Community Service Essays Examples

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Discover a variety of example essays that explore the impact and significance of community service. These essays cover topics ranging from personal reflections on volunteer experiences to broader discussions on the social and ethical implications......

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Community Service Is a Service
Pages: 7 Words: 2136

Marketing is the function that connects the company with its customers and is therefore one of the most important channels of implementation for the management strategies in order to reach the company's goals.
Community service is one of the vital components of business today. Not only does it provide the business person with a good image in the public view, but it also allows a connection between the business and its community that would not otherwise be possible. Indeed, community service can also serve as an important springboard for marketing opportunities. I believe it is vital to include community service in school of management courses.

In the business environment, community service provides the business with a public image of corporate responsibility. Indeed, today's community is particularly informed regarding businesses and their community-targeted practices. Furthermore, the looming environmental crisis has made such responsibilities not only mandatory in terms of image for the…...

Community Service This Study Analyzes
Pages: 5 Words: 1506

It was based on good practices within homes and outside to the general community. The field test revealed that this model is a useful managerial tool to assist home-based health care volunteer in strengthening their existing community health services and within peoples.
Monitoring and Evaluation of Goal

Monitoring and Evaluation mechanism were put in place to ensure that activities carried out are in line with the plan. and, to ensure that incase of any deviation occur, corrective actions are taken immediately. Feedbacks were also established so patients under home-based care could respond to the kind of services they receive from the team. In providing elaborate evaluation, facets were used so that the contributions to the community health care program, and the process and outcome of implementation to be determined accurately. However, the following methods were also used in carrying out evaluation:

Checking how active they engage in the activities in comparison with…...

Community Service Volunteer Work Has
Pages: 1 Words: 313

In fact, economically disadvantaged individuals could receive free medial support with the organization.
In addition to my work with Heal the Bay and New Beginnings, I also served for several hours at a community hospital as an assistant and observer to resident doctors. As an aspiring physician, I witnessed all manner of day-to-day realities in the world of health care. In whatever way I could, I helped doctors and other health care workers offer the best support and care to their clients, many of whom came in with emergencies or acute needs.

Each of my volunteer positions opened my eyes to the tremendously selfless services performed by volunteers in our community and throughout the world. With the aid of philanthropic funding, aid organizations such as the ones I had the honor of participating in will continue to assist individuals in need and I intend to incorporate selfless service into my professional…...

Community Service at a Retirement Home
Pages: 2 Words: 606

Community Service Retirement
I went to a local retirement home for a half day of volunteer service not long ago, in part because I needed some service for my degree but also because of a death of the grandparent of a friend. That had gotten me thinking about what it was really like to be around people as they lived out their lives. Where they just tied to medical devises and routines, and what might it be like to talk about their memories. I had heard that a lot of people remembered the good parts of their accomplishments as their lives started coming to a close.

I was wrong on many fronts. Particularly the one about the memories. As it turned out, I found myself in the midst of a confrontation on a battlefield of a war of opposites!

Dave was one of the characters; Allan the other. Dave had spent his entire…...

Community Service
Pages: 2 Words: 545

Coaching Youth Sports
Community service

One of the best experiences that one gets in the process of learning, particularly outside the class is the issue of community service. It is at such attachments that an individual learns the things that he would not have learnt in class in a better manner than in the community. Spending time with the community and experiencing what they undergo on a daily basis opened up my eyes to the future and the contemporary challenges that the community has.

The community that I was attached to was predominantly low income families of Hispanics and the dominant social issues that I detected were bullying and the binge drinking. These are social problems that are seen to transcend from school to the community and the community has accepted them as normal and a daily happening yet they affect the children and the youth in this community.

The rate at which the…...

Community Service at Catholic Charities in Chicago
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Community Service at Catholic Charities in Chicago consider my involvement in social work, a community service at Catholic Charities in Chicago, an important and significant part of my life. As a youth, I've always wanted to be of service to those who are in need. This became one of my aspirations in life since the time I witnessed in my grandmother how helping makes her feel happy and complete. To me, she is a proof of how kindness to others, through charity, earns love as incomparable wealth and richness to one's living.
My grandmother was a program director for specialized and traditional foster care in Chicago. The charity institution she works at helps orphans who are not so lucky enough to be supported by their families. It was through my grandmother that I was able to get involved in charity works, and I find this as a fulfillment of one…...

Organization or Agency where Community Service Performed
Pages: 8 Words: 2726

When not engaged in these volunteer and "policy" roles, I was directly at work with people in need of counseling or jobs or housing (Yates & Youniss, 2006).
I was struck by how much of my experience was shaped by professional staffs who were often trapped into behaving as functionaries and, above all, how uncritical the experience was for all of us (Yates & Youniss, 2006). To be sure, there were problems to be solved; usually those of budgets and personnel. Only occasionally would we debate our mission and its priorities. More often, our concerns had to do with money and public relations. I recalled endless attention to operational matters, often tedious, never resolved, and always recurring. Seldom, however, did we address the meaning of what we were doing; it was enough, apparently, to be doing good things. I was, in short, a good volunteer.

Looking back, I realized how busy…...



American Hospital Association. Community Benefit and Tax-Exempt Status: A Self-Assessment Guide for Hospitals. Chicago: The Association, 1988.

Hansmann, Henry. "Economic Theories of Nonprofit Organization." In the Nonprofit Sector: A Research Handbook, edited by Walter W. Powell. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2007.

Hall, Mark a., and John D. Colombo. "Modern Theories of Hospital Tax Exemption." Washington Law Review 66 (2006): 307-411.

Hoy, Elizabeth W., and Bradford H. Gray. "Trends in the Growth of the Major Investor-Owned Hospital Companies." In for Profit Enterprise in Health Care, edited by Bradford H. Gray. An Institute of Medicine Report. Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 2006.

NSW Government Human Community Services
Pages: 8 Words: 2278

Additional funding has been provided by Casey Family Programs for participation in the Breakthrough eries, and by the Casey/CCP Alliance for work going forward. Funding is still being sought for the implementation and replication of successful interventions and the critical data analysis to measure outcomes." (Clark, Buchanan, Legters, 2008)
Critical Perspective

The NW Human ervices organization operates for a noble cause and is subject to the ethical issues inherent to its operation such that any existing organization is subject to ethical issues inherent to its industry and operating environment. How an organization addresses these ethical dilemmas in a sense of either rectification, mitigation, or remediation, will determine the overall effect of how ethics plays as a role in the organizational dynamic.

According to Paulsen (2011), "One of the most influential care ethicists, Joan Tronto, distinguishes between four different phases of care

. Caring about, she says, focuses on the attentiveness of caregivers, so…...


Schene, P., Caffaro, J. & Fluke, J. 2004, the Importance of ASSESSMENT in Child Welfare, American Public Human Services Association.

Tronto JC. An ethic of care. in: Holstein M. And Mitzen P (eds). Ethics in community-based elder care. New York:

Springer Publishing, 2001.

Cultural Experience Community Service for
Pages: 5 Words: 1531

I had to learn about some of the issue that are in the political sphere today. This taught me how to become educated about those issues. For me, this was important in heightening my civic awareness. There are things going on that are very important but most people simply don't know about. For me, it was surprising to learn about the role of government and perhaps even more importantly the role of individual citizens in government.
Going into marketing, I need to understand the legal environment and this means that I should have a pulse on the political environment. More important than that, however, is what I learned about my rights and responsibilities as an American citizen. This is the most important thing -- that I know who my representatives are, what they stand for and how to talk to them so that they know what I stand for. I…...

Community Service and Robbery
Pages: 11 Words: 3539

Criminal Procedure Law
This document outlines the proposed criminal justice system. Its aim is to prevent and control crime and criminal acts through punitive measures and penalties to those who violate the set laws. The paper is a suggested criminal justice system for a national jurisdiction, at the federal level. The jurisdiction has a population of about one million people who are equally dispersed in the urban cities and rural areas of the nation. The social and economic status of the residents in this jurisdiction ranges from the very poor to the very rich. The country has its fair share of illegal immigrants and the criminal acts perpetrated in the country do compare throughout all the regions of the country.



Murder is the termination of the life of a human being. The life of a human being starts at the point of conception. Murder is an act committed willingly either with the…...


Works cited

Adlerstein, Jo Anne C. "Felony-Murder in the New Criminal Codes." Am. J. Crim. L. 4 (1975): 249. Web.

Bubany, Charles P. "Texas Penal Code of 1974, The." Sw. LJ 28 (1974): 292. Web.

HEALTH AND SAFETY CODE, § CHAPTER 481-Sec. 481.001.-Sec. 481.354. (2013). Web.

Miller, Emily L. "(Wo) manslaughter: Voluntary Manslaughter, Gender, and the Model Penal Code." Emory LJ 50 (2001): 665. Web.

Community Capital Organization Description the
Pages: 8 Words: 2472

It is important, therefore to understand the different frameworks by which the ethics of an act can be evaluated.
The art of citizenship, as identified by Barber (no date), must taught as part of one's education. It also holds that practical experience is the best way to teach the art of citizenship. People learn about the consequences of their actions by attaching themselves to those consequences physically. In my case, the sheer volume of shoes that I had to sort made the point clear -- I was helping people clothe themselves. Every box of children's shoes I sent was a child that I helped to live a better life. e have a responsibility, Barber argues, to understand the implications of our actions on our communities.

The different approaches to ethics can also be studied through practical experience. It is social interaction that illustrates for us the outcomes of our actions, and…...


Works Cited:

Barber, B. (no date). A model program: Education-based community service at Rutgers University. In possession of the author. (2011). World Vision. Retrieved March 11, 2011 from 

Daniels College of Business. (2011). Daniels today and tomorrow. University of Denver. Retrieved March 11, 2011 from 

Fukuyama, F. (1999). Social capital and civil society. International Monetary Fund. In possession of the author.

Services Provided to Support and
Pages: 5 Words: 1753

(Allan and afoon, 2008, p.1) Limitations of the program were acknowledged after a study reported findings which state: "...there an awareness of hidden areas of trauma that exist in this population, such as, for instance, an awareness that most humanitarian entrant women (between 80% and 100%) have been the victims of rape and the shame associated with this mitigates against disclosure and dealing with the effects of it." (Allan and afoon, 2008, p.1)

Allan, David and afoon, Patrick (2008) Strength to Strength (STS) - a family relationships program for humanitarian entrant families living in Western metropolitan Sydney 24 June 2008. Relationships Australia NSW - Humanitarian Entrants Program. Australian Government - Australian Institute of Family Studies. Online available at

Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services (nd) What we know about achievements of the Early Intervention Parenting Program and Good eginnings Prototypes. Online available at

Gallegos, Danielle, et al. (2007)…...



Allan, David and Bafoon, Patrick (2008) Strength to Strength (STS) - a family relationships program for humanitarian entrant families living in Western metropolitan Sydney 24 June 2008. Relationships Australia NSW - Humanitarian Entrants Program. Australian Government - Australian Institute of Family Studies. Online available at 

Australian Government Department of Family and Community Services (nd) What we know about achievements of the Early Intervention Parenting Program and Good Beginnings Prototypes. Online available at

Gallegos, Danielle, et al. (2007) Service Provision in the Upper Northern Suburbs for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Communities: A Scoping Study. March 2007. On behalf of the CaLD Interagency Reference Group for the Northern Metropolitan Corridor. Online available at

Spinks, Harriet (2008) Adult Migrant English Program Budget 2009-09 Social Issues. Parliament of Australia. Parliamentary Library. Online available at

Community Watch Impact on Colleges
Pages: 3 Words: 996

(COPS, 2005)
IV. A Multidisciplinary Approach

The work entitled: "Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach" states that it t has been recommended by the Florida Gubernatorial Task Force for University Campus Safety as follows: "That each college and university develop a multidisciplinary crisis management team, integrating and ensuring communication between the university law enforcement or campus security agency, student affairs, residential housing, counseling center, health center, legal counsel, and any other appropriate campus entities to review individuals and incidents which indicate "at-risk" behavior. The team should facilitate the sharing of information, timely and effective intervention, and a coordinated response when required." (Community Policing Dispatch, 2009) Colleges and universities in the United States are "recognizing the particular applicability of community policing in the campus environment. The community policing model helps to create the framework for a productive relationship between the officers and those whom they serve." (Wilson and Grammich, 2009)


Campus Threat…...



Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2009) Community Policing Dispatch. Vol. 2 Issue 4 April 2009. Online available at: 

Campus Watch Program (nd) College of Lake County, Illinois. Online available at: 

Godfrey, Steven (nd) Assessing the Success of Community-Policing (Neighborhood Watch Program) Online available at: 

Gummere, Sara Lippincott (2003) Making a Better Place: Planning, Implementing & Managing a Student Volunteer Program. University of Oregon June 2003. Online available at:

Community-Based Corrections Description A Court-Ordered Sanction That
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Community-Based Corrections
Description: A court-ordered sanction that puts the offender back into the community but under the supervision of a probation officer. Probation can be assigned to follow jail time (provided good behavior while incarcerated), and it may include having the offender pay a fine, do restitution, and perform community service activities as well (

Advantages: a) Instead of serving time in prison or a county jail the offender gets an opportunity to return to the community albeit under stringent requirements; b) it is basically like a second chance for the offender, and if he or she takes advantage of the opportunity and follows the rules, it can be a blessing for the offender and a savings of money for the correctional system

Disadvantages: a) This is not technically a "disadvantage" but if the terms of the probation are not met (for example, if the person on probation fails to report to his…...


Works Cited

Findlaw. (2010). Restitution. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from .

Prince William County, Virginia. (2010). What is Probation? Retrieved February 18, 2013, from .

U.S. Department of Education. (2011). Community-Based Correctional Education. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from .

U.S. Department of Justice. (2011). Electronic Monitoring Reduces Recidivism. Retrieved February 18, 2013, from .

Service Catherine Mcauley the Meaning
Pages: 3 Words: 1025

Playing as part of a team reinforces social skills that will last students a lifetime, like listening to the coach (yes, that's me, I admit I'm biased!), treating their fellow players with respect, and also having patience with some of the mistakes of their team members. I point out that if you have patience with someone else's mistakes, the other members of the team will have patience if you later make an error on the field -- and no one is perfect, even the coach! I am proud of my team's record, and even though we may not have won every game, I know that every game the team plays as a unit is a victory for the team's collective character. So long as the team tries hard, I feel as if the team has won. I hope the moral lessons I teach, as well as the need to…...


The American Heritage Dictionary defines service as "an act or a variety of work done for others," but service also, however unintentionally, benefits the giver as well as the recipient. "To be of service" is defined by the same dictionary as "to be ready to help or be useful." I hope that I have indeed been useful in all of my community service, and I continue to offer my help and aid to anyone who will need it now, and in the future. Although someday I will leave the place and school I now call home, I will use the lessons I have learned to continue to serve others, wherever I may find myself in the future.

The gifts generated by service have no beginning and no end. Service is ultimately an investment in others and yourself. The gifts I began my life with were great, but because I have extended myself to serve others and to serve my community, my original gifts have multiplied tenfold. Every genuine gift you give to others comes back to you, in unexpected but always wonderful ways.

A service," the American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, Houghton Mifflin Company, 2004, 18 Apr. 2007.

Help with essay on every secondary school student should be required to do community service as a condition for graduation?
Words: 426

The most important thing about writing a persuasive essay is that you are not simply presenting information; you are trying to convince the reader to agree with your position.  It is also not an argumentative essay.  In a persuasive essay, it is not only permissible to use opinions and emotion, but in an argumentative essay the writer needs to rely solely on logic.  The idea that secondary or high school students should be required to do community service as a condition for graduation is one that many people have discussed.  People give many different reasons....

how to write an argumentative essay in support of every secondary school student should be required to do community service as a condition for graduation?
Words: 362

Title: The Benefits of Mandatory Community Service for Secondary School Students

The modern education system should aim to produce well-rounded individuals who are not only academically successful but also socially responsible. Community service plays a vital role in this development, as it exposes students to various societal issues, instills empathy, and fosters a sense of duty towards their communities. Therefore, it is essential that every secondary school student be required to participate in community service as a condition for graduation.

I. Enhancing Social Awareness
A. Community service exposes students to diverse social issues in their local communities.

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of Rizal Law and its Implications to the Filipino Students\' Present and Future Life?
Words: 432

## Outlining an Essay on the Rizal Law and its Implications for Filipino Students

I. Introduction
Hook: Begin with a compelling statement or question that captures the reader's attention.
Background: Briefly introduce the Rizal Law, its history, and its significance.
Thesis statement: Clearly state the main argument or point of the essay, which is to explore the implications of the Rizal Law on Filipino students' present and future lives.

II. Implications for Filipino Students' Present Life
A. Fostering National Identity and Patriotism:
Discuss how the Rizal Law mandates the study of Rizal's works to instill a sense of national pride and appreciation....

what are the penalties for people driving drunk?
Words: 121

- Arrest and imprisonment
- Heavy fines
- Suspension or revocation of driver's license
- Mandatory alcohol education or treatment programs
- Community service
- Ignition interlock device installation
- Increased insurance rates
- Civil lawsuits for damages caused by drunk driving
- Criminal record
- Permanent loss of driving privileges
- Vehicle impoundment
- Mandatory attendance at victim impact panels
- Probation
- Court-ordered substance abuse treatment
- Mandatory attendance at DUI school
- Potential job loss or difficulty obtaining employment
- Negative impact on relationships with family and friends
- Emotional trauma for both the person driving drunk and any victims involved

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