Compare and Contrast Essays (Examples)

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Compare and Contrast
Pages: 2 Words: 600

When thinking up compare and contrast essay titles, the best approach to take is this:  start with the subject of your paper and ask yourself, “What two things am I juxtaposing?”  That is to say, what are you comparing and contrasting?  Apples and oranges?  BMW and Mercedes?  Living in the city vs. living in the suburbs?  Living in the suburbs vs. living in the country?  Living in the 1st World vs. living in the Third World?  Once you’ve identified the subject, your title is very nearly set.  All that’s left is to add a little space:  give the reader a hint of the way they are similar or different, and that is all there is to it.  Here are some examples to show you how.

Compare and Contrast Essay Titles

1. Organic vs. Locally Produced:  Why the Latter is Often Better

2. Marvel and DC:  Why One is Falling and the Other Rising


Compare and Contrast 2 Different Religions
Pages: 6 Words: 2089

World eligions
Compare and contrast 2 different religions

World's eligions: Judaism and Buddhism

For over centuries, the term religion has been used interchangeably in close relations with faith, set of duties, system or set of beliefs. In 2012, a global poll reported that approximately 62% of the world's population relies on religious beliefs while 38% are not religious (does not belong to any religion), including 10% who are atheists. eligion is a collection of organized cultural systems, beliefs, and views of the contemporary world, which relate humanity to the order of existence. A number of religions encompass symbols, sacred histories and symbols, which intend to expound the meaning of life and/or clarify the origin of the Universe, as well as the existing life in it. Every religion may have an organized set of behaviors and clergy, as well as the description of what constitutes membership or adherence, the scriptures and holy places. According…...



Esposito, J.L. (2008). World religions today. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Van Voorst, R.E. (2007). Anthology of world scriptures. New York, NY: Cengage Learning


Compare and Contrast Piaget and Vygotsky
Pages: 5 Words: 1651

Paiget and Vygotsky
Compare and Contrast Piagets and Vygotsky

Understanding is assumed to be the process which is involved when it comes to mental activity and thinking, for instance memory, problem solving and attention. In this paper which is basically on the cognitive development it will explore things by comparing and contrasting the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, both of whom were very influential in coming up with a more scientific method to analyzing the cognitive development procedure of the child active building of knowledge. (Dockrell, 2009)Then the paper then go onto assesses the practicality of these theories in grasping a child's development.

Each Piaget and Vygotsky has come to the agreement that children's cognitive development happens in various stages of their lives. (Foster, 2009)On the other hand they were differentiated by dissimilar methods of thinking. The first to show that children reason and think in a different way at diverse periods…...



Dockrell, J. (2009). Piaget, Vygotsky & Beyond: Central Issues in Developmental Psychology and Education. New York: Routledge.

Foster, H.M. (2009). Reflections on the past, directions for the future. Voices from the Middle, 7(2), 4-9.

Mooney, C.G. (2008). Theories of Childhood: An Introduction to Dewey, Montessori, Erikson, Piaget & Vygotsky. New York City: Redleaf Press; 1 edition.

(2010). The Psychology Of The Child . In J. Paiget. New York City: Basic Books; 2nd Printing edition.

Compare and Contrast China Preventive Health Services and US Preventive Health Services
Pages: 5 Words: 1395

China Preventive Health Services and U.S. Preventive Health Services
The objective of this study is to compare and contrast China preventive health services and U.S. preventive health services.

The work of Clarke (2010) reports that prevention "was a prominent feature of the health care reforms that took place in the late 1960s through the early 1970s. During that time strategies such as universal vaccination, promotion f lifestyle changes, population screenings, and safety regulations were introduced and became widely accepted as means to improve public health while reducing health care expenditures." (p.3) The U.S. while one of the world's richest and most technologically advanced nations, is experiencing a severe lack in meeting expectations for health status and the costs are reported as "alarmingly high." (Clarke, 2011, p.3)

Specifically, the age-adjusted prevalence of obesity in the United States in 2007-2008 is reported to have been 33.8% overall, 32.2% among men and 35.5% among women."…...



China (2012) CIA Factbook. Retrieved from: 

Claeson, M, Wang, H., and Hu, S. (2004) A Critical Review of Public Health in China. Retrieved from:,09-13-04.pdf 

Eggleston, K. et al. (2008) Health Service Delivery in China: A Literature Review. Health Economics. 17: 159-165. Retrieved from:

Maciosek, MV (2008) Greater Use of Preventive Services in U.S. Health Care Could Save Lives at Little or no Cost. Health Affairs, Sept. 2010. Retrieved from:

Compare and Contrast Relative Age Dating Radiometric Dating What Strengths Limitations
Pages: 2 Words: 844

adiometric Dating and elative Age Dating
Dating fossils

It has been a kind of grey area for many how scientists and archeologists determine the age of recoveries they make from ancient sites. The moment this question is asked, it brings on board a number of processes among them radiometric dating and relative age dating. In the process of comparing and contrasting these two processes, this paper compares and contrasts these two processes as well as highlighting their strengths and weaknesses where applicable.

adiometric dating which is commonly known as radioactive dating is a method used to estimate the age of materials like rocks mostly based on a contrast among the pragmatic profusion of a naturally occurring radioactive isotope as well as its putrefy products by the use of decompose rates. adiometric dating relies on three fundamental rules in addition to a number of critical assumptions. It is important to note that all the…...



Bowman, S. (1990). Radiocarbon Dating. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. Retrieved on 21, Feb 2013 from: 

Gore, Pamela J.W. (1999). Georgia Perimeter College. 21, Feb 2013 from: / ~pgore/geology/geo102/radio.htm

Nic, M.; Jirat, J.; Kosata, B., eds. (2006 -- ). "radioactive dating." IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology. Retreived on 21, Feb 2013 from:

Compare and Contrast Native Americans and the Blues from Sherman Alexie Book Reservation Blues
Pages: 9 Words: 2819

The title of Sherman Alexie's first novel, Reservation Blues, sums up the two central themes that reverberate throughout the story: reservation life and the particular, peculiar status of blues music in American history and identity. The novel follows the story of a Native American blues rock band based near Spokane, ashington, whose rise and fall is dictated, at least partially, by the cursed guitar of blues legend Robert Johnson. However, Alexie's use of the blues is not as strictly literal, because he uses the particular rhythms and identities of the blues in order to explore contemporary Native American life. By comparing and contrasting Alexie's presentation of the Native American history and culture with his use of the blues, it is possible to see how the novel argues for a kind of hybrid identity that is based in a pre-American culture but which nevertheless reconstitutes itself through distinctly American forms of…...


Works Cited

Alexie, Sherman. Reservation Blues. New York: Atlantic Monthly Press, 2005.

Andrews, Scott. "A New Road and a Dead End in Sherman Alexie's Reservation Blues." The

Arizona Quarterly 63.2 (2007): 137-53.

Evans, Stephen F. "Open Containers": Sherman Alexie's Drunken Indians." American Indian

Compare and Contrast the 2 Antigone Characters
Pages: 8 Words: 2900

Antigone depicts the human stubbornness towards accepting what is supposed to be good for him and hence in the later part shows the pain and suffering man goes through by disobeying his Almighty which is the result of man refusing to accept destiny and circumstances. The counter side of human behavior shown in this dramatic poetry is that man, instead following his creator, listens to an inside character that is part of his conscious and gives in to his inner needs, desires and compulsions which leads to the ultimate and mysterious justification of man's actions, behavior and eventually his life.

Comparison and Contrast of the Two Antigones

Sophocles is known to create his work in a sense where the protagonist is often than not struggling through an important but moral war within, which always concludes itself to be tragic due to a very particular yet extreme quality. In his greatest work…...



Beacham, Richard C. "Antigone by Sophocles." The International Dictionary of Theatre, Vol. 1: Plays. Edited by Mark Hawkins-Dady. St. James Press, 1992, pp. 21-3.

Braun, Richard Emil, translator. Introduction. Antigone. By Sophocles. Oxford University Press, 1973, pp. 5, 12.

de Romilly, Jacqueline. "Drama in the Second Half of the Fifth Century: Sophocles, Euripides, and Aristophanes." A Short History of Greek Literature. Translated by Lillian Doherty. University of Chicago Press, 1985, pp. 66-89.

Radford, Colin. "Antigone by Jean Anouilh." The International Dictionary of Theatre, Vol. 1: Plays. Edited by Mark Hawkins-Dady. St. James Press, 1992, pp. 23-4.

Compare and Contrast Freud and Maslow
Pages: 2 Words: 603

Freud Maslow
Abraham Maslow and Sigmund Freud both shaped the science of human behavior, psychology. They were not contemporaries, though. Freud was born in 1856, and Maslow in 1908. By the time Maslow studied psychology, the discipline had already been firmly established partly because of the influence of Sigmund Freud. Both researchers established trends in how to conceptualize human psychology. Although Maslow was influenced by the trends that Freud established in the subject of psychology, Maslow developed his theories independently. Some of Maslow's theories are divergent and even contradictory from those of his forebear. Maslow and Freud are fun and easy to compare and contrast because they share enough in common with one another to recognize points of reference.

Sigmund Freud was born in Austria on May 6, 1856. He spent most of his life in Vienna. His father was a merchant. Freud initially studied neurology and intended to become a doctor.…...


Works Cited

"Abraham Maslow." PBS. Retrieved online: 

"Sigmund Freud." PBS. Retrieved online:

Compare and Contrast Between Albert Ellis' Cognitive Therapy and Behavior Therapy
Pages: 13 Words: 3990

Tom Shulich ("Coltish Hum")
A Critical Comparison of Behavior Therapy and ational-Emotive Therapy

In this paper, I consider the benefits and drawbacks of behavior therapy and the cognitive therapy. These are talking therapies that now have over a half-century of application in clinical settings and are still used today in conjunction with, or as an alternative to, drug treatments of psychological disorders. I conclude that these therapies are still useful, though each has its limitations.

Behavior therapy (BT) and rational-emotive therapy (ET) were developed in the mid 20th century as alternative psychotherapies to Freudian psychoanalysis. A key foundational text for BT is Joseph Wolpe's (1958) Psychotherapy by eciprocal Inhibition. ational-emotive therapy (originally called simply "rational therapy") was founded in 1955 by Albert Ellis (Ellis & Dryden 1987, p. 1). Ellis' ET incorporates aspects of learning theory, which is central to BT, but goes beyond BT to utilize the central concept of "cognition," which…...



Beck, A. 1967. Depression: Clinical, experimental and theoretical aspects. New York: Harper & Row.

Blinder, Barton J.; Freeman, Daniel M.; Stunkard, Albert J. (1970). Behavior therapy of anorexia nervosa: Effectiveness of activity as a reinforcer of weight gain. The American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol 126(8), 1970, 1093-1098.

Craighead, L., Stunkard, A., O'Brien, R. 1981. Behavior Therapy and Pharmacotherapy for Obesity. Arch Gen Psychiatry. 1981;38(7):763-768.

Davidson, K., Norrie, J., Tyrer, P., Gumley, A., Tata, P., Murray, H., & Palmer S. (2006). The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder: Results from the Borderline Personality Disorder Study of Cognitive Therapy (BOSCOT) Trial. Journal of Personality Disorders: Vol. 20, No. 5, pp. 450-465.

Compare and Contrast Picture Exchange Communication System With Other Communications Systems
Pages: 5 Words: 1325

PECS and Autism

Comparison and Contrast: Picture Exchange Communication System

Autism is a developmental disorder of communication skills, caused by abnormalities in the brain or nervous system. Symptoms usually surface in the first 3 years of life. Treatments are in the form of picture communication systems, medication, diets and social interaction. The most effective appears to be the PECS, which treats in six phases. It has advantages and disadvantages to consider.

Autism and Treatments

Autism is a developmental disorder in the brain and communication skills (Kaneshiro & Zieve, 2012). The causes of this physical abnormality remain unknown, although genetic factors seem important. Language abnormalities among the relatives of autistic children are a common observation. Chromosomal and nervous system abnormalities have also been observed. Autism becomes evident in the first 3 years of life. Most autistic children have difficulty in pretending play, social interactions, and verbal and nonverbal communication (Kaneshiro & Zieve).

Successful treatment…...



Gagnon, M. (2012). The disadvantages of PECS. eHow: Demand Media, Inc. Retrieved

on March 3, 2012 from

Kaneshiro, N.K. And Zieve, David (2012). Autism. Medline Plus: U.S. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved on March 4, 2012 from

PEC (2012). PECS. Pyramid Educational Consultants: Illinois State University. Retrieved on March 3, 2012 from http://www.autismspectrum.illinoistateedu/resources/factsheets/pictureexchange.shtml

Compare and Contrast at Least 5 Cultural or Ethnic Beliefs in the Treatment of Cancer
Pages: 14 Words: 3800

Treatment of Cancer
Cultural and Ethnical elated

Beliefs in the Treatment of Cancer

Healthcare disparities among cultural or ethnic lines have been shown to not be as totally unbalanced burdens from disease, disability or death. Particular populations or groups when compared to the majority of the population are at an obvious disadvantage but not as wide a gap as they would have you believe. "acial or ethnic differences in the quality of health care are not due to access-related factors or clinical needs, preferences and appropriateness of intervention." (Smedley, Stith, & Nelson, 2002) The true problem is that there are unique cultural and ethnic beliefs that could be affecting the overall care these groups receive. This report will attempt to compare and contrast at least five cultural or ethnic beliefs in the treatment of cancer to see if those beliefs do in fact affect the overall care received.

The treatment of cancer has various…...



Bindman, Andrew B. (1996). Measuring The Need For Medical Care In An Ethnically Diverse Population. Health Services Research, Dec.

Darr, Kurt (2002). Cultural, Ethnic, And Religious Diversity In Service Delivery. (Nexus: ethics, law, and management) Hospital Topics, Jan.

Das, Maya (2003). Achieving Equality: Healthcare Governance In Transition. American Journal of Law & Medicine, June.

Fedigan, Jay. (n.d.). The Color of Health: race, history and today's African-American Health Crisis. Retrieved January 18, 2004, from

Compare and Contrast of the Mothers in the Glass Menagerie Death of a Salesman
Pages: 2 Words: 955

Amanda ingfield and Linda Loman
Comparing and Contrasting Mothers in Tennessee illiams's the Glass Menagerie and Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman

Two plays from the 1940's, Tennessee illiam's The Glass Menagerie (1944) and Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman (1949), although much different in tone and content, both have female characters who want only the best for their families, yet live completely in the past. Amanda recalls her youth filled with "gentlemen callers," and cannot see Laura's (or Tom's) strengths and talents. Linda avoids confronting illy about his plan to kill himself. Both refuse to see their families as they are. In this essay, I will compare and contrast Amanda and Linda, in terms of their hopes and wishes for, and treatment of, their families.

As Tennessee illiams describes Amanda ingfield in the List of Characters, "Amanda, having failed to establish contact with reality, continues to live vitally in her illusions" (The…...


Works Cited

Miller, Arthur. Death of a Salesman. In The Harper American Literature, Vol. 2,

2nd Ed. Donald McQuade et al. (Eds). New York: Addison-Wesley, 1993.


Williams, Tennessee. The Glass Menagerie. In The Harper American Literature,

Compare and Contrast of Products
Pages: 3 Words: 1052

AC Cooling Towers
The author of this report has been asked to compare and contrast two different types of air conditioning (AC) cooling towers. This report will be a professional opinion based on the literature, pricing and specifications available for the two towers under review. Of course, there are important concerns when picking an air conditioning cooling tower and having one installed including useful life cycle, maintenance costs overall, the ease in which maintenance can be completed and so forth. While cost should obviously be a concern, the length of life of an air conditioning cooling tower as well as the efficiency and other traits of the cooling tower matter just as much, if not more.


One of the brands up for review is known as TowerTech. Their brochure includes costs but also highlights the fact that there are two main types of air conditioning cooling towers, those being closed circuit and…...



CTI. (2015). What is Cooling Tower? Detail. Retrieved 23 September 2015, from 

Emerson Swan. (2015). BAC Cooling Towers -- Emerson Swan. Retrieved 23 September 2015, from 

TowerTech. (2015). Cooling Towers by Tower Tech Inc.. Retrieved 23 September 2015, from

Compare and Contrast of Rhetoric Methods
Pages: 4 Words: 1356

Hour ule
The author of this report has been asked to compare and contrast the rhetorical flair as it relates to different articles that assess and analyze what is known as the 10,000-hour rule. For the uninformed, the 10,000 rule states that it basically takes about 10,000 hours for a person to become a master at a discipline or trade. Easy examples to point to include mastery of the violin, writing of books/novels and computer programming. Indeed, these are some of the many examples used by authors Sandman and Bradley as they analyze and poke holes in the 10,000-hour rule. While Sandman and Bradley come to much the same conclusion, Bradley's use of logos was clearly the wiser choice for the argument being made and Bradley's overall technique of varied examples and clear explains was superior.


There are, of course, three different approaches to rhetoric. Those approaches are known as ethos,…...



Bradley, D. (2012). Why Gladwell's 10,000-hour rule is wrong. Retrieved 9

September 2015, from -


Sandman, J. (2013). 10,000 Hours -- Jared Sandman. Retrieved 9

Compare and Contrast Japan's Management Theories and Work Ethics With the United States
Pages: 5 Words: 1692

strong work ethic is vital to the success of any firm. In recent years thee have been many comparisons made between the work ethic of American and Japanese employees. (hody 1995) The purpose of this discussion is to compare and contrast Japan's management theories and work ethics with that of the United States.
Japanese Management Theory and Work Ethic

Japanese workers are among the most productive workers in the world. (hody 1995) Much of this productivity has been attributed to a strong work ethic and the managerial structure of the Japanese Labor Force. (hody 1995) According to an article in the journal Public Personnel Management, the Japanese management style that is practiced contributes greatly to the productivity that exists throughout the country. The journal explains, "Japanese management deals with each employee as a person rather than a worker. This concern tends to go beyond the job and the paycheck." (hody 1995)




Applebaum, H. (1998). The American Work Ethic and the Changing WorkForce: An Historical Perspective. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. 

Cutcher-Gershenfeld, J., Lin, W., Nitta, M., Moore, M., Barrett, B.J., Mothersell, W.M., Belhedi, N., Palthe, J., Chow, S.S., Ramanand, S., Inaba, T., Strolle, M.E., Ishino, I., Wheaton, A.C., Coutchie, C., Lee, S., & Rabine, S. (1998). Knowledge-Driven Work: Unexpected Lessons from Japanese and United States Work Practices. New York: Oxford U.S.. 

Kelly, G.M. (2000). Employment and concepts of work in the new global economy. International Labour Review, 139(1), 5.

Can you compare and contrast caring theories?
Words: 450

First, we want to reassure you that being confused about nursing worldviews puts you in some good company.  Many nurse practitioners find that the approach that place worldviews at the beginning of nursing inquiry may actually be hampering the development of nursing scholarship and keeping the profession from evolving as quickly and as efficiently as it should.  In addition, the material can become very confusing because different authors use the words paradigm and worldview interchangeably, though they distinguish them from metaparadigms. 

Broadly stated, an individual’s worldview consists of the beliefs and assumptions that the person uses to interpret....

What is a research topic associated with a POS within Information Systems?
Words: 352

POS, or point of sale, systems are critical to allowing a business to make money, since they are where a customer pays for goods or services.  If it is difficult for a customer to complete a transaction, then it does not matter how easy-to-use the rest of your website is.  This makes POS systems a critical component of any online business. 

Point of Sales (POS) Research Paper Topics

  1. Why have so many small businesses rejected implementing a central POS system, instead choosing to still use a combination of other methods including separate cash registers, credit card terminals, and bookkeeping programs?
  2. Does using a....

I have an assignment essay on united airlines vs spirit airlines inc. do you have resources on both airlines?
Words: 373

A comparison and contrast essay on two specific service providers is a little different from comparison and contrast essays on ideas or people because you are going to always want to focus on the customer’s experience.  However, if you are writing the essay for a business class, you would be focusing on different aspects such as corporate structure, stock price, etc.  So, keep that in mind when writing your essay.  Are you providing more of a user review or a business analysis and structure your essay accordingly.

It is also important to keep in mind that the COVID-19 pandemic has really....

How do I write a narrative essay on nurture?
Words: 364

When you have been assigned a specific type of essay, the first thing to do is ensure you understand the assignment.  For this particular essay, this means understanding what a narrative essay involves as well as understanding what you mean by an essay on nurture.  Many essays dealing with the topic of nurture focus on the nature versus nurture debate, but that topic is more compatible with an argumentative essay or compare and contrast essay than it is with a narrative essay.  

A narrative essay tells a story and uses the story....

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