College Admission Essays (Examples)

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A college admission essay is an essay written as part of the college admission application process.  Many colleges and universities require applicants to write an essay as part of their application.  In addition, many scholarships requir......

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College Admissions Quotas Despite Recent
Pages: 2 Words: 703

Due to the racial mixture of the Brazilian people, affirmative action is failing its intended goal. However, Rochetti does see how this system could benefit the population of Brazil with some benefits. In order to help bridge the gap between the rich educated Brazilians and the poor, uneducated people there, Rochetti believes that admission quotas should be used based not solely on an individual's race, but rather their class (Rochetti 2004). This would help bring in students of all races and mixed races, who would have been otherwise denied access to higher learning and all its benefits after graduation because they did not fit the exact racial profile. Rochetti believes that admissions quotas are ineffective in Brazil not because they are bad policies, but that they are just not being applied to the populations which need them most. Once adjustments are made, Brazil will also see the benefits of…...


Works Cited staff writers. (2003). "Narrow Use of Affirmative Action Preserved in College

Admissions." Law Center.

Rochetti, Ricardo. (2004). "Not as Easy as Black and White: The Implications of the University of Rio de Janeiro's Quota Based Admissions Policy on Affirmative Action in Brazil." Vanderbilt Journal of Transitional Law. Vol. 37

Sowell, Thomas. (1999). "Racial Quotas in College Admissions: A Critique of the Bowen and Bok Study." Hoover Digest. No. 3. p. 37.

College Admission on Why I Have Chosen
Pages: 1 Words: 317

College Admission on Why I Have Chosen to Become a Physician Assistant
The reason I have chosen to become a physician's assistant is based on my desire to be a part of the medical community. I have always had great respect for those who chose to dedicate their lives to helping others, whatever their field of career. However, the medical community holds a strong attraction for me because it is ever changing with new treatments and innovative techniques discovered almost daily.

My family instilled in me the value of an education and the sense of duty to service that we each owe society.

Knowledge is the one thing that cannot be taken from you and service to society is the responsibility we each carry.

Moreover, I am also aware of the value of persistence and dedication to overcoming challenges and obstacles. I have learned to achieve my goals in life by fully applying…...

Foreign Student College Admissions Application Am Planning
Pages: 2 Words: 503

Foreign Student College Admissions Application am planning on transferring to an American university to further my education. I have lived in the United States for the past two years as an international student. Attending ESL school here opened me to new people and learning situations and also helped me be more outgoing. The confidence that comes from learning a new language enabled me to meet new friends. I blended in well with my peers and am ready to experience more cultural immersion from the American university system. Ultimately I hope to develop my career goals as well.
A attended ESL school in the great city of Boston. Boston is an amazing cultural center and offers a lot of history and art. I have learned a lot just from walking around the city, taking in the sights, and going to museums. Boston is a perfect place to learn about American history because…...

Race and College Admissions
Pages: 6 Words: 1868

Introduction This paper aims to appraise the document submitted to the United States Supreme Court by the American Sociological Association (ASA) on a Michigan Law School case. This paper presents a summary of the argument maintained by the ASA. This paper further presents an argument on race's relevance by college admissions officers in deciding whom to accept into a college.
Ethnic and racial diversity in the student body is considered a valuable educational experience in American higher education. This diversity is also regarded as a means of rectifying the problems caused by the unfair discrimination exhibited against certain groups of people. Due to the low representation of racial and ethnic minority groups in many institutions' student bodies, some admission policies have made allowances for racial preference to be used as an admission criterion to encourage more minority students' admission. But using racial or ethnic preference as an admission criterion to benefit a…...



Bielby, W. T. (2003). ASA submits Amicus brief in U.S. supreme court case on affirmative action in college admissions. Retrieved from  

Garces, L. M. (2009). The impact of allowing the consideration of race in admissions policies on the representation of students of color at Texas professional and graduate schools. Retrieved from 

Hanssen, C. (2015). Should race be a factor in college admissions? Retrieved from 

Klosowski, T. (2010). Should race still be a factor in college admissions? Retrieved from 

Oyez. (2003). Grutter v. Bollinger. Retrieved from 

Sayo, K., & Choi, E. (2016). How race plays a role in college admissions. The Mirror, Van Nuys High School, 6. Retrieved from 

Uerling, D. (2004). Racial and ethnic preferences in college admissions: how much is too much? Journal of Women in Educational Leadership, 110. Retrieved from 

Affirmative Action Should Race Be a Factor in Deciding College Admissions
Pages: 8 Words: 2310

Affirmative Action - Should ace be a Factor in Deciding College Admissions?
Should race be a deciding factor for college admissions? The debate is one that is hotly contested among students and administrators alike. Many feel that in a tight job market acquiring a college educational is an essential prerequisite for career advancement (Worsnop, 1996) thus competition for admission to many of the nation's best universities is increasing.

In addition tuition expenses are also rapidly rising and applicants are seeking out more and more scholarships and other forms of academic assistance to overcome financial obstacles. Most employers seek out candidates that have at minimum acquired an undergraduate degree. Thus competition is fierce and candidates are seeking out equal opportunities not only with respect to admissions but also with respect to financial assistance.

Currently the state of the educational system at higher universities is in flux. Many universities report that minority populations are under-represented,…...



Gurin, Patricia; Dey, Eric; Hurtado, Sylvia; Gurin, Gerald. "Affirmative Action Encourages

Educational Diversity." Civil Rights. Karen F. Balkin, Ed. Current Controversies Series. Greenhaven Press, 2004. From: Patricia Gurin, Eric L. Dey, Sylvia Hurtado, and Gerald Gurin, "Diversity and Higher Education: Theory and Impact on Educational Outcomes," Harvard Educational Review, vol. 72, Fall 2002

Jost, K. (2001, September 21). Affirmative action. The CQ Researcher Online, 11, 737-760. Retrieved November 27, 2004, from   Document ID: cqresrre2001092100. .

Jost, K. (1995, April 28). Rethinking affirmative action. The CQ Researcher Online. Retrieved November 27, 2004, from   Document ID: cqresrre1995042800 .

Debate Against Racial Preference in College Admissions Affirmative Action
Pages: 3 Words: 859

Racial Profiling
Drachman, Edward R., Robert Langran, and Alan Shank. Case 4: Race-Based Affirmative

Action in College Admissions: Keep It, Mend It, or End It? You Decide: Controversial cases in American Politics. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield, 2008. 47-67. Print.

Colleges have given three main justifications for affirmative action policies that would aid certain minority applicants, especially African-Americans and Hispanics: to compensate for long-standing practices of discrimination; to achieve diversity of the student body; and to overcome 'underrepresentation' of historically disadvantaged groups (47).

In California in 1995, the Board of Regents decided to stop race-based admissions, and the next year voters passed Proposition 209, which ended racial preferences in all public-sector state programs including college admissions; and laws were soon enacted in Washington State and Florida prohibiting state universities from using race-based admissions policies (48).

Critics of racial preference in college admission argue that:

The U.S. Constitution, especially the Fourth Amendment, protects individuals, not groups

The Constitution calls…...


"The Supreme Court under its new chief justice decided the Meredith v. Jefferson County case, involving the Louisville, Kentucky, public schools, and a companion case involving the public schools of Seattle, Washington, it outlawed the use of race or diversity for any purpose -- benign as well as punitive, inclusionary, or exclusionary. The court found there is no compelling state interest that would justify acknowledgement of group characteristics in public education or the value of diversity" (xv-xvi).

Wygant v. Jackson Board of Education (1986): "Required that the use of racial classification support a compelling interest of state and be narrowly tailored to satisfy that particular interest. The court's ruling in this case also stated that historic social discrimination was not by itself a compelling reason for an affirmative action policy, and that a public employer should only enact such a policy if it is indeed needed" (7).

1994 -- 5th Circuit of the U.S. District Court of Appeals "held that the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th Amendment does not permit the University of Texas to establish admissions policies that give preferential treatment to one race over another" (7).

Should the SAT Be Optional for College Admission
Pages: 5 Words: 1898

Future for the SAT?
Today, the American College Testing (ACT) and Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) and SAT Subject Tests are among the most commonly used standardized tests to evaluate academic potential and progress. In the case of the SATs, these standardized tests are specifically designed to evaluate student academic readiness for entry into college. According to the SAT's vendor, The College Board, "These exams provide a path to opportunities, financial support, and scholarships, in a way that's fair to all students. The SAT and SAT Subject Tests keep pace with what colleges are looking for today, measuring the skills required for success in the 21st century" (About the tests, 2015, para. 2). Unfortunately, far too many educators and educational institutions use the results of standardized tests such as the SATs that do not conform to this stated purpose, making the need for a careful analysis concerning appropriate applications for these…...



About the tests. (2015). The College Board. Retrieved from .

Atkinson, B. M. (2012, May-June). Target practice: Reader response theory and teachers' interpretations of students' SAT 10 scores in databased professional development. Journal of Teacher Education, 63(3), 201-205.

Finn, A. S., Kraft, M. A. & West, M. R. (2015). Cognitive skills, student achievement tests, and schools. Psychological Science (in press).

Helm, D. M. (2008, Fall). Standardized test scores as acceptance criteria for dental hygiene programs. Journal of Allied Health, 37(3), 169-173.

how i am going to change the world
Pages: 1 Words: 270

“Be the change you want to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi’s quote highlights the importance of taking action to promote positive social change. When I consider the ways I will contribute to creating positive social change, I keep in mind my heroes: those who have stood up to oppression and injustice like Gandhi, King, Mandela, and Malala. Although I may not be Nobel Peace Prize material, I can make a difference in the world by embodying the changes I want to see in how organizations are managed. I intend to make a positive social change through my work as a human resources specialist My work as a human resources manager will be complex, as I advocate on behalf of employees to help create an organizational culture that best reflects the values, goals, and ideals of the company. At the same time, I recognize that all firms thrive when they can…...



Edberg, H. (2013). Gandhi’s 10 rules for changing the world. Retrieved online: 

College Admissions Essay
Pages: 8 Words: 2199

Essay Topic Examples
1. The Influence of Cultural Identity on Educational Aspirations:
     Explore how your cultural background has shaped your aspirations, values, and goals, and how it will contribute to the college community.

2. Overcoming ersonal Challenges to Achieve Academic Success:
     Detail a significant challenge you've faced, how you overcame it, and what lessons you took from the experience that have prepared you for college.

3. The Impact of a Meaningful Extracurricular Experience:
     Describe an extracurricular activity that has had a significant impact on your personal development and how it reflects your potential for success in college.

4. A Creative Venture That Reveals Your Innovative Side:
     Discuss a creative project or idea you initiated or participated in and how it demonstrates your problem-solving skills, creativity, and readiness for college-level work.

5. Vision for the Future: Career Goals and College Education:
     Articulate your career aspirations, how a college education will help…...


Primary Sources

Hernandez, Michele A. Acing the College Application: How to Maximize Your Chances for Admission to the College of Your Choice. Ballantine Books, 2002.

Montgomery, Mark H., and David J. Argue. Gatekeepers: Inside the Admissions Process of a Premier College. New York: Viking, 2002.

College Board. The College Application Essay, 6th ed., College Board, 2017.

Myers McGinty, Sarah. The College Application Essay, 5th ed., College Board, 2012.

Yale University. \"Essays\". Undergraduate Admissions, .

College Entrance
Pages: 2 Words: 681

earliest childhood I have been fascinated with architecture. Even as a little child working with crayons and magic markers, I was drawing buildings and bridges while other children drew family members, animals and flowers. My favorite toys were Legos and building blocks, and unlike many boys my age, my pleasure was always in constructing and never in demolition. I pursued the art of building throughout my childhood, and by the time I was in middle school I already knew that I wanted to be an architect. It should be no surprise, then, that when I informally began my college search a few years ago, Ball State University quickly distinguished itself in my mind as a school whose architecture and design programs would help me succeed in my life goals.
I have always stayed focused on my goal to become a great architect and a credit to my family and school.…...

Hollywood College Admissions Cheating Scheme Essay
Pages: 9 Words: 2714

The Hollywood Cheating Scandal exposed what life is like on the other side of the tracks—the side where wealth and fame are used to buy a way into top-tier schools for trust fund kids.  The college admissions cheating scheme involved some big names across a range of industries:  actors, actresses, fashion moguls, Wall Street guys, real estate giants, doctors and many others were all implicated in the scheme along with Ivy League teachers, coaches, and test takers.  This article will discuss what happened, why, and what it means for America.

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Universities and Colleges It Has
Pages: 1 Words: 440

Part 2

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"What does this mean to you based on the readings?" loosely coupled system is one that only occasionally works, and sometimes produces unpredictable results. Given the disparate goals and social elements of the modern university, a university is clearly such a loosely coupled system. Students come wanting a degree to get a good job and may have to take liberal arts courses they dislike, professors who want to research must teach students with little interest in deeper, critical thinking about life, the university community is diverse and brings together teachers, students, and administrators with different backgrounds and views of the purpose of life and education -- and sometimes students, faculty, and administrators use their position for social change, other times college is simply a place to 'fill time.'

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Fashion merchandiser college admission essay
Pages: 2 Words: 535

The retail industry has quickly emerged into a fast paced, dynamic environment, predicated on speed to market. Not longer are the antiquated business practices of older retain organizations applicable within the much faster paced environment. As such, skills that require critical thinking and data analytics are much more sought after. I believe, with my skills and abilities provide a solid foundation within fashion merchandizing focus. For one, my analytical skills provide a good basis in which to review critical data required to be a successful fashion merchandiser. These skills which often includes the ability to forecast sales trends, review overall materials costs, determining which market can support the product and determining project profitability of retail projects.In addition, I also posses strong critical thinking needed to be nimble as a fashion merchandizer. Here, my background throughout has proven my ability to think critical through proper analysis of the data. This critical…...

Quinnipiac University Admissions
Pages: 2 Words: 703

pursuit of my MBA and CFA certification, is why I am interested in the business and financial world. My answer is not an academic one, but one rooted in the knowledge of how a failure to engage in appropriate financial planning can have an impact that ripples throughout one's family. I began my college education by attending Hudson County Community College (HCCC), where I initially majored in engineering. However, like many people in my age group who come from less affluent beginnings, I was unable to devote myself full-time to my studies. In addition to having the responsibility of paying for my own education, I also felt responsibility to help support my family. As a result, I did not have the time or attention that I needed to devote to my studies. My grades suffered and, in reality, I was in danger of becoming a college dropout. This would…...

Applications Decision Models Supply Chain Management How
Pages: 8 Words: 2351

Applications Decision Models Supply Chain Management
How will emerging web-based technologies and decision models change supply chains in the future? The response to this question has incredible stakes. It is projected that the Internet has the prospect to capture more than $1 trillion from the $7 trillion spent every year on mechanisms, supplies, and services globally (USA Today, 2008, p. I). How this will occur is a high-priority subject in many industries and companies at the moment. In this paper, I endeavor to develop our indulgent of this serious issue by developing a conceptual framework for how supply-chain companies may react to emerging technologies in order to make competitive leeway's. The model suggests that one method by which buyers and suppliers can together perk up their competitive position is to study how to intelligently incorporate the new technologies into their day by day activities and methods. This can be done through…...



Clark, K.B., and T. Fujimoto. Product Development Performance. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001.

Eppinger, Steven D., Daniel E. Whitney Robert P. Smith, and David Gebala. 'Model-Based Method for Organizing Tasks in Product Development. Research in Engineering Design. 2006, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-13.

Fleischer, M., and J. Liker. Concurrent Engineering Effectiveness: Integrating Product Development across Organizations. Cincinnati, OH: Hanser Gardner, 2009.

Horovitz, B. Fast-Food Giant's New Plan: Hot, Juicy Made to Order. USA Today. Feb. 20, 2008, pp. B1-B2.

Could you give me an example of essay background about \"My Future Plan\"? I want to know the composition of essay background. Thank you.
Words: 410

How to approach a future plans essay depends on the exact prompt used in the essay.  So, the first thing that you want to do is to make sure that you understand the question.  The first thing to do is to consider your audience? Are you writing a future plans essay for college admissions, for a scholarship, or as part of the interview process for an internship or job?  You want to make sure and write your essay with your audience in mind; your future plans need to align with the plans that the audience may have....

Describe the career that you would like to pursue after earning a graduate degree?
Words: 300

This prompt appears to be related to a graduate school admission essay and should, ideally, draw upon your personal experience.  It is difficult to advise you about what to write, because we simply do not have the information from you to answer those questions.  Are you going to be in the same field?  Are you entering the business world for the first time?  What has led you to choose this particular career?  Graduate school admission essays are a little different from college admission essays, because they are a little easier for admissions offices to fact-check.  


how to write a college admission essay?
Words: 419

Writing a college admission essay is a crucial step in the application process. To ensure success, follow these tips for formatting and spacing:

1. Begin with a clear introduction that grabs the reader's attention and outlines your main points.

2. Use a standard font such as Times New Roman or Arial, and set the font size to 12 point.

3. Double-space your essay to make it easier to read and to allow for comments or corrections.

4. Create a separate paragraph for each new idea or point you want to make.

5. Use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling throughout your essay.

6. Be sure to address....

how to write a college admission essay?
Words: 421

Crafting a Compelling College Admission Essay: A Comprehensive Guide

1. Choose a Meaningful Topic:

Select an experience, accomplishment, or belief that holds deep significance in your life.
Consider topics that reveal your passions, values, and aspirations.
Choose something that you can write about authentically and passionately.

2. Establish a Strong Hook:

Begin with an engaging anecdote, intriguing question, or thought-provoking statement.
Capture the reader's attention and make them want to delve deeper into your essay.

3. Develop a Clear Thesis Statement:

Clearly articulate the main point of your essay in a single, concise sentence.
This statement should serve as a roadmap for your....

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