Classical Music Essays (Examples)

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Classical Music Theme and Variations
Pages: 3 Words: 821

They restated the chorale melody completely and had a different contrapuntal setting each time."

Two famous variations artists in the aroque era are George Frideric Handel and Johann Sebastian ach (Wikipedia Online).

In the Classical Era, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van eethoven, and Franz Schubert, are among the famous variations artists. Following are the types of variations in the Classical Era.

Penultimate Variation

This variation works on a slow tempo with multi-movements.

Final Variation

In contrast to the penultimate variation, the final variation is fast in style.

Double Variation

This variation uses two themes and is played in varied alteration (Wikipedia).

The Romantic Era, however, was where few variations were developed. Johannes rahms was the famous variation artist of this era. Few of his works are Theme of Haydn, Franck's Symphonic Variations for piano solo and orchestra, and Elgar's Enigma Variations (ThinkQuest).

The 20th century also boasts of the development of variations by the period's composers. Wikipedia online…...



The Baroque Era - Instrumental

ThinkQuest Online.

The Renaissance Era - Instrumental.

ThinkQuest Online.

Classical Music the Performance I
Pages: 3 Words: 841

It seemed less a powerful expression of creative energy than simply a quality piece of music performed to perfection.
One section I did not particularly care for was Tuba Mirum. This section chronologically follows the powerful Dies Irae section, and does so a little weakly, in my opinion. I enjoyed the tenor solo in this section, but felt that overall it was too restrained, and too anticlimactic coming on the heels of a powerful, energetic section. The finale of Lux Aeterna (and thus the piece) was weak and predictable. Granted, this section was not written by Mozart himself, but a stronger finish, and certainly a more creative one, would have benefited the piece.

There was no encore performance for this work. The requiem was performed in its entirety and I can imagine that to throw in some other work at the end would not have been suitable.

The audience appeared to be…...


Works Cited

Mozart's Requiem Mass in D Minor. 1991. British Broadcasting Corporation, London. Youtube. 

Palau Musica. 2008. Palau Musica de la Catalana. June 27, 2008. 

Lemco, Gary. 2006. Mozart: Requiem Mass in D Minor; Mass in C Minor. Audiophile Audition. June 27, 2008.

Classical Music Is the Final
Pages: 3 Words: 1086

Minimalism, "Like serialism, this style uses repeated patterns and series and steady pulsation with gradual changes occurring over time. But whereas serialism is usually atonal, minimalism is usually tonal and more harmonic" (Spielvogel, 942). One could say that minimalism was a reflection of the hippie sixties that rejected the acquisitional tendencies of one's parents in favor of a more streamlined and strategically stark composition.
The advent of modern classical music was invariably a reflection of the bolstering pace of technology at the time. Starting with the 1940s, nearly all Americans had radios in their homes and had for some time; more and more Americans were buying televisions, an influx of appliances of convenience debuted on the market that made domestic life easier and faster. The same was true for the technology that made composers able to create music: "In the 1960s, the technology of tape recording suggested one means of…...


Works Cited

Gagne, N.V. Historical Dictionary of Modern and Contemporary Classical Music. Plymouth: Scarecrow Press, 2012.

Greenberg, B & Watts, L.S. Social History of the United States, Volume 1. Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO, 2009.

Kennedy, J. The Joy of Classical Music: A Guide for You and Your Family. New York: Doubleday, 1994.

Spielvogel, J.J. Western Civilization: Since 1300. Boston: Cengage Learning, 2012.

Classical Musical Performance Review and
Pages: 3 Words: 1088

Cosmos ended the work with a performance of "A Columbus Triptych" by Stephen Main, which it premiered in 2007. Main often makes use of Christian iconography in his work, and one of his most noted compositions is a reinterpretation of "Pie Jesus." ("Stephen Main," Official ebsite, 2008). The setting of the performance in St. John's Evangelical Church of Columbus seemed fitting for the work. The "Columbus Triptych" tries to render religious iconography into a contemporary argot. Columbus refers to Columbus Ohio, the group's and Main's geographical base, while a triptych, most notably deployed in Hieronymus Bosch's "The Garden of Earthly Delights," is a form of Christian medieval altar, with three hinged wooden panels where the artist paints different visual interpretation of the same scriptural theme. The images contained on each panel relate to the content displayed on the other panels. The three panels viewed together are supposed to suggest that…...


Works Cited

Biography." Stephen Paulus Website. 2 Sept 2008. 

Klein, Andrew. "I am: Andrew Boysen. Jr." 2 Sept 2008. 

Stephen Main." Official Website. 2 Sept 2008.

What's New?" Cosmos 2 Sept 2008.

Classical Music and Jazz
Pages: 3 Words: 958

Jazz Performance eport
Jazz in its essence is a group of assorted musicians seamlessly communicating with one another. The communication may be planned or take place in spontaneity as the musicians become one in music. Since the tempo, key, rhythm and etiquette of the music is so potent, the musicians allow for great excitement generated by the music to shine, thereby making spontaneous improvisation easier. Jazz is a constantly evolving music genre and is great music to dance to and enjoy (HJW).

Jazz grew in popularity quickly, and for the first half of the 20th century, it was the world's most popular music. This period produced great music that is being enjoyed even today by the young generation. This period in time was also one of the most depressing in history as the great depression struck by an influenza pandemic and citizens of the world endured the world wars and the atomic…...



Harrington, Jim. Diana Krall's Solo Performance at the Montreal Jazz Festival. 27 June 2011. .

HJW. What is Jazz? 2012. .

Sabbatini, Mark. Diana Krall: Live At The Montreal Jazz Festival. 2005. .

Spitzer, Peter. Jazz Theory: Harmony and Form of Jazz Standards. 2011. .

Music Appreciation Stravinsky the Rite
Pages: 5 Words: 1420

The piano plays quick octaves and the urgent bass motive portrays an intense wild ride. This strong galloping is also being formulated by the piano's triplet rhythm which allows for the development of the dramatic storyline's urgency.
5. ) There are four different characters in this piece: the Narrator, the father, the son, and the Erlkonig. Although Schubert uses one singer to portray and sing all of the four parts of the characters, the listener is able to quite clearly differentiate them from one another. The son is sung in the high register in a minor key with dissonant harmonies. On the other hand, the father is sung in low register while the Erlkonig is sung in a coy with pleasant and soft melodies in the major key.

6. ) There are two ways that Schubert builds momentum in his piece. The first way is by using the bass as a…...



Kamien, R. (2010). Music: An appreciation, brief edition. (7th ed. ). New York: McGraw-Hill Humanities/Social Sciences/Languages.

Classical and Popular Music in 'The Crying
Pages: 5 Words: 1720

Thomas Pynchon is known for his complex storylines and weird characters. For this reason it is not easy to comment on the use of music in his novels as it is the very complexity of his plots that obscure the influence or meaning of classical and popular music in his books. Despite this, he is one of the most influential writers of the postmodern era and many singers have cited his work as an inspiration for their music. In our days for example, since the return of popular music, we notice that Thomas Pynchon has become a source of inspiration for many new pop artists. Larry Swindell (1996) says, "Pynchon is an enduring literary cult figure, sainted by proponents of darkest-hued comedy."

It is important to bear in mind that Pynchon's use of music is not limited to just one of his…...


Works Cited

Hans, James S., Emptiness and plenitude in "Bartleby the Scrivener" and 'The Crying of Lot 49.'. Vol. 22, Essays in Literature, 09-22-1995, pp 285(15).


Joel Stein, The Case For Thomas Pynchon., Time, 07-09-2001, pp 50.

Joseph Slade, Writers for the 70s: Thomas Pynchon, New York, 1974.

Music Producers
Pages: 11 Words: 3126

Music Producers
Biographical Introduction: Teo Macero

Producers work behind the scenes and are the unsung heroes of music. While some producers receive public notoriety like Brian Eno and George Martin; others like Teo Macero remain known mainly to music scholars and serious audiophiles. In 2008, when Macero died, The New York Times ran an obituary with the tagline: "Teo Macero, 82, ecord Producer," as if readers would need that crucial bit of vocational data. Indeed, Macero is best known for his work on Miles Davis's masterpieces Kind of Blue and Bitches Brew. He was also a composer, whose approach to music takes into account the big picture rather than attention to minute detail.

Macero was ahead of his time. He incorporated electronic effects and electronic media in ways that made Bitches Brew as momentous and groundbreaking an album as it is. The embrace of new technology is therefore a hallmark of Macero's style.…...



"George Martin," (n.d.). Beatles Bible. Retrieved online: 

Martin, G. (2012). Interview with Marc Myers. Retrieved online: 

Ratliff, B. (2008). Teo Macero, 82, Record Producer, Dies. The New York Times. 22 Feb, 2008. Retrieved online: 

Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (2010). George Martin Biography. Retrieved online:

Music a Survey of Culture
Pages: 5 Words: 1591

Since the valuation of a God had been essentially devaluated, what was to be the source of revaluation in the modern world? No answer could satisfy Ives, for his society saw no return to the societal standards and beliefs of the age of Bach, which gave explicit valuation to all things, especially music -- as seen in Bach's mastering of counterpoint. Schoenberg's inverted counterpoint is the antithesis of that old world Germanic culture -- and it is no surprise that Schoenberg settled in America -- all things being equal, and, in a sense, equally meaningless.
In conclusion, what was once considered light and understood, orthodox, hierarchical, and whole -- in terms of both estern culture and estern classical music in the time of Bach -- had, by the time of Ives and Schoenberg, drifted into a kind of relativistic self-importance/self-worthlessness that had no moorings whatsoever. Notes and attitudes shifted without…...


Works Cited

Barker, Dan. "Brahms the Freethinker." Works Without Faith. 17 May 2007. Web. 25

March 2011.

Heiner, Stephen. Interview with Bp. Williamson. 1 October 2006. Web. 25 March


Music Michael Tilson Thomas the
Pages: 5 Words: 1500

I especially appreciate the opportunity to place musical compositions and composers within a historical context. Placing music within a historical context illuminates some of the variables that characterize a piece like "ite of Spring." Understanding the cultural, political, and military events taking place during the composer's lifetime is essential to understanding the music. Although analyzing classical pieces can prove difficult because of shifting time signatures, counterpoint, and layering of sounds, I am now much more able to distinguish between different styles and composers. The course content has awoken my mind and my ears to rhythms and melodies and I look forward to exploring Western classical music more in-depth. For example, pieces like "ite of Spring" have made their way into movies and therefore continue to have an impact on musical culture.

Alsop, M. (2008). "Getting Hooked on the 'ite' Sound." NP MUSIC. etrieved Dec 19, 2008 at

Kelly, T. (1999).…...



Alsop, M. (2008). "Getting Hooked on the 'Rite' Sound." NPR MUSIC. Retrieved Dec 19, 2008 at 

Kelly, T. (1999). "Igor Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring." NPR Online. Retrieved Dec 19, 2008 from Igor Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring"

Revolutions in Music: Stravinsky's Rite of Spring." (2006). Retrieved Dec 19, 2008 at 

Thomas, M.T. (2006). "Stravinsky: The Rite of Spring." San Francisco Symphony. Retrieved Dec 19, 2008 at

Classical Composers & the Impact
Pages: 4 Words: 1322

. . which fascinates by the mass of its beauties" (Goulding, 1995, 256). Much like Wagner, Tchaikovsky was influenced by several love affairs, first with Desiree Artot, an opera singer who deserted him to marry someone else and Nadezhda von Meck, a patroness of the arts. Thus, the relationship with Ms. Von Meck provided the stimulation Tchaikovsky needed for the completion of omeo and Juliet; she also was obviously his Juliet, a woman from a contrasting family (she provided him with much financial support) and someone that was out of reach for a simple composer.
Claude Debussy:

The piece known as Clouds is part of Debussy's Three Nocturnes for orchestra and as described by Debussy himself, Clouds represents "the unchanging aspect of the sky, and the slow, solemn movement of the clouds, dissolving into gray tints, lightly touched with white" (Goulding, 1995, 315). All of this is symbolized by the atmospheric…...



Goulding, Phillip G. (1995). Classical Music: The 50 Greatest Composers and Their 1000 Greatest Works. Westminster, MD: Ballantine Books.


Music the Men Behind the
Pages: 5 Words: 1613

Suddenly Western Music no longer needed to follow all the old rules. Just as the abstract painters dispensed with the traditional canon of art at just the same time, so also men like Bartok and Stravinsky take a fresh look at what constituted good music.
According to Bartok, the aesthetic success of this new homophonic-polyphonic music would depend upon the "harmonic entity" that results from the rise and fall of the "horizontal line" formed by the many discrete tone patches.... "an architectonic or similar scheme is not absolutely necessary; the construction of the line born out of the different degrees of intensity that are inherent in the tonal succession would be completely satisfactory," and by his likening of such constructions to works written in prose rather than verse (Gillies, 2000, p. 55)

Stravinsky too made his own way in the musical world. Working alongside Diaghilev and his Ballet usses he created…...



Gillies, M. (2000). 4 Analyzing Bart k's Works of 1918-1922 Motives, Tone Patches, and Tonal Mosaics. In Bartok Perspectives: Man, Composer, and Ethnomusicologist, Antokoletz, E., Fischer, V., & Suchoff, B. (Eds.) (pp. 43-56). Oxford: Oxford U.S..


Maconie, R. (1997). The Science of Music. New York: Oxford University Press.

Classical Baroque Comparing and Contrasting
Pages: 5 Words: 1709

The geniuses strained the boundaries of the characteristic styles more evidently and more quickly than those of their contemporaries to bring about such seismic changes.
orks Cited

Baroque: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Baroque: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Ludwig van Beethoven." The Columbia Encyclopedia. 2007. 23 Apr 2008.

Posner, Howard. "hat is basso continuo?" Early Music FAQ. 1994. 23 Apr 2008.

Sadie, Stanley. "Baroque." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000. 23 Apr 2008.

Sadie, Stanley. "Classical." The Grove Concise Dictionary of Music. New York: .. Norton, 1994. Excerpted at Classical Music Pages Homepage. Created by Matt Boynick. 1 Feb 1996. Revised 10 Oct 2000.…...


Works Cited

Baroque: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Style." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Baroque: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Classical: Musical Context." The Essentials of Music. 23 Apr 2008.

Music There Are Quite a
Pages: 2 Words: 912

As far as epertoirethe following web site, listed the following: Feinberg, Aleksandrov, Medtner, Tcherepnin, Mompou, Friedman, Tausig, Persichetti, Blumenfeld, Sinding, Sitsky, Nielsen. When you click on one of the name provided it gives you more information. For example Feinberg, Samuil Evgenevich (1890-1972).

A pianist of the very first rank, a pedagogue responsible for the Soviet theory of legato playing, and a composer who stood in the vanguard of 1920s futurism, S.E. Feinberg was one of the major figures of ussian music eclipsed by Soviet cultural insularity. A 1911 graduate of the Moscow Conservatory, studying with a. Goldenweiser, he combined his teacher's love of J.S. Bach and the art of counterpoint with a fascination for the synthetic harmony of a. Scriabin. He composed Sonata #1. Moscow: Muzykalnyi Sektor, 1924. Library of Congress, Sonata #2. Moscow: Muzykalnyi Sektor, 1926. Library of Congress, Sonata #4. Moscow: Muzykalnyi Sektor, 1923. Library of Congress. (Piano…...



Australia Pictures (2006). Travel to Australia Pictures. Retrieved 06/21/07, at

Blue Book of Pianos (2005). Blue Book of Pianos. The ages and Historical Records of Pianos sold in America, VI,. Retrieved 06/21/07, at 

Cello.Org (2005). Famous Orchestras of the World. Retrieved 06/21/07, at 

Classical Archives (2007). Mozart Music Files. Retrieved 06/21/07, at

Music and Cognitive Theory
Pages: 4 Words: 1223

Music and Cognitive Theory
Music tends to have a phenomenal power over the human mind and emotions. A movie without a soundtrack would seem so dull and boring. If you try closing your eyes and picture a scene with music, it gives a completely different mood and emotion to it. Even before the music culture that exists today, human beings were still making some kind of music. They made flutes with the bones and jaw harps. Music has always had an innate appreciation for humans. Pleasant sounds lure a person to identify its source, whereas a shrill, unpleasant sound makes a person uncomfortable.

Studies show that while an orchestral concert, the pleasure centers of a human brain are activated. These are also active while a person has chocolate, engages in sexual acts or during the intake of stimulants like hash and cocaine. hen a baby is being formed inside a mother's womb,…...


Work cited:

Mursell, J. (1970). The Psychology of Music. New York: Prentice Hall.

Schlaug, G.L. Jancke, Y. Huang, and H. Steinmetz. 1995. In vivo evidence of structural brain asymmetry in musicians. Science 267: 699-701.

Ratey, J. (2002). A Users Guide to the Brain. New York: Vintage.

Strickland, S. (2001). Music and the Brain in Childhood Development. Childhood Education, 78(2), 98-109.

Can the right soundtrack help you navigate the transition to higher education?
Words: 686

Navigating Higher Education with the Right Soundtrack

Higher education is a transformative journey that can be both exhilarating and daunting. As students embark on this academic adventure, they face a myriad of challenges and opportunities. Music, as a powerful emotional catalyst, can play a vital role in helping them navigate these transitions and make the most of their experience. The right soundtrack can provide a sense of solace, motivation, and empowerment, aiding students in overcoming obstacles and achieving their academic goals.

Emotional Regulation

Adjusting to college life can be an emotionally turbulent time. Students often experience homesickness, anxiety, and self-doubt. Music with calming....

What is the significance of \"The Magic Flute\" in the world of classical music?
Words: 240

1. "The Mesmerizing Melodies: Exploring the Origin and Evolution of the Flute"

2. "The Anatomy of the Flute: Understanding its Structure and Mechanism"

3. "The Influence of Flute Music on Human Emotions and Well-being"

4. "Unveiling the Secrets of Flute Techniques: Breathing, Fingerings, and Embouchure"

5. "The Role of the Flute in Various Musical Genres and Traditions"

6. "Flute Soloists through History: From Classical Virtuosos to Modern Masters"

7. "Flute Ensembles: The Magic in Musical Collaboration"

8. "The Flute’s Transformation: From Ancient Rituals to Modern Concert Halls"

9. "Exploring Flute Repertoire: Iconic Compositions and Hidden Gems"

10. "The Flute’s Journey: From Amateur Instrument to Professional Pursuit"
11. "The Flute as....

What inspired the creation of the world\'s first flute?
Words: 284

1. "The Origins and Evolution of the Flute: Tracing its Invention through History"

2. "From Ancient Mesopotamia to Modern Concert Halls: Exploring the Genesis of the Flute"

3. "Innovative Minds in Music: Uncovering the Inventors behind the Flute"

4. "The Magic of Bamboo: Examining the Bamboo Flute and its Inventive Roots"

5. "Flute: A Gift from the Gods? Exploring the Mythical Origins of the Instrument"

6. "The Renaissance of the Flute: How the Instrument Changed Music Forever"

7. "The Technical Wizardry of the Flute: Exploring its Design and Mechanics"

8. "Breaking Barriers: How the Invention of the Flute Revolutionized Music Performance"

9. "Sonic Versatility: Investigating the Many Roles....

How does Jean Luc Godard\'s film \"Weekend\" challenge traditional narrative structure and storytelling techniques?
Words: 435

Jean Luc Godard's film "Weekend" challenges traditional narrative structure and storytelling techniques in several ways:

1. Non-linear storytelling: "Weekend" consists of a series of disjointed scenes and events that do not follow a linear narrative structure. The film jumps back and forth in time and contains various flashbacks and flash-forwards, challenging the viewer to piece together the events in a non-traditional way.

2. Fragmented narrative: Instead of following a clear and coherent storyline, "Weekend" presents a fragmented narrative that is often chaotic and disorienting. The film switches between different characters and plotlines without providing clear connections between them, creating a sense of....

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