Compensation Package Essays (Examples)

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Compensation Packages
Pages: 9 Words: 2692

Morgan Stanley & Goldman Sachs
Employee compensations has for many years been seen as a type of job benefit package that did one of two things: either reward people for doing good work (merit) or offer them the chance to make more by coming up with creative new business ideas that made the company money (incentives) (Tropman, 2001). Now, however, the issue has changed on a number of fronts. For most companies, the development of menu-based benefit packages have allowed employees -- mostly management employees -- to basically choose from a variety of ways to be rewarded for their work. This remains the practice today for the majority of companies. But for some companies that rely on either technologically or otherwise highly competent people who can work well in a global setting, the issue becomes more about equity -- how well does what they make reflect the value of what they…...



AP (2012). Lloyd Blankfein, Goldman Sachs CEO's Pay Increased 14% to $16.1 Million in 2011. Huffington Post. Viewable at .

Faulkender, M. et al. (2010). Executive Compensation: An overview of research on corporate practices and proposed reforms. Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. Vol. 22, No. 1.

Goldman Sachs (2012). Compensation. Board Document. Viewable at Greenberg, M. (2010). Regulation of Executive Compensation in Financial Services. Working Group. Council of Foreign Relations.

Hoovers GS (2012). Hoovers Goldman Sachs.

Compensation Packages and Benefit Plans Which Adobe
Pages: 5 Words: 1617

compensation packages and benefit plans which Adobe Systems Inc. offers to its employees against their employment services, good performance at the workplace, and as motivational techniques for their retention and encouragement. The paper also explains the advantages and disadvantages of the key components of these compensations and benefit plans and recommends strategies on how they can be improved for more effective outcomes.
Adobe Systems Inc.

Adobe Systems Incorporated is an American multinational corporation engaged in manufacturing computer software and providing digital marketing and digital media solutions to the individual and corporate clients around the Globe. Adobe Systems Inc. was founded by Charles Geschke and John Warnock in 1983. Its major software development operations are spread in the United States, Germany, Canada, India, China, Switzerland, and omania. The main products of the company include Desktop software (e.g. Adobe Acrobat eader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Photoshop, Fireworks, Adobe Premier, and Adobe Shockwave Player); Server…...



Adobe System Inc., (2013). Benefits and Compensation. Retrieved on April 18th, 2013, from

Adobe System Inc., (2013). Fast Facts. Retrieved on April 18th, 2013, from

Aswathappa, K., & Dash, S. (2008). International human resource management: text and cases, 1st edition. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Pub.

Goel, D. (2008). Performance appraisal and compensation management, 1st Edition. New Dehli: Prentice-Hall of India.

Expatriate Compensation Package Compensation Is a Crucial
Pages: 2 Words: 599

Expatriate Compensation Package
Compensation is a crucial link between strategy and its successful implementation. There is a fit between compensation and the goals for which the firm wants managers to aim. In this way employees may not feel exploited (Deresky, 2011). The employees need to perceive equity and good will in their compensation and benefits whether they are parent country nationals or host country nationals. Expatriates have to be competitively remunerated.

Compensation of expatriates whether from parent or host country calls for reconciliation of the parent and host country financial, legal, and customary practices (Deresky, 2011). To ensure that expatriates do not lose out on through their overseas assignment the balance sheet approach has to be used to equalize the standard of living between the host country and the home country and to add some compensation for inconvenience or qualitative loss. The multinational corporations have to make up additional costs that the…...


References List

Crandall, L.P. & M.I. Phelps (1991). Pay For A Global WorkForce. Personnel Journal, 70(2),

28, 30 -- 33.

Deresky, H. (2011). International management: Managing across borders and cultures (7th ed.).

Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Designing a Market Competitive Compensation Package
Pages: 2 Words: 697

Competitive Compensation Systems
The market for labor can be quite competitive, and it is incumbent on human resource professionals to set the market appropriately, depending on their strategy. For companies that require the best professionals in order to thrive in the marketplace, they may need to come in at the top end of the market for total compensation, whereas a company with a strategy focused on delivering cost leadership might need to pay employees at the low end. However, there are times when low pay does not make for a more efficient workforce, so it is important to understand the market for labor in a sector. As an example, Costco pays at the high end, which allows them to skim the cream of the manual retail labor pool, which in turn allows the company to deliver a higher standard of service than many competitors. Those competitors paying at the low end…...

Designing a Compensation Package
Pages: 4 Words: 1280

EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION CLASS CASE Green Loaf Grocery Executive Compensation Class CaseCompensation Proposal DevelopmentFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that there are a wide range of factors that influence the compensation package of the various employees of a firm, including top executives. These factors are inclusive of, but they are not limited to; the performance of the company (i.e. with regard to the bottom-line), the various labor laws or regulations in place governing employee compensation (i.e. workers compensation laws), employment market forces, the strategic objectives of an enterprise, etc. (Ellig, 2014). These are some of the factors that ought to be considered in the design and implementation of a competitive compensation package.In seeking to develop an ideal package in the present scenario, there are a number of factors that are unique to Greenleaf Grocery that will be taken into consideration. These have been highlighted below.i. The need to…...



Cox, M. Z., & Crocker, R. M. (2018). Green Leaf Grocery - Executive Compensation Case Study. Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS), 14(1), 11-16. 

Ellig, B.R. (2014). The Complete Guide to Executive Compensation. McGraw-Hill Education.

Tyson, S. (2012). Essentials of Human Resource Management. Routledge.

Company's Salary and Compensation Package
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Benefits are often seen as at least as or even more important than the base salary in terms of employee compensation. Furthermore, it is also important to provide employees with a sense of purpose and motivation in performing their duties.
While I would consider a slight increase in the base salary, I however feel that it is more important to include an incentive bonus for work performance. This will be calculated according to a scale of related skills and requirements of each job within the company. I will therefore focus on implementing annual work performance bonuses for employees who display excellent skills in their specific area of work. The precise requirements will be worked out with employees themselves.

I also feel that employees should receive benefits that are related to their work, such as company vehicles for personnel who travel many hours or miles during their year of work, or yearly…...



Amig, Stacey. "Managing Human Capital: improving employee recruitment retention in a changing economy. Behavior Health Management, 1 March 2001. Web. 14 Feb 2010. 

Ojimba, Erisa. "Salary Basics -- Developing a Strong Compensation Philosophy.", 2010. Web. 14 Feb 2010. 

"Salary and Benefits Basics." Web. 14 Feb 2010.

Using a BATNA for Employment Negotiations compensation package
Pages: 1 Words: 343

Trust Me: Identifying Optimal Compensation PackagesWhen Monroe Davies read Jim Hummers email offering him a dream job, his only concern was the need to identify appropriate elements for the position at Whole Health Management as well as mutually acceptable compensation package. From Monroes perspective, he knew that the job was his if he crafted his response carefully. Likewise, Monroe knew that Hummer placed a high priority on openness so he also knew this was no time to be modest about his abilities and expectations but he did not want to price himself out of a job either.On the one hand, Monroe realized this was the offer of a lifetime. Not only was Hummer offering him the opportunity to essentially design his own job, he was also allowing him to assess his immediate worth to the organization. Moreover, Hummer was offering to serve as Monroes mentor besides his boss, and this…...



Hall, B. J. & Malhotra, D. (2010, January 8). Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management. Harvard Business School 9-908-064.

Wheeler. (2003). Four Key Concepts: Your Starting Points. Harvard Business Review Press.

How to Negotiate Pay with an Employeer
Pages: 3 Words: 1047

Compensation Package Proposal and JustificationJob Offer TableCompensation ItemProposed AmountCompensation$135,000Bonus$30,000Relocation Allowance$10,000Stock Options10,000 shares at $2.70 per shareContinuing Education Stipend$5,000According to Glass Door (2023), The estimated total pay for a Director of Business Operations is $193,928 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $132,368 per year. Bonuses are often tied to performance, and this figure provides a strong incentive for high performance while remaining within industry norms. The reallocation figure is based on typical relocation allowances, which often cover moving costs, temporary housing, and other expenses associated with relocation (Ocampo, 2021). The stock options consideration is based on the value of the companys stock as well as on comparable allocation benefits given for this position. The continuing education stipend is also reflection of the price of education courses in the US and represents sufficient funds to pursue one course per year to continue education for this position.Letter…...



Fisher, R., Ury, W. L., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without

giving in. Penguin.

Glass Door. (2023). Salary: Director Of Business Operations in United States 2023 | Glassdoor

Proposal and Justification for Compensation Package
Pages: 5 Words: 1503

Negotiation Final ProjectVarilie GarnerDHA804 Negotiations and Conflict ManagementVirginia University of LynchburgDr. HammondAugust 8, 2023Compensation Package Proposal and JustificationJob Offer TableCompensation ItemProposed AmountCompensation$105,000Bonus$30,000elocation Allowance$10,000Stock Options10,000 shares at $2.70 per shareContinuing Education Stipend$5,000According to Glass Door (2023), The estimated total pay for a Director of Business Operations is $193,928 per year in the United States area, with an average salary of $132,368 per year. Bonuses are often tied to performance, and this figure provides a strong incentive for high performance while remaining within industry norms. The reallocation figure is based on typical relocation allowances, which often cover moving costs, temporary housing, and other expenses associated with relocation (Ocampo, 2021). The stock options consideration is based on the value of the companys stock and comparable allocation benefits given for this position. The continuing education stipend also reflects the price of education courses in the US and represents sufficient funds to pursue one course…...


ReferencesFisher, R., Ury, W. L., & Patton, B. (2011). Getting to yes: Negotiating agreement without giving in. Penguin.Glass Door. (2023). Salary: Director Of Business Operations in United States 2023 | GlassdoorLagasse, J. (2018). Just how big is the average hospital CEO bonus? Healthcare Finance.   K. L., & Tempest, R. (2008). Name Your Price: Compensation Negotiation at Whole Health Management (A). Harvard Business School. Ocampo, S. (2021). Retrieved from Average Relocation Package in 2023 | moveBuddhaProgram on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. (2023). Negotiation Skills: Negotiation Strategies and Techniques to Help You Become a Better Negotiator. Harvard Law School.Pruitt, D. G. (2013). Negotiation behavior. Academic Press.Whitfield, B. (2023). 28 companies that pay for MBA programs. Built In. McGinn,

Compensation and Performance Management Two Sides of
Pages: 2 Words: 547

Compensation and Performance management: Two Sides of the Same H Coin
While it is unquestionably part of a human resources manager or director's job to ensure that the company achieves some level of cost savings -- and definitely cost benefit -- in its human resources expenditures, this does not mean that keeping compensation packages at the minimum possible level is the ideal target to shoot for. The well-being and satisfaction of employees is important not only to ensure ongoing loyalty and productivity, but also for intrinsic and ethical reasons. When making cost-saving decisions in regards to human resources compensation, then, certain steps and measures must be taken.

First, effective appraisals must be conducted to determine where cost savings is appropriate, and where it is unwarranted. This process must begin with a purposeful appraisal design that is in keeping both with legal and ethical requirements and that is explicitly geared towards the issue…...



DeCenzo, D. & Robbins, S. (2009). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management. New York: Wiley.

McNamara, C. (2011). from Field Guide to Leadership and Supervision. Accessed 7 February 2011.

Compensation and Performance Evaluation
Pages: 4 Words: 1263

I believe that Keith was entirely justified in insisting that the job, not the person, be evaluated. If a company has established protocol, then that protocol should be followed. The receptionist in question has a boss who is in charge of evaluating her performance on a regular basis; the committee would likely be overstepping its boundaries if they had decided to evaluate a single person, rather than the position they were intended to evaluate. Keith would likely be justified in reminding the other committee members of their responsibilities and duties regarding the committee's purpose.

Initially, Keith was bothered by the possibility of a confrontation at the meeting with certain committee members. It would therefore behoove Keith to approach the situation with care and consideration, while maintaining a sense of balance and humbleness. One thing that Keith does not want to do is approach the other members of the committee with an…...



Baumann, A. & Kolotylo, C.; (2009) The professionalism and environmental factors in the workplace questionnaire: Development and psychometric evaluation, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol. 65, Issue 10, pp. 2216-2228

Johnson, R.E.; Silverman, S.B.; Shyamsunder, A.; Swee, H.Y.; Rodopman, O.B.; Cho, E.; Bauer, J.; (2010) Acting superior but actually inferior?: Correlates and consequences of workplace arrogance, Human Performance, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 403 -- 427

Roberts, G.E.; (2001) An examination of employee benefits cost control strategies in New Jersey local governments, Public Personnel Management, Vol. 31, pp. 301 -- 315

Tocher, N.; Field, H.S.; Giles, W.F.; (2006) Valuations of compensation and benefit items by new entrants into the professional workforce: Do men and women differ?, Journal of Employment Counseling, Vol. 43, Issue 2, pp. 84 -- 96

Compensation and Benefits Plan
Pages: 2 Words: 650

Compensation Strategy for a Limo Service
The compensation strategy and benefits strategy for a limousine service in Austin, Texas will represent an essential component to the overall business strategy. The projected annual net revenue for the first years of the business is a negative fifty thousand dollars. Therefore any potential savings in employee compensation might represent something that could reduce this financial burden. Furthermore, any amount of compensation that would go beyond the planned amount would increase the company's loss. Creating an efficient strategy for compensation and benefits will be exceedingly important in the company's first year because it is expected to operate at a loss.

The compensation and benefits strategy will also be important because it will largely influence the quality of the candidate pool that the company will have to select its employees from. Higher wages will draw more qualified candidates and a lower compensation package might reduce the amount…...


References (2015, July 25). Limousine Driver. Retrieved from Indeed:,-LLC/jobs/Limousine-Driver-caa563266df09236?sjdu=QwrRXKrqZ3CNX5W-O9jEvc_0arWZVL8kBZq_BJ55IeacX4zQS5v9EEfHtSBIrvbSgRNqfatL5qHmPK9ugjQ-5w 

Pay Scale. (2015, July 2). Limousine Driver Salary. Retrieved from Pay Scale:

Compensation Practice
Pages: 6 Words: 1640

Verizon Compensation Strategy
Compensation Practice

Verizon Communications is a publicly traded company registered in the United States as a telecommunications and broadband company. It trades under the name Verizon. It is a market leader in the telecommunications industry and strives to provide excellent services that satisfy consumers. Worker compensation has always been an important aspect of Verizon's overall strategy to keep employees motivated and provide excellent service to consumers. In 2010, the company did a review of their compensation strategy with the aim of improving it. The 2010 compensation decisions, designed by a committee and approved by shareholders, took effect in 2011.

Briefly describe the company you researched, its compensation strategy, best practices they are applying, and compensation-related challenges they are facing.

Verizon's compensation strategy is founded on providing fair compensation to its employees. All of Verizon's employees get a base salary that is pegged on market rates and incentives are pegged on individual…...



Cheng, Q., & Farber, D.B. (2008). Earnings Restatements, Changes in CEO Compensation, and Firm Performance. The Accounting Review, 83(5), 1217-1250. doi: 10.2307/30243544

Tosi, H.L., & Greckhamer, T. (2004). Culture and CEO Compensation. Organization Science, 15(6), 657-670. doi: 10.2307/30034768

Williams, M.L., McDaniel, M.A., & Ford, L.R. (2007). Understanding Multiple Dimensions of Compensation Satisfaction. Journal of Business and Psychology, 21(3), 429-459. doi: 10.2307/30221746

Compensation and Benefits
Pages: 4 Words: 1169

New Trends in Employee Compensation and Benefits
This essay examines new trends in compensation and benefits. The essay discusses the impact of benefits offerings for both employer and employee, and reviews recent trends and discusses their significance.

Reasons for working vary from individual to individual, and compensation is usually among the most important reasons. However, many people list other factors that are almost equally important to them. These factors can range from opportunities to develop new skills, to an experiencing a sense of community, to more tangible benefits such as provisions for retirement. Currently benefits programs account for approximately one third of the average worker's total compensation, based on the size, profitability and philosophy of a particular employer. Programs that are effectively designed and promoted work to the advantage of both employers and employees (ish).

Compensation packages have changed significantly over the years. They no longer consist of a flat percentage increase once…...


Works Cited

Gioia-Herman, Joyce. (2011). Trends in Employee Benefits. Engine Builder Magazine. Web. 3 March 2012.

Society for Human Resource Management. (2011). 2011 Employee Benefits Research Report. Web. 3 March 2012.

Wish, Fred. (2012). Trends in Employee Benefits -- Beyond the Fringe, Benefits Plans for Today's Workforce. Web. 3 March 2012. .

Zoo Media Group. (2012). New Trends in Employee Compensation. Web. 3 March 2012.

Compensation Caywood Steven C 2010 Wasting the
Pages: 3 Words: 1014

Caywood, Steven C. (2010). Wasting the Corporate Waste Doctrine: How the Doctrine Can

Provide a Viable Solution in Controlling Excessive Executive Compensation. ichigan Law Review, 109(1), 111-136.

ajor Thesis: This article reviews and seeks a solution for the controversial issue of corporate executives receiving enormous compensation. The article points out that public outcry against grossly, outrageously inflated bonuses and other compensations for executives has rarely done any good, but the group that suffers the most when executives receive such huge compensation are the shareholders. eantime this paper suggests that the "corporate waste doctrine" is one way to limit "excessive executive compensation"; if the corporate waste doctrine were enforced legislatively, the author explains, and executives continue to be paid outlandishly huge bonuses, the stakeholders would have a legal recourse in response.

Clearly it is unfair when an executive -- specifically a CEO -- receives "…roughly 400 times that of an average worker in…...


Moreover, how could this article and the knowledge of corporate waste doctrine be of benefit to me in the future? If I were in the position of a shareholder in a corporation -- all I would have to do to become a shareholder is buy shares in any given company -- and executives in the corporation were given grossly over-the-top salaries, I would organize other shareholders and together we stakeholders would retain a competent attorney and plan to use the corporate waste doctrine.

Is there a precedent for bringing corporate waste to the point of litigation? There are a number of cases that have failed. But in the first big case, in which the Supreme Court recognized the corporate waste doctrine was in 1933 (Rogers v. Hill). Shareholders rebelled against the American Tobacco Company for paying what they believed to be excessive compensation; the High Court held that corporate waste occurs "…if a bonus payment has no relation to the value of services for which it is given" but the hard part for plaintiffs is proving corporate waste (Caywood, 117).

Conclusion: Before launching litigation as a shareholder holding stocks in a corporation, this article has shown me that in order to make a case for corporate waste, every previous case that has been brought by shareholders against boards of directors -- contesting absurdly high compensation -- must be carefully reviewed. What mistakes were made? What can be learned? Did the litigants make erroneous assumptions? What is the most recent ruling by courts at any level of the judiciary? How many shareholders can I get to back up my assertions, when a top executive walks away with a $22 million bonus, and we shareholders actually took a loss in this fiscal year? These are things I learned from this article and that I can apply in the future, because I do plan to become a shareholder in a successful corporation.

what are the compensation plan of starbucks company?
Words: 437

1. Hourly Compensation: Starbucks baristas are paid an hourly wage that varies depending on location and experience. Starting wage typically ranges from $9 to $12 per hour.

2. Benefits Package: Starbucks offers a comprehensive benefits package to its employees, including health insurance, dental and vision coverage, 401(k) retirement savings plan, paid time off, and discounts on store products.

3. Stock Options: Starbucks offers eligible employees the opportunity to participate in its Bean Stock program, which grants them stock options in the company.

4. Bonus Incentives: Starbucks employees may be eligible for performance-based bonuses and incentives based on individual and store performance.

5. Tuition Reimbursement:....

what are the compensation plan of starbucks company?
Words: 473

Starbucks' Comprehensive Compensation Plan

Starbucks, a global coffeehouse chain, offers a comprehensive compensation plan to attract, motivate, and retain talented employees. The plan includes a combination of base salary, benefits, and performance-based incentives designed to reward performance and drive company success.

Base Salary

Base salary is the foundation of Starbucks' compensation plan. Employees are compensated based on their role, experience, location, and performance. Starbucks regularly conducts salary surveys to ensure that its base salaries are competitive within the industry and local market.


Starbucks provides a generous benefits package that includes:

Medical, dental, and vision insurance
Paid time off including vacation, sick leave, and holidays

What are the key challenges faced by companies with employees working overseas?
Words: 642

1. Cultural differences: Managing a team of employees from different countries and cultures can be challenging due to potential misunderstandings, conflicts, and communication barriers.

2. Time zone differences: Coordinating meetings, projects, and communication can be difficult when employees are located in different time zones, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

3. Legal and compliance issues: Companies must navigate the complex legal requirements and regulations of each country where their employees are based, including tax laws, employment regulations, and data protection laws.

4. Language barriers: Language differences can create communication challenges and misunderstandings, affecting collaboration and productivity among international teams.

5. Employee engagement and motivation: Keeping....

How can companies improve employee satisfaction to increase recruiting and retention rates?
Words: 502

1. Offer competitive salaries and benefits: Make sure that your compensation package is competitive with industry standards and includes perks that will attract and retain top talent.

2. Provide opportunities for career growth and development: Offer training and development programs, mentorship opportunities, and opportunities for advancement within the company.

3. Create a positive work environment: Foster a culture of respect, collaboration, and recognition. Provide opportunities for employees to socialize and build relationships with their colleagues.

4. Offer work-life balance options: Provide flexible work schedules, remote work options, and paid time off to help employees achieve a healthy work-life balance.

5. Listen to employee feedback:....

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