City Council Essays (Examples)

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City Council Public Administration
Pages: 3 Words: 858

City of Pomona City Council Meeting
The city of Pomona is in the process of re-vitalizing itself as a strategic location in the Pacific Rim for businesses and industry. Concurrently, as the City is greatly involved in improving these standards and opportunities for growth, the City Council must also attend to issues relevant to the people of Pomona. As it were, February 10th's City Council meeting fielded comments and issues from the general public during a brief one-hour public meeting.

On February 10th, 2003, the City Council meeting commenced at 7:00pm for the public. The council meeting itself began at 6pm in the Council Chambers. Various points and issues regarding the city of Pomona were addressed, despite the Rt. Honorable Mayor not being in attendance. Because of this, points 1, 2(a), (b), 3, 8 and 9 were not brought into discussion.

A select few individuals - namely Marcos Robles, Elliott Rothman and…...

Department Management Dear City Council
Pages: 6 Words: 1970

These are federal stimulus funds for policing programs that are community oriented. As these programs has already awarded $1 billion in ARRA funds. (2010).
If the Lowell Police Department is able to receive ARRA funding from the COPS program, additional layoffs can be averted, while building a rapport with the community. Many lessons became evident, when we were undergoing the painstaking cuts for the police department. One lesson that could be the most valuable is: understanding the community and its needs. Therefore, all of the City of Lowell's departments appreciate the camaraderie established through the process of budgetary cuts. As they are working together to: provide as many services as possible to benefit the community. Once this takes place, it means that the government is more efficient and responsive to the needs of the people.

While cutting any budget is an experience: a department head, staff, and the community never want…...



"Budget knife falls on police training." Police One, 5 Oct. 2010. Web. 31 Mar. 2011

Brock, Ed. "Budget problems force cuts to public safety." American City & County 129.5 (2010). Print.

Friend, Zach M.F.F. And Rick Martinez. "Preserving Community-Oriented Policing in Recession," FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin (2010). Print.

Goldstein, Joseph. "Police Force Nearly Halved, Camden Feels Impacts." The New York

How to Stop Marginalizing Groups
Pages: 2 Words: 593

BriefHonorable Members of the City Council,I am writing to share recommendations on enhancing the inclusivity of our public spaces. My recommendations are informed both by personal experiences and by scholarly research. Inclusive public spaces are important for our community and reflect our commitment to diversity and equality.My experiences have shown that identity significantly influences how people interact with and perceive public spaces. There have been moments where spaces felt welcoming, where there was a distinct sense of belonging and community. However, there have also been instances of exclusion, where the design or social environment of a space made certain groups feel marginalized or unwanted.Ehrkamp's (2008) research shows the importance of considering how masculinities and racial identities can influence one's access and comfort in public spaces. The research is helpful in understanding why our public spaces need to be designed so that they do not perpetuate stereotypes or reinforce negative or…...



Ehrkamp, P. (2008). Risking publicity: Masculinities and the racialization of public neighborhood space. Social & Cultural Geography, 9(2),117-132.

Hopkins, P., Botterill, K., Sanghera, G., and Arshad, R. (2017). Encountering misrecognition: Being mistaken for being Muslim. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(4), 934-948.

Pew Research Center. (2014). Retrieved from

How to Make People Feel More Welcome
Pages: 2 Words: 505

Honorable Members of the City Council,Public spaces currently exclude a large portion of the community without being aware. To make this space more inclusive, we should ensure diverse community representation in the art and monuments, engage the community in decision-making, enforce anti-discrimination policies, and increase signage in multiple languages.I am writing to propose specific enhancements to Centennial Park, a space that currently functions as a zone of exclusion in our community. My recommendations are tailored to transform this area into a more inclusive and welcoming environment, drawing on both personal observations and academic research.Centennial Park has been identified as a zone of exclusion due to its current design and social environment, which inadvertently marginalizes certain groups. My experiences, coupled with scholarly insights, reveal that identity significantly influences how people perceive and interact with public spaces. For instance, Ehrkamp's (2008) study underscores the impact of racial and gender identities on access…...



Ehrkamp, P. (2008). Risking publicity: Masculinities and the racialization of public neighborhood space. Social & Cultural Geography, 9(2),117-132.

Hopkins, P., Botterill, K., Sanghera, G., and Arshad, R. (2017). Encountering misrecognition: Being mistaken for being Muslim. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 107(4), 934-948.

City Budget of Park Ridge Illinois
Pages: 8 Words: 2150

City of Park idge, Illinois: Budget Analysis
The budget for Park City, Illinois is complete with a table of contents, which identifies all pages by page number, and the page numbers are correct according to the table of contents. Included in the budget for Park idge, Illinois are the city's non-financial policy goals as well as these being stated in the Budget Message separate from departmental sections. Other planning processes are discussed addressing both short-term factors affecting the budgeting decisions and relating how these short-term factors affected the development of the city's annual budget. Included in the budget is information that sets out the city's priorities and goals for the year including issues facing the city's budget development along with the city's solution for addressing these issues. The present budget is compared to previous years. Included in the budget is an overview of the budget with summary information clearly labeled as…...



Annual Budget Fiscal Year Ending April 30, 2012. Park Ridge, Illinois Budget Report. Retrieved from: 

City Council Policy Statements Manual (2011) Park Ridge, Illinois. Retrieved from:

City of Brooklyn Park Structure and Function
Pages: 2 Words: 725

City of Brooklyn Park
Structure and Function



Evolution Openness

Power Structure

The City of Brooklyn Park focuses on family. It's governmental style encourages community participation. It encourages a sense of community pride by funding many projects that originate in ideas from citizens. Brooklyn Park utilizes a Council/Mayor form of government with Council meetings divided into both open and closed sessions.

City of Brooklyn Park

Brooklyn Park is a great place to work and play. Brooklyn Park is the sixth largest city in Minnesota. It is located in Hennepin County. The median age is 27 years old, making it a family oriented community. The city lies on the Mississippi iver, just north of Minneapolis. Brooklyn Park is best known for its system of parks and trails, taking hikers through some of the most scenic routes in Minnesota. Let us now embark on a journey that will enlighten citizens as to their governmental structure and style.

Brooklyn Park is…...



Brooklyn Park. (2012a). Government. Retrieved from 

Brooklyn Park. (2012b). History. Retrieved from 

Brooklyn Park. (2012c). Regular Council Meeting -- Agenda #12 Retrieved from

Brooklyn Park. (2012d). Community Engagement Retrieved from

City Town Reimaging Using Sport Strategies
Pages: 10 Words: 3246

City Town eimaging Using Sports Strategies
A common challenge that has been impacting a number of cities throughout the UK is shifts in the local economy. This is because many industrial centers have been facing a decline in the manufacturing base. As employers, are seeking out locations overseas, where they can perform these functions cheaper. This has been causing various regions to begin to have image problems from these economic issues. (Gratton 2001)

To deal with these challenges, a number of cities have been focusing on using sports strategies to rebrand themselves. This is when they are creating large arenas that can serve as a location for various events. Moreover, many of these regions are concentrating on improving the brand image of the local teams to have a positive impact on the community. The combination of these factors is showing how various cities have been aggressively working to change the public's perceptions.…...



General Area Profile, 2001, West York Observatory. Available from: [28 May 2012].

Make Bradford British, 2012, BBC. Available from: [28 May 2012].

Bradford: Britain's Worst Tourism City, 2010, Telegraph. Available from:   [8 May 2012] 

Bloyce, D, 2009, Sport Policy and Development, Taylor and Francis, New York.

City of God by E L Doctorow
Pages: 8 Words: 2490

Christ died on the cross in order to prove the infinite love of god towards his creatures. Using fear as a catalyst for faith has people acting out of hatred.
The second consequence is that people are more easily to be controlled. Fear is an instrument of control. It is highly efficient because it practically means getting into people's heads. Afterwards, small inputs are necessary in order to achieve the desired actions. Fear is connected with a way of being (living) focused on having as opposed to the paradigm focused on being.

When an individual is controlled by somebody else this clearly implies that the latter part is the stringer one. Therefore such doctrines as the one of Augustine regarding baptism serves a mechanism through which power is installed and maintained. It is highly efficient through the immense psychological power which it induces.

A third implication regarding faith supported by fear refers…...



Bellman, S. City of God, an interpretation. Retrieved December 3, 2009 from 

City of God, Penguin Readings, Retrieved December 2, 2009 from 

Doctorow, E.L. City of God, Plume, 2001

Eshom, Daniel. Teachers' guide to the Plume edition of E.L. Doctorow's City of God, retrieved December 3, 2009 from

City of Norfolk VA 2008
Pages: 16 Words: 4546

1-15). One may note that this amount is offset by a reduction in Federal Aid of $-2,596,200, a 29.4% drop (p. 1-15_. Educational expenses and operating the cities' public schools is by far the costliest budgetary item. This is followed by provision of police and fire services.
Costliest Line Item per Department




Personnel Services


Personnel Services


Personnel Services

Personnel Services


Personnel Services

Office of Elections

Personnel Services

General Management

Personnel Services

Non-Departmental Appropriations

Employee Compensation Increases

Community Development

Personnel Services

Parks, ecreation, and Cultural

Personnel Services

Public Health and Assistance

Personnel Services

Public Safety

Personnel Services

Public Works

Personnel Services

Debt Service

Debt Principal

Source: All data was obtained from the Expenditure Summary of the appropriate department section of the budget report.

The biggest expense in every department listed in the report was personnel and/or personnel related expenditures. Personnel services are the largest portion of the city budget and represent the area that can be trimmed in order to return the city to a healthy fiscal position. In term of the entire budget, personnel costs…...



City of Norfolk. FY 2008 Approved Departmental Budget. The Office of Budget and Management. Accessed August 24.

Daniels When City and Country Collide Thomas
Pages: 5 Words: 1526

Daniels When City and Country Collide
Thomas L. Daniel's When City and Country Collide provides an interesting and largely effective analysis of the spread of urban sprawl in America. This paper outlines the key themes and findings within Daniel's book, and discusses the relationship between Daniel's book and Managing Urban America, by David . Morgan and obert E. England. Overall, When City and Country Collide provides a useful look into how urban sprawl characterizes modern city planning, and provides some somewhat limited insights into urban management and public administration.

In When City and Country Collide: Managing Growth in the Metropolitan Fringe, Thomas L. Daniels describes the recent emergence of the rural-urban fringe in a diversity of cities across the United States. Throughout the book, Daniels develops his thesis that the urban fringe has expanded in recent years as residential and commercial development in cities has boomed, and that growth management must be…...



Morgan, David R. And England, Robert E. 1999. Managing Urban America (Public Administration and Public Policy), 5th edition. Chatham House Publishers.

Daniels, Thomas L. 1998. When City and Country Collide: Managing Growth in the Metropolitan Fringe. Island Press, Washington, DC.

Community Is New York City
Pages: 4 Words: 1190

The searches take about fifteen minutes each, and added up, number millions of hours of police time spent conducting these Stop and Frisk searches, making the practice a core part of NYPD police training and street policy, and not simply a seldom used law. Another startling fact is that 88% of those who are stopped are not at all guilty of any crime, but are still forced to submit to the police officers conducting the search for the duration of the search, and cannot bypass the search under any circumstances. This means that the police are spending the vast majority of their time not catching criminals, which may seem like an inefficient method.
The NAACP, a political group representing African-Americans, has come out against the Stop and Frisk law because of statistics published by the NYPD that show that young black men are targeted at much higher rates for random…...


Works Cited

NYCLU. (2011, December). Stop and frisk. Retrieved from .

Rivera, R. (2010, September 28). Police mum and stop and frisk hearing. Retrieved from .

Signore, J. (n.d.). Gothamist. Retrieved from .

WNYC Newsroom. (2012, May 10). Bloomberg: Stop and frisk deterrent. Retrieved from .

Suburban Cities
Pages: 10 Words: 3200

old, my parents and I moved from the sprawling, suburban township of Hudson, Ohio to the village at its center, and I fell in love with small, walkable cities and towns that are built on grids. I believe that such environments promote socialization due to the activation energy involved in going out. If we accept that socialization is more comfortable for the majority in the traditional context of a high-density city, why do the majority of new home permits proclaim otherwise? Why don't people just don't pick up and move to places where people have traditionally conducted their daily affairs without the use of a car, like San Francisco and New York City?
The 1960's and 1970's in America saw an urban transition still unknown in most of the major cities of Europe. The Federal Housing Administration had precipitated the explosion in suburban development by offering 4% interest loans following…...



Stephen Sobek. "A long, hard road to desegregation: New Castle County had significant role in national movement." Delaware News-Journal, 12/21/2000.

When life is more interesting than art." Economist, 3/23/2000.

Peter Gordon and Harry W. Richardson. "Critiquing Sprawl's Critics." Policy Analysis: The Cato Institute Press, January 24, 2000

Peter Samuel and Randal O'Toole. Smart Growth at the Federal Trough

Block in NYC I Have
Pages: 6 Words: 1672

(Absolute Astronomy).

Here, we see the Mediascape landscape alongside many other of the success factors for design in real-world situations:


Compare that last to the landscape identified as Ethnoscapes here:


Here we find Ethnoscapes defined:

In the anthropology of globalization, the suffix "-scape" signifies transnational distributions of correlated elements whose display can be represented as landscapes. For example, transnational arrangements of technological, financial, media, and political resources can be seen, respectively, as technoscapes, financescapes, mediascapes, and ideoscapes (Appadurai 1996: 33). The prefix "ethno-" refers to "people" rather than stricly to "ethnicity."

Next up we have Financescapes. Through these next images the heart of this majestic capitalist nation: the financial market alongside the culture associated with financial markets:


Up next, of this Anthropology of Globalization, here we find Ethnoscapes, or the people (Greek, ethno-) + the transnational distribution of correlated elements (-scape), which combines to equate the transnational distribution…...

Local City
Pages: 8 Words: 2095

location will lend knowledge to the present and the future. s a citizen of any region understanding the how and why of historical reflections upon the landscape of a city or town is crucial for a holistic view of the culture, economy and even of that town landscape. Without this knowledge decisions made by an individual can seem to lack in depth and purpose. The history of California, it's place within the union of the United States and also it's pre-union history is not only fascinating but it is also poignant when used to reflect upon current circumstances, be they positive or perceptually negative.
One city's history lends particular interest to this theory in all aspects of culture, economy, and landscape. The city of Downey California has a substantial pre-1900 history and is also home to three firsts, which have become international symbols of merican culture and ingenuity. "We are…...


Aerospace Legacy Foundation website 2002 retrieved November 11, 2003 at

Adams, John "Council approves EIR, Specific Plan for Boeing site; Includes new Kaiser Hospital," Downey Eagle March 15th, 2002

Adams, John "Old Film Footage," Downey Eagle February, 22, 2002 .

Young Diverse Children Living in Big City
Pages: 9 Words: 2600

Young Diverse Children Living in ig Cities
This paper will focus on the lives and challenges minority and culturally diverse youths face growing up in major urban city environments, such as Newark, New York, altimore or Seattle. The advent of major metropolitan areas has stimulated a rapidly increasing population of disadvantaged and volatile youths. In today's America, it seems that more and more young people growing up in major cities are subjected to poor socio-economic conditions, which anymore lead to an increased likelihood for violence and life disruption.

Today's youths growing up in major urban cities are often disadvantaged; they lack the self-esteem, confidence and tools necessary to succeed in their later adulthood. I hope through my research to uncover facts related to urban distress among youths. I hope to also explore community organizations that have focused their efforts on improving the conditions prevalent among urban youths. I propose that through increased…...



Achtyes, Eric. (1998). "Big Problem, Small Band Aid." The Daily. Available:

Casey Foundation. (2004). Available: 

Casey Foundation. Child Trends.

Child Trends. (2004). "Raising Children in Big Cities." Right Start City Trends. Child Trends Kids Count Special Report. The Annie E. Casey Foundation. Available:

What impact does public opinion have on shaping policy decisions in your community?
Words: 554

Influence of Public Opinion on Policy Decisions in a Community

Public opinion, the collective sentiment of a community, plays a substantial role in shaping policy decisions made by local leaders. It serves as a barometer of public preferences, concerns, and priorities, providing invaluable guidance to policymakers in crafting and implementing effective policies that align with community values and objectives.

Channels of Public Input

Public opinion manifests itself through various channels, including:

Elections: The electoral process allows citizens to directly express their preferences by voting for candidates who represent their policy views.
Public meetings: Town halls, community forums, and public hearings provide opportunities for....

How has gentrification in Dyckman/Washington Heights impacted the local community?
Words: 421

I. Introduction

  1. Gentrification in Dyckman/Washington Heights: An Overview

    1. Definition and history of gentrification

    2. Causes and factors contributing to gentrification in Dyckman/Washington Heights

  2. Gentrification and its Potential Impact

    1. Positive aspects: Increased investment, improved infrastructure, and cultural enrichment

    2. Negative aspects: Displacement of residents, rising housing costs, and loss of community identity

II. Body

  1. Impact on Housing and Real Estate

    1. Rising property values and rents

    2. Displacement of low-income residents

  2. Impact on Local Businesses and Economy

    1. Emergence of new businesses and services

    2. Increased competition for local businesses

    3. Displacement of small businesses and mom-and-pop shops

  3. Impact on Community Identity and Culture

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