Climate Essays (Examples)

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Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol an
Pages: 6 Words: 1839

Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol
An analysis of the effectiveness of an international agreement to mitigate the consequences of Climate Change without the involvement of the United States

Climate change, also known in some circles as global warming, is a phenomenon that has been the subject of a vast amount of attention in recent decades. This issue stands the potential not only to threaten many animal species around the world, but also has the potential to virtually eliminate the human race by making the climate of the earth inhospitable. Although it may be somewhat unlikely that the human species will become extinct anytime in the near future, the limitations of the planet to support the exponentially growing human population are becoming increasingly more salient as this field of research continues developing. ith the world population recently climbing to over seven billion people, many researchers are questioning the natural ecosystem's ability to…...


Works Cited

Clayton, M. "Global boom in coal power - and emissions." 22 March 2007. The Christian Science Monitor. Web. 2 April 2012.

CO2 Now. "Earth's CO2 Home Page." 16 November 2011. CO2 Now. Web. 4 April 2012.

Facts on File News Services. "Update: Global Warming." Issues & Controversies On File." 27 October 2009. Facts on File News Services. Web. 4 April 2012. .

Hanjra, M. And E. Qureshi. "Global water crisis and future food security in an era of climatechange." Food Policy (2010): 365-377. Web.

Climate Change Media the Center
Pages: 5 Words: 2407

here the paper once debated policy options -- which reasonably could include doing nothing -- it now uses intellectually deficient arguments riddled with logical fallacies to debate the subject. The tone has gone from one of applying academically-accepted economics to undermine the policy prescriptions for dealing with climate change, an approach that is intellectually honest but hard to follow for those without an economics background, to simplistic arguments that are much easier to understand but are lacking in intellectual rigor.

There have been changes over the years with respect to how climate change arguments are framed. For much of the debate in the past fifteen years, the all Street Journal has staked out an editorial position as climate change skeptics, but its news coverage reflected balance. The tone of the writing was in general sober and professional. It is only in the past couple of years that a distinct shift…...


Works Cited:

Balling, R. (1995). Keep cool about global warming. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 13, 2011 from

Jolis, a. (2009). Revenge of the climate laymen. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from 

Krupp, F. (2009). Carbon caps are the best policy. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from 

Lomborg, B. (2009). Ethiopia, malnutrition and climate change. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved February 3, 2011 from

Climate Changes Are Occurring in the World
Pages: 6 Words: 2021

Climate changes are occurring in the world that will affect the environment in which we live. ising concentrations of greenhouse gases produce an increase in the average surface temperature of the Earth over time which may produce changes in precipitation patterns, storm severity, and sea level (Environmental Protection Agency, 2010). The main activities that create carbon emissions that affect climate are the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and agriculture. It will take a worldwide effort to reduce global carbon emissions because it the problem has been created by the activities of people all over the world.
Burning Fossil Fuels

The burning of fossil fuels contributes to the buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere causing climate changes. Scientists have been studying the impact of carbon emissions from the burning of fossil fuels for decades and studies show that CO2 has increased in the atmosphere 35% since the industrial revolution began (EPA, 2010).…...



Department of Energy and Environmental Protection Agency (July 2000). Carbon Dioxide Emissions from the Generation of Electric Power in the United States. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010 from 

Department of Energy (10 Jan. 2010). Climate Change. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010, from 

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (3 March 2010). Carbon Dioxide. Retrieved Dec. 28, 2010, from /climatechange/emissions/co2.html

"Farming Changes Affect Climate" (16 Aug. 2010). Forbes. Retrieved Dec. 29, 2010, from

Climate Change Effects of Climate Change Economic
Pages: 4 Words: 1234

Climate Change
Effects of Climate Change

Economic effects of global climate change

In this paper, we will discuss the economic effects of global climate change on rich as well as poor countries. Our emphasis will be on the point that the rich countries might have a difficult time but they can manage with the situation whereas the poorer countries will be impacted the hardest. Firstly let's review some of the facts regarding the global climate change phenomena and then we'll focus on our main topic.

Facts, figures and economic impact

Here are some of the facts and figures related to the worldwide climate change, the overall average temperatures have increased by 0.8 degree Celsius (1.4 degrees Fahrenheit) throughout the globe since 1880, here much of the change has occurred in recent decades and according to many reports the last two decades of 20th century were the warmest in the previous 400 years. The Arctic region…...



Brown, N. (2001). History and Climate Change, London: Routledge.

Hardy, J. (2003). Climate Change: Causes, Effects and Solutions, New York: John Wiley.

Hanley, N. (2004). The Economics of Climate Change, New York: Routledge.

Climate Change According to Johnson 2010 the
Pages: 2 Words: 703

Climate Change
According to Johnson (2010), the issue of climate change has been hotly debated from two main viewpoints: that global warming has resulted from human activity on the one hand; and that it is a myth resulting from flawed research and unverified scientific findings. Those who hold the former view accuse those of the latter persuasion that they are concerned more with perpetuating the fossil fuel industry than creating a safe environment for future human generations. The other side, in turn, are of the opinion that the public is far too susceptible to believe whatever they are told as soon as the scientific label is placed on it. Because of these two widely divergent opinions, the issue has been shrouded in uncertainty for many, with a third group believing that global warming does exist, but that human activity is not necessarily the main culprit. This opinion holds that natural events…...



Fox News (2009, Dec. 9). Administration Warns of 'Command-and-Control' Regulation Over Emissions. Retrieved from: 

Johnson, T. (2010, Feb. 23). Alternative Views on Climate Change. Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved from:

Climate Change With the Coming
Pages: 6 Words: 1772

The country is facing a lack of leadership on the issue, where targets are set but changes to achieve those targets not implemented. The issue does not appear to capture the imagination of voters, and this further contributes to political apathy. The upcoming election does provide an opportunity for voters to change their views, and that could change the course of Canadian climate change policy again, including its role on the world stage. Canada has commitments and if it adheres to those commitments it can regain its leadership globally on the issue. However, the policy for the future is likely to be more of what the past five years have been, and this is likely to result in a continued decline in the relevance of Canada in the setting of global foreign policy on climate change.
orks Cited:

Drexhage, J. & Murphy, D. (2010). Climate change and foreign policy in Canada:…...


Works Cited:

Drexhage, J. & Murphy, D. (2010). Climate change and foreign policy in Canada: Intersection and influence. Canadian International Council. In possession of the author.

Kukucha, C. (2005). From Kyoto to the WTO: Evaluating the constitutional legacy of the provinces in Canadian foreign trade and environmental policy. Canadian Journal of Political Science. Vol. 38 (2005) 129-152.

MacDonald, D. & Smith, H. (2000). Promises made, promises broken: Questioning Canada's commitment to climate change. International Journal. Vol. 55 (1) 107-124.

Rabe, B. (2007). Beyond Kyoto: Climate change policy in multilevel governance systems. Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions. Vol. 20 (3) 423-444.

Climate Change Problems Caused by
Pages: 1 Words: 417

Religion was also affected as the Church could not reconcile so many deaths within their theology for many of the survivors. The creation of the first modern nations, such as England and France were a direct result of the pervading political climate brought on the by the "Black Plague" and a usury system in finances.
About 100 years ago the earth began a warming trend which has produced, lately, a series of years which yearly have broken previous years' records. That the burning of fossil fuels and human living conditions have elevated levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide and that this has had some affect is without a doubt (Muller, 2003, 1). Although warm weather usually brings an abundance of crops and little food shortage, other negative results, such as extreme weather, the spread of diseases and therefore changes in the human condition, are a negative result.

orks Cited

Kilner, James. "Climate Change…...


Works Cited

Kilner, James. "Climate Change Could Spread Plague: Scientists." Oslo. Reuters. 14 Nov 2005. Found at .

Muller, Richard. "Medieval Global Warming. " Technology Review. Published by MIT, 17 Dec 2003. Found at .

Climate Change and General Crisis
Pages: 10 Words: 3484

Geomorphologic evidence of glacier fluctuations in Iceland during the Late Holocene is abundant. Furthermore, Iceland has a unique documentary record of ice-front positions between the times of settlement, around AD 870, to the early 20th century. Many of Iceland's larger outlet glaciers have been systematically monitored since 1930. Consequently, a general description of glacier conditions exists for the past/1000 years, in addition to a detailed knowledge of ice-front fluctuations for the past 70 years. Consequently, the idea of a broadly synchronous late 19th-century glacier maximum in Iceland has been widely accepted (Bradwell, Dugmore, & Sugden, 2006)
The difficulty in specifying the timing of the LIA is because the coldest period in the last 1,000 years was not uniformly cold. Furthermore, the occurrence of cold events around the globe was not synchronous and thus spatial differences exist. For example, the seventeenth century was the coldest LIA period in eastern Asia, while…...


Work Cited

Bradwell, Tom, Andrew J. Dugmore, and David E. Sugden. "The Little Ice Age glacier maximum in Iceland and the North Atlantic Oscillation: evidence from Lambatungnajokull, southeast Iceland." Boreas 35.1 (2006): 61-80. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web.

Cooper, Richard N. "The Little Ice Age: The Prelude to Global Warming, 1300-1850." Foreign Affairs 80.5 (2001): 160. MasterFILE Premier. EBSCO. Web.

Curtis, Nancy R. "The Little Ice Age (Book Review)." Library Journal 126.3 (2001): 196. Professional Development Collection. EBSCO. Web.

Gardiner, L. (2008). The Little Ice Age. Retrieved from

Climate Change Everything Changes in
Pages: 8 Words: 2223

Other effects observed worldwide include modifications in the distribution of plants and animals throughout and outside natural habitats, the fact that the trees start to bloom earlier than initially considered normal, the length of the seasons continue to increase, probably leading to a situation in which only two seasons with replace the traditional four. Foremost, ice has been found on rivers and the lakes freeze later in the winter and the ice on them melts earlier in the spring (United States Environmental Protection Agency).

The effects that have already been observed are called fingerprints of global warming and refer primarily to the heating temperatures in of the North and South Poles, the melting of the glaciers, the increasing levels of the seas and oceans and the growing number and intensity of heat waves. The effects that will be likely felt in the future in a more frequent and intense manner are…...



Greenpeace U.S.A.,   last accessed on March 31, 2009 

Natural Resources Defense Council,   last accessed on March 31, 2009 

Union of Concerned Scientists,   last accessed on March 31, 2009 

United States Environmental Protection Agency,   last accessed on March 31, 2009 

Climate and Civilization in Chapter
Pages: 2 Words: 567

Large areas of those parts of the ocean bottom we call the continental shelf were exposed as dry land, and shallow ocean straits, like the Bering Strait and the Gulf of Carpentaria, were instead land bridges. These bridges served as migratory routes for the people now known as aborigines in Australia and the Asiatic nomads now known in North America as Native Americans and in South America as Indians or indigenous people. As the glaciers retreated, the sea level rose again some 10,000 years ago, stranding the Native Americans and aborigines on their new continents. At the same time, as temperatures climbed, the global climate settled into the pattern that it has roughly maintained ever since (Gore, p. 61).
As one can plainly see from the quotation above, Gore's examples and his argument are rendered in clear, straightforward prose that effectively work to communicate his main idea -- the fact…...


Works Cited

Gore, Al. Earth in the Balance. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992.

Climate Change the Question at Hand Is
Pages: 2 Words: 712

Climate Change
The question at hand is whether governments will act to curb rising temperatures. I do not believe that they will. There are many reasons for this. Curbing rising temperatures requires a number of strong actions, because those rising temperatures are created by greenhouse gas emissions -- burning fossil fuels in particular, releasing CO2 into the atmosphere.

The problem is that the actions to curb rising temperatures would be incredibly disruptive to just about every aspect of our daily lives, and the action needed would have to be immediate and global in nature. These are the primary problems. The CQ article points about that President Obama has called for reduction in greenhouse gases from power plants, and levying additional taxes on carbon-based fuels. If the President was capable to doing such things without Congress, it does not matter, because these moves are not nearly enough. In principle, if something like a…...

Climate Policy the Late 20th
Pages: 2 Words: 768

Automobile efficiency -- The Clean Air Act of 1970 is somewhat outdated, and it has become apparent that even the 1990 update is no longer strong enough to reduce pollutants to the level of our technological ability. egulations would force manufacturers to more aggressively work towards hybrid technology (Automobile Emissions, 2007).

Sustainable building materials/Green Building Codes -- The State of California leads the way in adopting sustainable building standards as well as green building codes. The 2008 legislation requires a 15% reduction in overall energy use in new construction (using solar, certified appliances, etc.); a 20% reduction in water use through low-flow appliances; and a 50% reduction in water use for landscaping. In addition, it requires environmentally sensitive building materials. Adoption of this nationwide would have a mitigating effect on ecological issues (Mandatory Green Building Standards, 2009).

efuse reduction -- The EU has initiated policy initiatives to reduce refuse by requiring mandatory…...



Automobile Emissions: An Overview. (2007). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Cited in: /oms/consumer/05-autos.pdf

Legislation affecting waste. (2005). Waste Online. Cited in: 

Mandatory Green Building Standards: California Leads the Way. (April 2009). Gordon and Rees, LLP. Cited in:

Climate Weather and Mood Mental Health Seasons
Pages: 4 Words: 1247

Because it is produced in the dark, the hormone Melatonin, is thought to be secreted in larger numbers as the days grow longer and darker. This hormone, which is associated with sleep, may cause "symptoms of depression" ("Seasons Change). Seasonal Affective Disorder is actually a fairly common problem, affecting about 20% of the population, most of whom are women between the ages of 18 and 40. Symptoms of the disorder include "feelings of depression, misery, lethargy, insomnia, appetite problems, and a loss of sex drive" ("Seasons Change"). According to the May Clinic, many of the disorder's symptoms include depression-like characteristics, including "lethargy, fatigue and other problems (Seasonal Affective Disorder"). Indeed, the May Clinic calls Seasonal Affective Disorder a form of depression.
Although Seasonal Affective Disorder may be a potentially dangerous condition that leads to impaired cognitions, it is difficult to determine the exact nature of the ailment because many of…...


Works Cited

Kronefield. James. "What Cuases Mood Changes?" Article Alley. 7 March 2007. 29

November 2008. 

Samhsa's National Mental Health Information Center. "Mood Disorders." nd. 29

November 2008.

Climate Change in Australia's Alpine Region the
Pages: 4 Words: 1260

Climate Change in Australia's Alpine egion
The environments of entire Australia comprise of approximately 0.3% of total global land mass. The alpine region of Australia is found along the mountain ranges of southeastern, central plateau and Victoria mountain ranges. The altitudes in the alpine area vary significantly ranging from Tasmania's 1,300 m to 1,850m in South Wales (Diaz, Beniston & Bradley, 2007).

Changes in climatic conditions have diverse potential impacts on the alpine region of Australia and subalpine lives because their existence is controlled by sensitive changes in temperatures. From data about temperatures in the alpine region, there are high elevation trends thus high chances of making significant impacts on the ecological diversity. The alpine region is experiencing reduced average precipitation per annum, which leads to a reduction in the Alps of south and an increase in the Alps on North. The precipitation of the Alps depends on global warming. This…...



Agrawala, S., (2007). Climate change in the European Alps: Adapting winter tourism and natural hazards management. Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

Diaz, H.F., Beniston, M., & Bradley, R.S. (2007). Climatic change at high elevation sites. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

Dupeyras, A., & Rey, A.H., (2011). Climate change and tourism policy in OECD countries. Paris: OECD.

Godde, P., Price, M.F., & Zimmerman, F.M. (2009). Tourism and development in mountain regions. Wallingford, Oxon, UK: CABI Pub.

Climate and Economy in Two World Cities
Pages: 2 Words: 825

climate and economy in two world cities. There are six references used for this paper.
The world is currently undergoing a number of changes both in terms of the climate and the economy. It is important to look at Lima, Peru and Canberra, Australia and determine what effect the changing climates could have on the economies there.

Canberra, Australia

Canberra is the capital city of Australia and over the past eighty years has grown into a governmental powerhouse, as well as being home to "the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial esearch Organization, the Academy of Science and the National Science and Technology Centre ("


Australia enjoys a "prosperous Western-style capitalist economy, with a per capita GDP at the level of the four dominant West European economies (" Due the high level of natural resources available, the major exports of the country are "agricultural products, minerals, metals, and fossil fuels, which account for 57% of…...



Australia Economy-Flags, Maps, Economy, Geography, Climate. (accessed 10 May 2004)

Capital City Functions. (accessed 10 May 2004).

Cochrane, Mark A. (2001, October). "In the line of fire. Understanding the Impacts of Tropical

Forest Fires." (accessed 10 May 2004). Environment.

Can you help me with a topic for master\'s in research which will be into performance management?
Words: 365

Exploring the relationship between performance management plans and terminating employees.  How can performance management help employers demonstrate that a termination was not wrongful?  How can performance management help wrongfully terminated employees demonstrate that their employment was wrongful?

The importance of goal setting in performance management How can a manager and an employee work together to set attainable and quantifiable goals for the employee between review periods?  Emphasize how attainable goals are important, because setting goals that an employee cannot realistically achieve can demotivate otherwise high-performing employees. 

Measuring employee performance under employee management plans?  How can human resource professionals help managers develop quantifiable....

I need some Research topics related to greenhouse plant materials?
Words: 377

Building a greenhouse is a great way to ensure you have a steady supply of fresh vegetables, fresh flowers, or just beautiful houseplants.  Greenhouses can be built in a variety of different locations from the backyard to space stations.  Determining how to construct your greenhouse depends on what you are growing, wear you are located, and your access to materials.

Here is a list of potential research topics for greenhouse plant materials:

  1. Are metal frames superior to other frames for greenhouse construction, and does the answer to this question depend on the environment outside the greenhouse, the....

What would be a good relevant topic to do a research paper on regarding Emergency Management?
Words: 357

Emergency management is the practice of handling disasters, whether manmade or natural disasters.  There are different levels of emergency management, because emergencies can be local, citywide, statewide, countrywide, or even global.  The current COVID-19 pandemic is a great example of a global emergency and how different regions have handled the pandemic highlight differences in emergency management.

There are a number of different topics to explore in terms of emergency management:

  1. The role of local emergency management facilities in helping stop local spread of COVID-19.
  2. Comparing and contrasting country policies in terms of travel restrictions after the COVID-19 environment.
  3. Local....

Writing a thesis on Wall House by Anupama Kundoo and wondering how to start it?
Words: 335

How to begin a thesis on Wall House by Anupama Kundoo depends on how you are approaching the topic.  Are you approaching Wall House as a work of architecture, art, human behavior, or a sustainability project?  While the three areas combine and are not possible to completely separate, knowing your primary focus will help you determine how to start your thesis.  It will also help you understand your audience.  How familiar do you expect your readers to be with Wall House, with how it functions, or with Anupama Kundoo as an architect?

Regardless of the approach....

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