Conscription Essays (Examples)

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Conscription This Study Makes Assumptions That the
Pages: 2 Words: 526

This study makes assumptions that the proposed sample comprises of young Americans. The study further assumes that this segment of the country's population, which is vulnerable, is the target of conscription. The study explains that young people in the country right after their graduation from college lack direction and discipline. This is a clear indication that young Americans are increasingly becoming unproductive as a result of serious lack of direction and motivation.

In addition, the implications in the study are based on the perception that conscription offers practical, moral and ethical benefits for the young Americans as well as the society. The study proposes that conscription is most likely to provide a possible solution to social and individual challenges. The study introduces perceptions such as the relation between military and increased foster integrity and positive values in the minds of young Americans. This is a way of fostering purpose in…...

Conscription in the 21st Century the Central
Pages: 3 Words: 1475

Conscription in the 21st Century
The central problem that this research will explore is predicated on the view that conscription is based on the rights and duties of the citizen and furthermore, that conscription adds a positive dimension to both social life and the life of the individual. The argument against conscription often does not take into account the value that conscription can bring in terms of social and individual improvement and the alleviation of both individual and socials problems. This is a central aspect that should be focused on in understanding the advantages of conscription.

The problem statement that will therefore be investigated is as follows. The youth in our country are living a sedentary life with many young people having no direction or discipline. This affects society in many ways and includes issues such as unemployment and poor health among young people. Consequently, conscription should be enforced as it…...



Bandow, D. (2000, February). What ain't broke: The renewed call for conscription. Ideas on Liberty, 50(2), 23-25.

Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

All-Volunteer Military: Issues and Performance. (2007). Retrieved from -


Military Conscription Reforms in Turkey
Pages: 8 Words: 2404

The need for reforms to the conscription process is a way for the government to maintain an effect outlet for the Turkish society to reaffirm its loyalty and respect for the army. This profound and traditional respect for the army has been waning following the high number of military casualties leading to a decline of celebrations held as new recruits' board buses for training (Kuru and Stepan 130). The gathering around bus terminals by families to bid the young men farewell with music and dance is an important social tradition. Moreover, the reforms to the conscription process have been identified as a means of achieving fairness in a system that already favors the drafting of young men based on socio-economic factors (Poutvaara and Andreas 1). This is especially with the likelihood of the military service requiring army recruits seeking to desert to function in non-military functions rather than jailing them,…...


Works Cited

"Report Says Turkey Prepares to Set Up Professional Units to Fight Terrorism." BBC Monitoring EuropeanOct 07, 2008. ProQuest. Web. 5 May 2013 .

"Turkey: Outgoing Army Chief Supports Shorter Conscription, Full-Time Servicemen." BBC Monitoring EuropeanAug 28, 2010. ProQuest. Web. 5 May 2013 .

"Turkish Army Conscripts Abused, Tortured: Report." The Daily Star. Oct 12, 2012. Web. 6 May 2013.

Azizlerli, Emre. "Proving You're Gay to the Turkish Army." BBC World Service, News Magazine. 25 Mar 2012. Web. 6 May 2013.

Conscription during World War Two Canada
Pages: 3 Words: 986

Research Question: Why were people in Canada for or against conscription during World War Two? Possible Significance
During both the First World War and the Second World War, conscription was enacted in various forms by the federal government – in essence bringing about serious discord between Francophones and Anglophones. The latter were in support of the ‘call-up’, while the former group generally opposed the same. The need to determine the motivation behind those opposed to the conscription, and those in support of the same cannot be overstated. This is more so the case given the need for policy makers to avert a present or future situation that would trigger sharp divisions as was the case during the Second War compulsory enlistment debate. Ensuring that a course of collision between warring factions is not set well in advance not only works as a political measure to promote sensitivity to pertinent views, but also…...

Schedule and Time Line Investigate Software and
Pages: 4 Words: 1107

schedule and Time Line
Investigate software and data management solutions identify suitable test data for test installations

Obtain rooms to conduct survey and interviews

Trial and evaluate software

Develop a survey format to determine academic researcher needs

Conduct an online survey for those unable to come to the designated room

Trial and evaluate software #2

Attract and retain appropriate personnel

Develop a strategy for ongoing communication with each stakeholder group. Record results in a 'Communication Plan'

Consult with stakeholders regarding local issues, requirements and services

Send invitations to participants

Survey Committee Meeting #1

Establish and maintain a project webpage


Steering Committee Meeting #2

Conduct survey and interview


Steering Committee Meeting #3

Record results and findings

Resources needed

The resources needed to conduct adequate research revolve around data. First, a list of individuals with very similar backgrounds and socioeconomic statuses should be comprised. The list should also include those who have served time in the United States military. Software such as Microsoft excel, and PowerPoint will also be…...

World War I Known at
Pages: 10 Words: 3255


From the beginning of the war, there had been some variation in the Canadian attitude toward the conflict. Canada never questioned the legitimacy of the war and did not question the need for Canadian participation. There were differences of opinion, though, concerning how extensive the Canadian contribution should be. These variations affected the response to calls for enlistment and divided the country as the towns were more willing than the countryside, the prairies more willing than the Atlantic seaboard, and "it was observed that the proportion of enlistments achieved by any social group appeared to vary almost inversely to the length of its connection with Canada. On the one hand, the ritish-born -- the new arrivals with a large proportion of unattached males of military age -- gave the highest percentage of their numbers to the armed services, and, on the other hand, the French Canadians unquestionably gave the lowest…...



Ameringer, Charles D. Political Parties of the Americas, 1980s to 1990s: Canada, Latin America, and the West Indie.

Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press, 1992.

Bothwell, Robert. History of Canada since 1867. Washington, D.C.: Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, 1996.

Boudreau, Joseph a. "Canada and the First World War: Essays in Honour of Robert "Canada and Worlod War I," the History of Canada (2007), .

United States Selective Service System
Pages: 4 Words: 1145

U.S. Selective Service System
Conscription is the term used to describe what we today know as a military draft, or compulsory military service. The United States has a long history of attempts at the institution of conscription for all male citizens. It began in 1863 during the U.S. Civil war but was extremely unpopular. Furthermore it allowed those who could find them to offer the military a replacement, such as an indentured servant or slave, or early on they could pay a $300 fee to be exempted from service. ("Selective Service" Columbia Encyclopedia)

Another attempt was made during I (1917) to establish a selective service registration system the but again the response was poor with 50,000 men applying for exemptions and 250,000 simply failing to register at all. After the close of I when the country and congress were still hoping that I was the last war we would ever have to…...


Works Cited

Charlotte Observer "From WWI to Today." July 18, 2004.

Mehren, Elizabeth "Winds of war could lead to return of draft." Los Angeles

Times, July 17, 2004.

Selective Service" The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, 2003.

Report Changing Contract Employment Law Restrictive Covenant Affect Bernard Succeed Claim Talk Clause
Pages: 5 Words: 1239

Religious Exemption
nnotated Bibliography: The Effects of Religious Exemptions on Pertussis and Other Diseases

brevaya, J. & Mulligan, K. (2011). Effectiveness of state-level vaccination mandates: Evidence from the varicella vaccine. Journal of Health Economics 30(5): 966-76.

Longitudinal data on the use of varicella immunizations was used to determine the real effects o immunization requirements mandated by various governmental entities within the United States. Significant increases in vaccination rates are found to be the result of such mandates within the first year of adoption, peaking within two years of adoption, and with minimal effects on the rate thereafter. pproximately twenty percent of short run increases in immunization adoption is attributed to mandates, and no differences were found in different socioeconomic groups when it comes to adoption rates. Though this research does not deal with exemptions specifically, it provides context and some direct implications for a discussion and examination of such exemptions.

spinwall, T. (1997-8). Religious…...


A seven-year population-based retrospective cohort study of individuals aged five to nineteen years old was used to create a mathematical model of risk associated with measles vaccination, exemption, and infection, and to determine if other patterns could be observed. Exemptors were determined to be thirty-five times more likely to contract measles than those that had been vaccinated, and populations of exemptors tended to be found within certain geographic pockets of close proximity which contributed to outbreak behavior. The model also suggests that a large-scale outbreak was experienced in exemptor populations one year earlier than in the broader population, which has direct implications on the effects of religious exemptions on overall public health and safety.

Siegel, A. & Salmon, D. (2001). Religious and philosophical exemptions from vaccination requirements and lessons learned from conscientious objectors from conscription. Public Health Report 116(4): 289-95.

In addressing both the legal and the practical implications of vaccination mandates and exemptions, the authors assert that states are not actually required to allow religious exemptions for public school entrances. Their findings also suggest that individual educational counseling for parents that object and stringent belief ascertainment by the state can limit the number of exemptions significantly in states that allow them. These recommendations are grounded in commentary on the effects of exemption that is of direct and contextual use to the research at hand.

Political Science History
Pages: 23 Words: 6252

conservative intellectual movement, but also the role of William uckley and William Rusher in the blossoming of the youth conservative movement
Talk about structure of paper, who not strictly chronologically placed (ie hayek before the rest) - in this order for thematic purposes, to enhance the genuiness of the paper (branches of the movement brought up in order of importance to youth conservative revolt) For instance, Hayek had perhaps the greatest impact on the effects of the movement - uckley and Rusher. These individuals, their beliefs, their principles were extremely influential in better understanding the origins, history, and leaders of American conservatism.

Momentous events shape the psyche of an individual as the person matures. A child grows up in poverty vows to never be like his parents, and keeps this inner vow to become a millionaire. A young woman experiences sexual trauma as a teen, and chooses a career that builds…...



George Nash, The Conservative Intellectual Movement in America Since 1945   National review online The Origins of Conservatism George Mc Ginnis .

Volume Library #2, p. 2146

Schneider, Cadres for Conservatism

McGinnis, National Review Online

Historical Composition of the Military
Pages: 2 Words: 745

Our military is rightfully said to be not only one of the most powerful but also one of the most professional militaries in the world. So, who are those who have served in our nation's military force over time? With regard to race, immigrants have participated in the U.S. military for a long time. Some of the things that have historically had an effect on the racial-ethnic composition of the U.S. military include but they are not limited to changes in recruitment and enlistment policies, changes in the demographic characteristics of the American population, etc. (Wilmoth and London, 2013). During the evolutionary War, a significant percentage of those enlisted to serve in the American forces comprised of Germans and Irish immigrants. Blacks were also allowed to participate in the said war after the ban on their participation in the military was lifted. During the Civil War, the participation of…...



Dolan, E.F. (2009). Careers in the U.S. Navy. Tarrytown, NY: Marshall Cavendish.

Schmidt, S.W. (2013). American Government and Politics Today. Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Wilmoth, J.M. & London, A.S. (Eds.). (2013). Life-Course Perspectives on Military Service. New York, NY: Routledge.

Korean Residents in Japan North
Pages: 8 Words: 2395

ut in the 30s, most waves of Korean migrants came in because of the policy of forced conscription. Japan's economy rapidly improved at the time and there was a huge demand for labor. This and industrialization led to the creation of a Japanese national mobilization plan. This plan, in turn, led to the conscription of roughly 600,000 Koreans. Japan's military forces continued to expand and the government had to regular the increase in the Korean population. They were required to carry an identification card. In 1942, the government promised them equal citizenship if they extended their work contracts. They became eligible to vote, run for public office and serve in election committees. Conscription was implemented in the same year. Despite official political equality, Korean inferiority remained prevalent. Yet they were expected to observe and practice Japanese culture as a condition to political equality (Minorities at Risk).
With the defeat of…...



Alvin, Koh Zhongwei. Koreans in Japan. National University of Singapore: NUS

History Society E-Journal, 2003.

Kichan Song. The Appearance of "Young Koreans in Japan" and the Emergence of a New Type of Ethnic Education. Vol 9 237-253. Kyodo University: Kyodo Journal of Sociology, 2001

Kyodo. Jong Raps Japan for Historical Crime Against Koreans. Asian Political News.

Except for the Indigenous Native
Pages: 30 Words: 8783

S. citizenship (Bloemraad 2002). Given the ongoing need for qualified recruits by the U.S. armed forces, it just makes sense to determine the extent of enlistment in the armed forces by immigrants to identify their personal reasons for doing so. To the extent that these reasons are directly related to their desire to obtain American citizenship rather than a sense of patriotic responsibilities is the extent to which military service may represent a viable alternative to more time-consuming, expensive and complication naturalization procedures. It is important, though, to ensure that these immigrant recruits are provided with accurate information concerning how military service will affect their naturalization status and efforts to secure ultimate citizenship.
Rationale of Study

Military recruiters typically experience increases in enlistments during periods of economic downturn because of limited employment opportunities elsewhere in the private sector. Nevertheless, recruiting adequate numbers of high-quality and motivated service members is more challenging during…...


Works Cited

Anbinder, Tyler, 2006. "Which Poor Man's Fight? Immigrants and the Federal Conscription of

1863." Civil War History 52(4): 344-345.

Black's Law Dictionary. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co., 1990.

Bloemraad, Irene, 2002. "The North American Naturalization Gap: an Institutional Approach to Citizenship Acquisition in the United States and Canada." The International Migration

America Reinstitute a Draft Once
Pages: 4 Words: 1431

Of course, there are many other factors that contributed to Vietnam, but such a simplistic argument that drafts prevent or cause wars is similar to the equally logically fallacious argument used by people who wish to instate the peacetime draft.
Freedom from national compulsion, including compulsion to serve was one of the reasons our nation was founded. One of the causes of the war of 1812 was the forced conscription or impressment of American seamen into the British army -- but the British were not above impressing their own citizens, when needed, into military service, something the Americans abhorred. "The Napoleonic ars increased English need for sea power and led to the impressment of a large number of deserters, criminals, and British subjects who had become naturalized Americans" ("Impressment," Columbia Encyclopedia, 2008). America was resistant to a professional federal force in general (hence the need for the amendments allowing semi-or…...


Works Cited

1863 Draft Riots." Mr. Lincoln and New York. Lincoln Institute. 2002.

Background of Selective Service." U.S. Military History. 

Impressment." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 6th Edition. 27 Apr 2008. 

Vennochi, Joan. "A military draft might awaken us.' The Boston Globe. June 22, 2006.

History Balance Inalienable Right and Freedom
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Civil Liberties and Temporary Security: Billy Budd and Guardians
"People willing to trade their freedom for temporary security deserve neither." Benjamin Franklin's statement is often invoked in times of warfare, when civil liberties tend to be most at risk of curtailment, yet it crucially fails to describe the one sector of the American population that is most involved in warfare: the military. Historically military service has not exactly been the voluntary affair it currently is. During the U.S. Civil War cities like New York and Philadelphia would have riots over Lincoln's imposition of a military draft; the First and Second World wars would see the invention of "conscientious objector" status, and Vietnam made "dodging the draft" a generational meme among baby boomers. But leaving aside the question of whether or not military conscription is a gross violation of civil liberties -- to some extent, this depends upon the culture, as mass…...

Women Be Drafted to Serve in the
Pages: 2 Words: 604

omen be Drafted to Serve in the Military?
Opinions vary on whether women should be drafted to serve in the military, or in particular, in the U.S. Army. omen currently serve in the U.S. Army and even on the front lines. But should they be drafted, if the country makes conscription legal again? This paper points to legal opinions and public opinions on this controversial topic.

The Presidential Commission on the Assignment of omen in the Armed Forces (PCAAF) commissioned the Roper polling organization to conduct research on attitudes from civilians and people in the military regarding opening the draft for women. The year was 1992, according to author Patrick J. Egan. In Egan's book he reports that the PCAAF polling research revealed that 52% of the public supported "drafting women in the event of national emergency or threat of war" (Egan, 2008, p. 156). Some 39% of those polled were…...


Works Cited

Egan, Patrick J. Public Opinion and Constitutional Controversy. New York: Oxford University

Press: 2008.

Kuersten, Ashlyn K. Women and the Law: Leaders, Cases, and Documents.

Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO: 2003.

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