College Drinking
There are many stereotypes regarding college life and these stereotypes inform students, rightly or wrongly about ways to behave while attending school. Regardless of whether these stereotypical behaviors are detrimental or beneficial, you see them repeated by students in all regions and most ages. Films and television programs all feature certain aspects of college which are then repeated over and over again, regardless of the frequency they actually occur in real life. Most fictional representations of college life feature outrageous parties where alcohol flows like water and where adventures and misadventures happen because of the imbibing of said alcohol. Examples like Animal House and Old School and Van ilder just to name a very select few show that in order to be considered cool and fun, you need to be willing to drink to an irresponsible level. Beer and wine and heavier liquors are supposed to be part of…...
mlaWorks Cited
Lederman, L.C., & Stewart, L.P. (2005). No, everybody doesn't: changing mistaken notions of the extent of drinking on a college campus. Health Communication in Practice: a Case Study Approach. Lawrence Erlbaum: Mahwah, NJ. 325-334.
Federal admission issues
Before one can even consider the issue of whether or not illegal immigrants should be eligible for financial aid, one must first investigate whether or not these students are even permitted to attend American institutes of higher education. Like the other questions addressed in this paper, there is no clear answer to this question. At this time, there is no federal law prohibiting illegal immigrants from attending institutes of higher education in the United States.
Furthermore, there is no case law directly addressing the issue of whether undocumented aliens have the right to attend public colleges or universities.
However, there is case law discussing the issue for school-aged children, and it appears to support the idea that American public post-secondary schools have an obligation to enroll qualified undocumented students. In 1982 in Plyler v. Doe, 457, U.S. 202 (1982), the Supreme Court "held that it was illegal for a state…...
Badger, E. & Yale-Loehr, S. (2006). Undocumented students and eligibility for enrollment at U.S. colleges and universities. Retrieved November 6, 2006 from Miller Mayer
Web site:
Barakat, M. (2004). Judge: Va. can deny admission to illegal immigrants. Retrieved November
6, 2006 from American Association of Community Colleges
College athletes' payment issue drags the development of the game within the association (NCAA). The debate of whether college athletes should obtain payment for their services needs to rest by extensive solution. The perfect way to solve the issue at hand involves additional payment for the services of the college athletes. This would supplement the scholarships and accommodation fees university and college athletes enjoy currently. There are several reasons why college athletes should obtain payment for their skills and efforts while representing their institutions in the competitions. The first reason is that everyone in the sporting career enjoys payment and wages for their efforts. The second reason is that college athletes are human beings who need financial resources to satisfy their needs. Additional wages to the current scholarships and accommodation would address the economic strain facing the college players. Payment to the college athletes would also motivate the participants to…...
mlaWorks Cited
Dohrmann, George. "Pay For Play." Sports Illustrated 115.18 (2011): 52. MasterFILE Premier.
Web. 17 July 2012.
Schneider, Raymond G. "College Students' Perceptions on the Payment of Intercollegiate
Student-Athletes." College Student Journal 35.2 (2001): 232. MasterFILE Premier. Web.
College and College Enrollment
How do current college enrollment patterns differ from those of 50 years ago? Does this impact you as a student in any way?
When most people talk about college, what comes up most often is the cost of college. One of the most striking things to me about how college enrollment patterns are different from those of 50 years ago is the fact that most college students who enroll, do so knowing that they're now part of this bigger business of the college machine. College enrollment in top schools at least depends on being able to engage in SAT prep training, and getting top grades. Students need to be able to afford steep tuition costs or be willing to take out loans that will help them in mitigating those costs. It's interesting how the costs of college can have such a profound impact on how enrollment patterns of…...
College athletics has become a fast increasing industry in America. The athletes play for educational institutes, get quality education and bring revenues for the college. While they do good job for the college image and ranking, they are paid well by the educational institutes they are enrolled in and they play for. There are people that believe that for they bring multi-billion dollars to educational sector each year, athletes should be paid more (Skoning, 2013) while others believe that college athletes are already paid enough. The advocates of either point need to see the deeper implications to understand what will be the impact of changing payment regulations on the American educational institutes.
Thesis statement
It is debated since some time if the regulations regarding payment of college athletes should be changed or not. The point of concern is that how will any potential change in regulations, probably paying more to the athletes…...
NCAA Eligibility, (2013), Retrieved from:
Raheem, K., (2011), "Are actors and professional athletes paid too," Retrieved from:
College of Central Florida has only one sustainable source of competitive advantage, which is government funding that allows it to be a cost leader, while still offering high quality programs. Other advantages are perhaps less sustainable, but the school has been able to carve out a niche in the competitive market for higher education in central Florida. Its location serves people in a specific geographical region, and its programs are heavily-oriented towards those that enhance people's careers, which makes the school especially appealing.
There are high barriers to entry, which insulates CF from new competition, and it has been able to establish its competitive advantages to find its own niche. The result is that there is some pricing power, and the buyers are largely price takers. However, there remain many substitutes that can draw potential students away from the school, and high switching costs mean that students will examine their options…...
College of Central Florida, website, various pages. Retrieved November 18, 2013 from
DOE (2012). Report for the Florida College System, 2012. Department of Education Retrieved November 18, 2013 from
MSN Moneycentral: Apollo Group. Retrieved November 18, 2013 from
Porter, M. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved November 18, 2013 from
According to Flowers (2002), the first vector concerning "developing competence" can assume three individual forms: (a) intellectual, (b) physical, and - interpersonal. The second vector, "managing emotions," is the stage at which college students first begin to become aware of their emotions and attempt to regulate their emotions to produce maximum behavioral outcomes; the third vector, "moving through autonomy toward interdependence," involves students seeking to become more self-directed, and self-sufficient, thereby, ultimately reaching a moderate level of interdependence with family, friends, and other acquaintances (Flowers, 2002). The emphasis at the fourth vector, "developing mature interpersonal relationships," is on establishing and maintaining healthy interactions with other individuals in a manner that is emotionally beneficial to all of the parties involved; the fifth vector, "establishing identity," is the stage at which freshmen first begin to become aware of and learn to develop their own identity (Flowers, 2002). According to this author, "As…...
Benjamin, M. (1996). Diversity, educational equity, and the transformation of higher education: Group profiles as a guide to policy and programming. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers.
Chiang, L., Hunter, C.D., & Yeh, C.J. (2004). Coping attitudes, sources and practices among Black and Latino college students. Adolescence, 39(156), 793.
Chickering, A.W. (1969). Education and identity. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Crosling, G., & Webb, G. (2002). Supporting student learning: Case studies, experience & practice from higher education. London: Kogan Page.
She is testimony to the fact that human beings, even if their bodies may be slaughtered, cannot die, so long as they strive to make lasting legacies of their lives. Even after Anne perished in a concentration camp, her day-to-day chronicle of her life, encompassing everything from her first menstruation to the careful watch the Secret Annex dwellers kept upon the doings of the war, lives on.
Often, I too am plagued by doubts and remorse, when I speculate about the fate of young women like Anne, who died before their time. The world mourns the six million dead Jews who died, but a small part of me also mourns the loss to the world of what never was -- the great works of literature Anne could have written if only she had lived. Every time someone dies, or potential goes unfulfilled, even if it is only the life of…...
College Entrepreneur
hat lessons about being a successful entrepreneur did you learn from Ryan and Aaron?
Perhaps the most salient lesson to come from the case study at the center of this discussion is the notion of properly positioning one's self in the marketplace so as to capitalize on an existing but untapped area of need. Indeed, for Ryan and Aaron, a driving force behind the inception of iContact would be the recognition of an as yet unfulfilled need in a broader market. Particularly, by noting the challenges before small companies attempting to reach global buying audiences, iContact would be conceived as a way to create direct marketing channel mailing lists on the behalf of said companies. e may suggest that the greatest reason for their tremendous and rapid success was their capacity to identify an area in which few competitors existed and in which their naturally existing skills could be put…...
mlaWorks Cited:
Nickels, W.G., McHugh, J.M., & McHugh, S.M. (2010). Understanding business (9th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin
Additionally, this class will prove integral to my relationships and interactions with the Firehouse Girls themselves, who I must foster a lasting, trusting relationship with based on these skills.
COM316: GENDER and COMMUNICATION -- This course explored the various links between communication and the respective genders. I will be able to apply many of the concepts that I have learned from this class during this internship as I communicate with a gender specific group -- the models and promotional workers that the Firehouse Girls represent.
MCO450 VISUAL COMMUNICATION -- This class taught me to utilize non-verbal communication which may involve both writing as well as non-verbal communication between people in a physical environment. My internship will offer me a multitude of settings in which to practice these skills, from conventional office management communication to informal interpersonal communication with individuals during crucial promotional events.
WST220 GENDER, MEDIA and CULTURE -- I will use…...
College Decision
Choosing a college is a big decision. It is not always an easy decision, particularly when one is in high school. It can be difficult for a teenager to see "the big picture" and to effectively plan for the future. One's choice of college can have a major impact on the rest of one's life. The decision has to be made carefully, after much consideration, and with as much information as possible.
When I left high school, I went to college right away. The college I selected was not right for me, and I did not enjoy the time I spent there. I did not select the college for the right reasons. I thought the classes would be easy, and I was not prepared to work very hard. The college was also the least expensive option available, and that made it an attractive choice.
Unfortunately, the fact that the classes were…...
College Investment
$25,000 Investment P= $25,000
r= 2.47%
t= 5 years n=
F (t) = P (1 + r/n) nt
F (t)= $25,000(1 + 2.47%/1)
The total amount of the investment is $28,243.84 after 5 years (maximum amount of time for CD as advertised).
ank offers Certificates of Deposits for 19, 37 and 59 months (U.S. ank, 2011). Although this Grandmother would like to save for a child's education and therefore has more than five years, many banks only offer a 5-year product.
If the grandmother invests all $25,000 into the CD at the advertised rate, she will have $28,243.84 at the end of the five-year period. Therefore, the grandmother has made $3,243.84 profit. This is calculated at an interest rate of 2.47% and is calculated annually. If inserted into the formula, p = $25,000, t=5 years and n=1.
According to, the cost of college for a student who begins college in 18 years from now who plans…...
Fin Aid. (2011). Retrieved April 21, 2011, from FinAid - The smart student's guide to financial aid:
U.S. Bank. (2011). U.S. Bank, Fast-app. Retrieved April 21, 2011, from U.S. Bank:
g., Emmers-Sommer et al., 2005).
Several studies support the contention that catecholamines create more violent and less sensitive reactions to the opposite sex, acting like hormones or neurotransmitters in the system; common catecholamines are epinephrine, nonepinephrine, and dopamine. Zuckerman and Litle (1986) found that men scored higher than women on scales of curiosity about sexual and morbid events in media in a study of the related variables between sensation seeking and morbid and sexual events. High sensation seekers, most of whom are men, are "interested in stimuli that increase activity in central catecholamine systems. Zuckerman and Litle's work showed a connection between exposure to media that involve violence, fear-inducement, and eroticism and an increased peripheral catecholamine activity" (Levi, 1969).
Researchers used the Rape Myth Acceptance scale (RMA) (Burt, 1981) the RMA is a 10-item, 1-7 likert scale (1=strongly agree, 7=strongly disagree) measure that provides statements about rape-related attitudes, beliefs, and the…...
mlaWorks Cited
Allen, M., & D'Alessio, D. "Comparing male and female physiological responses to pornography: A preliminary meta-analysis." Paper presented at the Organization for the Study of Communication, Language, and Gender conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Oct 1991.
Balbus, Isaac D. Marxism and Domination: A Neo-Hegelian, Feminist, Psychoanalytic Theory of Sexual, Political and Technological Liberation. Princeton University Press. 1983.
Burt, M. "Cultural myths and supports for rape." Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1980. 38, 217-230.
Burt, M., & Albin, R. "Rape myths, rape definitions, and probability of conviction." Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 1981. 11, 212-230.
College Athletes and Alcohol Abuse
The purpose of this work in writing is to conduct a comprehensive literature review of the research in regards to the quantity and frequency of alcohol consumed by college athletes compared to non-athletes and to investigate the causes of alcohol abuse and its effects on athletic performance and the general health of college athletes.
Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption by College Athletes Compared to Non-Athletes
Summary of the culture of sports/college athletes and drinking
The work of Vamplew (2007) reports that the culture of sport is "historically…closely associated with the consumption of alcohol, as is so often the case when men- and it usually was men in those early days of sports -- get together to socialize…" (p.1) Alcohol has historically been consumed by athletes For example Vamplew writes "At the end of the nineteenth century cricketers still resorted to alcohol during a day's play and were being advised that…...
Brenner, James and Swanik, Kathleen (2007) High-Risk Drinking Characteristics in Collegiate Athletes. Journal of American College Health, Vol. 56. No.3.
Ford, J.A. (20070 Substance Use among College Athletes: a Comparison Based on Sport/Team Affiliation. Journal of American College Health, 2007, 55, 6 267-373. Retrieved from:
Nativ, A., Puffer, J.C., and Green, G.A. (1997) Lifestyle and Health Risks of Collegiate Athletes. J Fam Pract. 1991:33:585-590.
Storch, Eric A., Storch, Jason B. And Killiany, Erin, M. (nd) Self-Reported Psychopathology in Athletes: A Comparison of Intercollegiate Student-Athletes and Non-Athletes. Journal of Sport Behavior, Vol. 28, No. 1.
In college, students learn a lot about themselves as they socialize more and meet new people from diverse backgrounds. The student is pressured to develop his or her own identity in the midst of conflicting social messages. Because of the changes to the student's perspective, a person endures the pressure of a rapidly changing personal identity. The college student usually lives in a dorm room; experiencing independence for the first time can be traumatic at times especially when finances are tight. Moreover, the college student may enter into romantic relationships. Those romantic relationships are fun and exciting, but they also take up large blocks of the student's time. For example, the student might find that their romantic relationship is eating into valuable study time. As a result, the college student may have a hard time getting enough sleep or eating well. The pressures college students face are often heavy;…...
One of the great things about writing a position paper using the Bible to provide scriptural support is that the Bible is such a large document, full of internal inconsistencies, which means it can be used to support almost any position. This is especially true if you are looking at scripture in isolation, rather than viewing it as an excerpt from a larger book or as part of a cohesive theme. In fact, you might be surprised to discover that the Bible has text that can be used to argue against most of the ideas that we think of as....
Cyberbullying, which is defined as bullying that takes place over digital devices, is both similar to and different from traditional bullying. In addition, it can take place in isolation or in combination with traditional forms of bullying. It can involve a wide range of behaviors, including posing or sharing negative, harmful, mean, false, embarrassing, or humiliating information about the target. It can also involve harassing behaviors. Sometimes cyberbullying behaviors are criminal, and sometimes they are not. Cyberbullying can occur on social media, in emails, by text or DM, in SMS, in games, in forums, and in a....
When I think about what I have learned in my professional skills course, I think of those things that my parents would have called “soft skills.” To me, they are the factors that make the difference between someone looking good on a resume and someone doing well in an interview and on the job. They include several factors that relate to how well a person can work in a team, as well as factors that demonstrate someone’s ability to manage time.
Time management is probably the most important skill I have learned from this course. I never had....
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