Child Pornography Essays (Examples)

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Child Pornography Exploitation
Pages: 2 Words: 932

Child Pornography
Annotated Bibliography

Crofts, T and Lee, M. (2008). 'Sexting', Children and Child Pornography'. Journal of Criminology. Vol 35:85

This article focuses on the practice of children using the new media like YouTube, Facebook and Myspace to distribute the sexually explicit images known as 'sexting'. The authors have discussed the issues considering the legal frameworks and blamed the current laws for child exploitation. They point out the inability of the current legislation to discriminate between the activities and different levels of potential harm. This technical study concludes that the current legislative framework has the potential to produce more harms to many of the practices that actually seek to regulate.

Horward, T. (2004). 'Don't Cache Out Your Case: Prosecuting Child Pornography in Possession

Laws based on Images Located in Temporary Internet Files'. Berkley Technology Law

Journal [Vol. 19:1227 -- 1273].

Horward Ty, the author of this article has highlighted the issue of prosecution of child pornography based…...


Exploitation Networks," Policy & Internet: Vol. 3: Iss. 2, Article 6.

Zekas, T. (2011). Exploitation of Child for the Pornography: A Crime Violating Children's

Rights or Society's Morality? Children's European Citizenship Volume 1, Number 1

Child Pornography Offenses in Law
Pages: 2 Words: 577

Certainly, it is appropriate to enforce laws specifically imposing stricter penalties on any professional or public servant in positions of public trust whose crimes violate that trust in connection with actually victimizing a specific person. Many states do have such statutes and they apply to teachers and healthcare workers just as they do to law enforcement personnel. That is, apparently, the case with Joshua Carrier, because he exploited the public trust of his community that is inherent in his position (even when he is off-duty) and actually perpetrated a sexual crime against a specific victim.

3) Should police departments take special steps to reduce the likelihood of their officers engaging in producing, selling or purchasing child pornography? Why or why not?

Probably not. Unfortunately, by the time a police officer succeeds through the entire candidate selection, background investigation, police training, and organizational (and industry) socialization, any officer who is still capable of…...

Long-Term Effect of Child Pornography
Pages: 3 Words: 955

It should be clear that effects of sexual child abuse vary from person to person (Sanderson, 2006). Some children may come up with the extreme effects of the sexual abuse they suffered, forget them and lead towards a better life if got a chance, while some other children may fail to recover their emotional and psychological strength and confidence. They may suffer failure in their general goals of life too. A victim of sexual abuse often finds himself alienated and different, the child often fails to express his or her real suffering to anybody else and that further complicates the consequences of the sexual abuse.

There have been some studies that have tried to mitigate the long-term effects of child pornography and child sexual abuse. Some of them have even tried to drop the terms "Child Sexual Abuse" or "Child molestation" in case where the child takes part in the sexual…...



Kornegay, James Nicholas. (2006) "Protecting Our Children and the Constitution: An

Analysis of the Virtual Child Pornography Provisions of the Protect Act of 2003," William and Mary Law Review, vol. 47, no. 6, pp: 2129-2134.

O'Meara, Kelly Patricia. 1999, "Innocence Lost?," Insight on the News, vol. 15, no. 22,

p. 10.

1st Amendment Protections for Child Pornography The
Pages: 7 Words: 2201

1st Amendment Protections for Child Pornography: The 2002 Decision in the Case of Ashcroft v. Free peech Coalition.
Laws have been passed outlawing child pornography in its various formats. It is forbidden by law to use a minor younger than age eighteen for visual depictions of sexually explicit acts. Possessions of such photographs are forbidden, and in 1966 the Child Pornography Prevention Act (CPPA) forbade trafficking in visual productions of adults who represented children engaged in sexually explicit acts. The problem was that, according to the First Amendment, adults are offered rights of free speech, of which sexual freedom is a category. In 2002, therefore, the Ashcroft v. Free peech Coalition convened to condemn the CPPA's clauses "conveys the impression [that the adult is a minor]" and "[the adult] appears to be a minor" stating that they were unconstitutional and overbroad in their generalizations. This essay will discuss the case…...



Cornell University Law School: Ashcroft v. free Speech Coalition. Web.

Encyclopedia of Children and Childhood in History and Society. Web.

First Amendment Library. Ashcroft v. free Speech Coalition.

Fisher, W.A. & Azy B. (1991). Pornography, Erotica, and Behavior: More Questions than Answers. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 14, 65 -- 73.

1st Amendment and Virtual Child Pornography the
Pages: 2 Words: 810

1st Amendment and Virtual Child Pornography
The question whether "virtual child pornography" should be protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution depends on whether it is a category of speech that falls under the free speech guarantee of this constitutional provision. The First Amendment in its relevant part provides that "Congress shall make no law & #8230; abridging the freedom of speech." The constitutional guarantee of free speech is not limitless. There are some categories of expression developed by the U.S. Supreme Court that do not enjoy constitutional protection by the First Amendment. One of the non-protected categories is "child pornography." In the case New York v. Ferber of 1982 the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that child pornography, regardless of whether the material was obscene, is one of the exceptions carved out of the scope of the First Amendment free speech protection because the interest of society in…...



Cisneros, D. "Virtual Child" Pornography on the Internet: A "Virtual" Victim? (2002) Duke L. & Tech. Rev. 0019, retrieved 12 August 2011 from > Journals > Duke Law & Technology Review.

Coleman, S. You only live twice: How the First Amendment Impacts Child Pornography in Second Life. (2009) LOY L.A. ENT. L. REV. 193 (2009). Retrieved 12 August 2011 from

Internet Pornography Industry Help Perpetuate Child Pornography
Pages: 2 Words: 581

Internet pornography industry help perpetuate child pornography?
Complete APA references for three web pages related to the issue:

Akdeniz, Yaman. (1998). "Governance of Pornography and Child Pornography on the Global Internet." Web site. etrieved on March 26, 2005, from,

Flyer, Kadu. (2001). "Internet Pornography." 4 April. Web site. etrieved on March 26, 2005, from,

Plato, JoLynn. (1999). "Child Pornography on the Internet." Web site. etrieved on March 26, 2005, from,

Fill in the blanks, add more levels as needed.


Conclusion -- Child pornography on the Internet must be curbed through overall vigilance and increased law enforcement against offending Internet pornographers.

B. Background Information (can include definitions, history, extent of problem, who is affected).

The definition of child pornography -- according to JoLynn Plato (1999), " ... child pornography consists of photographs, videotapes, magazines, books, and films that depict children in sex acts, all of which are illegal. These laws also include some child nudity,…...



Akdeniz, Yaman. (1998). "Governance of Pornography and Child Pornography on the Global Internet." Web site. Retrieved on March 26, 2005, from, 

Flyer, Kadu. (2001). "Internet Pornography." 4 April. Web site. Retrieved on March 26, 2005, from, 

Plato, JoLynn. (1999). "Child Pornography on the Internet." Web site. Retrieved on March 26, 2005, from,

Child Porn on the Internet
Pages: 2 Words: 561

The Internet offers a virtual shopping mall for pedophiles. The predator usually begins by chatting at first, then attempts to break down the child's inhibitions by introducing sexual content into their online conversations and may even send pornographic images. This is extremely dangerous because when a child sees images of other children engaged in sexual activities, they believe that this is acceptable behavior, thus making it easier for the predator to take advantage of the child. Parents must monitor their child's online activities.

AOL, Yahoo Inc., Microsoft Corp., EarthLink Inc. And United Online Inc. have joined forces to build a database of child-pornography images and develop other tools to help network operators and law enforcement better prevent distribution of the images.

orks Cited

Jesdanun, Anick. "Internet Providers to Combat Child Porn" AP Online. June 27, 2006.

Retrieved January 29, 2007 from HighBeam Research Library.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Retrieved January 29,…...


Works Cited

Jesdanun, Anick. "Internet Providers to Combat Child Porn" AP Online. June 27, 2006.

Retrieved January 29, 2007 from HighBeam Research Library.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Retrieved January 29, 2007 from 

Warburton, Richard. "Internet pornucopia." The Birmingham Post (England).

Child Porn Online The Pedophiles'
Pages: 8 Words: 2918

("Supreme Court ejects..." 2002) More constitutional problems have been encountered in the law's battle against child pornography as a federal court in September 2004 outlawed a Pennsylvania State law that required internet service providers (ISPs) to block websites containing child pornography. The Court considered the technology used in the blocking of such sites as clumsy that could cause "massive suppression" of constitutionally protected speech.
Apart from conducting a legal "balancing act" between the protection of children from sexual exploitation against the protection of free speech and free thought by the law makers, the campaign against child porn on the Internet is also hampered by its "borderless" characteristics. In order to counter differences in porn laws of different countries that prevented prosecution of child porn offenders, the United Nations General Assembly adopted an Optional Protocol on the ights of the Child, on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography…...



FAQ on Child Pornography on the Internet." (2004). (ACPO). Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at 

Internet Crimes against Children." (2001). U.S. Department of Justice. Updated December 28, 2004. Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at 

Kid Porn Easier to Get and Share." (2002). Protecting Children Online: CBS News. June 25, 2002. Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at 

Magid, Larry. (2002). "Net users can help fight child porn." Mercury News. March 21, 2002. Retrieved on February 7, 2005 at

Child Luring Via the Internet
Pages: 5 Words: 1321

The man allegedly asked the "child" to have sex with him and to meet him at the Burger King on Beretania Street, where police arrested him at 8:10 A.M. Similarly, a 31-year-old Waianae man convicted of using the Internet to arrange a sexual encounter with a minor has been ordered to spend 30 days in jail and five years on probation. The pedophile's girlfriend admitted that he went online looking for a 13-year-old girl to chat with him (Barayuga, 2004).
Keeping children safe on the Internet is everyone's job. Parents need to monitor and stay in close touch with their kids as they explore the Internet. Teachers should help students use the Internet appropriately and safely. Community groups, including libraries, should help educate the public about safe surfing (Montgomery, 2000).

The anonymity the Internet provides to pedophiles is of great concern to law enforcement (Oswell, 1999). Since it requires a huge…...



1. Balkin, J.M. (1996) Media Filters, The V-Chip, and the Foundations of Broadcast Regulation, Duke Law Journal 45:1133

2. Barayuga, D. (2004) Man Gets Probation, Jail for Net Sex Offense. Honolulu Star-Bulletin staff and wire, July, p. A4

3. Dobeus, Jonathan (1998) Rating Internet Content and the Spectre of Government Regulation, John Marshall Journal of Computer & Information Law, 16:625

4. Dolick, H. (1999). Library Staff to Study Internet Filter Issue. The CalgaryHerald, October 28, p. B8.

Child Protection States of Japan
Pages: 10 Words: 3482

Therefore, although the current analysis took into consideration three of the most important countries in the world, they do not lack the problems facing each country because everywhere in the world there are poor areas and low income families who will abuse their children, will abandon them, and even torture them according to their own religious or personal beliefs. Taking these aspects into consideration, it is important to consider the three different child protection policies applied in Japan, Switzerland, and Germany in order to see the extent in which the economic development is related to the child protection policy.
Japan is well-known for the way in which the family ties and connections are mirrored in the society. More precisely, it is rather well-known the fact that in general the Japanese family is committed to their own beings and the relations that establish at the level of the family members are…...



BBC. Merkel in child protection plea. 2007. 7 April 2008.

Clemons, Steven. "Koizumi Needs Fiscal Shot to Ring Round the World, New America Foundation. Daily Yomiuri." New American Foundation. 2002. 7 Apr 2008.

Deutche Welle. German Standard of Living in Decline. 2004. 7 April 2008.,1305105,00.html 

Goodman, Roger. Children of the Japanese State: The Changing Role of Child Protection Institutions in Contemporary Japan. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000.

pornography child abuse and coersion
Pages: 8 Words: 2572

Disease Control and Prevention (2016), as many as one out of every four children have experienced some type of abuse: including physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. Exposure to pornography, whether accidental or not, can be harmful to children's psychological or social development. However, coerced exposure to pornography is a more extensive form of abuse that coincides with other types of abuse including psychological, physical, and sexual abuse. Coerced child pornography may in fact be one of the most harmful types of child abuse because of the multifaceted nature of the crime. The nationwide prevalence of abuse in the United States is over 700,000 children, with prevalence of death at 2.13 deaths per 100,000 children (CDC, 2016). Child abuse is not just an ethical issue; there are proven consequences of child abuse that have been substantiated by empirical evidence in the scientific literature. Only a few of the harmful effects…...

Pornography and censorship
Pages: 5 Words: 1645

ideals of pornography and how many writers are discussing the new bill about to be passed by the Senate to allow for civil prosecution of those who publish said material, and from those who have been abused through what they believe is a result of pornography. Discussing the views of rving as he places his ideals to the front and argues against such bills in the name of freedom.
Bibliography cites sources

Pornography and censorship: how to blame the third person from a man's crimes

Pornography has been around for centuries, ever since man and woman has been able to fully enjoy the opposite and indeed in many ways the same sex, yet this form of pornography has through out the centuries been given different names, for instance art and literature (Stevenson 2001 and Bailey 2000).

Pornography enters man's most intimate regions and fantasies, as they bring forth a plethora of repressed and…...


Irving and refs as provided by student re

Stevenson J.H (2001) the history of Pornography [online] accessed at 

Strossen, N (1995) Defending Pornography: Free Speech, Sex and the Fight for Women's Rights [online] accessed at

Government Take to Protect Children
Pages: 10 Words: 3373

This is largely due to the global nature of the phenomenon as the Internet is indeed the trademark of interdependence and globalization. The relations and connections it facilitates allow people around the world to come together in all sorts of activities, and, inevitably, pornography is one of them. Therefore, this type of complexity demanded a thorough response from the part of the authorities both at global and at the national level.
From a global perspective, the phenomenon is dealt with by numerous international organizations. On the one hand, the United Nations has been promoting concerted action in this field through the Economic and Social Council that supervises the activities of the Human ights Council. Its annual reports on the state of children around the world have improved the visibility of child pornography as a contemporary problem. From this point-of-view, the Council monitories the evolution of national states and its elaboration…...



Child Net International. (2004) Retrieved 14 March 2007, at 

Council of Europe. (2001). Convention on cybercrime. Retrieved 14 March 2007, at 

Interpol.(2006) Crimes against children. Retrieved 14 March 2007, from

Livingstone, S., Bober, M. (2004) UK Children Go Online, Economic and Social Research Council. Retrieved 14 March 2007, from

Parent and Child Relationship
Pages: 3 Words: 1045

Dynamism Between Parents and Children
Of diverse interaction people have over the course of lifetime, the relationship between parent and child is the most important. Children's growth and development is greatly dependent relatively on the parental bond which exists between them. This bond provides the child with the framework on how they outlook themselves and the people around them. The tie will also determine how well they relate with their peers and the environment their whole lifespan. However the tie between the parents and children can be affected because of parents physical or mental state which may keep him or her to from avoiding relationship with their children. Illness, depression, disorders, alcoholism and drugs addiction are also some of the factors the can make to difficult for the child and parent to relate with each other effectively. According to Cathy Meyer (2011), divorce and conflict can disrupt the growth of the…...



Amy Black 2011 Authoritative, Authoritarian and Permissive Parenting Types Retrieved April

26. 2011 from 

Baby Care Help2011 Exploring Different Types of Parenting Styles Retrieved April 26. 2011


Scope of Child Sex Tourism and the Pertinent Laws
Pages: 7 Words: 2503

international sex tourism has been a worldwide curse for a long time, the last few decades witnessed great surge in its practice as the effects of globalization, poverty and consumerism spread while advancement in internet caused an increase in travel opportunities. The racist fantasies and unusual interest in sexual activities in the developing countries along with poor law enforcement have made way for sex tourism. Though some may have exaggerated the magnitude of this immoral industry, more than one million children are trapped inside this trade every year (Vrancken and Chetty, 2009).
The 1904 Paris Agreement for the Suppression of the White Slave Traffic (1904 Agreement), the first of its kind, aimed at protecting female children and others who were forced to go abroad for sex trade. It operated through border watching, supervising agencies and repatriating or employing the girls (Vrancken and Chetty, 2009). Then other national and international laws…...



African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child. (2009). African charter on the rights and welfare of the child: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Banse, R., Schmidt, A.F., & Clarbour, J. (2010). Indirect measures of sexual interest in child sex offenders: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Debabrata, R. (1998). When police act as pimps: Glimpses into child prostitution in India: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Fraley, A. (2005). Child sex tourism legislation under the protect act: Does it really protect: in George, B.P. And Panko, T.R. (2011). Child sex tourism: Facilitating conditions, legal remedies, and other interventions. Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies, 6:2, 134 -- 143.

Can you help me find a title and outline for an essay on pornography?
Words: 478

Pornography is a controversial topic.  Discussions of pornography incorporate issues of free speech, morality, women’s rights, sexual violence, domestic violence, and misogyny.  Many people believe that images of pornography are harmful and degrading, even if the pornography is not violent. However, the issues are not as clear-cut as they seem at first glance. Many people believe that pornography has some positive benefits that go beyond any thrills it offers. 

Here are some essay titles and topics to explore: 

  1. Does Porn Cause Rape? 
  2. Pornography and Erectile Dysfunction
  3. Socially Active Smut 
  4. Erotica and Pornography: Same Thing, Different Name, or Two Different....

Is censorship a necessary evil or an infringement on freedom of speech?
Words: 572

Censorship: A Contested Terrain

Censorship, the suppression or control of ideas and information, has been a contentious issue throughout history. While some argue that it is a necessary evil to protect society from harmful or offensive content, others view it as an infringement on the fundamental right of freedom of speech.

Arguments for Censorship

Proponents of censorship often cite the need to prevent the spread of harmful or dangerous information. Child pornography, hate speech, and terrorist propaganda are commonly cited as examples of content that should be censored to protect vulnerable individuals or society as a whole. They argue that such content can....

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