Community Nursing
hile developing classes and teaching classes to expectant mothers, the community nurse in this paper is made aware of the fact that many women in the class are over 30 years of age and are going through their first pregnancy. In addition, some (if not many) of the attendees are having a struggle over their commitments to their careers because they would like to stay home and raise the child rather than use day care and let someone else care for their very young child. hat kind of class would be appropriate to relate to those concerns? This paper delves into that topic and other issues regarding the choices that a new mother has available.
The Literature on Stay-at-Home Mothers vs. Continuing One's Career
Understanding the Transition from Career to Motherhood
In The American Journal of Family Therapy the authors suggest that there has not been sufficient research done on "fulltime motherhood"…...
mlaWorks Cited
Al-Shab, B., Saqib, M., Hauser, G., and Tamim, H. (2010). Epidemiology of smoking during pregnancy among Canadian women. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. Retrieved September 11, 2013, from .
Fell, D.B., Joseph, K.S., Dodds, L., Allen, A.C., Jangaard, K., and Ven den Hof, M. (2005).
Changes in Maternal Characteristics in Nova Scotia Canada from 1988 to 2001. Canadian
Journal of Public Health, 96(3), 234-238.
Community Nursing
Virginia Whooping Cough Epidemic
Community and nursing course employ an epidemiological approach to population-based nursing through assessment and evaluation on the effects of contemporary or health issues and health policies in public health. Many institutions have found it hard to place students for appropriate clinical courses that focus on populations. Nursing courses need appropriate training in order to handle health situations associated with populations. The training should aim at preparing all involved students by having many placement projects that will help improve future public health nurse (Moon, Henry, Connelly & Kirsch, 2005).
Whooping cough is a respiratory disease caused by bacteria known as Bordetella pertussis. A human disease transmitted from person to person through contact with the breathing system. Mostly the transmission happens through sneezing or coughing. The code of Virginia mandates the Health bodies to list diseases, which needs urgent intervention reported in an event of an outbreak. Pertussis is…...
HCPPTF Report, (2012). Virginia Health Commissioner's Pertussis Prevention Task Force.
Retrieved from
Moon, W.M., Henry, K.J., Connelly, K. & Kirsch, P. (2005). Public Health Nurses for Virginia's
Community Nursing
Generally, in any Hospital or Health Care Center, the patient would be looked after and taken care of by the Primary Care team, comprised of General Practitioners, Health Visitors, Practice Nurses, Physiotherapists, Podiatrists, Dieticians, and a team of Nurses, of which District Nurses or Community Nurses play a major part. Community Nurses or District Nurses usually work in a partnership with Acute Trusts, Hospices, as well as with Social Services, in order to provide a complete package of Health Care for those patients who would want to or prefer to stay at home and avail of these services. The so-called 'Joint Futures Agenda' is responsible for promoting a sort of collaborative working within the health care sector and thereby dramatically improve the service so that there may be a more holistic type of care given to the patients of today. Community Nurses provide highly skilled health care for those…...
Adibi, Jennifer. (February 6, 2001) "Urban Restoration Ecology: the Fresh Kills Experiment." Retrieved From Accessed on 16 March, 2005
"Air Quality" NYC Citizen's Guide to Government and the Urban Environment. Retrieved From Accessed on 16 March, 2005
Baran, Linda. M. (April, 2004) "Chamber Setting Up Transportation Agenda" The Staten Island Chamber of Commerce Newsletter. Retrieved From
Accessed on 16 March, 2005
Community Nursing
The United States today represents not only wealth and opportunity for those within its borders, but also for those who enter it as immigrants. At least, this is the ideal. The unfortunate reality is that, more often than not, those seeking refuge from the conditions in their home countries often come into the states with very little. Many come in without even so much as the ability to speak English, which makes it even more difficult to secure an income and a future in their new country. It is, however, also fortunate that the United States government has implemented laws and measures to assist legal immigrants in their journey towards a better life for their families. This is also the case in my work as community health nurse with a family of four, including a pregnant mother. In Chicago, Illinois, there are local and state laws that protect their…...
Aunt Martha's Youth Service Center and Health Center. (2012). Cook County. Retrieved from:
CCH (2013, Aug. 22). CCH Hosts Bill-Signing As Illinois Becomes 2nd State to Enact a Homeless Bill of Rights. Retrieved from:
Illinois State Board of Education (2013). Homeless Education. Retrieved from:
Mayo Clinic (2013). COPD. Retrieved from:
Community Nursing
The service learning project planned to address the issue of workplace violence is Workplace Violence Prevention to take place at large tertiary care hospital in North Philadelphia. After reviewing current policies and procedures (regarding workplace violence, interviewing and collaborating with those responsible for the implementation of those policies and procedures (e.g. administration, security, and human resource staff)) a poster presentation as well as an employee questionnaire will be designed, titled "Preventing Workplace Violence." This will include:
-Defining the types of workplace violence,
-Statistics regarding the incidences of workplace violence,
-Identifying jobs or locations with the greatest risk of violence as well as processes and procedures that put employees at risk of assault.
-Also, a screening tool will be used to get employees' ideas on the potential for violent incidents to help identify or confirm the need for improved security measures.
The goal of service learning project is to:
-educe or eliminate worker exposure to circumstances…...
Bouma, G.D. (2004). The research process. 5th ed. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.
Bowie V. (1996). Coping with Violence - A Guide for the Human Services Melbourne: Karibuni Press.
Cherry, D., and Upston, B. (1997). Managing Violent and Potentially Violent Situations: A Guide for Workers and Organisations. Melbourne: Centre for Social Health.
Kemmis, S., and McTaggart, R. (1988). Introduction: the nature of action research. Chapter 1 In The action research planner. 3rd ed., eds. S. Kemmis and R. McTaggart, 5-28.: Deakin University.
Community Nursing
Community Health Nursing
Community Nursing in Baltimore, MD
Providing care to a few individuals in a hospital setting is a controlled environment that can be difficult but ends at a prescribed time. On the other hand community-based nursing "focuses on individuals and families in their natural settings within communities" (Sanger, 2000). Both types of nursing focus on the individual, but community-based care also requires that a nurse understands the issues that his or her patients are facing on a daily basis. A Nurse whose primary job is within a community setting must be able to survey the area for health dangers, conduct outreach with individuals and community organizations, manage cases, teach proper health techniques to a diverse group of people, mobilize resources, and assist community leaders with health policy development (allings, 2009). Although all of these skills may not be required by every community-based professional, this types of nursing requires a…...
Census Bureau. (2012). State and county quick facts. Retrieved from
Cohn, M. (2011, May 10). Baltimore launches effort to improve worst health problems: City sets out goals for 10 health issues. The Baltimore Sun. Retrieved from 20110510_1_oxiris-barbot-health-department-health-issues
Health Department Baltimore Maryland. (2009). Baltimore City community health survey: Summary results report. Retrieved from t.pdf
Rallings, J. (2009). Community health nursing: Competency and skills. Institute of Primary Health & Ambulatory Care. Retrieved from
That approach was innovative in that it reflected a recognition of how much nutritional support in infancy reduces the subsequent need for medical services such as those that are largely attributable to problems linked to poor nutrition in infancy and early childhood. In the long run, program funds spent on those types of programs may be some of the best types of preventative medicine. Therefore, I would suggest developing similar programs at the state level.
Barriers for such programs might come from individuals who are concerned with fiscal responsibility at a time when state governments are under pressure to conserve funds. Necessary support would come from healthcare providers and experts capable of explaining that every dollar spent on these types of preventative programs likely saves considerably more on future costs that would typically be borne by the state budget. A research project could consist of empirical evidence documenting the link…...
Family Nursing Diagnoses
Family nursing diagnosis
The family in this case study is depicted as one of middle income capacity with the man of the house being the main provider of the house and the rest of the family being dependent on the father. The family is composed of children and the grand mother, a sign that they value the unity and living together as a social and communal responsibility to each other. The family also displays several signs of financial and communal pressures from the coping habits that they adopt like the father of the house smoking marijuana and resorting to alcoholism to cope with the pressure that the family needs predispose him to. This is a fairly young family and several needs are evident within the house like the schooling needs and the medical care since David and Charles are young children and suffer conditions that need constant medical checkup…...
Healthy people (2020). Environmental Quality. Retrieved May 6, 2014 from
Wagner A.L.(2010). Core Concepts of Jean Watson's Theory of Human Caring/Caring Science. Watson Caring Science Institute. Retrieved May 6, 2014 from
" (Marshall et al., S365) This means that the role of the nurse as a direct line of contact to members of the community must be seen as a way to make actionable what at this juncture is empty policy. Community nurses should fulfill the role of medical consultant concerning treatment of the condition while regarding all cases as indicative of wider community patterns. This can be a crucial line of information to governments attempting to curb viral spreading.
This speaks to a second influence shaping the role of the community nurse, who must be an educator on the subjects both of the pandemic and of the true risks associated with the contraction of such viruses. This means that the nurse will use his or her discretion in order to evaluate those who are most in need of anti-viral drug treatment such as the young or the elderly. Uncertainties over the…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Marshall, H.; Ryan, P.; Roberton, D.; Street, J. & Watson, M. (2009). Pandemic Influenza and Community Preparedness. American Journal of Public Health, 99(S2).
Public Health and Community Nursing Issue
The exploitation of farm workers in California during the Great Depression was so heart-rending and outrageous that two powerful works of literature came out in the same year to expose it. John Steinbeck, in his novel, "The Grapes of Wrath," and Carey McWilliams, in his book, "Factories in the Field," both published in 1939, graphically revealed the inhuman working conditions of migrants who were prey to corporate greed and cruelty. Just last August, Occidental College Professor of Politics Peter Dreier, came out with a follow-up on the persistently inhuman conditions of these workers, published in the Huffington Post. He revealed how more than 400,000 farm workers, migrant and seasonal ones in particular, in more than 35,000 farms in California labor in conditions of extreme heat and conditions for 8- 12 continuous hours every day without water, shade or provision for health care. In the…...
Alderete, E., et al. (2000). Lifetime prevalence of, and risk factors for, psychiatric disorders among Mexican migrant farm workers in California. Vol 90 # 4 American
Journal of Public Health: PubMed. Retrieved on November 6, 2012 from
Clark, P.A., et al. (2009). Health care access for migrant farm workers: a paradigm for better health. Vol 8 # 2 The Internet Journal of Health: Internet Scientific Publications
LLC. Retrieved on November 6, 2012 from
Type I diabetes is usually diagnosed in children and young adults and results from the body's failure to produce insulin. Type 1 account for 5% to 10% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes (Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet, The most common form of diabetes is Type II, which accounts for about 90 to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes (Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet, Pre- diabetes is a condition often present prior to the development of Type II diabetes. In pre-diabetes, blood glucose levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be considered diabetic.
Pre-diabetes does not have to lead to the development of diabetes if a person diagnosed with this condition: Patients who work to control their weight and increase their physical activity can often prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. There are 41 million Americans who have…...
American Diabetics Association. Retrieved 22 March 2010 from
Centers for Disease Control, National Diabetes Fact Sheet.Retrieved 18 March 2010 from
2010 from
Technology-based teaching strategies can greatly accelerate the how both teaching and learning occur and therefore often reduce traditional issues and concerns faced by students and instructors. This approach changes the conventional way of thinking about how quality nursing programs are assessed and changes the levels of requirements to better suit student learning with better access to libraries, counseling and tutoring services, computing equipment, tuition, and financial aid to name a few.
But where this Associates Degree approach will benefit the profession most is in the healthcare system where it is needed most. New nurses will be better acclimated to the needs of sophisticated logging processes, medical billing and inventory as well as scheduling and other tasks now all handled via digital processing and computer. A modern day nurses are more technologically sophisticated, the overall patient care process also gets better as more available free time is offered back to the…...
As to catheter straps, if fastened too tightly they can act as tourniquets, cutting off the needed flow of blood and presenting. And at least theoretically, use of straps brings about a risk of increasing the complications such as "…deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism" in those patients with "impaired lower extremity circulation" (Billington 504). Research presented in this article shows that the problem of infection due to poorly attached catheters can be reduced significantly through the use of a product called "Bard StatLock" -- which, the authors insist, is an effective stabilization device because it allows movement (through a swivel clip), because it is a "sterile latex-free, tug-resistant product" (Billington 504). An article in the journal RN, incidentally, states that treating "hemodialysis catheter-related bacteremia" can cost a hospital up to $45,000.
ashing "Bloody Hands": An article in the Australian Nursing Journal asserts, "…hand hygiene is the single most effective method…...
mlaWorks Cited
Aziz, a.M., Ashton, H., Pagett, a., Mathieson, K., Jones, S., & Mullin, B. (2009).
Sharps management in hospital: an audit of equipment, practice and awareness.
British Journal of Nursing, 18(2), 92-98.
Billington, a., Crane, C., Jownally, S., Kirkwood, L., & Roodhouse, a. (2008).
Nursing Problem: Shortage of Nurses in Healthcare
Nursing Shortage
The researcher works at Phoebe Memorial Hospital, where there is an extreme nursing shortage. Without an adequate amount of nurses, patient care and safety may turn out to be compromised, while nurses themselves may be stunned, upset, and dissatisfied. At the researcher's workplace, high patient-to-nurse ratios has been displaying that there is a lot of frustration and job burnout, which is linked to higher yield. At Phoebe, there is an inadequately staffed nursing force which has been discovered to play a negative part in patient results. In difference, studies have confirmed that hospitals like Phoebe Memorial Hospital with low nurse turnover are the ones that have the lowest rates of risk-adjusted death and severity-adjusted span of stay.
There is no very exact way of describing the concept of nursing shortage at the Phoebe Memorial Hospital Phoebe, but a report of this idea can offer…...
Nurse Case Manager:
Case management in the nursing field is basically described as the functions and activities carried out by the nurse case manager within a specific care setting. In some cases, these functions and activities are usually performed by a self-governing practitioner, especially in private case management practices and community nursing facilities (Cohen & Cesta, 2005, p.278). Generally case management responsibilities are provided by the nurse case manager in acute care, primary care, home care, and managed care organizations. Nonetheless, these activities may be offered to particular patient populations and communities like the elderly. Some of the most case management activities include patient identification and intake, problem identification and assessment, patient outreach, development and implementation of plan of care, and coordination of care.
oles and Functions of Nurse Case Manager:
In acute care organizations, the roles and functions of the nurse case manager includes coordinating the care provided to a group of…...
Blancett, S.S. & Flarey, D.L. (2006). Case studies in nursing case management: health care delivery in a world of managed care. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Publishers, Inc.
Cohen, E.L. & Cesta, T.G. (2005). Nursing case management: from essentials to advanced practice applications (4th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Health Sciences.
Meadows, P. (2009, January). Community Health Nursing. American Journal of Nursing,
109(19). Retrieved from
I. Introduction
A. Definition of community-based services
B. Importance of registration and inspection in ensuring quality and safety
II. Types of community-based services subject to UK registration and inspection
A. Healthcare services
1. Home care agencies
2. Community nursing services
B. Social care services
1. Day care centers
2. Supported living accommodations
C. Education and training services
1. Adult education centers
2. After-school programs
III. Registration process for community-based services in the UK
A. Requirements for registration
1. Evidence of qualifications and experience
2. Criminal background checks
B. Application process
1. Submission of application form
2. Site visit and assessment by regulatory body
IV. Inspection process for community-based services in the UK
A. Role of regulatory bodies in conducting inspections
1. The impact of COVID-19 on mental health in nursing professionals
2. The role of telehealth in nursing during the pandemic
3. Strategies for addressing health disparities in underserved populations during COVID-19
4. The importance of self-care and resilience in nursing during a public health crisis
5. The challenges and benefits of remote clinical education for nursing students during COVID-19
6. The role of public health nursing in pandemic response and prevention
7. The ethical considerations of triage and resource allocation in nursing during COVID-19
8. The long-term effects of COVID-19 on nursing education and practice
9. The use of technology and innovation in nursing care delivery during....
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