. (2007) the Contract Management Benchmark Report: Procurement Contracts. Aberdeen. Online available at  

Effective Contract Management Practice
Pages: 9 Words: 2634

AbstractContingencies such as peacekeeping and humanitarian missions, domestic or international disaster relief missions, and regional conflicts mandate that military forces are deployed immediately. This immediate deployment of military assets and military agents requires that supporting assets, including Contingency Contracting Officers (CCOs), are concurrently deployed on such missions. As an aspect of effective contract management, a clear understanding of the contracting authority and structure, to a large extent, lowers any risk that might be accrued and uncertainties. This paper seeks to distinguish between command authority and the contracting officers authority, as well as the contracting structure. This paper further merges the two and establishes why their understanding of the CCOs is essential. The introduction part of this paper provides the background to the research topic and demonstrates why the discussion of the identified issue is necessary and who is affected. The papers literature review analyzes various works that have been done…...



Kirstein, J. A. (2015). A study of the efficacy of unit contingency contracting training. AIR FORCE INST OF TECH WRIGHT-PATTERSON AFB OH SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT.

McMillon, C. L. (2017). Contingency contracting within the Department of Defense: A comparative analysis (Doctoral dissertation, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School).

O’Farrell, P. (2019). What Leadership Approaches, Organizational Structures, and Contracting Methods Enable Speed to Award in the Army. Defense Acquisition University Huntsville United States.

Russell, C. B. (2012). Contingency Contracting: Agency Actions to Address Recommendations by the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan. GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY OFFICE WASHINGTON DC.

Practices for Effective Contract Management with a Focus on Joint Contingency Contracting in the Military
Pages: 9 Words: 2615

CONTRACT MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES 12Best Practices for Effective Contract Management with a Focus on Joint Contingency Contracting in the MilitaryAbstractContract management is the process of actively monitoring and controlling the contract between a procuring entity and the contractor to ensure the delivery of reliable and cost-effective services. Effective contract management enhances operational efficiency, and helps to lower risk and uncertainty. The focus of this paper is joint contingency contracting in the military. Contingency contracting within the context of the military is the direct contracting support offered to operational and tactical forces engaged in the full spectrum of either armed conflict or non-combat contingency operations. The Department of Defense (DoD) has made some significant strides geared at improving contingency contracting operations over the years. During the Cold War, the Department of Defense (DoD) implemented substantial support personnel and logistics reductions, leading to increased reliance on contractor support. It is estimated that…...



Defense Contingency Contracting Handbook (2012). Defense Contingency Contracting Handbook (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy.

Defense Contingency Contracting Handbook (2017). Defense Contingency Contracting Handbook (5th ed). Washington, DC: Defense Procurement and Acquisition Policy.

IACCM (2019). IACCM Benchmark Report 2019. International Association for Contract and Commercial Management (IACCM). Retrieved from 

Kirstein, J. (2003). A Study of the Efficacy of Unit Contingency Contracting Training. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, OH: Air Force Institute of Technology.

Management of Technology in Developing Countries Such as Iran
Pages: 9 Words: 3432

Management of Technology in Developing Countries Such as Iran
Technology management arrangements of developing countries vary from those of first world ones. The requirement for skill in these states is not growing from within, but somewhat cropping up from new wares imported from first world countries. Technological growth in addition does not consequence from inner data and research, but resulting upon the technology transmission from abroad. In these environments, technology management by customary way is barely effective. These are troubles facing the Islamic epublic of Iran these days and as a consequence organizations controlling the technology management endure non-compliance, then technological development does not trail an accurate trend (obertson, 2002).

Lack of distinctive management, vagueness of technological precedence's, misunderstanding of policy-making roles and inter-organization implementation and management, tremendous government involvement in all fields and lack of specialist manpower are amongst the vital troubles of the topic (Sveiby et. al 2001). Even though…...



(1.) Abou-Zeid, E.S. "A Knowledge Management Reference Model." Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(5), 2002. pp. 486-499.

(2.) Bender S. And Fish A. "The Transfer of Knowledge and the Retention of Expertise: The Continuing Need for Global Assignments." Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(2), 2008. pp. 125-135.

(3.) Beveren, V.J. "A Model of Knowledge Acquisition that Refocuses Knowledge Management." Journal of Knowledge Management, 6(1), 2002. pp. 18-22.

(4.) Bhatt, G. "Organizing Knowledge in the Knowledge Development Cycle." Journal of Knowledge Management, 4(1), 2009. pp. 15-26.

Contract Stipulations Regarding Collections and Payment
Pages: 5 Words: 1419

Critical Thinking: CTI CaseExplanation of the IssueThe issue is regarding shipment of wine ordered by CTI from Primo Italia, which never arrived. Now there is litigation over a contract dispute. The facts of the case are that on January 2nd, a procurement representative from CTI in San Francisco ordered wine from Primo Italia via the companys website. Payment was arranged through a letter of credit to JL Bank. However, an oversight in documentation management prevented the bank from acting on the bill of lading and invoices. Thus, the wine sat in the San Francisco harbor and deteriorated completely. Primo Italia did not receive payment, and both Primo and CTIs customer sued CTI for non-payment and damages.Overall, this problem concerns mismanagement of documentation by JL Bank, lack of proper notification and follow-up by both Primo Italia and CTI, miscommunication and oversight within CTI\\\'s internal processes, and legal and financial repercussions resulting…...

Contract Dispute
Pages: 2 Words: 593

Government Contracting class.
GAO case study: Contract dispute

One of the most recent government debacles of 2013-2014 was that of the crisis., the Internet exchange on which people could buy healthcare plans on the open market, was largely inoperable for the first months of its existence. The fact that the website was effectively the result of a failed government contract is often forgotten, due to the focus on the policy debate swirling around the requirement that all American citizens are ensured. There was later an investigation into the contract between the government and the firm (CMS) charged with designing the website. "To be expedient, CMS issued task orders to develop the federally facilitated marketplace (FFM) and federal data services hub (data hub) systems when key technical requirements were unknown, including the number and composition of states to be supported and, importantly, the number of potential enrollees. CMS used cost-reimbursement…...



Ineffective planning and oversight practices underscore the need for improved contract

Management (2014). GAO-14-694. Retrieved from:

Managing Projects Operations and Information
Pages: 8 Words: 2210

The performance of each team member depends on the performance of all others, this being a team project. Constraints include time and financial resources; as such improvement requires permanent improvement effort.
isk Management. No risk has been identified related to the project's completion.

Monitoring and Controlling Mechanisms. The data analysts will develop a metric system to measure each member's performance on a weekly basis. This weekly performance will be submitted to the project manager for potential adjustments.

V. Operations management plan

Operations Strategy. An easy way to understand the meaning of operations strategy is to break the word into the two separate words: operations and strategy - these words being the opposite of each other (Slack & Lewis, 2002). 'Operations' is about the functions and procedures regarding the day-to-day processes, while 'strategy' is about the direction and scope of an organisation over a long period of time. The operations strategy in this case…...



Aberdeen Group. 2008. Operational KPIs and Performance Management -- Are Your Daily Decisions Based on Fact?, 

Cooper, M. & Lambert D. 2000. Issues in Supply Chain Management. Industrial Marketing Management, vol. 29: pp. 65-83.

Johnson, J. C. And Wood, D.F. 1996. Contemporary Logistics, N.J.: Prentice Hall Upper Saddle Creek.

Keah C.R.K. And Handfield, R.B. 1998 .Supply Chain Management: Supplier Performance and Firm Performance. International Journal of Purchasing and Materials Management: pp.2-9.

Management and Leadership Examine the
Pages: 6 Words: 2461

He wished to build the happiest place on the planet and this message continues to be handed over to the new recruits who join the organization presently also. Disney exists to give a guarantee to the Americans that are there for real. Disneyland is not just unreal, rather it is hyper-real. As a result it is possible to express of the corporate culture of Disney as being created. ("eading Organizations from behavior and experience to representation and experience," n. d.)
4) Explain how the four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture

The four functions of management support the creation and maintenance of a healthy organizational culture as it leads to planning, organizing, leading and coordinating of resources and it is these 4 activities which recur across the institution and are extremely unified. Present features relating to management cover claims leading are distinct from dealing…...



Arnold, Paul. V. (2002) "Fixing manufacturing" MRO Today Magazine, Retrieved at 

Bryman, Alan. (1995) "Disney and His World"


N.A. (2007) "Disney Institute Homepage" Retrieved at

Managing Creative Project Ref Proposals
Pages: 3 Words: 814

At the same time, he then acts as an interface and communicates to the team the general directions in which the company is moving. However, the project manager also acts as an internal motivator within the team, a coordinator and organizer.
A similarly important role will be played by the project manager in his capacity to act as an interface between the different entities and shareholders involved in a certain project. In order to control scope, several documents should be used, such as, for example, the statement of work, as part of the requests for proposals, or scheduling and budget estimates. For these, the project manager will work with representatives from other departments (marketing and sales etc.), but also with the clients. At the same time, the project manager will have consulted previously with his own team, thus being able to carry to these meetings their own evaluations and estimates.…...

Management Decisions and Core HR
Pages: 2 Words: 652

When all the needs or expectations of the stakeholders are met, the business will continue to thrive.
Core Human esource Functions

Involuntary turnover is rampant among employees of high talent. These employees form then crucial asset that determine the overall success of the organization. Involuntary turnover occurs due to issues such as frequent absences, premature termination of contracts, sexual harassment or by the mere fact that an employee becomes overqualified for a particular job. Supposing I were a top H manager in my firm I would hire people who are qualified to fill any vacant positions taking keen attention to exclude overqualified persons so as top avoid the occurrence of involuntary turnover in the future (Taylor, 2005).

Additionally, I would introduce strategies that seek to retain employees in the organization. One of the strategies would be to introduce teambuilding activities such as retreats and workshops. I would also ensure that the employees…...



Svensson, G., & Wood, G. (2003). The dynamics of business ethics: a function of time and culture -- cases and models. Management Decision, 41(4), p350.

Taylor, S. (2005). People resourcing. London: Chartered Inst. Of Personnel and Development.

Management Problems Dealing With Current
Pages: 10 Words: 2860

The World ank model centers on a five-person team called the Performance Advisory Service or PAS (Yandrick 1995). PAS trains supervisors to analyze work performance and personality problems. The supervisor first determines if a skill deficiency is involved or there are personal and environmental factors. He does this by reviewing the employee's records in search of troubled behavioral patterns; consulting with work team leaders, colleagues and support staff in investigating possible problems within the organization; and/or directly exploring the employee's work performance and conduct.

In the last option, the supervisor may ask or remind the employee about the consequence of poor performance; if he or she is being rewarded for poor or nonperformance; if performance matters to him or her; if there are health or stress factors conducing to his or her poor or low-level performance; or if there are external stimuli behind it. Armed now with the different angles and…...



Brown, J. (1992). How Would You Handle These Prickly Management Problems? Medical Laboratory Observer: Nelson Publishing. 

Business Wire. (1999) a.M. Best Company Says Technology Can Solve Insurance Management Problems. Gale Group 2000. 

Day, CM. (1987). Three Diagnostic Clues to Management Problems. Medical Laboratory Observer: Nelson Publishing. 

Heisler, DL. (1989). The Wrong Response to Today's Problems. American Metal Market. Reed Business Information.

Managing IT Professional in Virtual Environment
Pages: 15 Words: 4984

Managing Professionals in Virtual Environment
As technology has evolved, the reality of virtual organizations has begun to take hold in a variety of industries. It is now commonplace for employees to work, at least in part, from offsite. Telecommuting is a reality that has allowed companies to reduce costs, become more competitive, and facilitate happier more productive employees. Virtual employees, or "telework is one of the most radical departures from standard working conditions in the suite of flexible work practices now gaining widespread acceptance." (Daniels, Lamond, & Standen, 2001)

Managing Professionals in Virtual Environment

As technology has evolved, the reality of virtual organizations has begun to take hold in a variety of industries. It is now commonplace for employees to work, at least in part, from offsite. Telecommuting is a reality that has allowed companies to reduce costs, become more competitive, and facilitate happier more productive employees. Virtual employees, or "telework is one…...



Allert, J.L. (2001, Mar.). You're hired, now go home. Training & Development, 55(3). Retrieved May 30, 2004, from Academic Search Premier database.

Broadfoot, K.J. (2001, Aug.). When the cat's away, do the mice play? Management Communication Quarterly, 15(1). Retrieved May 30, 2004, from ProQuest database.

Cascio, W.F. (2000, Aug.). Managing a virtual workplace. Academy of Management Executive, 14(3). Retrieved May 30, 2004, from Business Source Premier database.

Conner, D.S. (2003, Mar.) Social comparison in virtual work environments: An examination of contemporary referent selection. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 76(1). Retrieved May 30, 2004, from Academic Search Premier database.

Management Theories Over the Last
Pages: 15 Words: 5125

Since, this one lacks structure means that many employees can become confused about their responsibilities. Once this occurs, it can often lead to employee issues, where this confusion can become an issue of contention between the staff and management. As management is telling them to engage in particular activity, yet they don't understand why they are doing such tasks. Over time, this can cause moral to drop as those employees who do not thrive under such a system, begin to lower the overall positive attitude in the work environment. ("Contingency Theory," 2010)
Despite some of the obvious weaknesses, the contingency theory is effective for those organizations that are small. This is because the in formalized structure allows managers / owners the opportunity to adapt to changes that are occurring in real time. Where, they can use their experience and common sense to adjust to various business conditions. As a result,…...



Building Emotional Capital. (2004, June 24). Retrieved April 10, 2010, from Executive Education website: 

Contingency Theory. (2010). Retrieved April 9, 2010, from Values-Based Management website: 

Babineck, M. (2006, March 13). The Enron Trial. Retrieved April 10, 2010 from Chron website: 

Bissonette, Z. (2008, August 1). How Does General Motors CEO Rick Wagoner Still Have a Job. Retrieved April 10, 2010 from Blogging Stocks website:

Management Style of Brian Driscoll the Blame
Pages: 4 Words: 1197

Management Style of Brian Driscoll
The blame for the demise of Hostess has been squarely put at the union's feet and their contracts. After conducting a close examination on the company, I have realized that free labor would have led to the death of Hostess; the striking employees only enhanced the inevitable. In this situation, people on the right track have pointed fingers at greedy unions. However, we must acknowledge that the two sides must reach a realistic agreement in a collective bargaining setting. Unions reflect the demands and wishes of employees and are natural to engage in negotiations in order for their demands to be fulfilled. Companies must communicate accurate company data with the union and companies should provide clear answers when they cannot meet the demands of employees. A positive relationship with workforce cannot be built by asking employees to give significant amounts of benefits back and pay while…...



Grossbauer, S. (2010). Managing foodservice operations: a systems approach for healthcare and institutions. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub. Co

Longenecker, J.G. (2006). Small business management: An entrepreneurial emphasis. Mason,

OH: Thomson/South-Western.

Stout, R. (2008). Under the Andes. Auckland: Floating Press.

Management History of Management of
Pages: 9 Words: 2610

This differentiation refers to the management and administration of the agricultural resources of the kingdom. This in turn involved an organized network of royal foundations. (Wilkinson 116) the second area of administrative concern was the processing of government revenue and "…its redistribution to the various state operations…" (Wilkinson 116) Wilkinson in his book also deals extensively with managements issues in relation to the Egyptian treasury. (Wilkinson 125)
In understanding the background to management in ancient Egypt one has to continually take into account the wide range of concerns and activities that required ordered control and administration. As Erman states in his work Life in Ancient Egypt (1894), "The enormous properties belonging to the temples required of course complicated machinery for their administration & #8230;certain members of the priestly college were deputed to manage the affairs of the treasury, the commissariat and the correspondence…" (Erman 303)

Taking into account the above discussion…...

How does my organization\'s subcontract management align with theoretical principles?
Words: 351

Managing subcontracts is a crucial aspect of overall project management, as it involves delegating certain tasks to external parties in order to ensure the successful completion of a project. In this essay, I will explore how my organization approaches the management of their subcontracts and compare it to the relevant theoretical frameworks. By examining the strategies and practices employed by my organization, we can gain insight into the effectiveness of our approach and identify areas for improvement in aligning with theoretical principles.
In order to assess how my organization's subcontract management aligns with theoretical principles, it is important to first understand....

How does the advancement of information technology impact legal regulations and compliance in the digital age?
Words: 551

Impact of Information Technology on Legal Regulations and Compliance in the Digital Age

The rapid advancement of information technology (IT) has profoundly reshaped various aspects of modern society, including the legal landscape. In the digital age, IT has created novel challenges and opportunities for legal regulations and compliance.

Challenges to Legal Regulations

Data Privacy and Protection: IT has led to the proliferation of personal data collection and storage. This raises concerns about data privacy and the potential for misuse, unauthorized access, and data breaches. Legal frameworks must address these issues to safeguard individuals' rights.
Intellectual Property Rights: Digital technologies make it easier....

Can you provide a legal opinion informing Drake Construction on contractual issue and remedies?
Words: 723

I. Introduction

  1. Overview of Contractual Issue

    1. Explanation of the contractual dispute between Drake Construction and the other party.
    2. Identification of the specific terms of the contract that are in contention.
  2. Legal Remedies Available

    1. Discussion of the possible legal remedies that Drake Construction can seek in this situation.
    2. Explanation of the conditions that need to be met for each remedy to be applicable.

II. Body

  1. Breach of Contract

    1. Evaluation of whether there has been a breach....

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