Child Care Essays (Examples)

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Child Care Facility Business Plan
Pages: 10 Words: 2964

The founder will purchase the facility, rather than rent it and will pay up to 85,000 for down payment. The costs total up to $587,980 and the expected income is of $705,600, revealing a net profit of $117,620 after the first year of operations. Part of the investment will come from the economies of the founder, the rest remaining to be gathered from bank loans. Contracting bank loans is the most suitable solution at this time as issuing stocks would require additional expenses. Foremost, there would be no guarantee the sum would be raised and the shareholders would get to become involved in the organization's activities. Also, the dividends granted to shareholders are seen as profits and as such taxed by the federal budget; credits on the other hand are seen as debt and are not taxed. As such, even if contracting bank loans does have some limitations, at…...



Stohr, K., December 2, 2002, Day Care in New York,   accessed on July 30, 2008 

2000, Annual Estimates of the Population of Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas, U.S. Census Bureau,   accessed on July 30, 2008 

2001, Daycare Curriculum Possibilities, Pamm's House, accessed on July 30, 2008

2008, Bureau of Day Care, the City of New York, 2008, last accessed on July 30, 2008

Child Care Facility One of
Pages: 2 Words: 724

This, along with the dichotomies of race, income and education levels influences the attitudes and feelings that each child brings to the facility. Educators need to be sensitive to this.
It is recommended that a thorough investigation be made of the issues facing the various types of children entering the facility. Mothers who work, for example, may do so out of a desire for self-fulfillment, while others may do so out of necessity for earning extra income for the family. Concomitantly, children of single parents may have a different set of problem from those with both parents. These investigations can be done with the help of the parents involved.

From the investigation, profiles can be created of each student, containing information regarding background influences and concomitantly possible interactional problems. The education professional can then group students according to their specific needs in order to optimize the education process for all involved.




Cotton, Kathleen & Conklin, Nancy Faires. Research on Early Childhood Education. School Improvement Research Series. 

Smith, J. "Metropolitan/Nonmetropolitan Variations in Early Childhood Education Programs in the United States" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Marriott Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California <

ot Available>. 2008-06-26 at

Yglesias, Matthew. (2008, July 2). Early Childhood Education is the key to leaving no child behind. Century of the Common Iowan.

Childcare Facilities Persuasive Speech Crying
Pages: 4 Words: 1532

But until these deep societal changes become a reality, improved access to quality 24-hour daycare is essential.
Speech Outline


Parents often have to choose between working late and picking up their children from daycare.

Because we live in a country without good family leave, because our nation requires workers to work long and irregular hours, 24-hour childcare is essential

II. Comparison with other nations.

Many European nations like France have more long maternity leave and guaranteed, subsidized child care.

Americans work longer hours and do not have federally guaranteed and subsidized childcare, nor are they likely to get this in the near future.

III. Needs of parents

To staff a 24-hour society, 24-hour daycare is required

Daycare provides children with more consistency than staying with random relatives or family friends.

IV. Benefits of daycare

Daycare increases reading scores.

Daycare improves socialization and makes the transition to school easier.

V. Conclusion

A. Have compassion for workers with children that serve you!

orks Cited

24-Hour Day Care…...


Works Cited

24-Hour Day Care Trend?" CBS News. 13 Nov 2003. 1 Aug 2007. 

Besharov, Douglas. "Economic Benefits of Childcare and Early Childhood Education."

Congressional Testimony. Congressional Quarterly 27 Jun 2007 1 Aug 2007.

Bonuses for Having Babies in France." CBS News. 9 Dec. 2006. 1 Aug 2007.

Child Care Policy Childcare Policies
Pages: 2 Words: 779

Parent may then wonder if they are lenient on other policies as well. They may begin to doubt the ability of the childcare facility to provide a safe environment for their children.
The only policy, short of legislation protecting women's jobs for taking care of a sick child, is to adopt a policy that requires each parent to have a back up in case they cannot leave work to pick up the sick child. This parent would have to provide a legal waiver to have this alternate person pick up the child when sick. The care of sick children, who are not seriously ill, is a niche market that could be filled by the childcare provider willing to do so. The policy of having a second backup to care for the child will also be self-reinforcing, as the parent is not likely to wish to inconvenience the other party. However,…...



Associated Press. (2008). Ore. Law Prevents Parents fro Getting Fired for Taking Sick Leave. Insurance Journal. January 23, 2008. Retrieved July 30, 2008 at 

Heymann, J., Earle, a., & Penrose, K. (2007). Importance of the Healthy Families Act to the Healthy of American Children. Institute for Health and Social Policy. Issue Brief II, 2007. Retrieved July 30, 2008 at 

Heymann, K., Penrose, K., & Earle, a. (2006). Meeting Children's Needs: How Does the United States Measure Up? Merrill-Palmer Quarterly. 52, (2): 189-215

Childcare in Addition to the
Pages: 5 Words: 1466

Although the starting of a childcare business is a good idea many people do not understand the effort and the energy that goes into running this type of business.
The Hiring Process

Another particularly difficult task is associated with the hiring of staff members. According to a book entitled the Practical Guide to Quality Childcare preparing for interviews is a vitally important part of finding the right staff. The author asserts that the business owner should write down a list of questions to ask and also take not of the answers that are given by applicants. This process allows the business owner to compare various applicants once the interviews are completed. In addition if the business owner has already hired some staff members it might be of benefit to include these staff members in the interviewing process to hire additional staff. This is important because the business owner will want to…...


Works Cited

Childcare Business. 

Connell L.H. (2005) the Childcare Answer Book. Sphinx Legal

How to Start a Quality Childcare Business. U.S. Small Business Administration.

Martinson, C. (2003) Planning, Promoting and Managing Your Childcare Business. Trafford Publishing

Child Care the Budget This
Pages: 4 Words: 1125

The introduction to the chapter emphasizes that there are several reasons to keep accurate financial records, including the legal requirement of filing taxes, the needs of the administrators, and the ways in which it helps keep the business on track. Too methods of accounting are discusses: accrual vs. cash basis. An accrual system counts income and expense when the money is committed. A cash system records income and expense when the money come in or is spent. Both systems will add up to the same totals in the end, but the methods are difference. Small businesses are advised to use a cash basis system because it is simply easier to keep track of. Accrual systems are the standard for larger businesses. The chapter goes on to list what documents are necessary to keep and which can be discarded and how to use these documents in keeping financial records. The…...

Child Care and Illness
Pages: 8 Words: 2274

Child care and illness are closely intertwined issues that affect a significant number of families. With the majority of parents in the modern workforce, child care has become a necessity for many households. As a result, children often spend large portions of their day in group care settings, where the transmission of illnesses can be more prevalent.

In child care facilities, due to the close proximity of children, the spread of communicable diseases is a common concern. As Wolfe and Goldhagen (2009) note, children in these settings are exposed to a higher rate of infectious diseases compared to those who are not in group care. Their developing immune systems are often not fully equipped to fend off the myriad of germs they encounter.

The prevalence of respiratory and gastrointestinal infections among children in child care is notable. Cotter et al. (2010) report that the rate of respiratory syncytial virus (SV), a common…...



Wolfe, R. M., & Goldhagen, J. (2009). Child care-associated infectious diseases: are rules regarding exclusion too conservative?. Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, 163(5), 450-456.

Cotter, S., Duvvuri, V. R., D’Alton, M. E., & Ross, C. S. (2010). Respiratory syncytial virus outbreak trends identified through rapid sequence analysis of complete G gene sequences. Journal of Clinical Virology, 48(2), 91-96.

Shlay, J. C., Barbera, J. A., & Mickiewicz, T. A. (2015). Impact of home versus daycare group on the health of low-income children. Journal of Community Health, 40(6), 1169-1178.

Smith, M. V., & Lynch, K. A. (2015). The impact of early childhood health on preservice cognitive ability and school readiness among children in Vietnam. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 39, 72-83.

Child Care Facility There Are
Pages: 2 Words: 603

Musicians who purchase these pipes can be expected to play as solo artists, as panpipes are rarely used in orchestral settings. hey are usually too quiet to use otherwise.
he physics of panpipes is based on the concept of the closed tube. Imagine blowing into an old rum bottle. We know that blowing into the bottle correctly creates a tone. Old-time bands often used just this sort of instrument to create rhythm for the fiddler to play off of. he same principal applies to the panpipes. Panpipes are merely closed pipes of various lengths bound together and organized by size. According to the website Sound on Sound, a website devoted to music technology, describes the way air creates the notes thus, "At some point in time, the air at the mouth of the pipe is rarefied, and sucks in the air that the player is blowing across the top." ("Synthesizing…...


The physics of panpipes is based on the concept of the closed tube. Imagine blowing into an old rum bottle. We know that blowing into the bottle correctly creates a tone. Old-time bands often used just this sort of instrument to create rhythm for the fiddler to play off of. The same principal applies to the panpipes. Panpipes are merely closed pipes of various lengths bound together and organized by size. According to the website Sound on Sound, a website devoted to music technology, describes the way air creates the notes thus, "At some point in time, the air at the mouth of the pipe is rarefied, and sucks in the air that the player is blowing across the top." ("Synthesizing Pan Pipes") When the player blows air across the entrance to the pipe the pressure forces some of the air inwards. Soon the air is blown outwards by the continued pressure. This is what makes the noise, the wave of air that comes out of the pipes. The length of the pipes can create different tones for the same reason. The amount of air which is moved creates either a tighter wave or a looser wave. Less air will create shorter waves, and thus a higher pitch.

Poscoiu, Costel. "History of Panflute." N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Feb 2011. .

Reid, Gordon. "Synthesizing Pan Pipes." Sound on Sound. Sound on Sound, 01-008-2003. Web. 14 Feb 2011. .

Child Care Through the Ages
Pages: 10 Words: 3589

History Of Child Care
A common refrain heard from parents and policymakers alike today is that "the children are our future," but this refrain is certainly not new. In fact, since time immemorial, humankind has been compelled to make some type of arrangements for child care by people other than parents in order to ensure the survival of the humanity over the eons, a practice that has been more effective at raising healthy and normal children during some periods of history than others. To determine the history and effects of child care services, this paper reviews the relevant primary and secondary literature to provide a background and overview of the issues, followed by a history of child care in general. Finally, an analysis of recent and current trends in child care is followed by a summary of the research and important findings concerning these issues in the conclusion.

eview and Analysis

Background and…...



Al-Khatib, T. (2012, May 11). Parenting lessons from the ancient world. Discovery. Retrieved from .

Beck, R. White House conferences on children: An historical perspective. In The rights of children, Reprint Series No. 9, Harvard Educational Review, Cambridge, MA:

Harvard College, 1974, pp. 88 -- 10.

Brittain, C. & Hunt, D.E. (2004). Helping in child protective services: A competency-based casework handbook. New York: Oxford University Press.

Childcare Center Management Feedback
Pages: 5 Words: 1292

Child Care Center Management
The many aspects that are present within the complicated and difficult task of managing a child development center provide substantial challenges for managers burdened with their successful operation. Directors of these centers play a pivotal role in guiding and leading these places of learning into the right direction. The purpose of this essay is to explore and discuss the varying approaches and methods that important stakeholders within the childcare center environment evaluate the impact of these centers. The essay will examine this topic from several perspectives that include how the children or students evaluate the program, the parents, the professionals, the staff and the director or managers of these centers. This essay will explore how each one of these different viewpoints are represented and impact the overall quality of a childcare center.


As the main focus, and sometimes most overlooked aspect of the childcare center, is the…...



Hearron, P., F. And Hildebrand, V.. (2014) Management of child development centers, 8th Edition, Pearson.

Ross, V. (2014). Two Techniques for Program Evaluation. C

Child Care and Development
Pages: 2 Words: 933

Learning Process
Early childhood development

The early years of a child's life are the most important years since it is at this stage that the motor development takes place the basic skills are acquired. It is also a tricky stage for the parents to take care of the child and successfully see the child develop to the higher levels where they are dependent on self and can reason out their surrounding effectively. The young children that I serve are my best friends throughout the time that I am with them and among them. This is because my philosophy of care for young children and providing conditions necessary for their development is hinged on the empathy and close proximity with the children in order to fully understand their needs, this will also allow me to reduce myself to their levels hence share their challenges and pain and in particular, those who may be…...



IFSO, (2014). Services Coordinator. Retrieved October 23, 2014 from 

National Network for Child Care, (2014). Caring for Children with Special needs: The Americans with Disabilities Act. Retrieved October 23, 2014 from

Management of Childhood Illness in Child Care Settings
Pages: 9 Words: 2699

Child Care and Illness
Child care plays a crucial role in supporting working parents and providing a safe and nurturing environment for young children. However, managing illness in child care settings poses unique challenges that can impact the well-being of children, families, and child care providers (CCP) (Jones, 2009).

Transmission of Illness

Child care settings are ideal breeding grounds for infectious diseases due to the close proximity of children and their frequent interactions with each other and CCPs (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2019). Young children are particularly susceptible to respiratory illnesses, gastrointestinal infections, and skin conditions because their immune systems are still developing (yan, 2017). The sharing of toys, food, and surfaces facilitates the spread of germs, making it challenging to prevent outbreaks.

Impact on Child Care Providers

Illness in child care can significantly affect CCPs (O'Connell, 2018). Absenteeism due to their own illness or the illness of their children can disrupt schedules…...



American Academy of Pediatrics. (2021, October 29). Sick Child Policy.

Caldwell, C. (2020, August 27). Illness Prevention in Child Care.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2019, March 22). Childcare Health Consultation: A Guide for Health Professionals, 4th Edition.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021, September 10). Respiratory Hygiene & Cough Etiquette.

Jamal a 22-Month- Toddler Home Childcare Center
Pages: 2 Words: 687

Jamal a 22-month- toddler home childcare center. He center 2 weeks concerns development. His mother reports pregnancy birth -eventful developed typically. Jamal's mother stayed home 2 weeks ago a full-time clerical job.

To fully assess the challenges Jamal may or may not be facing, he should first be assessed by his pediatrician, to determine if he is developing normally. It is possible that he might be socially inhibited within the context of the day care center, and, as a day care professional it is essential not to worry the mother needlessly by giving her a diagnosis the professional is not equipped to give. Jamal has, after all, only been observed for two weeks by this particular employee. If the pediatrician does not believe that Jamal is progressing as he should, he may refer Jamaal to a developmental psychologist who could further assess Jamal using a standardized instrument such as the Battelle…...



Infant-toddler development, screening and assessment. (2013). Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Retrieved:

Establishing a Child Care Facility
Pages: 25 Words: 10176

Operating costs and future sales may be difficult to predict because there is no history to rely on since the business is not established. The single biggest disadvantage of starting a new business is the unknown. There are many rules, regulations, statutes and taxes that the owner may not be aware of at the time the business is opened. A new business owner may have a product that is not very marketable, or not marketable in the area they picked. There are a lot of risks in establishing a new business, so it is important that thorough research is done before the business is opened.
Buying an Existing Business

There are many benefits to buying an existing business. Start-up time and costs would be less; you may be able to work out an agreement with the seller to purchase the existing equipment and stock. The existing employees may also come with…...


Reference List

Bureau of Labor Statistics,

DHS - Department of Human Services, 

Local Initiatives Support Corporation - Education, Children and Youth (2005). "Equipping and Furnishing Early Childhood Facilities." Community Investment Collaborative for Kids Resource Guide.

Michigan Health Department,

International Comparative Childcare in Michael
Pages: 3 Words: 965

Also like Levine, Neuman indicates that other nations have taken such great strides in advancing ECE efforts, in some cases while struggling with other serious issues facing developing countries; as a result, the United States should look to these nations for ways to improve its own educational system (Levine 2005; Neuman 2005).
Unlike Levine, Neuman draws her information from researching the "OECD of early childhood education and care in 20 advanced industrialized countries" (Neuman 2005). She also discusses three main challenges facing these nations in terms of ECE advancement that are particulary relevant to U.S. As well, and the strategies undertaken by these countries to cope with the challenges (Neuman 2005).

The first significant challenge involves coordination and governance of early child care and ECE. Countries have either adopted a divided or integrated approach to the issue, with the integrated approach seemingly better for coordination of effort, efficiency, better teachers and…...



Levine, M. 2005, 'Take a Giant Step: Investing in Preschool Education in Emerging Nations', Phi Delta Kappan, pp. 196-200.

Neuman, M. 2005, 'Global Early Care and Education: Challenges, Responses and Lessons', Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 87, no. 3, pp. 188-192.

Can you provide suggestions for structuring an essay outline related to Family Structure and Development?
Words: 412

I. Introduction
A. Thesis statement: Define family structure and development and provide a brief overview of its importance.
B. Background information: Discuss the historical evolution of family structures and the factors influencing their development.

II. Types of Family Structures
A. Nuclear family: Characteristics, advantages, and challenges.
B. Extended family: In-depth analysis of kinship networks, living arrangements, and the role of grandparents.
C. Blended family: Formation, dynamics, and the unique challenges faced by stepfamilies.
D. Single-parent family: Prevalence, causes, parenting strategies, and the well-being of children.

III. Stages of Family Development
A. Honeymoon stage: Romantic attachment, adjustment to marriage, and starting a family.

How can we create lasting change in society to eradicate poverty?
Words: 260


The eradication of poverty requires a concerted, multi-pronged approach that addresses both the root causes and the consequences of this multifaceted issue. This essay has examined the complex web of factors that contribute to poverty, from lack of access to education and healthcare to discrimination and inequality. It has also discussed the devastating effects that poverty has on individuals, families, and communities.

To create lasting change, we must invest in comprehensive strategies that empower people to lift themselves out of poverty. This includes expanding access to quality education, job training, and healthcare. It also means addressing the underlying causes of inequality,....

What were the key contributions of Jane Addams to the field of social work?
Words: 336

I. Introduction

  1. Jane Addams' Background and Early Life

    1. Her childhood and education

    2. Influences and motivations
  2. The Settlement House Movement

    1. Origins and principles

    2. Hull House as a groundbreaking example

II. Body

  1. Social Reform Advocacy

    1. Labor rights and working conditions

    2. Women's suffrage and rights
  2. Education and Civic Engagement

    1. Establishment of kindergartens and child care centers

    2. Public libraries and community centers
    3. ....

What are the necessary steps for selecting and enrolling a child in daycare?
Words: 259

I. Introduction

  1. Understanding Daycare

    1. Definition and purpose of daycare

    2. Benefits for child development
  2. Importance of Selection

    1. Impact on child's early learning

    2. Parental peace of mind

II. Body

  1. Researching Daycare Options

    1. Types of daycare facilities

    2. Location and accessibility
  2. Evaluating Quality

    1. Check for licensing and accreditation

    2. Observe staff-to-child ratio
  3. Enrollment Process

    1. Application....

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