Sublicensing may only occur under similar terms of the original license. Its retaliatory clauses are similar to those used in AFL license. The reciprocity concept is clearly stated in section § 1(c) that effectively authorizes software distribution. The part which effectively states that "with the proviso that copies of Original Work or Derivative Works that You distribute or communicate shall be licensed under this Open Software License" (PrestaShop,2012). This statement of reciprocity a well as the definitions of Derivative Works in section § 1(b) is noted by osen (2007) to have serious consequences on the use as well as re-distribution of PrestaShop as an OSL-based derivative work.
The use of OSL 3.0 on Patented and Copyrighted Software as well as other Works
The main goal of the OSL 3.0 is to effectively authorize recipients of a given Original Work to adequately exercise any of the copyright and patent rights of a licensor…...
Akhter, S., Bashir, MK (2008).Importance of Web site design and customer support services in online purchase. Available online at M (2011).For Greter Clarity, PrestaShop is updating its Licenses. Available online at ,
Koch, S (2005).Free/Open Source Software Development. Idea Group Inc. (IGI)
Taylor, V (2011).100,000 Active Stores Today !. Available online at
Packt (2011).Open Source Award Winners. Available online at-
Timeline, Responsibilities, and EvaluationThe current situation at North Miami Beach Senior High School involves less academic progress, which continues to affect student achievement. (Great Schools, 2021). As a result, the school needs to redesign its current community involvement program to help address this issue. The proposed program is an improvement of the current PTSA NMB initiative, which has continued to play an important role in improving student achievement at the school. The vision of the proposed partnership is to enhance students year-over-year academic achievement and college readiness. However, the achievement of this vision requires establishing timelines, determining responsibilities, and creating measures for evaluation.Part 1 Timeline and ResponsibilitiesAs previously indicated, the proposed partnership seeks to improve year-over-year academic achievement and college readiness of students at the school through better collaboration with the larger community. The implementation of the proposed partnership requires establishing timelines for different activities and for the involvement…...
Educational Quality Improvement Program. (2011). First Principles: Community Engagement in Education Programs. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from
Great Schools. (2021). North Miami Beach Senior High School. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from
University College London. (2019, November 11). How to Build Partnerships with External Partners to Enhance Learning. Retrieved April 30, 2021, from
Managing corporate community involvement" (Van der Voort, Glac, & Meijs 2009) attempts to understand how corporate community involvement (CCI) functions in an organization. CCI become an increasingly popular practice, albeit a controversial one. The article conducts a case study of a specific corporation that created a CCI program. The program began partially as a result of grass-roots efforts by employees.
Procedure and paradigms
After a literature review of the subject, the authors conducted a three-year, qualitative study "on the micro-dynamics of framing CCI in a Dutch financial conglomerate" with "11,000 employees in the Netherlands" (Van der Voort, Glac, & Meijs 2009: 316). Semi-structured interviews were used as well as documented reviews of meeting minutes and relevant data that was used to create and monitor the CCI program. Both strong supporters and ambivalent employees were interviewed, and the subjects were selected on all levels of the corporate hierarchy.
What was examined in this…...
Van der Voort, Judith M., Katherina Glac & Lucas C.P.M. Meijs (2009). Managing corporate community involvement. Journal of Business Ethics, 90:311 -- 329.
Gathering Data and Describing PartnershipNorth Miami Beach Senior High School is a multicultural institution comprising students from different racial backgrounds (Stinson et al., 2011). The school recognizes the importance of community involvement in supporting student learning and achievement. As a result, the school has established two different programs that target the involvement of parents/families and the larger community respectively. As evident in the previous analysis, the parents/families program seems to be more effective than the program targeting the larger community. In this regard, the school needs to redesign the current program to enhance the involvement of the larger community to support student achievement. This paper proposes measures that the school can utilize to strengthen this program to integrate community resources towards better student learning and achievement.Part 1 Assess Your Current ealityPTSA NMB is a community engagement program implemented established at North Miami Beach Senior High School. This program has…...
mlaReferencesCollege Board. (2018). North Miami Beach Senior High. U.S. News. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from T.O.D.L. (2014). Building strong community partnerships: Equal voice and mutual benefits. Journal of Latinos and Education, 13(2), 120-133.Great Schools. (2021). North Miami Beach Senior High School. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from International Survey Associates. (2016, May 6). Why community involvement in schools is important. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from Michael, S., Dittus, P.J., & Epstein, J. (2007, November). Family and community involvement in schools: Results from school health policies and programs study 2006. Journal of School Health, 77(8), 567-587.North Miami Beach Senior High School. (2012). Local PTA Brochure Year Round 2011-2012. Retrieved April 16, 2021, from Public School Review. (2019). North Miami Beach Senior High School. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from Stinson et al. (2011). Curriculum Bulletin 2010-2011. Retrieved April 21, 2021, from Wang, J., Lai, S. & Wang, C. (2016). Beyond the classroom wall: Community engagement instruction. World Journal of Education, 6(6), 31-41.,
It is important, therefore to understand the different frameworks by which the ethics of an act can be evaluated.
The art of citizenship, as identified by Barber (no date), must taught as part of one's education. It also holds that practical experience is the best way to teach the art of citizenship. People learn about the consequences of their actions by attaching themselves to those consequences physically. In my case, the sheer volume of shoes that I had to sort made the point clear -- I was helping people clothe themselves. Every box of children's shoes I sent was a child that I helped to live a better life. e have a responsibility, Barber argues, to understand the implications of our actions on our communities.
The different approaches to ethics can also be studied through practical experience. It is social interaction that illustrates for us the outcomes of our actions, and…...
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Barber, B. (no date). A model program: Education-based community service at Rutgers University. In possession of the author. (2011). World Vision. Retrieved March 11, 2011 from
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Fukuyama, F. (1999). Social capital and civil society. International Monetary Fund. In possession of the author.
, 1996):
To train those college students who aim to join the teaching profession;
To provide the teachers with a wide spectrum and grounds for exploration so that they can apply their knowledge and ability in a way that boosts the overall educational standards of the institution and the students;
To design a schedule and academic profile that aims to purely heighten the academic and social growth of the students; and to support and carry out studies that will in eventuality help escalate and improve the educational standards at not only the school level but also the college and university levels.
Harkavy (1998) believes that the partnership between the school, community and the university is far more complex and inter-dependent that believed by the masses. In his study he brings forth new theories and explanation of his statement with the help of annals and current studies and examples. He feels that the academic improvements…...
Anderson, B.D., & Stetler, E.G., & Midle, T. (2006). A case for expanded school-community partnerships in support of positive youth development. National Association of Social Workers, 28(3), 155-163.
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Becker, J. (1999). Partnerships with families promote TRIO student achievement. (ERIC Document 432197)
The "Sport for All" program was initiated by the reformist Labour Government during the 1970s. Its aims and objectives included the increased community involvement of underrepresented groups (such as the unemployed) and the breaking down some of the exiting barriers to participation in sports. To a large extent, those initiatives consisted of financial and other resource investment in large-scale sports facilities. Unfortunately, the comparative absence of sports development structures within those facilities has greatly reduced their ability to provide the benefits envisioned for their communities, notwithstanding the dedication and professional experience of facility managers.
Explain difference in the roles of the Community Sports Development Officer and the traditional Sports Development Officer.
In keeping with the fundamental purpose of community sports development in general, the role of the community sports development officer relates substantially to the use of sport as a means to achieve other (i.e. non-sport-related) objectives. Conversely, the role of the…...
(COPS, 2005)
IV. A Multidisciplinary Approach
The work entitled: "Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach" states that it t has been recommended by the Florida Gubernatorial Task Force for University Campus Safety as follows: "That each college and university develop a multidisciplinary crisis management team, integrating and ensuring communication between the university law enforcement or campus security agency, student affairs, residential housing, counseling center, health center, legal counsel, and any other appropriate campus entities to review individuals and incidents which indicate "at-risk" behavior. The team should facilitate the sharing of information, timely and effective intervention, and a coordinated response when required." (Community Policing Dispatch, 2009) Colleges and universities in the United States are "recognizing the particular applicability of community policing in the campus environment. The community policing model helps to create the framework for a productive relationship between the officers and those whom they serve." (Wilson and Grammich, 2009)
Campus Threat…...
Campus Threat Assessment Training: A Multidisciplinary Approach (2009) Community Policing Dispatch. Vol. 2 Issue 4 April 2009. Online available at:
Campus Watch Program (nd) College of Lake County, Illinois. Online available at:
Godfrey, Steven (nd) Assessing the Success of Community-Policing (Neighborhood Watch Program) Online available at:
Gummere, Sara Lippincott (2003) Making a Better Place: Planning, Implementing & Managing a Student Volunteer Program. University of Oregon June 2003. Online available at:
Community Health Centers
Conditions Necessary for Policy Innovation
An important but often ignored part of community involvement in academic health centers is the formation of a collaborative and responsive relationship with stakeholders. Such relationships enhance the role of academic health centers as providers of healthcare and as leaders in community health (Butger, 2010). esearch from Harvard's Health Law and Policy Innovation (CHLPI) gives evidence of the way the design of health plans can discourage some people from taking up the care they need. An interesting PHD project by Karolina under the banner of 'Pathways to a Healthy Life' aims to push boundaries between disciplines aside so that the contribution of the university in the provision of health care across all facets including life expectancy, wellbeing and ageing are improved. It evaluates the various ways in which local communities, individuals, lifestyle as well as environmental and economic conditions affect aging healthily. In particular,…...
Brutger, R. D. (2010). Academic Health Centers and Community Health Centers: The Landscape of Current Partnerships. Association of Academic Health Centers.
Griffiths, J., Maggs, H., & George, E. (2007). Stakeholder Involvement. World Health Organization.
News, H. (2016, September 8). HLS News. Retrieved from Harvard Blogs:
Taylor, J. (2004). The Fundamentals of Community Health Centers. NHPF Background Paper.
Community Contributes to Your Identified Problem and Resolving the Issue
Childhood obesity is a common problem. It has a relationship with short and long-term adverse outcomes. It affects ethnic/racial minority and children who are deprived economically and disproportionately. There is no doubt that it is a great threat to public health. Multi-sector and multilevel prevention and management strategies are the best touted for resolving the problem (Taveras, et al., 2015).
Obesity and overweight rates among black and Latino girls in high school and women in Boston are alarmingly high. Black men have been reported to indicate the highest rates of obesity. Although there is no data on the number of children affected in Boston, the national statistics show that Latino and black children show significantly high rates at a relatively early age. It is expected that the trend is the same in Boston city. The populations highlighted not only demonstrate higher incidence…...
Community-Oriented PolicingCommunity-oriented policing is an approach to proactive policing that acknowledges and promotes the active involvement of the community in the process of crime prevention. This approach to policing is based on the belief/assumption that effective interactions between the police and community are essential in crime prevention and reduction. In addition to crime prevention and reduction, community-oriented policing is adopted on grounds that it would help enhance peoples perceptions of police departments and personnel. However, there are questions on whether community-oriented policing is successful and feasible, particularly in a community characterized by weak interpersonal bonds. This paper examines the success and feasibility of community-oriented policing in such societies, its similarities and differences with problem-oriented policing, the suitability of the two approaches, and current police relations initiatives.Success and Feasibility of Community-oriented PolicingAccording to Worrall (2015), community-oriented policing is a relatively new approach to policing that is founded on the idea that…...
mlaReferencesBreen, M.E. & Johnson, B.R. (2007, September 1). Citizen Police Academies: An analysis of enhanced police-community relations among citizen attendees. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 80(3), 246-266.Hinkle, J.C., Weisburd, D., Telep, C.W. & Petersen, K. (2020, June 15). Problem-oriented policing for reducing crime and disorder: An updated systematic review and meta-analysis. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 16(2), 1-86. Paez, R.A. & Dierenfeldt, R. (2019, April 13). Community policing and youth offending: A comparison of large and small jurisdictions in the United States. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 25(1), 140-153.Peyton, K., Sierra-Arevalo, M. & Rand, D.G. (2019, September 16). A field experiment on community policing and police legitimacy. PNAS, 116(40), 19894-19898. Przeszlowski, K.S. & Crichlow, V.J. (2018, February 28). An exploratory assessment of community-oriented policing implementation, social disorganization and crime in America. Social Sciences, 7(35), 1-16.Worrall, J. L. (2015). Crime control in America: What works? (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
(1990) Municipal Government Involvement in Crime Prevention in Canada. This work provides insight into the way that municipal government interacts with the police in the organization of crime prevention structures and the delivery of crime prevention services and activities. (Hastings, 1990, p. 108)
The idea of municipal government interaction in crime prevention is shown to have been spurred on in Canada by "....the successes of locally organized and community-based initiatives in North America. In both cases, the involvement reflects a sense that, whatever crime prevention is, the police cannot do it alone." (Hastings, 1990, p. 108) This again attests to the prevailing theme in the literature that there is a general consensus that the police force faces problems that are complex and which require the interaction and the assistance of other local community and municipal structures.
Hastings emphasizes this sense of interaction in the field of community policing and particularly the…...
About Community Policing. Retrieved 16 August 2006, at
BJA Bureau of Justice Assistance Fact Sheet. Comprehensive Communities Program: A Unique Way To Reduce Crime and Enhance Public Safety. (2000) Retrieved 18 August, 2006, at
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Community-Oriented Policing: Blessing Or Curse? Retrieved15 August, 2006, from,
Health Promotion Program Proposal for Decreasing Cardiovascular Incidence in Oklahoma City, OK Among People of ColorTheoretical FrameworkThe development of interventions aimed at reducing the incidence of cardiovascular diseases among people of color in Oklahoma City is guided by the PECEDE-POCEED model. This model is selected for its comprehensive structure that facilitates the assessment, planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health programs. It emphasizes active community involvement, which is essential for addressing the unique health disparities faced by the target population (McKenzie et al., 2022).The \\\"PECEDE\\\" part of the model stands for Predisposing, einforcing, and Enabling Constructs in Educational/Ecological Diagnosis and Evaluation (Kim et al., 2022). This phase is diagnostic and participatory, requiring substantial input from the community to identify specific health problems and their determinants. In the context of cardiovascular health, this would involve understanding the predisposing factors (beliefs, attitudes, and knowledge) that influence individuals\\\' behaviors towards their health. It…...
mlaReferencesGhaffari, M., Rakhshanderou, S., Asadpour, M., Nasirzadeh, M., & Mazar, L. (2021). Design, implementation, and evaluation of a PRECEDE-PROCEED model-based intervention for oral and dental health among primary school students of Rafsanjan city: a mixed method study. BMC public health, 21, 1-10.Handyside, L., Warren, R., Devine, S., & Drovandi, A. (2021). Utilisation of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model in community pharmacy for health needs assessment: A narrative review. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy, 17(2), 292-299.Kim, J., Jang, J., Kim, B., & Lee, K. H. (2022). Effect of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model on health programs: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 11(1), 213.McKenzie, J. F., Neiger, B. L., & Thackeray, R. (2022). Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Health Promotion Programs (8th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning. T., Junghans, C., & Varaden, D. (2023). Empowering community health professionals for effective air pollution information communication. BMC Public Health, 23(1), 2547. Tan,
Lesson Plan Literacy
Grade Level:
Literacy Need: Community and Family Involvement
Lesson Title: Sharing the esponsibility
This lesson will be a lecture followed by an assignment. The lecture will be designed to promote ways of thinking that promote community involvement in literacy. The lesson will demonstrates the benefits of a literate community and where the student resides in this system. The students will be then asked to reflect on the lecture and provide a written essay that demonstrates their understanding.
Standards: The lecture will be 45 minutes. The written essay will be 3-4 pages.
Objectives/Learning Outcomes: The objectives of the lesson is that students gain an appreciation and awareness of the many resources that can support their literacy skills.
Materials, esources and Technology: The necessary components of this lesson include a classroom, chalkboard, pen, pencil paper.
Instructional Procedures: Three strategies will be used to help promote the objective of this lesson. Since the essence of this lesson is…...
Lipoff, L (2011). Observational Learning and the Young Child. 26 April 2011. Retrieved from
Orey, Garland, L., Martin, L., Xiong, M. (2002). Scenarios for Using Behaviorism. In M. Orey (Ed.), Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved , from
Lesson Plan Template.
Community participation is a key ingredient of any powerful community. The life blood (citizens) of the community is pumped by the heart, called as participation. Community participation is a requirement as well as a condition. It is a condition for raising resources and achieving more results. It engages the citizens deeply in work of the development of community. Community participation is about performing activities for the benefits of any community. The partners of the community follow certain rules and posses unique elements. They have a goal to achieve. This topic has various aspects; the purpose of writing this case study is to explore the minor and major aspects of community participation among kids and adults, both. This case study begins with the background of use of community participation as a tool, its strengths and weaknesses, the role of government in expanding this tool and the ways of communication used for…...
mla10. Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, "The Wellbeing of Young Australians: Technical Report," Journal of Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth, no.7 (2008):117.
11. Chen, S, "The transition from juvenile to adult criminal careers," Crime and Justice Bulletin, New South Wales Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research, no. 86 (2005): 9-11.
12. Arnstein, S. "A ladder of citizen participation," Journal of the American Institute of Planners, no. 4 (1969): 216 -- 24.
1. The importance of selflessness in building strong and harmonious relationships.
2. Exploring the concept of selflessness in different cultures and religions.
3. The impact of selfless acts on personal fulfillment and happiness.
4. Examining the role of selflessness in personal growth and development.
5. The psychological and social benefits of selflessness.
6. The challenges and rewards of practicing selflessness in modern society.
7. Analyzing real-life examples of selflessness and its impact on individuals and communities.
8. The role of selflessness in leadership and its impact on team dynamics and performance.
9. Exploring the connection between selflessness and empathy.
10. Critically evaluating the limitations and potential negative consequences of....
1. The impact of regular exercise on cardiovascular health in men
2. The role of physical activity in preventing heart disease in men
3. The benefits of strength training for heart health in men
4. The relationship between exercise intensity and heart disease risk in men
5. The effects of different types of exercise (e.g. aerobic vs. resistance training) on cardiovascular health in men
6. The importance of regular cardiovascular exercise for overall heart function in men
7. The risks of sedentary lifestyle on heart health in men
8. The benefits of incorporating high-intensity interval training (HIIT) into a workout routine for men's heart health
9. The role....
1. The Impact of Theft on School Climate and Student Well-being
Explore the psychological and emotional impact of theft on students, teachers, and administrators.
Examine the consequences of reduced trust and increased fear within the school environment.
Discuss how theft creates a distraction from learning and disrupts the sense of community.
2. The Role of Security Measures in Deterring Theft
Analyze the effectiveness of various security measures, such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and security guards.
Discuss the cost-benefit ratio of implementing different security measures.
Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of using technology to prevent theft.
3. The Psychological Factors....
Thesis Statement:
The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to be a significant contributor to the country's economic growth and food security through sustainable practices and technological advancements, while addressing environmental concerns and ensuring the well-being of coastal communities.
1. Aquaculture's Economic Importance:
- The aquaculture industry in the Philippines has the potential to contribute significantly to the country's economy.
- By promoting responsible aquaculture practices, the industry can generate income and employment opportunities, especially in coastal regions.
- Sustainable aquaculture can also ensure a steady supply of seafood, reducing the country's reliance on imports and increasing export potential.
2. Food Security and Sustainable....
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