Common Core Standard Essays (Examples)

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Common Core Standards Lesson Plan
Pages: 2 Words: 864

VI: YOUR PERSONAL DEBREIFING: (After lesson is implemented)

+ Praise - Polish ? Change

Your Name ____ Grade 3-6 Topic: Prefix and Suffix Spelling Dice Game



Time (optional)



(Prep Work for Instructor)

Reading -- Choose six suffixes (-ed, -ing, -est, -en) and six prefixes (-un, -dis, -re) that students have struggled with in class, and write them on the sides of large wooden cubes or six-sided dice.

Students will satisfy the Common Core State Standard ELA-Literacy.RF.2.3d (Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes), and Common Core State Standard ELA-Literacy.RF.2.3 (Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding words).

(Prep Work for Instructor)

Reading -- Develop a list of words that your students commonly misspell when prefixes or suffixes are added. Chart these words on a large posterboard for classroom use.

By presenting the words used in the prefix and suffix dice game in a visual form, in addition to the audio-learning achieved by saying the…...

Common Core Standards and the Effects of
Pages: 3 Words: 995

common core standards and the effects of Low SAT scores. The first one is on the inability of the common core to positively influence students while the second one explores the common core as being a tactical advantage. The first article tries to give an explanation of how the common core standards which are English and Language arts lack the ability of career ready and college students' development. The second article on the other hand contradicts this belief that the core standards English and Language arts have the ability of diminishing the ability of students to have a reflection on just their experiences in life. The topic of common core standards is a very important one to education and therefore it is important to explore both sides of this particular coin as they have been brought on in these two articles. The topic on common core standards is important…...



Bauerlein, M. (2013) COMMON CORE AS TACTICAL ADVANTAGE, Academic Questions

(volume 26, number 1), the journal of the National Association of Scholars. New York,


Robbins, J. (2013). UNCOMMONLY BAD Academic Questions (volume 26, number 1). The journal of the National Association of Scholars. New York, NY

Common Core Standards and Ieps
Pages: 2 Words: 799

common core standards affect students with exceptionalities? Should we apply these standards to students with exceptionalities? Why or why not?
A lot of teachers and parents have shown great concerns related to the system of education presented for the students with special needs with the implementation of the Common Core State Standards in different states (IDA, 2015 ). These Standards are challenging and tough for the general students alone and they are made that way, so it is a bit incomprehensible to provide the same standard to the children who require special attention. These children are already going through a tough time in learning as compared to the general students and applying the Common Core Standards would make it difficult for these students to go through the learning procedure (Smith, 2014). Many educators and parents argue that testing the students with special needs with the same learning standards as of…...



Beals, K. (2014, February 21). The common core is tough on kids with Special Needs. Retrieved from 

Best, J., & Cohen, C. (n.d.). Common Core State Standards and Implications for Special Populations. McREL.

Courtade, G., & Bowder, D. (2011). Aligning IEPs to the Common Core State Standards for Students with Moderate and Severe Disabilities. Wisconsin: IEP Resources.

IDA. (2015 ). Common Core State Standards and Students with Disabilities. Retrieved from

Why Some Oppose Common Core Standards
Pages: 2 Words: 734

Common Core Standards
Opponents of Common Core Standards have their points to make, and proponents have their key points to make as well. hich point-of-view will prevail in the long run? That question is impossible to answer but presenting both sides is what this paper sets out to do. Both sides of the issue have quality points to make, and they will be reflected here.

Point: The Common Core State Standards Initiative (CCSSI) insists that these standards are created to build upon the "most advanced current thinking about preparing all students for success in college, career, and life." Right now there are many inconsistencies in the tests as they vary from one state to another, and allowing states to share practices and experiences will be beneficial to all areas of the country, according to the Public School Review (2010).

Counterpoint: There is no evidence that establishing national standards for K-12 public schools will…...


Works Cited

Common Core Standards Initiative. (2013). Myths vs. Facts. Retrieved May 18, 2014, from .

Resmovits, J. (2014). Bill Gates Comes To The Defense of The Common Core. Huffington Post.

Retrieved May 18, 2014, from .

The Washington Post. (2013). Teachers unions threaten Common Core implementation.

The Evolution of Common Core Standards
Pages: 3 Words: 1088

Middle School Common Core Standards for English Language Arts
There is a growing consensus among middle school educators, including the National Education Association, that English language arts form the foundation for all other academic achievements. Consequently, it is not surprising that there has been a great deal of scholarship devoted to identifying optimal approaches to teaching English language arts over the years. One of the most influential outcomes of this process has been the development of Common Core Standards for English language arts that are adopted in whole or in part in 46 states and the District of Columbia today (Common Core state standards adoption, 2016). This paper reviews the relevant literature to provide the historical evolution of the teaching of English language arts in the United States and a discussion concerning recent changes and developments in English language arts of importance to students. In addition, a description of the…...



Bidwell, A. (2014), A guide to Common Core. U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from

Bushaw, W. J. & Mcnee, J. A. (2009). Americans speak out are educators and policy makers listening? Phi Delta Kappan, 91(1), 9-11.

Common Core development process. (2016). Common Core. Retrieved from

Common Core state standards adoption. (2016). Academic Benchmarks. Retrieved from .

Common Core and California
Pages: 2 Words: 1225

Common Core Standards
Documentary Notes

Where did the idea originate for Common Core standards?

Ever since 2008, Common Core standards (CCS) planning has been underway. It was kick-started by the chairperson of the NGA (National Governors Association) for the year 2006-07, ex-governor of Arizona, Janet Napolitano. Napolitano is currently leader of University of California's system. Her program concentrated strongly on both the workforce and scientific and mathematical education improvements (idwell, 2014).

How were the Common Core standards developed? Consider funding process.

CCS development was financed by state school heads and governors, together with backing from organizations like the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, ill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and Pearson Publishing Company (CCSSO, 2014).

How were the Common Core standards adopted?

After the conclusion of the planning phase, states started implementing CCS of their own accord, on the basis of their extant academic standard implementation process. oard members for state schools embraced the CCS officially in a majority…...



ANHPE. (2013). A closer look at Sandra Stotsky's critique of the Common Core standards. Retrieved from Advancing New Hampshire Public Education:

ANHPE. (2014). James Milgram's dishonest critique of the Common Core math standards. Retrieved from Advancing New Hampshire Public Education: 

Bidwell, A. (2014). The History of Common Core State Standards. Retrieved from US News:

CCSSI. (2017). Development Process. Retrieved from Common Core State Standards Initiative: /about-the-standards/development-process/

How New York State Presents Its Core Standards for Mathematics
Pages: 3 Words: 998

hat are the differences between the Common Core Standards for grade eight and the New York State standards of mathematics?

Common Core Standards

For one thing, the Common Core Standards offer narrative (rather than bullet points) and go into more specific and in depth instructions through narrative. The Common Core Standards expressly mentions three critical areas out in front: a) formulating and reasoning about "expressions and equations," which includes "modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation" -- and that includes being able to solve "linear equations and systems of linear equations"; b) students are asked to "grasp the concept of a function" and to use functions in order to understand "quantitative relationships"; and c) students must be able to apply the Pythagorean Theorem when it comes to being able to analyze two and three dimensional space and figures using "distance, angle, similarity, and congruence" ( These directions are provided…...


Works Cited

Common Core Standards. "Grade 8 -- Introduction / Common Core State Standards Initiative."

Retrieved July 31 from   2011. /Math/Content/8/introduction.

IXL -- New York Eighth-Grade Math Standards. "New York: Skills available for New York

Eighth-Grade Math Standards." Retrieved July 31, 2014 from .

Working with Common Core
Pages: 4 Words: 1274

Deconstruction of a Standard Abstract
The purpose of this deconstruction of a standard exercise was to unpack a standard, examine it critically and identify the key words to help determine the level of cognitive demand (based on Bloom’s Taxonomy). A review of the standard as a whole was conducted to identify the type of achievement target. The standard selected was the 9th Grade Mathematics Common Core Standard CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSS.IC.A.1. The achievement target for the standard was understanding (comprehension) and therefore the lesson targets focused on weighting the different cognitive demands according to the place in the process of understanding at which they occurred. This paper provides a Deconstructing a Standard Table and a Reflection of the process overall—including my reaction to the process, identification of specific professional development that may be needed in my building, and my role as a leader.
Keywords: common core standards, math standards, understanding 9th grade math
Background/introduction to the table

Common Core and Education
Pages: 4 Words: 1261

No Child Left Behind and Common Core, a set of required standards does not improve but rather limits education for ALL students in state schools (Kober, entner, 2011). The assumption inherent in the system of standardized education is that a one-size-fits-all method of education in which every student is expected to be at the same level. This type of assumption does not reflect the actuality of the situation (Haycock, 2012). Some learners are special education, some have learning disabilities that go undiagnosed, some are English language learners, and some are gifted. Standards can be implemented to improve the quality of education for all students in all levels and types of classrooms -- but they should be more accommodating and reflective of the diverse range of students represented in the classroom. In other words, standards should be available for every type of student and not just in a one-size-fits-all model.



Haycock, K. (2012). Implementation of Common Core State Standards: Roles for advocates. Retrieved from the Walden Library databases.

Kober, N., & Rentner, D. (2011). States' progress and challenges in implementing

Common Core State Standards. Center on Education Policy. Retrieved from 

Standards Academic Standards in Education
Pages: 2 Words: 676

Interestingly, this creation of "standards" began as a state effort, with each state creating its own standards for education, according to what was considered important for schools by citizens in each specific state. Challenges regarding consistency were therefore part and parcel of the standards issue to begin with. Later, a movement was established to create more common standards.
The historical ideal behind content standards is that they draw on relevant studies to determine and support the progressive development of conceptual understanding. In reality, however, there is only limited evidence to support the usefulness or even the need for standards.

Mathis (2010), for example, directly states that there is little evidence to support the notion that national academic standards in any way improve the quality of students produced by schools that follow these standards. According to the author, the focus on standards serve only to detract from other vital reforms faced by…...



Committee on Standards for K-12 Engineering Education (2010). Standards for K-12 Engineering Education? The National Academic Press.

Jones, J. (n.d.). The Standards Movement -- Past and Present. Retrieved from:

Mathis, W.J. (2010, Jul. 21). "Common Core" School Standards Roll On Without Supporting Evidence. National Education Policy Center. Retrieved from:

National and State Subject Matter Content Standards
Pages: 2 Words: 720

National and State Subject Matter Content Standards for Math
According to the California standards for high school students, the geometry curriculum contains six critical components: "to establish criteria for congruence of triangles based on rigid motions; establish criteria for similarity of triangles based on dilations and proportional reasoning; informally develop explanations of circumference, area, and volume formulas; apply the Pythagorean Theorem to the coordinate plan; prove basic geometric theorems; and extend work with probability" (Common Core Standards, California Department of Education: 69). The elucidated standards are often quite specific in terms of how students are asked to apply basic concepts such as measuring angles; understanding the different properties of parallel lines; and manipulating various polygons. Not only must the students prove theorems but they must also be able to construct such shapes using a variety of methods in a hands-on fashion (Common Core Standards, 2013, California Department of Education: 70).



Works Cited

Common Core Standards. California Department of Education. [21 Oct 2013] 

Common Core Standards. Official Website. [21 Oct 2013] /Math/Content/HSG/introduction

State Standards
Pages: 4 Words: 1272

States Standards

State Standards for Florida

Have the state identified the most important knowledge and skills that they expect a student to demonstrate from K. To 12?

The state of Florida has identified crucial and important knowledge and skills it expects students to demonstrate. This level of knowledge and skill requires demonstration from kindergarten to the grade 12 in the educational system. The main aim of the state standards for Florida is to prepare the children for future job expectations and career development. Since the standards draws from extensive consultation among teachers, school administrators, and experts within the state, they are important. The standards follow the college and work expectation demands. The standards are precise, consistent, and direct in their interpretation. The standards also follow the requirements of the state standards. The state standards for Florida borrow important information or lesson from the state standards hence they represent important knowledge and skills…...



NGACBP. (2010). Common Core State Standards. National Governors Association for Best Practices, Washington D.C.

New Mexico Common Core State Standards (2010). Retrieved from 

David Snow et al. (2005). The Influence of Standards on K-12 Teaching and Student Learning: A Research Synthesis.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education. Retrieved from,

Teaching Rubrics
Pages: 3 Words: 903

Standards and Assessments
The Common Core Standard used for this project is Common Core State Standards Initiative, English Language Arts 7.7. This is in accordance with New Jersey State Standards. This standard is designed for 7th graders. The standard states "Compare and contrast a written story, drama, or poem to its audio, filmed, staged, or multimedia version, analyzing the effects of techniques unique to each medium (e.g., lighting, sound, color, or camera focus and angles in a film)."

It is important that students remember how to identify different interpretations of a similar wording or story. It is important that students remember that there is more than one way to communicate an idea. It is important that students remember that different media presents different effects on learning and knowledge.

Explain: Explain who medium affects a story?

Interpret: How would you interpret a story from one medium to another ?

Application: Give a few examples of books…...



Explain: Explain who medium affects a story?

Interpret: How would you interpret a story from one medium to another ?

Application: Give a few examples of books being turned into movies.

Perspective: How do you feel about a good book being turned into a bad movie?

Standards of Cultural Competent Care Emerging Standards
Pages: 7 Words: 2144

Standards of Cultural Competent Care
Emerging Standards of Cultural Competent

This research paper is established to explore upon the emerging trends of culturally competent care in general organizational settings. However, the scope of this care will be narrowed down specifically to health care organization I am working with. All the bits and bytes allied with the phenomenon of cultural competent care have been included in this paper, including the overview of what this trend is all about, what are the standards being followed in this particular domain and how those standards are applicable within my workplace premises. All in all, this paper will serve as a primer for the culturally competent care that is required to be promoted within different workplace environments.

An Overview of Culturally Competent Care

As a matter of fact, United States has appeared to be one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world. esearchers and experts predicted…...



Callister, L.C. (2005). What has the literature taught us about culturally competent care of women and children? MCN: The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 30(6), 380-388.

Giddings, L.S. (2005). A theoretical model of social consciousness. Advances in Nursing

Science, 28(3), 224-239.

International Council of Nurses (1998). Nurses and Human Rights. Retrieved September 2, 2012, from .

Core Components of the NIMS
Pages: 2 Words: 580

Homeland Security
Two years prior to the devastating and tragic landfall of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast, President George W. Bush

Issued Presidential Directive 5 (HSPD-5) directing the Secretary of Homeland

Security to: create a comprehensive National Incident Management System (NIMS) to provide a consistent nationwide approach for Federal, State, and local governments to work effectively together to prepare for, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity (George W. Bush White N.D.P.1).

Later adopted in 2004, the NIMS provided a dedicated strategic initiative to prevent the very chaos and confusion which erupted out of Katrina's fury. Yet, the system proved desultory, unwieldy, and ineffective in its response to the disaster; the vivid portraits of New Orleans citizens trapped in the Superdome "amid a frightening scene of filth, violence and despair" ( September 3, 2005). Since 2005, efforts have focused on ensuring that NIMS is operational, effective,…...

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