Communication Style Essays (Examples)

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Communication Styles
Pages: 1 Words: 401

Communication Styles
Statement of the Situation

When you asked me to pick you up at the airport, I agreed. I drove twenty miles to meet you and waited at the gate. The plane emptied out but you weren't on it. The airline couldn't give me a passenger list but they told me that another flight from that city was coming in three hours later. I decided to grab a bite to eat in the restaurant and watched TV there until the plane arrived. You weren't on that plane either. I grew concerned, but had no idea how to reach you. I had no choice but to drive home and wait. The next day, I saw you downtown and asked you what happened. You told me that you caught an earlier flight.

A statement of my reaction

I was first looking forward to seeing you. When you didn't come off the second plane, I grew…...

Communication Style Question a Would
Pages: 2 Words: 664

For example, if he was British I might try to respect his reserve, and try to curtail some of my stereotypically American gestures or bluntness towards him. I might also make some references to his culture that I found interesting. However, if Hodge came from a more highly emotive culture, I might still express my interest in aspects of his native land, but I might try to be more, rather than less reserved than is my custom.
In dealing with the reflective colleague whom I often disagreed with, I would try to make use of both of our common communicative styles, to establish a rapport. This might be difficult, because reflectives tend to be fairly uninterested in emotions, and more attuned to factual details. However, as both supportives and reflectives tend to be less confrontational, I would try to appeal to my colleague's fascination with facts, and emphasize our mutual…...


Works Cited

Communication Styles: Chapter 4." Published by Pearson Education, Inc. PowerPoint.

2000. 14 Apr 2007.,2,LearningObjectives

Communication Styles" CEDA-Meta Professional Project. 14 Apr 2007.

Communication Styles Stakeholders' Analysis Stakeholder Analysis of
Pages: 4 Words: 1374

Communication Styles
Stakeholders' Analysis

Stakeholder Analysis of the National Health Service

The National Health Service (NHS) is the world's largest publicly funded health service (NHS, 2011). It provides high quality medical care free of charge to patients across England. NHS uses government funding to run operations and pay employees. Being a national public sector organization, the NHS influences and is influenced by several stakeholders including the government, patients, suppliers, the media and community members. Ethical behavior can help gain approval and cooperation from these stakeholders for the growth of the NHS.

Influence of Different Stakeholders on the NHS

The government is the largest source of funding for the oyal Blackburn Hospital and the National Health Service. The annual budget of the NHS for 2010-2011 was £105 billion (The King's Fund, 2012). The performance of the NHS determines the government's chances for re-election so it influences the NHS through policies for managing funds and expanding the…...



Martin, D. (19 January 2011). NHS Patients to be Offered Free Private Treatment…As Long as it doesn't Cost Any More. Health. Accessed on 12 May 2012 from 

NHS. (2011). About the NHS. Accessed on 12 May 2012 from 

The King's Fund. (2012). Frequently Asked Questions. Accessed on 12 May 2012 from 

The Star. (11 May 2012). Union Warning NHS Staff over Pay Cut Fears. Accessed on 12 May 2012 from

Communication Style Is Being Used by the
Pages: 3 Words: 1397

communication style is being used by the following personnel. 1. Rashad attended the team meeting with all the rest. When the topic of role clarification for assistive personnel came up, he stated that he thought part of his role was to anticipate the needs of the patients for toileting and personal hygienic care. Robin, one of the staff RNs in their psychiatric care group home, raised her voice as she firmly stated, "You are only an aide. That is in the RN role. We don't expect you to think, just to do what we tell you to when we tell you." Rashad sat quietly without responding because he needed to keep his job but began his plan on how he'd make Robin pay for her statement. Maybe he wouldn't do anything without being told.
The psychiatric nurse was being aggressive. She was humiliating Rashad and belittling him. What she is…...

Communication Styles
Pages: 5 Words: 1460

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution

Most Valuable Communication Help

Communication is central to the management of conflict and organizational leaders know this too well (Jones & rinkert, 2008). Possessing the most brilliant ideas or translating them into action means little or nothing unless existing conflict is adequately dealt with. Conflict usually involves communication behaviors in relationships. Chapter 8 discusses the functions of communication in conflict, namely confrontation, confirmation, and comprehension and how coaches help their clients perform these functions. They enable clients to transmit the message on the need for conflict management, which is confrontation; respect and protect individual and cultural identity, which is confirmation; and establish understanding on both sides concerning the conflict, which is comprehension. The individual is the main focus. The client should be able to objectively understand his conflict and craft the correct strategies and skills to address and solve it. The authors propose a coaching model, consisting…...



Jones, T.S. & Brinkert, R. (2008). Conflict coaching, conflict management strategies and skills for the individual. Sage Publications, Inc.

Gender-Based Differences in Communication Styles
Pages: 2 Words: 554

In intimate relationships, men still communicate through the same direct methods but they have tremendous difficulty expressing more personal thoughts and feelings to their partners. They may throw themselves into work to support their families as an expression of their love but they have a much harder time expressing their love verbally. Meanwhile, women tend to rely on the same metamessages such as by communicating their feelings and needs to men through a wider range of communication strategies many of which are lost on men.

This can cause significant problems in intimate relationships because from the woman's perspective, she has been trying to communicate her thoughts and needs. Eventually, she can become hurt, angry, and resentful, because she interprets his ignorance as a rejection rather than realizing that he genuinely does not understand what she has been trying to communicate. The man may also become frustrated because from his perspective, he…...



Deborah Tannen. "Talk in the Intimate Relationship: His and Hers"

Personality and Communication Styles in the Workplace
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

71) points out, "Excessive concern for economic development and materialism during a major part of the last century in most of the countries of the world relegated values having bearing on the qualitative aspect of life to the background." He notes that organizations are now taking a greater interest in the relevance of the quality of work life. Parker was delighted with her higher salary but felt the money would not be worth it unless she felt good about her work and her workplace. Ilies, Scott & Judge (2006, p. 561) point out that there is an increasing amount of research being done with respect to work behavior that goes beyond traditional measures of job performance. They found that people with positive affect and agreeable personalities exhibited greater levels of citizenship than people deemed less agreeable, or even disagreeable.
Parker's co-workers would probably all agree that she has a positive…...

Gender-Based Communication Styles Gender-Based Differences in Interpersonal
Pages: 6 Words: 1532

Gender-Based Communication Styles

This project consists of an observational study intended to identify and compare the differences in social interaction styles between the genders. The study endeavored to compare the various components of interpersonal communication, such as body language, eye contact and physical gestures among various subjects observed in a university courtyard frequented by students as well as by university instructors and visitors.

The experimenter monitored the ways men and women differ in communication styles. In order to minimize extraneous factors (such as larger group dynamics or sexual interest) that lie beyond the scope of this project, the experimenter observed only one-on-one interactions between groups of two same-gender subjects.

The background of the study was chosen because it provided the opportunity to observe numerous groups engaged in similar interactions in a relatively short period of time, in addition to several different seating options including a wall suitable for sitting,…...

Personality Styles My Personality and Communication Style
Pages: 3 Words: 1061

Personality Styles
My personality and communication style

My personality and communication style is what Taylor (2010) would describe in "five factor" terms (447) as moderate extrovert, which implies significant introvert; moderate conscientious, which means that I can tolerate some deviation from form if content dictates; high on agreeability and openness, and low relative to the norm on neuroticism. My communication style is verbal, accomodative but not infinitely so, solution-oriented and not Machiavellian or vindictive (Taylor, 2010, p. 447), and I at least intellectually seek what Kotchemidova (2010) calls "egalitarian friendliness" (209).

Interactions with differing styles cause difficulties at work

This causes episodic difficulties and stress for me at the restaurant where I work as pantry chef, with some employees with different traits and communication styles. These are the minority however, and other co-workers provide examples that are free of conflict even though our character endowments and communication styles differ. Jeff is one waiter among…...



de Vries, R., Bakker-Pieper, A., and Oostenveld, W. (2010). Leadership =

communication? The relations of leaders' communication styles with leadership styles, knowledge sharing and leadership outcomes. Journal of Business Psychology 25, 367-380. Retrieved from: DOI 10.1007/s10869-009-9140-2

Kotchemidova, C. (2010, Apr.). Emotion culture and cognitive constructions of reality.

Communication Quarterly 58 (2), 207-234. Retrieved from: DOI: 10.1080/01463371003717892

organizational behavior and communication'styles
Pages: 3 Words: 874

.....interpersonal skills in the workplace cannot be underestimated, as organizational performance depends on the ability of employees to communicate, solve problems, and make ethical decisions. Employers value interpersonal skills as much as technical skills, and like technical skills, interpersonal skills can be taught and learned in formal and systematic ways (Reece & Reece, 2016). However, interpersonal relations in the workplace often proceed informally. People form alliances and allegiances based on structural factors like formal team membership, or informal alliances based on factors as diverse as gender and ethnicity or personality orientation.
Individuals define themselves in terms of group membership (Ellemers, et al., 2003, p. 11). When individuals feel they are "under surveillance from in-group members," they may not be fully honest in group communications or feel threatened, silenced, or cut off from the group in ways that can impede performance (Ellemers, et al., 2003, p. 11). Therefore, leaders need to be…...

The Cultural Customs of Communicating in India
Pages: 4 Words: 1200

Cultural ProfileIndia is a high context, collectivist culture, which means that personal relationships are very important and meaning is often implied rather than stated explicitly (Nishimura, Nevgi & Tella, 2008). It is one reason Pio, who is from India, had trouble adjusting to America when he first came here. He was always trying to understand the context of situations even when instructions were explicitly given to him: he thought there was more going on that he was missing and it made him very stressed because he could never figure it out. Pio describes his culture back in India as one in which people come to understand the ways of interacting through experience and convention; individually, the average person in India is of little to no account. In India, emphasis is not placed on individuality the way it is in the US. Pio is a Catholic, which defines his micro culture.…...



Harvard Law. (2021). India’s direct approach to conflict resolution. Retrieved from 

Hofstede Insights. (2021). India. Retrieved from 

Nishimura, S., Nevgi, A., & Tella, S. (2008). Communication style and cultural features in high/low context communication cultures: A case study of Finland, Japan and India. Teoksessa A. Kallioniemi (toim.), Uudistuva ja kehittyvä ainedidaktiikka. Ainedidaktinen symposiumi, 8(2008), 783-796.

Communications Style
Pages: 4 Words: 1591

Bridging the Gap
(Between Communication Styles)

In Management in Two Cultures, author Eva S. Kras discusses many differences between Mexican and U.S. cultures and their effects on business dealings. She describes differences in cultural values, customs, and attitudes that lead to misunderstandings when the two countries meet in the workplace. Perhaps most significant are communication styles, which are learned by socialization in childhood and so habitual to both cultures that they almost go unnoticed. The work of Deborah Tannen (1995) on feminine and masculine communication styles is helpful as a way to look at differences in the communication styles of Mexicans and Americans.

Tannen argues that American girls and boys are socialized so differently, they almost grow up in two different cultures. Socialization begins at birth. For example, when we hold baby girls, we position them so that they can see directly into our faces as we talk to them. Boys, on the…...



Kras, E.S. (1995). Management in two cultures: Bridging the gap between U.S. And Mexican managers. Yarmouth, ME: Intercultural Press.

Tannen, D. (1995). Talking from 9 to 5. New York: HarperCollins.

Shackleton Leadership and Communication Styles
Pages: 2 Words: 667

Sir Ernest Shackleton's Antarctic expedition might very well have been viewed as a tremendous disaster. When he and his crew found their ship trapped by ice, they remained for nine months waiting for enough of a thaw that they might be able to escape, until the ship was crushed by the ice. They then lived for six months on top of the ice, in an encampment, until the water was sufficiently clear that a journey on lifeboats could be attempted. Shackleton and the crew made it finally to land at the edge of Antarctica, on Elephant Island, where they had no chance of rescue. So Shackleton selected five men to join him in a single lifeboat and cross the open ocean for 800 miles, where they reached South Georgia Island, then had to cross unmapped mountains and glaciers on foot for 26 miles until they reached a Norwegian whaling…...



Harmon, MB. (2002). Antarctic quest: Ernest Shackleton's splendid failure. Biography Magazine, April 2002.

Headland, R. (1999). Sail of the century. Geographical, April 1999.

Communication Differences Develop a Two-Page
Pages: 2 Words: 938

However, gender expectations of different nations can impede free and open discussion in intercultural communications, if a particular culture has yet to accept that it is appropriate for women to confidently assume positions of authority.
Although cross-cultural communication presents a challenge, globalization has made understanding the difference between high-context and low-context cultures even more vital than ever before. Implied meanings in different cultures have different levels of signification, based upon relationships. "In relationship-oriented countries like Mexico, India and China, people tend to prioritize projects based on the hierarchy of the person who owns it" in contrast to the United States, where the project itself is viewed more important than the person in charge (Frase 2007).

Much like male-female communication tropes, social expectations rather than actual message or even delivery can affect the message conveyed and impede communication. An analysis of diverse work teams at international firms by Brett et al. (2006)…...


Works Cited

Bond, J. (2007, December). Training in a diverse environment. Canadian HR

Reporter, 20(21), 19, 26. Retrieved July 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global

through ProQuest (Document ID: 1410548371).

Brett, Jeanne, Kristin Behfar, & Mary C. Kern. (2006, November). Managing multicultural teams. Harvard Business Review, 84(11), 84-91. Retrieved July 21, 2009, from ABI/INFORM Global through ProQuest (Document ID: 1151916931).

Communication Not Speaking Clearly Not
Pages: 2 Words: 543

3. If you feel threatened by what the other person has to say, take a break and formulate a reasoned response later.

IV. The third sign of miscommunication is not appreciating differences in communication styles.

A. The popular book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus illustrates some different communication styles.

1. Although the differences are not necessarily related to gender, they are related to healthy relationships in general.

2. Some people prefer long periods of silence, while others like to talk a lot.

3. Some people need frequent positive feedback.

B. especting the other person's unique needs is crucial for healthy relationships.

1. When in doubt, ask the other person what they need from you to be a better communicator.

2. Be patient; it takes time to learn what the other person needs

3. Become more aware of your own communication styles and express what they are.

V. Conclusion

A. Thesis: Not speaking clearly, not listening properly, and not…...



Duerksen, C. (2009). Communication skills for lifelong relationships. Discovery Health. Retrieved Nov 18, 2009 from 

Gray, J. (1992). Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. New York: HarperCollins.

"Relationships and Communication" (nd). Better Health Channel. Retrieved Nov 19, 2009 from

What role does business communication play in your day-to-day activities?
Words: 234

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

what affect my culture can have on my approach to the classroom?
Words: 368

The impact of culture on an individual's approach to the classroom is significant. Culture shapes our beliefs, values, and behaviors, which in turn shape our approach to learning and education. Proper spacing and format might look like this:

Culture, with its rich tapestry of traditions, customs, and societal norms, can greatly influence the way we view and engage with the classroom. Firstly, culture shapes our attitudes towards education. In some cultures, education is highly valued and seen as the key to success, leading individuals to approach the classroom with enthusiasm and a strong desire to learn. Conversely, in cultures where education....

I need a spark of inspiration! Can you share some captivating essay topics related to Something we consider typical may be different and unusual for others.?
Words: 559

Title: Unveiling the Tapestry of Cultural Diversity: Exploring How the Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

In the intricate tapestry of human existence, there lies a kaleidoscope of cultures, each with its unique customs, beliefs, and practices. What may seem ordinary and mundane to one individual can be extraordinary and fascinating to another. This essay delves into the captivating realm of cultural diversity, examining how the typical and familiar can transform into the different and unusual when viewed through the lens of contrasting cultural perspectives. By exploring real-life examples and insightful anecdotes, we will uncover the beauty and significance of embracing cultural differences and....

Need guidance for a thesis statement on the demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation topic?
Words: 184

A strong thesis statement for the topic of demonstrating professional communication in content and presentation could be:

"Effective professional communication in both content and presentation is essential for fostering successful relationships, promoting understanding, and achieving meaningful outcomes in professional settings."

This thesis statement sets the stage for discussing the importance and impact of professional communication in both the information conveyed (content) and the manner in which it is delivered (presentation). It suggests that strong communication skills are not only necessary for transmitting information accurately, but also for building rapport, engaging effectively with others, and achieving desired outcomes.
Some potential points to explore....

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