Common Ground Essays (Examples)

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Common Ground Between Public and Private Education
Pages: 3 Words: 1277

Public Education vs. Home Schooling: A Way Forward
When it comes to education, Americans tend to fall into two camps: on the one hand is the traditional camp, which claims that public education is the best way for children to learn; on the other hand, there is the radical camp, which claims that home schooling is a better way for students to learn. Each side of the debate has its own arguments: public school advocates assert that children are able to socialize better in a public school and develop a broader range of skills than they would be if they were educated at home; home school advocates assert that the home school education offers a better learning environment that is free of distraction, that is more closely monitored by a parent/guardian, and that is tailored to meet the needs of the individual student. While both sides have good arguments, this paper…...



Chapman, Roger. "Homeschooling." Culture Wars in America: An Encyclopedia of Issues, Viewpoints, and Voices. Eds. Roger Chapman and James Ciment. London: Routledge, 2013.

This source shows that there are good and bad points about both public and home education. It gives voice to the two sides. It shows how each has its strengths.

Concordia University. (2012, Nov. 6). Are home-schooled children smarter? [video file].

Retrieved from

Interfaith Dialogue Common Ground in
Pages: 10 Words: 2695

In light of this, it would seem to be the same heresy to assert that one religion or another is somehow against God or Allah, or that the adherents of either religion are themselves un-Godly or outside of Allah's will and design. All peoples and all thoughts that these people hold, in other worse, must be seen as part and parcel of the same eternal and all encompassing divine being that is the source and substance of all creation, and thus the supposed divisions and differences between the adherents of Judaism and of Islam must be recognized as superficial and ultimately insignificant in face of the larger theological and divine cohesion that exists between them (Firestone 2008). Coming together for interfaith dialogue and action is a natural and holy endeavor within this perspective.

This is not to say that there are not differences in the theologies and beliefs of Islam and…...

Tragedy of the Commons
Pages: 4 Words: 1165

Tragedy of the Commons
Few people would deny that overpopulation is a major problem. Even sparsely populated nations feel the brunt of the overpopulation problem because overpopulation affects the environment, politics, and the global market economy. The world currently holds six billion plus individual human beings, an unprecedented number. Rainforests are being cut down and soil depleted of their natural nutritive qualities in an attempt to please human appetites and keep the population happy. In his essay "The Tragedy of the Commons," author Garrett Hardin suggests that the only way to stop the overpopulation problem from getting worse is to stop unlimited human breeding. Unfortunately, the United Nations has taken a laissez faire stance that leaves the option to breed with each family. Hardin points out that this position is self-serving and outright stupid. So far, China has been one of the only nations in the world to institute some form…...

Myth Villains the Common Characteristics
Pages: 7 Words: 2075

This is a clear and explicit statement of the gods' selfishness, and in the context of the story of Zeus' in particular. There is no other reason provided for his desire to keep fire away from humanity; it is not out of a prudent and paternal fear of fire's destructive powers, nor because of something divine in the very essence of fire that is not to be sullied by human hands, but merely because it is part of the "stuff of life," and the gods do not feel like sharing. It is one more way in which Zeus can feel superior to man, and though this type of petty selfishness might not be very becoming to the king of gods in the Greek pantheon, maker of thunder and lover of swans, it is certainly appropriate for a villain.
So, too, is the ingenuity with which Zeus goes about punishing mankind…...

Pillars The Religious Common Thread
Pages: 3 Words: 920

The association drawn between the leader's teachings and the principled disposition of his followers appeals to a modern Judeo-Christian vantage as well. As the documentary proceeds to its discussion on figures such as Jesus and Mohammed, the constancy of world religion becomes that much clearer. In many ways, Jesus and Muhammed may be perceived as twin pillars on a single continuum. Indeed, "Muhammed regarded himself as the last prophet of the Judaic-Christian tradition. He adopted aspects of these older religion's theologies while introducing new doctrines." (Katz, 1) Thus, it is not surprising that upon its inception into the world at around 570 CE, the Islamic religion produced a legal code which was monotheistic, centered on the prescription of ethical law and applicable in both the theocratic and civil arenas.

This law would likewise predispose the Muslim people to many rituals which echoed those of the Judeo Christian ethic. Like Jesus Christ…...


Works Cited

Films Media Group (FMG). (1998). Three Pillars: Confucius, Jesus and Mohammed. Films for the Humanities & Science.

Katz, J. (2001). The Prophet Mohammed. Eretz Yisroel.

Ground Breaking and Innovative Instances
Pages: 6 Words: 2229

The exchange of the defective gene could be brought about by a process called homologous recombination. One of the first gene therapy experiments, though well intentioned, caused the death of the patient. esearchers at the University of Pennsylvania introduced a normal gene into a boy's body by using the rhino virus as a carrier. The body's immune system attacked this as a pathogen. This led to eventual organ failure and death. Gene therapy projects all over the world were largely abandoned. But more recently, gene therapy is beginning to make a comeback. (ONL, 2009)
Gene therapy has been tested in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. This is not a treatment that targets amyloid beta proteins or the tangles, but protects the brain cells from destruction. The regenerative properties of skin cells (stem cells) have been used to prevent the brain cells from "withering" away. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) scans reveal…...



  (2009). Retrieved April 18, 2009, from BBC. (2003). Alzheimer's vaccine 'promising'. Retrieved April 18, 2009, from Alzheimer's vaccine 'promising' .

ChemoCare. (2005). Taxol. Retrieved April 18, 2009, from 

Elements4health. (2009). PET Scans Reveal Plaques and Tangles In Alzheimer's Retrieved April 18, 2009, from 

Feng, J.A., Crasto, C.J., & Matsumoto, Y. (1998). Deoxyribose phosphate excision by the N-terminal domain of the polymerase beta: the mechanism revisited. Biochemistry, 37(27), 9605-9611.

Common Law and Duty
Pages: 4 Words: 2656

Biddle v. Commonwealth and Davis v. Commonwealth are two cases that portray different interpretations and application of the law with regards to imputability in criminal law. These cases provide a different view of an individual's responsibility with regards to the level of care or responsibility for a parent than for a child. An analysis of the court ruling in each of these cases helps in understanding the required level of care or responsibility. This is primarily because the court decisions were based on the level of legal duty imposed by law on the parties. Even though the cases are relatively similar, there were differences in the rulings because of the differences in the legal duty of the parties involved.
Overview of the Cases

In Biddle v. Commonwealth, Shirley Mae Biddle was charged with first-degree murder of her baby on the premise that the baby was malnourished, dehydrated and had not eaten for…...



Dripps, D., Boyce, R. & Perkins, R. (2013). Criminal law and procedure: cases and materials (12th ed.). New York, NY: Foundation Press.

Hendel, R.A. (2006). Criminal Law -- Murder -- Proof of Malice. Biddle v. Commonwealth, 206Va 14 (1965). William & Mary Law Review, 7(2), 399-402.

Hobart Community Legal Service Inc. (2013). Negligence and the Duty of Care. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from 

Justia -- U.S. Law (n.d.). Davis v. Comm. Retrieved February 22, 2017, from

Common Themes of Humanities Love
Pages: 3 Words: 1086

Love is a universal theme, and can be found in multiple art forms including painting, poetry, and music. One of the most common romantic expressions and symbols of love is the kiss. In 1907, Gustav Klimt painted "The Kiss," perhaps his most famous painting characterized not only by its subject of a man kissing a woman but also its use of gold paint and Art Nouveau style. In 1939, poet Stephen Dunn published "The Kiss," which conveys a similar type of eroticism as Klimt's painting. Finally, in 1986, Prince produced one of his most famous songs and videos, "Kiss." All three of these kiss themed works of art convey the theme of erotic and sensual love, which is a common theme in the humanities.
The earliest of these three works of art is Gustav Klimt's painting "The Kiss." This painting is unique because it almost appears like a collage, the way…...

Stand Your Ground Law 'Stand Your Ground'
Pages: 4 Words: 1203

Stand Your Ground Law
'Stand your ground' laws

To inform

tand your ground' laws are extremely controversial pieces of legislation.

Attention-getter: 'A man's home is his castle.' How often have we heard this phrase? This concept is at the foundation of the right to defend yourself by using deadly force against an intruder who invades your home. However, recent laws have expanded the 'castle doctrine' and other, existing self-defense laws. Many of these new laws are called 'stand your ground' laws, the most liberal of which exists in Florida.

It is important to gain a historical perspective on 'stand your ground' laws to understand the controversy

tand your ground' laws are extremely polarizing pieces of legislation.

Credibility statement:

My interest in this topic arose during the George Zimmerman murder trial, in which Zimmerman (a member of a neighborhood watch) was accused of killing an unarmed teenager named Trayvon Martin.

Zimmerman used Florida's 'stand your ground' law as his defense.




Block, M. (2012). A history of 'stand your ground' laws. NPR. Retrieved from: 

Botelho, G. & Yan, H. (2013). George Zimmerman found not guilty of murder in Trayvon

Martin's death. CNN. Retrieved:

Introduced Species of California Common Teasel
Pages: 4 Words: 1304

Species of California (Common Teasel)
The Common Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum) is a plant species identified by several alternate names, including wild teasel, Indian teasel, card teasel, card thistle, gypsy-comb, Venus-cup, and finally Fuller's teasel. With the exception of the great plains region in the north, it can be found growing wild throughout the continental United Staes and parts of Canada. Fuller's teasel is actually a cultivated variety (Dipsacus sativus), which is often confused with its wild form, the common teasel. The teasel is not native to California, having originated in Eurasia and Northern Africa and proliferated accidentally during the eighteenth century as a contaminant in imported seed stocks and in flower arrangements. The cultivated teasel variety was used as an ornamental item in dried flower displays, as well as a hairbrush, and for creating wool. Common teasel is classified in the United States as a noxious invasive species that is…...



"Calflora: Dipsacus fullonum." 2011. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

DiTomaso, Joseph M., and Healy, Evelyn A. "Dicots: Dipsacacae (Teasel Family)." Weeds of California and Other Western States. Vol. 1. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resouces, 2007. 685-688. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

Gucker, Corey L. "Dipsacus fullonum, D. laciniatus." U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Fire Sciences Laboratory (Producer). 2009. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

"Invasive Species - Common Teasel (Dipsacus fullonum subsp. sylvestris) - WDNR." 3 Sept. 2004. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

St Croix Ground Lizard
Pages: 4 Words: 1221

St. Croix Ground Lizard
As happens with some anoles and other reptiles in the Caribbean, the St. Croix ground lizard is seriously endangered because of human encroachment and exotic predators. For all their speed and quick reflexes, a number of ameivas are easy prey to mongooses. On June 03, 1977, the St. Croix ground lizard was designated as endangered in the St. Croix area. There are currently only two islands where the St. Croix ground lizard, now extinct on St. Croix and listed as an endangered species, still exists -- Green Cay and Protestant Cay.

About the St. Croix Ground Lizard

Croix Ground Lizard is a small species of Ameiva that measures approximately 35 to 77 millimeters in snout-vent length (UFWA, 1992). The lizard is easily distinguished by its parallel longitudinal black, white, and light-brown stripes. Its belly is light gray with lateral blue margins, and pinkish undersides of legs, throat, and chest.…...



Dodd, C., Jr. (1980). Ameiva polops Cope. St. Croix ground lizard. Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Association (UFWA). (February, 1992). Endangered and Threatened Species of the Southeastern United States (The Red Book) FWS Region.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Association Service. (2003). Green Cay National Wildlife Refuge General Information. Retrieved from the Internet at

Urban, Val. (1977). Green Cay, National Wildlife Refuge. Refuge Facts.

Bullying Extend Beyond School Grounds
Pages: 3 Words: 1281

The possible connection between bullying experiences in school and online is consistent with data showing that when most schoolmates have Internet access at home, electronic communication is conducted largely within school-based peer networks.
Cited Study: Gross EF Adolescent Internet use: what we expect, what teens report. J Appl Dev Psychol. 2004; 25:633-649.

Livingstone S. Children use of the Internet: reflections on the emerging research agenda. New Media and Society. 2003; 5:

esearch Design:

esearch design was based on correlational factors involving experimental quantitative statistical analysis. Targeted participants ranged from ages 12-17. Additionally, participants were introduced to an electronic survey on a popular teen Web site called Bolt in which an incentive was offered to induce participation, such as a raffle for an iPod or gift card. Through this Web site, data was collected from August through October 2005. In conducting an electronic survey, parental consent was not necessary, participants could participate anonymously, or…...



Juvonen, J., & Gross, E. (2008). Extending the school grounds? -- Bullying experiences in cyberspace. Journal of School Health, 78(9), 496-505.

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Loss Are Common Concepts in Poetry That
Pages: 4 Words: 1431

loss are common concepts in poetry that have been explored by men and women alike, across time and across cultural boundaries. Two such poets are Louise Labe, a French, Renaissance poet and Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, a New Spanish nun and Baroque poet. In Sonnet 23 by Labe and Sonnet 165 by Cruz, issues of love, loss, and impermanence are explored through imagery and tone.
In Sonnet 23, Labe attempts to understand why her lover no longer finds her attractive or no longer wants to have a relationship with her. Labe asks, "What good is it to me if long ago you/eloquently praised my golden hair, compared to my eyes and beauty to the flare/of two suns where, you say, love bent the bow, sending the darts that needled you with grief?" In the sonnet, the narrator claims that she was once compared to the sun, which is…...

European Union's Common Foreign and
Pages: 13 Words: 3705

To achieve these various purposes, NATO embarked on a series of interlocking efforts during the 1990s that were intended to provide some aspect of an overall concept of security. A series of initiatives resulted in NATO accepting new members with the possibility of still further additions in the future, crafted the Partnership for Peace and created the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council; entered into a Founding Act with ussia and a Charter with Ukraine; revised its command arrangements; and, simultaneously, became increasingly aware that developing a new relationship with the Western European Union was clearly in its best interests (Hunter, 2003).

In this regard, Dannreuther (2004) maintains that the EU's engagement with its immediate periphery represents a highly important, and potentially the most important, post-Cold War geopolitical challenge for its foreign and security policy; the nature of these obstacles can be considered to have three major dimensions, as follows:

There has been the challenge…...



Cohen, L.J., Moens, a., & Sens, a.G. (2003). NATO and European security: Alliance politics from the end of the Cold War to the age of terrorism. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Dannreuther, R. (2004). European Union foreign and security policy: Towards a neighbourhood strategy. New York: Routledge.

Dunn, DH, & Zaborowski, M. (2003). Poland: A new power in transatlantic security. London: Frank Cass.

A rtner, H., Hyde-Price, a., & Reiter, E. (2001). Europe's new security challenges. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner.

ethics community and the common good concept
Pages: 2 Words: 645

The concept of the common good can apply just as well to secular or political values as to spiritual or religious ones. Social and political organizations should be devoted to the common good, but not all are, as Sullivan & Pagnucco (2014) point out. Some organizations base their founding principles, ideologies, and practices on hatred or fear, thereby detracting from the common good. Catholic Social Teaching offers an idealized model of civil society in which each person is engaged in and committed to the common good: the creation and maintenance of the conditions necessary for human flourishing. The specific methods of working towards the common good, and how the common good will manifest, may vary from place to place or from time to time, but the ultimate goals of personal and collective fulfillment remain the same. Participation in social organizations is inevitable, even for those who remain relatively detached from business…...

What is intersection theory? How can we use it to help understand the experiences of those around us
Words: 480

Intersection theory, in abstract terms, is a complex mathematical framework used in algebraic geometry to understand the intricate "meetings" between shapes within a mathematical space. While its roots and applications stem from the world of shapes and equations, it can be viewed through a more metaphorical lens to gain insights into human experiences. Here's how:

Understanding Intersection:

  • Imagine two overlapping circles: Their intersection represents shared experiences, common ground, or areas of mutual understanding between two individuals. Intersection theory, in this metaphor, provides tools to quantify and analyze these overlaps, their complexities, and how they influence the overall experience.

How it helps:

  • Empathy and Perspective: By studying the "intersections" of lived....

Do you have any tips for outlining an essay specifically on the subject of the importance of effective communication in developing and maintaining a healthy relationship?
Words: 639

I. Introduction

A. Opening Statement: Capture the reader's attention with a compelling statement or question related to effective communication in relationships. For example, "In the tapestry of life, effective communication weaves the threads of intimacy, trust, and understanding that bind two hearts together."

B. Thesis Statement: Clearly state the central argument or thesis of the essay. For instance, "Effective communication is the lifeblood of healthy relationships, fostering intimacy, resolving conflicts, and building an unyielding bond."

II. Importance of Effective Communication in Developing Relationships

A. Building Blocks of Intimacy:
1. Explore how effective communication helps partners understand each other's needs, desires, and aspirations.
2. Describe....

Lexical borrowing essay thesis statement: struggling to nail it. Can you offer suggestions?
Words: 418

## Lexical Borrowing: A Catalyst for Linguistic and Cultural Exchange

Thesis Statement: Lexical borrowing, the adoption of words from one language into another, serves as a dynamic and transformative force that enriches the lexicon, reflects socio-cultural interactions, and fosters cross-cultural understanding.

Expanded Thesis Statement:

Lexical borrowing is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the world's languages, driven by historical, social, and cultural factors. It plays a crucial role in shaping linguistic landscapes, facilitating communication, and fostering cultural exchange. This thesis will explore the multifaceted nature of lexical borrowing, examining its impact on language and culture, the mechanisms through which it occurs, and the implications it....

what might be some of the challenges to effective negotiation?
Words: 374

1. Communication barriers: Misunderstandings and misinterpretations can arise when communication between parties is not clear or effective.

2. Lack of trust: Negotiations can be derailed when parties do not trust each other or believe that the other party is acting in good faith.

3. Power imbalances: When one party has significantly more power or leverage than the other, it can make negotiations difficult and result in unfair outcomes.

4. Cultural differences: Different cultural norms and communication styles can lead to misunderstandings and hinder effective negotiation.

5. Emotional barriers: Strong emotions such as anger, frustration, or fear can cloud judgment and prevent parties from reaching....

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