Christian Counseling Essays (Examples)

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Christian Counseling
Pages: 10 Words: 3353

Christian Counseling
Presenting Problems

Diane seems to be undergoing many different problems that are present today because of her past. The way she was treated by her family and her husband now has gone to affect her psychologically and emotionally. The combination of post traumatic stress disorder, schizoaffective symptoms and previous satanic ritual abuse is very severe and psychological intervention is greatly required.

One of her presenting complaints is post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) PTSD is a form of anxiety disorder that occurs as an emotional reaction to something that occurred in the patient's life. This trauma could be pain, injury, threat, or death of a loved one. (Valente, 2010) Some common examples of traumatic disorders are natural disasters, military combat or terrorist incidents. It is normal to have an adverse or a stressed response to a traumatic event. Normally, people come to back to their usual state of mind and are able…...



American Psychiatric Association (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Author.

Brewin, C. And Holmes, E. (2003). Psychological theories of posttraumatic stress disorder. Clinical psychology review, 23 (3), pp. 339 -- 376.

Clark, D. And Ehlers, A. (2004). Posstraumatic stress disorders from cognitive theory to therapy. In: Leahy, R. eds. (2004). Contemporary cognitive therapy: Theory, research, and practice. New York: Guilford, pp. 141-160.

Clohessy, S. And Ehlers, A. (1999). PTSD symptoms, response to intrusive memories and coping in ambulance service workers. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 38 (3), pp. 251 -- 265.

Christian Counseling
Pages: 3 Words: 1021

Christian Counseling
The plight of Mr. And Mrs. J is troubling as there are many prominent presenting issues at an initial glance at their case. The most striking issue is the lack of affection these two people have for each other. The recent combining of families in this case is also very stark. While the situation is not dire, this relationship appears headed for doom and trouble if certain steps are not taken to remedy the situation.

The most dominant issue in this case appears to be the professional lives of these individuals. The modern family, as represented in this case, places much emphasis on work and career besides family. 60-hour work weeks for Mr. J. doesn't serve his families best emotional interests. The fact that Mrs. J feels she has to work as well also appears to violate God's laws in some antiquated ways. Overall there is a severe imbalance of…...



Brotto, L. (2009). The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Sexual Aversion Disorder. Archive of Sexual Behavior. APA 2009. Retrieved from

Christian Counseling
Pages: 10 Words: 3428

Christian Counseling
There is an idea of longstanding that humor has power as a curative. The Reader's Digest has long had a section entitled "Laughter: The Best Medicine," reflecting an old saying about this issue. In his book Laugh Again, Charles R. Swindoll approaches this idea from a Christian perspective, recognizing the many ills and sadnesses to which life is subject and finding in humor and laughter the means to overcome these ills and banish these sadnesses.

The author makes his intention clear in the Introduction when he says, "This book is about joy" (11). He wants people to relax more, release tension, and refuse to let negative circumstances dominate their thinking. Swindoll says we can all remember when life was joyful if we think back to our childhood, as he recalls his: "I neither expected much nor needed much. Life was to be enjoyed, not endured, and therefore every day I…...


Works Cited

Swindoll, Charles R. Laugh Again. Dallas: World Publishing, 1992.

Christian Counseling
Pages: 3 Words: 818

Christian Counseling Scenario
What are the client's most prominent presenting issues (that is, what seems to take priority as being wrong)?

In the case of Leon, a 52-year-old man with a dysfunctional childhood who has been unable to experience life in typical fashion, the most prominent presenting issue is definitely the individual's lack of emotional capacity and general apathy, both of which are obviously symptoms of a deeply repressed psychological trauma. The circumstances described in the introduction to Leon's case, wherein his eventually divorced parents both suffered from chemical dependency and addiction, while the father inflicted sever emotional and physical abuse, is extremely typical in terms of being connected to later symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV Text evision (DSM-IV T), "diagnostic criteria for PTSD include a history of exposure to a traumatic event that meets specific stipulations and symptoms from…...



American Psychiatric Association. (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders

(4th ed., text rev.). Washington, D.C.

Christian Counseling Theories Christian Authors Present the
Pages: 3 Words: 1408

Christian Counseling Theories
Christian authors present the very unique set of principles and strategies aiming at helping empower individuals going through counseling. Examining Christian literature and theory illustrates clear assumptions that different authors share, yet also pulled out some clear differences as well. For example, Backus and Chapain (2000) present fluidity, while Adams (1986) suggests Scripture. Still, these authors do all show that the word of God is a crucial element to the spiritual healing needed in modern counseling.

Backus and Chapain (2000) present a very simple, that individuals are plagued with discomfort and unhappiness because they think incorrectly. Essentially, when one does not think the proper manner, negative results come from it. Thus, ill-natured thoughts lead to anxiety, unhappiness, and depression, all of which are the main causes for people seeking counseling in a modern context. In order to combat these ill thoughts, Backus and Chapain present when is known as…...



Backus, W.D., & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling Yourself the Truth (20th ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers.

Adams, J.E. (1986). How to Help People Change. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.

Christian Counseling for Autism Spectrum
Pages: 4 Words: 1406

She references Romans 3: 23, 24: "…(23) for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, (24) and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus." (New International Version).
Ultimately, Hendricks informs, the comfort and safety of parents with autistic children must be revealed through "their faith that a sovereign God designed their child and planned all the days of his life before any had yet occurred"; to understand that, she references the words of the Old Testament, Psalm 139: 16: "Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book, before one of them came to be…" (New International Version).

In the eb site Finding Noah a Christian mother explains that if you are a Christian and you are told your child has autism, remember what Jesus said (John 16: 33): "In the…...


Works Cited

Finding Noah. (2007). Autism in the Christian Family. Retrieved Dec. 23, 2010, from /?page_id=20.

Google Health. (2010). Autism. Retrieved Dec. 22, 2010, from .

Hendrickson, Laura. (2004). Autism Spectrum Disorders. Christian Counseling. Retrieved Dec. 23, 2010, from .

Hendrickson, Laura. (2009). Finding Your Child's Way on the Autism Spectrum: Discovering

Christian Counseling Symbol Symbols Communicate
Pages: 6 Words: 2560

Finally, learning how to rely on and depend on others can help people rely on and depend on God. The exercise teaches the value of trust and shows that we can depend on other people as well as God.
7. Body Outline: Drawing an outline of the body is a helpful exercise for people who have eating disorders. It can help people recognize that their body image does not match the reality of their physical form. In some cases, drawing the body can bring up strong emotions. For this exercise, drawing the body outline enables participants to explore self-image: the lies we tell ourselves and the negative self-talk we bombard ourselves with throughout our life. We can see how some of these lies were perpetuated by parents, by peers, by the media, and by society. By exploring these lies, we can hopefully begin to see the truth: to see our…...

Christian Counseling This Individual Mr White Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1476

Christian Counseling
This individual, Mr. White, is going through a severe midlife crisis which is primarily manifested emotionally and economically, and is not uncommon for people in the U.S. after they have reached 40 years of age (Wethington, 2000, p. 85). Mr. White has had immense difficulties with his personal life and professional life. His wife of a few years had divorced him and moved to the other side of the country where she was raising their two daughters with another man. When she incurred legal problems, she required White's presence so the state would not take her daughters away. White currently lives with his ex-wife and their two daughters, who primarily function as his support system. The girls are both within five years old; there is no romance between White and his ex-wife. White's parents are both in their 90's and offer limited support across the country in California, where…...



Coates, G.W. (1973). Abraham's sacrifice of faith: a from-critical study of Genesis 22. Interpretation. 27( 4), 389-400.

Padley, J. (2011). 'Declare the interpretation': Redacting Daniel in early Bibles for English children. Biblical Interpretation. 19(3), 311-336.

Podmore, S.D. (2011). The sacrifice of silence: Fear and Trembling and the secret of faith. International Journal of Systematic Theology. 14(1), 70-90.

The Bible. New International Version. Retrieved from

Christian Counseling Theory
Pages: 3 Words: 896

Concise Summary of Theory

Christian counseling is usually rooted in both Biblical truths and in psychological research. In Telling Yourself the Truth and How to Help People Change, the authors discuss how to counsel from within a Christian theoretical perspective. Although these two books have different areas of focus, their core messages are the same: change is to be instigated by God and sustained in the light of Christ.

The authors view traditional psychological theories such as psychoanalysis as being helpful as starting points, but no longer relevant from either a scientific or a spiritual perspective. Therefore, Backus & Chapain (2000) and Adams (1986) infuse psychology with Christian concepts. Christian concepts, drawn directly from the Bible and its parables, can help the individual see his or her life in a new and more accurate light.

Specifically, How to Help People Change defines change within a Christian context, whereas Telling Yourself the Truth addresses…...



Adams, J.E. (1986). How to Help People Change. Grand Rapids: Zondervan.

Backus, W. & Chapain, M. (2000). Telling Yourself the Truth. Minneapolis: Bethany House.

Christian Counseling and the Integration of Psychology and Religion
Pages: 4 Words: 1271

Review of Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling by McMinnSummaryPart 1In chapters 1 and 2 McMinn explains how one integrates, psychology, theology and spirituality into counseling: the key is to have a spiritual character that reflects the values and principles of Christianity from the inside-out. This is the bedrock for the integration of psychology and theology that follows. Psychology and theology can serve as the framework for the counselor; the spirituality of the counselor must be the animating force that keeps the framework together, relevant, and purposeful. As spirituality is something that one develops over time, it is not something that can be acquired through schoolit is not one receives credentials for developing in the same way one receives a degree in Psychology or Theology.The next most important point is that the field of mental health is not always going to embrace the Christian perspectivebut the Christian counselor must…...


ReferencesMcMinn, M. R. (2012). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in Christian counseling. Tyndale House Publishers, Inc..

Christian Counseling Model Comparison
Pages: 6 Words: 1951

Crabb's Biblical Model Of Counseling Comparison And Discussion
Goal of Christian Counseling

The goal of Christian Counseling differs from private practice counseling in many regards. For example, a Christian community offers a counselor a unique set of resources, often comprised of loving and caring individuals for are members of the local congregation. In private practice the resources that a counselor may have to work with can be comparatively limited by contrast. Furthermore, each Christian is called to help others based on their faith. A private practice counselor can be motivated by a plethora of reasons -- some of them are surly genuine and altruistic however others may be for monetary gain or similar ambitions. Thus, the resources that are available and the motivations behind entering counseling represent two initial and fundamental differences.

Another difference is that the fundamentals of the counseling practices might be starkly different. Many Christian counselors believe strongly in the…...



Crabb, L., & Crabb, L. (1977). Effective Biblical Counseling. Zondervan.

Johnson, W., Ridley, C., & Nielsen, S. (2000). Religiously Sensitive Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy: Elegant Solutions and Ethical Risks. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 14-20.

Mann, N. (2008). An introduction to cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety disorders. Professional Skills, 24-27.

Rogers . (2006). Carl Rogers Info. Retrieved February 26, 2012, from

Gary R Collins Christian Counseling
Pages: 31 Words: 8475

Chistian counseling has become an impotant teatment modality fo a gowing numbe of health cae pactitiones and patients acoss the county in ecent yeas. Intoduced duing the ealy 1980s, Chistian counseling advocates integating eligious pactices and beliefs founded on eligious taditions with psychotheapeutic techniques to povide an optimal appoach to helping people cope with a wide ange of pesonal poblems and family issues. The pupose of this study is to povide a citical and systematic eview of the elevant liteatue in geneal and Gay R. Collins's book, Chistian Counseling: A Compehensive Guide (2007) in paticula, concening the oigins and tends in Chistian counseling and how this appoach can be used to povide the timely and essential inteventions that can help people bette cope with pesonal and family poblems. A summay of the eseach and impotant findings concening these issues ae pesented in the study's conclusion.
Table of Contents

1.0 Chapte 1: Intoduction



references regarding prayer as a counseling intervention. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 35(4), 328-340.

West, W.S. (2004). Spiritual issues in therapy -- Relating experience to practice. Basingstoke:

Palgrave Macmillan.

Wood, G.D. & Ellis, R.C. (2003). Risk management practices of leading UK cost consultants. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 10(4), 254-262.

Religion and Christian Counseling
Pages: 6 Words: 1872

The Interdisciplinary Studies degree offers a student the opportunity to integrate disciplines to develop a broader understanding of areas that can be meaningfully applied one’s career. For example, an Interdisciplinary Studies degree that focuses on Religion and Christian counseling provides a suitable foundation for a counselor seeking to specialize in a work area that incorporates aspects of religion into the fundamentals of counseling. It is similar to a chef who has an understanding of a variety of menus and meals and how to prepare them applying for job as a opposed to a chef who has only practiced preparing one menu item over a course of four years applying for the same job. The chef who shows greater breadth within the type of cuisine that he is expected to produce will be the one who is more attractive to the employer. As McKinney (1991) shows, interdisciplinary studies open more doors…...

Christian Personal Christian Theory of
Pages: 8 Words: 2458

Anderson (2000) converses spiritual oppression and how Satan and his fallen angels are in the process of trying to overpower the believers will. He also provides the phases to independence, for example: fake vs. factual, dishonesty vs. truth, resentment vs. tolerance, revolt vs. obedience, arrogance vs. self-effacement, and oppression vs. lack of restrictions. Fake vs. real step show how we need to absorb to recognize God's certainty so we do not fall into Satan's trap. If fall for these tricks of deception then we automatically give up God's truth for what is considered a lie. Dishonesty vs. truth shows that we should battle Satan's trickery with God's reality. If we become deceived then we must do away with any misleading views for the truth that will bring us our liberation.

Bitterness vs. forgiveness is showing us that we do not need to harbor that illness in our hearts because Satan wishes…...


Works Cited

A., H.D. (1999). The Anxiety Cure: You Can Find Emotional Tranquility and Wholeness. Thomas Nelson, Inc. .

Adams, E.J. (1986). How to Help People Change: The Four- Step Biblical Process. Grand Rapids: Zondervan .

Anderson, T.N. (1990). The Bondage Breaker: Overcoming Negative Thoughts, Irrational Feelings and Habitual Sins. . Boston: House Publishers, Inc.

Backus, W.C. (1980). Telling Yourself the Truth: Find Your Way Out of Depression, Anxiety, Fear, Anger and Other Common Problems by Applying the Priciples of Misbelief Therapy . Grand Rapids: Bethany Publishing Group.

Counseling With Christian Prayers
Pages: 3 Words: 935

Weld and Eiksen's "Chistian client's pefeences egading paye as a counseling intevention." This aticle was based on empiical evidence gatheed about the pefeences of Chistians seeking mental health counseling egading the utilization of paye. That evidence was based on a pai of suvey instuments, The Bief Theapist Suvey and The Paye Suvey fo clients. One of the most inteesting aspects of this study is that it consideed the pefeences fo paye utilized in mental health fom both the client and the theapist pespective, as the afoementioned suvey instuments wee espectively tageted to the clients and the suveys. Lagely because of the infomation explained in the liteatue eview that thee was a death of liteatue about the pefeence of how exactly clients wanted paye used in counseling, thee was no hypothesis on the pat of the authos. Howeve, they wee able to select both clients and theapists fom a faily…...


references regarding prayer as a counseling intervention. Journal of Psychology and Theology. 35(4), 328-341.

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