interviewee is a 23-year-old senior, pursuing BA in business. It is argued that the transition to adulthood, the movement into adult status, is socially constructed. According to Arnett, (2000) the emerging adulthood is a period which brings the possibility of many options in life. He adds that at this stage, not much about the future has been decided for certain, it the period of life that the scope of independent exploration of life's possibilities is greater than at any other time in the lives of many. In line with this, the interviewee regards adulthood as the first opportunity in making and learning how to take responsibility of one's life; it is learning to deal with the consequences of one's decisions. In addition, Arnett reveals that at this stage, many of the emerging adults do not consider themselves as adolescents and neither do they consider themselves entirely as adults. In…...
Arnett, J.J. (1994). Are college Students Adults? Their Conceptions of the Transition to Adulthood. Journal of Adult Development, Volume 1, 154-168.
Arnett, J.J. (2000). Emerging Adulthood:A Theory of Development From the Late Teens Through the Twenties. College Park: University of Maryland.
Robin, M.H. (2010, August 18). What Is It About 20 Somethings? The New York Times.
And it is to this end that the university is so distinct in the way that it provides a community which is most hospitable to intellectual and emotional growth.
Difficulty of Harmonization:
Downey (2000) points to a modern vagary of our persistent state of global recession in making the case that it is difficult to find harmony between the stated goals of his trinity. Indeed, though this reflects a certain ideal for university functionality, it contrasts the reality in many contexts. riting on Canada's higher education system, which has been largely subsidized by government funding on an historical basis, Downey (2000) indicates that that more privately run university system in America is becoming a model to public officials. This, Downey (2000) demonstrates, is to the detriment of the university's capacity to reflect the modalities of his trinity in harmony. As he remarks, the Canadian government is finding itself increasingly hobbled by…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Downey, J. (2000). Balancing Corporation, Collegium, and Community. Innovative Higher Education.
College -- Importance, Values, and Goals
The global labor market has changed dramatically over the last half century. Increasingly, access to jobs in technology and Internet communications don't require college degrees so much as the ability to successfully contribute to a technology start-up. A recent trend shows technology entrepreneurs hiring savvy undergraduates who have become disenchanted with college (William, 2012). These young whiz-kids -- often programmers who spend their days inventing new software applications and writing code -- reject the idea of spending years in classes that seem irrelevant to their interests and result in enormous student load debt (William, 2012). The problem with this mass migration away from higher education is that there are only so many jobs in the labor market that fit this mold. Like a "one and done" college-age hoopster who shows up on campus just to get noticed, with the hope that they will be…...
Hacker, A. (2012, February 28). Is Algebra Necessary? The Sunday Review. The New York Times. Retrieved
R.A. [Washington Correspondent]. (2011, January 18). The value of college. Free exchange: Education. The Economist. Retrieved
Williams, A. (2012, December 2). The old college try? No way. The New York Times, ST, 1, 16. New York, NY: The New York Times.
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To some, that suggests that college is a more viable alternative for many of those who would otherwise have sought jobs in the manufacturing sector previously.
However, there are at least two reasons that such a conclusion may be invalid. First, while many manufacturing jobs have disappeared, many other types of technical jobs opportunities have emerged from numerous new technologies (Klein, 2012). Many of them require vocational degrees and certifications but no college degrees. For many people without specific interests in vocational applications of any college degrees being considered, training programs for these types of jobs is much less expensive, quicker, and more likely to lead to satisfying employment options than a college diploma in a random academic area or one of great intellectual value but few employment prospects outside of academia (Klein, 2012).
Second, vocational training, in general, has changed significantly in the last several decades. Specifically, whereas vocational education…...
Coy, P. (2009). "The lost generation." Business Week (October 19, 2009): 33-35.
Ewing, J. (2009). "Germany's answer: The apprentice." Business Week (October 19,
Hay, J. (2013). Question of 'Is college worth it?' weighs on local students. The Press
university is, as Fr. Lawton believes, a sacred place where you find "your imagination, develop your skills, and enrich your compassion," then it has an enormous task in the world as we know it today. In the world as we know it today, the very term sacred is on the endangered species list. And yet, sacred is perhaps the underpinning of it all.
There are any number of vaguely similar definitions of sacred in any number of dictionaries. The one that I think applies best here is this one:
regarded with the same respect and reverence accorded holy things; venerated; hallowed. (Webster's New World Dictionary of the American Language)
Universities were, in the early days, almost monastic in that there was total dedication of the professors and those being professed to -- the students -- to what they were learning. And what they were learning was, first and foremost, how to think,…...
My children are in school full-time and the oldest is responsible enough to watch the younger for a few hours when I'm gone when they get home, so that does take one worry off of my mind. However, balancing classes with this full-time work schedule will mean a lot of late nights studying and writing papers.
A usually start my day before six, getting the kids ready for school and myself ready for work. Including my commute, I work about ten hours daily and return home around six pm.
Then I do my best to leave my work at the door and spend some time just being with my kids; hearing about their day, what they're learning in school, what the latest trends in their social circles are, and all of the details that I want to know about their lives. We cook and eat dinner together, but I'm afraid that…...
College and Career Preparation: Is College Worth It?It is a sad testimony to the degree to which college education has grown so expensive that many people focus on the economic worth of a college degree alone. Because college tuition is skyrocketing and graduates are worried about the level of debt they will shoulder throughout their lives, they are understandably concerned that the expense of their degree will not justify the time, stress, and money they have invested into it (Hoffower, 2019). But it is also true that there are aspects of a college education that cannot be quantified.As we live in a participatory form of government, and elect our representatives, it is essential that citizens are able to critically evaluate news stories and evidence. Having empathy for the plight of other people, as conveyed by studies in the humanities and social sciences, is also useful. Although it is possible to…...
mlaReferencesDickler, J. (2021, March 14). Fewer kids are going to college because they say it costs too much.CNBC. Hoffower, H. (2019, June 26). College is more expensive than it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s ever been, and the 5 reasons why suggest it\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s only going to get worse. Business Insider.
Experiencing the Sacred
Compare St. Teresa's experience of the spiritual marriage with both Muhammad's Night Journey and the Buddha's Enlightenment. The focus should clearly identify similarities and differences.
Teresa of Avila, Muhammad, and the Shakyamuni Buddha all had intense spiritual experiences. Their experience can all be classified as numinous and ecstatic, because they each surrendered their physical selves to experience union with a spiritual dimension. They were each subsumed by their spiritual experiences, imparting either fear or joy. Moreover, each of these individuals made a great impact on religious, philosophical, and spiritual teachings.
There are some distinct differences between these three figures, though. The obvious differences are cultural, geographic, and temporal. St. Teresa of Avila is the most modern of the three figures. She lived during the 16th century in Spain, and her upbringing was steeped in Catholicism. Muhammad lived during the 7th century CE, nearly a thousand years prior to St. Teresa.…...
mlaWorks Cited
Kessler, Gary. "Experiencing the Sacred." 2008.
Pojman, Louis. "The Argument from Religious Experience." Chapter 5 in Philosophy of Religion.
College sports and recreational activities are traditionally dominated by men. Although there have been dramatic increases in women's involvement in sports at the college level, men continue to make up the majority of the participants and spectators of events and activities. The availability of high-quality recreational facilities for athletic training as well as general fitness and maintenance is necessary and integral to sports programs in colleges. It may be assumed that these types of facilities are mostly utilized by men due to their predominant participation in sports and recreation activities.
Even though participation in campus sports and recreational activities still involves men more than women, this doesn't necessarily mean that men value the importance of sports and recreation in college more than women. Milton (1998) was interested in this concept and investigated beliefs among men and women in college as to whether the development of new, high-quality sports and recreation facilities…...
Milton, P. (1998). Female and male prioritization of the availability of campus recreational facilities. National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association Journal, 22(2), 30-1.
Within the field of psychology, I hope to qualify as a marriage counselor - a decision I made after I experienced the pain of my parents' divorce and subsequent break up of my family. For it was at this time that I realized the important role that family plays in an individual's sense of psychological well-being.
As a first step to achieving my career ambition and dream, I plan to attend the University of Findlay, from where I hope to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, followed by a Master's Degree. However, I find that the assistance of a scholarship would go a long way in helping me achieve my educational and career goals. I am, therefore, applying for a scholarship with the sincere hope that my request will be given due consideration....
Part 2
Universities and colleges have been described as 'loosely coupled systems...'
"What does this mean to you based on the readings?" loosely coupled system is one that only occasionally works, and sometimes produces unpredictable results. Given the disparate goals and social elements of the modern university, a university is clearly such a loosely coupled system. Students come wanting a degree to get a good job and may have to take liberal arts courses they dislike, professors who want to research must teach students with little interest in deeper, critical thinking about life, the university community is diverse and brings together teachers, students, and administrators with different backgrounds and views of the purpose of life and education -- and sometimes students, faculty, and administrators use their position for social change, other times college is simply a place to 'fill time.'
Student organizations, social and extracurricular, may have different interests than administrators and academic…...
Education on managing or eliminating debt early in one's professional life should also be combined with realistic education on the state of the economy and the impact which this has levied on personal opportunities for financial comfort. To this point, individuals are not finding the jobs for which their education has qualified them, are not achieving a pay commensurate to what they anticipate are their living requirements and are unable to afford many of the fundamental instruments to healthy and intelligent living. Indeed, one source denotes that "in 2007, the Census Bureau estimated that there were nearly 8 million uninsured young adults (ages 18-24), making them the largest segment of the uninsured population. That problem is likely to be compounded with the rise in unemployment and lack of new jobs resulting from the current economic recession." (E-Health Insurance, 1)
Because such matters should be considered a significant priority, the budgetary focus…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Doyle, J. (2008). Credit Nightmares. NPC. Online at
E-Health Insurance. (2009). Seven Tips for College Graduates Seeking Health Insurance. Young Money.
Hilpern, K. (2006). Student debt: are you on top of what you owe? The Independent. Online at
Lazarony, L. (2008). 12 money-management tips for college students.
Even today, the image of the over-sexualized college girl persists, in images of girls on 'spring break' who have 'gone wild,' to cheerleaders. Also, although they have dimmed so much, the question as to how to balance work and family life remains for women in a way that it does not for men, harkening back to the idea that women, unlike men, must choose between being either bodies or brains.
The anxieties about female education in recent decades have also become exacerbated by the increasing percentages of women in relation to men on campuses all across the nation. As women make up a disproportionate amount of college graduates, women and men have voiced the concern that men will begin to feel inadequate, and that boys cannot cope with the feminized atmosphere of the classroom. While before it was feared that women could not cope with 'male' subjects like mathematics and…...
Values Conflict
Universities provide an amazing opportunity for both growth and development in regards to academic development. Universities in particular provide a means of providing a stable and more robust income for individuals seeking a particular specialization. The University of Phoenix, in particular, has a unique method of teaching and providing a quality educational experience. Small class sizes, online specialization, and knowledgeable professors all make the university experience all the more manageable. However, I personally have experienced conflict of values that undermine the overall university experience. This conflict pertains mainly to the notion of academic honesty. I have encountered instances where many of the university values would be compromised by actions. Cheating is particularly important in a university setting. As such, having strong values and convictions regarding cheating is important within the overall university setting (Stuart, 2006).
The experience, looking back, was not unique to me. In fact, many students undergo similar…...
1) Stuart P. Green. (2006). Lying, Cheating, and Stealing: A Moral Theory of White Collar Crime. Oxford University Press.
College Education
Education forms the foundation of an individual's character and provides a separate identity differing from the others existing around. The beginning of education of an individual originates from the individual's home through parents and through observation as well as from the people around. As a result it plays an essential part in the formation of an individual's personality. Like Hosea Ballou once said, "Education commences at the mother's knee, and every word spoken within the hearing of little children tends towards the formation of character"(quotable quotes). Education is of many forms including early or basic education at home, education at school or an institution. In this analytical research paper, we will discuss one of the many ways of obtaining education, which is an institute particularly a college as well as its advantages for an individual.
The term 'education' has several definitions, it can be defined as " The act…...
mlaWorks Cited
Quotable quotes. Available at: (February 26,2003)
Definition of education. Available at: 26,2003)
Benefits of college. Available at: (February 26,2003)
Retaining Managers. Business China (1993, October 4), p. 5-6.
1. The Importance of Playing Sports in College: Developing Social Skills, Scholarships, and Academic Success
2. How Playing College Sports Helps Shape Well-Rounded Individuals: Social Skills, Scholarships, and Academic Excellence
3. Excelling on and off the Field: The Benefits of Playing Sports in College
4. The Triple Threat: How Playing Sports in College Can Enhance Social Skills, Secure Scholarships, and Improve Academic Performance
5. Playing College Sports: A Pathway to Success in Academics, Social Skills, and Financial Support
6. The Power of College Sports: Enhancing Social Skills, Securing Scholarships, and Achieving Academic Success
7. Maximizing Your College Experience: The Advantages of Playing Sports for Social, Academic,....
I. Key Steps to Outline Before Going Back to College
II. Preparing for College Life
1. My dream school encompasses all the elements that I believe are crucial for a fulfilling and successful academic journey. From its esteemed faculty to state-of-the-art facilities, this institution provides the perfect environment for me to thrive and reach my full potential. With a strong emphasis on innovation, critical thinking, and personal development, this school aligns perfectly with my academic goals and aspirations.
2. One of the key aspects that make this school the perfect place for my academic journey is its faculty members. The professors at this institution are not only experts in their respective fields but also passionate....
1. Location, Location, Location How Geography Plays a Role in Choosing a New School
Consider the impact of the schools location on your overall experience as a student.2. Academic Offerings Making Sure the School Has the Programs You Need
Explore the different academic programs offered by potential schools to find the best fit for your educational goals.3. Facilities and Resources Evaluating the Schools Infrastructure and Support Services
Assess the schools facilities, resources, and support services to ensure a conducive learning environment.4. Campus Culture Understanding the Social Dynamics of the School Community
Delve into the campus culture....Our semester plans gives you unlimited, unrestricted access to our entire library of resources —writing tools, guides, example essays, tutorials, class notes, and more.
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