Current conflict in Syria
The current uprising in Syria is part of a series of demonstrations for democratic reform known as the 'Arab Spring' in the Middle East. Syria has long been governed by a Sunni dictatorship. Although not religious in nature, "the Assads and much of the nation's elite, especially the military, belong to the Alawite sect, a minority in a mostly Sunni country" (Syria news, 2012, The New York Times). The president Bashar al-Assad inherited his current position from his father. At first, it was hoped that he would be more lenient than his father. He lifted the country's state of emergency, which had existed for decades and given the government the ability to exercise a heavy hand over the liberties of the people. However, when the state of emergency ended and the population began to grow more fractious, he began a series of crackdowns.
The opposition to the Assad…...
Bloomfield, Adam & Ruth Sherlock. (2012). Syrian rebels take battle to heart of Damascus.
The Telegraph. Retrieved:
McFarquhar, Nick. (2012). After a year, deep divisions hobble Syrian opposition.
The New York Times. Retrieved:
Conflict Mapping in South Sudan 7
1. An outlook of South Sudan
The Republic of South Sudan is the world’s youngest country that gained independence in 2011 but remains underdeveloped and plagued by civil war (Blanchard, 2016). South Sudan is an Eastern African landlocked country sharing borders with Sudan Uganda, Central Africa Republic, Kenya, DRC Congo, and Ethiopia. South Sudan is a resource-rich country with oil contributing to the largest share of the country’s GDP (King 2015). The country is a leading resource-rich country in Sub-Saharan Africa hosting the third largest oil reserves in the region. The country’s population is projected at 13.8 million 72% of the population aged below 30 years. South Sudan is characterized by ethnic diversity and accounts 60 diverse major ethnic groups with the Dinka accounting for 35.8% and the Nuer accounting for 15.6 % being the largest ethnic groups. However, it’s estimated that there are over 4…...
Women and conflict resolution" was published in 2004 in The Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture. She puts forward women's role in political negotiations and societal decision-making, stating that, in a world where the absence of war does not necessarily imply the presence of peace, women can be important contributors to a reconciliation approach "through education and civil society -- the two areas where women are the most active and have the most experience." (Golan, 2012) Golan's article is an invitation to revise general attitudes in political circles toward women's presence at negotiating tables. It is an invitation to include women and accept their capability to negotiate and cooperate despite national identities and cultural differences that may sometimes prevent men who are in official positions to reach a beneficial, reconciliatory agreement between parties.
We live in a world that is apparently bound to be affected by violent conflict at…...
Brewer, N., Mitchell, P., & Weber, N. (2002). Gender role, organizational status, and conflict management styles. The International Journal of Conflict Management, 13(1), 78-94. Retrieved from
Golan, G. (2012). Women and conflict resolution. The Palestine-Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture, 11(2). Retrieved from
Mount, E. (2014). Well-intended measures: Conceptualizing gender as a social structure in post-conflict policy development. In M.T. Segal & V. Demos (Eds.), Gendered perspectives on conflict and violence (pp. 45-72). Emerson Group Publishing Limited.
Themner, L., & Wallensteen, P. (2013). Armed conflicts, 1946-2012. Journal of Peace Research, 50(4), 509-521. doi: 10.1177/0022343313494396
Arab Israeli Conflict
The Arab-Israeli conflict
The current Arab-Israeli conflict has a long standing history which goes back to the 1910s when the Ottoman Empire was still in place. During the WWI, the Germans sided with the Ottoman and the British sided with the Arabs in revolting against the Ottoman Empire. The British promised the Arabs self rule and to the Jews they promised them a homeland in Palestine (Kattan,, 2009:Pp59). The Arabs took over the control of Syria and immediately after the war, the League of Nations gave the French the control over Syria and to the British they gave what are today Israel, Gaza Strip, West Bank and Jordan. In 1921 the British divided their large mandate into two; the East of Jordan became the emirates of Transjordan under Abdullah and the West of Jordan became the mandate of the Palestine (the Promised Land to the Jews) though it…...
Bassiouni & Ben Ami, (2009). International and Comparative Criminal Law Series, Volume 29: A Guide to Documents on the Arab-Palestinian/Israeli Conflict: 1897-2008. Martinus Nijhof: The Netherlands.
Harms G. & Todd M.F., (2008). Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Basic Introduction (2nd Edition). Pluto Press: London.
Kattan,, (2009). From Coexistence to Conquest: International Law and the Origins of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, 1891-1949. Pluto Press.
Khatchadourian, (2000). Quest for Peace Between Israel and the Palestinians. Peter Lang Publishing: New York.
The Role of a Photojournalist in Shaping the Syrian Narrative
This paper discusses the role of the photojournalist in shaping the Syrian narrative. The images that photojournalists create are used by a variety of media outlets, both mainstream like CNN and alternative like social media uploaders, to develop a narrative that promotes a perspective on events and advocates for a reaction from the public—either support for intervention or condemnation of the use of force by governments that are not directly involved in the conflict. The paper examines the gassing incident at Khan Shaykhun in Syria to see how photojournalism played a part in shaping the responses of the American president. It also examines how spectacle, soft power, embedded reporting, interventionism and the CNN effect all play a part in shaping the narrative built on the work of photojournalists.
The paper also discusses the impact of photojournalism in the Digital Age where the…...
1. The terroism eras before and after 9/11 are quite different with respect to the role that the Israel/Palestine conflict plays. Since 9/11, the majority of terrorist incidents in the United States are committed by domestic, right-wing terrorists (Neiwert, et al, 2017), and the majority of "jihadist" terrorists are domestic, not imported, there remains a threat from the Middle East. Within the segment of homegrown jihadist-inspired terrorists, there were some 20 attacks carried out by about 178 people since September 11th (Jenkins, 2017). Among foreign-born terrorists who committed or plotted attacks in the US, the largest number were from Pakistan, at 20, and the remainder were from 39 other different countries, mostly Muslim-majority (Jenkins, 2017). A study of documented jihadist ideology, featuring jihadists from around the world, highlighted three common features: idealistic commitment to a righteous cause, individualism in interpreting religion, and a conviction that Muslims today are engaged in…...
On the other hand, Israel, Jordan, and the United States were allied in their support of the Israeli state and Israel's land acquisitions during the Six-Day War. Eventually, the Sudan dropped out of the proposal, but, "By the end of 1971 the two leaders had taken soundings in Moscow, had appointed Egypt's war minister, General Muhammad Sadiq, supreme commander of both armies, and had reached agreement on broad strategy" (abil 22). They continued to gain support from the Soviet Union, knowing they needed support of a superpower to offset the military might Israel wielded in the area.
After the war, "Six Arab states, including Egypt, broke off diplomatic relations with Washington, and were subsequently drawn closer to the Soviet Union.28 Additionally, the 1967 war created another 200,000 Palestinian Arab refugees, and more than one million Arabs from this point on lived within Israeli borders" (Mork 21). This really changed the…...
Ben-Ami, Shlomo. Scars of War, Wounds of Peace: The Israeli-Arab Tragedy. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Cossali, Paul. "Arab-Israeli Relations 1967-2001." A Survey of Arab-Israeli Relations 1947-2001. Ed. David Lea. London: Europa, 2002. 39-283.
Mork, Hulda Kjeang. "The Jarring Mission: A Study of the UN Peace Effort in the Middle East, 1967-1971." University of Oslo. 2007. 2 June 2008.
Rabil, Robert G. Embattled Neighbors: Syria, Israel, and Lebanon. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 2003.
These settlements make sure that the state of fragmentation and insecurity of the Palestinians continues and thereby hinders the economic, social and political development of the Palestinians. The total number of such settlements in the West bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza strip are 205, with the vast majority of them in West bank and Jerusalem. "These settlements have led to the more than 403,249 settlers in the West bank and Jerusalem itself." (Israeli Settlements on Occupied Palestinian Territories) Israel continues to expand the number of these settlements from time to time as well as the bypass roads connecting them. These new bypass roads as well as the expansions to the existing bypass roads add to the disruption of the Palestine economy, autonomy and society.
The Israeli settlements also have a negative impact on the access of the Palestinians to natural resources like water and arable land. This problem is likely…...
Definition of Zionism." Jewish Virtual Library. Retrieved at Accessed on February 16, 2005 .
Boling, J. Gail. (January 2001) "Palestinian Refugees and the Right of Return: An International Law Analysis" Retrieved at Accessed on February 17, 2005
Israeli Settlements on Occupied Palestinian Territories." The Palestine Monitor.
Retrieved at Accessed on Isseroff, Ami. "Israel and Palestine: A Brief History." MidEastWeb. Retrieved at . Accessed on February 16, 2005 .
Immediately after Israel declared its independence, a coalition of Arab states invaded Israel, starting the first Arab-Israeli War. Israel prevailed, and conquered territories beyond those claimed in the original UNSCOP partition. Israel gained control of 77% of Palestinian territories and the remainder was divided between Jordan and Egypt (Beinin & Hajjar).
Thus, the UNSCOP proposal for a two-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict was dismissed and a Palestinian state was never created: leading to the subsequent decades of resentment and violence throughout the entire Middle East. Jewish residents of Arab countries throughout the region were persecuted violently and most fled to Israel. Palestinians were forced into refugee camps. Palestinians living in Israel are Israeli citizens but experience systematic discrimination (Beinin & Hajjar).
The conflict in the Middle East escalated further as Egyptian leader Gamal Abder Nasser nationalized the Suez Canal and restricted Israeli movement through it. By also joining military forces…...
Arab-Israeli Conflict." Retrieved dEc 15, 2008 at
The Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Brief History." Guardian. Retrieved Dec 15, 2008 at,720353,00.html
Beinin, J. & Hajjar, L. "Palestine, Israel and the Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Primer." Retrieved Dec 15, 2008 at
Country profile: Israel and Palestinian territories." BBC. 28 October 2008. Retrieved Dec 15, 2008 at
Arab Israeli Conflict
The Arab and Israeli conflict
The Arab and Israeli conflict is in news since long. There is a continued political stress between the Arabs and the Jews since in the mid of 19th century the Zionist government was established in the former Arab land of Palestine. The Palestinian land is claimed as a religious heritage by Muslims, Jews and Christians. The actual tension is however between the Muslims particularly Arabs and the Jews. When in 1948, the Israeli state was formed; the tension took a formal shape as well. The Ottoman Empire collapsed and the Arabs and Jews started fighting over the land. The conflict presently lives in the aspects of politics, economy, religion, society and culture. The conflict often takes the shape of ferocity where by Israel being a technological advanced country, attacks Syria and adopts an aggressive position. However, the state and non-state Syrian forces have also…...
Carson, C., (1988), "The Politics of Relations between African-American and Jews," Retrieved
from: s
Joffe, A., and Romirowsky, A., (2013), "Is The Arab-Israeli Conflict Really About Economics?,"
Israeli-Egypt Conflict and Iraq War
Israeli-Egyptian Conflict
On June 5, 1967, Israel launched a surprise attack on Egypt which quickly spread to involve other neighboring states with both ground and air troops becoming involved in the conflict. Israel claimed that the attack was provoked by a massive Egyptian build-up of military forces along the Israeli border. On May 27 of that year the President of Egypt, Abdel Nasser, had stated that Egypt's basic objective was the destruction of Israel (BBC, 1967). Although Israel had consistently attempted to negotiate with its neighbors, their overtures were repeatedly rejected (Bard, 2008). Intelligence indicated the Arab states were preparing to go to war against Israel with Egypt, Jordan, and Syria being aided by Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, and Algeria. On May 16 President Nasser ordered the withdrawal of United Nations Emergency Forces from the Egyptian-Israeli border. Later that month Egypt had signed a pact with…...
mlaGiven the criteria presented in the spectrum of justification for war this conflict may be classified as an easier-to-justify preventative war. The Arab states had indeed demonstrated acts of hostile intent, preparatory steps toward hostile action, and made inflammatory rhetoric in the face of reasonable offers of negotiation. Since there is some room for doubt that an attack was pending this war cannot be classified as justified. Whether or not Israel was morally justified in taking this action is debatable, however when placed in the context of the time a strong argument may be made that it was.
Iraq War
On March 19, 2003, American and British forces began "Operation Iraqi Freedom" otherwise known as the Iraq War. There are several issues that may be pointed to as the basic reasons for the second major war between a United States led coalition and Iraq. First, there were lingering tensions and hostilities, remnants left over from the first Gulf war of 1991. At the close of that war the Iraqi government agreed to surrender and/or destroy several types of weapons including SCUD missiles and various Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs). The United Nations was tasked with sending weapons inspectors to confirm the destruction of Iraqi weapons and to search for any prohibited weapons the believed to be in hidden by the Iraqi government. Additionally, two "No Fly Zones" were established over northern and southern Iraq for the protection of Iraqi minority groups in opposition to the Saddam Hussein government. Allied aircraft patrolled the air over these zones in order to prevent Iraqi aircraft
These happened while the state of Israel has experienced remarkably economic and military growth during the 1990's. The protection of the people in particular would have to be instated as terrorism, although not an important factor in the war, has claimed its victims with the passing of time. Terrorism was dealt with harshly in Israel, people believed to have connections to terrorists being abused and deported and human rights being neglected.
If peace were to be agreed of, Palestine would be admitted as a state by Israel and subsequent to that by most of the countries, the state finally reaching its objective after years of running as a fictional state.
An alliance between Palestine and Israel would help the first to attain a state of sovereignty by protecting Israel from other Arab countries and it would help its ally to combat the deficiency of forces from the West Bank.
The return of…...
Bard, Mitchell. "The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Middle East Conflict," Ph.D. (Alpha Books -- Macmillan USA) Once again, Syria and Egypt attack. And yet again, only a miracle stops them.
Bjorn, Moller. "Three Futures for Israel and Palestine"- January 1999
Turkey: The Kurdish Problem
Although Turkey has gained greater prominence in the news due to the influx of Serbian refugees into its borders, it is also struggling with another problem, namely the ethnic tensions pertaining to Kurdish separatists besieging critical areas. Like many Middle Eastern nations, despite its relative close proximity to Europe, Turkey is home to a wide variety of different ethnic groups with various religious affiliations, including the Kurds. The southeast of Turkey is home to a majority population of Kurds, which has sown the seeds of a longstanding civil war. Kurdish separatists have long been engaging in violent resistance against the government of Turkey, demanding their own separate state. Although the violence has existed for many decades, recent skirmishes have been characterized as "the worst seen in the past two decades" (Tharoor 2016). This is due in no small part to the recently emboldened Turkish separatist groups within…...
Basburg, I. (2016). What has strained U.S.-Turkey relations and what needs to be done?
The Daily Caller. Retrieved from:
Tharoor, I. (2016). As Syria burns, Turkey's Kurdish problem is getting worse. The Washington
Post. Retrieved from:
Proxy WarfareProxy war s an armed conflct between two actors or states, fghtng on the behalf of other partes who are not drectly engaged n the armed conflct. Proxes are typcally supported by the other partes va fundng, armng, tranng, or some other form of assstance. Ncaragua s a key legal case that hghlghts the problems that can arse from proxy warfare. As Heckman (2017) ponts out: In Ncaragua, the Court found that the Unted States was gulty of tranng, armng, equppng, fnancng and supplyng the contra forces. It further found that the actons of the Unted States n and aganst Ncaragua created an nternatonal armed conflct (IAC) between Ncaragua and the Unted States.[footnoteRef:2] However, the Court also found that a non-nternatonal armed conflct (NIAC) was gong on n the state of Ncaragua at the same tme. Dnsten has also ponted out how ncongruous such a rulng can be wth…...
mlain the middle east. Espace Géographique et Société Marocaine, 1(53).Rawabet Center. (2017). Retrieved from P. (2021). Neighbors and Rivals: Iran and Great Power Diplomacy. In The Geopolitics of Iran (pp. 17-59). Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore. Roberts,
Surge Is Unlikely for Prices of U.S. Gas," by Clifford Krauss (Krass, 2013). There were four main points of distinction embedded within the article. The first and arguable most important element within the article was in reference to the growing conflict in Syria. The article was written in late August when unrest in the Middle East was near its height. During this period, Americans were concerned with the subsequent rising oil prices that might occur due in part to the civil unrest occurring in Syria. The article first explains how gas prices are unlikely to increase due to a litany of factors. First, Syria is a very small oil exporter. It exports roughly 1% of the world's oil. As such, even if the entire country were to be engaged in war, the resulting damage in regards to oil exports would be minimal. Many pundits believe that the rippling effect…...
1) Kay, Jane Holtz, Asphalt nation: how the automobile took over America, an how we can take it back, New York, Crown, 1997. ISBN 0-517-58702-5
2) Krass, Clifford. "Major Surge Is Unlikely for Prices of U.S. Gas." New York Times. N.p., 30 Aug. 2013. Web. 20 Oct. 2013.
3) Seale, Patrick (1987). The Struggle for Syria. ISBN 978-0-300-03944-3
4) "New Billions In Oil" Popular Mechanics, March 1933. article on invention of water injection and detergents for oil recovery
1) The ongoing crisis in Syria: A multi-faceted examination of the war
2) Understanding the root causes and actors in the Syrian conflict
3) The role of external powers in fueling the war in Syria
4) The impact of the Syrian conflict on regional stability and global security
5) Humanitarian crisis in Syria: Assessing the plight of displaced civilians
6) A legal perspective on the war in Syria: Violations of international law and accountability
7) Fragmented Syria: Examining the rise of non-state actors and their impact on the conflict
8) Rebuilding Syria: Challenges and prospects for post-war reconstruction
9) The role of media in shaping public perception of....
The Devastating Impact of the Syrian War on the Middle East's Future
The ongoing war in Syria, which began in 2011, has had a profound and far-reaching impact on the Middle East region. The conflict has caused widespread death, destruction, and displacement, exacerbating existing political, social, and economic challenges, and significantly affecting the stability and future prospects of the region.
Humanitarian Crisis
The Syrian war has resulted in a colossal humanitarian crisis, with millions of people killed, injured, or displaced. According to the United Nations, over 500,000 people have been killed, while millions have been forced to flee their homes, becoming refugees and....
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