Cocaine Essays (Examples)

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Cocaine and Crack Proletariat Hunger
Pages: 5 Words: 1433

There is no valuable sustenance in crack or cocaine, and is used mainly as a recreational drug by many. This, in some ways, leaves the inner cities and crime and moves to the wealthier middle and upper middle classes who use the cocaine and not the crack version for recreation. This is the society of Jay McInerney's seminal 1980s fictional tale of New York 20-something lives, "right Lights, ig City."
Cocaine users have and have had their "scene" for quite some time, and for the, the currency is still money, rather than the drug itself. That is how recreational cocaine users differ from the crime-influenced hunger satisfier described in the proletariat hunger killer definition. There is not the sense of urgent necessity outside of the biological influence of the drug itself, of course.

In other words, recreational cocaine users may indeed get addicted and the drug may indeed replace their hunger,…...



Canadian Drug Addiction Information:'s Web page:

Cocaine Botanical Origins Cocaine Is Synthesized From
Pages: 5 Words: 1382

Botanical Origins

Cocaine is synthesized from the leaves of the coca plant. These plants grow in Bolivia, Peru, Columbia, Africa, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Formosa. The leaf contains between 0.5% and 1.5% cocaine and the processing methods extract pure cocaine from the leaves.

In the late 15th century, the Incan people thought coca leaves were direct gifts from the gods in order to help them through the brutal physical abuse of working long days and nights in the gold and silver mines at very high altitudes. These people used the leaves during their burial ceremonies and religious rituals; they were controlled as a very special blessing from supreme beings. By mixing the coca leaf with lime or ash, the chewers could "graze" for days - offsetting the effects of physical and mental exhaustion.

Invaders to the Incan and Andean cultures were divided over the "permitted" use of the coca leaves by these people. One…...


Honer, W.G., Gewirtz, G., Tuey, M. "Psychosis and violence in cocaine smokers." Lancet 288:451.

Budd, R.D. "Cocaine abuse and violent death." Am J. Drug Alcohol Abuse 15:375(1989):82.

Licata, A., Taylor, S., Berman, M., et al. "Effects of cocaine on human aggression." Pharmacol Biochem Behav 45 (1993):549-552.

Cocaine Addiction and Effects Cocaine May Not
Pages: 2 Words: 582

Cocaine Addiction and Effects
Cocaine may not be a problem in itself but its overdose and consistent abuse leads to numerous behavioral and psychological changes, which are often undesirable. Cocaine alters chemical processes in the brain giving the person an illusion of happiness and well-being. This is dangerous since a person needs to maintain a proper perspective on things in his life but cocaine can hide the pain, keeping the person in a state of elation. However this effect doesn't last very long and there comes a stage when cocaine stops producing this effect on brain but by then it is impossible to quit since one becomes addicted to it. National Institute on Drug Abuse states:

"As cocaine abuse continues, tolerance often develops. This means that higher doses and more frequent use of cocaine are required for the brain to register the same level of pleasure experienced during initial use. ecent studies…...



1) Cocaine Abuse and Addiction Retrieved online 17th Dec 2004: 

2) National Institute on drug Abuse: Research report: Retrieved online 17th Dec 2004:

Cocaine the Long-Term and Short-Term
Pages: 3 Words: 1193

The good news for those keeping an eye on the health of students in secondary school is that there has been a "…significant decline in the 30-day prevalence of powder cocaine use among 8th, 10th, and 12th graders from its peak use in the late 1990s" (nida).
Sexual Addiction

Author Paul Earley writes in the Cocaine Recovery Book that cocaine stimulates the part of the brain that stirs a sexual feeling along while decreasing a person's inhibitions. So, given the heightened sexual arousal, and a decrease in inhibition, the cocaine addict can become addicted to sexual behaviors that can be "…compulsive and bizarre… [and hence the person may] progress from compulsive and ritualistic sex to shame and remorse" (Earley, 1991). In fact Earley asserts that some male cocaine addicts try to get females addicted to the drug, engendering "…a dual addiction to sex and cocaine" (147).

Treatments for Cocaine Addiction

According to the…...


Works Cited (2012). What are the short-term effects of cocaine use? Retrieved April 25,

2013, from . (2012). What is Cocaine? Retrieved April 25, 2013, from

Cocaine Market Since the Late
Pages: 5 Words: 1586

Part of the reason for cocaine's rise in popularity was due to the fact that early on, many people didn't understand that the drug could have harmful side effects for those who use it. It wasn't until the early 1970's that the drug was made illegal and by that time there was already millions of Americans who were using cocaine. This allowed drug dealers such as those in Colombia to set up cartels that operated out of Colombia and made huge profits from the drug trade throughout the 70's and 80's and even continuing in to the present. Although the United States Government has done a lot in the past few decades to educate the public and restrict cocaine's distribution, I believe it's popularity and marketability before that time has made it a major player in the financing of the nation's overall drug market throughout the years.



Works Cited

Brecher, Edward. Front Line. A Social History of America's Most Popular Drugs.

Licit and Illicit Drugs. Pg 282.

Business Heroes. John Stith Pemberton: The Inventor of Coca Cola. Pgs. 4-6. 1998.

Drug Facts. Study Conducted by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. June 2005. .

Cocaine in California Cocaine Production
Pages: 13 Words: 4304

African-American street gang members, primarily affiliates of Bloods and Crips, distribute crack cocaine and marijuana in the HIDTA region. Asian street gangs dominate distribution of MDMA and high-potency marijuana at the retail level.[footnoteRef:10] Members of the OMGs, most notably Hells Angels Motorcycle Club (HAMC), are the ones that are really known to distribute powder cocaine, methamphetamine, and marijuana at the midlevel and retail level. [9: Vega, .A., Alderete, E., Kolody, B., & Aguilar-Gaxiola, S. "Illicit drug use among mexicans and mexican-Americans in california: The effects of gender and acculturation." Addiction 12.9 (2009): 12-54.] [10: "The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics." Davenport-Hines, Richard. New York City .. Norton & Company; First edition, 2002. 1-576.]

The Central Valley HIDTA region is considered to be a regional and regional-level distribution center for ice methamphetamine and cocaine created in the region as well as ice cocaine, marijuana, and heroin trafficked all…...


Works Cited

Callaghan, R.C., Cunningham, J.K., Allebeck, P., Arenovich, T., Sajeev, G., Remington, G., Kish, S.J. "Methamphetamine use and schizophrenia: A population-based cohort study in california." The American Journal of Psychiatry 19.5 (2012): 23-28.

"The Pursuit of Oblivion: A Global History of Narcotics." Davenport-Hines, Richard. New York City W.W. Norton & Company; First edition, 2002. 1-576.

Forster, G. "Quotas in the drug war." Policy Review 29.9 (2004): 21-28.


Heroin and Cocaine Addiction and Overdose and How it Effects Families
Pages: 6 Words: 2045

Cocaine is a crystalline alkaloid obtained from the leaves of the coca plant. It is a stimulant, appetite suppressant and a sodium channel blocker that causes it to be an anesthetic at low doses. It is highly addictive because of its effect on the brain's reward pathways. Cocaine is more dangerous than many other stimulants because of its effect on the sodium channel in the body's chemistry, which, under higher dosages may cause sudden cardiac arrest. Cocaine is unique as a molecule because it has pockets that allow it to cross the blood-brain barrier quite quickly and easily (Sommers, 2008). High dosages or repeated use may also cause a breakdown in the blood-brain barrier, allowing the user to experience greater psychoactive episodes from other substances (Sharma, H., et al., 2009).
Historical Background - From a historical perspective, the use of cocaine and other psychoactive substances is neither novel nor new. In…...


Works Cited

Anthenelli, D. (2010). Vaccine for Cocaine Addiction: A Promising new Immunotherapy. Current Psychiatry, 9(9), 16-19.

Clarke, P., & Myers, J. (2012). Developmental Counseling and Therapy. Journal of Mental Health Counseling, 34(4), 23-37. Retrieved from Journal of Mental Health Counseling.

Goldbaum, E. (2012, May 9). Chronic Cocaine Use Triggers Changes in Brain's Neuron Structure. Retrieved from University at Buffalo News Center: 

Gootenberg, P. (2008). Cocaine: The Making of a Global Drug. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.

Redux Beverages LLC and Cocaine
Pages: 5 Words: 1654

To cope with the FDA uproar, Cocaine was forced to add a "humorous slogan…explaining that the beverage did not contain the illegal drug cocaine" (Thompson 2012: 1).
But although government regulations have occasionally thwarted Cocaine, other developing conditions have enhanced its appeal. It has a vibrant social media presence. Its ability to engage with users, posting pictures of people getting Cocaine under a Christmas tree or making edgy status updates that play upon the company name, has been a boon to the company. Also, given that availability has been challenging in some areas, given that Cocaine has been pulled from the shelves by retailers who have had customer complaints about the name, social media enables loyal patrons to more easily find where Cocaine is being sold.

Conclusion: Positioning

The driving tangible reason that consumers buy Cocaine is primarily its caffeine content. Taste is hardly an issue, given that many loyalists prefer shots…...


Works Cited

"Cocaine Energy Drink." reviews. [2 Apr 2013] 

"FDA finds Cocaine energy drink illegal." CADCA. 2007. [2 Apr 2013]

Vigabatrin for Treatment of Cocaine
Pages: 5 Words: 1573

These therapies are widely used to overcome patients with drugs problems which include male or female patients. These are psychological and medical treatments to decrease the use of cocaine and sedative drugs in the patient. These include therapies, and use of the medical drugs to reduce the patients impulsive desire to use cocaine regularly. Female patients could not treat in the case of pregnancy positive test results. Patients treated with vigabatrin therapies were reported more positive result compared to other similar available therapies.

Cocaine is sedative drug which causes brain damage and nervous blockage. Many studies have been done on cocaine addiction, which are very promising these days across different countries of the world. The two widely used treatments are vigabatrin and placebo therapies. These are psychological and medical treatments to decrease the use of cocaine and sedative drugs in the patient. These include therapies, and use of the medical…...



Brodie J.D., Figueroa E., Laska E.M. And Dewey S.L. Safety and efficacy of gamma-vinyl GABA (GVG) for the treatment of methamphetamine and/or cocaine addiction. Synapse 2005; 55:122 -- 125

Brodie J.D., Figueroa E. And Dewey S.L. Treating cocaine addiction: from preclinical to clinical trial experience with gamma-vinyl GABA. Synapse 2003; 50:261 -- 265

Jonathan D. Brodie, Brady G. Case, Emilia Figueroa, Stephen L. Dewey, James a. Robinson, Joseph a. Wanderling, Eugene M. Laska. Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Vigabatrin for the Treatment of Cocaine Dependence in Mexican Parolees

Outpatient Programs Mental Depression Cocaine Dependence Treatment
Pages: 2 Words: 670

Outpatients With Depression and Cocaine Dependence
Outpatient Programs, Mental Depression, Cocaine Dependence, Treatment

Increasing Treatment Adherance Among Outpatients with Depression and Cocaine Dependence: esults of a Pilot Study

This research study by Dennis C. Daley (1998) was conducted to examine the effect of a modified motivational therapy intervention on outpatient treatment adherence and completion for patients with co morbid depressive disorder and cocaine dependence. This study was located using EBSCOhost, data: academic search premier, field: TI -- title, key words; outpatient, cocaine, dependence.

The significance of this study lies in the finding that an outpatient program combining individual and group motivational therapy sessions holds promise for improving treatment adherence and completion among depressed patients with cocaine dependence. Depression is common among cocaine-dependent patients and poor adherence with outpatient treatment among cocaine-dependent patients is well documented. The majority of these patients drop out within 1 month of treatment. Cocaine-dependent patients treated on an inpatient…...



Daley, D.C., Salloum, I.M., Zuckoff, A., Kirisci, L., & Thase, M.E. (1998, November) Increasing treatment adherance among outpatients with depression and cocaine dependence: Results of a pilot study. American journal of psychiatry, 155:1611-1613. Retrieved September 19, 2011, from

Counselling Marijuana Cocaine Heroin Ecstasy
Pages: 6 Words: 1778

They are the ones who handle jobs that require expertise. Their job itself is difficult that not everybody can accept the responsibility. With this continuously growing number of addicts and/or substance-abused people, indeed, we need to have more and more credible substance abuse counselors to somehow alleviate this problem.

Block I, Ghoneim. MM 1993. Effects of chronic marijuana use on human cognition. Psychopharmacology 100(1-2):219-228,

Brook JS, Balka EB, Whiteman M. 1999.: The risks for late adolescence of early adolescent marijuana use. Am J. Public Health 89(10):1549-1554

Fisher. Gary, Harrison, T. 2004. Substance Abuse: Information for School Counselors, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors (3rd Edition). Allyn and Bacon.

Gruber, AJ, Pope HG, Hudson HI, Yurgelun-Todd D. 2003. Attributes of long-term heavy cannabis users: A case control study. Psychological Medicine 33:1415-1422.

Lehman WE, Simpson DD. 1992. Employee substance abuse and on-the-job behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology 77(3):309-321.

Marijuana and Health. 2001. Syndistar Inc.

Pope HG, Yurgelun-Todd D.…...



Block RI, Ghoneim. MM 1993. Effects of chronic marijuana use on human cognition. Psychopharmacology 100(1-2):219-228,

Brook JS, Balka EB, Whiteman M. 1999.: The risks for late adolescence of early adolescent marijuana use. Am J. Public Health 89(10):1549-1554

Fisher. Gary, Harrison, T. 2004. Substance Abuse: Information for School Counselors, Social Workers, Therapists, and Counselors (3rd Edition). Allyn and Bacon.

Gruber, AJ, Pope HG, Hudson HI, Yurgelun-Todd D. 2003. Attributes of long-term heavy cannabis users: A case control study. Psychological Medicine 33:1415-1422.

Physiological Effects and Treatments for
Pages: 3 Words: 902

Different routes of cocaine administration can produce different adverse effects. egularly snorting cocaine, for example, can lead to loss of sense of smell, nosebleeds, problems with swallowing, hoarseness, and an overall irritation of the nasal septum, which can lead to a chronically inflamed, runny nose. Ingested cocaine can cause severe bowel gangrene, due to reduced blood flow. Persons who inject cocaine have puncture marks and tracks, most commonly in their forearms. Intravenous cocaine users may also experience an allergic reaction, either to the drug, or to some additive in street cocaine, which can result, in severe cases, in death. Because cocaine has a tendency to decrease food intake, many chronic cocaine users lose their appetites and can experience significant weight loss and malnourishment. The human liver combines cocaine and alcohol and manufactures a third substance, cocaethylene, which intensifies cocaine's euphoric effects 3. The mixture of cocaine and alcohol is the…...



1. Quaglio G, Lugoboni F, Pajusco B, Fornasiero a, Mezzelani P, Lechi a. [Clinical manifestations of cocaine abuse]. Ann Ital Med Int. Oct-Dec 2004;19(4):291-301; quiz 302-293.

2. White SM, Lambe CJ. The pathophysiology of cocaine abuse. J Clin Forensic Med. Mar 2003;10(1):27-39.

3. Velasquez EM, Anand RC, Newman WP, 3rd, Richard SS, Glancy DL. Cardiovascular complications associated with cocaine use. J La State Med Soc. Nov-Dec 2004;156(6):302-310; quiz 311.

4. Sofuoglu M, Kosten TR. Novel approaches to the treatment of cocaine addiction. CNS Drugs. 2005;19(1):13-25.

Drug Abuse in Eastern Kentucky
Pages: 9 Words: 3027

drug use and abuse in the United States and presents differing approaches that are used (or proposed) to get a handle on the problem. There is no doubt that the drug abuse issue is not new and it is not being reduced by any significant amount. This paper presents statistics and scholarly research articles that delve into various aspects of the drug abuse issue in the United States, with particular emphasis on drugs that are abused in eastern Kentucky and generally in the Appalachian communities.
History of Drug Use & Availability

The history of illegal drug use in the United States goes back to the 19th Century, according to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). The DEA has a Museum in Arlington, Virginia, that illustrates the history of drug discoveries, drug use, and drug abuse through the years. The DEA reports that morphine, heroin, and cocaine were "discovered" in the 19th…...


Works Cited

Bureau of Justice Statistics. (2008). Drugs and Crime Facts / Drug Use / Youth. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from

Drug Enforcement Agency. (2012). Illegal Drugs in America: A Modern History. Retrieved November 30, 2012, from .

Grant, Judith. (2007). Rural women's stories of recovery from addition. Addiction Research and Theory, 15(5), 521-541.

Havens, Jennifer R., Oser, Carrie B., and Leukefeld, Carl G. (2011). Injection risk behaviors

Disparity in Sentencing for Crack
Pages: 13 Words: 4592

It is a matter of opinion as to whether this is actually accurate, but it does appear to be logical (Payne, 1997).
This is an important analogy because of the fact that many individuals who are targeted for a particular reason will often attempt to find a disparity issue that they can use to insist that they have been treated unfairly. In drug use or sale issues, these people are targeted because of the offense that they have committed, but when sentencing is handed down, those who feel that they received too harsh of a sentence will work to find reasons that they believe their sentencing to be unfair.

Race is only one reason that these individuals use. Others include gender, age, and whether the amount of drug that they had is a felony or should be a misdemeanor instead. Some of the speculation into why some individuals feel that they…...



Banks, C. (2004). Criminal Justice Ethics: Theory and Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Blumstein, a. et. al. (1983). Research on sentencing: The Search for Reform.

Drug Use Trends. (1997, September-October). Slow development in "crack babies" may be caused by conditions of urban poverty, says new study. Retrieved at 

Education Reforms and Students at Risk: A review of the current state of the art. (1994, January). Chapter 2: Student Background. Retrieved at

Contingency Management Alcohol & Marijuana
Pages: 41 Words: 11354

" (1995)
The authors state: "The amphetamines occasioned dose-related increases in d- amphetamine-appropriate responding, whereas hydromorphone did not. Amphetamines also occasioned dose-related increases in reports of the drug being most like "speed," whereas hydromorphone did not. However, both amphetamines and hydromorphone occasioned dose-related increases in reports of drug liking and in three scales of the ARCI. Thus, some self-report measures were well correlated with responding on the drug-appropriate lever and some were not. Lamb and Henningfield (1994) suggest that self-reports are complexly controlled by both the private event and the subject's history of experience with the drug. Some of the self-reports they observed (e.g., feels like speed) are probably occasioned by a relatively narrow range of stimuli because in the subject's experience with drug administration, these reports have been more selectively reinforced by the verbal community relative to other reports (e.g., drug liking). They also suggest that these results imply that…...



Budney, Alan J. et al. (2006) Clinical Trial of Abstinence-Based Vouchers and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Cannabis Dependence. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology 2006. Vol.. 74 No. 2. 2006 American Psychological Association.

McRae, a.; Budney, a.; & Brady, K. (2002) Treatment of Marijuana Dependence: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 24 (2003)

Pathways of Addiction: Opportunities in Drug Abuse Research (1996) Institute of Medicine (IOM)

Kamon, J; Budney, a. & Stanger, C. (2005)a Contingency Management Intervention for Adolescent Marijuana Abuse and Conduct Problems. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 44(6):513-521, June 2005.

Is there anything in the news related to drug trafficking in italu that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 412

One recent news story related to drug trafficking in Italy is the arrest of Italian mafia boss Raffaele Imperiale in Dubai in November 2021. Imperiale has been on the run since 2016, when he was convicted in Italy for drug trafficking and sentenced to 30 years in prison. His arrest highlights the global reach of Italian organized crime groups and the challenges law enforcement agencies face in tracking down and apprehending these powerful criminals.

Another potential essay topic related to drug trafficking in Italy is the increasing use of cryptocurrency by drug traffickers to facilitate their illicit activities. In recent years,....

Is there anything in the news related to drug trafficking in italu that would make a good essay subject?
Words: 855

Drug Trafficking in Italy: A Complex and Evolving Problem


Italy, located at the crossroads of the Mediterranean Sea, has long been a strategic transit route for drug trafficking from producing countries to consumer markets in Northern Europe and beyond. In recent years, the country has faced significant challenges in combating drug trafficking, with organized crime groups playing a major role in the illicit trade. This essay will explore the current state of drug trafficking in Italy, examining its impact on society, the efforts of law enforcement to combat it, and the need for comprehensive strategies to address this complex problem.

The Role....

How has the legalization of marijuana in certain states impacted the overall drug policy in the United States?
Words: 634

The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on US Drug Policy

The legalization of marijuana in certain US states has significantly impacted the nation's overall drug policy. This pivotal shift has sparked a multifaceted debate, influencing law enforcement, public health, and the legal framework surrounding illicit substances.

Law Enforcement:

Prior to legalization, marijuana possession was a primary focus of law enforcement efforts. The "War on Drugs" policy led to mass arrests and incarcerations, disproportionately affecting minority communities. However, legalization has reduced the strain on law enforcement resources, freeing up officers to focus on more serious crimes. Additionally, it has diminished the drug trade's profitability, depriving....

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