Conflict Management Essays (Examples)

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Conflict Management Cincom Systems Is
Pages: 3 Words: 884

In siding with the marketing and sales teams, my position was that accuracy and speed of the development was more critical to meeting and exceeding customer expectations. The transformational power of leadership is kin changing a culture and making it more agile, market-driven and aggressively focused on customer needs. The argument of speed and accuracy for the customer, and more importantly to hold onto them as a client, overshadowed the training opportunity this provided from the development. Transforming an organization on behalf of customers can ensure its survival (Bucic, obinson, amburuth, 2010).
Part III - What Would You Have Done?

Instead of capitulating on the issue, the CEO needed to come down on the side of the customers and realize that the culture of Cincom had become so distanced from the sense of urgency customers had for solutions that development needed to go to India. I would have gone entirely on…...



Tania Bucic, Linda Robinson, & Prem Ramburuth. (2010). Effects of leadership style on team learning. Journal of Workplace Learning, 22(4), 228-248.

Hai Nam Nguyen, & Sherif Mohamed. (2011). Leadership behaviors, organizational culture and knowledge management practices: An empirical investigation. The Journal of Management Development, 30(2), 206-221.

Stevens, C.. (2011). Using Transformational Leadership to Guide an Organization's Success. Employment Relations Today, 37(4), 37.

Conflict in Organizations Conflict Management
Pages: 2 Words: 595

In keeping with the collaboration of H and leaders across the organization, more communicative, open structures to conflict resolution perform more effectively than autocratic ones (Carmeli, Atwater, Levi, 2011). The ability to emerge from conflict with greater trust is a major difference between transactional, autocratic or transformational leaders managing conflict resolution strategies. The idea is to use conflict as a galvanizing force in getting the organization to its goals. Autocratic approaches to this strategy rarely work and often fail to take into account he specific needs and perceptions of those involved (Guttman, 2009). What is needed is a more developmental, transformational-based approach to conflict resolution, one that allows each side to take ownership of the end result (Carmeli, Atwater, Levi, 2011).


Conflict management is a shared responsibility between the leaders of an organization and the H professionals advising them on techniques and approaches (Guttman, 2009). The best conflict resolution approaches are…...



Carmeli, A., Atwater, L., & Levi, A.. (2011). How leadership enhances employees' knowledge sharing: the intervening roles of relational and organizational identification. Journal of Technology Transfer, 36(3), 257-274.

Shelley D. Dionne, Francis J. Yammarino, Leanne E. Atwater, & William D. Spangler. (2004). Transformational leadership and team performance. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 17(2), 177-193.

Guttman, H.. (2009). Conflict Management as a Core Competency for HR Professionals. People and Strategy, 32(1), 32-39.

Levasseur, R.. (2011). People Skills: Optimizing Team Development and Performance. Interfaces, 41(2), 204-208.

Conflict Management Approaches and Human
Pages: 3 Words: 779

The two parties try to resolve it by themselves in an informal approach, through negotiations. However, then an agreement cannot be reached, both parties are entitled to request the assistance of a tertiary party. The third party is neutral to the two disputants and has the obligation of resolving the matter from an objective stand point and "their role is to facilitate a settlement without any control over the final outcomes" (Jameson, 1999, p.8). Three strategies are most common: moderation, conciliation and consultation. In all, the interest-based conflicts can be resolved though negotiation between the two parties, or by the informal interference of a third party, through advices, mediation or facilitation.
The rights-based strategies to resolve conflicts can be both formal as well as informal. They basically imply that the two disputants revolve their problems by themselves, without the interference of a third party. The parties try to find a…...



Jameson, J.K., 1999, Toward a comprehensive model for the assessment and management of intraorganizational conflict: Developing a framework, International Journal of Management, Bowling Green, Volume 10 Issue

Conflict Management One of the
Pages: 6 Words: 1828

Similarly operational efficiency is crucial for control but too authoritative approach to a controlled culture is no more feasible in the current business environment because it stifles creativity and hinders employee freedom affecting overall business performance. Innovation and setting benchmarks and preparing people to achieve such high standards become the hallmark of organizations that strive for competence. Lastly cultivation culture is about stirring the lives of customers and employees with the help of magnetic and inspiring leadership. Even if we ignore these particular characteristics even then customer focus becomes the corner stone of an organizational culture. Though, customer satisfaction comes only after employee satisfaction. If the culture of the company is such where employees feel empowered and are able to align their personal goals with organizational goals then customer services thrive in such an environment.
Global competition and customer demands also drive the need to do things faster, better, and…...



Schulz, J. (2001). Tapping the Best That Is Within: Why Corporate Culture Matters. Management Quarterly. 42(1): 29+.

Miller, a. (1998). Strategic Management. 3rd Ed. Irwin/McGraw Hill Prentice Hall.

Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution Are Integral
Pages: 2 Words: 744

Conflict management and conflict resolution are integral parts of any given organization. The antecedents for conflict vary in nature, yet three desired outcomes can be defined. There are many reasons as to why conflict can arise within an organization, however the types of conflict that arise can be differentiated between functional and dysfunctional conflicts.
Functional conflicts are considered to be "constructive, support your company's goals, and improve performance" and often involve people that are willing to cooperate with each other in order to solve a problem (Kinicki, n.d.). There are two generally accepted methods for stimulating and simulating functional conflicts: devil's advocacy and the dialectic method. The devil's advocacy method requires that a team member be assigned the role of a critic; this person should them "always question and critique any ideas that [the] team may have" and usually results in "critical thinking and reality testing" (Kinicki, n.d.). The dialectic methods…...



Einertz & Einertz. (n.d.). Common construction pitfalls. Accessed 4 June 2012, from 

Farias, E.B. (n.d.). Managing conflict and stress. University of London. Accessed 4 June 2012,


Kinicki, A. (n.d.). Decision-making & managing conflict. from Organizational Behavior: Core

Conflict Management and Conflict
Pages: 3 Words: 984

Conflict Management Self-Assessment
The ability to manage conflicts is an important skill in life and, most importantly, in the work setting. It is crucial for cultivating healthy interpersonal relationships. Enhancing conflict management skills starts with a clear understanding of one's values, personality, and conflict management approach. In this report, I describe the results of three self-assessment scales I undertook to rate my conflict handling skills: Values Clarification and Conflict esolution assessment, the Big Five Personality Test, and the Conflict Management Style Orientation Scale.

Values Clarification and Conflict esolution

As shown in appendix 1, my top five scores for both the realized scale and the idealized scale exhibit capability to: find ways to for the conflict to have a win-win situation; institute teamwork early-on in the resolution; help everyone find opportunities for open self-expression; encourage the intent of cooperation; and find ways to nurture cooperation among those involved. I scored 9 out of 10…...



Boyles, G. (n.d.). Values clarification and conflict resolution. Argosy University. (n.d.). Self-assessment: conflict management style orientation scale. Retrieved from: (n.d.). Big Five Personality Test. Retrieved from:   0.75&nR=0.281&y=1980&g=m 


Conflict Management Is the Interventions
Pages: 2 Words: 549

The organization must proceed Systematically to gather all of the relevant information. data, and reports that it reasonably can obtain. Evaluating this material establishes how the organization will make further decisions; how it will respond to the allegations; and how it will defend itself, if necessary" (ADR).
3. Managers may not always agree with the people that work for him but standing up for them in a public forum in front of individuals that may not understand where each individual is coming from is what builds teams and a working relationship. Stabbing people in the back to get a task accomplished is not justifiable when it comes to forging ahead

4. Poor socio-economic background and conditions mixed with the HIV / AIDS crisis can only mean even more socio-economic and political upheaval, the regression of development and the collapse of societies: beginning with families, communities, regions and into subsequently economic social…...

Conflict Management in Business Organizations
Pages: 2 Words: 646

127). The owner/manager truly did avoid bringing the conflict into focus by discussing a "general" problem at the next meeting of all the staff.
A more effective technique might have been the creation of superordinate goals; though these are complex and sometimes difficult to develop, if the parties in conflict have a common goal that they must work together to achieve, peace is often achieved with it (OBIM 2010, p. 127). Setting new sales records or giving a bonus to the shifts in which conflicts were occurring for completing a certain amount of pricing or stocking could have perhaps resolved the conflict in this technique. More simply, the owner/manager could have sat down with all three of the employees in conflict and reached a sort of compromise, where the talker would attempt to talk less and the others would try to show a little more compassion and patience. With both…...



Heathfield, S. (2010). "Workplace conflict resolution." Accessed 14 November 2010. 

OBIM. (2010). Organizational behavior instructional materials.

Conflict Management Collective Security's Affect
Pages: 4 Words: 1348

But the remote success of collective security agreements has suggested that a middle ground may be found. For instance, Hamilton recalls two examples of democracies rising from authoritarian governments that are often used to justify the United States' current occupation of Iraq -- Japan and Germany. Hamilton argues that the "accomplishments of Japan and Germany depended in part upon the framework of 'collective security' that guided American foreign policy from orld ar II through the Cold ar" (para. 2). The collective security arrangements that Hamilton credits, in part, with the success of Japanese and German democracy are NATO, the UN, the orld Bank, the IMF, and the TO (para. 2). Although they aided Japan and German's journey to democracy, these organizations are not simply a means by which the United States attempts to perpetuate imperialism. Instead, these organizations often fail to achieve results because of sovereignty. Member nations refuse…...


Works Cited

Hamilton, Lee H. "21st Century Collective Security." Woodrow Wilson's International

Center for Scholars. 2009. 6 March 2009. 

League of Nations: Background." History Learning Site. 2000-2008. 6 March 2009. 

Stromberg, Roland N. "Collective Security." Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy.

Conflict Management in This Negotiation an Agreement
Pages: 3 Words: 903

Conflict Management
In this negotiation, an agreement was reached between the employer and Joe Tech. I am satisfied with the terms of the agreement. The major sticking point was the relocation, as I prefer to remain in Nashville Not only is Nashville home, but my salary will go a lot farther in Nashville than in Silicon Valley, as the cost of living in California is very high. As the result of this aspect of the negotiation, my purchasing power will be substantially higher. From both a financial and a personal perspective, the ability to telecommute from Nashville was the most important thing I wanted to get out of the negotiation, along with reaching agreement to accept the position. In this negotiation, the most important point was really the driver of the negotiations, and it was not known if this was going to be a deal-breaker for the company or not.

There were…...

Healthcare Organizational Conflict Management Strategies
Pages: 3 Words: 880

Effective Negotiation and Conflict ManagementResolving Power Struggles Within Healthcare Settings: Principles of Effective Negotiation and Conflict ManagementFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that power struggles within healthcare settings could get in the way of effective performance of duties and, hence, result in negative care outcomes. In seeking to resolve power struggles within the said settings, there are a number of conflict management as well as negotiation strategies that managers could deploy. The strategies that will be highlighted in this text are; accommodating, compromising, and collaborating.To begin with, when it comes to accommodating, Overton and Lowry (2013) are categorical that this involves embracing the other individuals perspective and effectively avoiding competition by sacrificing ones perspective. Thus, in this case, one of the parties to the conflict would be neglecting his own concern and permitting the other partys concerns to sail through. In the words of Overton and Lowry…...



Gullatte, M.M. (2011). Nursing Management: Principles and Practice. Oncology Nursing Society.

Overton, A.R. & Lowry, A.C. (2013). Conflict Management: Difficult Conversations with Difficult People. Clin Colon Rectal Surg., 26(4), 259-264.

Tappen, R.M., Weiss, S.A. & Whitehead, D.K. (2004). Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management. F.A. Davis.

conflict resolution and Collective Bargaining in Healthcare
Pages: 3 Words: 1006

Discuss the four stages of the conflict process. Do all persons involved in conflicts experience all four stages of conflict? Why or why not? How does the conflict process affect the quality of the conflict resolution?In a much more integrated and connected society conflict is inevitable. Businesses, due in part to globalization are now heavily focused on international operations. This often requires a global team with varying cultural and societal norms. Due to the amalgamation of different cultures, beliefs and systems, conflicts are often inevitable. Typically, the conflict process consists of four primary stages which are frustration, conceptualization, action and outcome. Most people in involved in conflicts experience all four of these stages albeit in varying degrees and magnitude.The first stage of frustration, groups of individuals are may experience a goal of objective being blocked within the organization. This often result in frustration which typically manifests itself with anger. Frustration…...



1. Adenyi, Theophilus. (2020). Stages of Conflict.

2. Ayoko, Oluremi B., Neal M. Ashkanasy, and Karen A. Jehn. Handbook of Conflict Management Research. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Edgar, 2014.

3. Behfar, Kristin J., and Leigh L. Thompson. Conflict in Organizational Groups: New Directions in Theory and Practice. Evanston, IL: Northwestern University Press, 2007

4. De Dreu, Carsten K. W., and Michele J. Gelfand. The Psychology of Conflict and Conflict Management in Organizations. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum, 2008.

Benefits of Conflict at Work and How to Manage It
Pages: 4 Words: 1206

Conflict Management AnalysisIntroductionConflicts arise in organizational life, and often result from a clash in perspectives, approaches, assumptions, goals, and even biases among individuals and groups. Effective conflict management is important to prevent conflicts from affecting production and performance. This analysis synthesizes insights on conflict management in order to discuss the nature and sources of conflict, the importance of managing conflict, best practices, and recommendations for a company-wide initiative.The Nature and Sources of ConflictOrganizational conflict often stems from differences in occupational positions, work environments, and the cognitive and emotional orientations individuals bring to decision-making. For instance, salespeople, driven by quarterly revenue quotas and shifting customer preferences, may have a different perspective than plant managers who prioritize production schedules and cost considerations (Thomas & Inkson, 2009) Such differences, termed "differentiation" by Lawrence and Lorscha (1967), can lead to contrasting views and approaches, necessitating effective conflict management or "integration" mechanisms (Crimson Group, 2013).The…...



Behfar, K., & Goldberg, R. (2015). Conflict Management in Teams. Darden Business Publishing.

Crimson Group. (2013). Note on conflict management. HBP.

DiPaola, M. F. (2003). Conflict and change: Daily challenges for school leaders. Effective educational leadership, 143-158.

Conflict Management Why Tobacco Is
Pages: 5 Words: 1496

Typically the highest unemployment rates in these nations are in the most rural of areas, which are precisely the areas where tobacco tax-based dollars are most often investment.
The reliance on taxes from tobacco across the 24 nations profiled in Figure 2 also lead many of the tobacco farmers not just in these nations, but globally, to have a higher level of income stability per acre, and also generate higher income for small and medium farmers. These are critical aspects of the broader and longer-term economic strategies of third-world nations to ensure that their most transient and difficult-to-transfer workers stay in their field of experience, which is agriculture. By incenting agricultural expertise in tobacco farmers, there is also a pronounced focus on how to increase profits per acre, thereby giving farmers and their families a chance to better themselves and also receive better healthcare and education in the process. In…...



The World Bank (2003)- the Economics of Tobacco Use & Tobacco Control in the Developing World. The World Bank. Brussels 3-4, February 2003

US Census Bureau (2007) - U.S. Census Bureau, Annual Survey of State and Local Government Finances (01-June-07); and State & Local Government Finance Data Query

Appendix I

State and Local Tobacco Tax Revenue, Selected Years 1977-2005 thousands of dollars)

Conflict Management Methods to Enhance
Pages: 2 Words: 824

Therefore, this marketing conflict has lead to the disaster, which could have been avoided, in my opinion, if the owner would have understood the commercial laws of the market and would have promoted the road cars' line.
Moreover, the crisis has been amplified by another event: "In November 1961 a dispute between Enzo Ferrari and his sales manager, Girolamo Gardini, turned into a crisis. Girolamo Gardini threatened to leave the company. Enzo Ferrari responded to the threat by throwing out Girolamo Gardini, and several employees who agreed with Girolamo Gardini were also ousted." Therefore, the professional relationships were not based on consensus and negotiations.

It is sure that the history of Ferrari form the 1970s onwards would have been different if the above mentioned conflicts, especially the latter one, would have been solved through negotiations. For example, the staff of the company could have been divided in 2 teams, one of…...

How does cultural diversity influence conflict resolution strategies in literature reviews?
Words: 410

Culture and conflict management are two interconnected concepts that play a significant role in how individuals and societies deal with disputes and disagreements. Conflict management refers to the strategies and processes used to resolve conflicts and promote positive outcomes, while culture influences the way people perceive and respond to conflict.
Research has shown that culture can have a profound impact on how individuals engage in conflict management. For example, different cultures may have varying norms and values regarding the expression of emotions, the importance of maintaining harmony, and the use of direct versus indirect communication. These cultural differences can affect the....

How does cultural diversity influence conflict resolution strategies in literature reviews?
Words: 590

Cultural Diversity and Conflict Resolution Strategies in Literature Reviews
Cultural diversity, encompassing the multifaceted aspects of human identity and social organization, plays a profound role in shaping conflict resolution strategies. In literature reviews, examining how cultural diversity influences these strategies is crucial for comprehending the nuances and complexities of conflict resolution.
Influence on Conflict Perception and Definition
Different cultures define and perceive conflicts in distinct ways. For instance, some cultures emphasize individualism and prioritize the needs of individuals, while others prioritize collective interests and community harmony. This cultural lens influences how conflicts are recognized, interpreted, and classified. For example, a conflict that is....

What are the essential soft skills required for a successful manager title?
Words: 519

1. Effective Communication Skills

    Effective communication skills are essential for a successful manager title as they involve listening, speaking, and writing clearly and effectively. Managers must be able to convey their thoughts, ideas, and feedback in a way that is easily understood by their team members and other stakeholders.

2. Leadership Skills

    Managers need to possess strong leadership skills to effectively guide and motivate their team towards achieving common goals. Leadership skills include the ability to inspire, delegate tasks, make decisions, and provide constructive feedback.

3. Problem-Solving Skills

    Managers often face various challenges and obstacles in their roles, and....

How do literature reviews examine relational dynamics in communication, social interaction, and conflict management?
Words: 731

When examining relational dynamics in communication, social interaction, and conflict management within the context of literature reviews, it is essential to consider the various theoretical frameworks and perspectives that scholars have utilized to understand these complex phenomena. One common approach is to explore the role of communication styles and patterns in shaping interpersonal relationships. For example, research has shown that individuals who exhibit more accommodating communication behaviors tend to have more positive and cooperative interactions with others, while those who display competitive or aggressive communication styles may experience higher levels of conflict and tension in their relationships (Wilmot & Hocker,....

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