Competitive Strategies Essays (Examples)

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Competitive Strategies and Government Policies Carnival Cruise
Pages: 6 Words: 1882

Competitive Strategies and Government Policies
Carnival Cruise Line:

Carnival Cruise Line is a British-American cruise line headquartered in Florida, United States. It is one of the top ten cruise lines owned by Carnival Corporation & plc -- the largest operator of cruise ships in the world. Carnival Cruise line has the largest fleet size of 24 ships among all other subsidiaries of the Carnival Corporation. These ships provide deep sea cruising as well as coastal or inland cruising of 3 to 18 days to a number of famous and beautiful tourist destinations; including Caribbean, Hawaii, Bermuda, Fiji Islands, Bahamas, Panama Canal, Alaska, Mexican iviera, South America, New England, Europe, Canada, etc. (Carnival, 2013).

Carnival Cruise Line is famous for its less expensive, short size, and Las Vegas-style decor. There are various on-board facilities for the passengers that make their journey memorable and highly enjoyable. These facilities include restaurants, cinemas, swimming pool, shops, casino,…...



Carnival, (2013). About Us. Retrieved on May 24th, 2013, from

Dowling, R.K. (2006). Cruise Ship Tourism, eBook. Wallingford: CABI.

Gaughan, P.A. (2005). Mergers: What Can Go Wrong and How to Prevent It, e-Book. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons

Klein, R.A. (2002). Cruise ship blues: the underside of the cruise industry, 1st Edition. Gabriola Island: New Society Publishers.

Competitive Strategies of Google and Microsoft the
Pages: 4 Words: 1493

Competitive Strategies of Google and Microsoft
The Battle for the Future of Search:

Comparing the Brilliant, Competitive Cultures of Google and Microsoft

Both Microsoft and Google have emerged as catalysts of remarkable growth in the high technology industry. Each of these companies have a very unique, finely-tuned series of strategies for managing the innovation processes, including the steps each rely on for creating new services. Each also has shown remarkable success at delivering exceptional disruptive innovations in their core markets and globally across the consumer markets as well. This inevitable track record of success isn't an accident; there is a fierce level of intensity and competitiveness both within the company cultures themselves and across their vast, global ecosystems of suppliers, customers and shareholders. And both of these companies are looking to dominate the lucrative online advertising business models now showing the potential to be multibillion dollar businesses over time (Finkle, 2012). Both companies…...



Badawy, A.M. (2008). The Google story. Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 25(3), 230.

Cusumano, M.A., & Gawer, A. (2002). The elements of platform leadership. MIT Sloan Management Review, 43(3), 51-58.

Dollinger, M. (2006). The search: How Google and its rivals rewrote the rules of business, and transformed our culture. Business Horizons, 49(5), 426-426.

Finkle, T.A. (2012). Corporate entrepreneurship and innovation in silicon valley: The case of Google, inc. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 36(4), 863-884.

Competitive Strategies Corporate Cultures This
Pages: 3 Words: 1060

The factor for the major success of Microsoft in developing operating systems is that they usually tolerate a third party to write a program for them. Windows has managed to stay on top of its game because it has a variety of programs where one can choose from compared to MacOS distributions. Windows joined their forces with many programmers. Currently the danger of substitute systems of operation is at a low level. Microsoft faces great threat from Internet browsers. In this field, alternative products are growing fast; if Microsoft is to survive, it has to make a major facelift to IE. Apple does not have a great share in this field, but covers up for this sector with the profit from multimedia products (Cushman, & King, 2001).
How each would continue to thrive

When Apple needs to employee new personnel, they should not rely on an individual's work experienced but rather,…...



Betz, F. (2001). Executive strategy: Strategic management and information technology. New York: J. Wiley.

Beyazitoglu, F. (2010). Business Marketing - the case of Microsoft. Mu-nchen: GRIN Verlag GmbH.

Hill, C.W.L., & Jones, G.R. (2010). Strategic management theory: An integrated approach. Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin.

Cushman, D.P., & King, S.S. (2001). Excellence in communicating organizational strategy. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Competitive Strategies of Nike and New Balance
Pages: 12 Words: 3542

net, 2006). The power of buyers is the impact that customers have on an industry. In general, when buyer power is strong, there exists a market in which there are many suppliers and one buyer. Under such market conditions, the buyer sets the price. uyers are strong if there are a few buyers that take up the entire market share, and are weak if the product producer can take over his own distribution and retailing. The "bargaining power of suppliers" is the strength of the position of sellers, and whether there are many or a few. A producing industry requires raw materials such as labor, components, and other supplies, leading to buyer-supplier relationships between the industry and the firms that provide it the raw materials used to create products. In other words if suppliers have an influence on the producing industry, such as selling raw materials at a high price…...



Bass, B.M. (1985). Leadership and Performance Beyond Expectations. New York:

Free Press.

Bass, B.M. (1996). A new paradigm of leadership: An inquiry into transformational leadership. Alexandria: U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Dusen, S. (2006). The Manufacturing Process of the Footwear Industry: Nike vs.

Competitive Strategies That Can Be Used The
Pages: 2 Words: 641

competitive strategies that can be used. The three generic strategies are to pursue cost leadership, differentiation or status as a niche product. Cost leadership reflects a strategy that emphasizes the pursuit of high volumes, a very high level of efficiency and results in large market share with low margins as a path to profitability. The underlying logic is that there is always a large market for a cost leader, so high volumes will be achievable. Differentiation is roughly the opposite, where the company seeks to cultivate special traits that differentiate the product or brand from its competitors. This differentiation allows the company to charge more, because it reduces the consumer propensity to substitute, which means that consumers are less price sensitive. Differentiation is sometimes pursued strictly as an exercise in branding, but some companies also use innovation. A company like Apple will use both innovation and branding in pursuit…...



Badenhausen, K. (2013). Apple dominates list of world's most valuable brands. Forbes Retrieved November 18, 2013 from 

Kim, W. & Mauborgne, R. (2004). Blue ocean strategy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 18, 2013 from 

QuickMBA. (2010). Porter's generic strategies. Retrieved November 18, 2013 from

Competitive Strategies and Government Policies
Pages: 4 Words: 1275

Competitive Strategies and Government Policies
Merger of Publicis and Omnicom

The mergers are a risky yet profitable venture most companies consider today for the purpose of growth. In the airline industry, two biggest players are considering to merge in order to benefit from the workforce, market and competencies of each other. But the government regulations do not allow easily doing so. There are many hurdles in getting perfect match for merger and then to make it operational. Likewise, Publicis and Omnicom have merged becoming the biggest marketing agency in the world. The merger is global success since Publicis is based in France and Omnicom is an American organization and these companies bring $23 billion revenue and 50% networks of industry at single platform (O'Leary, 2013). These two companies serve companies from different corners of the world. The clients include Coca Cola, Master Card, and Visa. The challenges of the merger include…...



O'Leary, N., (2013), "Publicis and Omnicom Take Merger Road Show to London Analysts,"

Retrieved from: 

Perry, M.K. And Porter, R.H., (1985), "Oligopoly and the Incentive for Horizontal Merger," The

American Economic Review, 75(1), 219-227

Businesses Competitive Strategies Wal-Mart and Tesco Explain
Pages: 3 Words: 870

Businesses Competitive trategies
Wal-Mart and Tesco

Explain why the strategies, which they have chosen, are appropriate and describe the capabilities and competencies, which would be required for each of the two business units?

Wal-Mart strategy to maintain low prices has resulted coveted success comes and the eventual use as a cost advantage of increasing its stock volume. This has resulted in low costs and increased prices. This cost-oriented focus has been logistically useful. The company is leading the path of developing sophisticated procedures that drive down the cost of logistics early enough compared to other companies. Wal-Mart has enhanced these capabilities and systems in regions all over the country to a point that it is impossible to slow down or stop the rural-based chains (Langabeer & Napiewocki, 2011). This strategy has enabled different markets to have access to products produced by Wal-Mart: they can easily create new services and products. The clear idea…...



multi-brand sector of retailers

According to the GE matrix, Tesco and Wal-Mart received an assurance of government support for grand entry into multi-retailing countries. The companies received the assurance from the heads of Industry and Commerce ministry during an annual global forum on economic (Gottschalk, 2007). The future of Wal-Mart is bright because it is pursuing studies on the conditions before they make the entry in the new retailing markets. On the other hand, Tesco is seeking clarifications

Targeting and Segmentation Competitive Strategies Market Driven
Pages: 10 Words: 3375

Targeting and Segmentation
Competitive Strategies

Market Driven Strategies


Value Chain Analysis



Communication Tactics

Store Location and Store Atmosphere

Service Level

Support Activities


Technological Development


Primary Activities

Inbound Logistics

Outbound Logistics

Marketing and Sales


The study is based on the analysis of Next etail Clothing in Denmark. Next is a United Kingdom-based company. In the study a complete analysis of the retail mix is carried out and the reasons for their success have been highlighted.

NEXT etail clothing Copenhagen, Denmark has been selected for the assessment. NEXT is a retail chain with over 500 stores in the United Kingdom. NEXT has a directory of a home shopping catalogue and website with over 3 million customers who participate actively in their activities. NEXT International has a presence all over the world and has over 180 stores all across the world. NEXT has a website service for over 30 countries. NEXT has a separate sourcing group, which is responsible for the designs, sources and purchase of the…...




Lynch, R (1997), Corporate Strategy, Financial Times Management, London

Wilson and Gilligan (1998), Strategic Marketing Management, 2nd Edition

Oxford Doyle (1998), Marketing Management and Strategy, 2nd Edition

Competitive Strategy
Pages: 2 Words: 793

Competitive Strategy
In a free economy, a multitude of firms compete for the business of the same customer segment. Therefore, if a firm is to succeed in attracting and retaining the maximum number of customers from the targeted segment, it must develop and successfully execute a strategy that has a distinct competitive advantage over its rivals. Thus, a competitive strategy is defined as a plan that attempts to define a position for the business, which utilizes the competitive advantages that the business has over its competitors (American Marketing Association, 2004).

Of course, it is important for any competitive strategy to focus on competitive advantages, which can offer customers greater value, either by means of lower prices or by providing a greater benefit or service that justifies a higher price. In other words, it is key that a competitive strategy is consumer centric. Developing a competitive strategy, therefore, involves closely analyzing the competitive…...


Works Cited

American Marketing Association. "Competitive Strategy." Dictionary of Marketing Terms.

Accessed July 6, 2004:

Nickols, F. "Competitive Strategy: The Basics a la Michael Porter." Accessed July 6, 2004:

Competitive Strategy Treacy and Wieresma
Pages: 3 Words: 845

Companies that do not make such a choice run the risk of being caught in the middle. They may be good at everything, but excel at nothing. In business, however, success comes from developing competitive advantage, in particular sustainable competitive advantage. Firms therefore should focus their limited resources on excellence in one particular area, and be the best in the industry in that area.
In Porter's generic strategies, a firm that is neither a cost leader nor adequately differentiated will be beaten by other firms on both counts. By falling in the middle, the firm essentially condemns itself to failure by virtue of having no source of competitive advantage -- nothing compelling to offer the consumer.

In that respect, Porter agrees completely with Treacy and eiresma. Their value disciplines also speak directly to what a firm can potential offer to customers, or from where they can derive a competitive advantage. Treacy…...


Works Cited:

No author. (2007). Porter's Generic Strategies. Retrieved April 4, 2009 from 

No author. (2009). Value Disciplines Model. Value-Based Retrieved April 4, 2009 from

Competitive Strategy for a Fast-Paced
Pages: 8 Words: 2293

Cost leadership

Attracting more customers and gaining financial advantage over the competition as profits would increase


Forces the company to drastically reduce costs, meaning that product quality could suffer demises




Focus strategy

Can achieve either of cost advantage or differentiation


Addresses a niche market




Differentiation strategy

Product uniqueness which allows for the charging of a premium price to cover for the additionally incurred expenditure


Additional costs which will reduce overall financial gains (they will however be recuperated from the premium price)



7. Description of the Selected Strategy

Based on the analysis conducted at the previous stage, it becomes obvious that the most adequate course of action at this stage is that of implementing differentiation strategies. These actions basically translate into the promotion of new products onto existent markets, meaning that Porter's differentiation strategy is the analogue of Ansoff's product development strategy. The table above even reveals that both these strategies have received the highest scores, meaning that they are the…...



Kotelnikov, V., Differentiation Strategy -- How to Survive in the Era of Hypercompetition, 1000 Ventures,  

Competitive Strategy
Pages: 10 Words: 3365

Competitor Analysis and Competitive Strategy
The competitor analysis for the Kia-Motors has been conducted in order to analyze and identify the key factors related to the strengths and weaknesses of its competitors i.e. Toyota and Dacia Automobiles. The competitive strategies are being suggested for Kia-Motors in order to grow its business in Turkey and attract customers and carry out production processes in ways that ensures the profitability and competitive advantage in the long run.

Kia Motors

Analysis of Competitors


Suggested Competitive Strategy

Automobile Dacia

Suggested Competitive Strategy

Kia Motors

Kia-Motors with the sales of 2.75 million in the year 2013 is 33.88% owned by the Hyundai Motors and is known widely for its product Kia-Optima and Cadenza. The company possesses strong market position with respect to the quality that it has been providing to its customers. The company has followed the competitive strategy for pricing at which product quality is ensured with the competitive price and the company…...



Bondoc, M.D., & Banuta, M. (2007). Changes in the Romanian automotive parts sector in the context of globalization.

Coman, A., & Ronen, B. (2009).Focused SWOT: diagnosing critical strengths and weaknesses.International Journal of Production Research, 47(20), 5677-5689.

Drummond, G., & Ensor, J. (2006).Introduction to marketing concepts.Routledge.

D'Silva, D.A., & Patil, A.S. (2008). Lean Manufacturing.

Competitive Strategy of Kraft
Pages: 5 Words: 1777

Kraft Foods' Competitive Strategy
Kraft Foods is a one of North America's largest packaged food companies. To reach its current competitive position the organization is changed to great deal of the last decade, with increased focus on the core products, and the sale or spin-off of the non-core divisions, for example the sale of the frozen pizza division 2010 to Nestle, and in 2012 the demerger of Mondel-z International (Kraft Foods, 2014). This has left the company with a high level of focus in selected product categories and North American markets. The shift in the company's focus has impacted on the way in which they compete, but despite this change narrowing of focus, the organization still be seen as one which serves the mass market, with some type of Kraft Food product 90% of all households in the United States, 99% of all households in Canada (Kraft Foods, 2014).


Competitive Strategy




CSI Market, (2014), Kraft Foods, accessed at 

Kotler Philip; Keller Kevin, (2011), Marketing Management, Prentice Hall

Kraft Foods (2014), Home Page, accessed at 

Kraft Foods, (2014) 10=k, accessed at

Competitive Strategy at Corporate Business and Function Levels
Pages: 5 Words: 1370

Mission and Vision Statements and the Company's Strategic Direction
Mission/Vision/Strategic Dissection

esearch the challenges the organization is facing consider the objectives the organization has established for revitalization;

Evaluate the mission and vision statements to determine whether these statements align with the objectives of the organization (this requires research to identify new objectives);

Mission Statement & Vision Characteristics

Comparison Article & Mission Statement

Mission Statement Critique

Quality products & services

Broad in scope

Increased differentiation through marketing portals

Great value for customers

Are dynamic in orientation

Provided where & when customers want products & services

Finely balanced between specificity & generality

This objective is achieved

Build positive, lasting relationships with customers

Arouse positive feelings & emotions

Shop Your Way and FitStudio

Be a preferred & trusted resource for products & services

Generate the impression that the firm is successful, has direction, and is worthy of time, support, and investment

Genius Award and online successes promote the desirable image for Sears

Enhance customers' home & family life

Provide criteria for selecting strategies

Sears Holdings…...



Characteristics of the Mission Statement. Retrieved from 

Gutman, B. (2012, May 18). Sears explains its success in content marketing. Forbes. Retrieved from 

Sears Holdings Corporation. (2015, February 26). Awards and Recognitions. Retrieved from 

Sears Holdings Corporation. (2015, February 26). Sears Holdings Reports Fourth Quarter And Full Year 2014 Results. Investor Information. Retrieved from

Aligning Competitive Strategy With the
Pages: 4 Words: 1172

That is not so much a contradiction of the research but a limitation of it in terms of applicability to practitioners running small manufacturing companies.
Critique of Environmental Scanning: Frequency and Scope

Beal (2000) bases his methodology for assessing environmental scanning on twenty eight specific items that CEOs of 101 small manufacturing companies responded to as part of the research effort, and later analyzed them using factor analysis. Using Varimax rotation in factor analysis to explain variances across the results, company's management capabilities and resources (.824) and company's financial capabilities and resources (.811) were found to be the greatest two factors across all twenty-eight measured in terms of explaining variations in environmental scanning resulting impact on related environment/competitive strategy alignment. Scanning multiple situations or events occurring in an environmental sector will be positively related to environment-competitive strategy alignment, which is the second hypothesis of the research project (H2) looks at the…...



Beal, R (2000).Competing effectively: Environmental scanning, competitive strategy, and organizational performance in small manufacturing firms. Journal of Small Business Management. 1, 27-476.

Stuck crafting a impactful thesis statement on Business failure. Any pointers?
Words: 537

Understanding Business Failure: A Comprehensive Analysis of Causes, Consequences, and Mitigation Strategies


Business failure is an unfortunate reality that affects a significant number of enterprises worldwide. Understanding the causes, consequences, and potential mitigation strategies for business failure is crucial for entrepreneurs, managers, and policymakers alike. This thesis aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of business failure, exploring the factors that contribute to its occurrence, the impact it has on individuals, organizations, and the economy, and the measures that can be taken to mitigate its effects.

Section 1: Causes of Business Failure

1. Economic Factors: Economic downturns, recessions, and changes in market conditions can....

Can you provide guidance on how to outline an essay focusing on pepsico?
Words: 318


Hook: Begin with a captivating statement or statistic about PepsiCo's significance in the food and beverage industry.
Thesis Statement: Clearly state the main argument or topic of the essay, emphasizing the focus on PepsiCo.

Body Paragraph 1: History and Overview

Discuss PepsiCo's origins, key milestones, and current position as a global food and beverage giant.
Highlight the company's diverse portfolio of brands, including Pepsi, Frito-Lay, Quaker Oats, and Gatorade.

Body Paragraph 2: Competitive Landscape

Analyze PepsiCo's position within the competitive food and beverage industry.
Discuss major competitors, market share, and competitive strategies.
Examine how PepsiCo differentiates itself in the marketplace.

Body Paragraph....

what are level of business strategies?
Words: 512

Levels of Business Strategies

Business strategies are the plans and actions that a company undertakes to achieve its objectives. These strategies can be classified into three distinct levels: corporate-level strategies, business-level strategies, and functional-level strategies.

1. Corporate-Level Strategies

Corporate-level strategies are broad in scope and provide the overall direction for the entire organization. They define the company's mission, vision, and values, and establish the overall goals and objectives. Corporate-level strategies also determine the company's relationship with its external environment, including its competitors, customers, suppliers, and the regulatory environment.

There are three main types of corporate-level strategies:

Growth strategies: These strategies focus on expanding the....

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