Computer Viruses Essays (Examples)

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Computer Viruses A Quantitative Analysis
Pages: 10 Words: 2542

This report will hopefully pull together the research available with regard to this issue, and also identify what users are most at risk for virus attacks.
The research currently available also confirms that modern viruses are becoming more insidious and complex, with the potential to incur more damage to computers and data than in the past. Studies suggest that newer versions of viruses may escape detection using standard anti-viral software. This presents a new threat to computer users that must be addressed, hence it is more important than ever that effective methods of prevention and control are designed to prevent future data loss.


Design of the Study

The research study takes into consideration multiple factors when deciding the methodology. The history of viruses, positive and negative effects, organizational impacts, etc. will all be examined. These factors will be measured using a variety of techniques including field research that will involve collecting data…...



Hickman, J.R. (1995). "Viruses: New strains, new solutions." ABA Banking Journal,

Hopkins, W. (000). "Quantitative Research." Sports Science. 30, October 2005: 

Horn, R.V. (2003). "Technology: Prudent computing." Phi Delta Kapan, 85(3): 183.

Hunton, J.E. (1998). "Facts and fables about computer viruses." Journal of Accountancy,

Computer Terrorism According to Weimann
Pages: 2 Words: 562

Hacking, the apolitical counterpart of hacktivism, is also not necessarily a form of terrorism. However, cyberterrorists often use hacking as a tool of terrorism.
Terrorists may be tempted to use computer attacks for several reasons including the following. First, cyberterrorism can be relatively inexpensive. Second, terrorists can easily remain anonymous when they use computer terrorism. Third, the scope of the attack can potentially be larger than physically combative ones. Fourth, cyberterror can be launched and managed remotely and fifth, computer terrorism can garner instant and widespread media attention. Cyberterrorism is not only in the province of international terrorist organizations but may also be used by fanatical religious groups or even by disgruntled employess. Using computer terrorism can also become an adjunct to traditional forms of terror like bombs.

The National Security Agency (NSA) has investigated vulnerabilities in their own systems and have hired hackers to expose weaknesses in their systems. Governmental…...



Weimann, G. (2004). Cyberterrorism: How Real Is the Threat? United States Institute of Peace. Retrieved April 17, 2007 at

Computer Is a Device That Accepts Information
Pages: 1 Words: 333

computer is a device that accepts information in the form of digitalized data and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed. Used the right way, computers can be an enormous personal and business productivity tool for automating numerous routine tasks and increasing information storage, retrieval and exchange. Unfortunately, computers also facilitate and expand crime.
Computer crime pertains to any intentional or unintentional harm done to or with information and/or hardware that may result in losses of, or injury to, property, services, and people. Many crimes involving computers are no different from crimes without computers. Some examples include:

Using a computer and peripherals for forgery or counterfeiting is the same crime as using an old-fashioned printing press with ink.

Stealing a laptop computer with proprietary information is the same crime as stealing a briefcase that contains papers with proprietary…...



Eder, Karen. Defining Computer Crime and Technology Misuse." Technology Studies in Education Research Portal. 23 Nov. 2003.

Standler, Ronald B. "Computer Crime." 2002.

23 Nov. 2003. .

TechTarget. 23 Nov. 2003.,sid1_gci211829,00.html .

Computer Crimes
Pages: 9 Words: 2422

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Evolution and Impact of Computer Viruses on Cybersecurity:
This essay explores the history of computer viruses, detailing their progression from simple self-replicating programs to complex malware that can cause significant damage to digital infrastructure, steal sensitive data, and compromise personal information. It discusses the impacts on individuals, businesses, and governments, and the growing importance of robust cybersecurity measures.

2. Cyber Fraud and Its Effect on the Global Economy:
The focus of this essay is the prevalence and variety of cyber fraud, including phishing, identity theft, and financial scams, analyzing how these crimes undermine trust in digital transactions. It examines the economic ramifications for both consumers and organizations, highlighting the need for greater awareness and prevention strategies.

3. The Ethical Implications of Computer Hacking:
This topic invites discussion around the moral considerations of hacking, distinguishing between different motivations such as 'black hat', 'white hat', and 'grey hat' hackers. The essay would delve…...


Primary Sources

United States. National Institute of Justice. \"Cybercrime: Public and Private Entities Face Challenges in Addressing Cyber Threats.\" Washington, D.C.: U.S. Dept. of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, National Institute of Justice, 2007. Print.

United States. Federal Bureau of Investigation. \"Internet Crime Report.\" IC3 Annual Report. Washington, D.C., 2021. Web.

European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation (Europol). \"Internet Organised Crime Threat Assessment (IOCTA).\" The Hague, Netherlands: Europol, 2020. Web.

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on the Judiciary. \"Law Enforcement Tools and Technologies for Investigating Cyber Attacks: A Report to Congress from the Attorney General.\" Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2003. Print.

United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. \"Hearing on Cyber Crimes and the Law: Updating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.\" 113th Cong., 1st sess. H. Hrg. Washington: U.S. G.P.O., 2013. Web.

Computer Networks and Terrorism
Pages: 8 Words: 2546

Cyber Terrorism: The Greatest isk in the U.S.
Tremendous technological advancements have been made in the last few decades. Today, humans depend more on computer networks and information technology (IT) systems than on other means for information. From business to government, computer networks are relied upon to store, process, retrieve, and transfer critical information. Increased dependence on computer networks has, however, posed a major threat. Cyber terrorism is now arguably the biggest threat facing the U.S. (Harress, 2014; Thomas, 2016). Attacks against computer networks via computer viruses, worms, malware, and hacking have become increasingly common. The attacks are directed to information systems and infrastructures that support critical processes such as defense, transportation, banking, and energy production. This threatens the country's social, economic, and political stability. Nonetheless, there are often assertions that the risk of cyber terrorism is not as pervasive or substantial as often portrayed. Though there could be some truth…...



Caplan, N. (2013). Cyber War: The Challenge to National Security. Global Security Studies, 4(1), 93-115.

Chen, T., Jarvis, L., & Macdonald, S. (2014). Cyberterrorism: understanding, assessment, and response. New York: Springer.

Geers, K. (2012). Strategic Cyber Defense: Which Way Forward? Journal of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, 9(1), 1-10.

Harress, C. (2014, February 2). Obama says cyberterrorism is country's biggest threat, U.S. government assembles "cyber warriors." International Business Times. Retrieved from:   government-assembles-cyber-warriors-1556337 -

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Pages: 7 Words: 2541

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act
Information technology and related systems provide multiple benefits to business, government, and individual users. Databases, Internet transactions, and emails contain sensitive customers, employee and operations data that are extremely vulnerable. The following study focuses on various components of IT and related systems used for the storage of information like computers, servers, and website databases. Whilst identifying the ways the date can be compromised and exposed to abuse, the study identifies ways of protecting and enhancing their integrity.

Types of information systems that that hold data


Computers do their primary work in parts that are not visible when using them. To do this, a control center that converts data input to output must be present. All this functions are done by the central processing unit (CPU) a highly complicated set of electric circuits that intertwine to store and achieve program instructions. Most computers regardless of the size must contain…...



Adikesavan, T.A. (2014). Management Information Systems Best Practices and Applications in Business. New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.

Bradley, T. (2006). Essential Computer Security: Everyone's Guide to Email, Internet, and Wireless Security: Everyone's Guide to Email, Internet, and Wireless Security. New York: Syngress

Khosrowpour M. (2006). Emerging Trends and Challenges in Information Technology Management: 2006 Information Resources Management Association International Conference, Washington, DC, USA, May 21-24, 2006 Volume 1. Washington: Idea Group Inc. (IGI)

Kim, D. & Solomon, M. (2010). Fundamentals of Information Systems Security. New York: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Ethics of Virus Research Self-Replicating
Pages: 7 Words: 2230

Intent to perform a greater good would not affect the possibility of being exposed to a prison sentence of up to 20 years and a fine of up to $250,000, plus possible penalties under state law.
Montana compares this legislation with that of the regulation of firearms. It is not the mere possession of malicious code that is criminalized, but the use and the damage to computer systems and association economic losses that are the focal point of the law. Computer code, even MMC, is considered intellectual property and carries legal protections similar to books or sound recordings. It is also considered a form of speech and therefore is also offered protection under the Constitution's First Amendment. However, this protection is limited, just as 'free speech' is limited, especially in instances when this speech interferes with the protection of the public welfare -- as is the case with the release…...


Works Cited

Ford, R., Bush, M., & Boulatov, a."Internet Instability and Disturbance: Goal or Menace?" Proceedings of the 2005 Workshop on New Security Paradigms. 2005: p. 3-8.

Frohmann, B. "Subjectivity and Information Ethics." Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology. 59(2) Jan 2008: p. 267-277.

Johnson, M. & Rogers, K. "The Fraud Act 2006: The E-Crime Prosecutor's Champion or the Creator of a New Inchoate Offence?" International Review of Law, Computers & Technology. 21(3) Nov 2007: p.. 295-304.

Ledin, G. "Not Teaching Viruses and Worms is Harmful." Communications of the ACM. 48(1) Jan 2005: p. 144.

New Computer's Technology the Emergence
Pages: 2 Words: 552

These days, every new computer technology provides many benefits to different kinds of organizations. eing very much in demand in schools, new computer technologies prepare the students in facing the challenges of their future - a future that will certainly be made more advanced by new computer technologies. Another is the importance of new computer technologies in different kinds of industries as they make almost all tasks be completed more quickly and more accurately. Moreover, competition of organizations belonging to same industry seems to rely on who has the latest technology. Whoever has the latest computer technology has the edge of winning clients and being the first to succeed as well.

New computer technologies play important role in the life of humans. They can be learning tools, productivity tools, communication tools, and entertainment tools. As new computer technologies are continuously being developed, it can be expected that change will be constant…...



Geuder, M. (2000). New Computer Technology Aids Hearing-Impaired MSU Student.

Retrieved on November 17, 2006, from Online.

Web site: 

Ruane, M.E. (1999). New Computer Technology Makes Hacking a Snap.

Computers for the Organization All Three Are
Pages: 3 Words: 930

computers for the organization. All three are high-end ultra-slim laptops for the sales force. These are compared according to a number of key variables -- weight, size, performance, memory, communications, power, software, operating system and price. The three models are the MacBook Air, the Toshiba Portege R830 and the Samsung Series 9. A recommendation is made at the end of the paper.
This essay will compare three different computer models for the organization to meet its needs. It is assumed that the computer chosen will have a high need for portability and performance, so the focus is going to be on three high-end lightweight laptops. They are the MacBook Air, the Toshiba Portege R830 and the Samsung Series 9. They will be evaluated on a number of different metrics and considerations.

eight and Size

Each of the three computers has a 13.3" widescreen display. The material that is used is different for…...

Computers Have Changed Lives Opening
Pages: 4 Words: 1285

There's also the issue of speed and response that each of these devices imply and the expectations of those that are members of social networks, keeping mind these social networks could be the departments they work in for their jobs. Even the iPod has this speed of response inherent within it from having the continual stream of new songs copied onto it for use during commuting, working out and working. The advent of social networking sites that are accentuating the speed of response include Twittr and others, which support messaging to PCs, hybrid MP3 players and smart phones. Inherent in the social network that is fostering the growth of these technologies that provide options for collaborating and connecting more than ever before is the implied expectation that once someone is contacted they will respond immediately. The urgency of the immediate often overtakes the importance of the longer-term more introspective…...



Gul Agha. "COMPUTING in PERVASIVE CYBERSPACE. " Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM 51.1 (2008): 68-70. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest.. 28 Apr. 2008 /

Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. "Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. " MIT Sloan Management Review 49.3 (2008): 36-42. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 28 Apr.2008

Robin Snow. "Rethinking the Web. " Marketing Health Services 26.2 (2006): 35-37. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 28 Apr. 2008

Cynthia G. Wagner. "Disconnectivity Demonstrated. " the Futurist 42.2 (2008): 68. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 29 Apr. 2008

Computer Used by the Employee Has Either
Pages: 4 Words: 1061

computer used by the employee has either been compromised physically with a password cracking software (EC-Council,2010;Beaver & McClure,2010) or it has bee compromised remotely with the help of a keylogging software.A keylogger is noted by APWG (2006) as a special crimeware code that is designed with the sole intention of collecting information from the end-user terminal. The stolen information includes every strike of the keyboard which it captures.The most sensitive of the captured information are the user's credentials. Keylogger may also be used to refer to the hardware used for this purpose. The employee's password could also have been shoulder-surfed by his immediate neighbor at the workplace. This could be his coworker who manages to peek and see over his shoulder as he types in sensitive authentication information (password)
Strategy to address the issue as well as the necessary steps for resolving the issue

The strategy for addressing this threat is…...



Anti-Phising Working Group (2006). Phishing Activity Trends Report

Bem, D and Huebner, E (2007).Computer Forensic Analysis in a Virtual Environment. International Journal of Digital Evidence .Fall 2007, Volume 6 (2)

Computers Internet General
Pages: 3 Words: 968

Business Internet Comparison of a Leader and an Upstart

Red vs.

Two prominent companies within the same industry of recent note may be found in the competing personages of Red Hat Software and the successful brand name of Microsoft. Although Red Hat Software is not nearly as well-known as the Titanic brand name of Microsoft, it offers an interesting and different software business perspective to Microsoft's better-known strategy business. Of course, it should be noted that, as Red Hat is the world's premier open source and Linux provider that it is not exactly tiny in its stretch as a company. However, it does not have nearly the status of industry leader as Microsoft, or, more importantly, that company's well-known status as a brand name and purveyor of technology and software.

Microsoft's business strategy is in line with many typical technological vendor models. It attempts to generate business by essentially making…...

Computer Crimes
Pages: 6 Words: 1636

Essay Topic Examples

1. The Evolution of Cybercrime:
    Explore how computer crimes have evolved from simple hacking to sophisticated cyber-attacks, detailing the technological advancements that have facilitated this growth.

2. Legal Frameworks and Computer Crimes:
    Discuss the development of laws and regulations aimed at combating computer crimes, analyzing their effectiveness and areas where they fall short.

3. sychological rofile of Cybercriminals:
    Examine the motivations, backgrounds, and psychological traits common among individuals who commit computer crimes.

4. Cybersecurity Measures Against Computer Crimes:
    Evaluate various cybersecurity strategies and technologies designed to prevent, detect, and respond to computer crimes.

5. The Impact of Computer Crimes on Society:
    Analyze how computer crimes affect individuals, businesses, and governments, including economic impacts, privacy issues, and societal trust.

Essay Title Examples

1. "Navigating the Dark Web: A Journey into Cybercrime"

2. "From Hackers to Cyberterrorists: The Spectrum of Digital Offenders"

3. "The Digital Battlefield: Cybercrime in the 21st Century"

4. "Legal Labyrinths: The Challenge of rosecuting Cybercrime"

5. "Cybersecurity's Achilles Heel: Human Error…...


Primary Sources

Primary Sources

Computer Crime: A Crimefighter\'s Handbook

MLA Citation: Icove, David J., et al. Computer Crime: A Crimefighter\'s Handbook. O\'Reilly Media, 1995.

The Art of Invisibility

MLA Citation: Mitnick, Kevin D. The Art of Invisibility. Little, Brown and Company, 2017.

Cybercrime and Society

MLA Citation: Yar, Majid. Cybercrime and Society. SAGE Publications, 2013.

Networking Computers
Pages: 5 Words: 1518

Computer Networking
In today's society, more people and businesses rely on computers and networks to store vital information and technology.

Networking is the process of moving information via computers rather than via any other medium, such as paper media or mere human communication. In addition to sharing information via networks, computers can share hardware, e.g., laser printers, and software in the networking process. This can save businesses and individuals large sums of money.

The computers or devices on a network are often referred to as "nodes."

To visualize a network, the easiest image is that of two computers hooked together by a cable, transmitting information between the two machines.

There are actually a variety of kinds of networks, e.g., local area networks (LANs) and wide area networks (ANs).

LAN is a relatively localized network:

LAN is a high-speed data network that covers a relatively small geographic area. It typically connects workstations, personal computers, printers, servers, and other…...


Works Cited

Computer Networking." July 4, 2002. .

CERT Coordination Center, "Home Network Security." July 4, 2002 .

Gilbert, H., "Introduction to TCP/IP," February 6, 1995. Yale University. July 6, 2002 .

IBM Redbook Abstract, "TCP/IP Tutorial and Technical Overview." July 5, 2002. IBM, Inc. .

Protecting Data Against Viruses Company
Pages: 2 Words: 700

The owner remarked about how important it is to guard one's system against viruses and intrusion. He went further to remark that there are programs that offer their services free of charge (partial programs or trial versions) to protect one's computer, but he recommends buying a program that offers full protection. This statement concluded the interview "Unfortunately my customers have often learned the importance of protecting their information the hard way; it is not something to be taken lightly." This statement makes a lot of sense. Too often a person will sit back thinking that it is impossible for something to happen to them, when in fact one should always be prepared for the unexpected. The owner of Company Xtreme reported that approximately 50% of his customers are individuals whom have had viruses on there computer. Among this 50%, they also have spyware, which often may allow strangers access…...

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