Coca Cola Essays (Examples)

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Coca Cola in India Coca
Pages: 7 Words: 2301

Coca cola challenged this criticism and took assistance from the U.S. Embassy situated in India.

For regaining its position in India, Sanjiv Gupta, a coca cola representative, did research and then showed the results to public through websites and advertisement. Sanjiv Gupta showed a great example of regaining the position of a brand after severe criticism. Coca cola fought bravely in this attack and openly communicated with the public.

Future of coca cola

Coca cola is the leading brand of the world. Coca cola advertisement and other promotional activities are at its peak. In order to sustain its position in the market it is imperative that coca cola should keep on altering its strategies according to the changing tastes of customer. Besides this, it is also essential for the company to maintain the financial position so that it can develop a constant relation with the shareholders. The present position of coca cola in…...



Bell, L. (2003). The Story of Coca-Cola. London: Black Rabbit Books.

Company, D.P., & Allen., F. (1999). Secret Formula: How Brilliant Marketing and Relentless Salesmanship Made Coca-Cola the Best-Known Product in the World. Chicago: Diane Publishing Company.

Eldred, M.J. (2008). The Emperors of Coca Cola. Chicago:

Gill, M., & Gill, C. (2008). Coke or Pepsi? London: Fine Print Publishing Company.

Coca-Cola vs Pepsico Company Company Financial Comparative
Pages: 5 Words: 1468

Company Financial Comparative Study

Coca-Cola Company and Pepsi Incorporation are beverage-producing companies worldwide. Over the years, people have had different opinions and ideas about the two companies, although their products are meant to serve the same purpose. Both plants have sub-plants, although Coca-Cola Company has its sub-plants worldwide. Pepsi Company has managed to set plants in specified regions, which serve as strong hold of the company. Pension plans set by both companies have also affected the level of investment and risk in the companies, and has also affected their level of production and sell of their products worldwide. Both companies have established strong public relations worldwide which aids them in linking the consumers to the company.


Both companies have diversified products that face competition from the rival company, and have different pension schemes. Pension schemes for both companies aim at benefiting their retired employees, and each company uses different…...



Haslett, W. (2010). Risk Mnanagement: Foundations For a Changing Financial World. Chicago: Wiley Publishers.

Kortleve, N.N. (2006). Fair Value and Pension Fund Management. London: Emerald Group Publishing.

Sortino, F. (2001). Managing Downside Risk in Financial Management. Toronto: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Stickney, C.W. (2009). Financila Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods, and Uses. Balton: Cengage Brain .

Coca-Cola Is Everything SCM CRM ERP Social Media
Pages: 7 Words: 2168

Coca Cola Is Everything
Coca-Cola Is Everything: SCM, CM, EP, Social Media

Importance of standardization in supply chain management

Software services of Coke

My Coke ewards an example of a switching cost

Pepsi's Facebook page and comparison with Coca-Cola's Facebook

Supply Chain management is regarded as anintegratedapproach for managing business resources. The companies including largescaleenterprises utilize its capabilities to enhance their business performance. The capability of the supply chain management can be increased through using a standard system in all operation across the globe. The companies enable their business processes to reduce cost and increase efficacy. The additional advantages can also be achieved through integrating their system for suppliers and distributor's capability enhancement.

Coca-Cola is a multinational organization and it has the capability to integrate supply chain management, Enterprise resources planning, Customer relationship management, and Social media marketing to support the business processes. The expansion and reline of business intelligence for optimization of results is an advantage.…...



Celsi, M.W., Money, A.H., Samouel, P., & Page, M.J. (2011). Essentials of business research methods. ME Sharpe.

Kumar, V. (2010). Customer relationship management.John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Linkner, J. (2007). Leaning Forward: Surviving/Winning in the Future of Interactive Marketing. Dog Ear Publishing.

Nicosia, N., & Moore, N.Y. (2006). Implementing Purchasing and Supply Chain Management: Best Practices in Market Research (Vol. 473). Rand Corporation.

Coca Cola Pricing Strategy Coca-Cola Does Not
Pages: 3 Words: 909

Coca Cola Pricing Strategy
Coca-Cola does not have one price all over the world and the reason behind this pricing strategy can be encapsulated in two main arguments:

Not all countries in the world have a thriving economy

The currency exchange rate can make all the difference

Let us now understand what these arguments mean. If India ever followed the uniform pricing strategy all over the world, it would not only lose a large chunk of customers but also lose out seriously to its competitors in those local markets. Every country, regardless of its size and economy, does have local producers offering a vast or limited variety of refreshment drinks. These drinks are normally priced low since they are every-day drinks and need to be consumed often, sometimes more than once a day. If the local producers ignore the per capita income of the country, they would never be able to use a sensible…...



Coca Cola India. Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth. 2004

Draganska, M. Consumer Preferences and Product-line Pricing Strategies: An Empirical Analysis. 2003

Coca-Cola Macro-Economic Analysis Coca-Cola Is an Extremely
Pages: 12 Words: 4596

Macro-Economic Analysis

Coca-Cola is an extremely effective organization. Nevertheless it has a number of difficulties surfacing at this time. The Coca-Cola Company offers around four hundred various consumer drinks and merchandise. The majority are not known as well as seldom observed with regards to accessible purchase. Furthermore, an additional problem the organization ought to deal with may be the health problems associated with soft drinks since it really is recognized that the well-known Coca-Cola soft drink is not really good for people's health and wellness. Along with modern and continuous change in consumer behaviour towards healthier items, the overall clients for the company may reduce (Brennan, et al., 2008).

Main body -- SWOT Evaluation


Planets top brand

Coca-Cola offers and enjoys a powerful brand name reputation around the world. The organization features a top brand name along with a powerful brand name collection. Business-Week as well as Interbrand, identify Coca Cola among the top…...



Brennan, R., Baines, P., Garneau, P. And Vos, L. (2008) Contemporary Strategic Marketing -- Coca-Cola: Challenges to Global Growth. Palgrave Macmillan, 2nd edition, pp. 227 -- 240 and 365 -- 373.

Daily Finance (2012). Coca Cola. Accessed 14-0312 from 

Geuss, Megan (October 2010), "First Coupon Ever," Wired 18 (11): 104

Kamruzzaman, M. et al. (2009). Strategic Management Issues of Multinational Companies (MNCs): A Case Study on Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved on August 25th, 2011 from

Coca-Cola Supply Chain Management-A Coca Cola Supply
Pages: 10 Words: 3120

Coca-Cola Supply Chain Management-A
Coca cola supply chain management

The first section of this paper touches on the Coca-Cola Company's historical background detailing the time of its inception and the brains that were behind its formation and growth. This section also touches on the advertisements that have since been used from its inception. This section finally illuminates its mission statement.

The second section talks about the challenges that Coca-cola has faced. These challenges include competition its products faces from its competitors like PepsiCo. Another challenge that has been highlighted is that of an incidence at the bottling plant in Shanxi Province. Other challenges faced include advertisement flops and changes in the taste of consumers with regard to carbonated soft drinks and their subsequent switch to other brands like juice products. Another challenge that has been highlighted is brand extensions.

The third section of this paper highlights financial implications the implementation of SAP has had…...



Adi, I. (2011, October). Shaking things up at Coca-Cola. Harvard Business Review .p.1.

Dean, F.Q. (2005, December 11). Why coke has real problems. BloombergBusinessWeek. p.1.

Ianev, R. (2009). Oracle RAC for SAP at Coca-Cola Hellenic: Laying the Foundation for Higher SAP Availability and Optimized Maintenance Management. Retrieved from

SAP. (2004). Coca-Cola Enterprises Joins SAP in Direct Store Delivery Initiative to Enhance

Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico Investment
Pages: 7 Words: 2569

The total asset turnover ratio on the other hand indicates that just as is the case with the fixed asset turnover ratio, the Coca-Cola Company has been less effective in the utilization of all its assets in sales generation.
The inventory turnover ratio is essentially a measure of the number of times the inventory of a business entity is replaced or sold within a given period of time. In the words of Gallagher and Andrew (2007, p.97), "if the company has inventory that sells well, the ratio value will be high." During the three years under consideration (see table 3 above), PepsiCo has consistently had a better inventory turnover ratio than the Coca-Cola Company. This essentially means that PepsiCo has consistently had stronger sales than the Coca-Cola Company. eceivables turnover ratio on the other hand is a worthy measure of how fast a given company is in the collection of…...



Bragg, S.M. (2012). Business Ratios and Formulas: A Comprehensive Guide (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Willey and Sons

Gallagher, T.J. & Andrew, J.D. (2007). Financial Management: Principles and Practice (4th ed.). Minnesota: Freeload Press.

Gitman, L.J. And McDaniel, C.D. (2008). The Future of Business: The Essentials (3rd ed.). Mason, OH: Cengage Learning

Ingram, R.W., & Albright, T.L. (2006). Financial Accounting: Information and Decisions (6th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson Higher Education.

Coca Cola Before 1970 Coca
Pages: 4 Words: 1460

Instead, the Cola Wars helped the industry grow. In 2000, for example, 41% of total non-alcoholic beverages sold were CSDs. In the late 1990s and into the 21st century, the drinks with high growth (and media hype) were non-carbonated juices, sports drinks, tea drinks, dairy drinks, and bottled water. Pepsi dominated this market with Gatorade, Lipton and Aquafina. The bottlers were also required to reinvest in more complex equipment to keep up with the market, since they were poised for CSDs which were growing at a far slower pace. Labor costs, equipment costs, and higher retail prices also changed the landscape (Yoffie, 13). Pepsi was more innovative in flavor, acquisition, and most particularly, remarketing its product to a newer generation of consumers (energy drinks, combo drinks, etc.).
Building on SWOT

In July 2006, Coke built a website called "The Coke Show," attempting to get people to build their own profile (…...



Global Consumption of Soft Drinks Rising 5% Globally. (December 12, 2003). Retrieved from:

How Coca-Cola is Reinventing their Marketing Strategy with Social Media.

Coca-Cola External Coca-Cola's Industry Conditions According to
Pages: 4 Words: 1229

Coca-Cola External
Coca-Cola's industry conditions, according to the Five Forces analysis, are generally favorable. The environmental conditions, according to the PEST analysis, are also generally favorable. This means that with few obstacles, Coca-Cola should be able to achieve its business objectives.


The industry code for Coca-Cola is 312111: Soft Drink and Ice Manufacturing (U.S. Census Bureau, 2007).

Porter's Five Forces

Porter's Five Forces explain the ability of firms to earn profits in their industry. The bargaining power of suppliers is relatively low. Coca-Cola is a high volume buyer -- the highest in the industry -- and for most suppliers this volume is critical to the business. The inputs are not well-differentiated, so the switching costs for Coke are not especially high. The bargaining power of buyers is moderate. Most wholesale and retail buyers are all but obligated to carry Coca-Cola, given the popularity of the firm's products. Some of the largest buyers, like…...


Works Cited:

CBO. (2011). Budget and economic outlook: Fiscal years 2011 to 2021. Congressional Budget Office. Retrieved March 24, 2012 from 

Gwin, C. (2001). A guide for industry study and the analysis of firms and competitive strategy. Retrieved March 24, 2012 from 

Insurance Journal. (2000). Coca-Cola to pay $192.5m to settle racial discrimination suit. Insurance Journal. Retrieved March 24, 2012 from 

Interbrand. (2011). Best global brands 2011. Interbrand. Retrieved March 24, 2012 from

Coca-Cola's Mission and Vision Statements
Pages: 4 Words: 1023

The company is a beverage company first and foremost, hence refreshing the world. Unlike main competitor Pepsi, Coca-Cola has not veered much outside of beverages, preferring to build its business around its core product and complements thereof. This simplifies the business, allowing for a more manageable organizational structure.
The consistency of the company's operations around the world supports is well-supported by these organizational components. In every country, Coca-Cola's business has roughly the same structure, albeit differing in size and scope. This allows for a relatively centralized control system. When head office works with top bottlers to establish culture and controls for the entire organization, this is only possible because the company is strictly focused on the beverage business, such that its operations are similar throughout the world. Smaller bottlers in smaller markets can take their cues from larger bottlers because they mainly differ in scale.

The mission and vision complement the…...



Coca-Cola Annual Review 2010. Retrieved March 8, 2012 from 

Coca-Cola website (2012).

Our company. Retrieved March 8, 2012 from

Coca Cola Strategic Plan the Coca Cola
Pages: 7 Words: 2681

Coca Cola Strategic Plan
The Coca Cola Company embodies American ingenuity and capitalism. Since its inception in 1887, Coca Cola has provided happiness and prosperity to the world. Now, 125 years later, the Coca Cola Company has over 100,000 employees and nearly 3500 soft drink brands (1).

What has made the Coca Cola Company so unique is its brand image. The Coca Cola brand is very important to the overall business success of the company. This brand has become a sustainable competitive advantage for the company over the past 100 years. This brand image and its value in the consumers mind have propelled the Coca Cola Company as well. As such, my strategic plan will focus on primarily on leveraging this brand for the benefit of both shareholders and consumers alike. The tactics that will be outlined below will also follow this strategy with very little deviations. Below is Chart 1, which…...



1) "Growth, Leadership, Sustainability." Coca-Cola Company Information: The Coca-Cola Company. Web. 02 Mar. 2012. .

2) "AccuVal | Insights | Industry Insights | Is Demand Fizzing Out?" Business Valuation, Valuation. 01 Aug. 2010. Web. 02 Mar. 2012. .

3) "Population Profile of the United States." Census Bureau Homepage. Web. 02 Mar. 2012.

Coca-Cola This Report Will Be Based on
Pages: 3 Words: 901

This report will be based on the earnings conference call for Coca-Cola Company's Q3 2011 results.

The North American market is the largest and flagship market for Coca-Cola, but is not a major growth market for the company. Coca-Cola saw volume up 5% for the quarter and the year-to-date. Much of that was attributed to Dr. Pepper, with organic volume only being up 1% in Q3 and YTD. The company also saw significant success with Coke Zero, which was up 12% in the quarter, marking the 22nd consecutive quarter of double-digit growth for that product. Sparkling beverages were down for the quarter, but remain up for the year. Still beverages are up for the year, led by Powerade, which has seen 12% growth year to date. Gold Peak Tea has also seen double digit growth in the third quarter. Coca-Cola's investments in the mature North American market are focused on building…...



Q3 2011 Coca-Cola Company Earnings Conference Call. Retrieved February 4, 2012 from

Coca-Cola CSR-WorkPlace Coca-Cola CSR -
Pages: 6 Words: 2205

Overall, though, the biggest problem with HIV / AIDS is that there are so many people in countries like Africa who are contracting it and who cannot get proper treatment for it (Batchelder, 2002).
A large segment of the population is sick in that country with HIV / AIDS, and more children are being born to mothers who are infected. Most of the time, the infection passes to the children before or during birth, and that drastically shortens the life spans for these children (Cohen, 2005). This is a sad state of affairs, but there is only so much that can be done. The people in Africa and other countries where HIV / AIDS is rampant need education, but they also need supplies like condoms to protect themselves from disease. If they do not understand about protection and/or they do not understand that they could catch a deadly disease if…...



Batchelder, T. (2002, April). The Anthropology of HIV-AIDS. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients.

Blau, G. (1993). Testing the relationship of control to different performance dimensions. Journal of Occupational & Organizational Psychology, 66: 125-138.

Booysen, L. (1999). The changing nature of business leadership for the 21st century organization. Accountancy.

Cohen, M.A. (2005, October). The emergence of AIDS in the U.S.: interview with Roberto Giraldo, MD. Townsend Letter for Doctors and Patients.

Coca-Cola Company KO Is a
Pages: 3 Words: 983

Coca-Cola's response to the threats and opportunities it faces has been largely defensive. The company has introduced new products largely in response to categories that have been created by other companies -- moving into coffee drinks in response to Pepsi's deal with Starbucks and introducing Fruitopia and Nordic Mist (Foust, 2006). These moves are reactionary and despite the company working hard at new innovation, it tends to lag other firms in the creation of innovative products. In addition, the company finds itself on the defensive with respect to taxation and other government relations issues. Moreover, Coca-Cola still finds itself subject to prices of raw ingredients, where it could otherwise have implemented backwards integration, long-term hedging or other strategies to mitigate the potential consequences of commodity price fluctuations.

The result is that Coke has been largely unsuccessful. On the Investor Relations section of its website, Coke puts forth some minor initiatives in…...


Works Cited:

Foust, D. (2006). Queen of Pop. Business Week. New York: Aug 7, 2006., Iss. 3996; pg. 44 

Coca-Cola Company 2009 Form 10-K. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from (2007). Porter's five forces. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from 

Fredrix, E. (2010). Coca-Cola CFO: Industry must fight soda taxes. Associated Press. Retrieved June 24, 2010 from

Coca Cola Marketing Strategies in
Pages: 11 Words: 3378

For nutritionists, who continue to issue dire warnings about the obesity epidemic, a diet soda surge is good news, although the soda industry discounts the link. The shift to diet is being felt across the industry, including the many small regional soda companies. Coca-Cola operates in a highly saturated industry, as there are many, many competitors for cola products. Some companies manufacture highly competitive goods, such as PepsiCo, which manufactures markets and sells a variety of salty, convenient, sweet and grain-based snacks, carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, and foods. PepsiCo's North American divisions operate in the United States and Canada, with international divisions operate in over 200 countries, with its largest operations in Mexico and the United Kingdom. Pepsi's customers include franchise bottlers, and independent distributors and retailers (Reuters at (
Other industry competitors are the less known generic "cola" producers; competitor Cadbury Schweppes Americas everages launched a new offering to…...



Coca-Cola Co. 2005. Annual Report.

Coca Cola Co. 2004. Annual Report.

Coca Cola Co. 2003. Annual Report.

Cosgrove, J. 2005. 'The 2005 Soft Drink Report: new flavor introductions and health

Need help writing an essay on environmental ethics of the business world and how various businesses affect the environment today?
Words: 365

To start this essay, we would begin by identifying ways that business could impact the environment.  Next, we would want to identify the businesses we wanted to highlight in the essay, focusing on their specific environmental impact.  We would want to select at least two businesses with different reputations for their environmental impact.  Companies that are known for having good environmental initiatives include Disney, Johnson and Johnson, Nike, eBay, Fisher Investments, Hewlett-Packard, Starbucks, and Ford Motor Company.  Companies have a bad reputation in terms of their impact on the environment include AES, PPL, ConAgra Foods, Coca Cola,....

what are the bossion mission and core value of coca cola company and its revalidation?
Words: 199

To refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism through our brands and actions.

Core Values:
1. Leadership: The courage to shape a better future
2. Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
3. Integrity: Be real
4. Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me
5. Passion: Committed in heart and mind
6. Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
7. Quality: What we do, we do well

The mission and core values of The Coca-Cola Company remain true to our commitment to refresh, inspire, and uphold the highest standards of integrity and quality. As we continue to evolve and adapt to changing times, these....

what are the bossion mission and core value of coca cola company and its revalidation?
Words: 329

Mission Statement

The Coca-Cola Company's mission statement is "To refresh the world and make a difference." This mission statement encompasses the company's commitment to providing its customers with refreshing beverages, while also making a positive impact on the world.

Core Values

The Coca-Cola Company's core values are:

Leadership: The company strives to be a leader in the beverage industry, both in terms of innovation and sustainability.
Quality: The company is committed to providing its customers with high-quality beverages that meet their expectations.
Integrity: The company operates with integrity and honesty, and is committed to ethical conduct.
Diversity: The company values diversity and inclusion,....

what are the mission and core value of coca cola and its revalidation?
Words: 230

"To refresh the world in body, mind, and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism and happiness through our brands and actions."

Core Values:
1. Leadership: The courage to shape a better future
2. Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
3. Integrity: Be real
4. Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me
5. Passion: Committed in heart and mind
6. Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
7. Quality: What we do, we do well

Coca-Cola has revalidated its commitment to these core values by consistently delivering high-quality products, fostering diversity and inclusion within the company, and taking a leadership role in sustainability and corporate social responsibility initiatives. The company....

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