Congo Essays (Examples)

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Congo and African Studies Those
Pages: 10 Words: 2905

This betrayal by a power figure indelibly remains in the hearts and minds of the Congolese when interacting with other nations, even African neighbors (like wanda, with whom the DOC has had long-term and bloody conflicts).
A more empirical measure of the lasting effects that Belgian colonization has had on the Democratic epublic of the Congo is in the damage that has been done to the latter's natural resources. Almost every individual who comes into contact with the natural resources of the DNO, either through study, travel to the area, or prospecting in the mines and locations of other resources themselves has responded with, at the least, shock at the manner in which the Congo's vast natural reserves of precious metal, stones, and everyday resources like rubber have been depleted. Human ights Watch has issued a report stating that not only are these resources being depleted in a manner that…...


Resources Still Fuels War In Congo" in Global Policy Forum, 08/09/04, published online at 

Slade, Ruth. King Leopold's Congo. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1962.

Discussion of the urban potential of the DROC and neighboring countries can be found in the introduction to Tarver, James, Urbanization in Africa. Westport: Greenwood Press, 1994, pp. xxi-xxxii.

Hochschild, Adam. "Leopold's Congo: A Holocaust we have yet to Comprehend," in Chronicle of Higher Education, 05/12/2000, 46(36), p. B4. Another scholar who has acknowledged the genocide in the Belgian Congo as a holocaust is Richard Hamilton, who did so in the article, "A Neglected Holocaust," in Human Rights Review, 1(3), p. 119.

Human Rights Watch, "DR Congo: Gold Fuels Massive Human Rights Atrocities," 06/02/05 online at Hochschild, 1998, p. 159-162.

United Nations Opreations in Congo-Onuc
Pages: 9 Words: 3013

" More precisely, the role of the esolution was to establish the UN Operation in the Congo. This came as a result of the vivid request of the Government for the UN to intervene, given the troop movement from the Belgian side.
The action taken by the Belgian was clearly justifiable. Similar to the cases of Somalia and wanda, the nationals from the colonizing country are at great risk at the moment of a civil war outbreak. At the same time, the nationals of other countries as well represent a potential subject for revenge or blackmail. The United Nations' mandate however and its subsequent actions would not have been possible without the explicit request from the government of the country. Therefore, although the UN had a legitimate reason for entering the Congo in the condition of potential lives being at risk, the mandate of the UN is politically authorized solely in…...



BBC. "UN chief's Rwanda genocide regret" BBC News. 2004. Available at 

Calvocoressi, Peter. World politics since 1945. New York: Longman, 1996

Encyclopedia online. Africa: Belgian Colonies - History of Belgian Colonization, the Administration of Congo by the Belgians (1908 -- 1960) n.d. Available at 

History World. The Democratic Republic of Congo. N.d. Available at

Outbreak of Polio in Congo
Pages: 2 Words: 743

The ages and gender of the susceptible suggest the cause may be insufficient or incomplete immunizations, especially since women and girls can develop some immunity as a result of being exposed to immunized infants. (UN, 2010)
Although only five cases have been confirmed as polio so far, lab testing continues. Of three known strains of polio, the particular strain causing this outbreak is thought to originate from India, where it spread to nearby Angola. Previous experience shows that very rapid vaccination efforts can quell the outbreak (in 2006 in Namibia one was controlled within three months), but they must be swift and include all neighboring districts. In addition, surveillance efforts must continue for a full year after the vaccination efforts are complete, in order to ensure eradication. (PGEI, 2010)

Scientists attribute this outbreak in Congo to more than just poorly managed vaccination campaigns. Some argue that as long as poverty, unclean…...



BBCnews, s. (2010). AIDS dates from the 1930s. Retrieved 11-29, 2010, from 

Berkow, R., & al, e. (1997). The Merck Manual of Medical Information. New York: Merck & Co.

CDC, s. (2010, 11-29). Update on the Global Status of Polio. Retrieved 11-29, 2010, from 

Griffiths, M. (2010, 11-12). Congo polio outbreak kills 97. Retrieved 11-29, 2010, from

Accounting Congo Limited Budget in
Pages: 5 Words: 1426

However, with budgeting, management can easily see how much money is available for projects and what the most pressing issues of the company are. Without the budget, the company is doomed as it is unable to account for its cash flow and revenue streams (Sullivan, 2003).
Also, various financial models can be used to aid management. These tools can include sensitivity analysis and regression analysis. Sensitivity analysis in particular is a very crucial component within the overall business strategy of a firm. Sensitivity analysis helps properly forecast adverse scenarios under various market stressors. It also allows management to determine what variables have the greatest impact on the strategic outcome. Management must determine where capital should be deployed in the underlying business. Through budgeting management can determine to what extent capital should be deployed in a particular business. Budgeting is the foundation for proper financial planning. Through proper budgeting, financial planning…...



1) Cliche, P. (2012). "Budget," in L. Cote and J.-F. Savard (eds.), Encyclopedic Dictionary of Public Administration, [online], 

2) Sid Mittra, Anandi P. Sahu, Robert a Crane. "Practicing Financial Planning for Professionals" (Practitioners' Edition), 10th Edition. (Rochester Hills Publishing, Inc., 2007) sec. 1-3.

3) Sullivan, Arthur; Steven M. Sheffrin (2003). Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458: Pearson Prentice Hall. p. 312- 375. ISBN 0-13-063085-3.

4) Varshney, R.L.; K.L. Maheshwari (2010). Manegerial Economics. 23 Daryaganj, New Delhi 110002: Sultan Chand & Sons. p. 804-881. ISBN 978-81-8054-784-3.

I Was Born in the Congo
Pages: 3 Words: 948

King Leopold's Ghost Book Review
There are a couple of different reasons as to why the genocidal tendencies stemming from Belgium's King Leopold "and its immediate aftermath" (Hochschild 233) -- which were responsible for the mass deaths in Africa at the turn of the 20th century -- and other greedy estern imperialists remained mostly unknown throughout the United States and most of Europe. Keeping their deadly actions unknown enabled these imperialists to propagate them and to continue to rape the continent and the people of Africa. If individuals in estern society would have become aware of these facts there could have been more measures created to reduce the autonomy and the devastation wreaked by such tyrants.

Conrad's view of human nature was changed by what he witnessed in the Congo in a way that was definitely worse than his previous regard for human nature, specifically as it applied to esterners. The same…...


Works Cited

Hochschild, Adam. King Leopold's Ghost: A Story of Greed, Terror, and Heroism in Colonial Africa. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin, 1998.

Mbuti Culture of the Congo
Pages: 8 Words: 2482

It is thought that the forest imbues the semen of a married man with its own vital essence. In this way, Mosko argues, the children born of married unions are products of "the joyful intermingling of several simultaneous influences of mother, father, and forest" (899).
The forest is not only the source of the individual's sense of identity, but also defines the communal sense of identity as well. Bands see themselves as spheres within the larger sphere of the forest, and see all communal activity as reflections of the larger relationship between the band and the forest. The great sphere of the forest provides a powerful kinship-type relationship between bands as well. While biological kinship bonds between Mbuti bands are common, they are not largely recognized as the primary unifying force among bands. Instead, Mbuti consider the common lineage of the forest to be the most significant binding principle among…...



Hart, J. (1978). From Subsistence to Market: A case study of the Mbuti net hunters. Human Ecology, 6(3), 325-353.

Ichikawa, M. (1987). Food restrictions of the Mbuti Pygmies, Eastern Zaire. African Study Monographs, Supplementary Issue 6, 97-121.

Mosko, M. (1987). The Symbols of 'Forest': A structural analysis of Mbuti culture and social organization. American Anthropologies, 89(4), 896-913.

Sutton, M. & Anderson, E. (2010). Introduction to Cultural Ecology. Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.

How Corruption and Political Instability are Killing the Congo
Pages: 18 Words: 5545

How Natural esources Exploitation and Government Instability Impact Economic Development in the Democratic epublic of the CongoIntroductionesearch problemDespite possessing a wide array of valuable natural resources, social and economic development in the Democratic epublic of the Congo (hereinafter alternatively the Congo or the DC) has been challenged on multiple fronts due in large part to the so-called resource curse wherein former European colonies remain dependent on extractive industries with little or no value-added enterprises involved (Curtis, 2013). In addition, the Congo has also faced many of the same challenges as other former European colonies with respect to chronic government instability. For example, according to Azam et al. (2002), The choice of bad policies seems to be the main proximate cause of slow growth in Africa [which] is traced to the lack of social capital and deficient political institutions (p. 177). While some limited progress has been made in addressing the…...


ReferencesAlexandre, A. B. (2018). Perception of corruption by traffic police and taxi drivers in Bukavu DR Congo: the limits of moral analysis. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 36(4), 563–574.Asiimwe, P. (2004). Report of the UN Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, 22(2), 194–200.Azam, J. P. et al. (2002, December). Explaining slow growth in Africa. African Development Review, 14(2), 177-220.Chene, M. (2010, October 8). Overview of corruption and anti-corruption in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Transparency International. Retrieved from Downloads/ publication_overview-of-corruption-and-anti-corruption-in-the-drc.pdf.Curtis, D. (2013). China and the Insecurity of Development in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). International Peacekeeping (13533312), 20(5), 551–569.Democratic Republic of Congo Background. (2022). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from   Republic of Congo Economy. (2022). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from .Diemel, J. A., & Hilhorst, D. J. M. (2019). Unintended consequences or ambivalent policy objectives? Conflict minerals and mining reform in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Development Policy Review, 37(4), 453–469.Dorsch, M. J. et al. (2016, November 23). A Review of Resource Theories and Their Implications for Understanding Consumer Behavior. Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2(1), 5-21.DRC overview. (2022). U.S. Department of State. Retrieved from .DRC people. (2022). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from .Foa, U. G., Converse, J., Jr., Törnblom, K. Y., & Foa, E. B. (Eds.). (1999). Resource Theory: Explorations and Applications. Academic Press.Fotack, H. (2019, January 31). Overcoming the colonial development model of resource extraction for sustainable development in Africa. Brookings Institute. Retrieved from .Geenen, S. (2013). “Who Seeks, Finds”: How Artisanal Miners and Traders Benefit from Gold in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. European Journal of Development Research, 25(2), 197–212.Ijang, T. P., & Ndikumagenge, C. (2013). Dependency on natural resources: post-conflict challenges for livelihoods security and environmental sustainability in Goma, The Democratic Republic of Congo. Development in Practice, 23(3), 372–388.Implementing and Enforcing the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption. (2020). Transparency International. Retrieved from https://images., J. T. D. (2014). “This mine has become our farmland\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\": Critical perspectives on the coevolution of artisanal mining and conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Resources Policy, 40, 100–108.Mangenda, H. H., Kunyima, K. C., Nedeff, V., Capsa, D., Felegeanu, D.-C., & Tomozei, C. (2014). Potential Environmental Impacts of Geo-Materials Exploitation in the City of Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ), 13(7), 1605–1609.Milburn, R. (2014). The roots to peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo: conservation as a platform for green development. International Affairs, 90(4), 871–887.Neuman, W. L. (2018). Social research methods: Qualitative and quantitative approaches. New York: Allyn & Bacon.Rashid, Y., Rashid, A., Warraich, M. A., Sabir, S. S., & Waseem, A. (2019). Case Study Method: A Step-by-Step Guide for Business Researchers. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 37-44.Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of DR Congo. (2001, April 12). United Nations. Retrieved from https://reliefía-Grande, E., Rautiainen, A., & Pérez-Estébanez, R. (2017). The effectiveness of rural versus urban nonprofit organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Third World Quarterly, 38(9), 2129–2142Wilkie, D., Shaw, E., Rotberg, F., Morelli, G., & Auzel, P. (2008). Roads, Development, and Conservation in the Congo Basin. Conservation Biology, 14(6), 1614–1622. .Democratic

Consultancy Firm Expertise International Business Challenges Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1250

consultancy firm expertise international business challenges issues. You present analysis a business report. Your report focus identification discursive analysis main issues include conclusions recommendations.
isk analysis: Australia vs. Colombia and the Democratic epublic of Congo

New taxes are always worrisome, and the Australian government's recent decision to pass a 30% tax on profits from iron ore and coal have left many investors scurrying in search of other investment opportunities in alternate countries with lower tax rates and labor costs (Scott 2011). However, simply looking at a balance sheet to determine average tax rates and wages is only a small component of deciding whether a country is a worthwhile investment. With this caveat in mind, it must be cautioned that the proposed decision to shift resources to investing in the coal mining sector in Colombia and the iron ore sector in the Democratic epublic of Congo is neither viable nor cheaper in…...



Janda, Michael. (2013). Trade deficit falls on iron ore, coal recovery. CNN. Retrieved: 

[14 Apr 2013]

Scott, Jason. 2012. Australia Passes 30% Tax on Iron-Ore, Coal Mining Profits. Businessweek.

Conflict in Drc Case Study Conflict in
Pages: 11 Words: 4232

Conflict in DC (Case Study)
Conflict in DC

Conflict in the Democratic epublic of Congo

Background of DC Conflict

The Democratic epublic of Congo (DC), otherwise also known as epublique Democratique du Congo from their French masters and formerly Zaire is a nation situated in Central Africa boasting of a very brief coastline that runs approximately 37 Kms. DC is the third largest country in the entire Africa and stands at 12th position in terns of size in the world scale with 2,345 Square Kms (U.S. Department of State, 2010). It is the eight in the world in terms of population and fourth in Africa with the 71 million populations.

DC is neighbored by Central Africa epublic and Sudan from the northern side, the Atlantic Ocean is on its West, to the south Zambia and Angola border it and wanda, Uganda and Burundi are its neighbors to the East.

DC has one of the poorest populace…...



Claudia Rodriguez, (2007). Sexual Violence in South Kivu, Congo, Forced Migration

Retrieved February 11, 2011 from 

Electoral Institute for the Sustainability of Democracy in Africa, (2011). Democratic

Republic of the Congo. Retrieved February 10, 2011 from

Guevara Perceptions of Che Guevera Perceptions of
Pages: 13 Words: 4154

Perceptions of Che Guevera


Che Guevara was born as Ernesto Guevara de la Serna in 1928 to a middle-class family (Castaneda 1998, 3). He was Argentinean by birth but was later awarded with an honorary Cuban citizenship in recognition of his contribution towards the armed struggle in the Cuban revolution. Studying to become a doctor, Guevara became influenced by Marxist ideals and teachings upon a motorbike trip across South America at the age of twenty-four where he observed the exploitation and deprivation of the poor people under capitalism (Castaneda 1998, 50). He became a champion of the class struggle against capitalism on an international level. He joined Fidel Castro in 1955 in overthrowing the Cuban government of atista. Subsequently, he became an important figure in Cuban diplomacy and a vocal critic of the United States and the Soviet Union. Later on he helped revolutionary groups in Congo and…...



Anderson, Jon, L. 2010. Che Guevara: A Revolutionary Life. Grove Press

Castaneda, Jorge, G. 2008. Companero: The Life and Death of Che Guevara. Bloomsbury Publishing

Harris, Richard, L. 2010. Che Guevara: A Biography. ABC-CLIO

Salmon, Gary, P. 1990. The Defeat of Che Guevara: Military Response to Guerrilla Challenge in Bolivia. Greenwood Publishing Group

French Speaking Country
Pages: 2 Words: 612

Formerly known as Zaire, the Democratic Republic of Congo gained its independence from Belgium in June of 1960. Education standards have risen since the nation became independent, but political strife and an ongoing civil war continue to plague the Democratic Republic of Congo, which is actually run as a dictatorship. Since 1998, civil war has caused poverty, disenfranchisement, and a general low standard of living. Hardest hit are the women in society, who have traditionally been subordinated to their male counterparts. Although suffrage is universal and women maintain certain political and economic rights, women are still viewed and treated as secondary citizens. One of the most notable manifestations of the gender gap is in the educational system. In the total population, 77.3% of people over the age of 15 are literate in one of the major languages (French, Lingala, Kingwana, or Tshiluba), but only 67.7% of females over the age…...

Horror the Horror Joseph Conrad's Heart of
Pages: 4 Words: 1383

Horror, the Horror:
Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness vs. Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now

I stood on this hillside, I foresaw that in the blinding sunshine of that land I would become acquainted with a flabby, pretending, weak-eyed devil of a rapacious and pitiless folly. How insidious he could be, too, I was only to find out several months later and a thousand miles farther -- Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness

The director Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 Vietnam epic entitled Apocalypse Now makes a direct analogy in its symbolism as well as its plot structure with Joseph Conrad's famous 1899 novella about colonialism in the Belgian Congo entitled Heart of Darkness. This is most notable in the character played by Marlon Brando: Colonel Kurtz, who is named after Conrad's Kurtz, an important figure in a fictional ivory trading company in the Congo. Both works present white men that have, for various reasons,…...


Works Cited

Apocalypse Now. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 1979.

Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness, 1899. Available:

  [22 Oct 2012] 

Imagery Help Evoke Emotion in
Pages: 6 Words: 2080

In the future, this helps to give everyone a greater appreciation for the emotions and challenges that were endured. (Henry, n.d., pp. 522- 535) (Legett, n.d., pp. 802 -- 818) (Gray, n.d., pp. 678 -- 697)
In the Victorian Period, there is focus on showing the impact of the industrial revolution on society. In the poem Dover Beach, there is discussion about how this is creating vast disparities. Evidence of this can be seen with the passage that says, "Ah, love, let us be true

To one another! For the world, which seems. To lie before us like a land of dreams, So various, so beautiful) so new, Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light, nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain; and we are here as on a darkling plain. Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, Where ignorant armies clash by night." (Arnold, n.d.) This is…...



Arnold, M. (n.d.). Dover Beach.

Arnold, M. (n.d.). To Marguerite-Continued.

Blake, W. (n.d.). London.

Blake, W. (n.d.). Chimney Sweeper.

Evolution of Rape One of the Most
Pages: 3 Words: 1101

Evolution of ape
One of the most controversial theories in evolutionary psychology is the idea that men have evolved a rape adaptation. This is considered a controversial notion because when this theory was introduced many people felt as if it was an attempt to provide excuse or justification for rape. For many years, sexual assault advocates focused on the idea that rape was about violence, not about sex, and it seemed as if the evolutionary idea might challenge that notion. However, that rape might be an evolutionary adaptation does not make it a moral or justifiable act, after all, there are undeniably evolutionary adaptations for situationally-dependent murder, but murder is universally considered immoral. Instead of viewing it as a reason to excuse rape, approaching rape as if there is a possibility that men have evolved a rape adaptation may actually help social scientist develop ways to decrease the frequency of…...



Buss, D. (2007). Evolutionary psychology: The new science of the mind, 4th Edition. City:


Gettleman, J. (2010, October 3). Mass rapes in Congo reveals U.N. weakness. Retrieved February 21, 2012 from New York Times website: 

Kristof, N. (2012). In Sudan, seeing echoes of Darfur. Retrieved February 21, 2012 from New

Imagery Help Evoke Emotion in
Pages: 2 Words: 765

Everywhere there is the drumbeat of the natives, and the ominous reminder of the presence of untamed native life. Blackness is the dominant image of the Congo in Heart of Darkness -- whirls of black limbs, the black water -- all of which suggest that the environment is anathema and destructive to white civilization, as manifest in the persona of Kurtz. The natural beauty of the land, its colors, and the nuances of local cultures of tribes that would be perceptible to an Africa blur into a singular image of darkness in Conrad's prose.
Q4. Some critics argue that you can only fully understand a piece of literature if you understand the historical events that were ongoing when it was being written. Others argue that each piece of literature is independent of its historical context and you should not have to look for information outside the text to understand it.…...

How do I create a hook for an argumentative essay on the topic are zoos necessary?
Words: 362

When writing an argumentative essay, you are encouraged to take strong positions that might not be appropriate in other types of academic writing.  This is especially true when you are crafting your hook, which is a dramatic statement, usually a sentence or two, designed to capture the reader’s interest and get them interested enough to read the rest of the essay.  You might find this type of task challenging when focusing on a topic like zoos.  However, if you consider how popular the Netflix Series Tiger King was in the summer of....

analyse the Zunda and tekela sub-group including the term isiZulu?
Words: 491

The Zunda and Tekela Sub-Groups: A Linguistic and Cultural Exploration

Within the Nguni language family, the Zunda and Tekela sub-groups occupy a distinct position, sharing close linguistic and cultural ties while exhibiting subtle but significant differences.

Linguistic Characteristics:

The Zunda and Tekela languages, collectively known as isiZulu, are part of the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo language family. They are mutually intelligible but display variations in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar.

Pronunciation: Zunda is characterized by a distinct enunciation of consonants, particularly the alveolar click /c/. Tekela, on the other hand, tends to have a softer pronunciation, replacing the click with a glottal stop....

What impact did Belgian colonization have on the people and resources of the Congo region?
Words: 598

Belgian colonization had a significant impact on the people and resources of the Congo region. Some of the key impacts include:

1. Exploitation of resources: The Belgians exploited the natural resources of the Congo region, particularly rubber, ivory, and minerals, to enrich themselves. This exploitation led to widespread environmental destruction and depletion of resources, causing long-term harm to the region's ecosystem.

2. Forced labor and human rights abuses: The Belgians used forced labor to extract resources from the Congo region, leading to widespread human rights abuses. Millions of Congolese workers were subjected to brutal working conditions, violence, and forced labor, resulting in....

I\'m interested in debating global governance and international peace. Are there essay topics that present opposing viewpoints?
Words: 611

Essay Topic 1: The Efficacy of Global Governance in Maintaining International Peace

Viewpoint 1: Global Governance is Essential for Peace

Argument: A well-coordinated global governance system can effectively prevent conflicts by promoting cooperation, facilitating dialogue, and establishing international norms.
Evidence: The United Nations, World Bank, and other international organizations have played a vital role in resolving disputes, providing humanitarian aid, and promoting sustainable development.
Counterargument: Global governance bodies can be slow to respond to crises and may face challenges in enforcing their mandates.

Viewpoint 2: Global Governance Undermines National Sovereignty and Peace

Argument: International organizations can infringe on the sovereignty of individual....

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