Child Sexual Abuse Essays (Examples)

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Child Sexual Abuse
Pages: 3 Words: 836

Child Sexual Abuse in Kilpatrick, et al. (2003)
This work in writing conducted an article review of the work of Kilpatrick, et al. (2003).

The article under review in this work in writing is that written by Kilpatrick, et al. (2003) entitled "Violence and isk of PTSD, Major Depression, Substance Abuse / Dependence and Comorbidity: esults From the National Survey of Adolescents." This article reports a study involving 4,034 youth ages 12 to 17 years of age. Sample selection and interviewing are reported to have been conducted by "Schulman, onca and Eucuvalas, Inc." (Kilpatrick, et al., 2003) It is reported that a telephone interview that was highly structured in nature was designed for the purpose of collecting information "across several domains, including demographic and familial variables, trauma history and the three disorders: (1) PTSD; (2) MDE; and (3) SA/D. (Kilpatrick, et al., 2003)


It is reported by Kilpatrick et al. (2003) that race…...



Kilpatrick, Dean G. (2003). Violence and Risk of PTSD, Major Depression, Substance Abuse/Dependence, and Comorbidity: Results From the National Survey of Adolescents. Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology. Vol. 71. No.4. American Psychological Association, Inc. Retrieved from:

CSA Child Sexual Abuse Is
Pages: 15 Words: 4327

Rankin (2003) affirmed that the purpose of art therapy is to address the major affects of trauma on the child's life. Additionally, Rankin (2003) stated that art interventions begin with self-management, then proceed with safety planning, telling the trauma story, grieving traumatic losses, self-concept and world view revision and finally ends with self and relational development. Treatment progress and outcomes will vary from patient to patient, as therapy is an individualized process.
Although the amount of empirical research regarding art therapy is limited, the use of art therapy has been confirmed as a means for victims to express how they feel and find some closure. Art therapy has also become a type of intervention that is used in combination with other interventions. ith this understood, the preceding section of this discussion will focus on play therapy as an intervention.

Play Therapy

Play therapy is a long-established and highly effective treatment method used…...


Works Cited

Arcus, D. (2008). Child abuse, sexual and emotional. Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence.


ABUSE SURVIVORS. The Arts in Psychotherapy, Vol. 22, No. 5, pp. 447-466, 1995

Brown, E. (2005). Correlates and treatment of stress disorder in children and adolescents. Psychiatric Annuals. 35 (9).

Victim Advocacy and Child Sex Abuse
Pages: 15 Words: 4566

Child Sexual Abuse and Social JusticeIntroductionChild sexual abuse is a serious problem that can have lasting effects on victims. Unfortunately, it is also a problem that is often hidden from view. This is due in part to the fact that children are often reluctant to speak out about abuse for fear of retribution from their abuser. It is also difficult to detect abuse when it does occur, as abusers often take care to cover their tracks. As a result, child sexual abuse often goes unnoticed and unaddressed. Social justice is based on the belief that all individuals should be treated fairly and equally. This includes ensuring that everyone has access to the same opportunities and resources. It also means taking action to protect vulnerable groups, such as children, from harm. In the context of child sexual abuse, social justice requires that we work to prevent abuse from happening in the…...



Cullen, O., Ernst, K. Z., Dawes, N., Binford, W., & Dimitropoulos, G. (2020). “Our laws have not caught up with the technology”: understanding challenges and facilitators in investigating and prosecuting child sexual abuse materials in the United States. Laws, 9(4), 28.

Farrington, D. P. (2011). Families and crime. Crime and public policy, 130-157.

Finkelhor, D., Shattuck, A., Turner, H. A., & Hamby, S. L. (2014). The lifetime prevalence of child sexual abuse and sexual assault assessed in late adolescence. Journal of Adolescent Health, 55(3), 329-333.

Where in the United States Has Highest Amounts of Child Sexual Trafficking and Why
Pages: 6 Words: 2062

Child Sex Trafficking
Human Trafficking is occurring all around the world and also in the United States. This is not just a crime that is committed in other countries. There have been cases reported by the authorities in every single state. Those victimized are at every age from adults to young children of both genders. Based on federal reporting it is estimated that the number of persons exploited sexually for money or trafficked are in the thousands (DOJ, 2007). Some are brought into the U.S. from other countries and the number of citizens that are trafficked in the U.S. are unknown officially. The primary sex crimes being includes child exploitation, prostitution, and pornography (Keane, 2006).

The age range of children involved in sexual trafficking is as early as 12 years old. Those of school age that do not live with their biological parents are often targeted. Children are often targeted due to…...



Carr, B. (2009). Sex trafficking: an American problem too. CNN. Nov 25. TBS.

Department of Justice DOJ (2005). Report on state human rights. Retrieved April 20, 2012 from

Eisenmenger, L. (2011). Sex trafficking in the U.S., What really goes on. Retrieved April 20, 2012 from 

Freyd, J.J, Putnam, F.W, Lyon, T.D, BeckerBlease, K. A, Cheit, R.E, Siegel, N.B, and Pezdek, K. (2005). The science of child sexual abuse. Science, pp. 501.

CPS Investigation Into Sexual Abuse
Pages: 1 Words: 315

First and foremost, response in the event of sexual abuse allegations should truly be within the first 24 hours so as to intervene immediately where these allegations may be substantiated. This means conducting an immediate interview with the child, followed by an interview with a spouse of the accused where such may exist, followed by an interview with the accused.
Of crucial importance and distinction in cases where sexual abuse within the family has been alleged is the understanding that the state will not seek reconciliation but will seek the immediate and long-term removal of the child from the household. Inter-familial sexual abuse is rarely viewed from the perspective of Child Protective Services as being treatable insofar as mitigating the threat to the child.

orks Cited:

Child elfare Information Gateway (CIG). (2009). Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse. eNotAlone. Online at


Works Cited:

Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG). (2009). Investigation of Child Sexual Abuse. eNotAlone. Online at

Minor Child Sexual Assault
Pages: 12 Words: 3474

The case In this particular case study, the client is a 15-year-old minor. She has suffered neglect and abuse and has lived with toxic parents and guardians for a while. As of today, she has had residence in 8 separate communities. Her problems started when she was ten in 2010. At that young age she was sexually abused by somebody who was a friend of her family. The man who abused her is now in jail serving for his crime. When the client was abused at such a young age, she specified that she did not receive any intervention, psychological support or counselling from anyone let alone the Human Services Agency. In 2012, she was arrested and put in detention. Her crime: the murder of an older male schoolmate in her school’s compound. She was detained in the country’s only jail and she specified in her statements that she ended up…...

Child Abuse and Mass Media
Pages: 4 Words: 1350

As some journalists have brought up, this scandal is evocative of the scandal with the Catholic Church and demonstrates how a marked upheaval in the way universities and institutions are conducted (Hamilton, 2012).
The media, while impartial, can often be a moral compass for the rest of the world. Few people can forget the horrors of the reactions of Penn State's college students when the scandal just broke, upon the firing of Joe Paterno: the media captured how the students rioted the streets, acting out, even turning over a news van. The rest of the world watched in revulsion: these college students, by sympathizing with Paterno, someone who had essentially protected and sheltered a pedophile, these young college students were sympathizing with Sandusky, the pedophile in question. "It's difficult to look at the images of the Penn State University students performing pep rally chants and turning over a media van…...



Engel, J. (2012, July 16). Penn State should get death penalty. Retrieved from 

Hamilton, M. (May, 27 2012). Penn State and Catholic Church Child Sex-Abuse Trials Divide Penn. Public. Retrieved from 

Kane, C. (July, 23 2012). Penn State penalties: $60 million fine, 4-year bowl ban. Retrieved from   -- 20120724,0,6965116.story 

Muskal, M. (2012, June 22). Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 child sexual abuse charges. Retrieved from LA Times: Jerry Sandusky convicted of 45 child sexual abuse charges

Abused and Exploited Children Child Abuse Is
Pages: 4 Words: 1167

Abused and Exploited Children
Child abuse is one of the most unfortunate realities of our society. In a world marked by progress, it is sad that there are still many households where young children are being subjected to violence both physical and otherwise. Child abuse is defined as any non-accidental harm or injury to a child caused by an adult. Despite the presence of numerous child protection services and agencies, children are still regularly facing violence at home which may often lead to fatal injuries. Even though child abuse is commonly known and understood as physical abuse, this is not entirely true. Abuse can occur in other forms as well and we shall now discuss some of the more common forms in which child abuse mars our society.

Define the 4 types of abuse and give 4-5 examples of the most common signs/symptoms of that type of abuse.






Pecora, Peter J, Jensen, Peter S, Romanelli, (2009) Mental Health Services for Children Placed in Foster Care: An Overview of Current Challenges. Child Welfare. Child welfare and well-being. Policy & Practice, Feb, 2009

Shanalingigwa, Abel, O. (2009) Understanding Social and Cultural differences in perceiving child Maltreatment. Accessed online 20th Feb, 2011.

Child Porn Online The Pedophiles'
Pages: 8 Words: 2918

("Supreme Court ejects..." 2002) More constitutional problems have been encountered in the law's battle against child pornography as a federal court in September 2004 outlawed a Pennsylvania State law that required internet service providers (ISPs) to block websites containing child pornography. The Court considered the technology used in the blocking of such sites as clumsy that could cause "massive suppression" of constitutionally protected speech.
Apart from conducting a legal "balancing act" between the protection of children from sexual exploitation against the protection of free speech and free thought by the law makers, the campaign against child porn on the Internet is also hampered by its "borderless" characteristics. In order to counter differences in porn laws of different countries that prevented prosecution of child porn offenders, the United Nations General Assembly adopted an Optional Protocol on the ights of the Child, on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography…...



FAQ on Child Pornography on the Internet." (2004). (ACPO). Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at 

Internet Crimes against Children." (2001). U.S. Department of Justice. Updated December 28, 2004. Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at 

Kid Porn Easier to Get and Share." (2002). Protecting Children Online: CBS News. June 25, 2002. Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at 

Magid, Larry. (2002). "Net users can help fight child porn." Mercury News. March 21, 2002. Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at

Child Abuse How Large Is
Pages: 16 Words: 4401

The second includes verbal and emotional assaults including persistent patterns of belittling, denigrating, scapegoating, and other nonphysical, but clearly hostile or rejecting behaviors, such as repeated threats of beatings, sexual assault, and abandonment. The third, residual, category includes other forms of emotional abuse such as attempted sexual or physical assaults; throwing something at a child but missing; withholding shelter, sleep, or other necessities as punishment, and economic exploitation (p.11).
According to ighthand, Kerr, and Drach (2003), psychological abuse can be technically defined as:

1. Verbal or emotional assault, exemplified by persistent patterns of belittling, denigrating, scapegoating, or other nonphysical but rejecting, hostile, and degrading behaviors.

2. Terrorizing the child, exemplified by threatening to physically hurt, kill, or abandon the child, or by exposing the child to chronic or extreme partner abuse or other forms of violent behaviors.

3. Exploiting or corrupting the child, exemplified by modeling criminal or antisocial behavior; encouraging and condoning…...



Barnett, D., Manly, J.T., and Cicchetti, D. (1994). Defining child maltreatment: the interface between policy and research. Child abuse, child development, and social policy: advances in applied developmental psychology, 8,7-73. New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Corporation.

Calam, R. & Franchi, C. (1987). Child abuse and its consequences. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Grapes, B.J. (2001). Child abuse. California: Greenhaven Press.

Parton, N. (1979). The natural history of child abuse: a study in social problem definition. British Journal of Social Work, 9, 427-51.

Child Abuse the Well-Known Attorney
Pages: 7 Words: 3228

Promoting the understanding of cultural differences is crucial, because a large number of child abuse and neglect cases involve allegations against minorities.
As a result, in some areas a psychologist may interview the involved caregivers and children to help the courts decide whether parents have behaved abusively and to determine their children's placement. However, sometimes the psychologists' unfamiliarity with a culture leads to unfair decisions. In some Hispanic cultures, for example, parents may not be socialized to express anger directly. Sometimes a child's action may cause that repressed anger to erupt. In such instances, parents may need training in anger management and discipline, instead of a prison sentence and denied access to children.

Because of this situation, the American Psychology Association offers assessment standards for culturally varied populations:

Learn about the culture of the person being assessing. Consult with others who know the culture because there is not always literature available about…...



Besharov, Douglas J. Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse: Protecting Children from Abuse and Neglect. Washington, D.C. University of Maryland's Welfare Reform Academy, 2000.

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA) of 1974. 23 November 2006.   capta-of-1974.html. -

Dershowitz, Alan. M. Contrary to Popular Opinion. New York: Pharos Books, 1992.

Murray, Bridget. Cultural insensitivity leads to unfair penalties. Monitor 30.9, October

Child Abuse and Sexuality
Pages: 6 Words: 2773

Child Abuse and Sexuality
There has been increasing awareness about stopping sexual child abuse, which has now become an important public health concern (Hammond, 2003; hitaker, Lutzker, & Shelley, 2005). In 2005 more than 83000 cases related to child sexual abuse have been listen in the state-based reports, that have been accumulated by the office of Child Abuse and Neglect (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services [U.S. DHHS], 2007). Majority of these cases related to sexual abuse never get registered or reported. Finkelhor, Ormrod, Turner, and Hamby's (2005) conducted a survey a while back in which the sample constituted of parents along with children. The results of the survey were that, in the year before the survey, out of every 1000 children 82 have been a victim of sexual abuse (hitaker, 2008).

The abused child undergoes various problems socially, behaviorally, psychologically and physically. Depression, PTSD, somatization, and personality disorder affects the…...


Whitaker, D.J. et al. (2008). Risk factors for the perpetration of child sexual abuse: A review and meta-analysis. Child Abuse & Neglect 32, 529 -- 548.

Yoshihama, M. And Horrocks, J. (2010). Risk of intimate partner violence: Role of childhood sexual abuse and sexual initiation in women in Japan. Children and Youth Services Review 32: 28 -- 37

Ziersch, A., Gaffney, J., & Tomlinson, D.R. (2000). STI prevention and the male sex industry in London: Evaluating a pilot peer education program. Sexually Transmit ted Infections, 76, 447-453.

Sexual Factors That May Affect
Pages: 10 Words: 3469

For instance, according to Begley, "Men who were promiscuous back then were more evolutionarily fit since men who spread their seed widely left more descendants. By similar logic, evolutionary psychologists argued, women who were monogamous were fitter; by being choosy about their mates and picking only those with good genes, they could have healthier children" (2009, p. 52). Although modern men and women may not look like Cro-Magnums, they all want to act like them deep down inside because of these primordial drives. In sum, Begley concludes that, "We all carry genes that led to reproductive success in the Stone Age, and that as a result men are genetically driven to be promiscuous and women to be coy, that men have a biological disposition to rape and to kill mates who cheat on them, and that every human behavior is 'adaptive' -- that is, helpful to reproduction" (emphasis added)…...



Begley, S. (2009, June 29). Why do we rape, kill and sleep around? Newsweek, 153(26), 52.

Black's law dictionary. (1991). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Co.

Druzin, B.H. & Li, J.C. (2011, Spring). The criminalization of lying: Under what circumstances, if any, should lies be made criminal? Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, 101(2), 529-540.

Duke, S. (2009, April 27). Kinsey: Deviancy is the new normal. The New American, 25(9), 33-35.

Child Abuse and All of Its Aspects
Pages: 2 Words: 480

Child abuse and all of its aspects, affect not only the child and his immediate family, but society as a whole pays the price by this maltreatment of our youngest and most important resources. The purpose of this essay is to present two differing hypotheses on this interesting and important topic. In examining these two proposals, I'm attempting to reach new understanding and preventive measures to reducing and hopefully eliminating child abuse in the near future.
H1: Child sexual abuse incidence and future substance abuse incidence is positively correlated.

Determining risk factors for substance-abuse is often difficult with the amount of information available to the authorities today. Psychological and physiological variables certainly affect one's tendency to drift towards substance abuse and dependence. When looking at those who do abuse drugs or alcohol the upbringing and treatment of that person as a child may hold certain keys to understanding this dreaded phenomenon causing…...



Appel, A. & Holden, G (1998). The co-occurrence of spouse and physical child abuse: a review and appraisal. Journal of Family Psychology, 12, 578-579.

Putnam, F. (2003). Ten-year research update review: child sexual abuse. ACAD Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 42-3,268-278.

here are the articles if you want to read them:

Child Abuse From All Angles
Pages: 15 Words: 4974

The victim is often put into situations where they are physically deprived of the things they need to make appropriate decisions. For instance they may be deprived of sleep or food so that they can be more easily manipulated. Mental abuse may also involve teasing or name calling. In many cases the perpetrator is very aware of the victim's weaknesses and uses them to humiliate or subjugate the victim.
Sexual Abuse

The sexual abuse of children is increasing throughout the world and has increased drastically in recent years. Sexual abuse can include the molestation and/or rape of a child. In many cases children are sexually abused by someone that they know, rather it be a neighbor, a parent or an acquaintance. Sexual abuse can also have lasting effects on the psyche of an individual. Studies have found that children who experience sexual abuse are more likely to become promiscuous as teenagers…...



Bolen, Rebecca M. 2003. Child Sexual Abuse: Prevention or Promotion?. Social Work 48, no. 2: 174+.

Cochrane, John, Gaynor Melville, and Ian Marsh. 2004. Criminal Justice: An Introduction to Philosophies, Theories and Practice. London: Routledge. Book online.

Child Abuse. National Institutes of Health. Available at 

Child Abuse Statistics. Available at

I need help with a body paragraph idea to write about my essay on teen pregnancy?
Words: 381

Teen pregnancy is a complex topic that can relate to a variety of other topics, making it possible to include body paragraphs that touch on everything from child sexual abuse to educational attainment by teen mothers.  That is because teen pregnancy does not generally exist in a vacuum, but is the result of a combination of varied social factors including race, socioeconomic status, religious affiliation, educational level, and residency.

Some topics that you could include in a body paragraph in a teen pregnancy essay include:

  1. The relationship between religious practices and teen pregnancy rates; are teenage girls....

I need help figuring out topics to write a literature review about cults as a social problem?
Words: 393

Cults are certainly in the cultural zeitgeist these days, making them a perfect topic for a literature review.  In fact, while many people think of cults as a relic from the experimentation that was popular in the 1960s and 1970s, cults actually play a surprisingly large role in modern religion throughout the world.  What this means is that whether you are focusing on a specific cult, common traits of cult leaders, or what makes an individual susceptible to a cult’s influences, you are sure to find plenty of information out there. 

What differentiates....

I need help locating 5 primary sources on What are the long-term effects on Adult Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse?
Words: 357

Child sexual abuse is one of the more pervasive social issues of our time. Child sexual abuse has a profound impact on the families it impacts and a lingering impact on adult survivors of child sexual abuse. RAINN is a great general resource for information and can provide you with some links to research as well as helpful links for adult survivors who are seeking help. If you are looking for primary sources, then you can look for two different types of sources: first-hand accounts by survivors or direct evidence, which can....

Can you provide essay topic ideas related to Child Abuse?
Words: 381

Impact and Consequences of Child Abuse

The Long-Term Psychological Effects of Physical, Sexual, and Emotional Abuse on Child Development
The Socioeconomic Consequences of Child Abuse: Impacts on Education, Employment, and Income
Exploring the Intergenerational Transmission of Child Abuse: Breaking the Cycle of Violence
The Role of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Childhood and Adult Health: A Comprehensive Analysis
Ethical Considerations in Child Abuse Research: Balancing the Need for Knowledge with Protecting Victims

Prevention and Intervention Strategies

Identifying and Addressing Risk Factors for Child Abuse: A Community-Based Approach
The Effectiveness of Home Visitation Programs in Preventing and Reducing Child Abuse
Multidisciplinary Collaboration....

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