Commemorative Speech Essays (Examples)

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Commemorative Speech Why American Cars
Pages: 5 Words: 1419

He also thought that Americans would be more willing to spend more money on cars, as the average American in the 1950s and 60s was growing richer (Swinfin, 2007).
The result of all this analysis -- Mustang was born! It was a sexy sports car that a young man might want for his first car, but that that women could still drive around the neighborhood to do their shopping. Iacocca 'got' the Baby Boom, suburban car-driving teen lifestyle even before it became an official trend -- he was ahead of the curve. The predicted promise of the 'pony car' promised plenty of success for Ford!

The Italian-American Catholic Iacocca became president of Ford in 1970. This was considered ground-breaking, in a company dominated by ASPs, and family tradition ("Lee Iacocca," Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, 2006). However, President Iacocca's brash style clashed with the more buttoned-down style of management of Ford, specifically the…...


Works Cited

Goodrich, Tucker. "Iacocca broke - Lee Iacocca, Chrysler Corp." National Review.

Dec 1990. 29 Apr. 2007. 

Lee Iacocca." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc., 2006. 29 Apr. 2007.

Commemorative Speech
Pages: 3 Words: 857

I. Introduction A. What makes someone a hero?
B. My mother is my hero.
C. My mother is an archetype and metaphor that is relevant to all of society
D. My mother is intelligent, understanding, and devoted.
A. Book Smart
B. Worldly
C. Quick-Thinker
A. Treats children like equal people
1.Takes our problems seriously
2.Gives us good, non-preaching advice
3.Gives us the freedom to make our own choices
4.Supports the decisions that we make
5.Is still always there to catch us if we fall
IV. Devoted
A. Puts our needs before her own
B. Puts our wants before her own
C. Would risk her life for ours
V. Conclusion
A.My mother is intelligent, understanding, and devoted
B.She is an example of an ideal mother

What makes a person a hero? The image that often comes to mind is that of police officers, fire-fighters, and doctors; people who save lives are heroes automatically in our society. When I look into my heart to find the definition of a hero, a much closer-to-home…...

Speech the Passion of a
Pages: 1 Words: 357

Her selflessness was obvious many times over. In the eighties, during the grip of the AIDS panic, Diana was one of the first celebrities to be photographed holding the hand of a man who was dying of AIDS. At a time when children who were infected were shunned and people were afraid to help them, Diana took a stand and comforted a dying man. The sort of personal integrity it takes for someone to act as Diana did in that case defined her as a human being.
Princess Diana should not be remembered as the beautiful celebrity in the glowing white gown. She should be remembered at the bedside of the sick, and on the battlefields where she spoke out against land mines. There, where she was without the clothes and accoutrements of fame, she was truly her most beautiful. That beauty -- the beauty of a human being who…...

Douglas Brinkely's the Boys of
Pages: 5 Words: 1281

The Rangers eventually located the battery of cannons that had been moved by the Germans and destroyed them with thermite grenades and helped secure the adjacent beaches for the rest of the D-Day invasion forces.

President Ronald Reagan and the Rebirth of Patriotism

President Reagan may have been a "B movie" actor who was best known for his roles in movies such as "Bedtime for Bonzo," but he was also enormously patriotic and served his country admirably during World War II by making a series of training films and helping raise funds for the war effort. As noted above, he was also a captain in the Army Air Corps, but his poor eyesight precluded his serving in combat. Nevertheless, his moving tribute to the men of the 2nd Ranger Battalion helped fuel a rebirth of patriotism in the U.S. that Brinkley suggests continues to the present day. Indeed, President Reagan was not…...

Building Coalitions
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Building Coalitions
Early on in my career I recognized that building coalitions was a highly regarded quality within the federal government, and it became my goal to be respected by both civilian and military leaders. Throughout the course of my career, I have been able to build strong relationships with many outstanding colleagues and have been involved with successful actions at high levels of government which have allowed me ample opportunities to build strong networks and support systems. There are four important examples of coalition building that I would like to discuss here.

The first example was my colleague's recommendation that I be chosen to represent women in the military on a commemorative stamp issued for that purpose. I was surprised and delighted that I had built a strong enough relationship with this colleague to be recommended for this honor. Even though there were hundreds of applicants interviewed, I was selected and…...


Another important example of building coalitions comes from my work at the Office of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. There are many high-level interconnected government relationships that I must deal with daily, and have been working in this job since 1998 at the cabinet level. I hold the title of Senior Civilian Protocol Officer and must communicate both policy and guidance to VA employees throughout the world. In addition to working with these individuals, I also work with Congressional committee staff, White House staff, and those in other governmental organizations, which allows me to learn about and communicate with many different kinds of people on many different levels.

The fourth and final example of building coalitions comes from 2000, when I led a team of 50 individuals to establish and create the USO Exhibit located in the Pentagon. Now in it's fifth year, the exhibit is viewed by over 100,000 tourists per year, and cost $50,000 to create. During the creation of the exhibit, I coordinated staff policy, maintained focus, and met goals and objectives for the Secretary of Defense. For our performance, my team and I received honor awards; I also received the Secretary of Defense Meritorious Service Award.

The performance that I have continued to give to each organization that I have been involved with throughout my career has helped me to win support for many of my ideas and has created important relationships with many colleagues. Leadership roles are valuable to me, and I ensure that customer complaints are handled properly and new procedures are implemented, as well as ensuring that there is a consensus developed among all of those that are participating in a particular project so that it can run smoothly and be completed on time. By building coalitions I have the opportunity to share my experience and to help others with their skills.

Business Acumen There Are Many Different Things
Pages: 2 Words: 643

Business Acumen
here are many different things that I have done in my career that relate to business acumen. One of these came fairly recently, in July of 2004, when I was asked to plan and execute a dedication ceremony that involved the opening of a Veterans Conference Room in Washington, DC. he auditorium at the VA Headquarters was renovated for this purpose. I was given three months to pull this together and create a program and ceremony that was worthy of this event. In addition to planning this ceremony, the day-to-day activities of myself and my staff had to go on, and there were other notable events that were going on at the same time, such as awards ceremonies, the observance of Veteran's Day, and VA holiday activities. hese were all coordinated and planned during the same time that I was working to create the ceremony for the conference room.



The goal for the ceremony was to be able to accommodate 300 guests. Invitations through various forms were sent out to 2000 total guests who were all stakeholders of the event and the guest of honor. Five areas of the guest of honor's life were also focused on by the video team, including his work in the business community, his military service, his White House service, his work with the Montgomery GI Bill, and the impact that he had on making the VA a cabinet level agency.

In order to foster good relations with the guest of honor, I personally flew to Jackson, Mississippi and met with him and his associates. The project was discussed at that time and the goals and possible needs were also addressed so that everyone involved with the project was prepared for what was going to happen and was ready for any issues that might come up. The meeting was very successful, and also fostered a relationship with Mississippi State University (MSU) which allowed them to provide me with some virtually priceless documents that were displayed by the department at the ceremony and which will also remain in display cases in the conference room forever.

I held team meetings three times per week, conducted visits to the site, and had walk-throughs with my team, as well as the Chief of Staff and others that were involved in the ceremony. The event was planned and executed successfully, and their were over 350 guests that attended the ceremony. This was a significant event for the guest of honor, for myself, and for all that were involved in the planning and the ceremony itself. The guest of honor was extremely pleased with the event, and favorable comments are still being received by my staff and myself. Because I was able to raise the bar and gain strong support for this event, the impact of these efforts ensured that the VA and a grateful nation paid respect for the seemingly tireless efforts of a soldier, citizen, patriot, congressman, and public servant.

Abolitionist Movement in American and
Pages: 6 Words: 2158

Bloss, a Christian evangelist and labor activist who published a newspaper titled "Rights of Man" (Kaye, p. 147).
ere there others whose names are not well-known but who played an important role in the abolitionist movement? According to author Harvey J. Kaye, the co-editor of "Freedom's Journal" was an African-American named Samuel Cornish. Kaye writes (p. 147) that Cornish also launched his own abolitionist newspaper, "The Rights of All." Another free black man, David alker, from North Carolina, was "apparently moved by the Bible, the egalitarian spirit of the Declaration of Independence, and the revolutionary example of Paine's "Common Sense," started his own pamphlet that called on black slaves to "rise up against their white oppressors" (Kaye, p. 148). The pamphlet launched by alker was called: "An Appeal, in Four Articles, Together with a Preamble, to the Colored Citizens of the orld, but in Particular and Very Expressly to Those…...


Works Cited

Douglass, Frederick. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave.

Charleston, SC: Forgotten Books, 1845.

Kaye, Harvey J. Thomas Paine and the Promise of America. New York: Macmillan, 2006.

Lamme, Ary J. "Commemorative Language in Abolitionist Landscape Texts: New York's 'Burned-Over District'." Southeastern Geographer 48.3 (2008): 356-373.

Racial Ideology of Latinas
Pages: 44 Words: 11967

The novel opens seven years after Gabo's mother, Ximena, was murdered by coyotes -- or paid traffickers -- during an attempt to cross the border. Her mutilated body was found, her organs gone -- sold most likely. Because of the fear surrounding this border town and the lure of the other side, all of the characters become consumed with finding afa. These people are neglected and abused. Like other fiction works on this topic (such as Cisneros's The House on Mango Street), The Guardians (2008) is rich in symbolism and flavored with Mexican aphorisms. The novel also shows the reader how complex and perilous border life is when you're living in between the United States and Mexico.

The book is important when attempting to understand the challenge of the border town life and it is, at the same time, a testament to faith, family bonds, cultural pride, and the human experience…...



Giroux, Henry A. (2001). Theory and resistance in education (Critical studies in education and culture series). Praeger; Rev Exp edition.

San Juan (2002) states that the racism of sex in the U.S. is another element of the unequal political and economic relations that exist between the races in the American democracy. Women of color may even be conceived as constituting "a different kind of racial formation" (2002), although the violence inflicted against them as well as with familial servitude and social inferiority, testifies more sharply to the sedimented structures of class and national oppression embedded in both state and civil society (2002).

San Juan (2002) goes on to explore the articulations between sexuality and nationalism. "What demands scrutiny is more precisely how the categories of patriarchy and ethnonationalism contour the parameters of discourse about citizen identities" (2002). How the idea of nation is sexualized and how sex is nationalized, according to San Juan (2002), are topics that may give clues as to how racial conflicts are circumscribed within the force field of national self-identification.

Sexuality, San Juan (2002) suggests, unlike racial judgment is not a pure self-evident category. He states that it manifests its semantic and ethical potency in the field of racial and gendered politics. In the layering and sedimentation of beliefs about sexual liberty and national belonging in the United States, one will see ambiguities and disjunctions analogous to those between sexuality and freedom as well as the persistence of racist ideology.

Speaking in the Target Language Is the
Pages: 8 Words: 3146

speaking in the target language is the expectation that a proficient speaker will sound like a native speaker. Is this an appropriate or realistic expectation?
Not a long while after the emergence of the subject of second language acquisition (SLA), which most of the scholars think came around the time of initial years of 1970s, there has been a need to develop ways by which to measure the development of the second language, aside from the usage of detailed homogeneous skill tests which were mostly appropriate to fulfill other objectives.

As per Freeman's (2009) information, the first declaration of this need was made by Kenji Hukuta (1976). Kenji Hakuta was concerned in knowing the path of his subject Ugusiu's English language development over a period of time. Besides the aforementioned practitioners, other L1 acquisition scholars had carried out for the pupils learning English as a national language. In the research of…...



Bardovi-Harlig, K., & Dornyei, Z. (1998). Do language learners recognize pragmatic violations? Pragmatic vs. grammatical awareness in instructed L2 learning. TESOL Quarterly, 32, 233 -- 259.

Bialystok, E. (1991). Achieving proficiency in a second language: A processing description. In R. Philipson, E. Kellerman, L. Selinker, M. Sharwood Smith, & M. Swain (Eds.), Foreign/second language pedagogy research: A commemorative volume for Claus Faerch (Vol. 64, pp. 63 -- 78). Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Bialystok, E. (1993). Symbolic representation and attentional control in pragmatic competence. In G. Kasper & S. Blum-Kulka (Eds.), Interlanguage pragmatics (pp. 43 -- 59). New York: Oxford University Press.

Bouton, L.F. (1988). A cross-cultural study of ability to interpret implicatures in English. World Englishes, 7(2), 183 -- 196.

Luigi Persico's Discovery of America
Pages: 11 Words: 3379

This intervention by U.S. In a foreign country, in literal words, changed the course of history for the whole world and still its outcomes are yet, to be decided.
The attack on U.S. By Al-Qaeda, on 11th September, 1998, changed the course of American paradigm of Muslims and gave a strong cause for George Bush's "ar against Terrorism." here thousands of American citizens died in Twin Towers, so did the global efforts of maintaining peace between estern and Muslim countries.

Right after, this attack, U.S. invaded Afghanistan initially through Missile attacks and then landed its troops into this land of rocks, physically. Thousands of American soldiers were deputed there and made to fight the mujahids of Al-Qaeda who were rather well-versed with the seasonal feasibility of their land.

Therefore, initially, U.S. army did faced a lot of difficulties, mainly because of weather and foreignness of the war field. However with the support…...


Work Cited

Bean, Lowell John. "Mukat's People: The Cahuilla Indians of Southern California." Berkeley, California: University of California Press.1972

Bean, Lowell John. "Cahuilla," in California" pp. 575 -- 587. Handbook of North American Indians, William C. Sturtevant, general editor, vol. 8. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 1978

Bean, Lowell John, Sylvia Brakke Vane, and Jackson Young. " the Cahuilla Landscape:

Brown, Glenn . "Chapter XX Sculpture." History of the United States Capitol. Government Printing Office. 2007

Values and Practices That Comprises
Pages: 4 Words: 1606

The significance of the nurturance is normal in this phase, it is thus a formative phase suitable for imposing the principles of reformulation that are taking place in the business world. The nurture capital indicates a new strategy for wealth generation. It is a strategy that generates value for the firm and for the society that it serves. The nurture capital strategy redefines priorities and entails a language for addressing such priorities. With application of such principles of nurture capital, efforts can be exerted so as to restructure the game of business, creating and clarifying mutually supporting relationships to construct a sustainable future. (Nurture Capital -- a New Paradigm for Business)
To conclude it may be pointed out the conscious business is on the rise. The differences can better be benefited out of the wise shopping, supporting green business and starting the own enterprises that makes our planet a healthy…...



Caldwell, Roger. C. "Paradigms - the Big Changes and Shifts in Society" Retrieved from   Accessed on 2 February, 2005 .

Jeantheau, Mark. "Paradigm Shift-How Some Try to Win by Changing the Rules of the Game" Retrieved from -- how-some try-to-win-by-changing-the-rules-of-the-game.html -- howsome try-to-win-by-changing-the-rules-of-the-game.html Accessed on 2 February, 2005

McNamara, Carter. (1999) "New Paradigm in Management" Retrieved at   Accessed on 3 February, 2005 .

Paradigm Shift" Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved at   Accessed on 2 February, 2005 .

Lives She Was a Constant
Pages: 3 Words: 872

e can see this in the moving words delivered by sports broadcaster on the day of baseball great Mickey Mantle's interment. Here, Costas lionizes the late Yankee slugger but does so with a grain of honesty that invokes forgiveness for the flaws in a human relationship. For Mantle, Costas tells, beyond the adulation and admiration, "he got something far more meaningful. He got love. Love for what he had been, love for what he made us feel, love for the humanity and sweetness that was always there mixed in the flaws and all the pain that racked his body and his soul." (Costas, p. 1)
For our mother nature, pain has sadly been a defining feature of her experience. Like the great maternal nurturer who sends her children into the world to make their fortune, she has selflessly given of herself until there is nothing left to sacrifice. And even…...


Works Cited:

Costas, B. (1995). Eulogy in Honor of Mickey Mantle.

Idle, E. (2001). Eulogy in Honor of George Harrison.

Simpson, M. (2011). Eulogy in Honor of Steve Jobs.

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