Consumer Base Essays (Examples)

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Transition to a Consumer-Based Model
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Salvation Army
Transition to a Consumer-Based Model

Transition to a consumer-based model: The Salvation Army

The images of a Salvation Army officer ringing a bell for change at Christmastime or of a Salvation Army band playing in the background on a street corner are iconic. However, the modern Salvation Army is an international charity organization that has taken a form that likely could not have been dreamed of by its founder. In 1865, a London minister named William Booth created a church for the poor and disenfranchised. Booth did not specifically intend to found a charity. However, after developing the East London Christian Mission, Booth gradually began to conceive of an army that would spread the gospel to the world. Booth understood that ministering to the physical needs of the poor would make the disenfranchised more receptive to the Salvation Army's message. Booth viewed it as his Christian duty to help everyone, regardless…...



About the Salvation Army. (2011). The Salvation Army. Retrieved September 14, 2011 at 

Anti-smoking league. (2011). International Heritage Center. Retrieved September 14, 2011 at 

Doing the most good. (2011). The Salvation Army. Retrieved September 14, 2011 at 

History. (2011). Salvation Army International. Retrieved September 14, 2011 at

Consumer Society or Capitalism
Pages: 7 Words: 2650

Consumer Society or Capitalism
Consumer society which evolves out of capitalism has its advantages as well as its disadvantages. But even with its disadvantages, consumer society has now become an accepted from of modern society.

Under the pressure of corporate politics, the commercialization of culture and the influence of mass media, the conventional literary values of Western society are deteriorating. For the public in general, the mixing and transformative experiences of culture have been restored by the joint viewing experience and by contribution in consumer trends. (Cronk, Consumerism and the New Capitalism) George Orwell described consumer society as the air we breathe. High worker output and high general levels of consumption typify efficiently improved societies of late 20th century. Though this prosperity is endorsed with making benefits like raised education and health care, it is also linked with much extended work hours, raised lose-lose social rivalry, uneven communities, economic disparity, and environmental…...



Cronk, R. "Consumerism and the New Capitalism" Retrieved from   Accessed on 20 April, 2005 

"False atheism or the new-sacred ideologies - Page 5 / 7" Retrieved from   Accessed on 20 April, 2005 

"Features of a Consumer Society" Retrieved from Accessed on 20 April, 2005

'"Global Capitalism Has Developed A Planetary Consumer Culture Based Upon Exploitation And Exclusion: Discuss" Retrieved from   Accessed on 20 April, 2005 

Consumer Behavior for Marketing Understanding Consumer Behavior
Pages: 10 Words: 3123

Consumer Behavior for Marketing
Understanding Consumer Behavior

Understanding consumers' perceptions is critical to marketing and advertising. Consumers are increasingly selective with regard to the advertising that they pay attention to and mass marketing is fast losing its effectiveness and appeal. There is any number of strategies that marketers can employ to increase positive consumer perception of their brands. Several suggestions follow: (1) Engage in socially responsible investing in causes that can reasonably associated with the company or the brand: Examples of this strategy can be seen in programs that Starbucks has established to give back to domestic communities and to engage in foreign communities in need. Sale of Ethos water provides a portion of the revenue to be used for infrastructure changes to communities that do not have reliable sources of clean water. The ed program -- a collaborative effort which extended to other firms -- used a portion of sales…...



Cherry K (2012) Classical vs. Operant Conditioning. Retrieved

Pavlov IP. (1927) Conditioned reflexes. London: Oxford University Press.

Skinner BF (1953) Science and Human Behavior. New York: Macmillan.

Consumer Product and Describe Both
Pages: 10 Words: 2920

The concept of the multiplier effect is closely related to the concept of marginal propensity to spend and consume. Marginal propensity can be understood as the increase in personal consumer consumption and saving that occurs with an increase in disposable income. When fiscal policy creates more disposable income for a family, the concept of marginal propensity predicts how much more they would be save and spend. Thus marginal propensity predicts the actual impact of fiscal policy when it is enacted and thus it can calculate the multiplier effect.
Prepare an essay describing Keynesian economic theory. Be sure to fully explain what is being critiqued and why. You should also be clear on why you find this particular critique so compelling. (600 words).

Keynesian economic was developed in the 20th century by the British economist John Keynes. Keynesian economics is basically a reinvention of classical economic theory, it focuses upon a reassessment…...

Consumer Behavior Toward E-Banking Applied
Pages: 21 Words: 5831

" (Al-Ghaith, Sanzogni, and Sandhu, 2010)
With a focus on Saudi Arabia it is reported that there is "no reliable local production in the fields of software or the hardware. The increased demand for ICTs is met by acquiring overseas technologies.

The trend towards increased reliance on ICTs by the Saudi people, in particular computers and internet services, is one of the highest when compared with other developing countries; however it is still far below the ownership rate in developed countries. Table 1 illustrates the ownership rate of equipment such as fixed-line telephones, cellular phone and personal computers. The ownership rate was calculated per 1000 persons in variant countries over the world." (Al-Ghaith, Sanzogni, and Sandhu, 2010) the goal of the study reported in the work of Al-Ghaith, Sanzogni, and Sandhu (2010) is to enhancing the understanding of factors that influence adoption and usage of online services in Saudi Arabia. More precisely…...



Molina, Alfonsa, Ben-Jadeed, Mohammed (2004) the Emergence and Evolution of e-Banking in Saudi Arabia: The Case of Samba Financial Group. Frontiers of E-Business Research 2004

Jasimuddin, Sajjad, M. (nd) Saudi Arabian Banks on the Web. Online available at:

Agarwal, R. And Prasad, J. (1998), "The antecedents and consequents of user perceptions in information technology adoptions," Decisions Support System, Vol. 22, pp. 15-29.

Ahmed, a.M., Zairi, M. And Alwabel, S.A. (2006). Global benchmarking for internet and e-commerce applications, Benchmarking: An International Journal 13(1/2), 68-80.

Baby Food Preferences Among Ethiopian Consumers
Pages: 25 Words: 6884

Consume Behavio: Puchasing Local Baby Food vs. Impoted Baby Food in Ethiopia
Liteatue Review Desciption

A systematic eview of the liteatue is povided in this chapte in ode to develop infomed and timely answes to the study's guiding eseach questions and to confim o efute its guiding hypothesis. In this egad, Faenkel and Wallen (2001, p. 48) advise that, "Reseaches find out what has aleady been witten about the topic they ae inteested in [by] investigating the opinions of expets in the field and othe eseach studies. Such eading is efeed to as a eview of the liteatue." Likewise, Gatton and Jones (2003) epot that a well-conducted eview of the liteatue epesents an essential pat of vitually any type of scholaly eseach poject today. Fo example, Gatton and Jones (2003, p. 51) note that, "No matte how oiginal you think the eseach question may be, it is almost cetain that you wok…...


references for foreign and domestic products." Journal of Consumer Marketing, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 151-162.

Kucukemiroglu, O. (1997, March). "Market segmentation by using consumer lifestyle dimensions and ethnocentrism: An empirical study." European Journal of Marketing, Vol. 33, No. 5-6, pp. 470-491.

"Lifestyle definition." (2016). Business Dictionary. [online] available: 

"Lifestyle definition." (2016). [online] available: .

"Lifestyle definition." (2016). Merriam-Webster. [online] available: .

Consumer Privacy Regulations and Ethics
Pages: 6 Words: 2099

Conger, 2009).
ecommendations for Organizations

The many factors of data mining and their use for profiling customers and their needs also create opportunities for organizations to build greater levels of trust with their customers as well. And trust is the greatest asset any marketer can have today. The following are a series of recommendations for how organizations can address demographic influences that impact their marketing strategies in light of concerns surrounding the ethics of data mining.

First, it is imperative, across all demographic segments that marketers make a deliberate a very clear effort to explain their opt-in and opt-out policies and also provides evidence that they do what they claim to in this area. The greatest challenge for the consumer is controlling their personal information online and ensuring it is well managed to their preferences (Pratt. Conger, 2009). Marketers who give consumer control over their data in this way will be significantly…...



Adams, N.M. (2010). Perspectives on data mining. International Journal of Market Research, 52(1), 11.

Bose, I., & Chen, X. (2009). Hybrid models using unsupervised clustering for prediction of customer churn. Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 19(2), 133.

Kaiser, C., & Bodendorf, F. (2012). Mining consumer dialog in online forums. Internet Research, 22(3), 275-297.

Kiron, D. (2012). Why detailed data is as important as big data. MIT Sloan Management Review, 53(4), 1-3.

Consumer Choice Factors Influencing Consumer
Pages: 5 Words: 1353

2008). Though this is not always the case, it provides a useful framework for examining how some companies use information successfully in influencing consumer choice, and how other companies are less effective in their efforts.
Coca-Cola has been one of the most successful marketers for its products that the world has ever seen. Presenting their product (with a much stronger formula) over a century ago as a beverage with medicinal qualities, the marketing and sales tactics of this company have adapted to the changing times over the past many decades with a great deal of success. An examination of some of the company's marketing techniques reveals why the company is so successful.

One of the biggest innovations consciously developed by the Coca-Cola company was the design of its contoured bottle, which set the soft drink immediately and distinctive apart from all of its competitors. This did not address the issue of…...



Brown, a. (1996). "Consumer behavior." Accessed 8 June 2010. 

Geoffs, J. (2010). "Buyer behavior." Accessed 8 June 2010. 

Kerin, R.; Hartley, S. & Rudelius, W. (2008). Marketing. New York: McGraw-Hill.

Consumer Protection Memo
Pages: 7 Words: 685

Consumer Protection
Memo: Consumer Protection

In their article in the Harvard Business Review, Robinson, Viscusi & Zeckhauser (2016) argue that consumer warning labels are not effective. They resoundingly assert that the labels do not communicate adequate information for consumers, especially in terms of benefits and risks. Essentially, the current labeling system is miserably ineffective in differentiating between significant and insignificant risks, or between "wolves" and "puppies" as the authors put it. Most of the consumer warning labels place the same emphasis on both small and huge risks. Such a warning system, according to the authors of the article, is of little benefit to the consumer. In the long-term, consumers tend to disregard warnings as they come across considerably more insignificant risks (puppies) than significant risks (wolves). In other words, treating both minor and major risks with the same weight tends to increase consumers' skepticism about warnings, which may cause truly hazardous risks…...

Consumer Behavior - Branding the
Pages: 8 Words: 2754

As Farrell (June 14, 2000) states: "The idea is to make milk the "cool" drink. The "mustache" still runs, with current stars such as Britney Spears." The success of such milk advertising to teens, it seems, represents an especially skillful endeavor, since milk is otherwise so much (and traditionally) associated with babyhood and early childhood, life stages (and self-images and reflections by others) that teens in particular generally yearn to leave far behind. Moreover, the considerable success of the "milk mustache" campaign proves very well the fact that just about anything can be successfully marketed to teens, as long as it is marketed to them with enough imagination, research, and skill (and with plenty of advertising dollars).
Some advertising for teens is also currently undergoing some interesting media changes, internationally. Within one global mega-conglomerate, Coca Cola, according to Foust (March 1, 2004):

Coke has diverted money into new initiatives that allow…...



Farrell, G. (June 14, 2000). Milk does a body good, but ads do the industry even better. USA today. Money Section. 7b. Retrieved October 14, 2005, from


Foust, D. (March 1, 2004). Coke: Wooing the TiVo generation. Business week online. Retrieved October 15, 2004, at   / magazine/content/04_09/b3872088.htm.

Grimaldi, V. (2005).What is branding? Retrieved October

Consumer Buying Procsess Buying Process Submit a
Pages: 2 Words: 732

Consumer Buying Procsess
Buying Process Submit a 2-4-page paper written APA writing style. Using a specific product consumer, discuss a consumer identifies a purchase. Identify buying process a consumer moves order purchase a product.

The consumer buying process: Buying a car

Every purchase, no matter how mundane, initiates a series of mental steps called the 'consumer buying process.' Even when the consumer is not fully aware that the process has been activated, the various components of the decision-making are still unfolding. However, the length and intensity of the different steps will vary widely, depending on the nature of the purchase. While some products are relatively low-investment purchases, like buying a carton of milk, others are high-investment, like buying a new car.

The first step of the process is called 'problem recognition,' or recognizing that the consumer has a need. For some people, the sight of a new sports car whizzing down the highway may…...



Albers-Miller, Nancy D. (n.d). The consumer buying process. Retrieved:

Shiffman, L.G., and Kanuk, L.L. (2010). Consumer behavior (10th ed.). Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.

Consumer Decision Model There Are
Pages: 5 Words: 1476

It is interesting that the decision immediately becomes part of the feedback for the next decision. For example, I was not terribly enamored with my older laptop, so that brand was ruled out fairly quickly in the process -- I simply did not feel right about buying that brand again when there are so many on the market. The new purchase immediately went into my memory so that the next time I purchase a laptop, a lot of the lessons I learned from this process and the analysis that I undertook will form the basis of the next laptop purchase decision-making process.

Headache Remedy

Headache remedies are a low involvement purchase. The EBM model encompasses a number of different factors that contribute to a purchase decision. Not all of these factors are used in the decision with respect to a headache remedy. There is a core alternative evaluation where I once considered…...


Works Cited:

Schiffman, L., Cass, a., Paladino, a., Alexssandro, S. & Bednall, D. (2011) Consumer Behaviour, Frenchs Forest: Pearson (5th Ed)

Consumer Attitudes Towards Green Packaged
Pages: 5 Words: 1701

This study will incorporate consumer perceptions and attitude green products, green values, green label and green environment. Finally, it will provide insights on areas of green buying commitment and green purchasing intention (Biel, Hansson & Ma-rtensson, 2008).

Abele, E., Anderl, ., & Birkhofer, H. (2005). Environmentally-friendly product development: Methods and tools. London: Springer.

Ahvenainen, . (2003). Novel food packaging techniques. Boca aton, FL: CC Press

Biel, a., Hansson, B., & Ma-rtensson, M. (2008). Individual and structural determinants of environmental practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Charter, M. (2009). Greener marketing: A global perspective on greener marketing practice. Sheffield: Greenleaf.

Denison, E., & en, G.Y. (2007). Thinking green. Hove: oto Vision.

Farnworth, C., Jiggins, J., & Thomas, E.V. (2008). Creating food futures: Trade, ethics and the environment. Aldershot, England: Gower.

Grunert, K.G., Thogersen, J., & O-lander, F. (2005). Consumers, policy and the environment: A tribute to Folke O-lander. New York: Springer.

Hoyer, W.D., & MacInnis, D.J. (2008). Consumer behavior. Mason, OH:…...



Abele, E., Anderl, R., & Birkhofer, H. (2005). Environmentally-friendly product development: Methods and tools. London: Springer.

Ahvenainen, R. (2003). Novel food packaging techniques. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press

Biel, a., Hansson, B., & Ma-rtensson, M. (2008). Individual and structural determinants of environmental practice. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Charter, M. (2009). Greener marketing: A global perspective on greener marketing practice. Sheffield: Greenleaf.

Consumer Profile Urban Society Creates
Pages: 3 Words: 826

Fast-food industry is the main factor. The hardest problem seems to be the adapting healthy menus in a fast-food restaurant.
According to a poll on www.vizu.comabout what drives the food decisions, from 2251 respondents, the consumers desires a nutritional quality of the food (39,7%), a good taste (21,7%), 8,2% buy the foods that make ends meet, 8,5% eat what's convenient, being pressed for time.

List of customer needs, desires and wants nutritional facts: the balanced content of proteins, fat and carbohydrates taste of the food: it is important to enjoy eating the food.

A low content in fat and sodium. The low fat and sodium food can reduce the weight. A model for this type of diet is that developed by Jared Fogle at Subway restaurant. The power of this example made possible sliming without devastating effects for the body.

A fresh ingredients in their food, like vegetables and salad.

People need to be…...


Reference List

The globalist, January 05, 2005, - Subway's healthy food, web site:

Subway home page, Mai 28, 2008, web site:

Market Ripe for Healthy Fast Food, August 15, 2006, web site:

Consumer Bahavior Behavior of Customers
Pages: 5 Words: 1875

Such customers are expected to be more influenced in purchasing more expensive organic products.
In the case of organic products, marketers have also focused on influencing the perceptions of consumers. Their objective is to determine consumers to perceive organic products of having higher quality and better effects in comparison with regular products. Their strategy was successful in the case of numerous customers. However, this situation can be attributed to several players. This situation is influenced by producers of organic products, by governments that have developed studies regarding the effects of organic products, and marketers that have developed strategies intended to determine such needs.

This objective was also reached by providing an increased level of information that is easy to access by customers. The purchase decision regarding organic products is usually based on higher involvement from the customer. This means that customers are highly motivated in finding information on these products, and…...


Reference list:

1. Kardes, F. et al. (2011). Consumer Behavior. Cengage Learning. Retrieved April 16, 2011 from .

2. Butterick, K. (2011). Introducing Public Relations: Theory and Practice. SAGE Publications, Ltd. Retrieved April 16, 2011 from .

3. Industry Statistics and Projected Growth (2011). Organic Trade Association. Retrieved April 16, 2011 from .

4. Consumer Behavior (2011). Encyclopedia of Business. Retrieved April 16, 2011 from .

How has the merger between Keurig Green Mountain and Dr Pepper impacted the beverage industry?
Words: 331

The merger between Keurig Green Mountain and Dr Pepper has had a significant impact on the beverage industry. The combined company, known as Keurig Dr Pepper, now has a more diverse product portfolio that spans various beverage categories, including coffee, soda, tea, and juice.

This merger has allowed Keurig Dr Pepper to leverage its combined strengths in innovation, distribution, and marketing to better compete with larger beverage companies like Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. The merger has also enabled Keurig Dr Pepper to reach a broader consumer base and expand its presence in both the at-home and away-from-home beverage markets.

Additionally, the merger has....

What role will Mexico\'s economy play in shaping global markets in the future?
Words: 411

Mexico's Economic Role in Shaping Global Markets
Mexico's economy is poised to play a significant role in shaping global markets in the coming years due to its strategic geographical location, growing consumer base, and competitive labor costs.
1. Gateway to North America
Mexico's proximity to the United States and Canada grants it a unique advantage as a gateway to the North American market. With the implementation of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), Mexico has become an integral part of the North American supply chain, attracting businesses seeking to establish regional hubs and facilitate trade.
2. Large and Growing Consumer Base
Mexico boasts a large and....

what are level of business strategies of coca cola?
Words: 326

1. Corporate Level Strategy
- Focus on expanding globally and increasing market share
- Diversification into different product lines and acquisitions of other beverage companies
- Continued partnerships and collaborations with other businesses

2. Business Level Strategy
- Focus on brand differentiation and marketing to target specific consumer segments
- Innovation in product development and diversification of product offerings
- Emphasis on creating partnerships with retailers and distributors to ensure widespread availability

3. Functional Level Strategy
- Implementation of efficient supply chain management to reduce costs and improve distribution
- Investing in research and development to stay ahead of competition and introduce new products
- Emphasis on sustainability and environmentally-friendly practices....

What factors contribute to Pokémon becoming the highest revenue-generating multimedia franchise globally?
Words: 387

1. Pokémon's captivating gameplay and immersive storyline have captivated audiences globally, establishing it as a timeless phenomenon that continues to generate substantial revenue across various multimedia platforms. ()

2. The strategic marketing and licensing initiatives employed by The Pokémon Company have played a crucial role in expanding the franchise's reach, creating a vast ecosystem of products and experiences that appeal to a diverse consumer base. ()

3. The enduring popularity of Pokémon can be attributed to its ability to tap into nostalgia, evoking fond memories and establishing a strong emotional connection with fans of all ages. ()

4. The franchise's success is driven....

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