Clinical Intervention: Methods and Techniques
Clinical Intervention eport
This research report has been prepared and designed to reveal how a clinical intervention helps in averting a traumatic situation. It is divided into two parts: the transcript and the analysis. In the transcript part, there is a five minutes dialogue going on between a therapist (Dc. X) and the client (Sarah) who is suffering through a traumatic condition. She has got a history of anxiety and is again afflicted with a severe problem which has reinforced her negativism towards life. Dc. X is trying to evaluate her problem by using some important techniques of intervention. However, in the analysis part, it is explained in detail how the therapist perceives the frame of reference of her patient with the help of intervention methods. Each method is discussed in detail to help the reader understand its importance.
It was 10AM in the morning. After a…...
Ivey, A. "International interviewing and counseling." Active listening work book. (p.2). Retrieved from
Thomas, B.R. (2004). "Empathy in the treatment of trauma and PTSD." (p.119). Retrieved from
Child Clinical Intevention
Pat I Child Abuse
Physical abuse of childen occus thoughout evey social stata, although thee may be an inceased incidence among those living in povety. Abuse often occus at moments of geat stess, and the pepetato stikes out in ange at the child. The pepetato may also have been abused as a child and may have poo impulse contol. Because of the elative size and stength diffeence between adults and childen, the abused child can be seveely injued o killed. Abuse fequently occus fom shaking an infant, which causes bleeding ove the bain (subdual hematoma) and is often efeed to as 'shaken baby syndome'. The incidence of child abuse is emakably high and faily accuately epoted. The total abuse ate is 25.2 pe 1000 childen with physical abuse counting fo 5.7 pe 1000, sexual abuse 2.5 pe 1000, emotional abuse 3.4 pe 1000 and neglect accounting fo the vast…...
mlareferences. Obstetrics & Gynecology 96(4), 511-516
14. Puesche, S. Down Syndrome. The Arc Web site:
15. National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse. 1987
16. Shaffer D, Fisher P, Dulcan MK, et al. The NIMH Diagnostic Interview Schedule for Children Version 2.3 (DISC-2.3): description, acceptability, prevalence rates, and performance in the MECA Study. Methods for the Epidemiology of Child and Adolescent Mental Disorders Study. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 1996; 35(7): 865-77.
17. Wolraich ML, Hannah JN, Baumgaertel A, et al. Examination of DSM-IV criteria for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in a county-wide sample. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 1998; 19(3): 162-8.
dissect you thought pocesses and clinical inteventions. It will allow you to beak down a significant clinical moment fom a goup session and scutinize it to futhe you self- awaeness and leaning fom two pespectives. This assignment allows you to deepen and boaden you pactice wisdom though self-eflection and application of concepts fom theoy and pactice.
An intevention is defined as a statement o action made by a goup woke o a goup membe that impacts goup pocess and catalyzes changes in goup dynamics. It is impotant to emembe that inteventions in goup wok that ae made by goup membes ae just as elevant as those made by pactitiones.
You will be equied to extapolate fom the liteatue and class discussions, and integate theoetical concepts with you evolving undestanding of you ole as a facilitato, and you gowing awaeness of and appeciation fo goup latent and manifest content.
You may use a…...
mlareferences of the members themselves. In other words, the members retreated to the background and became objects to an arcane structure of rules and principles. It seemed to me that the dignity of the members was trampled in the process.
All activities should be focused on the client him or herself and on treating this client as central rather than as instrument or peripheral to the process. The process should be catered around the client and the facilitator should (as Shulman (2005)) suggests be constantly attuned to the client's needs.
The NFP group is a group that has the objective of giving fathers the necessary skills to relate to and help their children succeed in life. The perquisites of the leader, according to Brandler and R (*), are to:
Be flexible in order to respond to the needs of the group and individuals, while preserving the basic content of the curriculum and its relationship to other corresponding curricula (i.e., make sure the children's groups and parents' group correspond)
aSSESSMENT TOOL ANALYSISUsing this template, you will identify an assessment tool you intend to incorporate into your clinical intervention with at least one client during the quarter. Once you have completed the initial review of your approved sites scope of practice and provided services, you will identify an assessment tool and a client with whom you have determined the assessment tool to be beneficial. You will submit an analysis of the assessment tool.STEP 1: PREPARATION ____________________________________Read Hays, D. G. (2013). Use of Assessment in Counseling. InAssessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures(5th ed., pp. 324). American Counseling Association. Hays, D. G. (2013). Ethical, Legal, and Professional Considerations in Assessment. InAssessment in Counseling: A Guide to the Use of Psychological Assessment Procedures(5th ed., pp. 2540). American Counseling Association. 2: SITE ASSESSMENT NEEDS REVIEW __________________Review your sites data in the following areas. Based on the data, consider…...
nursing interventions purposed at assisting ambulatory surgical patients with the management of postoperative symptoms at home. The problem statement is easy to locate and is clearly stated. In addition, the problem statement does build a cogent and persuasive argument for the new study in the need for obtaining research data about nursing interventions.
The problem stated does have significance for nursing with respect to patient care given to patients subsequent to receiving ambulatory surgery. The research might contribute to nursing practice by outlining the proper and fitting nursing interventions needed to ensure that ambulatory surgical patients do not experience pain after the procedures.
There is a good fit between the research problem and the paradigm within which the research was conducted, in that, the research encompassed comparison between patients that received NCI intervention and those that experienced usual practice to examine the impact.
As pointed out, the research does provide a formal…...
In certain countries, an effective supervisor possesses basic teaching skills, facilitation skills, negotiation and assertiveness skills, counseling and appraisal skills, mentoring skills, and knowledge of learning resources and certification requirements (Kilminster).
The most important aspect of the role of an effective supervisor is giving supervisee responsibility and the opportunity to practice it (Kilminster, 2000). Supervisees come to view the supervisor as a colleague and this leads them to become self-directed. Some supervisees consider teaching skills and techniques, interpersonal style and professional competence the most important characteristics of an effective supervisor. An effective supervisor shows empathy, is supportive, and exhibits flexibility, instruction, knowledge, interest in supervision and good tracking of supervisees. He is interpretative, respectful, focused ad practical. In contrast, an ineffective supervisor is rigid, shows little empathy and provides low support. He fails to consistently track supervisee concerns, teach or instruct. He is indirect and intolerant. He is close-minded. He…...
Borders, L.D. (1994). The good supervisor. ERIC Digests: ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Student Services. Retrieved on October 28, 2011 from
Joslin, v. (2008). Ten traits of a good supervisor. Associated Content: Yahoo. Inc. Shine.
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Kilminster, S.M. (2000). Effective supervision in clinical practice settings. Vol 34
Concisely, Comfort results when an individual keeps of negative or unhealthy living and sticks to positive and healthy living. Comfort has been associated with positive institutional outcomes that include patient satisfaction. The outcome of Comfort is therefore one of the most important indicator of measuring success in nursing practice particularly for patients and families going through some tough or stressful healthcare conditions.
Benefits of the Comfort theory to the Clinical Nurses of the 21st Century
Comfort theory is an important theory that is applicable to the 21st Century clinical practice because of its many inherent benefits or advantages. This theory defines the working environment for healthcare practitioners while at the same time it charts the direction for improving the services offered by the clinical nurses. The universality of the language and concepts used in presenting the theory also promotes its wide acceptance. The simplicity of the tenets of the Comfort theory ensures…...
Kolcaba, K. (2003) Comfort Theory and Practice: A Vision for Holistic Health Care and Kolcaba, K.Y. (1994). A theory of holistic Comfort for nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 19(6), 1178-1184.
Kolcaba, K., & DiMarco, M.A. (2005). Comfort Theory and its application to pediatric nursing. Pediatric Nursing. New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, Inc.
Magyrary, D. (2002) Positive mental health: a turn of the century perspective. Issues of Mental Health Nursing, 23, 331-349
Malinowski, a., & Stamler, L.L. (2002). Comfort: exploration of the concept in nursing. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 39(6), 599-606.
A level of 126 mg/dL or above, confirmed by repeating the test on another day, means that you have diabetes.
An oral glucose tolerance test measures your blood glucose after you have gone at least 8 hours without eating and 2 hours after you drink a glucose-containing beverage. This test can be used to diagnose diabetes or pre-diabetes. OGTT is more sensitive than the FPG test for diagnosing pre-diabetes, but it is less convenient to administer. The OGTT requires you to fast for at least 8 hours before the test. Your plasma glucose is measured immediately before and 2 hours after you drink a liquid containing 75 grams of glucose dissolved in water.
If your blood glucose level is between 140 and 199 mg/dL 2 hours after drinking the liquid, you have a form of pre-diabetes called impaired glucose tolerance or IGT, meaning that you are more likely to develop type…...
mlaWorks Cited
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The Merck Manual (16th ed.). (1995). Portland, Oregon: Merck & Co., Inc.
Utay and Miller (2006) described a study in which researchers observed over 100 individuals with unresolved grief reactions. There were three phases of treatment employed with these individuals. The first stage of treatment involved cognitive structuring for the decision to grieve again and for procedure clarification. The second stage involved guided imagery for reliving, revising, and revisiting the scenes at which the loss occurred. The third and final stage involved future-oriented identity reconstruction. The researchers reported that the reliving of the event through guided imagery effectively changed the client's view of reality, and furthermore helped along their grief resolution (Melges & DeMaso (1980), as cited by Utay & Miller, 2006). Moreover, Guided imagery has been established as a versatile and effective intervention.
The importance in assisting the children's mother with the grief process lies in the fact that bereavement is associated with increased risk of morbidity and mortality, and it is…...
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Since modern medicine can sustain patients with proper medical follow-up for years, it becomes incumbent on the profession to follow the patients and provide them with the knowledge and tracking to insure that they are observing the procedures and medications which prolong their quality of life. Given hospitals' short-term orientation with the patients, there is a need to bridge patient care before, during and after acute-care visits.
While there are some nursing specialties which can be regarded as solely hospital- or community-based, many of the specialties call for a more holistic notion of patient care. y combining the CNS and NP specialties, this profession has a better chance of assuring better patient outcomes, and a better quality of life for the patient.
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Bennett, B.J. (1998). Psychiatric mental health nursing: thriving in a changing environment through outcomes-based measurements. Semin. Nurse Manage., 144-148.
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The two hypothetical systems working on an individual's brain during the experience of addiction are complementary within and between system changes. The first counteradaptation results in a decrease in the transmission of dopamine and serotonin release during withdrawal phases of the cycle (obinson & Berridge 2001). Effectively, dopamine and serotonin transmission is artificially increased beyond the normative range during drug use, then virtually stopped once the drug has left the body. This intensifies not only the "come down" feeling but also the preoccupation anxieties associated with substance abuse as well as the existing emotional, environmental, or social vulnerability which lead to the initial lapse. Sensitization is the component of addiction which compels an individual to continually seek greater quantities of the substance (obinson & Berridge 2001). Effectively once the brain has been exposed to a chemical which alters neural transmission, the body attempts to return to a homeostatic state.…...
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Intervention for the Improvement of Hypoglycemic Control
Diabetes complication is one of the top health problems in the United States, and the ADA (American Diabetes Association) recommends that people suffering from diabetes should control their hypoglycemic and maintain A1C to < 7% to avoid diabetes complications. To achieve this objective, the "diabetes self-management education (DSME)"(Ni coll, aiser, Campbell, ET AL. 2014 p 207) is an effective tool to enhance hypoglycemic control and improve patients' outcomes. The DSME is an on-going educational process to facilitate the skill, knowledge, and ability of patients to carry out a diabetes self-care. I am a diabetic educator working in the diabetic outpatient clinical setting. My experience has made to understand that patients struggle to manage and control their diabetes after being educated because patients are not allowed to set their goals in order to manage their diabetes. (American Diabetes Association; 2013).
Objective of this paper is to…...
American Diabetes Association (2013). Standards of medical care in diabetes -- 2013. Diabetes Care 36 (Suppl. 1):S11 -- S66, .
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Norris, S.L., Lau, J., Smith, J.,et al. ( 2002). Susan Sundae, N.L Norris elf-Management Education for Adults with Type 2 Diabetes meta-analysis of the effect on hypoglycemic control.
Clinical Governance and Auditing
Throughout this paper, an attempt has been made to demonstrate an understanding of the procedure of Clinical Audit (CA). The focus of this CA is the high risk area of patient safety, and with regard to how this is linked to patient safety, hand hygiene has been selected. The findings and the recommendations that follow combined with the CA tool and the selection criteria will be outlined in form of a Clinical Audit. For the purposes of improving clinical practice, CAs forms an integral aspect of clinical governance. It is indeed notable that CAs encapsulates practice which through analysis can result to quality enhancement, particularly for the patients. Various definitions of the term which are invariably the same and which tend towards verbosity exist, but a terse and precise definition is given by Coffey (2009) who puts forth that a CA is a systematic evaluation of clinical…...
Hart T. (2013).Promoting hand hygiene in clinical practice. Nursing Times; 109: 38, 14-15.
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Wilson, J. (2006). Infection control in clinical practice. Edinburgh, Elsevier, Baillie're Tindall.
Clinical Learning Points
Clinical Case Study Key Learning Points
Given the patient's history with angina and cardiac conditions, there is a clear need to ensure that he does not allow bad habits to continue in addition to the careful management and monitoring of his health. The patient's medical history also includes known diagnoses for diabetes, hypertension, and obesity. His father had also passed from heart disease, indicating a genetic predisposition to cardiac problems. The patient recently was discharged just a few days prior for a stent placement. He returned for an evaluation, claiming that his major cardiac symptoms, including crushing chest pain, shortness of breath and diaphoretic had subsided dramatically. Still, there is thought to be a high risk of future complications in regards to his cardiac health because of the fact that he has a very minimal support system in order to help him change his dietary and lifestyle habits. His…...
American Heart Association. (2007). Patient-teaching for cardiac nurses. Nursing, 37(10), 14-16.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2012). Preventing High Blood Pressure: Healthy Living Habits. Retrieved from
John Hopkins Medicine. (2014). High Cholesterol (Hypercholesterolemia). Heart & Vascular Institute. Retrieved from
AbstractAlthough the social justice issue of child sexual trafficking is widely regarded by the American public as a problem that is faced by other nations, particularly impoverished developing countries, the harsh reality is that child sex trafficking routinely occurs in the United States as well. While exact numbers about its prevalence in the United States are unavailable, it is known that sex trafficking, including men, women and children, occurs in all 50 states. The purpose of this study is to provide a review of the relevant literature concerning child sexual abuse and trafficking in the United States, including how young victims are typically groomed for sexual exploitation. In addition, a discussion of the specialized social work practice of child sex trafficking, including the multiple ethical issues that are involved, is following by a description of an evidence-based intervention with proven efficacy as an intervention for child sex trafficking victims. Finally,…...
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Having to write a creative essay about a serious topic can be a very challenging assignment for most writers. That is because many academic essay topics can be very straightforward and leave little room for any creative details. However, since you are able to choose between a few different types of essay, you are in a great position to add some creative details. Of the three alternatives you listed, lesson plan, clinical intervention, or design study, we think that a clinical intervention gives you the greatest opportunity to show off your creative streak. That is....
Patient Care: A Holistic Approach to Health and Well-being
Patient care lies at the heart of healthcare delivery, encompassing the comprehensive physical, emotional, and social well-being of individuals seeking medical attention. It involves a complex interplay of clinical interventions, interpersonal interactions, and system-level support, aimed at optimizing health outcomes and improving the quality of life. This essay explores the multifaceted nature of patient care, highlighting its key aspects, challenges, and ongoing advancements.
Pillars of Patient Care
1. Clinical Expertise:
The foundation of patient care lies in delivering evidence-based medical treatment, informed by the latest scientific knowledge and best practices. This involves accurate diagnosis, appropriate....
Research-Based Essay on COVID-19
Title: The Impact of COVID-19 on Global Health: A Comprehensive Analysis
The COVID-19 pandemic has emerged as a global health crisis, transforming daily life and having profound implications for societies worldwide. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on global health, examining its epidemiology, clinical manifestations, management strategies, and long-term consequences.
Epidemiology and Clinical Manifestations:
COVID-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. It primarily spreads through respiratory droplets and exhibits a wide range of clinical presentations. Common symptoms include fever, cough, fatigue, and shortness of breath, while severe cases may progress to pneumonia,....
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