Concealed Weapons Essays (Examples)

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Concealed Weapons Inroduction The Idea of Carrying
Pages: 3 Words: 854

Concealed Weapons
INRODUCION: he idea of carrying concealed weapons is not new.

his writer argues that the only people carrying a concealed weapon should be those who have a clear need to do so.

SUPPORING ARGUMENS: It is not possible to keep loaded, concealed guns from people who should not have them.

OPPOSING ARGUMEN: Some argue that the Second Amendment justifies allowing most people to carry weapons.

he laws serve no useful purpose because those who need concealed weapons can already get permits.

he idea of carrying concealed weapons is not new. Most if not all states have allowed selected people, for instance, diamond cutters and jewelers, who must carry items of great value, to carry a concealed weapon for many years. he newer issue regarding concealed weapons refers to states such as Missouri, which has passed a new loaded and concealed weapon law allowing the great majority of the state's residents to carry a concealed…...


Those who argue in favor of the right to carry a loaded and concealed weapon point to the Second Amendment of the Constitution, claiming that the right to bear arms is protected. However, all our constitutional rights exist only in the larger society. Thus we have free speech but not the right to shout "FIRE!" In a crowded theater unless that theater is really on fire, because others might get hurt by our exercise of free speech.

The law has always made exemptions for people who have a real need to carry a concealed weapon. The new laws opens the door for anyone who lives in a "concealed weapon" state to get a weapon so long as they haven't shown a major problem with judgment yet. Gun laws should restrict the right to carry a loaded and concealed gun to those who have a clear and urgent need for such a weapon.

Source: "Concealed guns at a glance," in Southeast Missourian, April 18, 2004. Accessed via the Internet 4/18/04.$rec=132115

Conceal & Carry the Right
Pages: 7 Words: 2337

"Noting the high rate at which young, black males are stopped by police and the fact that it is currently a felony to possess a concealed handgun, he said that an honest, law-abiding, young, black male would be 'nuts' to carry a concealed handgun in Illinois" (2010: 74). It cannot be denied that people living in urban areas who must defend themselves with concealed handguns have the most to gain from passing conceal and carry laws. The absent of police protection is, in general, more absent from these areas than other less-dangerous neighborhoods, which seems ironic. Lott states that in a 1982 American Housing Survey, 60 thousand households were asked if their neighborhoods had adequate police protection. lack, urban area residents were twice as likely as whites to report that they did not have adequate protection, and six times more likely to say that they had considered moving because…...



"Approve Conceal-carry Law in Illinois | Illinois, Right, People." The Telegraph. 9 Mar.

2011. Web. 21 Apr. 2011. 

"Concealed Carry Legislation: An Examination of the Facts." Wisconsin Policy Research

Institute Report 19.4 (2006). Print.

Weapons Personal Protection Equipment and Use of Force
Pages: 6 Words: 1761

Policy and Procedure Manual
EZ Protective Consultant Company

Policy and Procedures Manual

Introduction to defensive weapons

Carrying a concealed weapon

Body armor

Use of diversionary devices and various chemical weapons

The shooting incident

Psychological and emotional reactions

Stress factors

The aftermath

Shooting, safety, and other issues

The criminal justice field has now had a very profound impact on society. Protection of rights is a very important in regards to our current economic backdrop. With unemployment a record levels crime has subsequently increased dramatically. Therefore, it is practical for individuals using this manual to abreast on the use of weapons, personal protection equipment, and physical security.

This manual is designed to help protect law enforcement officials and the general public with insights into defensive weaponry and its subsequent use. This manual is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of all the factors mentioned above with a particular emphasis on security. This manual is intended to help individuals effectively deal with crime through appropriate security…...

Citizens Should Be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Citizens Should Be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns
First Paragraph

Gun control laws punish the innocent.

Second Paragraph

Gun control laws lower the crime rate.

Third Paragraph refutation paragraph

Rough Draft - Citizens Should be Allowed to Carry Concealed Handguns

Gun control laws are a hot topic of controversy. Currently, there is not enough legislation that supports the right for people to carry handguns.

Thesis Statement) There should be appropriate legislation and laws passed to allow for citizens to carry concealed handguns.

Gun control laws punish the innocent.) Many people feel that in order to prevent criminals from using guns that improved legislation should be passed to provide tougher laws which restrict the purchase of a handgun and stricter punishment if the laws are broken. People who are against stricter gun control laws feel that the average citizens' constitutional rights would be invaded. To allow citizens the right to carry concealed handguns will discourage violent crimes. Many states have…...


2nd paragraph-(Lowers crime rate). Currently there are 31 states that have enacted "shall issue" concealed weapon laws. The rest of the states should also adopt this legislation and allow citizens to carry concealed weapons. Laws to allowed concealed weapon permits to anyone over 21 who has completed a gun-safety program, has no criminal record, and is mentally sound. Statistics prove the safety of men, women, and minorities increase when laws allow for concealed weapons. A study shows that when state concealed-handgun laws went into effect in a county, murders fell by about 8%, rapes fell by 5%, and aggravated assaults fell by 7%. Lott (1997) states that criminals are less likely to attack a weaker victim, such as a woman or an elderly person, if there is a possibility that there might be a concealed weapon. JAMA reports studies which show a 15% drop in homicides in areas where adults are allowed to carry concealed weapons (Mitka, 1998).

3rd paragraph -- the (refutation paragraph). Thirty states have lenient concealed-weapons laws, but only in Vermont can anyone carry a hidden handgun without a license or permit (U.S. News and World Report, 2003). Citizens should have the ability to carry a concealed weapon, but this action alone will not ensure their safety. Crimes will still happen and even those who carry handguns will not always act responsibly. However, by having the right to legally carry concealed weapons, people will be able to better protect themselves against the possibility of a fatal crime. The presented statistics from Lott's study show strength in the argument for use of concealed handguns and should at least give pause to those who oppose concealed handguns. Crime fighting methods that potentially offer over an eight percent drop in murder rates are difficult to ignore.

There will always be the debate concerning concealed handgun laws. Those supporting the stricter gun control laws will continue oppose legislation and lobby the government to restrict the use of handguns. However, with citizens being more concerned about their safety and the wave of increased terrorism there should be more support and better legislation to allow citizens the right to lawfully carry concealed

Citizen Who Does Not Have
Pages: 3 Words: 744

If an individual shows a concealed weapon to a criminal, the individual becomes a threat and deterring further advances of the criminal. ellford, John Pepper and Carol 120.
If criminals and proprietors of tragedies such as massacres in a certain part of the globe such as Rwanda were aware that innocent people had the means of defending themselves, the tragedies would have not happened because it would have not been easy.

The concealed weapon law is also a policy that reduces multiple victims shooting. In addition, law abiding citizen come in contact with criminals more frequently than the police and are therefore able to gun them down and reduce the level of crime as well as the criminals. Research in the state of Vermont that has the least preventive gun laws has a low rate of aggressive crime. Murder rates are low in areas where most women carry concealed weapons Siegel…...


Work cited Kelli Arena and Kevin. "Students Want Chance to Defend Themselves." Atlanta, 2008. CNN. April 15th 2008.>Bohn,

Human Rights on College Campuses
Pages: 3 Words: 1128

Concealed Gun Carrying on College Campuses
College is a stage in a young person's life that is filled not only with hard work, the proverbial sweat, and often tears, but also with fun, new friends, and new love. It is one of the most carefree and happy times in life, between the restrictions of school and the woes of work. It is unfortunate, therefore, that some criminals feel the need to prey on the young and innocent lives contained within tertiary campuses today. Particularly, the victimization of women in the form of assault, rape, and murder, is increasingly reported. For this reason, an increase has also been seen in the call for the right of campus students to carry concealed weapons. The main argument in favor of this position is that students who are otherwise vulnerable to vicious and sometimes murderous attacks will be able to protect themselves from potential…...



Birnbaum, R. (2012). Ready, Fire, Aim: the College Campus Gun Fight. Retrieved from: 

Cavanaugh, M.R., Bouffard, J.A., Wells, W., and Nobles, M.R. (2012, Dec.). Student Attitudes Toward Concealed handguns on Campus at 2 Universities. American Journal of Public Health. 102(12). Retrieved from: 

Teeple, K., Thompson, A. & Price, J.H. (2012). Armed Campuses: The Current Status of Concealed Guns On College Campuses. The Health Education Monograph. 29(2). Retrieved from: 

Whaley, S. (2015, Apr. 6). The Nevada "campus carry" bill approved in Assembly. Review Journal. Retrieved from:

Gun Control in New York
Pages: 10 Words: 3571

S. Circuit Court of Appeals to reaffirm restrictive gun laws since the Second Amendment was not infringed by a law that requires firearm owners to demonstrate proper cause (Nimmo par, 2).
The unanimous decision by the three-judge panel was regarded as a victory for the New York State law, the American constitution, and families throughout New York who are appropriately concerned regarding the plight of gun violence that is a major problem to all communities. There are various groups in the gun industry such as the Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association have been filing cases against cities and states throughout the country on the basis of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. The ruling re-affirming restrictive gun control laws has followed the significant increase in the number of the sale of guns.

Gun Control Laws in Other States:

Generally, crime rates associated with gun violence have increased unusually in…...


Works Cited:

"Banning Assault Weapons - a Legal Primer for State and Local Action." Legal Community Against Violence. Legal Community Against Violence, Aug. 2005. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Baynes, Terry, Eddie Evans, and Todd Eastham. "Appeals Court Upholds New York Gun Licensing Law." Reuters. Thomson Reuters, 27 Nov. 2012. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Garrett, Ben. "New York Gun Rights - an Overview of Gun Laws in New York." - Civil Liberties., n.d. Web. 20 Dec. 2012. .

Gius, Mark. "The Effect of Gun Ownership Rates on Homicide Rates: A State-level Analysis." Applied Economics Letters 16 (2009): 1687-690. Print.

Analyzing the Gun Control Issue
Pages: 11 Words: 4052

Gun Control
Definition of the Problem (Gun Control)

In America as well as other parts of the world, the role played by guns in committing violent acts, and what must be done in this regard, is a hotly debated topic. However, some facts are incontestable. Over 31,000 individuals sustained gunshot injuries in the year 2010, in America. As these victims are mostly youths, gun violence can be considered as one among the primary reasons for premature deaths in the U.S. Apart from mortal wounds, there were, in the same year, approximately 337,960 non-fatal acts of violence perpetrated with the use of guns; emergency departments of American hospitals received 73,505 cases of nonfatal wounds made by guns. The economic and social costs associated with gun violence are also huge, in the U.S. (Webster, 2013)

However, ironically, in spite of gun violence's colossal impact, a majority of public discussions in regard to gun policy revolve…...



Cook, P., Ludwig, J., Venkatesh, S., & Braga, A. (2007). UNDERGROUND GUN MARKETS. The Economic Journal, F558 -- F588.

Hood, M. N. (2009). Citizen, defend thyself: an individual-level analysis of concealed weapon permit holders. Criminal Justice Studies, 22(1), 73-89

Kates, D., & Mauser, G. (n.d.). WOULD BANNING FIREARMS REDUCE MURDER AND SUICIDE? Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, 650.


Issues Surrounding Gun Ownership
Pages: 10 Words: 3575

Gun violence in America has always been a great concern to communities, families and law enforcement officials. But in recent years gun violence has received a great deal more publicity and public concern because of the mass shootings -- particularly in schools -- that the media focuses on in great detail. In other words, a law-abiding family living in a quiet small town in Vermont is impacted emotionally when a gunman enters a school in California or Connecticut and murders innocent children. This paper identifies recent trends in mass shootings, potential laws that would attempt to keep guns out of the hands of mentally disturbed and violent individuals, and how the National Rifle Association (NRA) uses unethical tactics to promote its paranoid obsession that government is out to take guns away from law-abiding gun owners.
Recent Mass Shootings

Of the many gruesome mass killings that have been reported on television screens and…...


Works Cited

Castillo, Marianne. "NRA clear on gun debate stance: arm schools." CNN. Retrieved May 12,

2015, from   2012. .

Cohen, Amy P., Azrael, Deborah, and Miller, Matthew. "Rate of Mass Shootings Has Tripled

Since 2011, Harvard Research Shows." Mother Jones, Retrieve May 12, 2015, from   2012. .

Technologies Used by the Police
Pages: 7 Words: 2059

These breath-testers use a range of technologies including electrochemical fuel cells, infrared absorption, metallic oxide semiconductors and disposable color-change testers.
The disposable breath-testers are cheap to purchase and very useful in detecting alcohol in a person's system. When the test is positive, to check for other drugs in his system, the person is required to give a blood sample for confirmation by a laboratory. In addition his urine sample is also taken to test for the presence of other drugs in his system.

Breath testers have been in use in the United States since the 1940s. Then the machines used to detect alcohol were not as accurate as the ones used today. Nowadays mostly infrared absorption devices are used. They have a sample chamber from where the breath passes. This comes in contact with the infrared light, which counts the ions of alcohol thus measuring the alcohol level.

The Tennessee Department of…...



1. Jerry W. Kilgore - "DNA Samples Prove to Be Effective in Solving Crimes." Magazine Title: Corrections Today. Volume: 65. Issue: 4. July 2003. 28.

2. "DNA Money." Newspaper Title: The Washington Times. March 12, 2003. A06.

3. Richard S. Julie - "High-Tech Surveillance Tools and the Fourth Amendment: Reasonable Expectations of Privacy in the Technological Age." Journal Title: American Criminal Law Review. Volume: 37. Issue: 1. Publication Year: 2000. Page Number: 127

4. News Story: Camera detects concealed weapons in real-time. [  Accessed Aug 21, 2005 ]

Business - Human Resources Vermillion
Pages: 6 Words: 1580

The initial exchange between aj and Sally illustrate the importance of sensitizing employees to the delicate nature of even benign social overtures, particularly in connection with coworkers of the opposite gender.
Whereas innocent social invitations are not necessarily inappropriate in the workplace, coworkers must be acutely aware of the dangers posed by these types of miscommunications and the use of words or gestures susceptible to more than one interpretation. On the other hand, that training would stress that repeated unwanted social overtures, (even where the actual content of the communications themselves are not inherently offensive), can be considered sexual harassment under certain circumstances. With respect to the situation between aj and Sally, even an otherwise innocent social invitation could constitute sexual harassment where it takes place in the context of multiple previous similar requests by the same individual.

6. Human esource esponse to Threats of Violence

While aj was not the instigator…...


Resources, I would immediately schedule sexual harassment training for all employees in addition to a similar training program with regard to appropriate avenues for initiating complaints against coworkers.

One of the most important aspects of that training would be awareness of potential areas for misunderstandings in words and gestures that could be interpreted in a manner that is unintended by the speaker or actor. Another crucial area that I would include in this training would be the absolute prohibition about ever resorting to "self- help" such as the physically violent response initiated by Sally upon her taking offense (whether rightly or wrongly) to the Raj's hand gesture.

Other aspects of that training would include awareness of personal sensitivities relating to cultural differences as well as those that are potentially attributable to gender differences. The initial exchange between Raj and Sally illustrate the importance of sensitizing employees to the delicate nature of even benign social overtures, particularly in connection with coworkers of the opposite gender.

Whereas innocent social invitations are not necessarily inappropriate in the workplace, coworkers must be acutely aware of the dangers posed by these types of miscommunications and the use of words or gestures susceptible to more than one interpretation. On the other hand, that training would stress that repeated unwanted social overtures, (even where the actual content of the communications themselves are not inherently offensive), can be considered sexual harassment under certain circumstances. With respect to the situation between Raj and Sally, even an otherwise innocent social invitation could constitute sexual harassment where it takes place in the context of multiple previous similar requests by the same individual.

6. Human Resource Response to Threats of Violence

Anti-Gun Control Gun Control Is
Pages: 15 Words: 4001

Moreover, the increase in firearm-related homicide within this age group occurred among all race-sex groups (Fatal). Rates of suicide by firearm were especially high among the elderly in the United States, and increases occurred in all race-sex groups except African-American females, for whom the number of suicides were too small to produce stable rates (Fatal).
The CDC report cautions that the surveillance data in this report are intended to familiarize public health practitioners, researchers, and policymakers concerning the problem of firearm-related deaths in the United States (Fatal). And although these data help to characterize the magnitude of the problem and identify groups at risk, there are still gaps in knowledge, thus current surveillance efforts need to be expanded to include information about nonfatal injuries (Fatal). Moreover, there needs to be a greater understanding of the causes of firearm deaths to identify modifiable individual and societal risk factors, thus, further research…...


Works Cited

Case for Gun Control. Retrieved November 06, 2005 at 

Fatal Firearm Injuries in the United States, 1962-1994. Retrieved November 05 from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention Web site: 

Firearm Injury and Death from Crime, 1993-97. Retrieved November 06, 2005 from U.S. Department of Justice Bureau of Statistics Web site. 

Firearms and Crime Statistics. Retrieved November 06, 2005 from U.S.

Corrections Police Law Enforcement Police Technology
Pages: 14 Words: 3819

The middle of the decade of the 1980's was witness to the creation of the Technology Assessment Program Information Center and the Technology Program Advisory Agency. Their functions were as follows:

Technology Assessment Program Information Center: Picked up laboratories for testing equipment, supervised the testing process, published reports concerning the results that the lab released after testing.

Technology Program Advisory Agency: This was a large advisory body of senior local and federal law enforcement officials which are the predecessors to that which exists today

Important in the advancement of police protection was the creation and application in use of pepper spray.

VI. The Role of the National Institute for Justice in the Development of Law Enforcement technology:

The National Institute of Justice issued a "mandate in its capacity as the criminal research and development arms of the U.S. Department of Justice was to improve and strengthen the nations' system of justice with primary emphasis on…...



Are U.S. Police Agencies Being Outpaced in 09-28-04 [Online] available at Categories&tehttp://www.policeone.come/policeone/frtonend/parser.cfm?object+Product

Visteon Provides the Latest in Law Enforcement Technology to Alkland County Sheriff Bouchard PR Newswire 10-29-05 [Online] available at 

Satellite Technology Boosts Officer Safety 26 Jan 2004 [Online] available at http:

NIJ: Autoloading Pistols for Police Officers: NIJ STandard Series: Law Enforcement and Corrections Standard and Testing [Online] available at

Gun Control and First Amendment
Pages: 2 Words: 856

It would also be highly recommended that there are designated buffer zones between the convention and any designated First Amendment Zones. Additionally, these zones must be away from any other public areas. If they are too close to public areas, like malls, they may inadvertently disrupt the flow of the public and endanger passersby.
There are also recommendations for general policy of the possible disruption of protest groups at the DNC event. If officers were to commence in disrupting the protest groups, it would be absolutely necessary to show they were acting in accordance with the misdemeanor violation of Section 870.02 in the 2002 Florida Statutes. Essentially, this would mean that officers would have to prove more than three individuals were acting in a way to disturb the peace, rather than to peacefully assemble. It is true, "no actual breach of peace needs to take place" (Unlawful Assembly Dispersal Order).…...



Independent Review Panel. (2004). The Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) Inquiry Report.

M6. (2013). "First Amendment Zones."

M6. (2013). "Unlawful assembly to commit a breach of the peace."

Landmark 4th and 5th Amendment
Pages: 4 Words: 1329

On appeal, Terry argued that the conviction should be thrown out because the search that produced the evidence of the weapon in his possession was improper because it was an impermissible search of his person without a warrant or probable cause as required by the 4th Amendment (Schmalleger, 2009).
The Supreme Court decided that the type of search the police officer conducted was not prohibited by the 4th Amendment. Instead, it was a reasonable and appropriate means of ensuring the safety of the officer from concealed weapons in a tactical situation in which that concern was appropriate in light of the totality of the circumstances in which it occurred. While the 4th Amendment does prohibit more invasive searches with the intention of finding evidence of crimes, (such as for concealed contraband or of small containers), it does not prelude an external frisk now known as a Terry frisk or Terry…...



Delattre, E. (2006). Character and Cops: Ethics in Policing. Washington, DC:

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research.

Hendrie, E. (1997) "The Inevitable Discovery Exception to the Exclusionary Rule." FBI

Law Enforcement Bulletin. Accessed 16 Dec 2011, at:

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