Chocolate Essays (Examples)

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Chocolate One of the Most Seductive and
Pages: 3 Words: 935

One of the most seductive and pleasurable foods, enjoyed everywhere in the world, is chocolate. Chocolate is a slightly psychoactive substance but it has some health benefits when consumed in its purest forms and in moderation. Much of what is sold as chocolate today, such as the candy bars in the check-out aisles in grocery stores, barely approximates the richer varieties of the confection like the brands produced in Europe. Most high-quality chocolate contains fewer additives, less milk, and less sugar than the average Hershey bar. Although European manufacturers produce some of the highest quality and best known chocolate in the world, the cocoa plant is native to Central America. The Aztecs enjoyed chocolate mostly as an unsweetened beverage, adding spices like chili peppers and vanilla to enhance the flavor of the naturally bitter drink The term "chocolate" comes from the native Mexican language Nahuatl. Much like coffee, chocolate is…...


Works Cited

'Chocolate" Wikipedia. Online at < >.

"Chocolate." <>.

'Chocolate's Real Flavor." All About Chocolate. < >.

Chocolate Health the Health Benefits
Pages: 5 Words: 1712

L.; Hutfless, S.M.; Ding, X. & Girota, S. (2006). Chocolate and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review. Nutrition and Metabolism, 3(2),
Halliwell, B. (2003). Health benefits of eating chocolate? Nature, 426(6968), 787.

Hannum, S.M. & Erdman, J.. (2000). Emerging health benefits from cocoa and chocolate.

Journal of Medical Food, 3(2), 73-75.

Hudnell, J. (2006). The Secret History of Chocolate. orld Famous Comics Community. Online at;read=985

Keen, C.L. (2001). Chocolate: Food as Medicine/Medicine as Food. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 20(90005), 436-439.

Kris-Etherton, P.M. & Keen, C.L. (2002). Evidence that the antioxidant flavonoids in tea and cocoa are beneficial for cardiovascular health. Current Opinion in Lipidology, 13(1), 41-49.

Nestel, P.J. (2001). How good is chocolate. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 74, 563-564.

Serafini, M.; Bugianesi, R.; Maiani, G.; Valtuena, S.; DeSantis, S. & Crozier, a. (2003). Plasma antioxidants from chocolate. Nature, 424. 1013.

Vinson, J.A.; Proch, J. & Zubik, L. (1999). Phenol Antioxidant Quantity and Quality…...


Works Cited

Coe, S.D. & Coe, M.D. (2000). The True History of Chocolate. Thames and Hudson.

Ding, E.L.; Hutfless, S.M.; Ding, X. & Girota, S. (2006). Chocolate and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review. Nutrition and Metabolism, 3(2),

Halliwell, B. (2003). Health benefits of eating chocolate? Nature, 426(6968), 787.

Hannum, S.M. & Erdman, J.W. (2000). Emerging health benefits from cocoa and chocolate.

Chocolate Chip Cookies and Rubrics Helping Students
Pages: 1 Words: 318

Chocolate Chip Cookies and ubrics: Helping Students Understand ubrics in Inclusive Settings by Elizabeth W. Hall and Susan J. Salmon explains the importance of using rubrics in the classroom and contains useful information about the use of rubrics for the teachers and students alike.
The article effectively explains the usefulness of rubrics for students in understanding the performance expectations of different assignments, as a self-evaluation tool for assessing their strengths and weaknesses, and describes how teachers can use rubrics to assess the performance of their students. It also contains an interesting exercise for developing an analytical rubric through discussion of the characteristics of "chocolate chip cookies" by the students. The exercise can be used by teachers in classroom settings as it is practical, interesting and simple.

Another theme of the article is that rubrics are particularly useful in helping students with disabilities to evaluate their work. (Para on "Why Use ubrics")…...



Salmon, Susan J. And Hall, Elizabeth Wikfors. (2003) "Chocolate Chip Cookies and Rubrics: Helping Students Understand Rubrics in Inclusive Settings" Teaching Exceptional Children, Vol. 35, No. 4, pp. 8-11

Journal Reflection

Chocolate Products Commercials
Pages: 1 Words: 411

Symbolism, Advertising and Chocolate
y far, the most overused symbolism to sell chocolate is sex. Chocolate is sexy and women eating chocolate are even sexier. eyond sex, chocolate is synonymous with fun, love, and even patriotism. Let us consider some of the most obvious advertising schemes. What they are really asking the consumer to buy?

An old but very common image is found in the Hershey Company's advertising for its chocolate bar. Post World War II Europe, devastated by the war and overwhelmed by tragedy found comfort in the generosity of the American GI. He carried chocolate bars and gave them to children as he walked through the war-torn streets. They flocked to him, reaching, innocent eyes shining, trusting in his kindness. Were they selling chocolate or the Marshall Plan? A sweet treat or an enticement to trust. Interestingly enough, today's Iraqi children have already discovered the generosity of the American soldier…...



Gilchrist, Andy. About Chocolate. <

etrieved April 20, 2004 at

Chocolate War -- Do I
Pages: 3 Words: 1135

Thinking of his father, he defies even the coach's remark that he is too puny to play. Jerry must overcome his own sense of powerlessness, and the sickness that overtakes his body after being buffeted from all sides. Emotionally and physically, although he may appear weak, Jerry has inner resources of steel that he discovers when he is, literally and figuratively, down for the count and up against the ropes like a fighter.
Later in the novel, when Jerry continues to ignore Brother Leon's command to sell chocolate, Jerry is told that he has 'guts' again. He experiences the profound realization that his nonconformist stance has empowered other boys, who hated the domination of the school authorities and the Vigils whose abuses the brothers tolerate because they enforce the administration's will and discipline. "I never thought of saying no. Just like you did," marvels an older boy. (125) "e have…...


Works Cited

Cormier, Robert. The Chocolate War. New York: Laurel Leaf Books, 1974.

Chocolate Value Chain Analyzing the
Pages: 15 Words: 4765

The use of adio Frequency Identification (FID) on individual chocolate packing is making it possible to know item-level inventory positions within the largest retailers for example including Wal-Mart, an early adopter of this technology (Zhou, 2009). The use of FID is also excellent at managing traceability of specific lots or delivery portions of chocolate (Pacyniak, 2006). With the many quality management concerns within the industry as a result of the Chinese lapses on toys (The lead paint incident with Mattel) and the use of milk in chocolates produced in Japan, quality management is far and way the most critical process area that this industry is grappling with today. The use of technologies to mitigate the risk of bad quality products is the fastest growing area of strategic change in the industry.
The last supporting activity area of procurement has also seen radical change in this industry over the last decade,…...



Bernoff, J., & Li, C.. (2008). Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. MIT Sloan Management Review, 49(3), 36-42.

Delfosse, S.. (2009, February). No crisis for confectionery. Retail World, 62(2), 16.

Doherty, K.. (2009, March). Exceeding The Standard. Food Logistics,(111), 15-16,18-19.

Bob Doherty, & Sophi Tranchell. (2005). New thinking in international trade? A case study of The Day Chocolate Company. Sustainable Development,

Nutrition Class Chocolate Why the Bad Rap
Pages: 50 Words: 13679

Chocolate: ehind Its ad Rap
In today's society, chocolate is everywhere. It seems that people have developed a love-hate relationship with chocolate. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, in 1997, the average American ate 11.7 pounds of chocolate. American adults ranked chocolate as the most-craved food and as their favorite flavor by a three-to-one margin. (Mustad, 2001)

Throughout the world, exists a society of chocolate lovers. While Americans consume, on average, nearly twelve pounds of chocolate per year, we are not the biggest fans. The ritish eat 161/2 pounds and the Swiss, the inventors of milk chocolate, consume the most at 22 pounds per person.

However, while people love it, they can't help feeling a pang of guilt when eating it because over the years, chocolate has gotten a "bad rap" as being an unhealthy food. However, recent research is slowly unraveling the hidden truth about chocolate - that it might actually…...



Bruinsma K, Taren DL. Chocolate: Food or Drug? University of Arizona, 1999.

Marcus DA, Scharff L, Turk D, Gourley LM. Double-blind provocative study of chocolate as a trigger of headache. University of Pittsburgh, 1997.

Small, Dana. Measuring Brain Activity In People Eating Chocolate Offers New Clues About How The Body Becomes Addicted. Northwestern University, 2001.

Tytgat J, Van Boven M, Daenens P. Cannabinoid mimics in chocolate utilized as an argument in court. Laboratory of Toxicology, 2000.

Film Analysis of Alfonso Arau's Like Water for Chocolate
Pages: 5 Words: 1870

ater for Chocolate
Alfonso Arau's Like ater for Chocolate is a tragic love story. Tita de la Garza and Pedro are in love but are not allowed to marry because of a family tradition which bars the youngest daughter from marrying anyone until her mother has died and no longer needs the daughter to take care of her. Tita's sisters, Rosaura and Gertrudis, are allowed to marry and do so, Rosaura marrying Pedro who only marries her in order to be close to Tita. Unable to marry the man she loves or to fully express her emotions in any real way, Tita puts everything inside her into the food that she prepares for the family. Her unexpressed emotions appear to others in the form of grief, of passion, and of nurturing. After breaking free from her mother, Tita becomes romantically attached to another man but this fizzles after she and…...


Works Cited

Dennard, Mackenzie. "Like Water for Chocolate at Food in the Arts." Like Water

For Chocolate at Food in the Arts. Food in the Arts, n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.

Ebert, Roger. "Like Water for Chocolate." All Content. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Nov. 2013.

Like Water for Chocolate. Dir. Alfonso Arau. Perf. Marco Leonardi and Lumi Cavazos.

Water for Chocolate' Is a Movie Based
Pages: 8 Words: 2539

Water for Chocolate' is a movie based on the popular novel of the same name which was written by Laura Esquivel, a Mexican novelist. The novel was published in the year 1989 and is based on the life story of a young girl called Tita. The entire plot of the movie revolves around the life of Tita and her desire to marry Pedro, her lover. Tita can never get together with Pedro because her mother upholds their family tradition of not letting the youngest daughter marry because she has to take care of the mother in her old age. According to this tradition, Tita can only marry once her mother dies. Another aspect of Tita's personality that has been highlighted in this movie is the fact that she is able to express her feelings through her cooking. Magical realism has been used to combine the ordinary with supernatural, and…...



Carr, Jay and Staff, Globe. "Danzon: Feminism meets femininity." The Boston Globe, 1992.

Dennard, Mackenzie E. "Like Water for Chocolate.", 2010.

Esquivel, Laura. Like Water for Chocolate. Doubleday (Spain), 1992.

Kempley, Rita. "Like Water for Chocolate'." The Washington Post, 1993.

Economic Analysis Describe Illustrate International Cocoa Chocolate Market
Pages: 6 Words: 1707

economic analysis describe illustrate international cocoa/chocolate market 20 years. Within essay refer: forces directed change cocoa/chocolate market; form/s market structure evident industry; strategies companies market strategies; macroeconomic implications industry.
The international cocoa / chocolate industry of the past two decades

Chocolate is the best preferred treat across the entire globe, for all categories of the population, from the most economically endowed ones, to the most economically challenged ones; from the younger members of the population, to the oldest members of the population. In the setting of the immense popularity of cocoa and chocolate, the industry supporting these products is also impressive, with numerous players, cutthroat competition and numerous forces which generate change.

Throughout this project then, the emphasis is that of conducting an analysis of the cocoa and chocolate industry in order to identify the changes which have been occurring throughout the past two decades. In this approach, emphasis would be placed…...



Campbell, G., 2003, The Indian Ocean Rim: Southern Africa and regional competition, Routledge, ISBN 0700713441

2010, The world cocoa economy: past and present, International Cocoa Organization, last accessed on April 30, 2012

2012, The chocolate industry, International Cocoa Organization,   last accessed on April 30, 2012 

Where chocolate comes from, All Chocolate, / last accessed on April 30, 2012

Galaxy Chocolate a History of Chocolate Is
Pages: 3 Words: 896

Galaxy Chocolate
A History of Chocolate

Chocolate is one of the well-known and -- loved food commodities in the world today. The universal appeal of chocolate to everyone's palate makes it a very important commodity, encompassing the need to fulfill one's hunger to include one's "affinity" to it, being a 'comfort' and indulgent type of food for most consumers. In fact, chocolate's appeal and affinity goes back to the earliest civilizations in history, developing over time from becoming a nourishing and delicious drink to being a favorite sweet food item popularly known today.

To trace chocolate's history would mean going back to 250-900 AD and 16th century and in three (3) continents, backtracking from North America (via United States), to Europe (particularly England and Spain), and finally, to South America (particularly Aztec and Mayan societies).

Chocolate is made from cacao, a tree that is found in South America. The Mayans and Aztecs living in…...



"All about chocolate: history of chocolate." (2007). The Field Museum. Accessed 16 May 2011. Available at:

Bose, D. (2011). "Origin and history of chocolate." Accessed 16 May 2011. Available at: 

"Early history of chocolate." (2008). Aphrodite Chocolates UK Official Website. Accessed 16 May 2011. Available at:

Ethel's Chocolate Lounges Case Analysis
Pages: 4 Words: 1325

Any successful services business embodies and continually reinforces the values of service timeliness, reliability, empathy, assurance and tangibles (TEAT) (Sedlock, 2010). These attributes are also essential for any service business to gain trust through authenticity as well (Pine, Gilmore, 2008). Given how synchronized all aspects of their services need to be in order to delight customers, it is apparent how critical communication between employees and customers are in the day-to-day running of an Ethel's Chocolate Lounge. A consistent concerted effort on the part of employees to delight the customers by combining all elements available to create a memorable experience frames the critical success factors. How each is continually improved and continually integrated together will determine the lounges' success over time.
Most Critical Factor in Motivating Consumers to Spend

The most critical factor in motivating consumers to spend at Ethel's Chocolate Lounge is how the purchase and consuming of chocolates creates an…...



Adrienne Carter, with Lauren Young and Susann Rutledge in New York, Larry Armstrong in Pasadena. (2006, May). Chocolate: Belly Up to the Bar. Business Week,(3983), 106-107.

B. Joseph Pine II, & James H. Gilmore. (2008). The eight principles of strategic authenticity.

Strategy & Leadership, 36(3), 35-40.

Sedlock, R.. (2010). TREAT Your Customers. Quality Progress, 43(12), 80.

Organic Chocolate Candy Bars Application
Pages: 2 Words: 665

8 million, just a small fraction of the overall chocolate market which is about $6 billion in the United States alone (Organic chocolate booming in U.S.). Everday seeks significant market in the larger overall chocolate market where it will compete head on with America's leading selling candy bars, Snickers, Hershey's Chocolate, Reese's Peanut utter Cups and M&M's (eirne, 2006) instead of niche organic players such as Dagoba, Green & lack, Lake Champlain, Chocolove and Newman's Own.
Rather than establishing a high-end brand like other organic candy companies, this organic chocolate product line will try to serve as a similar product to popular non-organic candy bars. Therefore, Everyday candy bar types will mimic the same flavors as America's leading selling candy bars. However, our company will position the product line as a healthier alternative to popular candy bars, relying heavily on the trend of consumers viewing chocolate as healthy. Everyday will offer…...



Beirne, M. (2006, June 5). News analysis: Snickers sales drop may prove tough nut for Mars. Brandweek. Retrieved from 

Chocolate candy sales start to melt (2009, January 30). Nielson Wire. 

Moran, M. (2008, January 1). 2008 trend report: Premium chocolate. Gourmet Retailer Magazine. volume 29, number. 1/p. 23.

Nielsen takes the mask off candy sales (2007, October 22). Business Wire.

Ethel's Chocolate Lounges Case Analysis Ethel's Chocolate
Pages: 3 Words: 975

Ethel's Chocolate Lounges
Case Analysis: Ethel's Chocolate Lounges

Case Analysis: Ethel's Chocolate Lounges: Back to the Future?

Creating a highly unique, differentiated and memorable dining experience is at the center of the launch of Ethel's Chocolate Lounges in initial cities with further expansions planned in the future. The goal of this analysis is to analyze consumer buying decisions pertaining to Ethel's Chocolate Lounges and an assessment of the factors affecting consumers to choose to spent time and money there. An analysis of the consumer motivations that are most likely to be an effective catalyst for driving additional business are also explored in this analysis.

The Consumer Buying Decision Process to Visit and Spend At Ethel's Chocolates

Dining of all forms, from fast food through high-end dessert and coffee shops all share a common attribute of offering a unique experience first, with pricing often being used as a strong communicator of differentiation and value. What Ethel's…...



Adrienne Carter, with Lauren Young and Susann Rutledge in New York, Larry Armstrong in Pasadena. (2006, May). Chocolate: Belly Up To The Bar. Business Week,(3983), 106-107.

B. Joseph Pine II, & James H. Gilmore. (2008). The eight principles of strategic authenticity.

Strategy & Leadership, 36(3), 35-40.

Sedlock, R.. (2010). TREAT Your Customers. Quality Progress, 43(12), 80.

Organic Chocolate Candy Bars Why
Pages: 3 Words: 1064

Everyday will also maintain its own Web site for online distribution. Already, one competitor, M&M/Mars is exploring this channel to increase its sales as well as profit margins. Online, consumers can personalize their own labels or foil overwraps which enable manufacturers to charge far more money for their candy (Moran, 2008). "What they have done is drawn the focus away from the chocolate and drawn attention to the product. For manufacturers and retailers, it's important to understand the difference between what you make and what people buy. & #8230;M&M is selling ego enhancement." (Moran, 2008). Therefore, Everyday will leverage the Web to discover new ways to enhance its own products.

Customer Relationship Management

Everyday realizes the importance of CRM which is essential to "the establishment, maintenance and optimization of long-term mutually valuable relationships between consumers and organizations (Introduction to customer relationship management (CRM)). According to this source, long-term customer relationships are the…...



Introduction to customer relationship management (CRM)). 

Moran, M. (2008, January 1). 2008 trend report: Premium chocolate. Gourmet Retailer Magazine. volume 29, number. 1/p. 23.

Nielsen takes the mask off candy sales. (2007, October 22). 

Supermarket facts (2008). Food Marketing Institute.

What is a good essay title to put on a coffee essay?
Words: 182

Here are some suggested titles for your coffee essay, and if you do not like them, check out all of the slang terms for coffee for more ideas.

  1. Why We Want That Hit of C8H10N4O2 in the Morning
  2. Coffee: Caffeine and Comfort
  3. Smells Like Chocolate, Tastes Like Sadness: A Coffee Hater’s Guide to Coffee
  4. From a Cuppa Joe to an Iced Caramel Macchiato: How Coffee Plays a Role in Our Culture
  5. The Bean Wars: Is Coffee an Ethical Drink
  6. Go Juice: How Coffee Stimulates the Body and the Mind
  7. The Impact of Regular Coffee Consumption on Your Health: The Surprising Good News
  8. Coffee Flavors: How....

Need Title for the causes and effect essay about deforestation?
Words: 247

Deforestation is a major issue with a global impact, but calls to end deforestation are going to remain unsuccessful unless people really understand the causes and effects of the process.  The economic depression in areas that are vulnerable to deforestation may leave them with few alternatives, and the ecological devastation that results from deforestation only perpetuates the economic vulnerability.  Here are some of our suggested titles for an essay about the causes and effects of deforestation:

Deforestation Essay Titles

  1. Worlds that Will Never Be Known: The Impossibility of Predicting the True Effect of Deforestation
  2. Indigenous People, Colonialism, and....

Can you assist me in formulating a thesis statement on the Make a chocolate chip cookie?
Words: 546

## Crafting a Thesis Statement for the Art of Chocolate Chip Cookie Creation

### Understanding the Thesis Statement

A thesis statement serves as the foundation for any academic or research endeavor, outlining the central argument or claim that the writer seeks to prove or investigate. In this instance, we aim to craft a robust thesis statement for an essay on the process of making chocolate chip cookies.

### Deconstructing the Topic

Before embarking on thesis formulation, a thorough understanding of the topic at hand is essential. In this case, we focus on the art of making chocolate chip cookies, encompassing the techniques, ingredients, and....

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