Concussion Essays (Examples)

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Concussion Management and the NCAA Litigation Case
Pages: 4 Words: 1048

Concussion Management and the NCAA
Litigation Case -- Concussion Management

The case of Adrian Arrington, Derek Owens, Mark Turner and Angela Palacios v. National Collegiate Athletic Association arose from the consolidation of a On September 12, 2011, a class action filed against the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Adrian Arrington v. NCAA, on September 12, 2011, and a second lawsuit, Derek Owens et al. v. NCAA. The complaints allege that the NCAA was negligent with regard to protecting student athletes from the risk posed by their game play and practices for concussions. The complaints extend to four distinct types of negligence as follows: fraudulent concealment, medical monitoring, unjust enrichment, and negligence. Specifically, the plaintiffs allege the following: The NCAA did not ensure that coaches received adequate education about proper tackling techniques. The NCAA did not provide education on concussion-like symptoms to student athletes, trainers, or coaches. The NCAA did not implement system-wide…...



Anderson, P. (2012, September 19). Concussion litigation against the NCAA is gathering momentum. Concussion Litigation Reporter. Retrieved 

Anderson, S. (2012, August). NCAA Institutions and a Duty to Warn Football Student-Athletes: A Look into the Arrington v. NCAA case. Retrieved 

Corrected Consolidated Complaint. United States District Court Northern District of Illinois Eastern Division. Retrieved 


Sports Injuries - Concussions What Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1326

Sports Injuries - Concussions
hat is a Concussion?

The Latin word concutere -- the source for the English word concussion -- means, literally, "to shake violently," according to Dr. Robert Cantu, Chief Clinical Professor of Neurosurgery and co-director of Boston University's Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy. In his book, Concussions and Our Kids: America's Leading Expert on How to Protect Young Athletes and Keep Sports Safe, Cantu reports that nearly four million sports and recreation-related concussions are sustained each year, and "…many times that number" go unrecognized (Cantu, 2012, p. 2).

Concussions in sports happen when an athlete is "…slammed and makes sudden and forceful contact" with the ground, a court, a pool deck, a batted or thrown ball, a kicked ball, and "…of course with another player," Cantu explains (p. 3). A concussion can occur without any contact with the head, Cantu asserts. The "whiplash effect" is when a player's…...


Works Cited

Breslow, Jason M. "NFL Concussions: The 2012-13 Season in Review." PBS / Frontline.

Retrieved November 13, 2012, from   2013. .

Cantu, Robert, and Hyman, Mark. Concussions and Our Kids: America's Leading Expert on How to Protect Young Athletes and Keep Sports Safe. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin

Harcourt, 2012.

NFL Denial of Concussion Crisis
Pages: 3 Words: 1080

productions absolutely change the way that the author of this response looks at the league. The league and its leaders (which would obviously include Tagliabue and Goodell) certainly knew about the dangers of football including the risks of things like concussions, dementia (including early-onset dementia) and CTE. That being said, to completely lay this at the feet of the NFL is less than fair. Anyone with an active brain stem should know that colliding with other bodies and the turf in such a violent and sustained way.
It is nearly (but not quite) akin to those that abuse alcohol or cigarettes and then they get incredulous when their liver or lungs start to shut down or develop cancer. Further, the question has to become is there a way to prevent this trauma outright and the answer is probably "no" short of ending the league and its games entirely. In the…...


Works Cited

Fainaru-Wade, Mark. "Doctors: Seau's Brain Tests Positive For CTE." N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

IMDB. "Frontline" League Of Denial: The NFL's Concussion Crisis (TV Episode 2013)." IMDb. N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

IMDB. "Concussion (2015)." IMDb. N.p., 2016. Web. 28 Jan. 2016.

Head Injuries in Rural Areas the Canadian CT Rule and New Orleans Criteria
Pages: 2 Words: 573

The complex issue of providing adequate care and preventative testing to a population that is increasingly unable to afford the rising expenses associated with such care remains a substantial problem in the United States, and directly impacts care provided for cases of head traumas in rural areas. The Canadian CT Head Rule (CCHR) and the New Orleans Criteria (NOC) are two clinical decision making methods for determining when the expense of a CT scan is warranted following a head trauma, though indications for the use of either testing procedure differ. Despite widespread and successful use elsewhere, the CCHR is not widely used in the United States and is especially under-utilized in rural areas, leading to rising expenses and the mistreatment of traumatic head injuries. Equipment shortages and other facility limitations in rural hospitals and clinics further complicates treatment for head injuries, and sheer geographic distance to facilities means that many…...

Gender Matter in Sports There
Pages: 8 Words: 2514

234). Culturally, trainers may simply be paying more attention to girls' injuries due to our culture's tendency to protect females more than males (Tierney, et al., 2005, p. 278) and/or boys may simply under-report concussions due to "macho" tendencies to play through pain in order to continue playing (Covassin, et al., 2012, p. 926). Hormones may contribute to the greater incidence of concussions among female high school athletes because researchers have found that estrogen protects male rats from brain trauma but actually makes female rats more vulnerable to brain trauma (Makdissi, et al., 2013, p. 319). Whether caused anatomically, culturally, hormonally or for some other reason, the fact remains that girls are reportedly highly more likely to sustain concussions in sports such as soccer and basketball. Consequently, gender matters in the sports injury of concussion.
3. Conclusion

Development of a masculine identity is psychologically fundamental for males and particularly for males…...



Allan, E.J., Gordon, S.P. & Iverson, S.V., Fall 2006. Re/thinking Practices of Power: The Discursive Framing of Leadership in the Chronicle of Higher Education. Review of Higher Education, 30(1), pp. 41-68.

Bourdieu, P., 1978. 'Sport and Social Class,' Social Science Information, 17(6): 819-840. [Online]

Available at:   [Accessed 21 May 2013]. 

Chesebro, J.W. & Fuse, K., Summer 2001. The Development of a Perceived Masculinity Scale. Communication Quarterly, 49(3), pp. 203-278.

Fundamentals of Social Sciences
Pages: 15 Words: 5347

Safety Decisions in High School Football
This paper focuses on one aspect of high school football safety. The study explores the issue of higher levels of injury being associated with a particular brand or brands of football helmets worn by high school athletes who play football, and the institutional decisions and actions that follow disclosure of such information. A recent study by Virginia Tech rated helmets worn by professional football players -- helmets worn by high school students have not yet been rated by the university. The study compared helmets manufactured by three companies. High ratings were given to the iddell Speed, the iddell evolution, the iddell evolution IA, the Schutt Ion 4D, the Schutt DNA, and the Xenith X1. Medium ratings were given to the Schutt Air XP and Schutt Air Advantage. Players were warned by Virginia Tech not to wear the iddell VS4 and the Adams A2000. No correlation…...



Di Scala, C., S. Scavo Gallagher, and S.E. Schneps. (1997). Causes and outcomes of pediatric injuries occurring at school, Journal of School Health, 67, 384-9.

FACTS About Certified Athletic Trainers and The National Athletic Trainers' Association Retrieved 

International Federation of Sports Medicine, Excessive physical training in children and adolescents, (1991). Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine, 1, 262-4.

Gerberich, Susan Goodwin, et al., (1983). Concussion incidences and severity in secondary school varsity football players, American Journal of Public Health, 73, 1370-5.

Functions of the Skeletal System
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Any brain injury is serious and Julie should not have continued the climb. Seeking immediate medical attention as soon as the injury occurred may have saved Julie's life. The severe headache and ringing in her ears is another sign that the bump on the head was not so light, but still consistent with a Grade 1 concussion. Although Julie did not lose consciousness, she still had the key signs of a concussion.

The treatment of a concussion includes rest and inactivity. Aspirin should be avoided, as it may contribute to continued internal bleeding. Continuing the hike may have caused Julie's blood pressure to remain high, contributing to the inability of her body to form clots at the injury points. The onset of severe headache was a sign that things had become critical. Julie's life may have been saved had the severity of the injury been recognized from the beginning and had…...

NFL Retirement Benefits Issues and
Pages: 7 Words: 2086

Furthermore, EISA issues aside, according to Linda Sanchez (D-California), "It concerns me when those who work hazardous jobs don't get the care they deserve, whether a coal miner, tire factory worker or football player... " referring to the questionnaire distributed to the NFLPA requesting medical data pertaining to their retirees, she said, "I look forward to timely responses to our questions so we can determine what steps might be necessary that those who made football great aren't neglected."13

AP, 2007

Carpenter, 2007


Professional football is, by all accounts, a violent sport whose participants frequently suffer significant physical injuries on the playing field. Because of the nature, frequency, and intensity of the collisions inherent to the game, especially at the professional level, the effects of football injuries often persist long after retirement. Most insidious are the cumulative effects of repeated cerebral concussions, only recently identified as a specific injury when they occur, especially with…...



Associated Press. 10/24/07 NFL Adds $10 Million to Medical Fund, Latest Step in Dispute Concerning Retirees and Pensions. Retrieved, November 3, 2007, from CBSonline at 

Associated Press. 5/31/07-35 NFL Players Qualify for Dementia-Alzheimer's Assistance Retrieved, November 3, 2007, from FoxNews Web site, at,2933,276617,00.html 

Carpenter, L. 10/13/07 Congress Presses NFL, Union on Benefits. Retrieved, November 3, 2007, from at 

Conrad, M. (1999) Sportslaw History: The John Mackey case. Retrieved, November 3, 2007, at

Change Management in the NFL
Pages: 2 Words: 8314

Leadership and Organizational Change Potential in the NFL
Organizational Problem or Opportunity

Description of the Problem or Opportunity

Purpose of the Investigation



Summary of Section Highlights

Problem or Opportunity Background

• Current State of the Target Organization

• elevant Organizational Processes or Systems or Functions

• elevant Theory

isk Management

Organizational Change

Lewin's Change Management Model

McKinsey 7-S Model

Kotter's 8 Step Change Model


Corporate Social esponsibility

Investigative Steps

Investigative Approach and Design Strategies

• Investigative Approach

• Theory Thread Strategies

• Data Collection and Preparation Strategies

Investigation Parameters or Limitations


Findings of the Investigation


elevant Analysis

Overall Findings: A Synthesis


Interpretation and ecommendations 34

Organizational Implications 34

ecommendations 34

• Implications for Decision Makers 35

• Future esearch 35

Summary 36

eferences 37

Executive Summary

The National Football League (NFL) is currently the most popular sport with American adults, however this position is not guaranteed to remain indefinitely. The NFL is plagued by a slew of problems that range from everything from player misconduct and serious indiscretions both on and off the field, issues related to injuries, player safety, and brain…...



Bass, B. (1985). Leadership and performance beyond expectations. New York: Free Press.

Bass, B. (1999). Two decasdes in research and development in transformational leadership. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 9-32.

Benta, D. (2011). On Best Practices for Risk Management in Complex Projects. Informatica Economica, 142-152.

Business Dictionary. (N.d.). Change Management. Retrieved from Business Dictionary:

Manage Care Simon A Case
Pages: 2 Words: 958

The red and swollen appearance could be an on-site reaction to the administered medication. A change of type of antibiotic medication may be necessary.
Question 5: Simon begins to complain of chest tightness he is beginning to get distressed what may be occurring and what interventions need to be undertaken.

An asthma attack partially brought on by the psychological stress of the surgery and being in the hospital, combined with the physical trauma is likely. Simon, physician permitting, should be allowed with assistance to treat his asthma in the usual fashion, after screening for potentially more serious conditions that can manifest in chest tightness, such as a cardiac condition.

Question 6: You notice that Simon has become disoriented and is complaining of a headache what may be occurring and what interventions need to be undertaken?

Signs and symptoms of a concussion, the result of head trauma, are not always immediately apparent. hile rest,…...


Works Cited

Fractures of the tibia and fibula." (2008). Chapter 21: Practical Plastic Surgery. Retrieved 23 May 2008 at

Citizens in the United States
Pages: 8 Words: 2671

This is achieved through the increase of metabolic rates and lean body mass while eliminating excess fat and burning calories. hile the required amount of physical activity differs based on the caloric intake and body type, sports can assist an individual to maintain a healthy weight. For people who want to maintain a huge amount of weight loss, high-intensity sports can be the best option while reasonably-intensive physical activity helps in realizing weight stability.
ell-being of Muscles and Bones:

As previously mentioned, bone and muscle injuries are some of the most common health-related risks in sports participation. However, as an individual grows older, there is need for maintenance of the well-being of muscles and bones for proper body functioning. hen an individual takes into consideration the necessary precaution measures, sports and physical activity becomes increasingly for muscles, bones, and joints health. Participation in sports provides people with the required elements to…...


Works Cited:

Bahr, Roald, and Lars Engebretsen. Sports Injury Prevention. Vol. 17. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, 2011. Print.

Chambers, Abigail E.L., and Grant Cooper. "The Role of Sports and Activity in Osteoarthritis." Arthritis MD - Trusted Arthritis MD - Arthritis Information from Doctors Who Care. Arthritis MD. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. .

Cohen, Bradley. "How Does Playing Sports Affect Your Health?" LIVESTRONG.COM - The Limitless Potential of You. Demand Media, Inc., 30 Mar. 2011. Web. 16 Nov. 2011. .

Gotlin, Robert S. Sports Injuries Guidebook. Illustrated ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008. Print.

Friday Night Lights Is a Movie About
Pages: 2 Words: 880

Friday Night Lights is a movie about the Permian Panthers, who are a high school football team in Odessa, Texas. The town is racially prejudiced and the economy is bad. The one exciting night in the week is Friday night because that is when the Permian Panthers play their football games. Because of problems on the team and the ways they face the problems, the Permian Panthers teach lessons in character, discipline, team work and also show some things that are wrong with football.
Reflective Portion

"Friday Night Lights" shows how the good qualities of character, discipline and team work can be developed in football. says that "Character refers especially to moral qualities, ethical standards, principles, and the like" ( It also says that "Discipline" is "behavior in accord with rules of conduct" ( Finally, says that "Team ork" is "cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group…...


Works Cited

Abrams, Zac. Internet Movie Data Base Web site. 2004. Web. 20 January 2012.

Bissinger, Buzz. "NFL Playoffs: Why Football Needs Violence." 17 January 2011. The Daily Beast Web site. Web. 20 January 2012. character, discipline, team work. n.d. Web. 20 January 2012.

Mayer, Larry. "Paralyzed Football Player Rocky Clark Passes Away." 7 January 2012. Chicago Bears Web site. Web. 20 January 2012.

Conceptual Fit
Pages: 3 Words: 883

Conceptualization and operationalization of variables
Poor communication between young athletes and coaches leads to longer recovery times and increased levels of frustration amongst athletes regarding their prognosis.

Independent Variable: Effective and ineffective communication between coaches and young athletes.

Conceptualization: Sports injuries are a serious concern. There has been a rise in the rate of youth sports injuries in recent decades, an increase partially attributed to a corresponding rise in youth specialization at an early age and year 'round participation in the same type of competitive sports activity, versus varying sports (Merkel & Molony 2013). In some sports, there are also grave concerns about the risk of permanent injury on every level of competition, as manifested in concerns about head trauma amongst football players, making it all the more critical to reduce the likelihood of such injuries occurring when young (Lopate 2013). Overuse injuries are common many popular youth sports: "Preteens training at…...



Apache, R.R. (2006). The behavioral assessment of parents and coaches at youth sports:

Validity and reliability. Physical Educator, 63(3), 126-133.

Borggrefe, C., & Cachay, K. (2013). Communicative challenges of coaches in an elite-level sports system: Theoretical reflections on successful coaching strategies. EJSS: European Journal for Sport and Society, 10(1), 7-29.

Caine, D. (et al. 2006). Physical injuries in children's and youth sports:

Practice Assessment Clinical Case
Pages: 10 Words: 3226

Gender: Female
Birthdate: 01/16/1985

Age: 30 years, 11 months

Dates of Evaluation: 10/25/15 -10/30/2015

eason for eferral

This is a 30-year-old right-handed woman referred by Dr. Smith for a psychological evaluation to determine any lingering psychological and cognitive effects as a result of a mild head injury that she suffered on October 15, 2015 as a result of an automobile accident. The client has complained of severe memory problems, being disoriented at times, feeling depressed and anxious, and having nightmares the accident. Her physical complaints consist of headaches, back aches, poor sleep, nausea, and vomiting.

Identifying Information

The client is a 30-year-old, divorced, Hispanic woman who lives with her children in a home that she rents in XXX (client please insert city). She has been married three times and has three children from two of the marriages.

Developmental History

The client grew up in XXXX (insert). She reported that her mother had no issues with her pregnancy and…...



Baddeley, A. (1992). Working memory. Science, 255(5044), 556-559.

Black, D. O., Wallace, G. L., Sokoloff, J. L., & Kenworthy, L. (2009). Brief report: IQ split predicts social symptoms and communication abilities in high-functioning children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 39(11), 1613-1619.

Groth-Marnat, G. (2009). Handbook of psychological assessment. (5th ed.). Indianapolis, IN John Wiley & Sons.

Hogan, T.P. (2015). Psychological testing: A practical introduction . (3rd ed). Hoboken, NJ.

Steroid Use Controversies of the
Pages: 17 Words: 5176

e., their use of anabolic steroids (and whether they had ever been offered steroids), their involvement in power sports, appearance and eating problems, and problem behavior. Background information about the participants included their degree of urbanization, parental socioeconomic status and the region to which they belonged.
Analyses of the study's results show that the prevalence of steroid use among Norwegian youth was lower (lifetime use was 0.8% and 12 months prevalence was 0.3%) than in several other Western societies such as the U.S. (2.5% to 7%) and in Australia, Canada, Sweden and South Africa (2% to 3.5%). It also showed that AAS use was first and foremost associated with problem behavior (i.e., drug [marijuana] involvement and aggressive-type conduct problems). Its relation with power sports and appearance came in at second and third place respectively.

The study is, therefore, significant in highlighting the hitherto largely ignored area of problem behavior in steroid use.…...



Admissions before BALCO grand jury detailed." (2004, December). Retrieved on November 1, 2005 at 

Anabolic Steroid Abuse." (2000, April). National Institute on Drug Abuse: Research Report Series. Retrieved on November 1, 2005 at 

Langone, J. (1995). Tough Choices A Book about Substance Abuse. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.

Miller, R.W. (1987, November). Athletes and Steroids: Playing a Deadly Game. FDA Consumer, 21, 16+.

I am having to write a research paper on traumatic brain injuries, and I have no idea what direction I want to go with it?
Words: 406

Traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs as they often called, are injuries to the brain that are caused by outside sources, such as a fall or a blow to the head.  This differentiates them from brain injuries that are caused by internal situations, such as a stroke.  TBIs include a broad group of different types of injuries, from seemingly minor concussions to injuries that clearly and significantly impact the ability to function.  Because they are so varied, there are many different directions you could take in a research paper about TBIs.  To help you decide what direction....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Cases against high school sports?
Words: 430

I. Introduction

Hook: Begin with a compelling statistic, anecdote, or provocative statement that captures the attention of the reader.
Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument that will be supported in the essay: "High school sports are detrimental to students' overall well-being and should be eliminated."

II. Body Paragraph 1: Physical Impact

Discuss the physical risks associated with high school sports, such as concussions, joint injuries, and muscle strains.
Provide evidence from medical studies or research articles to support the claims.
Explain how these injuries can have long-term consequences, such as chronic pain, disability, or even death.

III. Body Paragraph 2: Academic....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Sports Medicine?
Words: 267

1. The role of sports medicine professionals in preventing and treating sports-related injuries
2. The effectiveness of various rehabilitation techniques in sports medicine
3. The impact of nutrition and hydration on athletic performance and recovery
4. The use of technology and advanced imaging in diagnosing and treating sports injuries
5. The psychological aspects of recovering from a sports injury and returning to play
6. The growing field of sports performance enhancement and its implications for athletes and sports medicine professionals
7. The importance of proper biomechanics and movement patterns in preventing injuries in sports
8. The role of sports medicine in promoting overall health and wellness in....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Sports Medicine?
Words: 313

I. Athletic Injuries and Rehabilitation

The Role of Sports Medicine in Preventing and Treating Athletic Injuries
Advancements in Surgical Techniques for Rotator Cuff Repair
Rehabilitation Protocols for Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Injuries
The Impact of Concussions on Long-Term Cognitive Function

II. Sports Nutrition and Performance

The Role of Macronutrients in Enhancing Athletic Performance
Supplements and Ergogenic Aids in Sports: Benefits and Risks
Hydration Strategies for Athletes in Extreme Environments
Nutritional Considerations for Female Athletes

III. Exercise Physiology and Biomechanics

The Effects of Interval Training on Cardiovascular Fitness
The Biomechanics of Running: Injuries and Performance Optimization
The Impact of Muscle Morphology on Athletic....

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