Colombia Essays (Examples)

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Colombia and Venezuela Have Long Since Attempted
Pages: 5 Words: 1611

Colombia and Venezuela have long since attempted to develop diplomatic relations among the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the Republic of Colombia. Diplomacy between both countries has been ongoing since the 16th century. However, Venezuela has made changes that countries like Colombia have steered clear from doing. Venezuela progresses towards anti-globalization whereas Colombia stands still. This essay is meant to highlight each country and how the people within both respective nations live, eat, dress, and the countries' economies and businesses.
Types of Employment

Venezuela's economy depends heavily on the export of oil. Its main industry is the oil industry with the proven biggest oil crude oil reserves in the world. Elected President Hugo Chavez, chosen via a populist platform in a 1998 election, consolidate state control over finances and the economy as well as nationalization of the country's electricity and telephone companies. Even though Chavez died and was succeeded by vice president…...


Works Cited


Azzellini, Dario. 'Venezuela: Where The Wealthy Stir Violence While The Poor Build A New Society | Creative Time Reports'. Creative Time Reports. N.p., 2014. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.

Gutierrez, Miguel. 'Venezuela'. N.p., 2015. Web. 28 Mar. 2015.

Howlett, Kevin. 'UN: 'Colombia'S Urban Rich Poor Gap Worsening''. N.p., 2013. Web. 27 Mar. 2015.

Colombia Is the Third-Largest Recipient
Pages: 58 Words: 19788

During this penultimate period of violence under Rojas, the violence that wracked Colombia assumed a number of different characteristics that included an economic quality as well as a political one with numerous assassinations taking place. These were literally contract killings there were sponsored by opposition forms. There were also horrendous genocidal acts that were carried out by gangs combined with authentic revolutionary fighting in some regions of the country.

The fourth and final phase of the Violencia began with the fall of Rojas Pinilla and the reconciliation between the Conservative and Liberal parties that resulted in the creation of the Frente Nacional government.

The majority of the strictly sectarian Violencia was finally stopped for the most part during this final phase of this ugly chapter in Colombia's history, and the cessation provided the opportunity for the governmental forces to address the root causes of much of the violence during the next 8…...



Allen, Richard and Malcolm Turvey. 2003. Camera Obscura, Camera Lucida: Essays in Honor

of Annette Michelson (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press).

Anderson, Perry. 2004, January 26. "A Magical Realist and His Reality," the Nation 278(3): 23.

Bazzano-Nelson, Florencia. 2005. "Marta Traba: Internationalism or Regional Resistance?" Art

Colombia Plan Patriota the
Pages: 3 Words: 1056

(Leech) the farmers that grow coca and have no other means of survival would also be advantaged by the action, as they would be given assistance in growing different crops. The Columbian government has solicited aid worldwide for the welfare of the drug-fighting program. The European Union however remained reluctant at offering financial help to the cause because of the reason that the Europeans believe that the Plan will not have the expected result. (Leech, 1999)
The U.S. government's main concern in Columbia is to put an end to the FARC guerilla and to Columbian drug affairs. Violence in Columbia has been occurring ever since the nineteen century and the drug business that started in the 1970s has severely aggravated the situation.

The U.S. also planned for a general economic rehabilitation of Columbia, hoping to diminish the level of unemployment within the country. The U.S. is hoping to enlighten the Columbians…...


Works Cited

Acevedo, B., Bewley-Taylor D., Youngers C. 2008. www.idpc.infoTEN YEARS of PLAN COLUMBIA: AN ANALYTIC ASSESSMENT. Retrieved October 9, 2008 from International Drug Policy Consortium Web site: 

Cooper, M. (2001, March). Plan Columbia. The Nation. Retrieved October 9, 2008 from the Nation Database.

Evans, M. (2002). War in Columbia. Retrieved October 9, 2008 from National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. 69.

Herwig, K.A.(2001). The Environment, Plan Columbia, and U.S. Aid. Retrieved October 9, 2008 from Macalester College Web site:

Economy of Colombia Is the
Pages: 5 Words: 1727

3. Cepeda, F. (1994) Direcci n Pol'tica de la eforma Econ mica en Colombia, Bogota: Fonade.

4. Colombia- Wikipedia retrieved November 11, 2006 at

5. Colombian Economy retrieved November 11, 2006 from

6. Correa, P. And . Steiner (1999) "Decentralization in Colombia: ecent Changes and Main Challenges," in C.C. Callahan and F. Gunter (eds.) Colombia: An Opening Economy? JAI Press Inc.

7. Echand'a, C. (1999) "El Conflicto Armado y las Manifestaciones de Violencia en las egiones de Colombia," Oficina del Alto Comisionado para la Paz, Presidencia de la epublica, Bogota.

8. Echeverry, J.C., N. Salazar and V. Navas (2001) "Nos Parecemos al esto del Mundo? El Conflicto Colombiano en el Contexto Internacional," Archivos de Macroeconom'a, no. 143, Departamento Nacional de Planeaci n.

9. Edwards, S. And . Steiner (1999) "The Political Economy of Structural eforms in Colombia," mimeo, UCLA and Universidad de los Andes.

10. Edwards, S. And . Steiner (2000) "On the Crisis Hypothesis…...



1. Barajas, A., R. Steiner and N. Salazar (2000) "The impact of liberalization and foreign investment in Colombia's financial sector" Journal of Development Economics, vol. 63, 157-196.

2. Carrasquilla, A. (2001) "Econom'a y Constituci n: Hacia un Enfoque Estrategico," mimeo, Universidad de los Andes.

3. Cepeda, F. (1994) Direcci n Pol'tica de la Reforma Econ mica en Colombia, Bogota: Fonade.

4. Colombia- Wikipedia retrieved November 11, 2006 at

The Treaty Between Farc and Colombia and Shankar
Pages: 2 Words: 695

After 52 years of violent conflict, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the government of Colombia signed a peace treaty that transformed the country’s entire future. The treaty was not negotiated by the United States, or the United Nations, or any foreign state. On the contrary, it was facilitated by an Indian guru named Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. In a brief video interview with The Foundations TV, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar discusses briefly how he went about helping FARC and the government come to terms. Shankar claims that it had less to do with what he said than about how he said it. It was important to approach with an open heart and clear intentions, with love and deep respect. However, Shankar also noted that meditation practice helped. Through meditation, the opposing parties were able to open their own hearts and reach a point where they could no…...



“Excerpts of Sri Sri Ravi Shankar’s interview in KPMG magazine.”

“Sri Sri’s Role in Colombia’s Peace Agreement,” (2016).

Colombia Gold Colombian Gold Mining
Pages: 6 Words: 1956

Spiegel & Velga (2010) report that a new international effort is underway to regulate the diffusion of mercury into the environments contextualizing mining operations. According to Spiegel & Velga, the world community has recently developed a set of International Guidelines on Mercury Management in Small-Scale Gold Mining. As Spiegel & Velga report, "commissioned by the United Nations Global Mercury Project, the purpose of the guidelines is to assist policymakers, practitioners, researchers, miners and the public in developing strategies for reducing mercury use, eliminating major pollution point sources and reducing risks." (p. 375)
This points to the worldwide interests that are implicated by the current conflict between miners and environmental advocates in Colombia, which over the course of the country's gold-mining boom, has become a template-setter for how national and world governments must balance mounting economic opportunity with the threat of environmental destruction.

orks Cited:

AFP. (2010). Deep in Colombian Jungle, a First…...


Works Cited:

AFP. (2010). Deep in Colombian Jungle, a First in Eco Gold. The Independent.

Angenent, M. (2010). Artisanal Gold Mining in Colombia Co-Creating a Sustainable Future. Fair Jewelry Action.

Associated Press (AP). (2010). Colombia Shuts 18 Gold Mines. Straits Times.

Colombian Solidarity Campaign (CSC). (2007). Gold Mining in Colombia; Cauca Assembly in Resistance. Colombia Solidarity.

Comparative Analysis of Healthcare Expenditures in the U S and Colombia
Pages: 3 Words: 947

Healthcare Expenditure Comparison: Colombia and the United StatesToday, healthcare expenditures in the United States and Colombia provide a study in contrasts, reflecting their differing economic situations, political systems, and historical development. One of the more notable differences between these two countries is the quality, accessibility and costs of the healthcare services provided, with Colombia succeeding in wringing every last pennys worth of value from their investments while the United States has historically failed to realize enough bang for its massive healthcare bucks. As a result, despite spending far more on healthcare than Colombia, the United States still struggles to provide universal health care coverage for its citizens and far too many Americans fail to receive the medical services they need. To determine the antecedents of this situation, the purpose of this paper is to provide a comparison of healthcare expenditures in the United States and Colombia, including GDP percentages and…...


ReferencesCronin, J. (2024). Overview of Colombia Healthcare System. International Citizens Group. Retrieved from   H. R., & Holmes, G. M. (2022). Rural Medicare beneficiaries are increasingly likely to be admitted to urban hospitals. Health Services Research, 57(5), 1029–1034.Jaramillo, A, & Medina, O. (2023, December 5). In Colombia, a Well-Oiled Health-Care System Is at Risk. Bloomberg. Retrieved from  2023-12-05/colombia-s-health-care-system-is-at-risk-under-gustavo-petro.Mantilla-Mejía, H., Papamija-Anacona, Y., & Dorado-Ortega, D. J. (2023). Identification of developed health tourism strategies. Journal of Economic & Social Science Research (JESSR), 3(4), 31–47.Mitchell, L. K. (2020). The Promise and Failures of Children’s Medicaid and the Role of Medical-Legal Partnerships as Monitors and Advocates. Health Matrix: Journal of Law-Medicine, 30, 175–231.U.S. People. (2024). CIA World Factbook. Retrieved from . .Friedman,

Terrorist Tacts in Colombia and Middle East
Pages: 13 Words: 3840

Territorial Control and Geographic Distribution of Terrorist Attacks: A Comparative Study of IS and FACIntroductionOne of the critical aspects of understanding terrorist activities is examining the relationship between the territorial control of insurgent groups and the geographic distribution of their attacks. This research looks into this relationship by comparing two ideologically and geographically distinct groups: the Islamic State (IS) and the evolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FAC). IS is known for its jihadist ideology in the Middle East as well as its brutal tactics, while FAC has its roots in Marxist-Leninist ideology and has used guerrilla warfare against the Colombian government in South America. This comparative study explores how ideological differences influence the strategies of territorial control and the consequent patterns of terrorist attacks.The primary research question guiding this study is: How does the territorial control of ideologically different insurgent groups, specifically IS and FAC, influence the geographic distribution of…...


ReferencesAsh, K. (2018). “The War Will Come to Your Street”: Explaining Geographic Variation in Terrorism by Rebel Groups. International Interactions, 44(3), 411-436.Carter, D. B., Kaplan, M. L., & Schultz, K. A. (2022). The Geography of Separatist Violence. International Studies Quarterly, 66(3), sqac030.Castan Pinos, J., & M. Radil, S. (2020). The territorial contours of terrorism: A conceptual model of territory for non-state violence. Terrorism and political violence, 32(5), 1027-1046.Chandra, Y. (2020). Illicit drug trafficking and financing of terrorism. Journal of Defence Studies, 14(1-2), 69-91.De la Calle, L., & Sánchez-Cuenca, I. (2015). How armed groups fight: Territorial control and violent tactics. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 38(10), 795-813.Elden, S. (2007). Terror and territory. Antipode, 39(5), 821-845.Findley, M. G., & Young, J. K. (2012). Terrorism and civil war: A spatial and temporal approach to a conceptual problem. Perspectives on Politics, 10(2), 285-305.Gonzalez, C., & Alzate, M. C. (2022). The Role of International Actors in the Negotiation Process Between the Colombian Government and the Farc-Ep: a Necessary and Controlled Participation. Estudos Internacionais: revista de relações internacionais da PUC Minas, 10(2), 59-77.Jones, S. G., Dobbins, J., Byman, D., Chivvis, C. S., Connable, B., Martini, J., ... & Chandler, N. (2017). Rolling Back the Islamic State. Rand Corporation.Medina, R. M., & Hepner, G. F. (2013). The geography of international terrorism: an introduction to spaces and places of violent non-state groups. CRC Press.Richter, S., & Barrios Sabogal, L. C. (2023). Dynamics of peace or legacy of rebel governance? Patterns of cooperation between FARC-ex-combatants and conflict-affected communities in Colombia. Small Wars & Insurgencies, 34(1), 165-194.Salazar, L. G. S., Wolff, J., & Camelo, F. E. (2019). Towards violent peace? Territorial dynamics of violence in Tumaco (Colombia) before and after the demobilisation of the FARC-EP. Conflict, Security & Development, 19(5), 497-520.Salehyan, I. (2007). Transnational rebels: Neighboring states as sanctuary for rebel groups. World Politics, 59(2), 217-242.Sexton, R. (2016). Aid as a tool against insurgency: Evidence from contested and controlled territory in Afghanistan. American Political Science Review, 110(4), 731-749.Staniland, P. (2012). States, insurgents, and wartime political orders. Perspectives on politics, 10(2), 243-264.Tollefsen, A. F., & Buhaug, H. (2015). Insurgency and inaccessibility. International Studies Review, 17(1), 6-25.

Latin Coffee Is King The Rise and
Pages: 3 Words: 1053

"Coffee is King": The rise and fall of coffee in Colombia, economic growth and social change.

Colombia first became an exporting area in the sixteenth century, under the Spanish arrangement of mercantilism. Spanish imperial rule defined a great deal of Colombia's social and economic development. The colony became an exporter of raw materials, predominantly precious metals, to the mother country. ith its colonial position came a highly planned socioeconomic system founded on slavery, indentured servitude, and restricted foreign contact. Colombia's contemporary economy, based on coffee and other agricultural exports, did not materialize until well after its independence in 1810, when local entrepreneurs were free to take advantage of on world markets other than Spain. The late nineteenth century saw the development of tobacco and coffee export industries, which really enlarged the merchant class and led to population growth and the enlargement of cities. ealth was concentrated in agriculture and commerce, two…...


Works Cited

"Colombia -- Economy." Mongabay. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 3 May 2012.

"Colombia History." Mongabay. Library of Congress, n.d. Web. 3 May 2012.

Tourism the Effects of Tourism
Pages: 10 Words: 2833

9% of total GDP in Colombia (U.S.$3,524 million) and generates 386,000 direct jobs, equivalent to 1.8% of total employment in the country (Tourism Industry in Colombia).
The Composition of Tourism in Colombia

With 3,208 km of coastline (1,760 km on Caribbean Sea and 1,448 km on Pacific Ocean),

and 400 km of Amazon forest and Andean mountains, Colombia has a vast array of possible tourist destinations.

Some of the reasons tourists are interested in visiting Colombia would be its privileged location on the continent. All the environments of the tropics are present: glaciers, beaches, plains, rainforests, and deserts, which all add to its desirability (Where to go?).

Colombia also has countless tourist destinations offering a wide array of activities. Even the most jaded traveler can't help but be swept up by the magic of Cartagena, steeped in history and gentle people. Oozing romance, the old city is a warren of cobblestone streets that meander between…...



"1995-2000 Tourism-Sector Development Program." 2000. Mexico's Tourism Policy. 16 Apr 2009 .

"About Mexico." n.d. visitmexico. 15 Apr 2009 .

"Colombia Tourism." 1988. Geographic org. 16 Apr 2009 .

"Costa Rica has something for everybody." n.d. Costa Rica Tourism and Travel Bureau . 15 Apr 2009 .

Strength of the Liberals and
Pages: 9 Words: 2584

The Liberal and Conservative parties are therefore in a battle to "out-do" each other, in terms of producing the most workable, viable and therefore, acceptable, policy towards these issues, at any given time during their time in office, or their election campaigns. This model of Aldrich's therefore explains political party change within Colombia rather well: a focus on issues of immediate security concern at any particular time in history define the political strategies of Colombian parties.
Aldrich ends his book by saying, "In America, democracy is unthinkable, save in terms of a two-party system, because no collection of ambitious politicians have been able to think of a way to achieve their goals in this democracy, save in terms of political parties" (Aldrich, 1995; 296).

Dix (1989) synthesizes all of these opinions on the party political system in Latin America, in his paper on cleavage structures and party systems in the continent.…...



Aldrich, J.H. (1995). Why Parties? The Origin and Transformation of Political Parties in America. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.

Bushnell, D. (1993). Colombia: A Nation in Spite of Itself. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Dix, R.H. (1989). Cleavage structures and party systems in Latin America. Comparative Politics 22(1): 23-37.

Hume, D. (1742). Of Parties in General. Chapter 2, in Perspectives on Political Parties: Classic Readings, Scarrow, S. (ed.) (2002). New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Consultancy Firm Expertise International Business Challenges Issues
Pages: 4 Words: 1250

consultancy firm expertise international business challenges issues. You present analysis a business report. Your report focus identification discursive analysis main issues include conclusions recommendations.
isk analysis: Australia vs. Colombia and the Democratic epublic of Congo

New taxes are always worrisome, and the Australian government's recent decision to pass a 30% tax on profits from iron ore and coal have left many investors scurrying in search of other investment opportunities in alternate countries with lower tax rates and labor costs (Scott 2011). However, simply looking at a balance sheet to determine average tax rates and wages is only a small component of deciding whether a country is a worthwhile investment. With this caveat in mind, it must be cautioned that the proposed decision to shift resources to investing in the coal mining sector in Colombia and the iron ore sector in the Democratic epublic of Congo is neither viable nor cheaper in…...



Janda, Michael. (2013). Trade deficit falls on iron ore, coal recovery. CNN. Retrieved: 

[14 Apr 2013]

Scott, Jason. 2012. Australia Passes 30% Tax on Iron-Ore, Coal Mining Profits. Businessweek.

Microeconomic Event Related to New Balance Athletic
Pages: 10 Words: 2802

microeconomic event related to New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc.
The shoes industry just like any other business activity encompasses of diverse footwear retailers, manufacturers and wholesalers. The chief wholesalers in the entire United States of America marketplaces especially the brand name owners obtain the shoes from the independent manufactures. The retail footwear organizations range entails the small shoes businesses that provide shoes to the local citizens to the multinational chain companies. However, most of the footwear industries all over the world operate in both the wholesale and retail arenas hence capable of increasing the profitable returns. Operating through both the wholesale and retail arenas also assist the shoe companies to reduce the risks the organization faces. For instance, New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc. incorporates all the retail and wholesale plants to acquire ready-made materials for the production of the final footwear product (Carroll, Archie and Ann 71).

Analysis of current Operations…...


Works cited

Carroll, Archie B, and Ann K. Buchholtz. Business & Society: Ethics and Stakeholder

Management. Mason, OH: CL-South-Western Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.

World Regional Geography
Pages: 7 Words: 2680

Regional Geography
hy could Africa be considered on of the richest continents on Earth? Discuss some of sub-Saharan Africa's Assets. Then address why, despite these facts, the majority of African states remain poor. Be sure to include several factors relation to this region's unique physical geography, complex human geography, history.

The spectrum of environments which exist in Africa spans entire moisture and temperature gradients, from perhaps the most arid to among the well-watered places on earth, from the coolness of the Cape to the furnace that is the Sahara. This environmental diversity is mirrored in the proliferation of its fauna and flora, for Africa has seemingly every conceivable combination of climatological, geological, and pedological factors; the plant and animal communities have evolved over time to reflect this heterogeneity. Moreover, it is an ancient continent that has provided a cradle for a wide range of taxonomic groups, from among the very first…...


Works Cited

1. Chen-Young, et al. Transnationals of tourism in the Caribbean. London: Commonwealth Secretariat. 2001.

2. Richard Wiffin, William Phettipace, Anas Todkill; Imagining Distance: Spanish Explorers in America. Early American Literature, Vol. 25, 1990.

3. Stephen Zunes; The United States and the Western Sahara Peace Process. Middle East Policy, Vol. 5, 1998.

IRA and Farc the Irish
Pages: 5 Words: 1876

The RIRA on occasion attacks a British army base, or bombs a civilian site just to show it is still out there while FARC is a powerful force that the government has no choice but to negotiate with. Also, the RIRA does not recruit young children for its violent terrorist activities, while FARC recruits and kidnaps thousands of young boys and trains them in guerrilla warfare. The RIRA does not have thousands of acres of poppies (to make into cocaine) that it can within its territory -- the RIRA has no established territory -- that it can exploit (tax) in order to raise money. That said, the RIRA does do some drug smuggling, according to credible sources.
There is an interesting connection between FARC and the RIRA: Evidence shows that the RIRA has been training FARC in "new technology" (bombs/mortars) (

orks Cited

Center for Defense Information. (2007). Revolutionary Armed Forces of…...


Works Cited

Center for Defense Information. (2007). Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Retrieved Feb. 6, 2009, from .

Global Security. (2008). Real Irish Republican Army. Retrieved Feb. 5, 2009, from .

Global Security. (2009). Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia -- FARC. Retrieved Feb.

How did the religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures influence their architectural styles?
Words: 323

Religion has played a significant role in shaping the beliefs, customs, and art of various cultures throughout history. The Pre-Colombian civilizations of the Americas were no exception, as their religious beliefs were deeply intertwined with their architecture. This essay will explore the religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures and how they influenced the construction and design of their buildings. By analyzing the temples, pyramids, and other sacred structures of these civilizations, we can gain insight into the spiritual practices and values that were central to their societies.
The religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures had a profound impact on their architectural styles, as....

How did the religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures influence their architectural styles?
Words: 424

Influence of Religious Beliefs on Pre-Colombian Architectural Styles
The religious beliefs of Pre-Colombian cultures played a profound role in shaping their architectural styles. Temples, pyramids, and other structures were not merely physical structures but imbued with sacred significance, reflecting the spiritual beliefs and practices of the people.
Maya Civilization
Pyramidal Temples: Maya pyramids were not just tombs or platforms but sacred structures representing mountains and the deities associated with them. They served as stages for rituals and sacrifices, with the summit accessible only to priests.
Temples and Palaces: Maya temples and palaces were often interconnected, forming a complex of sacred spaces. Murals,....

How does Brazil\'s wealth compare to other Latin American countries?
Words: 368

Brazil is the largest economy in Latin America and the sixth-largest in the world by GDP. It is considered one of the most developed countries in the region, with a diversified economy that includes strong industries such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and services.

Compared to other Latin American countries, Brazil's wealth is significantly higher. Countries like Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, and Chile also have relatively strong economies, but Brazil's GDP and overall wealth surpass those of its neighbors. However, Brazil also faces significant challenges such as inequality, corruption, and high levels of poverty.

Overall, Brazil's wealth is one of the strongest in Latin....

How does Brazil\'s wealth compare to other Latin American countries?
Words: 431

Brazil's Economic Standing in Latin America

Brazil, the largest country in Latin America by both landmass and population, boasts a significant economic presence in the region. Its gross domestic product (GDP) dwarfs that of its neighbors, making it an economic powerhouse in the continent. However, the country's wealth distribution and economic development vary widely compared to other Latin American nations.

GDP and Economic Size

In terms of GDP, Brazil ranks first in Latin America, with a GDP of approximately $1.6 trillion in 2023. This accounts for over 50% of the region's total GDP, showcasing the country's economic dominance. The country's GDP per capita,....

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