Coca Cola Company Essays (Examples)

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Business Strategies Coca Cola Company Case Analysis
Pages: 5 Words: 2271

Business Strategies
Coca Cola Company Case Analysis

Strategy ecommendation in Business

The Coca Cola Company (Case Analysis)

The Coca cola Corporation is among the most successful and well-known company in the globe. Its reputable existence is analyzed with its performance and efficient management. The company has dominated and controlled the beverage industry for many years, and has often proven its abilities in innovation, creativity and consumer satisfaction. The company has also set extremely high standards in terms of competition. In fact, its trademark is recognized with over 90% of the entire global population. Many factors contribute to the success of the organization, but also there are many hindrances. Opportunities and external threats are also evident in its positional market. After critical analysis, the following report was acquired, for the purpose of planning the company's future strategies.

Coca Cola's present strategies

The company has implemented a well-designed technological framework, to improve its efficiency and also to help…...



Bohm, A. (2009) The SWOT Analysis. Munich: GRIN Verlag Publishers.

Fisher, J.G. (2008) How to Run Successful Employee Incentive Schemes: Creating Effective Programs for Improved Performance. New York: Kogan Page Publishers.

Kurtz, D.L., MacKenzie, H. F & Snow, K. (2009) Contemporary Marketing. New York: Cengage Learning.

Sam, S. & Makor, J. (2011) Strategic Internet Business Management -- An Assessment of Internet Business Growth Strategies: Empirical Evidence From Listed SME's in Denmark. Munich: GRIN Verlag Publishers.

Diversity Audit the Coca Cola Company Is
Pages: 10 Words: 3388

Diversity Audit
The Coca Cola Company is well-known for its commitment to diversity. The Company has a workforce where almost half the employees are women. However, their representation on the senior management levels is only 26%. The company also recruits racial minorities and members from the LGBT community. The company has institutional mechanisms to ensure that workforce diversity is respected and appreciated throughout the organization. Senior managers demonstrate their commitment to diversity by heading the Business esource Groups for specific minorities. This supports the theory that senior management should demonstrate commitment to implementing core values (Davidson 2004, p. 286). The Coca Cola Company also pursues diversity in its marketing campaigns to cater to the diverse communities in which it sells its products. The company has also expanded its supplier network to include firms owned and managed by minorities and women. The company also has plans to increase the number of supplier…...



Airaksinen, T., and Gasparski, W. (1993). Practical Philosophy and Action Theory. Transaction Publishers.

Barak, M.E.M. (2010). Managing Diversity. SAGE Publishing.

Davidson, M.J. (2004). Individual Psychology and Diversity in Organizations. John Wiley & Sons.

DiTomaso, N., and Post, C. (2004). Diversity in the Workforce. Emerald Group Publishing.

Financial Ratios Coca Cola Company Ratios Calculation
Pages: 2 Words: 559

Financial Ratios
Coca Cola Company Ratios



Operating Leverage





Profit Margin-Sales


The Coca Cola Company had an operating leverage of 68.6% (2011 Annual Report, 2011). Return on Investment was 36.5%. The economic value added ratio was 8,935.52. The profit margin on sales was 18.6%.

The return on investment ratio is used to evaluate the efficiency of a single investment or a group of investments (Return on Investment - ROI). There is not considered a right and wrong calculation for return on investment because the definitions of the return and costs items vary from one person to another. A financial analyst may figure the ratio using certain return and cost items, where a manager may figure the return on investment using entirely different return and cost items.

The operating leverage ratio reflects the extent a change in sales affects earnings (Operating Leverage Ratio). For a high operating leverage ratio, with high elastic product demand, will cause sharp fluctuations.…...



2011 Annual Report. (2011). Retrieved from The Coca Cola Company: 

Economic Value Added (EVA). (n.d.). Retrieved from Value-Based 

Kieso, D.E. (2008). Full Disclosure in Financial Reporting. In D.E. Kieso, Intermediate Accounting I, II, & III (pp. 1316-1318). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Operating Leverage Ratio. (n.d.). Retrieved from Bizwiz:

Pre-Analysis of the Coca Cola Company NAICS
Pages: 2 Words: 880

Pre-Analysis of the Coca Cola Company

A good resource to find an industry's North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is the NAICS association website

Porter's five forces

Supplier power

Two resources to look at supplier power are: To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States, accessible at; and, The first resource discusses how Coca-Cola is the only company that is legally allowed to import coca leaves and manufacture cocaine in the United States. The second resource offers information about the worldwide availability of sugar. Because the coca leaves are the product that cannot be replaced with corn syrup, the first article is more helpful.

Buyer Power

Two sites that can help explain buyer power are: In Coke- Pepsi rivalry, both sides win accessible at:, and Coca Cola's own information page titled Our company, accessible at: / ourcompany/index.html; Both sites…...



Adams, M. (2011). To this day, Coca-Cola still imports coca leaves which are used to manufacture cocaine in the United States. Retrieved November 12, 2011 from Natural News website: 

Blackwell, E. (2009 April 23). In Coke- Pepsi rivalry, both sides win. Retrieved November 12,

2011 from The Street website: 

Busse, M. (unk). Coke and Pepsi. Retrieved November 16, 2011 from Berkeley website:

System's Upgrade at Coca Cola Company
Pages: 3 Words: 1101

Information System Changes
The Coca Cola Company information system management

Implementation of an upgraded portal

Implementation strategy

Parallel implementation

System investigation

Systems analysis

System design

Training of staff

This paper is a proposal for an implementation of a change management of a new information system in a business. The paper discusses the steps that ought to be followed when executing an implementation strategy for a new information system in a business organization. The business organization in question is the Coca Cola Company. The areas covered include the role of an information system in a business, the successful integration of the new system into the company's operations, and the way members of staff can embrace the new system for the sake of the company's progress.

The Coca Cola Company information system management

Coca Cola Company is the world's leading beverage company. The company just like the other global companies has adopted an information system as part of its business process objectives…...



Burgess, S. (2002). Managing Information Technology in Small Business Challenges and Solutions. Hershey, PA: Idea Group Pub.

Gates, B. & Hemingway. (1999). Business @ the Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System. New York, NY: Warner Books.

Gunasekaran A., (2010). Handbook on Business Information Systems. World Scientific

Value the Coca Cola Company
Pages: 2 Words: 632

61, as opposed to only 28.90, the industry average (euters, 2009); this means that the company uses much more debt than equity to finance its operations and that debt reimbursement might constitute for priority in profit distribution
All the above indicate that the largest beverage maker in the world is not as successful as initially believed. Yet, an estimation of the equity futures cannot occur without a look at the company's share. Its value today (September 2, 2009) is of $49.80. In the near past, the KO stock has not suffered major modifications. Yet, its more distant past evolution has been fluctuating. The peak was registered in 2006, when the Coca Cola share was sold for an estimated value of $65; the lowest amount of money paid for it was slightly lower than $40 and it was reached in 2004. The chart below reveals this evolution:

Source: MNS Money, 2009

Based on the…...



2009, the Coca Cola Company, Reuters,   last accessed on September 3, 2009 

2009, Coca Cola Co (KO), MSN Money Central,   last accessed on September 3, 2009 

2009, the Coca Cola Company (KO), Yahoo Finance,   last accessed on September 3, 2009 

The Coca Cola Company 2008 Annual Report, Retrieved from   on September 2, 2009 

Coca Cola Unethical or Unsustainable Behavior
Pages: 4 Words: 1233



References“2018 Business & Sustainability Report,” The Coca Cola Company, (2019). Retrieved from   Social Responsibility at Coca-Cola”“What is EKOCENTER,” The Coca-Cola Company, (2021). Retrieved from, A. (2011). Does corporate social responsibility influence profit margins? A case study of executive perceptions. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 18(5), 263-274.Hamilton, J. (2015). The EKOCENTER: A Case Study in Coca-Cola, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Bluewashing. (Master Thesis, University of Minnesota).Jenkins, H. (2004). Corporate social responsibility and the mining industry: conflicts and constructs. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 11(1), 23-34.Karnani, A. (2014). Corporate social responsibility does not avert the tragedy of the commons. Case study: Coca-Cola India. Economics, Management, and Financial Markets, 9(3), 11-23.Torres, C. A. C., Garcia-French, M., Hordijk, R., & Nguyen, K. (2012). Four Case Studies on Corporate Social Responsibility: Do Conflict Affect a Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility Policy. Utrecht L. Rev., 8, 51. “Corporate

Coca Cola Company Course Name Course Number
Pages: 8 Words: 2416

Coca Cola Company

The organization of choice for this paper is the Coca-Cola Company that is operating in beverage industry for more than a century principally manufacturing, distributing, and marketing nonalcoholic beverages globally. It mainly offers sparkling and still beverages. The Coca-Cola Company is a USA-based company, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia and founded in 1886.

Amongst the market leaders in the beverage industry, Coca-Cola Company fights to remain on the top. Keeping up its reputation and serving the masses throughout the globe since the past many decades the company continuously adapts its product and process in order to satisfy the customers to the maximum possible extent. This research paper analyses the organization using the PESTEL analysis and SWOT along with an analysis of the information needs of the organization and how a customer relation management system (CM) can be integrated into this giant beverage firm that has ruled the beverage market for…...



August W. Giebelhaus (May 13, 2008). "Coca-Cola Company." The New Georgia Encyclopedia. Georgia Humanities Council

Coca Cola Company, n.d. Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Index. Retrieved Oct 19, 2011 from

Coca Cola Company, n.d. Mission statement. Retrieved Oct 19, 2011 from

Coca-Cola Goes Live With Global Consolidation, n.d. Planning, Reporting and Decison Making Using mySAP.COM." SAP United States. SAP.

Coca-Cola Company Coca-Cola Coke Is a U S -based
Pages: 6 Words: 1884

Coca-Cola Company ("Coca-Cola," "Coke") is a U.S.-based manufacturer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage. The company recorded revenue of $46.5 billion in FY2011, and earned $8.5 billion in net income. According to the company's website, it sells products in over 200 countries, given the company near-global scope. This also ensures that Coca-Cola has substantial exposure to foreign currencies. This report will discuss a number of international financial aspects to Coca-Cola's business, including foreign currency risk and capital structure.
As Coca-Cola operates in just about every country in the world, there are a very few options for international expansion. The company's Mexican subsidiary is already exporting to Cuba, circumventing Helms-Burton. However, there remains one country where one cannot currently buy a Coca-Cola product, and that is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), or North Korea (Hebblethwaite, 2012). There is increasing wealth in that country, however, as the result of Chinese investment. hile…...


Works Cited

Coca-Cola 2011 Annual Report. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from

Hebblethwaite, C. (2012). Who what why: In which countries is Coca-Cola not sold? BBC News Magazine. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from 

MSN Moneycentral. (2012). Coca-Cola Company. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from 

Park, J. (2012). North Korea's economic dreams are, well…dreams. Reuters. Retrieved December 11, 2012 from

Coca-Cola Company Description the Coca-Cola
Pages: 5 Words: 1434

ith a small number of companies competing for a market that in many cases (North America, for example) is subject to slow growth, the competition can be characterized as intense. Thus, Coca-Cola's marketing message must also take into account the moves that its competitors are making. Coca-Cola not only must respond to shifts in the competitive environment but as industry leader must protect its position by making proactive moves to establish competitive shifts, forcing the competition to respond.
Target Markets

The Coca-Cola Company, with its broad product range and ubiquitous market presence broadly targets the entire world. Coca-Cola has only loose differentiation in its target markets because of this. hile the company literally believes it should sell to every single consumer, some segments are more attractive than others. The soft drink business in most markets is subject to fairly strong brand loyalty. Therefore, the company often targets its marketing efforts towards…...


Works Cited:

Coca-Cola 2008 Form 10-K. Retrieved June 18, 2009 from 

Coca-Cola 2008 Annual Review. Retrieved June 18, 2009 from 

MSN Moneycentral. Retrieved June 18, 2009 from 

Coca-Cola website. Retrieved June 18, 2009 from

Coca-Cola Company the Case of
Pages: 7 Words: 1977

4. Decision and Defense against Weaknesses

The Coca-Cola brand is already a strong one, but the company's involvement in unethical behaviors has negatively affected it. In order to decide upon the most favourable courses of action to be implemented in the direction of brand strengthening, one has to critically analyze the proposed strategies:

restatement of the company's traditional brand values will offer an increased perception of the brand, but is likely to further generate the image of a ruthless competitor

Communications with customers will attract the sympathy of the audience, but require increased resource consumption and the results may be unsustainable

The internal investigations of the ethical division could delay the process and reduce their operational efficiency - however, this risk would not materialize if the proper measures are taken

An increased focus on people would also generate increased expenditures and pose risks on operational efficiency, but it would generate positive results on corporate image…...



Anderson, H., Strengthen Your Brand Through Email, Click Z, 2001,   accessed on November 27, 2008 

Daye, D., Brand Spotlight: Coca-Cola, Branding Strategy Insider, 2007,   accessed on November 27, 2008 

Levine, L., Strengthen Your Brand, Strengthen Your People, All Business, 2007,   accessed on November 27, 2008 

Shanker, M.C., Strengthen Your Brand to Increase Traffic and Sales,

Coca-Cola Company Is the World's
Pages: 5 Words: 1678

Some examples of how they use these things can be seen in their use of sports in their marketing mix. They sponsor NASCA, produce innovative Superbowl commercials and were a major corporate sponsor at the Beijing Olympics last summer. They feel that the more they can connect to their customers through these activities they more comfortable those consumers become with their products. Making these kind of connects is a key to the way the Coca-
Cola Company chooses to do business. It is this type of thinking that allows them to be the leading company that they are.

The Coca-Cola Company is a major player in the beverage industry around the world. They are known as the global leader.

They have been around a long time and are in no danger of going anywhere anytime soon. They are a force to be reckoned with and should be watched very closely by their…...



Annual Report for the year ended December 31, 2005. (2006). Retrieved March 7, 2009, from the United States Securities and Exchange Commission. Web site:

The Coca-Cola Company Fact Sheet. (2008). Retrieved March 7, 2009, from Coca-Cola Web site

The Coca-Cola Heritage Timeline. (2008). Retrieved March 7, 2009, from Coca-Cola

Coca Cola Company Overview Coca-Cola
Pages: 7 Words: 2273

Typically, buyers have the ability to switch their tastes from one soft drink brand to the other.
Barrier to Entry: It is very difficult to enter the industry due to several factors:

First, a new firm will need to implement economic of scale to enjoy cost reduction and compete favourably within the industry. To establish economic of scale, a new firm will require huge capital investment ranging from several millions of dollar. Huge capital needed to enter the industry serves as a barrier for a new firm. More importantly, a new firm will need to overcome the tremendous marketing muscle to establish market presence within the industry, and entering into the industry requires substantial capital. Moreover, government regulation is another factor making entry into the industry very difficult. egulations such as Soft Drink Inter-brand Competition Act are making the new entry nearly impossible in the U.S. market.

Assessment of the Industry

Overall assessment…...



Annual Report, (2010). Coca Cola Company. USA.

Frost and Sullivan Research (2011).Financial Assessment of Non-alcoholic Beverages Market. Frost and Sullivan Research Service.USA.

IMAP (2011). Food and Beverage Industry Global Report -2010. A IMAP Consumer Staple Report.

Lagos, T. & Smith, V. (2001). Analysis of the Coca-Cola Company. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Coca-Cola Company Struggles With Ethical Crises
Pages: 5 Words: 2013

Coca-Cola Company. Specifically it will discuss and analyze the case study, including relevant facts and recommendations regarding the study. Coca-Cola is one of the most well-known and famous brands in the world, and it has been in existence since the late 1800s. This case study indicated that it faced several ethical issues in the last decade that eroded its credibility and created strife inside and outside the company.

The facts of Coca-Cola are legendary. One writer notes, "Both the Coca-Cola brand and company took an early lead in the soft-drink industry, for the brand achieved national distribution early on and the company has consistently dominated the industry" (Wolburg, 2003). Coca-Cola is one of the world's leading soft drink manufacturers, and they sell their product in at least 200 countries worldwide. They were the leading soft drink company for decades, and their main rival is PepsiCo, who they have been engaged…...



Author Unknown. The Coca -- Cola Company Struggles with Ethical Crises.

Dubinsky, A.J., Nataraajan, R., & Huang, W. (2004). The influence of moral philosophy on retail salespeople's ethical perceptions. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 38(2), 297+.

Meyer, K.E. (2004). Perspectives on multinational enterprises in emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(4), 259+.

Wolburg, J.M. (2003). Double-cola and antitrust issues: Staying alive in the soft drink wars. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 37(2), 340+.

Coca Cola Company Case Study
Pages: 7 Words: 2189

Executive Summary
In this paper, Coca-Cola Company which is the biggest beverage company in the world has been analysed. A comprehensive strategic analysis to ascertain its competitive advantage has been conducted using the following analytical tools: SWOT analysis and Porter’s generic strategies. Out of the four generic strategies, it has been revealed that Coca-Cola Company follows the differentiation strategy.

By integrating the differentiation strategy with the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the organization key insights were noted. The strengths pinpointed and selected in the SWOT analysis comprise of distribution system, company valuation, and brand equity. Coca-Cola Company’s system of distribution is unique and inimitable. Second, its high market value facilitates sustaining differentiation and brand equity aids in ensuring its different products are purchased across the world. The three items selected in the weaknesses area in the SWOT analysis include the intense market rivalry with Pepsi, lack of a healthy beverage offering,…...

what are the bossion mission and core value of coca cola company and its revalidation?
Words: 199

To refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism through our brands and actions.

Core Values:
1. Leadership: The courage to shape a better future
2. Collaboration: Leverage collective genius
3. Integrity: Be real
4. Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me
5. Passion: Committed in heart and mind
6. Diversity: As inclusive as our brands
7. Quality: What we do, we do well

The mission and core values of The Coca-Cola Company remain true to our commitment to refresh, inspire, and uphold the highest standards of integrity and quality. As we continue to evolve and adapt to changing times, these....

what are the bossion mission and core value of coca cola company and its revalidation?
Words: 329

Mission Statement

The Coca-Cola Company's mission statement is "To refresh the world and make a difference." This mission statement encompasses the company's commitment to providing its customers with refreshing beverages, while also making a positive impact on the world.

Core Values

The Coca-Cola Company's core values are:

Leadership: The company strives to be a leader in the beverage industry, both in terms of innovation and sustainability.
Quality: The company is committed to providing its customers with high-quality beverages that meet their expectations.
Integrity: The company operates with integrity and honesty, and is committed to ethical conduct.
Diversity: The company values diversity and inclusion,....

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