Communication Essays (Examples)

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Communication Media Assertive Communicators Communication Is a
Pages: 4 Words: 1320

Communication Media
Assertive Communicators

Communication is a course of action in which the information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, emotions, opinions and knowledge are exchanged between two or more people. This meaningful interaction can be in the form of speech, signals, writing, or behavior. This two-way interaction is an integral process not only in the on a daily basis but is equally significant at the workplace, as it helps elevating the communication gap (Wood 2011).

However, effective communication is essential in order to have successful exchange of clear ideas and information between the parties. Indeed, the individuals at the workplace must possess the ability to effective communication. This is vital as it leads to planning, organizing, leading and controlling in a successful and effectual manner. Moreover, poor communication amongst the workforce and the management would be a huge loss to the organization and in achieving overall aims and objectives (Wood 2011).

There are many styles of…...



Davis, M, Fanning, P & McKay, M 2009, Messages: The Communication Skills Book, Third Edition, New Harbinger Publications, USA.

Masters A, & Wallace, HR 2010, Personal Development for Life and Work, Tenth Edition, Cengage Learning, USA.

Nielsen, J 2008, Effective Communication Skills, Xlibris Corporation, USA.

Pfeiffer, RH & Pfeiffer, RH PhD 2010, Relationships: Assertiveness Skills, First Edition, Growth Central LLC, USA.

Communication Skills Self-Assessment Interpersonal Communication Speech and
Pages: 7 Words: 2108

Communication Skills Self-Assessment
Interpersonal Communication

Speech and language pathologists are considered to be experts in the field of interpersonal communication. Yet these professionals readily agree that although they may be experts in disorders of communication, they "are not experts in 'communication,' particularly that of interpersonal communication" (Montgomery, 2006). A fundamental reason that someone might not be skilled in interpersonal communication is that they have difficulty attending to and processing all of the unpredictable things that happen during interpersonal transactions (Montgomery, 2006). One factor that underlays successful interpersonal communication is the ability to make others feel comfortable and engaged as communication partners (Montgomery, 2006).

(a) Consideration of communication partners. I believe that my interpersonal communication skills are strong, and I base this belief on the following ideas. The place to begin in communication is with clear articulation and complete thoughts. It is frustrating to be a communication partner with someone who does not speak…...



Berne, E. (1996). Games people play: The basic handbook of transactional analysis. New York, NY: Ballantine Books.

Brown, B. (2004). Shame Resilience Theory. In S.P.Robbins, P.Chatterjee & E.R.Canda (Eds.), Contemporary human behavior theory: A critical perspective for social work (Rev. ed.). Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Dessein, W. (2002, October). Authority and communication in organizations. The Review of Economic Studies, 69(4), 811-838

Montgomery, J.K. (2006, Fall). Your competitive edge: The art of interpersonal communication. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 28(1), 56-58.

Communication and Gender in Movies
Pages: 5 Words: 1450

Communication and Gender in Movies
Cinematic Gender Communication

Gender plays a fairly important role in regards to communication and its effectiveness and nuances. This fact is largely due to the immense value which people have always placed upon language, which can be thought of as a means of identifying and, in some instances, even defining what it means to be of a particular gender since "communication is thought to be, at once, the process by which we learn to be male or female, and the product of our attempts to behave sex appropriately" (Arliss, 1991, p. 10). In the 21st century in particular, communication has increasingly become attached to the concept of computer-mediated communication, in which the dimensions and boundaries of communication take on subtly different aspects that are not found in everyday, face-to-face communication. The 1998 major motion picture release You've Got Mail exemplifies a number of these facets of computer-mediated…...

Communication in Organizations the Case
Pages: 4 Words: 1713

al, (2008).
With such events still expected, the lessons to be drawn from this case is that extensive cross-cultural consultation needs to be conducted among the representatives from both sides hence ensuring there is a cultural balance and no disregard for one culture. Timely, open and continuous communication needs to be fostered between the two sides as this will give chance to iron out the few differences that may emerge.


Bambacas, Mary & Patrickson, Margaret, 2008, 'Interpersonal Communication Skills That

Enhance Organizational Commitment', Journal of Communication Management, Vol 12, No 1, Pp 51-72.

Freeman , McWilliams C, Gorter . & Williams S, 2007. 'Dental Students Interacting

with Dental Nurses: An investigation of the role of gender and ethnicity in inter-professional communication and working styles', British Dental Journal, Volume 202, NO. 2, Pp 96.

Hassan Zarei Matin,, 2010, 'elationship Between Interpersonal Communication Skills

and Organizational Commitment (Case Study: Jahad Keshavarzi and University of Qom, Iran)', European Journal…...



Bambacas, Mary & Patrickson, Margaret, 2008, 'Interpersonal Communication Skills That

Enhance Organizational Commitment', Journal of Communication Management, Vol 12, No 1, Pp 51-72.

Freeman R, McWilliams C, Gorter R. & Williams S, 2007. 'Dental Students Interacting

with Dental Nurses: An investigation of the role of gender and ethnicity in inter-professional communication and working styles', British Dental Journal, Volume 202, NO. 2, Pp 96.

Communication Theory Attribution Theory in
Pages: 4 Words: 1281

Here, people always attribute causes to actions and happenings, with the belief that everything has an explanation only if we could look deeper enough (Changing Minds, 2011). This theory serves to show how people have very different perspectives to happenings or events in the daily lives, and these varying views can easily stray into power imbalance, prejudice and such like vices ultimately affecting the communication process.
Under attribution theory, there exist two possible justifications or explanations that are normally forwarded concerning a behavior hence acting as noise to communication. The first is the intrinsic or internal justification; this gives explanation for an event as having been internally motivated. The internal motivations include personality, abilities, and traits that are displayed or observed in the individual. For instance, in our scenario above, I blamed the character of the partner, the jealousy within her, for the lack of consideration for my request. As…...



Dimbleby, R. & Burton, G. (1998). More than Words: An Introduction to Communication, 3rd ed. New York: Routledge.

Heath, R.H. & Bryant, J. (2000). Human Communication Theory and Research: Concepts,

Contexts, and Challenges, 2nd ed. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Gilbert, D.T., & Malone, P.S., (1995). The correspondence bias. Psychological Bulletin, 117,

Communication Verbal Communication Includes the Words That
Pages: 3 Words: 911

Verbal communication includes the words that are physically spoken, as well as factors, according to the video, such as tone of voice, rhythm of speaking, word choice, and emphasis. Experts and researchers in the field of communication assert that nonverbal communication composes more than half of the communication among people. Nonverbal communication has a variety of factors such as eye contact, gestures, body language, the setting, and even the dress of the person speaking. The paper explores principles of effective verbal and nonverbal communication and considers how they relate to or affect professionals in health care.

Communication of all kinds is particularly critical in the field of health. A key principle to effective communication is that all forms of communication are contextual, that is, they derive their meaning(s) from the context within which the communication was done. Context, which is directly related to the video's concept of paralanguage, is yet another…...



Crean, K.W. (2010). Accelerating innovation in information and communication technology for health. Health Affairs, 29(2), 278-283.

Rao, J.K., Anderson, L.A., Sukumar, B., Beauchesne, D.A., Stein, T., & Frankel, R.M. (2010). Engaging communication experts in a Delphi process to identify patient behaviors that could enhance communication in medical encounters. BMC Health Services Research, 10, 97.

Communications Training Program Kudler Fine Foods &
Pages: 2 Words: 584

Communications Training Program
Kudler Fine Foods & Wine

The objective of this work in writing is to develop a communications-training plan for Kudler Fine Foods & Wine. The communication-training plan will improve the virtual organization's communication process.

Communication Training Program Objectives

The communication-training program that is effective is one that is well planned and one that understands the objectives of the training program. The first step in an effective communication-training program is being clear about the company's overall communication objectives and understanding what the company wants to achieve, when they want to achieve and why they want to achieve. (Mindtools, 2012, paraphrased) The second step in an effective communication-training program is understanding the audience therefore, the audience should be identified, and various audiences listed. Audience groups include any groups that the company needs to communicate with. (Mindtools, 2012, paraphrased) The third step in an effective communication-training program is that of drilling down into the…...



Communications Planning (2012) Mindtools. Retrieved from: 

Simmeroth-Nayda, A. et al. (2011) Do Communication Training Programs Improve Students' Communication Skills? A Follow-Up Study. BMC Research Notes. Biomed Central. Retrieved from:

Communication Breakdown and Cultural Disconnect
Pages: 3 Words: 953

The Hunter-Worth situation is an interesting example of cultural communication breakdown. In this instance, the breakdown has led to several problems. There is conflict between Hunter-Worth and the Mexican plant, and there is a shortage of the toy. The problems are related. The communication breakdown has resulted in Hunter-Worth management not knowing what the problem with the toy is. While Moore might not think so, resolving the conflict is going to be critical to getting the toys, which is the ultimately objective.

The case can be analyzed in the context of the differences between communication styles and business cultures in the U.S. And Mexico. There are several issues. First, there is the issue of hierarchy and formality. In Mexican culture, hierarchy and formality are important. This means that communications are governed according to a set of rules. Vicente assumed, for some reason, that these same rules applied to the U.S., or…...

Communication Theories
Pages: 2 Words: 591

Communication Theories
The unique part of the human mind is that it requires two distinct yet complementary sides that work in concert to bring about reality. In most cases the right side of the mind or brain is the more abstract and artistic component. The left side would therefore be a modeling or constructionist component. Using this framework, it is necessary for both components to come together and bring that's side influence to the total picture.

Littlejohn and Foss use these two distinctions as a meta- model and bases the rest of their arguments and these two methods of deciphering communication. While this argument spans the area covered by many academic disciplines, this appears to be an ontological problem for these authors. Being, existence and becoming are too subtle and complicated to be addressed solely by words and models. The basic set up of the mind is what brings things into being,…...

Communication Is a Necessity for Any Relationship
Pages: 3 Words: 907

Communication is a necessity for any relationship -- whether personal or professional; without communication there is not a relationship. Though communication is the basis of every relationship, there are good forms of communication as well as not-so-good forms of communication (which we are all probably very aware of). Good communication is imperative in the professional sphere because communication in the workplace is synonymous with information (Dainton & Zelley 2010, p. 2). Good communication, however, is a rather uncertain term or idea because of the fact that what one considers good communication may not necessarily be understood by another depending on that person's culture and/or gender -- thus making it "bad communication." This causes misunderstandings and frustration within individuals, perhaps blaming themselves or the other person for not "getting through."
Men and women see the world very differently because their individual experiences are vastly different. Not only that, but communication is largely…...



Dainton, M. & Zelley, E.D. (2010). Applying communication theory for professional life:

A practical introduction. Sage Publications, Inc.; Second Edition.

Lind, M.R. (2010). An exploration of communication channel usage by gender. MCB

Mulvaney, B.M. (2011). "Gender differences in communication: an intercultural experience." Feminism and women's studies. Retrieved from

Communication Is Basically Described as
Pages: 3 Words: 890

An example of effective demonstrative communication is when a person is nodding while receiving information from the sender. However, when a person is talking to someone who has his/her arms folded, it's likely to be interpreted that he/she is defensive, cold, or uncomfortable, which is ineffective demonstrative communication.

Listening and esponding in Demonstrative Communication:

Similar to other forms of communication, listening and responding is an important aspect of demonstrative communication (Sheridan, 2011). Listening and responding are specifically critical for demonstrative communication because this form lacks the complexity provided by language and has limited distance. Notably, the process of listening and responding while using this communication form is a necessity for both parties in the interaction i.e. The sender and receiver of the message (Hampton, 2011). The need for the process of listening and responding originates from the fact that people learn more through others' actions, which are brought by demonstrative communication, rather…...



Hampton, C.B. (2011, September 12). Demonstrative Communication. Retrieved June 12, 2012,


"Nonverbal Communication Says a Lot." (n.d.). Speech Improvement Resources -- Solutions for Effective Communication. Retrieved June 12, 2012, from 

Sheridan, M. (2011, May 22). Demonstrative Communication. Retrieved June 12, 2012, from

Communication Plan for the Sheriff's Department
Pages: 4 Words: 1147

Communication Improvement Plan for the Sheriff's Department
The Communication Improvement Plan (CIP) is an initiative that seeks to establish, formalize, and institutionalize proper communication protocols in the Sheriff's Department. The rationale for developing the CIP stemmed from the specific needs of the department, specifically: (i) to establish protocols that reflect proper communication flow in dealing with specific concerns or issues relevant to the work of members of the Sheriff's Department; (ii) to promote the establishment of "institutional memory" through consistent documentation of every activity and relevant issues and concerns that members of the Sheriff's Department deal with in the course of their work; and (iii) to serve as a guide to developing resolutions in issues, conflicts, or concerns that might arise among members of the department.

Creating proper communication protocols does not mean that informal communication will not happen within the department. Informal communication is inevitable, as each member of the department…...



Adams, S. (2010). "How to communicate better at work." Forbes Official Website. Accessed on April 18, 2014. Accessed at: 

Ahmed, Z., F. Shields, R. White, and J. Wilbert. (2010). "Managerial communication: the link between frontline leadership and organizational performance." Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict, Vol. 14, No. 1.

Ergen, E. (2010). "Workplace communication: a case study on informal communication network within an organization." Evangelos Ergen Official Website. Accessed on April 18, 2014. Accessed at:

Communication Skills Are Critical in
Pages: 2 Words: 640

1). However, there are several weaknesses or gaps that need to be addressed, according to my assessment. One of the core issues or weaknesses in my communication is related to my ability to give oral presentations. I believe that this gap can be easily addressed via training. The textbook by Baack (2012) outlines some of the core tips for designing effective presentations, both oral and written. eferring to this text, as well as to experienced public speakers, I can improve my ability to deliver compelling oral presentations without being nervous. Interactive web-based training has also been proven effective in helping to improve one's communications skills (ider, Hinrichs & Lown, 2006).
In the healthcare sector, "physicians' interpersonal and communication skills have a significant impact on patient care and correlate with improved healthcare outcomes," (ider, Hinrichs & Lown, 2006, p. e127). Because I may or may not work in the healthcare sector,…...



Arnold, E.C. & Boggs, K.U. (2013). Interpersonal Relationships. Elsevier.

Baack, D. (2012) Management Communication. San Diego: Bridgeport.

Burns, M.M. (2002). "Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others." American Communication Journal 5(3).

Rider, E.A., Hinrichs, M.M. & Lown, B. (2006). A model for communication skills assessment across the undergraduate curriculum. Medical Teacher 28(5): e127-e134.

Communication Channels Presentation Recently We Received a
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Communication Channels Presentation
ecently, we received a donation of a state-of-the-art resonance imaging machine from a local organization impressed with our stellar performance. It is the only machine of its kind in the area. As the project manager, my responsibility in this case includes educating members of staff on the use of the imaging machine. I will also be required to inform the public of the availability of this new technology.

Communication Channels to be Utilized

To increase my chances of success in this case, I will ensure that I select the most productive and effective communication channel. In seeking to train employees on how to utilize the new device, I will largely be relying on informal communication. This could be through scheduling meetings, organizing training sessions, or sending out memos. It is however important to note that although I will largely be relying on formal communication, my success will also be determined…...



Means, T.L. (2009). Business Communication (2nd ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.

Samovar, L.A., Porter, R.E. & McDaniel, E.R. (2011). Intercultural Communication: A Reader (13th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Communications Skills Test I Took Was From
Pages: 2 Words: 696

Communications skills test I took was from I scored a 33 on this test. This level says that I need to work on my communications skills (36 is the threshold for the next level up, and 75 is the maximum score). The assessment was further detailed on different elements of communication. On the element of planning the message, I scored 7 out of 15. The second element is encoding, where the score was 8 out of 25. This part of the assessment seems to contradict itself, however, so cannot be taken too seriously. The implication here is that I should have a clear, well-crafted message but that I would need to consider how the receiver will perceive the message. It is impossible to present a clear message when you are guessing at how the receiver will perceive the message. Clarity is not achieved through guesswork and then rambling to…...


References (2013). How good are your communications skills? Retrieved November 9, 2013 from 

Rees, C., Sheard, C. & McPherson, A. (2002). Communications skills assessment: The perceptions of medical students at the University of Nottingham. Medical Education. Vol. 36 (2002) 868-878.

What role does business communication play in your day-to-day activities?
Words: 234

Business communication plays a significant role in day to day activities, because nearly every transaction a person engages in is a form of business. At work, business communication is more than just talking with the boss about important matters. It's also small interactions between colleagues, how you talk to customers and vendors, and non-verbal communication concerns like posture and facial expression. In an increasingly global society, proper business communication is becoming more significant. You can find information on this issue in business journals. The website provides you with access to a large number of business journals from a wide variety....

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