Commercial Aviation Essays (Examples)

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Military Aircraft and Their Effect on Commercial Aviation
Pages: 8 Words: 2238

Military Aircraft and Their Effect on Commercial Aviation
Civil aviation deals with the organization and use of aircraft as a means of commercial transportation. The principal interest is the use of aircraft on scheduled and chartered flights to carry passengers and cargo, but the subject also covers the use of aircraft for pleasure, business, and medical services. ecause of the international character of civil aviation, governments play a major role in its conduct and regulation, through both national legislation and international agreements. This governmental influence was a major factor in commercial airline operation until the early 1980s, when the U.S. domestic market was deregulated. The result was a massive increase in competition, which led in turn to a reorganization of the airlines into larger groupings. It seems likely that this process will continue in the international market, which will lead to an increase in air travel, and increased pressure on airports…...



(1963)Aeroflot, Flight International, Vol. 84, No. 2856, December 5,

Harrison (2000)Mastering the sky: a history of aviation from ancient times to the present.

Shulman, S (2003).Unlocking the Sky: Glenn Hammond Curtiss and the Race to Invent the Airplane

Taylor, J & Munson, K (1973)History of aviation

Aviation Maintenance Resource Management Mrm and Its Impact on U S Commercial Aviation Safety
Pages: 25 Words: 8329

U.S. statistics indicate that 80% of aviation accidents are due to human errors with 50% due to maintenance human factor problems. Current human factor management programs have not succeeded to the degree desired. Many industries today use performance excellence frameworks such as the Baldrige National Quality Award framework to improve over-all organizational effectiveness, organizational culture and personal learning and growth. A survey administered to a sample population of senior aviation maintainers in 18 countries revealed a consistent problem with aviation human factors and the need for a more integrated framework to manage human factor problems in aviation maintenance.
Human Factors History

Current Human Factor programs in Aircraft Maintenance

Performance Excellence Framework

esearcher's Work Setting and ole

Statement of the Problem


Human Factor Errors in Aircraft Maintenance Statistics

Current Human Factor Programs in Aircraft Maintenance 13

Aviation Performance Excellence Framework 12

Statement of esearch Question 18


esearch Design 19

esearch Model 19

Survey Population 19




Boeing. (1993). Accident Prevention Strategies. Commercial Jet Aircraft Accidents

World Wide Operations 1982-1991. Retrieved 11 Nov, 2004 from   / Portal/HFTimeline.aspx 

Boeing. (1994). Field test of the MEDA process. Retrieved 17 Dec, 2004 from William L.

Rankin, Ph.D.

Commercial Business of Helicopters
Pages: 6 Words: 1823

Commercial helicopter industry is clearly a growth industry. The numbers and kinds of uses that have been found for the industry and all its players are vast and will likely continue to grow in both diversity and number over the next 50+ years. Currently the commercial helicopter industry provides services for thousands of private, corporate and often civil organizations and individuals ranging in diversity of task from land and wildlife surveys to pleasure viewing. The industry answers the call for disaster relief, firefighting and many other important public tasks as well, often contracted through private industry helicopter companies for those who do not wish to or do not have the means to support independent fleets of their own. Yet, increasingly there is a shortage of qualified pilots to fly the existing helicopters both nationally and internationally.
The basic change was one that was expected by the industry but has not yet…...


Phillips, E.H. (2000). Genav Feeling Pinch of Tight Pilot Market. Aviation Week & Space Technology, 153(15), 106.

Rimmer, D. (2000). Sierra Adds Career Helicopter Training. Business & Commercial Aviation, 86(4), 28.

Vigil, K. (2006, September 14). Helicopter firm sets record pace. Pueblo Chieftain, The (CO).

Aviation Safety & Risk Management
Pages: 6 Words: 1595

Commercial aviation, therefore, warrants the highest attention to risk management, precisely by virtue of the obvious risks to life and limb first, and devastating financial consequences of materialized risks associated with commercial aviation operations.
Designing and implementing a comprehensive risk management program entails specific components to identify potential risks, evaluate their likelihood of occurrence, the magnitude of harm associated with them, and the interrelationship of their statistical likelihood and extent of potential harm they represent. Program implementation is, in many ways, merely the first step in a long-term comprehensive safety strategy for effective and economical risk mitigation, precisely because the complexities of risk management in commercial aviation.

Consequently, post-implementation procedural monitoring and regular follow-up are necessary to ensure proper redress of any operational oversights and inadequacies, especially those that come to light only retrospectively after initial program implementation. In this regard, statutory requirements are merely the first level of risk management…...


Accessed October 27, 2007, at 

U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service (2005).

Aviation Safety Center. Risk Management; Accessed October 27, 2007, at:

Aviation Since the First Authorized
Pages: 6 Words: 1766


With regards to improving the prospects for the Gray Eagle, the United States Army must apply the core principles of CM to its operations. This entails a strategic decision-making training session, an improved technology interface that will facilitate ground and flight operations, and a thorough training module related to leadership development and communications. When FAA regulations are also integrated with Army safety regulations, the result will be an improved and safer UAS system.


Beckhusen, . (2012). 'Gray Eagle' Drone Fails All the Time, but Army Still Wants More. Wired. June 15, 2012. etrieved online:

Dorr, L. & Duquette, a. (2013). Fact sheet -- Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Federal Aviation Administration. etrieved online:

Helmreich, .L., Merritt, a.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of crew resource management training in commercial aviation. etrieved online:

Mulenberg, J. (n.d.). Crew resource management improves decision making. NASA. etrieved online:

NASA (2013). Unmanned Aircraft Systems Airspace Operations…...



Beckhusen, R. (2012). 'Gray Eagle' Drone Fails All the Time, but Army Still Wants More. Wired. June 15, 2012. Retrieved online: 

Dorr, L. & Duquette, a. (2013). Fact sheet -- Unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Federal Aviation Administration. Retrieved online: 

Helmreich, R.L., Merritt, a.C., & Wilhelm, J.A. (1999). The evolution of crew resource management training in commercial aviation. Retrieved online:

Mulenberg, J. (n.d.). Crew resource management improves decision making. NASA. Retrieved online:

Aviation ACARS
Pages: 8 Words: 2172

ACARS stand for Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System. This system allows aircrafts to communicate and report to the ground and vice-versa. It does so by transmitting data on VHF frequencies that can be received and decoded. It is a digital datasystem in VHF (Aviation). It makes it possible for aviation companies to "communicate" and track the planes of their fleet.
This system is being used by a lot of large aviation corporations and can be said to be the 'E-mail' for the planes. The plane's call sign is used as the address for the destination of the message. Before ACAR was developed, all the flight messages were voiced and that made things slow and painful. The development of ACAR by Aeronautical Radio Inc. made possible the routine-messages, about departure, arrival, cargo, fuel etc. To only take a short time to transmit.

The Aeronautical Radio, Inc. (ARINC) maintains a huge worldwide VHF…...


Works Cited

ACARS-Link, About ACARS (Accessed May 30, 2002)

Flynn, Ed. Understanding ACARS. Copyright Fred Osterman and published by Universal radio Research, 6830 Americana Pkwy. Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068, USA. ISBN 1-882123-36-0

Lord, R.J., W.P. Menzel, and L.E. Pecht, 1984: ACARS Wind Measurements: An Intercomparison with Radiosonde, Cloud Motion, and VAS Thermally-Derived Winds. J. Oceanic and Atmos. Tech., 1, 131-137.

Mamrosh, Richard D: / (Accessed May 30, 2002)

What Is the Role of Human Factors in Improving Aviation Safety
Pages: 8 Words: 2823

Aviation Safety
What is the role of human factors in improving aviation safety?

Many personnel are involved in the operation and maintenance of airplanes. The aviation industry employs many people performing many different roles and tasks to keep aviation a safe mode of transportation for goods and services. Despite rules, procedures, and advanced technology to help keep passengers and crew safe, sometimes accidents still occur. It was found that more than 70% of commercial airplane accidents are caused by humans, rather than simply a failure of technology (Higgins & Higgins, 2008). This research supports the thesis that human factors are one of the most difficult, and the most important issues in aviation needed to increase aviation safety in the future.

Mechanical failure is cited as one of the more common reasons for aviation disasters (Higgins & Higgins, 2008). It is easy to shift the blame to a machine, rather than to a human…...



AAM-500. (2010). Human Factors Research Division (AAM-500) Simulation Facilities. Federal Aviation Administration. 

Gallaway, G. (2011). A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Fatigue Risk Management in Aircraft

Maintenance -- Near-Term and NextGen Time Frame (Maintenance Fatigue; Avers).

AAM-500-b-F-004 Rev.2. Retrieved from

Aviation Risks Pilot Hypoxia the
Pages: 5 Words: 1442

Histotoxic Hypoxia refers to hypoxia specifically caused by toxins in the blood that interfere with the ability of hemoglobin to absorb oxygen even in the presence of sufficient quantities and at normal atmospheric pressure (Jepperson, 2007; USDOT,

2003). In that regard, alcohol is the most likely toxin to affect pilots, but other poisonous substances like cyanide and certain narcotics and other medications (including some sold over-the-counter) can also cause histotoxic hypoxia. Finally, Stagnant Hypoxia refers to insufficient oxygen absorption caused by underlying circulatory problems that reduce blood flow, and therefore, the efficient transport of oxygen, even where the quality of air, atmospheric conditions, and oxygen absorption by hemoglobin are normal (Jepperson,

2007; USDOT, 2003).

Signs and Symptoms of Altitude-Induced Hypoxia:

One of the most dangerous aspects of all forms of hypoxia is that its onset is not noticed by the pilot. Another danger is that while hypoxia severely reduces physical and cognitive capabilities necessary…...



Jepperson. (2007). Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot Englewood, CO: Jepperson.

Jepperson. (2006). Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial Englewood, CO:


Reinhart, R.O. (2008). Basic Flight Physiology New York: McGraw-Hill.

Aviation - Personal Air Vehicles
Pages: 5 Words: 1879

There might be a tendency for social interactions to center around traveling between locations in a convoy, much like groups of motorcycle riders do today. Neighborhood airstrips might strengthen communities by giving many residents reason to come to a common area. There might also be a harmful effect due to people being less inclined to spend time in their own neighborhoods.
My personal life would not be greatly affected by the availability of a $50,000 aircraft. I do not have $50,000 to spend on a vehicle, nor do most people I know. The people I do know who could afford such an aircraft have little use for one, so I would probably have little more interaction with personal aircraft than I currently do with small planes. Assuming I did own a personal aircraft, it would make it practical for me to seek out business opportunities in towns that are currently…...


Works Cited

Airscooter. "Airscooter II: Back to the Future of Rotor Craft Design"

Boyle, Alan. "Seven flights of fancy that fizled." MSNBC, 17, Nov. 2003. 

Cessna 150-152 Club "Safety FAQ's. 

Ericg. "Cessna 172." Wikipedia, 18, Apr 2005.

Aviation This Is the Sound
Pages: 7 Words: 1873

In short then, the Pilot is everything the stewardess is not. He even supplies the sense of dash and adventure that the stewardess keeps "bottled up" within her button-down exterior. However, it is not just the pilot's overall demeanor - or persona - that is significant. We often have no direct contact with the pilot of our craft except via the airplane intercom. As this is our sole means of interface with this individual; this individual who is so essential to our own personal safety and survival, it is important that even on the intercom the pilot must sound like our preconceived image of him:

speaker's personality may be judged by listeners not only on the basis of the choices of behaviour he makes, but also possibly to some extent on physical features over which he has no possibility of volitional control at all. In our culture, a man with…...



Beaulieu, R.A. (1991). 10 the Pilot and the Thinking Machine. In Pilots, Personality, and Performance: Human Behavior and Stress in the Skies, Deitz, S.R. & Thoms, W.E. (Eds.) (pp. 145-164). New York: Quorum Books.

(1991). The Gift of Speech: Papers in the Analysis of Speech and Voice. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 

Grant, C.A. (Ed.). (1999). Proceedings of the National Association for Multicultural Education: Seventh Annual Name Conference, October 29-November 2, 1997, Albuquerque, Nm. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Aviation Much Is Being Said
Pages: 3 Words: 1034

Egozi (2012) points out that Israeli ground crew systems in ATC and related to UAS operations are working together to create mutually beneficial solutions. Therefore, the FAA needs to take the cue from emerging technology sectors that can help guide the way to regulations related to integrating both hardware and software systems on the ground for both unmanned and manned vehicles. As the Joint Planning and Development Office (2011) points out, there has yet to emerge a standard interface design for use in any category or type of vehicle, let alone between ATC and UAS operators and pilots. This must change if UAS are to become not just more prolific but also safer and more integrated into mixed-use aircraft facilities. The Joint Planning and Development Office (2011) also suggests that there may be, especially in larger airports, a separate ground control and ATC area for unmanned aircraft. However, it…...



Davis, K. (n.d.). Unmanned Aircraft Operations in the National Airspace System. Retrieved online: 

Egozi, a. (2012). A small step for UAVs, a giant step for ATC. Flight Global. Retrieved online: 

Joint Planning and Development Office (2011). Operating unmanned aircraft systems in 2018 and beyond: NextGen Challenges and Opportunities. Retrieved online:

NextGen (2013). NextGen for Airports. Retrieved online:

Organized Labor in U S Commercial
Pages: 9 Words: 3198

43 in 2009. Yet current airframe and power plant mechanics are inclined to move to the computer and automotive sector for better work environment. Analysts advised the creation and use of informational recruiting tools to attract these potential workers. in-house training programs on long-term career growth and a sense of commitment to the company would be one form. Another could be employee-retention programs on leadership, technical, and management training courses. Other tools and strategies could be flexi-time, relocation benefits and an improved work environment. Recent mergers and consolidations within the industry are meant to retain employees and serve a wide range of customers. The technology-driven industry requires mechanics with the necessary technological competence in order to provide the wide range of services required by customers. A resourceful information management system could integrate e-business tools and advanced technology into standard business practices. This integration would bring about more efficient and cost-effective…...



Airguide Online (2006). North America. Airline News: Pyramid Media Group, Inc.

Retrieved on December 28, 2008 at;col1 

Air Safety Week (2008). Controllers declare "staffing emergency" in Atlanta,

Chicago, New York and Southern California. Access Intelligence, LLC: Gale, Cengage

How Real Terrorist Threat Commercial Sector Explain Justify Opinion
Pages: 6 Words: 2196

Terrorist Threat and the Commercial Sector:
Terrorist threat has emerged as one of the major global threats in the 21st Century that has significant impacts on global security. In the past few centuries, the nature and values of terrorism have slowly shifted and resulted in the emergence of different definitions or descriptions of terrorism. These different descriptions have not only been used by scholars but also by governments to broaden the phenomenon to political, judicial, psychosocial, and moral arenas. The differences in definitions of terrorism is attributed to the fact that these attacks are usually characterized by political motivations towards the use or threat of violence, intentional and pre-meditated actions, fear, psychological effects, and asymmetric warfare. The other aspects of these definitions include immorality, social coercion, and reactions. However, terrorist groups and activities continue to pose significant threats to every facet of the modern society including the commercial sector (aman, 2008,…...



A Military Guide to Terrorism in the Twenty-First Century 2007, Terrorist Motivations and Behaviors, Chapter 2, viewed 20 April 2013,

Brandt, B 2011, Terrorist Threats to Commercial Aviation: A Contemporary Assessment.

Combating Terrorism Center -- United States Military Academy, viewed 20 April 2013,

Catlin Group Limited 2012, A Business Approach to Terrorism, Catlin Group Limited Report,

Cabin Crew Training Programs Aviation
Pages: 12 Words: 3726

Stimuli are the bases for cues, but a stimulus is not a cue by itself" (Weiner & Nagel, 1988, p. 239). Just as pilots need simulation devices to provide them with realistic cue which signal that they need to adjust the aircraft, the crew within the cabin of the commercial plane also need cues that they can respond to in training with actions that they are supposed to execute.
Cues need to be part of the crew member training programs. "Crewmember initial training must include instruction on general subjects as well as subjects pertaining to the airplane type to be operated. The subjects for whom crewmembers are to receive instruction must be applicable to their assigned duties. Initial training is based on equipment and crewmembers not qualified in an aircraft group should complete initial training on the aircraft in that group. Crewmember initial training programs should include drills and actual…...



Baron, R. (n.d.). The Cockpit, the Cabin, and Social Psychology. Retrieved from 

Burki-Cohen, J., Sparko, a., & Bellman, M. (2011, August). Flight Simulator Motion Literature Pertinent to Airline-Pilot Recurrent Training and Evaluation. Retrieved from 

Estegassy, R. (n.d.). Improving Cabin Crew Training for Emergency Evacuations. Retrieved from 

Liu, a. (2010, October 14). The Role of Cabin Crew in Aircraft Safety Procedures. Retrieved from Aviation Knowledge:

History of Aviation Safety Aviation
Pages: 8 Words: 2180

All of the transportation agencies were consolidated into one big agency -- the new Department of Transportation in 1966, establishing the National Transportation Safety Board as an agency that was independent inside of the department. This new board was also given the responsibility of determining the "probable cause" of: 1) highway accidents selected in cooperation with the states; 2) every passenger train accident, fatal railway accidents, and any railroad accident that caused significant damage; 3) big marine accidents, including any marine accident that involved a public vessel and a nonpublic vessel; 4) pipeline accidents involving a fatality or significant property damage; and lastly, 5) fatalities or major injuries that were caused by the release of hazardous materials (2004).
The creation of the NTSB showed that Congress was thinking that a single agency could come up with a higher level of safety than the individual model agencies that were all working…...



Boeing. (2010). Making flying safer -- how Boeing helps to advance safety. Retrieved on September 19, 2010, from the Website:

Federal Aviation Administration. (2010). FAA regulations. Retrieved on September 18,

2010, from the Website,

\"How have advancements in airplane technology revolutionized aviation industry and air travel?\"
Words: 383

1. Advancements in airplane technology have revolutionized the aviation industry, enabling faster, more efficient, and safer air travel, leading to a significant expansion of the aviation network and global connectivity.

2. The development of jet engines and advanced aerodynamics has drastically reduced flight times, allowing for long-haul flights and opening up distant destinations to air travel, transforming global tourism and business.

3. Technological advancements in navigation and communication systems have enhanced the precision and reliability of air travel, improving safety and reducing the risk of accidents, bolstering public confidence in air transportation.

4. The introduction of composite materials and lightweight....

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