Community Health Essays (Examples)

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Community Health
Pages: 8 Words: 2829

Health - Nursing
Community Health 9400

Community Health

Community Health


America is the most obese nation in the world. American nation in general and people of Lansdowne in particular are studied here for the issues of obesity. Lansdowne is located in county of Delaware, Pennsylvania with a diverse population and demographics.

Geographical area

Lansdowne is located in east of America. The city is at WikiMiniAtlas

39°56"29"N 75°16"31"W? / ?39.94139°N 75.27528°W. The city has land area of ? / 39.94139; -75.275281.2 square miles and zero percent area is covered with water. Geographically the city is in southwest of Philadelphia at about 5 miles' distance. The area is majorly covered by residential apartments and some area is also commercial. City also has some artistic and historic buildings.

Population and Demographics

In 2010, the population of Lansdowne, Pennsylvania was 10,579 (State & County Quick Facts, 2013). During the census of 2010, it was found that Lansdowne has household population of 4,724. The…...



Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Overweight and Obesity, (2012), Retrieved from: 

State & County Quick Facts, (2013), Retrieved from:

Community Health Oklahoma Modern Healthcare
Pages: 7 Words: 3003

The subject is now part of a national political task force, with the goal of eliminating the problem within one generation (Ferran, 2010).
Formally, teen pregnancy is based on a woman who will not reach her 20th birthday by the expected birth of her first child. This definition does not assume marriage, nor if the woman is legally an adult (depending on the country). The idea of marriage and birthing age has, of course, changed based on societal and cultural issues. At one time, when the lifespan was 40, it made sense for a girl to begin her childbearing years as soon as she was able, usually around 12-13. In contemporary U.S. culture, however, the amount of information and professional data that is needed to become a well-rounded citizen is so high that we usually gauge 18 as the very minimum age to begin to have the resources and/or acumen…...



Key Health Data About Oklahoma. (2011). Trust for America's Health. Retrieved from:

Linking Teen Pregnancy Prevention to Other Critical Social Issues. (2010, March). Retrieved from the Namtional Campaign: 

Oklahoma at a Glance. (2011). Oklahoma Department of Commerce. Retrieved from:

Community Health in Nursing One
Pages: 3 Words: 908

nother key facet of the Patient Protection and ffordable Care ct is that it has enacted legislature that makes it easier for people with previously existent health care conditions to both get health coverage as well as to get the treatments they need. gain, the result of this aspect of the health care reform measure is that it should make it possible to increase the general wellness of the merican people. lso, health care insurance is projected to become more affordable due to various changes related to Obama's health care reform. Forms of preventative treatments, for example, will not require copayments. Doing so will allow more people who are not financially able to afford health care visits to access nurses and doctors at those facilities and get the treatments they require.

One of the most egregious health care epidemics to sweep through the modern world in the past couple of years…...


Another key facet of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is that it has enacted legislature that makes it easier for people with previously existent health care conditions to both get health coverage as well as to get the treatments they need. Again, the result of this aspect of the health care reform measure is that it should make it possible to increase the general wellness of the American people. Also, health care insurance is projected to become more affordable due to various changes related to Obama's health care reform. Forms of preventative treatments, for example, will not require copayments. Doing so will allow more people who are not financially able to afford health care visits to access nurses and doctors at those facilities and get the treatments they require.

One of the most egregious health care epidemics to sweep through the modern world in the past couple of years is the infamous H1N1 swine flu. It took up a place of prominence in the health care industry in 2009, when it was initially discovered as a new, more malignant strain of influenza. Research linked this particular form of influenza to the type of this virus that is related to pigs -- some of the earliest reports of swine flu came from people who were either near pigs or had direct exposure to pigs. Still, it was quickly ascertained that the most popular way that this condition spread was actually from inter-human contact. This particular virus infects the cells related to a person's lungs, nose and throat areas, and is transmitted via contact from a contaminated surface to a person's hands, eyes, mouth or nose.

There are a number of measures that are used to cope with swine flu and to ideally prevent its occurrence. Early on in the development of the epidemic outbreak of this environment that was most prevalent in 2009 and 2010, it was determined that antiviral drugs such as zanamivir and oseltamivir were important deterrents in counteracting the effects of this virus. Researchers were even able to come up with a vaccine midway through 2009 that could be used for patients who reached life threatening levels of complications due to swine flu. Other measures that should be taken in order to control the spread of this virus are more preventative in nature. These measures including frequently washing one's hands (either with soap and water or liquid sanitizer), staying home when infected with the virus to suppress any possible contamination of others, and striving to cover up sneezes or coughs through which the virus may spread.

Community Health in Nursing Community
Pages: 4 Words: 1254

Medical ethics are basically a collection of values, principles and moral judgments in the context of healthcare practice. For instance at the core of these values, is the aspect of autonomy. n this regard, it is realized that a patient is granted the right to accept or refuse treatment which only affects them. Medical practitioners are not therefore supposed to forcefully offer their services or compel patients to accept particular types of treatments. nstead, they should mostly inundate the patient with all the relevant information and give them the liberty to make their own decisions.
n the same way, the principle of beneficence states that the medical practitioner should always act to the best interest of the patient. The patient has the right to get the best service from the practitioner as much as can be granted. ndeed, considering the importance of health in the society, medical ethics are very…...


In healthcare, civic responsibility is involves individual decisions, which are very difficult to enforce through the law. For instance, throwing away rubbish might eventually become a very grave healthcare concern to the whole community of not avoided. The public are therefore under the duty of ensuring that they always keep their environment clean and avoid practices that would compromise the healthcare situation. Civic responsibility in healthcare does not only boil down to individuals. It also encompasses the practices and duties which are supposed to be conducted by organizations. Organizations should always ensure that their activities do not in any way affect the general environment in a way that can compromise the health situation. In this regard, the dumping of toxic wastes and other concerns should be a top priority for organizations. Other organizations such as universities are supposed to teach the people and create awareness on the important aspects of healthcare without really seeking direct benefits from such programs.

The paper is based on different nursing questions which include community health nursing, tobacco cessation, health care ethics and civic responsibility. This paper is for a community health nursing course. There is four part to the paper in which each page would be directed toward a particular topic.

The first page would be about "Healthy people in 2012" in this particular page you will start off by defining public health; moreover, discuss what public heath does, essential public health services and leading health indicators. Since I live in Miami, it would be very necessary if you discuss health concerns in Miami-Dade county (HIV / AIDS, TB, Hepatitis a, obesity and School readiness to name a few). Lastly discuss the key goals focus on improving health.

Community Health Needs Assessment Is a Process
Pages: 2 Words: 629

Community health needs assessment is a process that illustrates the health status of the local people, facilitates the identification of the main risk factors that cause ill health among these people, and promotes the determination of the necessary actions to address these factors and causes ("Community Health Needs Assessment," 2001). Notably, this process is not a one-off activity but a developmental procedure that is amended and added to with time. Consequently, the community health needs assessment is not an end in itself but a means of using information to prepare public health care programs in the future.
In order for this process to provide accurate information, it entails various steps that need to be carried out effectively. The first step in the process is profiling, which is gathering relevant information that provides information about the health status and health needs of the population. Profiling also involves analyzing the obtained information to…...



"Community Health Needs Assessment." (n.d.). GHSU/GHSMC and University Hospital

Collaborative Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA). Retrieved from Georgia Health Sciences University website:

"Community Health Needs Assessment." (2001). World Health Organization. Retrieved December 31, 2012, from

Community Health Shortage of Family Practice Physicians
Pages: 2 Words: 633

Community Health
Shortage of family practice physicians should be a worrying trend if America is to achieve its goal of ensuring that it has a surplus of 139, 531 family physicians in the medical practice in 2020 (Lloyd, 2009). Matters are complicated by the fact that not so many students are enrolling for such programs. America attracts only half of the number of future family physicians that it needs. The situation is also worrying factoring in the scope of a family physician practice that entails provision of personal, comprehensive, and continuing care for individuals in context of the family and the community (Halsey, 2009).

As a CEO of a community hospital I would consider paying family practice physicians within my facility to enable them pay their student loans. I would also consider hiring family practice physicians from other countries who have been equipped with standard training from countries where they have come…...



Halsey, A. (June 20, 2009). Primary Care Doctor Shortage May Undermine Health Reform

Efforts. The Washington Post.

Lloyd, J. (2009). Doctor Shortage Looms as Primary Care Loses its Pull. Retrieved from

Mast, T. (October 25, 2010). New Community Health Center Planned. The Billings Gazette.

Community Health Epidemiology
Pages: 4 Words: 1584

Community Diagnosis: Pearland, Texas
Community Diagnosis

The community of Pearland is an ethnically-diverse, growing community located adjacent to the thriving metropolis of Houston, Texas (PEDC, n.d.). The population for the community was estimated to be 93,305 in 2011, up by 2.25% from the previous year (Census, 2013a). By comparison, the U.S. population grew by just 1.67%. There are slightly more females than males (51.4 vs. 48.6%) in Pearland and the median age is 34.1 years. This represents more women on average and a younger population by 3.1 years than the rest of the United States. An estimated 97.5% of residents considered themselves to be of one race and these are: 49.8% White, 20.0% Hispanic or Latino, 15.2% African-American, and 12.5% Asian. Pearland is therefore a minority community.

In terms of immigration patterns, Pearland is equivalent to the rest of the country (Census, 2013a). An estimated 15.3% and 12.8% of the Pearland and U.S.…...


References (2013). Houston Acupuncturists. Retrieved 21 Feb. 2013 from (2013). Pearland Acupuncturists. Retrieved 21 Feb. 2013 from

Barns, Patricia M., Bloom, Barbara, and Nahin, Richard L. (2008). Complementary and alternative medicine use among adults and children: United States, 2007. National Health Statistics Reports, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved 17 Jan. 2013 from .

Census (U.S. Census Bureau). (2013a). American FactFinder: Community Facts -- Find popular facts (population, income, etc.) and frequently requested data about your community. Pearland City, Texas. Retrieved 20 Feb. 2013 from   / faces/nav/jsf/pages/community_facts.xhtml. 

Community Health Promotion Project Design
Pages: 4 Words: 1009

Community Health Promotion Project Design: Intimate Partner Violence
The special emphasis population at focus in this project is those who are affected by Intimate Partner Violence. The community agency that will be identifying and treating these individuals is the Public Health Department.

Primary Program Components

The primary components of the program described herein include the following:

(1) Assessment for intimate partner violence and training curricula to make sure that the program uses the most current best practices as they are emergent;

(2) Component for technical assistance and training for increasing local capacity for primary prevention of Intimate Partner Violence;

(3) A component for implementing, assessing and refining the comprehensive prevention program plan; and (4) A component for evaluation. (Connecticut Department of Public Health, 2009)

Conceptual Framework: Socio-Ecological Model

The Socio-Ecological Model has been chosen for this program because it "supports a comprehensive public health approach that not only addresses an individual's risk factors, but also the norms, beliefs…...



State of Connecticut -- Sexual Violence Prevention (2010) Connecticut Department of Public Health. January 2010. Retrieved from: 

John, Ime Akpan (2010) Screening for Intimate Partner Violence in Healthcare in Kano, Nigeria: Barriers and Challenges for Healthcare Professionals. Karolinska Institut. Stockholm. Retrieved from:

Community Health Groups at Risk and Vulnerable
Pages: 3 Words: 1072

Community Health
Groups at risk and vulnerable populations.

A group at risk for poor health is the group of people that are at risk of not receiving the needed healthcare regardless of their race, their income or insurance status, gender. These groups are such as children, the elderly, immigrants, and any other members of the society that are predisposed to risk factors that make them not able to get quality healthcare. Vulnerable populations are those groups of people that are not integrated into the healthcare system due to factors such as ethnic, geographic, economic, culture as well as health characteristics. Heightened vulnerability is contributed by factors such as poverty, lack of education, gender, age, ethnicity, homelessness, and limited access to resources, the isolation puts the people who are included in this group at risks for not being able to access the necessary medical care therefore a potential threat to the health of…...



Flowers, D.L. (2010). Culturally Competent Nursing Care a Challenge for the21st Century. Retrieved March 9, 2013 from 

Rodriguez, C. (2012).Designing and using cultural brokers program. Retrieved march 9,2013 from 

Urban institution. (2010).Vulnerable populations. Retrieved March 9,203 from

Community Health Issue Nursing and
Pages: 4 Words: 1323

The team analyzed samples for carcinogen-DNA adducts, biomarkers associated with increased cancer risk, and cotinine, a measure of secondhand tobacco smoke exposure. Based on prior findings in animal models, scientists believe only one-tenth of the dose of PAH passes from the mother to fetus through the placenta. Even so, the investigators found that newborns incurred DNA damage at a rate slightly higher than their mothers" (ood, 2006). In other words, even if a mother does not smoke, the nurse may wish to ask about the patient's partner's smoking habit, or if the patient works in a smoke-containing environment.
The study also found that "detectable adducts were identified in 45% of the newborns and 42% of the mothers. Newborn cotinine levels were higher, 47% in the infants versus 44% detectable in the mothers," despite the screening effect of the placenta (ood, 2006). "Researchers said the fetal concentration may be due to…...


Works Cited

Green, Pauline M,

Polk, Laura V.,

Slade, Diann S. "Environmental nursing diagnoses:

proposal for further development of Taxonomy II."

Community Health The Role of the BSN Nurse
Pages: 4 Words: 1233

C919Course Title: The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community HealthPart ABSN Nurses play an undeniably crucial role in efforts to promote and sustain community health. To a large extent, community health happens to be focused on groups, families, as well as individuals within a specific geographical area. To be able to ensure that the healthcare needs of the said groups, families, as well as individuals are best served, BSN nurses ought to be equipped with certain skills and competencies. This course comes in handy in this regard. Towards this end, those who successfully complete the course will be able to not only embrace their role in the promotion of community health, but also effectively function as part of a larger group of stakeholders in this realm. It is also important to note that students will be able to deploy viable community-based nursing interventions as well as anticipate and…...

Partnership between Local Health Departments and Hospitals Can Improve Community Health
Pages: 2 Words: 619

Health Policy Article Review1. Authors Proposed Purpose/Goal of the ArticleThe intended audience of a study by Carlton and Singh (2018) was public health officials in the United States. The purpose of this study was to identify opportunities to improve the relationship between local health departments and hospitals as well as their mutual ability to collaborate effectively on hospital investments in community health initiatives.2. Analysis of Key IssuesThe key issues of interests in this study were the effectiveness of joint community health needs assessments and how they can be leveraged to improve coordination of efforts between local health departments and hospitals. The authors aggregated the results of several community health reports (i.e., the 2013 NACCHO Profile; the 20142015 Area Health Resource File; and the 2015 National Association of County and City Health Officials Forces of Change) and used this data to identify 439 local health departments across the country. The authors…...



Carlton, E. L., & Singh, S. R. (2018). Joint Community Health Needs Assessments as a Path for Coordinating Community-Wide Health Improvement Efforts Between Hospitals and Local Health Departments. American Journal of Public Health, 108(5), 676–682.

Isehunwa, O. O., Dobalian, A., Ahn, S., Relyea, G., & Carlton, E. L. (2021). Local Health Department and Hospital Collaboration Around Community Health Needs Assessment to Improve Health Outcomes. Family & Community Health, 44(3), 136–145.

What a Community Healthy Coordinator Must Do
Pages: 2 Words: 638

Writing Effective Job DescriptionsSection I: Job Description for a Community Outreach CoordinatorPosition: Community Outreach CoordinatorEssential Job Duties:1. Develop and implement community outreach programs to promote public health awareness.2. Establish partnerships with local organizations, schools, and community groups to enhance public health initiatives.3. Organize and conduct health education seminars, workshops, and events.4. Collaborate with internal departments to ensure consistent messaging and program alignment.5. Monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of outreach initiatives and recommend improvements.6. Maintain up-to-date knowledge of public health trends and best practices.Essential Qualifications:1. Bachelor's degree in Public Health, Community Health, or a related field.2. Minimum of 2 years of experience in community outreach or public health promotion.3. Strong interpersonal and communication skills.4. Ability to work independently and as part of a team.5. Knowledge of local community needs and resources.Average Salary Range: $45,000 - $60,000 (based on typical salary ranges in the Midwest United States for similar positions).Recruitment and Hiring…...



Grumbach, K., & Mendoza, R. (2008). Disparities in human resources: addressing the lack of

diversity in the health professions. Health Affairs, 27(2), 413-422.

Manning, M. L., Borton, D. L., & Rumovitz, D. M. (2012). Infection preventionists’ job

Community Health Scenario
Pages: 6 Words: 1574

Community Health Scenario
Death is an inevitable destiny of life. It is essential to be able to provide the best care that a patient may need during his last days, when all medical treatment fails. Frequently, the battle of life and death leads one to formulate a concept or an analogy of these two processes. This concept is bound to interfere with what one does in life. As a nurse, my idea of death and dying has an impact on the quality of care I provide to patients undergoing this process.

The ideal attitude of a nurse's care for terminally ill patients involves the criteria of flexibility in interpersonal relations, effective communication about critical issues, such as in Mrs. Thomas's case, and psychological stability and mindedness in relation to dying patients their families. (A oberta and A. olland. Nurses' attitudes about end-of-life referrals. 2009).

According to the Journal of Medicine and Biochemical Sciences,…...



Bottarf, JL. (1995). Comforting: exploring the work of cancer nurses. School Of Nursing. 22(6), 1077-84.

Dunn, K.S., Cecilia, O. & Stephans, E. (2005). Nursing experience and the care of dying patients. Oncology Nursing Forum. 32(1), 97-104.

Gloria, W. (2004). Basic geriatric nursing. Philadelphia: Library of Congress.

Matzo, M. And Witt Sherman, D. (2010). Palliative care nursing: quality care to the end of life. Springer Publishing Company: New York.

Community Health Statistics for Caddo Parish Louisiana
Pages: 6 Words: 2397

Community Health Statistics for Caddo Parish, Louisiana
Description of Caddo Parish, Louisiana

With about a quarter of a million residents, Caddo Parish, Louisiana is a fairly older community with almost two-thirds of its population aged 25 years or older. Most of the residents of Caddo Parish (82.3%) are high school graduate or higher and 22.3% have a bachelor's degree or higher compared to the national averages of 84.6% and 27.5%, respectively. There are slightly more females than males in Caddo Parish, and median family incomes are slightly lower than the national average at $48,522; per capita income is also slightly less than the national average at $22,323. There are also slightly more whites than blacks (50.3% compared to 46.4%, respectively) in Caddo Parish. ecent relevant statistical data for these and other areas of interest are presented below.


Biophysical Considerations: Caddo Parish

Population Size












Population Size








































0.4% (estimate)

Source: Caddo Parish Census Data, United States Census Bureau. "Louisiana…...



About the Parish of Caddo. (2011). Caddo Parish Official Web Site. Retrieved from http://

Annual report. (2007, 2010). Caddo Parish Official Web Site. Retrieved from http://www.caddo.


Can you help me with essay topics related to public health and physical activity?
Words: 383

Physical activity plays such an important role in public health. It is especially important when a society has become sedentary, which applies to many of the industrialized societies around the globe.  It is not surprise, then, that public health efforts often focus on increasing daily movement as a way to help improve community health.

Possible research topics include:

  1. The relationship between green spaces like parks and walking trails with community levels of physical activity.
  2. The relationship between afterschool sports programs and physical activity for youth, and whether that relationship remains as people transition from youth into adulthood.
  3. Do physical....

I need some suggestions for health care policy essay topics. Can you offer any?
Words: 648

1. The Role of Technology in Transforming Health Care Delivery

Discuss the latest technological advancements in health care, such as telemedicine, AI-powered diagnostics, and wearable health trackers.
Explore how technology can improve access to care, reduce costs, and personalize treatments.
Analyze the ethical implications of using technology in health care and the potential for data privacy and algorithmic bias.

2. Addressing Health Disparities through Policy Interventions

Identify the root causes of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and geographic location.
Evaluate the effectiveness of existing policy interventions aimed at reducing disparities, such as Medicaid expansion and community health centers.

Could you assist me in finding essay topics pertaining to Affordable Housing?
Words: 354

## Affordable Housing Essay Topics

### Social and Economic Impacts

The impact of affordable housing on poverty and neighborhood revitalization
The role of affordable housing in addressing homelessness and housing insecurity
The economic benefits of investing in affordable housing for communities and governments

### Policy and Advocacy

The history and evolution of affordable housing policies in the United States
Comparative analysis of affordable housing programs in different countries
The role of community engagement and advocacy in shaping affordable housing policy

### Planning and Development

Innovative approaches to developing and delivering affordable housing
The challenges and opportunities of mixed-income housing developments
The importance of....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Public Health?
Words: 210

1. The Impact of COVID-19 on Public Health: Lessons Learned and Future Preparedness
2. The Role of Vaccination in Preventing Disease Outbreaks
3. The Importance of Mental Health in Overall Public Health
4. Addressing Health Disparities in Underserved Communities
5. The Influence of Socioeconomic Factors on Public Health
6. The Opioid Epidemic and its Effects on Public Health
7. Strategies for Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Lifestyles
8. The Use of Technology in Improving Public Health Outcomes
9. The Rise of Antibiotic Resistance and its Implications for Public Health
10. The Impact of Climate Change on Public Health.
11. The Role of Public Health Policies in Preventing the Spread of....

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