Communication Disorder Essays (Examples)

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Communication Disorder
Pages: 3 Words: 1029

Communications Disorders
The federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) defines a learning disability as:

"a disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language, spoken or written, that may manifest itself in an imperfect ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, spell, or do mathematical calculations, including conditions such as perceptual disabilities, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia" (MedicineNet, 2008).

Children with learning disabilities have trouble learning and using certain skills. Most often affected are reading, writing, listening, speaking, reasoning, and doing math. People can have difficulties in one or more than one area. It is estimated that nearly three million children between the ages of six and twenty-one have some form of a learning disability (MedicineNet, 2008). esearchers continue to work on finding the causes of learning disabilities. For a long time, it was believed they were rooted in biological…...



Castrogiovanni, A. (2008). Incidence and prevalence of communication disorders and hearing loss in children -- 2008 edition. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Retrieved from 

Council for Exceptional Children. (2011). Children with Communication Disorders. Retrieved from 


LD Online. (n.d.). Educators. WETA. Retrieved from

Communication Disorders Have Been Considered
Pages: 1 Words: 492

The purpose of education is to expand, rather than limit the growth potential of a child. However, that does not mean that the child has to entirely abandon his or her cultural, social, or geographic 'way of being' in the world. Language is contextual -- just as a teacher does not use as formal a tone with his or her family as he or she does with a class, a child can use slang and other localized forms of speech with his or her peers, but needs to know how to use Standard American English to function in an academic environment.
What are the advantages of obtaining language samples from a child in a conversational rather than a structured or directed context? Why should children's language be assessed during their interactions with parents, other adults, and peers?

Shy children who are intimidated by a classroom environment may be more forthcoming in…...

Communication in Healthcare
Pages: 10 Words: 2779

Healthcare Service Delivery
Interpersonal communication in delivery of health communication

Interpersonal communication is the form of communication that exists between two people and it is the type of communication that is deemed universal in many measures. Interpersonal communication involves the daily exchange which could be informal or formal in nature depending on the purpose and surrounding, it can take the form of facial expression, sounds, gestures, written words, spoken words and postures (MBA Knowledge base, 2011).

Interpersonal communication, involves dissemination and reception of objective message or information between two or more people/groups with an aim of getting the desired effect on the receiving individual or groups (Ally & Bacon, 1999). Some professional however contend that for a communication to qualify to be considered interpersonal communication then the two parties involved must be at close proximity and must be familiar with each other or share something in common. The health sector depends greatly on…...



Ally & Bacon, 1999. Interpersonal Communication: Definition of Interpersonal Communication.

Retrieved March 30, 2014 from

Education Resources Information Center, (2008). International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders. Retrieved March 30, 2014 from 

Health Promotion at EACH, (2014). Planning: Needs assessment: what issue should your program address? Retrieved March 30, 2014 from

Communications Our Voice Is How
Pages: 1 Words: 329

Therefore, the reason for my interest in the graduate program is to participate in this exciting and growing field. In particular I hope to work with children and their families who encounter different speech, language, and communication difficulties. In addition to providing core support in terms of speech and language therapy, I also intend to become active as a community leader who can address issues like social stigma and alternative forms of communication. In a highly verbal society such as ours, I believe it is imperative to find new ways of reaching out and interacting with those who do not or cannot conform to the majority standard of communications efficiency. A graduate degree will help me be use all the resources available to enhance understanding and treatment of speech, language and communications problems. Thank you for your consideration....

Official Langue and Communication the
Pages: 1 Words: 484

At the point where the student acquires a second language, becomes fluent in the language that is not the student's own first language, it no longer matters what the student's first language is because the student, if proficient, has mastered a command of both languages (Culatta, eese, Setzer, p. 67). It becomes a matter, they say, of phonological awareness, which facilitates the individual's ability to transfer from one language to another.
Sandra G. Koutzman (1999) says that for the student's first language to become lost to an acquired language is, indeed, a los (p. 7). Teaching and learning a second language, when it begins early in life, is increasing the individual ability to communicate. Koutzman taught English as a second language (ESL) and is herself bilingual. The benefit to individual of being bilingual is a multi-faceted one that actually affords an individual a greater breadth of expression, and freedom.


Culatta, B.,…...



Culatta, B., Reese, M., & Setzer, L.A. (2006). Early Literacy Instruction in a Dual-Language (Spanish-English) Kindergarten. Communication Disorders Quarterly, 27(2), 67+. Retrieved August 19, 2008, from Questia database: 

Kouritzin, S.G. (1999). Face[t]s of First Language Loss. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. Retrieved August 19, 2008, from Questia database: 

U.S Citizenship and Immigration Services (2008), found online,   Retrieved August 19, 2008. ,

Analyzing Mental Health Disorder
Pages: 8 Words: 2533

Mental Health Disorder
The following is a close examination of the psychosocial status of mental health disorder. There is going to be an examination of the symptoms along with a comprehensive diagnosis of the case.

Mental Health Disorder- Background

Childhood mental health disorder refers to all mental health conditions that affect a person in childhood. The disorder in children is described as critical changes that affect the way a child behaves, learns or even handles emotional situations. Some of the known childhood mental health disorders include (CDC - Child Development, Children's Mental Health -- NCBDDD, n.d):

Hyperactivity disorder/attention deficit disorder (ADHD) (

Disorders related to behavior

Anxiety and mood disorders

Tourette syndrome

Substance use disorders

Mental health is essential in life. Mental health disorders can persist throughout a person's life (CDC - Child Development, Children's Mental Health -- NCBDDD, n.d). The problem needs to be diagnosed early. Otherwise, children continue to experience problems in many spheres of social interaction,…...



(n.d.). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC - Child Development, Children's Mental Health - NCBDDD. Retrieved February 6, 2016, from 

Klauck, S. (2006). Genetics of autism spectrum disorder. European Journal of Human Genetics, 14, 714-720. Retrieved February 6, 2016 from 

(n.d.). Medicine Net. Mental Health: Get the Facts on Common Disorders. Retrieved February 6, 2016, from 

(n.d.). MU School of Health Professions. Autism Spectrum Disorders: Case Study. Retrieved February 6, 2016, from

Communication Swallowing Disorders
Pages: 7 Words: 2077

Swallowing Difficulty and Speech Difficulty on Quality of Life in Patients with PEG Tubes vs. Those on NGT Feeding Systems
Stroke can effect neurological functioning and can have an effect on the patient's ability to talk and swallow. This condition can lead to severe malnutrition A decision is often made to feed the patient using a tube feeding method. Many studies have been performed to measure the clinical outcomes of these procedures, but few have focused on the effects of the patient's quality of life after receiving these interventions. This study will measure the effects of having a PEG tube inserted on the patient's quality of life as it relates to their ability to communicate and swallow. Two research questions will be answered: "Does a PEG procedure have an effect on the patient's ability to communicate their wishes and improve there satisfaction with the quality of their life in regards…...


Works Cited

Finucane Thomas E. MD., Colleen Christmas, MD., and Kathy Travis. (1999) Tube feeding in patients with advanced dementia. A review of the evidence. Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)October 13 (282) [HIDDEN]

James A, Kapur K, Hawthorne AB.(1998) Long-term outcome of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy feeding in patients with dysphagic stroke. Age Ageing (27):671-676.

Taylor, Paula, MD. (2001) Annals of Long-Term CareDecision Making in Long-Term Care: Feeding Tubes. Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging. 9 (11) p. 21-26

Disorder Down's Syndrome and the Certain Ways
Pages: 10 Words: 3241

disorder Down's syndrome and the certain ways these individuals are treated in the society. Certain characteristics like their learning ability and their ability to live in the society is emphasized in the paper. Laws and regulations for children with these disorders are also hinted upon. Lastly, the inclusion of these children in the integrated teaching program is discussed.
Down syndrome is a disorder that has been named after John Langdon Down, who was a British physician and he explained this syndrome in the year 1886. Earlier in the 19th century, this condition was clinically described by Jean Etienne Dominique Esquirol in the year 1838 and then by Edouard Seguin in 1844. Dr., Jerome Lejeune identified this syndrome as a chromosome 21 trisomy. This disorder can be diagnosed after as well as before birth through prenatal screening procedures. If such pregnancies are identified, they are often terminated.

According to the CDC estimates,…...



Buckley, S. (1995). Teaching children with Down syndrome to read and write. Down syndrome: Living and learning in the community (pp. 158-169). New York: Wiley-Liss.

Cheung, Y.B., Law, C.K., Chan, B., Liu, K.Y., YIP, P.S. (2006): Suicidal ideation and suicidal attempts in a population-based study of Chinese people: risk attributable to hopelessness, depression, and social factors. J. Affect. Disord.

Cicchetti, D., & Beeghly, M. (Eds.). (1990). Children with Down syndrome: A developmental perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Crawford, P.A. (1995). Early literacy: Emerging perspectives. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 10(1), 71-86.

Communication Technologies Assignment 1
Pages: 2 Words: 955

Communications # Technologies #Organization
Communication Technologies

What is Information Communications and Media Technology (ICMT)

ICMT is derived from two fundamental terminologies -- information communication technology and media technology. Information communication technologies refer to the resources and tools used to create, manage, store, and disseminate information (Gray, 2012). They include telephony, broadcasting technologies (television and radio), computers, and other technological media for communication. Each of these media has its technological limitations -- radio, for instance, could broadcast an event live, but one would only hear the sound and not be able to see the performers; similarly, a television would be able to deliver video and sound, but not text (Croteau, Hoynes & Milan, 2011). Media technologies are platforms of computer networks that allow for the delivery of all media forms; interactive, video, picture, sound, text and live (Croteau et al., 2011). Information communications and media technologies, therefore, refer to the various tools of…...



Croteau, R., Hoynes, W. D. & Milan, S. (2011). Media/Society: Industries, Images and Audiences (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

Gray, D. (2012). The Connected Company. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media Inc.

Townsend-Hall, B. (n.d.). Communications Audit: How can it Help You? The Sideroad. Retrieved December 2, 2015 from

Communication in a Multicultural Business Meeting
Pages: 3 Words: 855

Intercultural Communication - Group
As the Manufacturing Procurement Lead for an American/Japanese automobile manufacturer, my main task is to coordinate several characteristics of production and delivery schedule of an Italian designed and manufactured electronic braking system for a new high performance sports car to be launched to the American market. An important aspect of achieving this goal is conducting a three-day meeting that incorporates various social activities, price, negotiations of delivery schedule, and creation of a preliminary contract. The social activities include cocktail reception on the first evening and a final dinner on the final day of the three-day meeting. The other vital component of success in this meeting is an understanding of group dynamics since it will affect discussions and negotiations.

The American/Japanese automotive manufacturer will be doing business with an Italian company, which implies that understanding cultural differences and business interactions with the Italian customer is essential for successful negotiations.…...



"Business Etiquette." (n.d.). Passport to Trade. Retrieved April 3, 2016, from 

"Business Meeting Etiquette." (n.d.). Passport to Trade. Retrieved April 3, 2016, from

Communication from Leaders is Vital for Change Management
Pages: 7 Words: 2059

Operating isksExecutive SummaryOur hospital is facing a 15% loss of trained healthcare provider staff, and is considering the closure of two out of its five clinics. The clinics in operation include a walk-in orthopedic clinic, a radiology department, a labor-and-delivery suite with neonatology, a wound care center with hyperbaric equipment, and an in-patient pediatric psychiatric facility.15% less staff poses risks of missing new opportunities and optimum patient care. Each clinic offers essential services, so closure could be a problem in terms of servicing all patients. Transferring nurses between clinics would mean the need for retraining and possibly losing specialized knowledge. Changes in staff roles can harm morale. It can lead to knowledge gaps, and also operational inefficiencies. The hospital should also be on guard for entrained thinking, complacency about sudden unforeseen challenges, and communication breakdowns.Based on the risk assessment, it is recommended to close the Walk-in Orthopedic Clinic and the…...


ReferencesGalehdar, N., Kamran, A., Toulabi, T., & Heydari, H. (2020). Exploring nurses’ experiences of psychological distress during care of patients with COVID-19: A qualitative study. BMC psychiatry, 20(1), 1-9.Sanders, K. B. (2020). British government communication during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic: learning from high reliability organizations. Church, Communication and Culture, 5(3), 356-377.Snowden, D. & Boone, M. (2007). A leader’s framework for decision making. Harvard Business Review. Stefaniak, M., & Dmoch-Gajzlerska, E. (2020). Mentoring in the clinical training of midwifery students-a focus study of the experiences and opinions of midwifery students at the Medical University of Warsaw participating in a mentoring program. BMC medical education, 20, 1-9.

A Case Study of Walmart Inc Communications Audit Report
Pages: 5 Words: 2542

Communications Audit eport: A Case Study of Walmart Inc.
A Case Study of Walmart Inc.: Communications Audit eport

Wal-Mart is the world's largest retailer, and the world's largest company by revenues. A communications audit was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the company's communication strategy. This report presents the findings of that audit. It shows the specific media and channel used to communicate with internal and external stakeholders.

Communications Audit eport: A Case Study of Walmart Inc.

Walmart is an American-based multinational corporation headquartered in Bentonville, Arkansas. The company was founded in 1962 with the aim of providing discount goods to customers to enable them live better. It went public in October 1969 to facilitate the achievement of this vision. Today, the company operates over 11,000 stores in 27 countries, dealing in a wide range of merchandise including foodstuffs, groceries, clothing, furniture, apparel, toys, electronics and clothing. It is home to over 2.2 million…...



Chandler, D. & Munday, R. (2013). A Dictionary of Media and Communication. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press.

Downs, C. W. & Adrian, A. D. (2012). Assessing Organizational Communication: Strategic Communications Audit.New York, NY: Guilford Publications.

Gray, D. (2012). The Connected Company. Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly Media Inc.

Newsom, D., Turk, J. & Kruckeberg, D. (2012). This is PR: The Realities of Public Relations (11th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

Choose a Method of Communication
Pages: 3 Words: 1028

Communication Methods
Scenario #1 "One of your employees is constantly late, leaving food and drinks at the work station, and you are forced to address the situation" is best addressed with face-to-face communication. In this method, a conversation will occur, but first the issue will be presented to the employee in question. This will require the manager to speak directly. In this case, habitual lateness negates the need to address specific circumstances; everybody is late once in a while but habitual lateness is unacceptable according to company policy.

Manager: "Good morning, Jones. Please, take a seat."

Jones: "What's up?"

Manager: "I'm issuing you a verbal warning for your lateness. You were late again yesterday. Our records show you as being late 23 times since the start of the fiscal year. Employees are expected to be at their workstations promptly at 9am, and you have continually failed to do this. You do good work, Jones,…...

Looking Into Communication and Interpersonal Skills
Pages: 6 Words: 1947

Communication and Interpersonal Skills
A cousin of mine has a personality that may be labeled as "passive." On many occasions, I have noticed her putting the needs of others first, while considering her personal needs secondary. She constantly fears others' disapproval. She wishes for others' comfort, even if it is at the expense of her own happiness. She is reluctant to voice her views, believing others can do a better job at this. She constantly has qualms regarding the decisions she makes, and gets easily swayed by others' words. I am constantly trying to make her realize that this weakness in her is bad. Seldom have I noticed her anger towards anybody who wrongs her; therefore, she is taken advantage of. Recently, she confided in me that a friend of hers always gets her to complete her assignments; my cousin just cannot say 'no', thus, doesn't. Clearly, she's being exploited by…...

Analyzing the Communication Process
Pages: 3 Words: 1038

Communication Process
The procedure of communication involves a sender transmitting data in a fitting structure to guarantee the message is comprehended by the recipient. The sender should likewise consider potential "noise" or limitations to the transmitted communication. Compelling communication relies on upon:

clearly characterizing the goal of the message

taking record of the requirements of the recipient

selecting the best medium and strategy for communication

being mindful of how "noise" can contort the message

Ensuring feedback, to assure comprehension of the message (Business Case Studies, 2016).

Example Site:

The site decided for this task is The firm is a U.S. based trade and distribution organization dealing in computers and electronics located in Seattle, Washington. It is the biggest Internet-based retailer in the United States. began as an online book shop, later enhancing its services to offer DVDs, Blurays, CDs, video downloads/spilling, and MP3downloads/gushing, book recording downloads/streaming, furniture, computer games, programming, clothing, nourishment, gadgets, toys and…...



Barney, J. (2011). "Amazon urges California referendum on online tax." Financial Times. Archived from the original on 2011.

Business Case Studies. (2016). Communication strategies to engage a variety of stakeholders. Retrieved from 

Faculty Focus. (2016). Media richness and communication in online education. Retrieved from 

Gump, J. (n.d). written communication: choosing words widely. Retrieved from

Can you help me write mini research paper on Speech or Language Impairment?
Words: 556

Looking at the specifics of your question, we saw that your instructor gave you a great beginning to an outline and that you need specific types of resources for your paper on speech or language impairment. We can help you locate scholarly sources on speech or language impairment and also show you how to expand your instructor’s questions to frame an outline for the paper. You may want to focus on speech or language disorders, or, if you choose to write about both, make sure that you differentiate between them.  Language disorders....

Could you help me draft an essay outline about Stuttering ?
Words: 286

Essay Outline: Stuttering

I. Introduction

Definition and prevalence of stuttering
Impact of stuttering on individuals and society
Thesis statement: Stuttering is a complex communication disorder with multifaceted causes and consequences, affecting individuals physically, emotionally, and socially.

II. Causes of Stuttering

A. Neurological factors
Dysfluencies in speech production
Brain imaging studies
B. Genetic factors
Family history studies
Candidate genes

III. Types of Stuttering

A. Developmental stuttering
Onset and duration
B. Acquired stuttering

IV. Physical Impact of Stuttering

A. Speech disfluencies
Types: Blocks, repetitions, prolongations
B. Physical symptoms
Tension in muscles
Facial grimaces

V. Emotional Impact of Stuttering

A. Anxiety and fear
Speech avoidance

How can linguistic essays provide insight into the complexities of language and communication?
Words: 474

Linguistic essays can provide insight into the complexities of language and communication in a number of ways. Here are a few examples:

1. Historical perspective: Linguistic essays can delve into the history of a particular language or communication system, exploring how it has evolved over time and been influenced by other languages, cultures, and technological advancements. By studying the development of language, we can gain a greater understanding of how communication has evolved and how it continues to shape our interactions with others.

2. Sociocultural context: Linguistic essays can also examine how language is influenced by social and cultural factors, such as....

How did overcoming a speech impediment lead to successful reading comprehension?
Words: 408

I. Introduction

  1. Background of Speech Impediment

    1. Early struggles with communication
    2. Impact on social interactions
  2. Introduction to Reading Comprehension

    1. Definition and importance
    2. Connection to academic success

II. Body

  1. Speech Therapy

    1. Techniques learned to improve speech
    2. Building confidence in verbal communication
  2. Impact on Reading

    1. Increased ability to pronounce words correctly
    2. Enhanced phonemic awareness
  3. Improved Vocabulary

    1. Expanded range of words understood
    2. Better grasp of context clues

III. Conclusion

  1. Overall Growth

    1. Overcoming obstacles and....

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