Computer Network Essays (Examples)

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Computer Network for Bistro Bookstore Computer Network
Pages: 5 Words: 1357

Computer Network for Bistro Bookstore
Computer Network Planning for Bistro Bookstore

Launching a new bistro and bookstore is going to require three specific tasks be completed to ensure the stability, security and continued reliability of the network which over time will become the backbone of the information system and infrastructure of the store. These three tasks include the development of the new network, defining and implementing best practices and procedures for ensuring security of the network and its contents from unauthorized access, and the definition and use of guidelines and strategies for managing the integration of technological and sociotechnical frameworks. Each of these three strategic areas of the Bistro Bookstore is analyzed in this paper.

Planning the Structure of the Network

As the Bistro Bookstore will have two businesses running concurrently, it will be critically important to have a very agile, secure and scalability network architecture. A star topology will be optimal given the…...



Hale, Robert V.,,II. (2005). Wi-Fi liability: Potential legal risks in accessing and operating wireless internet. Santa Clara Computer and High - Technology Law Journal, 21(3), 543-559.

Keller, S., Powell, A., Horstmann, B., Predmore, C., & Crawford, M. (2005). Information security threats and practices in small businesses. Information Systems Management, 22(2), 7-19.

Lehr, W., & McKnight, L.W. (2003). Wireless internet access: 3G vs. WiFi? Telecommunications Policy, 27(5), 351-370.

Leroy, D., Detal, G., Cathalo, J., Manulis, M., Koeune, F., & Bonaventure, O. (2011). SWISH: Secure WiFi sharing. Computer Networks, 55(7), 1614.

Computer Network Security Issues Computer
Pages: 6 Words: 1894

In some instances, policies implemented mainly as cost-effective shortcuts to network system security have cost otherwise good employees their jobs for violations of excessively restrictive network use policies. In the realm of the home computer user, it is possible to buy many new redundant or unnecessary security programs and features. Generally, appropriate network security should not interfere noticeably with either personal home computer use or computer system use in the workplace (Larsen, 2007).

Computer systems and networks are potentially vulnerable to malicious intrusion attempts that can be extremely harmful to home computer users and damaging to professional organizations. The most common types of attempted system infiltrations are those that exploit long-known software vulnerabilities for which security fixes already existed long before those intrusions. It is possible to substantially mitigate the risks posed to computer and network systems by malicious entities trough simply implementing and adhering to basic system security precautions.…...



Baker, W., Hylender, C., Valentine, J. (2008) Verizon Business Data Breach

Investigation Report. Retrieved February 22, 2011 from: 

Ballezza, R.A. "The Social Security Card Application Process: Identity and Credit Card

Computer Network Security -- Information
Pages: 2 Words: 588

Discussion Question 2 - Security Awareness Training and IA Training

In general, security awareness training consists of periodic classes and online tutorials and related quizzes that promote understanding of the nature of different types of threats to information security (Boyce, 2008; Kizza, 2009). That training addresses threats in the nature of malicious intrusion from external entities, malicious intrusion and misuse of information access or system credentials from the inside; and malicious intrusion attempts to gain access to systems and information through social engineering methods (Boyce, 2008; Kizza, 2009). In our organization, the ISO schedules IT security training sessions for the entire staff and also establishes security certification schedules that require all employees to complete and pass online tutorials by specific dates.

Discussion Question 3 -- Appropriate INFOSEC Trainings in Organizations

Generally, in-person group classes and individual online tutorials are the most common types of INFOSEC training programs within business organizations (Boyce, 2008; Kizza,…...



Boyce, J. (2008). Information Assurance: Managing Organizational IT Risks. St. Louis,

MO: Elsevier.

Kizza, J.M. (2009). Computer Network Security. New York: Springer.

Personick, S.D. And Patterson, C.A. (2007). Critical Information Infrastructure

Computer Networks Understood Please Start Reviewing Articles
Pages: 3 Words: 928

computer networks understood. Please start reviewing articles discussing stranger requests received IT personnel: Jennifer Mears & Denise Dubie, Funny tech support stories, CD-OM coffee holders, homemade cookies, frozen computers,
The seven most important things about computer networks that should be understood by everyone who uses one

Principle one: Know how to 'talk the talk'

In the article "They've heard them all," two of the most humorous stories detailing naive users' confusion about computers revolve around simple misunderstandings of vocabulary (Mears & Dubie 2006:1). Some people do not clearly understand what 'cookies' are on their computers -- and even if most users today are cognizant of the fact that cookies in IT parlance means something different than chocolate chip vs. peanut butter, they may merely know that cookies are 'bad' without understanding how websites use them to track or store user information. Simply having users familiar with the vocabulary of their computers --…...



Mears, Jennifer & Denise Dubie. (2006). They've heard them all. Network World. Retrieved: 

Harding, David. (2012). Top 10 common computer trouble-shooting tips. Tips4pc.

Computer Network
Pages: 1 Words: 442

This report is a follow up to troubleshoot the multimillion-dollar life insurance firm Evco Insurance's corporate headquarters network. "Complex, converged, global networks are the critical underpinnings to today's business processes, communications, and productivity enabling applications." ( Initial information provided implies that there are network communication congestion problems and the marketing director stated that at some points of the day there can be 10 minute lags for emails. The Marketing Department has experienced the slowest response times after adding 40 new users to the existing 106. Upon inspection of the network closet, there were 8 excellent hubs with a flurry of lights flickering. The objective here is to brainstorm as to why the lag and poor response times could be occurring.

There are several areas to consider when a network's performance begins to deteriorate. The first concern is if one or several network applications are consuming more than their fair share of…...



Comer, D.E., Internetworking with TCP/IP, 3 vols., Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1991 and 1993. (2009). "Response Time Analysis for Networked Applications: Quality of Experience: A critical component of Performance Management" Retrieved on October 17, 2009, from 

University of South Florida (2009). "Topology: Chapter 5" Retrieved on October 17, 2009, from

Computer Network
Pages: 1 Words: 366

The advent of the Internet, wireless and satellite communication and both computing hardware and software improvements continue to make our world a very small place. Ever since these combined methodologies have allowed us to integrate single or 'dumb' computer terminals that once only accepted data from large mainframes, computer networking has become an integral part of our everyday professional and personal lives. Even the most basic networking infrastructure today can contain an extremely large number of individual nodes that are far more powerful than even the most dominant mainframe of just a few decades ago. This new found networking muscle provides anyone and everyone access to an infinite and global spectrum of information in seconds.

We can look at any business entity and see change: Consider the banking industry. A typical day entails large international banks literally moving trillions of dollars around the globe in seconds while at the same time…...

Remote Access Computer Networks the
Pages: 5 Words: 1388

Instead of training sessions requiring trainers and trainees to be together in the same office, trainers can conduct sessions from one location for employees in multiple remote locations without requiring coordinated travel necessary for traditional professional training sessions (Huang & Frahim, 2008 pp90-91).
The ising Importance of emote Access Computer Networks in Business

Naturally, one of the advantages of using remote computer access networks for presentations, conferences, and staff training is the tremendous cost savings of reducing the travel that was necessary for traditional formats of those essential business functions. The modern era of business globalization only increases the value of that aspect of remote computer access networks, by virtue of the corresponding greater need for business travel and the necessary establishment of business operations in different national and international regions. Similarly, the rising focus on green concerns has increased the importance of reducing unnecessary business travel in connection with addressing…...

DDOS Attacks Computers Computer Networks
Pages: 3 Words: 861

Internet-based DOS attacks can more easily be distributed, meaning there can be multiple machines (often hundreds or thousands, some of them "enslaved" through viruses) sending communications to a particular website -- or technically, to the server on which the site is stored -- that simply overload the server's capacity and could cause it to crash or simply to provide communications that are too slow to be intelligible (oebuck, 2005; Cross, 2008; aghavan & Dawson, 2011). The possibilities and the distance involved make Internet DOS attacks more complex, but with the proper know-how they can be easier to achieve consistently for attackers (oebuck, 2005).
Preventing DOS attacks can be all but impossible, especially in an Internet setting, but taking steps to ensure that a website/server can easily recover from a DOS attack and restore reliable service to users can help reduce the likelihood of that being targeted -- if the attack…...



Cross, M. (2008). Scene of the Cybercrime. Burlington, MA: Elsevier.

Roebuck, T. (2005). DoS and DDoS Attacks. Computer Crime Research Center. Accessed 8 September 2012. 

Raghavan, S. & Dawson, E. (2011). An Investigation into the Detection and Mitigation of Denial of Service (DoS) Attacks. New York: Springer.

Schwartz, M. (2012). 10 Strategies to Fight Anonymous DDoS Attacks. InformationWeek. Accessed 8 September 2012.

Proposal for a Small Business Computer Network
Pages: 8 Words: 1646

PC Selection



Proposal for an Enterprise-Wide Solution for a Small Publishing Company

Small businesses of all types and sizes require viable enterprise-wide solutions to their information technology (IT) needs. This need is especially pronounced in small businesses competing in the publishing industry where all publications are digitized and security needs are paramount. This study is in response to a request from one such publishing firm with 50 employees that requires a proposal for an enterprise-wide solutions including computers, peripherals, networking and security solutions. The company's office is situated in a single-story free-standing building without walls and only pillars supporting the roof and the company has installed glass cubicles for all of its employees. A detailed analysis of the foregoing requirements, including associated costs, is provided below, following by a summary of the research and important findings concerning appropriate computer, peripheral, networking and security solutions for this company in the conclusion.

PC Selection

It will…...



Hutchings, A. & Smith, R. G. (2013, May). Cloud computing for small business: Criminal and security threats and prevention measures. Trends & Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 456, 1-4.

Jing, S. (2012, March 1). Analysis of Lenovo globalization strategy and enlightenment to Chinese enterprises. Canadian Social Science, 8(2), 86-89.

Lenovo C40 All-In-One. (2016). Lenovo. Retrieved from / desktops/lenovo/c-series/c40-30/#galleryPhoto.

Lexmark CX310dn Multifunction Color Photo Printer. (2016). Lenovo. Retrieved from

Computer Networks Are Changing
Pages: 1 Words: 383

Computing networks are certainly changing. There are a couple of different factors driving these changes, which generally include issues of security, privacy, regulatory concerns, and technological advancements. For the most part, these drivers are resulting in positive changes for computer networks.
One of the fundamental ways in which computer networks are changing is that they are incorporating Virtual Private Networks (VPNs). VPNs provide an additional computing network inside of an external network (Monga 343). As such, they are able to buttress security while adding a layer of privacy (Rao and Kavitha 4). There are a number of intruders and hackers who are invading networks without authority. One of the basic ways to meet this broadening challenge is to stifle hackers with the use of a VPN.

Another way that networks are changing is by becoming much more complex. Specifically, the architecture involved with them is taking on additional complexities that make them…...

Computer Networks and Terrorism
Pages: 8 Words: 2546

Cyber Terrorism: The Greatest isk in the U.S.
Tremendous technological advancements have been made in the last few decades. Today, humans depend more on computer networks and information technology (IT) systems than on other means for information. From business to government, computer networks are relied upon to store, process, retrieve, and transfer critical information. Increased dependence on computer networks has, however, posed a major threat. Cyber terrorism is now arguably the biggest threat facing the U.S. (Harress, 2014; Thomas, 2016). Attacks against computer networks via computer viruses, worms, malware, and hacking have become increasingly common. The attacks are directed to information systems and infrastructures that support critical processes such as defense, transportation, banking, and energy production. This threatens the country's social, economic, and political stability. Nonetheless, there are often assertions that the risk of cyber terrorism is not as pervasive or substantial as often portrayed. Though there could be some truth…...



Caplan, N. (2013). Cyber War: The Challenge to National Security. Global Security Studies, 4(1), 93-115.

Chen, T., Jarvis, L., & Macdonald, S. (2014). Cyberterrorism: understanding, assessment, and response. New York: Springer.

Geers, K. (2012). Strategic Cyber Defense: Which Way Forward? Journal of Homeland Security & Emergency Management, 9(1), 1-10.

Harress, C. (2014, February 2). Obama says cyberterrorism is country's biggest threat, U.S. government assembles "cyber warriors." International Business Times. Retrieved from:   government-assembles-cyber-warriors-1556337 -

Network Design Proposal
Pages: 15 Words: 4024

Network Design Proposal
Network equirements

ABC School Stats/User Counts

Having a current strength of approximately 845 students, ABC School provides education from Pre-Kindergarten to the 12th Grade. According to the requirements of The New York School District, 250 Curriculum computers along with 75 Administration computers are to be installed. The requirements for the wiring per room of layer 1 are that it should adjust a total of 25 computers, 24 of which will be used for the curriculum, whereas one will be used for administrative purposes.

WAN Design

The model for the WAN is 2 layers of hierarchy having a total of 3 hubs, one connecting the District Office or the Data Center, one the Service Center, and the remaining one connecting the Black Hawk School. A Frame elay WAN will be responsible for providing the required internet services.

IP Addressing

For all the hosts, interconnection devices, and servers an IP addressing program will be developed which…...



ArrowMail. (2011). "Advice on Choosing the best Range of IP Addresses to use on your LAN." Taken from: 

Begin Linux. (2010). Network Design for Small Business. Taken from: 

Botsford, C. (2011). Learn To v. 3.2." Taken from: 

Crockett, R. (2003). Network design project Sunnyslope elementary school. WESD Network Design Project Proposal.

Network Management and Systems Administration
Pages: 3 Words: 937

Network Management and System Administration
The aim of the paper is to establish the difference between a system administrator and a network administrator. The paper is thus divided into three sections. The first section deals with the basic definition and responsibilities of a system administrator; the second does the same for a network administrator and the third compares their responsibilities to clearly identify the differences between the two.

System Administrator

The maintenance of computer systems in a company is the sole responsibility of a system administrator. They are responsible for maintaining, upgrading and installing servers. They are also entrusted with the task of checking the security of the server and maintaining its backup as well. They are also involved in programming for automating tasks at the server. For this purpose, they write programs, also known as scripting (Schneider, 2012a).

Education criteria for System Administrators:

With respect to the level of qualification, mostly system administrators do…...



Schneider, L. (2012a). System Administrator. Accessed March 7th, 2012 from: 

Schneider, L. (2012b). Network Administrator Profile -- " What is a Network Administrator. Accessed March 7th, 2012 from:

Morgan, H. (2010) Difference between Network and Systems Admin. eHow .com. Accessed March 7th, 2012 from:

Computer History it Is Said
Pages: 5 Words: 1593

In some areas it will be used for more populist applications such as, in schools to introduce students to the discipline and within an environment that will give opportunity for participation of non-academics in academic discussion.

Computer has in a great deal widened the world's knowledge. As the fastest technology that has ever evolved, it has given opportunity for the children and adults, for personal, academic and commercial use. It has made communication to be easier; people get to know what is happening in the other parts of the world instantly. Information and data entering and saving has been made convenient and even easy.


Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. London: The MIT Press, (2000). The MIT Press. etrieved March 8, 2012 from

Moreau, . The Computer Comes of Age -- the People, the Hardware, and the Software. London: The MIT Press, (1984). etrieved March 8, 2012 from




Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. London: The MIT Press, (2000). The MIT Press. Retrieved March 8, 2012 from 

Moreau, R. The Computer Comes of Age -- the People, the Hardware, and the Software. London: The MIT Press, (1984). Retrieved March 8, 2012 from

Networked it Evaluating the Advantages and Disadvantages
Pages: 5 Words: 1458

Networked IT
Evaluating the Advantages and Disadvantages

of Using Cloud-Based Systems for IT Storage and Applications

The emergence of cloud computing as a disruptive innovation is redefining the economics of information technologies, application delivery and the pace of new feature development and introduction. Companies who are standardizing on cloud computing for critical tasks including Customer elationship Management (CM) do so after evaluating several factors, including the opportunity to expense the costs vs. pay for them via capital expense, the customization of the applications, and the ability to selectively update them over time (Lashar, 2009). Cloud-based applications delivered over Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) platforms are paid for as an operating expense, which is often referred to as OPEX. Traditional enterprise software is paid for through CAPEX, or capital expense investment. This is a critical point in the economics of this market and a primary criterion that TUI University needs to consider was it evaluates using a…...



Anthes, G.. (2010). Security in the Cloud. Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, 53(11), 16.

Doelitzscher, F., Sulistio, A., Reich, C., Kuijs, H., & Wolf, D.. (2011). Private cloud for collaboration and e-Learning services: from IaaS to SaaS. Computing. Archives for Informatics and Numerical Computation, 91(1), 23-42.

Robert Hertzberg. (2010). Top Vendors Endure a Shaky Year, Look to SaaS and SOA to Buoy Revenues. Information Management, 20(3), 16.

Hodge, E., & Collins, S.. (2010). Collaborative Efforts: Teaching and Learning in Virtual Worlds. EDUCAUSE Review, 45(3), 62.

What modern technologies have made espionage more sophisticated and difficult to detect?
Words: 448

1. Internet and digital communication: The use of advanced encryption techniques and secure messaging platforms have made it harder for authorities to monitor and intercept communication between spies and their handlers.

2. Satellite imagery: High-resolution satellite imaging technology allows spy agencies to monitor and gather intelligence from remote locations without the need for physical surveillance on the ground.

3. Biometric recognition: The use of biometric technology, such as facial recognition and fingerprint scanning, has made it easier for spies to disguise their identities and avoid detection.

4. Cyber espionage: The use of malware, hacking and other cyber weapons allow spies to infiltrate computer....

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