Compliance Essays (Examples)

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HRM Functions and Compliance Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1628

Compliance and the H Functions
Human esource function is an important aspect for nearly all organizations regardless of whether they are small or medium-sized organizations with 20-100 and 100-500 employees. The significance of this function is shown by statistics associated with effective management and constant organizational growth. Companies usually make costly mistakes that are preventable due to lack of H professional guidance from internal H professionals and outside H consultant. Some of these costly mistakes arise from relatively common employment-related issues, which have significant impact on organizational efficiency, productivity, sales and revenues, effectiveness, and decreased profitability. The other factors that contribute to costly mistakes in human resource are compliance issues related to some legal requirements. Some regulations with HM compliance issues include Employment at Will, Fair Credit eporting Act, Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, Immigration eform and Control Act, and Uniformed Services Employment and eemployment ights Act.

Compliance Issues with Various Laws:

One of…...



"Certegy Check Services to Pay $3.5 Million for Alleged Violations of the Fair Credit Reporting

Act and Furnisher Rule." (2013, August 15). Protecting Americas Consumers. Retrieved from Federal Trade Commission website: 

"Companies Struggle to Prepare for New Immigration Compliance Regulations and the Electronic Verification System." (2007, August 6). National PEO -- Empowering Business Success. Retrieved May 9, 2014, from 

"Fabricut to Pay $50,000 to Settle EEOC Disability and Genetic Information Discrimination

Ensuring Compliance by Study Subjects in a Clinical Trial
Pages: 2 Words: 674

Compliance, Noncompliance, and Discontinuation of Study Subjects
Compliance is an important consideration in working with subjects in a clinical trial. In order to accurately evaluate the safety and efficacy of the investigational product, it is essential that study subjects comply with its use as prescribed by trial control. As part of achieving this objective, it is important to communicate with subjects before the commencement of a study in order to optimize the potential for compliance. Communicating with subjects before the start of a study to optimize the likelihood for compliance requires careful planning during recruitment of subjects. While compliance in a clinical trial is voluntary and largely directed or controlled by the study subject, it can sometimes be coerced given its significance in the trial.

In this case, communicating with study subjects prior to the commencement of a study to optimize the potential of compliance would entail designing protocols and models of…...



Lamb, M. (n.d.). Improving Patient Compliance in Clinical Trials: Smart Packages or Smart Design? Retrieved September 29, 2015, from 

Robinson et. al. (2011). Communications handbook for clinical trials. Washington, DC: Microbicides Media and Communications Initiative.

HR Functions and Compliance Process
Pages: 4 Words: 1272

Compliance and the H Functions
eviewing the laws and Identification of two HM compliance issues

Organizations as few as 14 employees are required to comply with at least 15 federal labor laws as well as some local and state laws. However, organizations that have at least 50 employees can be subject to 20 federal labor laws. Management of some small employees may believe that labor laws only pertain to large organizations, however, all small, medium and large organizations are required to comply with federal labor laws that affect them. Compliance of labor laws is very critical for effective human resources management (HM). HM compliance is the process where organizations are required to respect the federal labor laws during recruiting, selection, promotion and compensation of employee. (KPMG, 2013).

GINA (Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act) is one of the labor laws that organizations are required to comply to protect employees from genetic discrimination of employment and…...


Resources Regulatory Compliance. KPMG Report.

National Library of Medicine (2014).The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA). Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications.

Robbins, S. & Judge, T. (2009). Organizational Behavior (13th edition). New York, Prentice Hall.

Senior Management and Compliance
Pages: 11 Words: 3347

Compliance, isk and Governance
This report presents to the board of WB a brief overview of the key findings from the review undertaken, elucidating the concerns recognized from the initial findings from an internal audit. The report, then offers a clear clarification as to why continuation of existing practices (and lack of correctional measures) will be risky and detrimental to WB. The report also includes an initial plan of action to address the weaknesses pointed out, both in the short-term and long-term and an explanation of the necessity of the proposed corrective actions, some of which are pre-emptive.

Brief Overview of Key Findings

One of the key issues identified within the internal audit was that a number of high-risk investment products, with a suggested minimum investment term of over 10 years, were sold to consumers aged in the 80s (high-risk category). What is more, such proposals were not communicated to the board of…...



Compliance 360. (2016). White Paper: The Seven Elements of an Effective Compliance and Ethics Program. Retrieved 1 September 2016 from:

FDIC. (2012). Compliance Management System. Retrieved 3 September 2016 from: 

Kedia, S., Luo, S., &Rajgopal, S. (2016). Culture of Weak Compliance and Financial Reporting Risk. Unpublished Manuscript (January 2016).

KPMG. (2008). Governance, Risk, and Compliance: Driving Value through Controls Monitoring. Retrieved 3 September 2016 from:

Protecting Customer Rights Compliance Research Paper Compliance
Pages: 14 Words: 4463

Protecting Customer ights
Compliance research paper

Compliance esearch Paper: protecting customer rights

The most significant aspect of any business organization or venture is the data constituting its intelligence. Consequently, the procedure of planning the business venture and accessing required data and maintaining that data is a priority to any business or industry. A business cannot operate without customers, as the core aim of any business is to make remarkable profits. Customer satisfaction dictates the level of investment the customers commit the company; therefore, several governments across the globe notice the significance of consumers to the economy

This necessitates the creation of the consumer protection bill that regulates the operations and activities of any business providing services to consumers. Data mart is one such organization that ventured into the industry with the commission to provide data to the consumers who need credible and reliable data sources.

The company and industry

A data mart has the description of…...



Bhansali, N. (2010). Strategic data warehousing: Achieving alignment with business. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

Biegelman, M.T., & Biegelman, D.R. (2008). Building a world-class compliance program: Best practices and strategies for success. Hoboken, N.J: John Wiley & Sons.

Becker, J.M. (2010). A guide to coding compliance. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar Cengage Learning.

Callioni, P. (2008). Compliance and regulation in the international financial services industry: Turning compliance into a competitive advantage. Kent: Global Professional Pub.

Corporate Compliance Plan Please Attachement Rewrite Create
Pages: 7 Words: 2015

Corporate Compliance Plan
Please attachement rewrite. Create a corporate compliance plan iordan. Focus plan managing legal liability officers directors iordan. The plan address handle situations laws violated question ( call legal counsel, rights employees, turn actions iordan).

iordan manufacturing is a company that manufactures plastics products and has realized tremendous growth since inception. The manufacturing was founded in 1991 and is part of the iordan industries. The success of the company is epitomized by the good profits the company continues to post together with the financial forecast showing a high-expected profit growth. Currently, the company has moved globally with operations in more than one jurisdiction including starting operations in large economies like china. With the significant growth, the company to ensure good stewardship of the business and to preclude the business from multiple legal suits that are likely to arise from the business operations must formulate rules and regulations. The expansion into…...



Brodie, D. (2010). Enterprise liability and the common law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kim, K.A., & Nofsinger, J.R. (2007). Corporate governance (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson/Prentice Hall.

Wirte-n, E. (2004). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.

Federal Contract Compliance and EEO
Pages: 3 Words: 1059

Federal Contract Compliance and EEO
Any company in the United States that does business with the federal government as a contractor or subcontractor and that has more than 50 employees must have an Affirmative Action Plan (AAP). This plan is designed to ensure that the company is in compliance with the laws and regulations that govern affirmative action within the U.S. However, there is more to affirmative action than just the government. In the private (business) sector, there have also been issues with affirmative action - some of which have gone so far as the supreme court. Two of the most notable areas where Supreme Court cases have been seen are the ehabilitation Act and the Vietnam Era Veterans eadjustment Assistance Act. Both of these Acts were part of lawsuits that made their way through the court system until the Supreme Court tackled them in an effort to correct problems that…...



Felsberg, E.J. (2005, Summer) Affirmative action overview for federal contractors. Employment Relations Today 32(2): 101-105. Retrieved August 20, 2011 from 

Leuchovius, D. The Rehabilitation Act and ADA connection. Retrieved August 20, 2011 from .

The Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act. Retrieved August 20, 2011 from 

Texas A&M University, Executive Order 11246 Affirmative Action Plan. Retrieved August 20, 2011 from

Financial Managers & Compliance Managers
Pages: 10 Words: 3241

Despite this fundamental difference, financial and compliance managers work together as healthcare organizations make decisions to lower cost, increase revenue, and improve care. The concept of lowering cost while improving care presents a complex demand, and requires both financial and compliance officers to possess fundamental management knowledge, and similar professional skills in order to implement accounting and ethical standards (Buelow, et al. 2010). For example, a legal requirement or competitive pressures may mandate an organization to undertake an investment, and in this circumstance both financial and compliance entities must work in parallel (Buelow, et al. 2010). Healthcare organizations may also look to cut costs by transitioning to electronic medical records, make staffing more cost-efficient, offering new procedures and better utilizing O time, and by purchasing used medical testing equipment and machines (Same-Day Surgery, 2011). Each of these circumstances presents opportunities to reduce expenses and increase revenue, and also presents…...



Buelow, J.R., Zuckweiler, K.M., & Rosacker, K.M., (2010). Evaluation methods for hospital projects. Hospital Topics, 88(1), 10-17. Retrieved from

Compliance Specialist. (2011). Duties and Responsibilities of a Compliance Specialist. Retrieve from 

Florida Tech Universiy. (2011). Healthcare Finance Manager Career and Salary Profile. Florida Tech Universiy. Retrieved from 

Healthcare Accounting Jobs. (2011). Healthcare Accounting Job Descriptions and Education Requirements. Retrieved from

Riordan Compliance Riordan Corporate Compliance
Pages: 8 Words: 2000

Employee benefit packages (especially healthcare and other areas of governmentally-mandated benefits) and pension plans must be carefully and conscientiously maintained, with the primary -- even the sole -- purpose of providing iordan Manufacturing's most important resources with the incentives and the capabilities of remaining productive and contented members of the organization. Compliance in these areas automatically follows from the proper treatment of the company's employees; instituting a company-wide policy of the primacy of iordan Manufacturing's employees over other concerns requires continual action and oversight by the board of directors, but will ensure the highest standards of compliance in human resource standards.

Governance at all levels and in all areas of iordan Manufacturing will be attuned to the principles of compliance with the highest of ethical standards. Each officer of the company is to be held entirely responsible for the actions of those departments and activities over which they officiate; the…...



ADR. (2010). "DR information." Accessed 26 January 2010. 

AICPA. (2010). "IFRS Resources." Accessed 26 January 2010. 

CPSC. (2010). "Consumer product safety act." Accessed 26 January 2010. 

Holland, R. (1998). "Legal forms of business." Accessed 26 January 2010.

Corporate Compliance Plan Riordan Manufacturing Our Company
Pages: 10 Words: 3286

Corporate Compliance Plan:
iordan Manufacturing

Our company, iordan Manufacturing is a global plastics manufacturer employing 550 people with projected annual earnings of $46 million. The company is wholly owned by iordan Industries, a Fortune 1000 enterprise with revenues in excess of $1 billion. While the introduction of ethics into the curriculum is laudable, it really is not what corporate compliance is about. In a sense compliance is beyond ethics -- not because compliance is a higher form of ethical behavior, but because compliance is a different issue altogether. To be compliant is not necessarily to be ethical (Baxter & Evelyn, 1999). Nevertheless, there is an obvious interplay between ethics and compliance. In many cases government regulation is designed to prohibit or constrain unethical behavior. Even where the ethical dimension is absent, compliance with regulation shares the problem of ethical behavior in that it can rarely be expressed in terms that business…...



Baxter, Ralph H., and Evelyn M. Hunt. (1999). "Alternative Dispute Resolution: Arbitration of Employment Claims." Employee Relations Law Journal 15 187-207.

Huff, Kevin B. Note, (2006). The Role of Corporate Compliance Programs in Determining Corporate Criminal Liability: A Suggested Approach, 96 COLUM. L. REV. 1252, 1283-84

Lipsky, David B., and Ronald L. Seeber. (1998) The Appropriate Resolution of Corporate Disputes. A Report on the Growing Use of ADR by U.S Corporations. Ithaca, N.Y.: The School of Industrial and Labor Relations, Cornell University, and the Foundation for Prevention and Early Resolution of Conflict.

McCabe, Douglas M. (2008) Corporate Nonunion Complaint Procedures and Systems. New York: Praeger.

Compliance Project This Memo Serves as a
Pages: 4 Words: 1289

Compliance Project
This memo serves as a summary and a justification of the training associated with the current compliance project that is underway with Acme Corporation. This report will contain the name of the project, a brief description of the project, an identification of the stakeholders directly or indirectly involved in the project, the overall objective and expected or desired outcomes of the project, how success will be determined and defined and what is needed to decipher the value of the project to the organization.

The main reason this project is being under-taken is that Acme is in a very compliance-intensive industry, both as it pertains to Acme's own compliance concerns as well as that of the clients we serve who expect us to help them remain compliant with the law as we implement services for them.

ather than having a disjointed and, at times, disorganized set of compliance activities and initiatives, all…...



EPA. (2013, October 11). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved October 11, 2013, from 

Entis, L. (2013, October 11). Company Turns 'Unsexy' Corporate Compliance Training on Its Head| Reuters. Business & Financial News, Breaking U.S. & International News | Retrieved October 11, 2013, from 

GAO. (2013, October 11). U.S. GAO - Organizational Transformation: Enterprise Architecture Value Needs to Be Measured and Reported. U.S. Government Accountability Office (U.S. GAO). Retrieved October 11, 2013, from 

IRS. (2013, October 11). Internal Revenue Service. Internal Revenue Service. Retrieved October 11, 2013, from

Compliance Manager in the Healthcare Industry
Pages: 7 Words: 1981

Compliance Manager

Compliance Manager in the Healthcare Industry

Job Description

The Compliance Manager oversees compliance throughout the healthcare company as an objective and independent function (ACHE, 2012). He makes sure that the board of directors, the management and all the employees thoroughly comply with the rules and regulations of regulatory agencies; that the company policies and procedures are completely followed; and the behavior in the organization follows its standards of conduct. His office receives and endorses compliance matters and issues to the appropriate person or office for investigation and implementation or resolution. It is also the final internal resource to deal with when all formal channels and resources have been exhausted. The Compliance Manager or Officer is a member of the staff of the CEO and the oard of Trustee's Corporate Compliance Committee. He monitors and reports the results of the compliance actions and provides guidance and background information to the…...



ACHE (2012). Position description -- chief compliance officer. American College of Healthcare Executives: ACHE. Retrieved on June 8, 2012 from 

Andrews, A. (2011). The future of healthcare: regulation and compliance. Modern Health Care: Crain Communications, Inc. Retrieved on June 10, 2012 from 

Ingram, D. (2012). A job description of a compliance coordinator. eHow: Demand

Media, Inc. Retrieved on June 10, 2012 from

Compliance Gaining of Employees the
Pages: 17 Words: 4564

" (1997) According to McAdams, rational choice theorists in the 1980s "in various disciplines began to study norms." (1997) Specifically the work of Land and Cooter attempt to explain what it is that in areas of Asia, "ethnic minorities tended to dominate the middleman position in many industries." (McAdams, 1997) the conclusions of Landa and Cooter were that the "ethnically homogenous middlemen groups" are successful in nations that have no stable and reliable enforcement of legal contracts "because the groups' social connectedness gives their members a unique means of sanctioning contract breaches by other groups members" although be it means that are informal in nature. During this same time, Ellickson investigated how Stansta County, California ranchers go about settle disputes concerning property and concluded that "these ranchers enforce informal norm-based rules for disputes involving cattle trespass and boundary fences and thus resolve certain conflicts without the legal regime." (McAdams, 1997)…...



Game Theory (2008) Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Online available at 

Li, Xiangyang (nd) Comments on > by Michael Hechter. Online available at 

McAdams, Richard H. (1997)the Origin, Development and Regulation of Norms. Michigan Law Review 1 Nov 1997.

McAdams, Richard H. (1996) Group Norms, Gossip and Blackmail. 1 May 1996. University of Pennsylvania Law Review.

Compliance Costs How Bad Are Compliance Costs
Pages: 2 Words: 591

Compliance Costs
How ad Are Compliance Costs?

The costs of Sarbanes-Oxley compliance have had huge impacts on organizations and continue to have huge impacts on the finances of organizations. In 2004, companies estimated spending $5.5 billion for SOX compliance costs, $1 million of that figure was for Information Technology, and was expecting to spend greater amounts in 2005 (Swartz, 2004). UK businesses spent $1 million for every $1 billion of revenue (Swartz, SOX compliance costs U.K. firms, 2006). Companies that only applied quick fixes are expected to spend greater amounts in the future. According to (Freeman, 2009), Section 404 is still costing more than $2.3 million a year in direct compliance costs.

Internal audit departments may have to be enlarged, or formed to meet compliance (Linda, 2006). Consultants may need to be engaged to analyze and design control systems to ensure that internal controls are proper for compliance. Organizations may need to purchase…...



Freeman, J. (2009). The Supreme case against Sarbanes-Oxley. Wall Street Journal, Retrieved from: 

Krishnan, G.V. (2000). An examination of the effect of IT investments on firm value: The case of Y2K complinace costs. Journal of Information Systems, 14(2), 95.

Linda, A.H. (2006). Treatment of Section 404 compliance costs. The CPA Journal, 76(3), 58-62.

Spears, J.L. (2009). How has Saranes Oxley compliance affected information security? ISACA Journal, vol 6, Retrieved from: .

Compliance Manager Operates as an Independent Office
Pages: 3 Words: 887

Compliance Manager operates as an independent office within the corporation. This means that the compliance manager does not work under any of the management personnel. The reason for this is that the compliance manager must be able to maintain independent oversight of all levels within the company. The only way to achieve that is through full independence of the compliance manager. Compliance managers of individual firms are given oversight by the Dubai Financial Services Authority.
A "governance culture" can refer to a culture that places primacy on good governance as a means of doing business. The underlying view of this culture is that good governance provides investors the security that they need to feel comfortable investing their money. This will attract more investors, and more capital into the banking system. The world's largest and most robust banking systems all feature a culture of governance, and those that have been troubled by…...


Works Cited:

DFSA. (2013) website, various pages. Retrieved March 9, 2013 from   / AboutUs/WhyWeAreHere / WhyWeAreHere.aspx 

Can you help with a research introduction to education management and administration?
Words: 335

If you want to find out more information about education management and administration, the best way to do so may be to talk to an educational administrator.  While they are similar to managers and administrators in other fields, there are unique skills needed in an education environment.  Therefore, it should come as no surprise that almost everyone in this field begins as an educator.

Education management and administration deals with handling how the school runs.  Scheduling, determining what classes a school should offer, determining hiring needs, and handling the teachers are all parts of school administration.  One of....

How do firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning innovation ecosystem?
Words: 555

Firms meet the challenge of technological change by redesigning their innovation ecosystems in several key ways. This approach involves a strategic overhaul of their internal and external operations, relationships, and culture to foster innovation and adaptability. Here's how they do it:

Embracing Open Innovation: Moving away from solely in-house R&D, firms are increasingly embracing open innovation. This involves collaborating with external entities like startups, academic institutions, and other companies to source new ideas, technologies, and methodologies. This collaboration can take various forms, including joint ventures, partnerships, and innovation hubs.

Investing in Digital Transformation: Firms are investing heavily in digital technologies such as....

Need Help with Essay Topics on Cybersecuirty?
Words: 106

1. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Enhancing Cybersecurity Measures
2. Ethical Hacking: Balancing Privacy and Security in the Digital Age
3. The Implications of Cybersecurity Breaches on National Security
4. Cybersecurity Threats and Challenges in the Healthcare Industry
5. The Impact of Cybercrime on Small Businesses and Ways to Mitigate Risks
6. Cybersecurity and the Internet of Things: Risks and Solutions
7. The Role of Government and Law Enforcement Agencies in Preventing Cybercrimes
8. Cybersecurity in the Age of Remote Work: Challenges and Best Practices
9. Cybersecurity Awareness and Education: Filling the Gap in Digital Literacy
10. Cybersecurity Regulations and Compliance: Balancing Security and Innovation

Need Help with Essay Topics on health it data governance?
Words: 839

1. The importance of data governance in healthcare IT systems.
2. The role of data governance in ensuring patient privacy and confidentiality in health IT.
3. Challenges and solutions in implementing effective data governance strategies in healthcare organizations.
4. The impact of data governance on improving healthcare outcomes and patient care.
5. The role of data governance in ensuring data quality and integrity in health IT systems.
6. Ethical considerations in data governance for health IT data.
7. The role of data governance in facilitating interoperability and data sharing in healthcare.
8. The impact of data governance on healthcare analytics and predictive modeling.
9. Strategies for building a....

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