Comparison Essays (Examples)

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A comparison essay is an essay that looks at two or more different things and then draws comparisons between the two of them.  A comparison essay may include comparison and contrast elements or may focus strictly on comparing similar elements

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Example Essays

Comparison of Religious Ethics Throughout Denominations of Religious Doctrines
Pages: 20 Words: 6730

Religious Ethics in Comparison
Though the three religions reviewed and critiqued in this paper -- Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam -- have very different histories and quite original approaches to ethics, there are also a number of startling similarities when comparing them. One can easily find the differences, and this paper does indeed point to the differences. And yet, when it comes to the philosophical ingredients that go into each of the three and the values that each present as important, there emerges a tapestry of goodness and ethical beliefs as well.

Buddhist Ethics -- Background Information

It should be understood at the outset of any discussion of Buddhism that there are many approaches to practicing Buddhism. Philosophy Professor Michael G. Barnhart points out that there are "deep similarities" between various approaches to Buddhism -- for example Buddhists universally share a "reverence for the personal history of the Buddha" -- but there are obvious…...


Works Cited

Ariyabuddhiphongs, V. "Money Consciousness and the Tendency to Violate the Five

Precepts Among Thai Buddhists." The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 17.1 (2007): 37-45.

Brockopp, Jonathan E. "Taking Life and Saving Life: The Islamic Context." In Islamic

Studies of Life: Abortion, War, and Euthanasia. Chapel Hill, SC: University of South

Comparison of John Milton and Shakespeare
Pages: 6 Words: 1881

Milton and Shakespeare
When comparing John Milton and William Shakespeare, it is interesting to note similarities and parallels between works such as "Julius Caesar" and "Paradise Lost." Indeed, the characters in both works show remarkably how the underlying politics in their relationships create a platform for the ultimate betrayal of the respective autocratic leaders. In his poem, "On Shakespeare," Milton shows his admiration for Shakespeare, as well as the common belief that the spirit of the author continues by means of his words and in the admiration of his audiences. Both Milton and Shakespeare then continue to live in the admiration of their audiences and in works of art such as films.

On Shakespeare

The poem "On Shakespeare" was the first of Milton's works to be published. It was composed during 1630 and published in the Second Folio of Shakespeare's play in 1632, where it appeared among other eulogies and verses in Shakespeare's…...



Hunter, W.B. (1986). Milton's English Poetry. Bucknell University Press

Luxon, T.H. (2008, March). The Milton Reading Room. Retrieved from: 

Poetry Foundation (2011). Biography: John Milton. Retrieved from: 

Textual Tapestry. (2009, Nov. 10). Comparables between Shakespeare's Julius Caesar and John Milton's Paradise Lost. Retrieved from:

Comparison and Contrast of Rousseau Confessions and the Death of Ivan Ilyich
Pages: 2 Words: 685

ousseau and Tolstoy
A Comparison of ousseau's Confessions and Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Ilych

Jean-Jacques ousseau's Confessions opens more brazenly than the other Confessions of antiquity (those belonging to Augustine); the latter were zealously religious in nature and humbling in tone; the former were proud in tone and primarily secular. If ousseau's Confessions can be called a celebration of a life burnished in the fires of the omantic/Enlightenment era, Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Ilych may be called a meditation on death -- or more accurately still it may be called a depiction of the spiritual conversion of the "natural" man, as embodied by ousseau a century earlier. This paper will compare and contrast the two works and show how the ussian's serves as a kind of humbling argument against the self-serving ideals of the Frenchman.

The two characters present a similar outlook on life: both ousseau in his Confessions and Ivan Ilych (at…...


Reference List

Rousseau, J. (1782). Confessions. Retrieved from

Tolstoy, L. (2001). The Death of Ivan Ilych. Classical Library. Retrieved from

Comparison of Humanistic Counseling Techniques to Cognitive Behavioral and Neo-Psychoanalytic Approaches
Pages: 16 Words: 4572

Counselling Techniques
Comparison of Humanistic Counselling Techniques of Cognitive (behavioral) and Neo-Psychoanalytic Approaches

Counselling and Its Roles

Counselling Techniques

Humanistic Counselling

Cognitive / Behavioural Counselling

Neo-Psychoanalytic Counselling

Comparison of Humanistic Counselling Techniques to Cognitive (Behavioural) and Neo-Psychoanalytic Approaches

Similarities ofofumanistic Cobehavioralechniques to Cognitive (Behavioural) and Neo-Psychoanalytic Approaches

Differences between Humanisticbehavioralg Techniques to Cognitive (Behavioural) and Neo-Psychoanalytic Approaches

Counselling is a broad subject and as such, constitutes different areas of study application and practice. Additionally it is classified using a variety of methods one being the techniques applied with reference to the practices of counselling. This paper explores the different aspects of counselling with main reference to specific techniques and their association with one another. The counselling techniques in focus here are the Humanistic, cognitive and Neo-psychoanalytic approaches whose use in the field of psychology is widespread. The section opens with an introduction, which presents an overview of what the paper entirely, entails. In this section, the paper also presents specific…...

Comparison of Genesis 6 11 W Creation and the Flood Story
Pages: 2 Words: 682

Flood Narratives: A Comparison of Genesis vs. Gilgamesh
Both the Hebrew Bible and the Babylonian "Gilgamesh" contain flood narratives of destruction and creation. However, while the Bible deploys the flood narrative as a moral judgment of God upon a particular generation of humanity, "Gilgamesh" merely uses the flood as an example of the fragile reality of the mortal human state. In the Bible, God looks upon the immorality of humankind, and uses water to ritually purify and cleanse the earth of all evil creatures, which includes most of individuals made in his image, except Noah and his household. The epic "Gilgamesh," tells story of the hero's acceptance of the transience of earthly mortal existence in the face of divine transcendence and uses the flood as a metaphor for the arbitrary nature of mortality, fate, and creation. In "Gilgamesh," even from the earth's creation, the will of the divine is arbitrary in…...


Works Cited

Coogan, Michael. (Editor). "Genesis." From The New Oxford Annotated Bible. Third edition. Oxford University Press, New York, 2001, pp. 18-27.

"Epic of Gilgamesh: No. 12." From Myths and Epics from Mesopotamia. pp. 68-69.

Comparison of Okonkwo and Gilgamesh
Pages: 5 Words: 1526

Okonkwo and Gilgamesh
Comparison of Okonkwo and Gilgamesh

According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, a hero is defined as a mythological or legendary figure often of divine descent endowed with great strength or ability. Keeping this definition in mind, Gilgamesh is reflected as a hero since he was two-third god and one-third man having supernatural strength. Furthermore he was destined to die and spent his entire life in quest for immortality. The epic narrates how the character has evolved throughout the twelve tablets and ended up being a completely different person to what he was initially.

Okonkwo, the protagonist of 'Things Fall Apart' is described as a person who was admired in his village for his bravery and strength. He was respected throughout the nine villages and everybody spoke of his gallantry with great awe and respect. Unlike Gilgamesh, Okonkwo's fame rested on personal achievements. He turned out to be a great man…...



Achebe, Chinua. Things fall apart. Anchor, 1996.

Carnahan, Wolf. The Epic of Gilgamesh. Trans.Maureen Gallery 1998.

Comparison of U K and U S Justice System
Pages: 5 Words: 1575

Justice Systems
Britain's legal institutions have served long as American law's foundations. In framing American Federal Constitution, framers exaggerated British ideas of power separation in the government, drawing on Parliament enactments. For several years following the evolution, U.S. courts looked to England's common laws for its rules of judgment. In intervening decades, English and American judges haven't been neglectful of their common custom- looking often to the other nation's legal doctrine development as a rich source of comparative study. This legal and spiritual kinship has, over time, been fostered by interchanges between England and America (Kaufman, 1980).

It follows that a profound commonality exists between the legal systems of Great Britain and America. America's legal structure, particularly what is referred to as the 'Common Law', has descended directly from the courts of England, mainly because of once being a British colony. Common law (or case law as it is alternatively called)…...



Kaufman, I.R. (1980). Criminal Procedure in England and the United States: Comparisons in Initiating Prosecutions. Fordham Law Review, Vol. 49, Is. 1, Article 8

Mazzacuva, F. (2014). Justifications and Purposes of Negotiated Justice for Corporate Offenders: Deferred and Non-Prosecution Agreements in the UK and U.S. systems of Criminal Justice. Journal Of Criminal Law, 78(3), 249-262. doi:10.1350/jcla.2014.78.3.921

Oshundeyi, M. (2011). The English Judicial System: Process Of Becoming Legal Professionals. Ankara Bar Review, 4(1), 57-70.

Parpworth, N. (2010). Constitutional and Administrative Law, oxford university press, New York.

Comparison Between Russia and China's Economic Reform in 1990's
Pages: 10 Words: 4722

ussia and China's economic reform in 1990's
Ever since the beginning of 1990s, the attention of the world has been concentrated on the persistently emerging relationship between the ussian Federation and the People's epublic of China. Much has been authored on the costs and benefits of such relationship and the prevailing analysis already tends to support China as one of the dominating states to come out in the coming decades in comparison to ussia. (ussia and China: Business Partners, Weary Neighbors) Hopefulness over the market restructuring of ussia wiped out with the crash of August 1998, when the ruble depreciated by 70% of its value and banks could not settle the debts and endorse currency contracts. In contradiction to the reform assurances by Yeltsin, the ussian economy of the 1990s more closely resembled a Soviet model than a market driven one. (The Logic of Economic eform in ussia)

There was complete…...



Could Russia Have Learned from China? FRBSF Economic Letter. 98-26. September 4, 1998. Retrieved from   Accessed on 16 December, 2004 

Hough, Jerry F. The Logic of Economic Reform in Russia. Brookings Institution Press 2001. Retrieved from   Accessed on 16 December, 2004 

Liu, Yu. Russia's fall, China's Rise? - Comparing Transitions of Russia and China: (Part I). Perspectives. Volume: 2; No: 5. Retrieved from Accessed on 16 December, 2004

Priority of Privatization in Economic Reforms: China and Taiwan compared with Russia. Retrieved from   Accessed on 16 December, 2004 

Comparison of Events
Pages: 1 Words: 333

Disaster Classification
Classifying disasters and comparing their impact on populations can be very difficult due to the widely varied nature of potential disasters and the different types and levels of damage they can cause. One means of classifying disasters that is frequently used is simply to note the origin of the disaster, or the primary cause of the disaster, which is useful because it can provide varying degrees of detail that, with proper foresight and planning based on adequate knowledge of each disaster type, can lead to more effective responses (FEMA, 2012). One can talk of natural disasters in a broad sense with some level of certainty in regard to certain policies, for example, and then one can classify the exact type of natural disaster for more detailed analysis -- a hurricane is expected to cause different types and levels of damage than an earthquake, for example (FEMA, 2012). This basic…...



Aceves, F., Rudolf, A. & Peralta, J. (2007). Disasters: A simplified systematic scale (SSS) for classifying magnitudes of hurricanes and earthquakes. Proceedings of the 51st Annual Meeting of the ISSS.

FEMA. (2012). Hazard and disaster classification. Accessed 13 April 2012.

Comparison and Contrast Final Version
Pages: 3 Words: 838

Gossip vs. News
With the expanding use of social networking sites, organizations and blogs have a growing ability to broadcast information to extraordinarily wide audience. Photos, videos, and written comments can be instantly shared on sites like Twitter and Facebook, allowing followers to have instant access to news. The expansion of these sites can often make it hard to distinguish news and fact from gossip and hearsay. This is particularly prevalent in entertainment news, which has always had a strong link with tabloids and gossip. Thus, the ability to distinguish entertainment news from gossip has become increasingly important to both reporters and their audience. Gossip can be defined as information that has no credible or verified source and little news value, while entertainment news has verified sources, is typically confirmed by industry professionals, and has a significant informational value that informs the public of relevant events. In this sense, gossip…...



Carter, B. Stetler, B. 2011. "With No Charlie Sheen CBS Mulls its Monday Night Lineup.." The New York Times. Retrieved from 

Rich, F. 2009."Tiger Woods, Person of the Year" The New York Times. Retrieved from

Comparison of the Educational Deficiencies of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Students
Pages: 2 Words: 535

Educational Deficiencies of Delinquent and Nondelinquent Students
This study was conducted in Florida to explore the relationship between education and delinquency. The authors contend that previous research that explored this issue was limited by the methodology used in those studies. Prior literature on delinquency and behavior reported relationships between poor school performance and delinquent behavior, a correlation between poor academic performance and delinquency, school status and delinquency, and social class and delinquency.

The authors claim previous studies were limited by the use of small sample sizes drawn from a single school and that most prior studies did not adequately address the issue of spuriousness. As a result the current understanding of how education can be used effectively in delinquency prevention and treatment remains fragmented and inconclusive (p. 292).

The large sample size, 5,187 in the experimental group and 5,187 in the comparison group provided statistical validity to this study. Large samples facilitate…...



Wang, X., Blomberg, T.G., & Li, S.D. (2005, August). Comparison of the educational deficiencies of delinquent and nondelinquent students. Educational review, Vol. 29, No. 4, 291-312.

Comparison Contrast
Pages: 3 Words: 877

Individualism vs. Collectivism
One of the distinguishing factors in describing a culture, society, community, or groups is whether its members and the individuals in that organization adopt an individualistic or collectivist with regards to their roles and functions and their relationship with the other members of an organization. These two concepts, that is, individualistic and collectivist groups are important to discuss because they help other people understand an individual or a group about their culture and values as a group/organization. Individualism and collectivism are often included in discussions about particular cultures and societies, and this paper will discuss the concept and nature of an individualist or collectivist culture or society, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of adopting one of these culture values to individuals and other people.

Individualistic culture is defined as "a culture in which people view their primary responsibility as being to themselves" (Rosenfeld 1998 423). Collectivist culture,…...


Works Cited

Rosenfeld, Lawrence. "Interplay: The Process of Interpersonal Communication." New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, Inc. 1998.

Comparison of the Sistine Madonna and the Swing Paintings
Pages: 10 Words: 3060

Sistine Modonna and the Swing Paintings
The Swing and the Sistine Madonna are both masterpieces of their era, long lasting in both technical success and celebration of their chosen subjects. Raphael and Fragonard approach their sources with deliberate composition through color, texture, lines and shapes, creating images of powerful resonance. The Sistine Madonna tells the story of great abandonment and celebration of lavish sensuality, while the Sistine Madonna explores the religious underpinnings of the Christian church. However, despite their disparate styles and meanings, they are infused with a circular similarity in both objects, construction, and import.

M. Putscher, in conversation about the work of F.T. Vischer in 1858, notably exclaimed, "What means this period made use of to draw Raphel closer to itself, even by force!"

Conversation about this all-important painting, particularly its artistic dissection, grew with the course of art history, developing from description to explanation. While it remained in its…...



Albright, William F. (Feb., 1938.) "What were the Cherubim?" The Biblical Archaelogist. Vol. 1, No. 1.

Eberlein, Johann Konrad. (Mar., 1984.) "The Curtain in Raphael's Sistine Madonna." The Art Bulletin, Vol. 65, No. 1.

Fusso, Susanne. (1995) "Maidens in Childbirth: The Sistine Madonna in Dostoevskii's Devils." Slavic Review, Vol. 54, No. 2

Lane, B.G. (1975 )"Ecce Panis Angelorum: The Manger as the Alter in Hugo's Berlin Nativity." Art Bulletin. LVII, Fig. 9.

Comparison and Contrast
Pages: 5 Words: 1432

Mark Twain is undisputedly one of the most prolific writers of all times. With an uncanny inability to see things as they were combined with an exceptional sense of humor, Twain's popularity transcended time and space. While all his writings left some impression on the readers, his travel books were so outstanding that they created a genre of their own. "The Innocents Abroad" and "A tramp abroad" were two important books that belonged to this genre with "A Tramp Abroad" being the less popular of the two. If Tramp was less successful than Innocents, it was primarily due to Twain's setting of standards with his other travelogues.
If ever an attempt to compare and contrast the two books is made, it is highly recommended that we start with the Innocents. The reason for this is obvious. 'Innocents' came before Tramp made its appearance and was definitely the more celebrated of the…...



[1] SLC to JHT, June 2, 1879; Beinecke Lib

[2] MTB, II, 6-68.

Comparison of Poetry
Pages: 5 Words: 2363

life illiam Blake's poem the Lamb, defining it as the divinity of creation. Furthermore looking at ildred Owen's poem In Dulce et Decorum Est, with an argument that its' message is one that contradicts the generally held beliefs that it is noble and heroic to die for one's country. The paper illustrates this further using quotes form the poem.
All is fair in love and ar: the lamb and the bringer of death

Poetry is often seen as one of the most expressive forms of writing, and if we look at two special poems one written by illiam Blake, the Lamb and Dulce et Decorum Est by ilfred Owen, within these poems we can see why they have been seen as expressive and yet so simple.

The theme of Blake's poem is the divinity of creation as seen in a lamb. The metaphor of a lamb is used as Christ was called…...


Work Cited

Roberts EV, Jacobs H.E (2000) Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing (6th Edition) Prentice Hall College Div

style of writing and use of langauge in a streetcar named desire?
Words: 111

There are two main levels of language used in A Streetcar Named Desire. These are the text of the stage directions and the words the actors actually say to one another. The biggest contrast is between Stanley's course, slang language and Blanche's classy, flowery statements. While Blanche's language sounds much more proper, it also sounds very fake and false in comparison with Stanley's speech. This is how Williams wanted it to sound when he wrote the play. By using two styles of writing and language, Williams was able to distinguish the two main characters from one another very easily, which....

I have an assignment essay on united airlines vs spirit airlines inc. do you have resources on both airlines?
Words: 373

A comparison and contrast essay on two specific service providers is a little different from comparison and contrast essays on ideas or people because you are going to always want to focus on the customer’s experience.  However, if you are writing the essay for a business class, you would be focusing on different aspects such as corporate structure, stock price, etc.  So, keep that in mind when writing your essay.  Are you providing more of a user review or a business analysis and structure your essay accordingly.

It is also important to keep in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic has really....

Can you help me with an essay topic or essay title for mobile phone marketing?
Words: 481

In modern times, almost everyone carries a powerful computer with them- their mobile phone.  These phones are excellent for marketing purposes because they allow marketers to contact people through text, email, social media applications, and targeted advertising on web searches.  This means there are many ways you can approach an essay on mobile phone marketing.  We will provide ten possible titles and ten possible topics for such an essay.

Essay Titles

  1. You’ve Got Mail
  2. Tempting Customers on the Brink of Buying
  3. We Know What You Want
  4. Brand Building
  5. Know Your Audience
  6. Turning Clicks into Conversions
  7. Marketing Mobile Phones to a Mobile Market
  8. Is SEO....

Where can I find the differences of Louis XIV and Charles II for an essay?
Words: 347

Louis XIV and Charles II were both monarchs at the time of significant civic unrest and allegations of government overreach and abuse, and, as such, they have many similarities.  However, the differences between the two monarchs are notable as well.  The individual differences may not be as meaningful as understanding their differences when placed into the context of the French and English monarchies and also what was happening in their countries during their reign.

Charles II was the king of England after a bloody English civil war that resulted in the execution of his father Charles....

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