Computer Industry Essays (Examples)

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Dell the Personal Computer Industry in 1998
Pages: 4 Words: 1246

The personal computer industry in 1998 was attractive. Using Porter's five forces analysis, the reasons for this attractiveness can be determined (QuickMBA, 2010). Most computer makers have a moderate amount of bargaining power over suppliers. The handful of major computer makers have high volume and the inputs are not sufficiently differentiated, both factors that give some power to the computer maker. There are also low switching costs within the industry. The exceptions are in the two main components of a computer. There are only two major chip companies -- AMD and Intel, and only one major operating system (indows). This gives these companies much higher bargaining power over computer makers than other suppliers enjoy. As a result, the bargaining power over suppliers is only moderate, implying that for the most part the bargaining power of suppliers is slightly weak.

hile the bargaining power of suppliers is weak, the bargaining power of…...


Works Cited:

Brown, A. (2007). Working with a price sensitive buyer. EZine Articles. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from 

Porter, M. (no date). Industry structure and competitive strategy: Keys to profitability. Arkansas State University. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from

QuickMBA. (2010). Porter's five forces. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from 

QuickMBA. (2010). Porter's generic strategies. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from

Apple the Computer Industry Is
Pages: 3 Words: 904

This represents a shift in corporate strategy. The company for most of its existence operated as a niche player, essentially utilizing a differentiated focus strategy. The current strategy, however, has been to downplay the exclusivity it long sought to cultivate and focus on a broad differentiation strategy instead (Burrows et al., 2007).
Apple has continued in recent years with this strategy. The company has continued to release different iPhone version and has introduced the iPad in order to revitalize the moribund tablet computer market. The company has continued to garner success in the mainstream, and that has translated into substantial gains in revenue, profit and stock price. In most products, this has also translated into market share, though conspicuously the company still holds a single digit share in the personal computer market.

The company still faces intense competition in most of its product lines, and competes against different firms in these…...


Works Cited:

Burrows, P., Hesseldahl, a., & Crocket, R. (2007). WELCOME to PLANET APPLE; how the high tech maverick became a global trendsetter. Business Week. July 09. 2007, Issue 4042,-page 88 

Apple, Inc. Retrieved August 26, 2009 from .

Computer Competencies Industry Analysis Core
Pages: 6 Words: 1572

The core competencies identified for this paper include: (1) data management (2) personnel management (3) strategic planning and (4) the ability to create technological innovation. ealistically speaking, a company must integrate all of its capabilities to assess its position in the market, and to determine which if any of its core competencies it must work on developing further to maintain a stable position in a volatile workplace. The computer industry is constantly evolving and changing. To be a leader in the industry one might guess the most important core capability for a computer company to have is innovative leaders and the ability to create and easily adapt to new technology.
With a foundation that includes core capabilities as data management, strategic planning and personnel management, a company could easily do this without hardship.


Aung, M. & Heeler, . (2001, Aug). "Core competencies of service firms: A framework for strategic decisions in…...



Aung, M. & Heeler, R. (2001, Aug). "Core competencies of service firms: A framework for strategic decisions in international markets." Journal of Marketing Management, 17(8): 619-643.

Business Review. "Dassault Systemes S.A." Computer Business Review Online. Retrieved 3, May 2007: 

Cappelli, Peter & Crocker-Hefter, Anne. (1993). "Distinctive human resources are the core competencies of firms." EQW Working Papers, WP18. ERIC ED 372190.

Gartner, Inc. (May, 2007). "Gartner says companies must have a "Chindia" strategy." Research News. Tekrati, the Industry Analyst Reporter. Retrieved 3, May 2007:

Computer IBM Entered the Computer
Pages: 20 Words: 8433

To some users of personal computers, who state, never trust a computer that you cannot lift; the IBM has been viewed, more often than not, as an enemy, and according to Byte, the computer magazine, this was because of the fact that the IBM company rose to fame mainly on the basis of its mainframe computers, that were large and forbidding, and overwhelmingly bulky. This was probably why, when the rest of the world was eyeing the emerging opportunities in the minicomputer market, the IBM never paid any attention, and even though IBM did succeed in capturing a large chunk of that market, it did not happen until Digital had captured the minicomputer market and had grown into a large corporation.
In the past few years, IBM has agreed to change the ways in which it conducts its business, and adapt to the changing times when the prices of computers…...



Ellett, John. "About / Best Practices Center, Results Oriented Integrated Marketing the Dell

Way" Retrieved at   accessed 27 July, 2005 .

Konrad, Rachel. (10 August, 2001) "From Bits to Boom, IBM PC turns 20" Retrieved at   accessed 27 July, 2005. .

Outsourcing Law, Deal structure, Case Study." Retrieved at accessed 27 July, 2005

Computer Fundamentals the Pace of
Pages: 6 Words: 1767

Subtopic 6: Job management and protection; include a serious discussion of security aspects

The most commonly leveled criticism of operating systems is the inherent lack of security they have (Funell, 2010). Defining operating systems to have partitioned memory is just the start, as Microsoft learned with their Windows NT platform. Dedicated memory partitions by user account can be hacked and have been (Funell, 2010). The need for greater levels of user authentication is required, including the use of biometrics for advanced systems that have highly confidential data within them. The reliance on security-based algorithms that also seek to analyze patterns of use to anticipate security threats are increasingly in use today (Volkel, Haller, 2009). This aspect of an operating system can capture the levels of activity and the patterns they exhibit, which can provide insights into when a threat is present or not. The use of predictive security technologies, in addition…...



Boudreau, K.. (2010). Open Platform Strategies and Innovation: Granting Access vs. Devolving Control. Management Science, 56(10), 1849-1872.

Jason Dedrick, & Kenneth L. Kraemer. (2005). The Impacts of it on Firm and Industry Structure: The Personal Computer Industry. California Management Review, 47(3), 122-142.

Furnell, S.. (2010). Usability vs. complexity - striking the balance in end-user security. Network Security, 2010(12), 13-17.

Larus, J.. (2009). Spending Moore's Dividend. Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, 52(5), 62.

Computer What Is Going to
Pages: 10 Words: 4223

In the same year, the founders started a new company for computer development called the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation. By 1949, this company launched the BINAC or Binary Automatic computer. This computer made use of magnetic tape for the storage of data. Then this company was bought by emington and Corporation and the name was changed to Univac Division of emington and. This company was the organization to bring out UNIVAC which is one of the originals of the type of computers that are used today. (Inventors of the Modern Computer: The ENIAC I Computer - J Presper Eckert and John Mauchly)
1951 - UNIVAC begins to take over the business industries market:

Presper Eckert and John Mauchly set up their company and found their first client in the United States Census Bureau. The population of United States was growing very fast due to the baby boom that was taking place then…...



Bellis, Mary. "Inventors of the Modern Computer: The Atanasoff-Berry Computer the First

Electronic Computer - John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry." Retrieved at   Accessed 6 October, 2005 .

Bellis, Mary. "Inventors of the Modern Computer: The ENIAC I Computer - J Presper Eckert and John Mauchly" Retrieved at   Accessed 6 October, 2005 .

Bellis, Mary. "Inventors of the Modern Computer: The Harvard MARK I Computer - Howard

Computers and Culture Using the Book Technopoly
Pages: 7 Words: 2023

computers and culture, using the book "Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology," by Neil Postman, and other resources. Specifically, it will answer the questions: How have computers and computer networks changed human thinking, behavior, and lifestyle? What has been gained? What has been lost? What are the advantages of computers in communication? In education? In entertainment? In the economy? What are the disadvantages in these areas? Is computer technology creating winners and losers, or furthering social stratification? Have we become too dependent on computers? Do computers limit social skills and physical activity to a damaging degree? Why or why not? Computers have changed our national culture and our global culture, and not always for the better. When they were first developed for the mass market, computers were meant to increase productivity and cut down on paper work. Today, computers have permeated every section of our lives, and our…...



Berg, R. Dreyer. "Our Computational Culture: From Descartes to the Computer." ETC.: A Review of General Semantics 51.2 (1994): 123+.

Marsha Kinder, ed. Kids' Media Culture. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1999.

Perrolle, Judith A. "Information, Technology, and Culture." The Relevance of Culture. Ed. Morris Freilich. New York: Bergin & Garvey Publishers, 1989. 98-114.

Postman, Neil. Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology. New York, Vintage Books, 1992.

Computer History it Is Said
Pages: 5 Words: 1593

In some areas it will be used for more populist applications such as, in schools to introduce students to the discipline and within an environment that will give opportunity for participation of non-academics in academic discussion.

Computer has in a great deal widened the world's knowledge. As the fastest technology that has ever evolved, it has given opportunity for the children and adults, for personal, academic and commercial use. It has made communication to be easier; people get to know what is happening in the other parts of the world instantly. Information and data entering and saving has been made convenient and even easy.


Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. London: The MIT Press, (2000). The MIT Press. etrieved March 8, 2012 from

Moreau, . The Computer Comes of Age -- the People, the Hardware, and the Software. London: The MIT Press, (1984). etrieved March 8, 2012 from




Ceruzzi, Paul E. A History of Modern Computing. London: The MIT Press, (2000). The MIT Press. Retrieved March 8, 2012 from 

Moreau, R. The Computer Comes of Age -- the People, the Hardware, and the Software. London: The MIT Press, (1984). Retrieved March 8, 2012 from

Computer Fluency Impact on a
Pages: 3 Words: 1123

As many of the world's industries are faced with increasing competitive pressure and the need to continually improve their performance, employers look to new employees with computer fluency skills as an indicator that the person also has initiative to tackle difficult learning projects and master them. Initiative is very valuable in today's labor market. When combined with computer fluency and literacy, a prospective employee can add in knowledge of a specific industry and gain a greater competitive advantage in getting a new position. This combination of factors together is what serves as the catalyst for anyone seeking a career where computer fluency is a necessary requirement.

The level of computer literacy and their level of fluency with PCs, applications, the Internet and its many applications and research tools will have a direct correlation to what they will earn over their lifetimes; this point is clear from the studies citied. In…...


Francis Green, Alan Felstead, Duncan Gallie, Ying Zhou. "COMPUTERS and PAY." National Institute Economic Review no. 201 (July 1, 2007): 63-75.   (Accessed April 30, 2008). 

Copacino, William C "Skills development -- the best defense against downsizing." Logistics Management, January 1, 1997, 42.

A (Accessed April 30, 2008).

Computer Contracting Opportunities for a Computer Component
Pages: 4 Words: 994

Computer Contracting
Contracting Opportunities for a Computer Component Manufacturer: Trends in Federal Spending

The pace of technological development is now faster than it ever has been at any other time in human history, and this pace has been steadily increasing for several decades. The emergence of the computer in the first half of the twentieth century could not have foretold the power and mobility that these devices would provide a few short generations later, nor the opportunities that continuing advancement and technological growth would supply to businesses. For Vigilant Technology, a manufacturer of computer components, the opportunities are virtually endless. Selecting the most profitable route forward can be made more difficult by the abundance of choices, yet an examination of the current contracts being offered by the federal government can help indicate the large-scale trends needed for long-term profits, not to mention providing immediate short-term gains in terms of the contracts themselves.…...


Reference (2011). Accessed 23 April 2011.

Computer Hard Drives
Pages: 6 Words: 1684

Computer Hard Drives
The globalization of computer technology offers a vast number of remarkable tools, devices, applications, and advanced equipments that brings comfort in our daily work and activities. New features, designs, and capabilities of various computer peripherals and hardware are continuously being developed and brought out to market for better performance of the current technology. One very important part of a computer that experiences the trend of up-to-date improvement is the Hard Drive.

This paper aims to provide information on the evolution of computer hard drives. Included in this paper is the history of hard drive, from the time it was developed as computer hardware up to the continuous production of new and upgraded performance of data storage mediums. The various types of this technology, its changing features, and the companies who provide us with this dependable hardware are also discussed in this paper.


Of the diverse parts of a computer, the…...



Legard, David. Smaller, Faster Hard Drives Coming Soon. PC World. 2003.

Kozierok, Charles. A Brief History of the Hard Disk Drive. PC Guide. 2001.

Byard, Larry. Hard Disk Drive Guide History.

Dux Computer Digest. 09 April 2003.

Computer Program Design What I
Pages: 6 Words: 1817

The programming design class gives the student many tools that they will need on the job, but there is much more to the design process than having the right tools. The ability to apply those tools to the situations that will arise on the job is one of the most important skills that the designer will have. However, this is not always easy to teach in the classroom. Therefore, it is important for the design student to read as many outside sources as possible. They must understand the various philosophies and approaches to the design process. They must understand the strengths and weaknesses of those approaches and how they relate to various customer projects. The computer program design student must develop the broadest knowledge base possible in order to deliver a quality product to the customer.


Din, J. & Idris, S. (2009). Object-Oriented Design Process Model. International Journal of Computer Science…...



Din, J. & Idris, S. (2009). Object-Oriented Design Process Model. International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security. 9 (10): 71-79.

Guzman, J., Mitre, H. & Amescua, a. et al. (2010). Integration of strategic management, process improvement and quantitative measurement for managing the competitiveness of software engineering organizations. Software Quality Journal. DOI: 10.1007/s11219-

9094-7 Retrieved May 31, 2010 from


Computer Consulting - Marketing Plan
Pages: 4 Words: 1028

Do you keep the magasine after you read it?
7.What is your age?

15-24 years

25-34 years

35-44 years

45-54 years

55-65 years over 65 years

8.What activity do you perform?

A work in the medical domain/social assistance

Liberal proffesions and private businesses work in the financial domain work in the public administration domain work in the commerce and services domain work in the medical domain work in the industry domain

Others (please mention)

9.Where do you live?

A city with more than 500.000 people city between 500.000-200.000 people city between 200.000-50.000 people

In the countryside

10.Which is your monthly income?

Under 1.000$

etween 1.000-3.000$

etween 3.000-10.000$

Over 10.000$

11. Which are your hobbies?

A a) Travelling b) Sports c) Reading


As I have predicted, the greatest part of the Cosmopolitan's readers (80%), are of ages between 20 and 35 years, most of whom (55%) are rather students or part of the upper class of the society. Moreover, 75% of them read the magasine regularly and only 25% occasionally, and more…...



WELCH Susan and Rebekah Herrick, "Women and minorities in the United States," New York:Praeger, pp. 1985

Rory O'BRIEN, "Normative vs. Empirical theory and Method," New York, new York American library, 1981

J.P. GUILFORD, 'Psychometric Methods," McGraw-Hill, New York, 1954

E. GUMMERSSON, Relationship Marketing," Macmillan Publishing Company, new York, 1993 case study conducted in Sacramento, California, in the period 10.19.2006-10.22.2006

Computer Information Systems Marketing Information
Pages: 2 Words: 636

Future Development Trends

The pervasiveness of the Internet and the increasing availability of development tools for creating analytics applications are together serving as the catalyst for the development of an entirely new set of predictive analytic and modeling applications where the performance of specific strategies can be simulated and planned for (Gounaris, Panigyrakis, Chatzipanagiotou, pp. 615, 616). Second, the development of collaborative platforms based on the Internet is also making the data collection function of Marketing Information Systems much more streamlined that has been the case in the past.


Marketing Information Systems are transforming the accuracy and speed that companies' marketing, sales and senior management can react to market conditions effectively. The growth of these systems is in direct proportion to the increasing speed and uncertainty new markets and market conditions influence company's plans and results.


Kristof Coussement, Dirk Van den Poel. "Integrating the voice of customers through call center emails into a…...



Kristof Coussement, Dirk Van den Poel. "Integrating the voice of customers through call center emails into a decision support system for churn prediction. " Information & Management 45.3 (2008) 164. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 29 Apr. 2008.

Elizabeth Daniel, Hugh Wilson, Malcolm McDonald. "Towards a map of marketing information systems: An inductive study. " European Journal of Marketing 37.5/6 (2003): 821-847. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 29 Apr. 2008

Spiros P. Gounaris, George G. Panigyrakis, Kalliopi C. Chatzipanagiotou. "Measuring the effectiveness of marketing information systems:an empirically validated instrument. " Marketing Intelligence & Planning 25.6 (2007): 612-631. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 29 Apr. 2008.

Ronald L. Hess, Ronald S. Rubin, Lawrence a West Jr. "Geographic information systems as a marketing information system technology. " Decision Support Systems 38.2 (2004): 197-212. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 27 Apr. 2008.

Computer-Based Crime
Pages: 4 Words: 1254

Computer-Based Crime
The illegal site I reviewed for this assignment is This site covers virtually all aspects of marijuana growing -- which is an illegal activity because marijuana is widely outlawed in the United States. However, there are some states in which individuals can legally consume marijuana for medicinal purposes. In these states and others there exists the potential for businesses to legally supply this substance to people.

There is a large degree of transparency in this particular web site. It was the first result to appear with a Yahoo search for "How to grow marijuana." As the tile of the site suggests, it discusses many different facets of growing marijuana and stratifies this process according to location (indoor or outdoors), various strains of marijuana including seeds (No author, 2014), irrigation and growth systems involving hydroponics, and other germane equipment types such as the expensive lights used to assist marijuana growth.…...



Faris, S. (2013). Have the NSA leaks compromised Big Data's future? Retrieved from 

No author. (2014). Marijuana seed strains review. Retrieved from 

Romero, R. (2011). Craigslist illegal drug trade exposed.

Retrieved from

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