Chinese Philosophy Essays (Examples)

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Chinese Philosophy Appropriateness and Righteousness
Pages: 2 Words: 550

In essence, this is already an essential step towards doing everything and, even if it doesn't mean immediately doing everything, it certainly anticipates and makes doing everything plausible.
On the other hand, with doing nothing, you are also more ready to embrace everything, to the degree to which you will be doing everything at a particular point in time. The emptiness provides, in fact, a necessary advantage as the capacity of doing everything when that becomes a necessity. Emptiness can, in this sense, become creative, only that creativity will only be activated at some point, at which point it will generate everything.

3. I am not fish, but I know that heart-minds are completed along with our bodies and I know that this is the same for all human being. Look at the way the fish is swimming: this tells me that it is happy in body and it is happy…...

Chinese Philosophy
Pages: 1 Words: 378

Analytic Philosophy in the Western Tradition
Onto-Hermeneutical Vision and Analytic Discourse: Interpretation and Reconstruction on Chinese Philosophy by Chung-Ying Cheng

This is a paper on Chinese philosophy by Chung-Ying Cheng

The author though acknowledges that a sense of knowledge and the analytic use of language have often been the guiding principles for the Greeks for presenting arguments and conclusions; in spite of knowing the overall vision of the truth. Thus, thanks to the Greeks, it has become the foundation of future development of Western philosophy in an analytic and rational yet argumentative framework. It is also precisely what is missing in today's approach, as one wishes to compare Western and Eastern philosophy in general and Greek and Chinese philosophy in particular.

Thus, according to the author, whether it is the use of different styles of language, such as that in 'lagos', or 'lingua'; or various Greek schools of mysticism and philosophy; or the…...

Chinese Philosophy
Pages: 2 Words: 500

Chinese philosophers differ greatly from those of the Western world in that the basis of their argument is usually based on Confucius. Later philosophers who attempt to dispel the strong influence of Confucius had to measure up to his philosophy. Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu are two such followers who attempted to change the concept by explaining that all things in nature in this world are interdependent. The leader of the Taoist faction, Lao Tzu believes in the Great One as the fundamental pillar for all life activities and that all fundamentals are linked with each other. For example substance and function; humaneness and righteousness are as important and that loving the people is just as important as following the governing state. Chuang Tzu too offers similar explanation by saying that development of one's nature is linked with Nature. Man and nature therefore has to interact in order to…...

Chinese Schools' of Thought Legalism
Pages: 4 Words: 1142

In spite of the fact that it never became as popular as Daoism, Confucianism was important because it was responsible for a series of reforms in the moral and political systems of China. It was only during the ruling of Dong Zhongshu that Confucianism became appreciated as China's main school of thought. The philosophy slowly but surely experienced progress and came to be one of the main systems guiding China's politics. In addition to assisting politics, society, and economics, Confucianism also provided the Chinese with the opportunity to adopt a new and improved way of life. ith the ru school being supported by the state, it became clear that Confucianism had become the principal philosophy in the territory.
Confucianism was particularly impressive because it brought together elements found in Legalism and in Daoism. The ideology emphasized the importance of morality and it also assisted the state in implementing its laws…...


Works cited:

Guo, X. (2002). The Ideal Chinese Political Leader: A Historical and Cultural Perspective. Westport, CT: Praeger.

Ivanhoe, P.J. And Van Norden, B.W. eds. (2001). Readings in Classical Chinese Philosophy. New York: Seven Bridges Press.

Orts, E.W. "The Rule of Law in China," Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 34.1 (2001): 43

Pohl, K. And Muller, A.W. eds. (2002). Chinese Ethics in a Global Context: Moral Bases of Contemporary Societies. Boston: Brill.

Philosophy Plato Lived a Century
Pages: 3 Words: 1010

This idea was accepted by most of the philosophical schools of the time, including the Atomists.
Plato took quite a different approach and found that ideas, as noted, and saw idas as existing outside of human consciousness. Plato's doctrine of recollection holds that learning is the remembering of a wisdom that the soul enjoyed prior to its incarnation, another aspect of the idea that there are ideal forms "remembered" by the soul in this world, and this is actually a mythical statement of this view that neither reason nor the intelligible order that it reveals is alien to the human soul. The soul is seen as existing before life here on earth and as remembering the ideals it knew before birth. Protagoras would not have engaged in this sort of argument, jus as he avoided arguments about the existence of the gods as being outside of sensory experience.

3. Plato's ideas…...

Chinese Jade Burial Suits During All My
Pages: 6 Words: 1845

Chinese Jade Burial Suits
During all my travels throughout ancient China, one of the more peculiar beliefs I came across was the notion that jade holds mystical powers, capable of preventing the body from decaying. I am currently in Chang'an, the capital of the dynasty, which is known in the present day as Xi'an. The year is 192 CE. The people of the estern Han Dynasty universally agree that this supposedly magical material is the essence of mountains, and because it prevents the decomposition of the physical form, it may in fact ensure rebirth. Now, as of the present day, very few of these jade burial suits still actually exist, and it may seem ambiguous as to whether or not they were a passing fad or a momentary excess amongst emperors. However, upon my investigation of the long-forgotten past, I have found that this practice of burying the dead with or…...


Works Cited

Cultural China. (2007-2010). Jade burial suit. Retrieved December 9, 2010, from (2001). Handicraft industry and technological advances. Retrieved December 9,

2010, from 

H-ry?-ji. Horyuji: a brief history. Retrieved December 9, 2010, from

Chinese Wives the Treatment of
Pages: 20 Words: 5636

In addition, the ceremony also contained firecrackers which were symbolic of purification and joy. The food that was served at a marriage ceremony was also symbolic. For example, fruit and longevity noodles were symbolic of harmony, happiness, and prosperity.
Indeed the marriage arrangement was detailed and extravagant (for the wealthy) during the Qing dynasty. Now that we understand the marital arrangement let us focus on the role of the ideal wife during Qing's Dynasty.

The role of the ideal wife (Qing Dynasty)

Once the transfer was complete, the wife was totally immersed in pleasing her husband and his family. All kinship ties to the wife's family were broken and when she visited her family, she was considered a guest not a relative. Smith (1994) asserts that this was a cause of distress for many new wives because they were usually amongst strangers and the mother in law had a great deal of…...



Atwill, D.G. (2003). Code, Custom, and Legal Practice in China: The Qing and the Republic Compared. China Review International, 10(2), 411+.  

Chinese Realty
Pages: 14 Words: 4295

In addition, repeating ACSI can provide trend data (Hall, 2002, p. 23+), important to government agencies, but also to new industries. Hall notes that, "Besides the ability of the ACSI to maintain a pulse on customer satisfaction, the ACSI is an index, not just a survey. This means it groups all participants and provides an integrated score, or index" (2002, p. 23+).
Schay et al. reported that the United States federal Office of Personnel Management uses a similar instrument that measures nine core dimensions underlying customer satisfaction. "These dimensions were distilled from 139 dimensions identified in the management, marketing, and organizational psychology literature. The dimensions are empirically related to organizational effectiveness and relevant to all service sectors" (Schay et al., 2000, p. 30), and therefore would need to be developed specifically for each industry.

hile ACSI is the dominant measuring tool in much of U.S. consumer satisfaction research, the Kano system…...


Works Cited

Arnould E.J. And L.L. Price. River magic: extraordinary experience and the extended service encounter, J. Consum. Res. 20(1) (1993):24-45

Berry, Leonard L. And Thomas W. Thompson. Relationship Banking: The Art of Turning Customers into Clients," Journal of Retail Banking, (1982, June), 64-73.

Bettman, James R.An Information Processing Theory of Consumer Choice, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley (1979).

Bowlby, John. Attachment and Loss: Vol. 1. Attachment, 2nd ed., New York: Basic Books (1982).

Chinese History Document 10 1 An
Pages: 1 Words: 335

Sun Yat-sen commends the current commitment of the Empire to the education of Chinese individuals in estern languages and in technical crafts that have resulted in the improvement of the modern Chinese navy, but such education alone, with its still overly focused stress on the classics and Chinese inclusiveness is not enough to fully catapult China into the modern world.
Sun Yat-sen points to his unique ability to broach both estern and Chinese understanding, because of his education. His philosophy stresses the meshing the ideals of the modern estern sages with Chinese traditions to facilitate Chinese advancement. His advice seems reasonable to the modern ear. But all advice is reasonable in retrospect, of course, with the retrospective knowledge of Chinese history and the knowledge of the costs of Chinese intransigence and closure that eventually resulted in further conflicts with the est.

orks Cited

Spence, Jonathan and Michael Lestz. (Editors.) the Search for…...


Works Cited

Spence, Jonathan and Michael Lestz. (Editors.) the Search for Modern China: A Documentary Collection. New York: Norton 1999.

Traditional Chinese Thoughts Human Nature
Pages: 6 Words: 1976

In contrast Mozi argued that people should always care for others equally.
Linking the thoughts of different philosophers

The ancient Chinese sacrificial practice was very common whereby the historical dynasties had carried out human sacrifices quite extensively. However there was the disappearance of this ritual during the periods of spring and autumn as well as the warring periods. Though it was practiced privately this ritual of sacrificing humans was replaced at the state level by clay puppets. The reason why this ritual was discontinued was not known. All these philosophers ignored the blood letting ritual but instead put emphasis on ritual morality to form the foundation of ritual state. Xunzi came up with a funeral ritual which was an ancestral right which required blood sacrifice in the ancient time. This according to him was to form the basis for good citizenship and morality when it came to rituals (Plutschow, 2002).

All the…...



Plutschow, H. (2002). Xunzi and the Ancient Chinese Philosophical Debate on Human Nature. Retrieved May 23, 2013 from (2010). Mohism (Philosophy of Mozi). Retrieved May 23, 2013 from

Brindley, E. (2011). Individualism in Classical Chinese Thought. Retrieved May 23, 2013 from 

Piblius. (2007). Comparing Mohism and Confucianism. . Retrieved May 23, 2013 from

May 4th Movement vs Modern Chinese History
Pages: 8 Words: 2312

All good things must come to an end, and at no time is this fact truer than in China in 1911, when the Xinhai Revolution resulted in the fall of the Qing Dynasty. This led to a period of unrest, as the world's powers engaged in orld ar I. Even though China had participated in the war on the side of the Allies, China was betrayed during the negotiations at the Treaty of Versailles. Instead of being given autonomy over a controlled sphere of interest in the Shandong district of China, the Treaty of Versailles instead gave this territory over to Japan. China's May 4th Movement ended up being an anti-est, anti-imperialist cultural shift that grew out of student demonstrations in 1919.

The weak response of the Chinese government to reclaim the Shandong province for itself in self-defense led to accusations of corruption. hether or not the government was corrupt…...


Works Cited

Chen, Duxiu, "Our Final Awakening." (Essay, 1916). Retrieved from, .

Chiang, Kai-shek, "Essentials of the New Life Movement." (Speech, 1934). Retrieved from, .

Mao, Zedong, "Reform our Study." (Speech, 1941). Selected Works of Mao, Beijing Foreign Languages Press, 1971.

Spirit and Characteristic of the Chinese Perspective on History in the Chinese American Community
Pages: 3 Words: 841

Asain Studies
The Chinese people place high regard on tradition, honor, and the ongoing nature of personal relationships to both of these cultural imperatives in order to establish their own identity in the world. When San Francisco was settled by coolie laborers during the 1850's and 1960's, the discrimination which they received encouraged them to band together into a china town settlement. The Chinese were able to create a replica of their homeland in the Chinatown. They were able to maintain their own cultural diversity within the boundaries, and they were able to escape, at least for a short time, the discrimination and harassment which faced them daily in the larger community.

According to the "Letter to Jen An, the writer discusses Chinese personal ethics, and the source of the Chinese identity of a worthwhile personhood. He writes that the Chinese philosophy is built around these 5 tenants:

Self-cultivation is a mark of…...

Analyzing Art and Death the Chinese
Pages: 4 Words: 1359

Art and Death: The Chinese
Portraying death to children

In the preschool age, educators seldom broach the topic of death. However, some picture books for kids directly address death and related issues. Their current approach is worth utilizing as reference. Book presentations follow the steps: comprehending death with preschoolers' internal experiences, slowly probing into what death means in the eyes of preschoolers, and expanding on the subject by seeking the continuance of love. The above three elements serve as references for Chinese picture books with death as the central theme. Such books depict a child's world using children's language and culture-specific images. The concept of death is taught to students in the form of interesting stories, which portray children's pure world, characterized by curiosity and innocence. Adults are also deeply affected by their simplicity, love and care (Chen, 2012).

Thesis: Death has been incorporated, as a theme, into Chinese books, contemporary artworks, paintings,…...


Works Cited

Chen, Y. (2012). The Expression of Death in Children's Picture Story Books. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 210-213.

Danto, A. C. (1998). The End of Art: A Philosophy of Defense. Blackwell Publishing, 127-143.

Han, S. (2012, June 22). The invisible red line - maneuvering Chinese art censorship. Retrieved from All that is banned is desired: 

Sharf, R. H. (1992). The Idolization of Enlightenment: On the mummification of Ch'an masters in Medieval China. The University of Chicago Press, 1- 31.

Chinese Cultural Revolution
Pages: 6 Words: 2339

In the course of the Cultural Revolution, the communist leader Mao Zedong proclaimed particular cultural requirements for both art and writings in China. This was a period that was filled with violence and harsh realisms for the people within the society. Authors such as Bei Dao, Gu Cheng and Yu Hua can be considered to be misty poets, whose works endeavored to shift from an inactive response to active formation. The aforementioned individuals are renowned authors, writers and poets celebrated for their influential literal works and their impact during the course of the Cultural Revolution in China. Through their short stories and poems, these authors strove to create a cultural force with the purpose of educating the public and offering them revolutionary principles and ideals. The art and literature that was delineated by these authors played a significant role in the sociopolitical realm and the demise of the Cultural Revolution…...

Chinese Foreign Development Initiative
Pages: 2 Words: 653

Belt, One oad
Were I an external consultant for Lenovo, I would outline a number of opportunities and issues for this Chinese company operating in India. I would begin by detailing the various opportunities afforded by the One Belt, One oad plan initially revealed by China's president in 2013 (Kennedy and Parker, 2015). The most significant of those opportunities relates to the infrastructure ambitions of this initiative.

China is planning to unite the majority of the countries surrounding it with unified infrastructure. As such, this goal presents an opportunity for companies in countries close to China (such as Lenovo in London) to assist with the building of this physical infrastructure across roadways. Such building would include roads, highways and railways (Kennedy and Parker, 2013). Additionally, there is a maritime element of this plan. China is also attempting to connect its surrounding countries via ports and the means of sailing from major…...



Kennedy, S., Parker, D.A. (2015). Building China's "One Belt, One Road."   / Retrieved from 

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