Computer Literacy Essays (Examples)

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Computer Literacy
Pages: 2 Words: 679
Computer Literacy

Computer literacy is a familiarity and fluency with computers and there numerous applications to life today, which include various aspects of word processing, the internet and online behavior, and others.

Information Literacy

his term denotes a familiarity and fluency at obtaining, parsing, and even analyzing information from myriad sources. Doing so requires a learned skill much like reading, enabling people to know what information is apposite.

I Literacy

I literacy is akin to computer literacy in that the same sort of familiarity that latter requires with computers is extended in functionality to other aspects of information technology, which include mobile devices, cloud applications, sensor or machine-generated devices and data, as well as the architecture and infrastructure required to utilize information technology.

Watch the video and explain

a. Define is the term that applies to understanding just what it is one is looking for, and connotes the appropriate parameters through search techniques to find…...


This source appears suspect for a number of different reasons. On the page that the above url links to, the representatives from this web site are soliciting money from strangers. Thus, the reader can infer that those who are operating this web site definitely have a vested interest in RFID technology. Moreover, that bias is fairly apparent: the site is against it, and is attempting to halt the progress of this technology. Virtually everything about this page that the previously referenced url leads to confirms this fact. Most eminently, of course, is the picture of the various protestors, which includes innocent girls and boys who probably do not know anything about the cause yet are depicted to capture reader attention and to garner support from some sort of emotional appeal.


This site and source appears much more trustworthy than the alternative one. It is an online journal, and thus seems to be making a greater effort to be objective and to report facts more straightforward. Thus, there is a substantially lesser amount of bias found in this source. A look at some of its links includes the fact that it offers case studies and best practices which, although not necessarily empirical evidence, are attempts to offer proof in a dispassionate, objective way to which virtually anyone can relate.

Computer Fluency Impact on a
Pages: 3 Words: 1123

As many of the world's industries are faced with increasing competitive pressure and the need to continually improve their performance, employers look to new employees with computer fluency skills as an indicator that the person also has initiative to tackle difficult learning projects and master them. Initiative is very valuable in today's labor market. When combined with computer fluency and literacy, a prospective employee can add in knowledge of a specific industry and gain a greater competitive advantage in getting a new position. This combination of factors together is what serves as the catalyst for anyone seeking a career where computer fluency is a necessary requirement.

The level of computer literacy and their level of fluency with PCs, applications, the Internet and its many applications and research tools will have a direct correlation to what they will earn over their lifetimes; this point is clear from the studies citied. In…...


Francis Green, Alan Felstead, Duncan Gallie, Ying Zhou. "COMPUTERS and PAY." National Institute Economic Review no. 201 (July 1, 2007): 63-75.   (Accessed April 30, 2008). 

Copacino, William C "Skills development -- the best defense against downsizing." Logistics Management, January 1, 1997, 42.

A (Accessed April 30, 2008).

Computer Upgrade Board Proposal Computer
Pages: 4 Words: 1328

In setting this plan for implementation and maintenance the ultimate goal for the district within the next five years is the creation of a student-to-computer ratio of 1-1 in grades 3-12 and 3-1 for grades K-2 in accordance with developmental studies for the utilization of technology in lesson and course plans for each respective grade. Computers will be updated on an annual basis, with replacement being taken into consideration every four years. In order to maintain cost-effectiveness, leasing programs and low-cost computer programs will allow students and teachers the capacity to access more applications and content which is relevant to consumers but nearly unaffordable in many educational systems. Low-cost computer programs such as the One Laptop per Child Foundation have been developed in order to aggressively place computers in the hands of hundreds of millions of children around the world, the United States included, in order to aid students…...



Aliasgari, M. Mojdehavar, N. And Riahinia, F. (2010). Computer-assisted instruction and student attitudes toward learning mathematics. Education, Business, and Society, 3.1: pp. 6. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Ames, M. And Warschauer, M. (2010). Can one laptop per child save the world's poor?

Journal of International Affairs, 64.1: pp. 33-55. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Carman, E., Lewis, C., Murphy, K. And Richards, J. (2005). Strengthening educational technology in schools and in pre-service teacher education: a practitioner-faculty collaborative process. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 13.1: pp. 125-140. Web. Retrieved from: ProQuest Database.

Literacy the Topic of Information
Pages: 15 Words: 4349

The other sector of life where information literacy is vital and omnipresent is the career field. It is not simply a matter of preference or choice. Many businesses actively embrace the harnessing and day-to-day use of computer and informatics technology because the business being able to thrive in the marketplace or even survive in general as a business can literally depend upon it. Such a state of affairs requires employees and leaders that are well-versed and adept in literacy regarding information, computers and informatics, among other things such as project management skills, leadership traits, and so on.

Job descriptions discoverable online are bereft and thick with requirements that relate to information, computer and informatics literacy. Examples include prospective employees being familiar with the construction and/or use of database technology, internet technology, familiarity with operations systems such as Mac OS and Windows, software suites like Microsoft Office and so on. Failure to…...



Creedy, D.K., Mitchell, M., Seaton-Sykes, P., Cooke, M., Patterson, E., Purcell, C., & Weeks, P. (2007). Evaluating a Web-Enhanced Bachelor of Nursing Curriculum:

Perspectives of Third-Year Students. Journal of Nursing Education, 46(10), 460-

Edwards, J., & O'Connor, P.A. (2011). Improving Technological Competency in Nursing

Students: The Passport Project. Journal of Educators Online, 8(2), 1-20.

Computers in Modern Education Two
Pages: 2 Words: 508

In fact, it is difficult to imagine many other possible areas where increased funding and emphasis would equal the benefits of investing in computer technology in higher education. Computers on campus facilitate communications between students and faculty that provides much closer supervision and better access to professors on the part of students. Even in liberal arts studies of classical literature, computers allow instantaneous access to commentaries and many different academic perspectives from libraries and databases worldwide.
More generally, the current prospect for being hired directly out of college in one's field of study is not particularly good. In all likelihood, most new graduates from American colleges next year will not find employment in their chosen fields directly after college. However, all of them will almost certainly rely heavily on their computer literacy and competence immediately upon being hired in any professional capacity. Today, computer skills play a significant role in…...

Computer Training Program to Enhance
Pages: 25 Words: 6445

Similar to the suggestions offered by Gahala (2001), rody (1995) identified several traits to be considered when developing a comprehensive professional development program. Among those traits include the reputation of the trainer, the rewards available to the participants, both tangible and intangible, and the support of the administration. Traditional staff development models have required everyone to participate at the same time and in the same location creating problems such as scheduling, travel, space, and funding. intrim (2002) notes that web-delivered staff development allows teachers to log on and participate at the time of day that is best for them and at the pace they are the most comfortable with.
urke (1994) concluded that the use of effective distance education programs for K-12 staff development should be increased to supplement face-to-face in-services due to the positive evaluations of K-12 educators who participated in the electronic distance education in-service programs. However, other…...



Bintrim, L. (2002). Redesigning professional development. Educational Leadership, 59

Blumenfeld, P.C., Marx, R.W., Soloway, E. & Krajcik, J. (1996). Learning With Peers:

From Small Group Cooperation to Collaborative Communities. Educational Researcher, 25(8), 37- 40.

Books, J., Cayer, C., Dixon, J., Wood, J. (2001). Action Research Question: What Factors Affect Teachers' Integration of Technology in Elementary Classrooms?

Computer Assisted Writing Learning Applied
Pages: 20 Words: 6823

" Shin (2006) Shin also states that the CMC literature "illustrates shifts of focus to different layers of context." Early on, research relating to CMC in language learning and teaching looked at the linguistic content of CMC text to examine how language learners could improve certain communication functions and learn linguistic figures through CMC activities (lake, 2000; Chun, 1994; Kern, 1995; Ortega, 1997; Pellettieri, 2000; Smith 2000, Sotlillo, 2000; Toyoda & Harrison, 2002, Tudini, 2003; Warschauer, 1996) Recent studies of "tellecollaborative projects have examined how language learners jointly construct the contexts of their CMC activities, as part of their focus on tensions among intercultural communication partners. (elz, 2003, 2003; Kramsch & Thorn, 2002; O'Dowd, 2003; Ware 2000, War & Kramsch, 2005) IN the study of Shin (2006) which was "informed by Ware's (2005) examination of a tellecollaborative communication project between American college students and German students" Shin (2006) looks into…...



Introduction to Computational Linguistics (2006) Computer-Assisted Language Learning .

Lusnia, Karen B. (1000) Teaching Teachers Long-Distance: A Paradigm-Shift for the Teacher-Planner in Mexico - Applied Linguistics. Paper presented at the International Conference on Language Teacher Education.

Bakhtin, M.M. (1981). Excerpts from discourse in the novel. In M. Holquist (Ed.), The dialogic imagination: Four essays by M.M. Bakhtin. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press.

Bateson, G. (2000). Steps to an ecology of mind: Collected essays in anthropology, psychiatry, evolution, and epistemology. Chicago, IL: University Of Chicago Press.

Train Faculty to Use Computers
Pages: 12 Words: 3186

" (Cole and Styron, nd)
Cole and Styron report that with the additional technology available in today's schools it would be natural to believe that students would enter the workforce better prepared for use of technology than previously. This is stated however to not be the case since reports show that in 1998 approximately 22% of employees possessed the necessary technology skills upon entering the workforce and these are technology skills needed for approximately 60% of the new jobs in the job market.

From these statistics it can be assumed that teachers are failing to incorporate technology into classroom instruction and thereby failing to enable students in expansion of their learning to include technology use. The work of Poole and Moran (1998) is stated to have made identification of several factors known to contribute to the ineffectiveness of staff development in the area of technology. Those factors are stated as follows:

(1) lack…...



Perspectives on Instructional Technology (1997) Teaching Academy University of Wisconsin-Madison. May 1997. Online available at: 

Barr, Mary (1998) Technology in-Servicing 21 May 1998. Online available at: 

Zelin, Robert C. II and Baird, Jane E. (2007) Training Faculty to Use Technology in the Classroom. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal Vol. 3 No. 3. Third Quarter 2007. Online available at:

Perspectives on Instructional Technology (1997) Teaching Academy University of Wisconsin-Madison May 1997. Online available at:

Management Software Computers and High-Tech
Pages: 2 Words: 696

Having good case management software could easily avoid all of these types of problems that might come about from rival gang members and from other issues where a person would not be 'safe' in a prison cell with another individual for a specific reason. The same is often true with a police officer that has broken the law and is now incarcerated, or a child molester being put in with prisoners that have children and value those children even though they may have done something awful to another adult.
Computer literacy is very important, so say both educators and the general public (Eisenberg, 1996). However, police departments and correctional facilities have only begun to realize the significance that computers can have for the rehabilitation and transfer of prisoners. According to orglund (n.d.), records are an extremely important part of police work, and the change from standard record-keeping to electronic record…...



Borglund, E. (n.d.). Operational use of electronic records in police work. Department of Information Technology and Media. Mid-Sweden University, Harnosand, Sweden.

Eisenberg, M. & Johnson, D. (1996). Computer Skills for Information Problem-Solving: Learning and Teaching Technology in Context. ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse on Information and Technology, Syracuse NY.

Literacies According to Mora 2000
Pages: 6 Words: 2391

Activities such as reading the names of street signs and stores and reading the ingredients on packages can help make children aware of the importance of printed words.
One of the most important things parents can do to encourage literacy in their early learner is to talk to their child. In a study conducted by Hart and isley (1995, 1999 as cited by osenkoetter & Barton, 2002), children whose parents talked to them more frequently learned to read faster, had more proficient oral and written vocabularies, better grammatical skills, and performed higher on academic tasks than children whose parents were less verbal. Asking questions and sharing experiences are simple but effective methods of having children retell information and use sequencing skills.

Technology Literacy

Children who have access to computers and learning software have an academic advantage over other students. A study conducted by Zevenbergen & Logan (2008) examined the ways in which…...



Campbell, a. (2009, June). Learning with technology for pre-service early childhood teachers. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 34(2), 11-18. Retrieved March 20, 2010 from

Freeman, L. & Bochner, S. (2008, December). Bridging the gap: improving literacy outcomes for indigenous students. Australian Journal of Early Childhood, 33(4), 9-16. Retrieved March 20, 2010 from

Fluckiger, B. (2006). Children's cross-cultural literacy experiences in three worlds: enacting agency. School of Cognition Language and Special Education. Retrieved March 20, 2010 from

Gillet, J. et al. (2008). Understanding Reading Problems: Assessment and Instruction. (7th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

Computers and Technology in the Classroom One
Pages: 2 Words: 852

Computers and Technology in the Classroom
One of the critical advantages of introducing technology into the classroom, even for the youngest of elementary school children, is that technology offers the presentation of clear problems that require immediate, hands-on solutions with appreciable results. (Roblyer, 2003) Computers have a tactile and visual quality in their applications that are enticing as toys to elementary school level children. Unlike many toys, however, there is an educational and real-life component to using computers that makes the integration of technology crucial to modern education. One must not allow one's students to be part of the much discussed digital divide that separates tomorrow's workers from those whom are technically literate from those whom are not.

There is also a communications aspect to the use of technology in the classroom, as embodied through the use of the Internet and the orld ide eb that would be of value for…...


Works Cited

Cassell, J. (2002). "We Have These Rules Inside": The Effects of Exercising Voice in a Children's Online Forum," In: S. Calvert, A. Jordan, and R. Cocking (editors). Children in the Digital Age: Influences of Electronic Media on Development. Westport, Conn.: Praeger.

David Huffaker. (June 2004) "The educated blogger: Using weblogs to promote literacy in the classroom " First Monday. Volume 6. Retrieved on September 9, 2004. .

Intel. (1997) Intel Education Odyssey Day. Retrieved on September 9, 2004 

Roblyer, M.D. (2003). Integrating educational technology into teaching. Third Edition. New York: Merrill Prentice Hall.

Computer Assisted Instruction in Education
Pages: 5 Words: 1562

Vision of Student Learning
The vision of Paterson Public Schools is “to be the leader in educating New Jersey’s urban youth” (Paterson, 2017). My vision of student learning is aligned with the school’s vision in the sense that my goal is to help my students be the leaders of their communities, classrooms, schools, and workplaces when they grow up. Part of this leadership must come from character education, which Lickona (1993) and Kristjansson (2014) note is of particular importance in today’s schools. Part of what helps to inform character education is the focus on self-directed learning, which was advocated by Maria Montessori through the Montessori Method (Mangal, 2007). One of the best ways to promote self-directed learning and thereby facilitate character education and achieve the vision of the school is to use computer-assisted instruction as a teaching approach (Hsieh, 2017).

The process needed to implement and promote my vision required access to…...

How Hackers Defeat Computer Security Systems
Pages: 2 Words: 727

Critical Information Literacy: Tools for CourseworkToday, cyberattacks are disrupting and even destroying the computer operations of countless business of all sizes and types, and hackers appear capable of overcoming the latest protections that are available. Fortunately, there are some steps that business practitioners can take to protect their computer files from cyberattacks. To learn more about these, the purpose of this paper is to provide a review of selected resources to describe the importance of cybersecurity in the workplace and the respective benefits of regularly updating applications, of password control and virtual private networks.Cybersecurity in the WorkplaceMany people may not realize just how insidious some types of attacks on their computer security may be, and it is easy to fall into a hackers trap through clever social engineering tactics (How to avoid social engineering attacks, 2016). In particular, social engineering tactics use ordinary emails to phish for sensitive or proprietary…...


References-Oxen Technology. (2018, June 11). Basic cybersecurity tips for the workplace.-Rosenblatt, S., & Cipriani, J. (2015, June 15). Two-factor authentication: What you need to know (FAQ). Cnet.-Symantec Corporation. (2019). What is social engineering? Tips to help avoid becoming a victim.Using the resources provided in this above, compose a brief assignment (500 to 800 words, approximately 2 to 3 pages) about cybersecurity in the workplace.*What are the benefits of regularly updating applications (apps), of password control, and of VPNs?Credit all sources you used to complete your assignment. You will not be graded in this assignment on the details of citation style, but it is important that you indicate to the best of your ability when you have used information from an outside source.

Internet Communication the Face of Literacy Is
Pages: 2 Words: 705

Internet Communication
The face of literacy is changing. In 1955, being literate meant being able to read and write well enough to do such things as read a newspaper and write letters. In the year 2005, however, many more demands are made on reading and writing skills. In addition to being able to read such things as magazines and books and being able to write letters or other short written communication, the majority of people now communicate extensively using computers in the form of email, news groups, instant messaging, mailing list, weblogs, and web pages. These methods, all of which rely heavily on writing, have put more emphasis on written communication than ever before.

The Smart Library on Literacy and Technology notes that literacy instruction has already begun to reflect emphasis on the computer in both reading and writing. In fact, computer technology has changed not only how we write but how…...



Author not given. 2005. "Join Newsgroups: All About Newsgroups." Accessed via the Internet 10/8/05.

Heller, Steven. 2004. "Blog me, blog me not: design blogs offer stimulating idea forums, along with rambling, self-indulgent rants." Print, May 12.

Huang, Josie. 2004. "Instant message, instant relief; E-mails ease families' fears about Maine Guardsmen attacked in Iraq." Portland Press Herald (Maine), April 21.

Pillemer, Jack. No date given. "E-mail as a teaching tool." In ETAI Summer 1997. Accessed via the Internet 10/8/05.

Apple Computer Assistive Technology Equipment
Pages: 5 Words: 1702


American Sign Language materials. DawnSign press. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

ERICA system. Eye Response Technology. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

Failure Free Reading Program. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

FrogPad Keyboard. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

HeadMouse extreme. Orin, access. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

Kahn, a.. Assistive technology for children who have Cerebreal Palsy: Augmentation communication devices. New Horizons for Learning. Inclusion. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

SoftTTY. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

Universal accesibility. Apple computers. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

Wilson, Z. Network administrator and computer programmer. Personal consultation.

X-10. Products, Always Thinking. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at



American Sign Language materials. DawnSign press. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at 

ERICA system. Eye Response Technology. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

Failure Free Reading Program. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at 

FrogPad Keyboard. Accessed online November 21, 2004 at

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