Chief Executive Officer Essays (Examples)

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Outrageous Salaries of Chief Executive Officers
Pages: 5 Words: 1346

Outrageous Salaries of Chief Executive Officers
When Gordon Gekko, in the movie 'Wall Street' told the shareholders of Teldar Paper, "The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies...captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit...and greed will not only save Tedar Paper but that other malfunctioning corporation called the U.S.A.," many corporate executives must have been listening and took it to heart (Wall pg). During the last few years, corporate scandals have remained front-page news and have rocked the foundation of the corporate business. Although the glory days are gone for most stockholders, for many CEOs the good times still roll on (Strauss, Hansen Pp).

The high profile scandals or fraud and executive chicanery has tarnished corporate America. "The sputtering economy and sagging corporate profits pounded stock for a third-consecutive year...ut when it came to pain and suffering...most CEOs barely felt the downdraft last year"…...



AFL-CIO's PayWatch site casts light on CEO salaries - Compensation increases despite layoffs, low profits." The Boston Herald. April 11, 2002; Pp.

The Great CEO Pay Heist: Executive compensation has become highway robbery -- we all know that." Publication: Fortune. June 25, 2001; Pp.

Strauss, Gary; Hansen; Barbara. "Special report: Bubble hasn't burst yet on CEO salaries despite the times." USA Today. March 31, 2003; Pp.

Wall Street." Director: Oliver Stone. 20th Century Fox. 1987

Succession Planning and Position
Pages: 2 Words: 519

Succession Planning at Chatham Information Services, Inc.
Today, Chatham Information Services, Inc. (alternatively CIS or "the company" hereafter) is a leading provider of information technology (IT) consultancy services headquartered in Dallas, Texas specializing in human resource (H) related issues. With 7,000 dedicated employees and offices throughout North America, Europe and Asia, CIS is well situated to take advantage of an increasingly competitive and globalized marketplace. ecently, the company's chief executive officer (CEO) announced her decision to retire within 6 months but she would remain with Chatham until they found a suitable replacement. This paper describes the succession planning procedure for the CEO position used at the company, including a discussion concerning relevant critical knowledge, skill and abilities (KSAs) of this position, a description of the selection and training process that will be used to ensure the incoming CEO possesses these KSAs. Finally, a description concerning how the selected successor will remain…...



Fulmer, R. A. & Conger, J. A. (2004). Growing your company's leaders: How great organizations use succession management to sustain competitive advantage. New York: AMACOM.

McDaniel, E. A. (2013, Annual). Securing the information and communications technology global supply chain from exploitation: Developing a strategy for education, training, and awareness. Issues in Informing Science & Information Technology, 10, 313-315.

Chief Executive Officer CEO of Durango Manufacturing Company
Pages: 9 Words: 2766

1. As the consultant, create an argument that you will present to the CEO that suggests accounting and financial management knowledge and skills will be essential to the company’s success and stability over the next five (5) years. Provide support for your argument. As a consultant to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Durango Manufacturing Company, I have established that the firm has a weakened pecking order in terms of accounting and financial structure, lack of proper segregation of duties, lack of properly delineated responsibilities, lack of highly trained and proficient medium level and high level managers. Accounting and financial management knowledge and proficiencies will be pivotal to the success and stability of the corporation over the next five years.
The first individual within the structure is the accounting manager or controller. This position usually deals with responsibilities for all activities associated with accounting. These duties more often than not comprise of…...

Chief Nursing Officer in a Nursing Unit
Pages: 5 Words: 1695

Chief Nursing Officer in a Nursing Unit
hat is the role of today's Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) in the medical workplace? Are there issues that need resolution within the CNO purview? Is there a turnover problem in the field when it comes to the CNO position? hat leadership styles prove most effective for CNOs? These matters and others will be examined in this paper.

The Literature on Chief Nursing Officers -- Leadership Styles

As to leadership styles in nursing management, Jesus M. Casida published his dissertation for a Doctor of Philosophy at Seton Hall University on the subject of "Nurse Managers' Leadership Styles" in acute care hospitals in New Jersey. Although Casida did not use the term Chief Nursing Officer, he did employ the term "Nurse Managers" (NM) in reference to their leadership styles on "nursing units' organizational culture" (NUOC). His research included a self-administered measurement tool presented at four acute care…...


Works Cited

Casida, Jesus M. (2007). The Relationship of Nurse Managers' Leadership Styles and Nursing

Unit Organizational Culture in Acute Care Hospitals in New Jersey. Dissertation for Doctor of Philosophy in Health Sciences, Seton Hall University. Retrieved December 5,

2011, from

Jones, Cheryl B., Havens, Donna S., and Thompson, Pamela A. (2008). Chief Nursing Officer

Chief Financial Officer CFO in Most Corporations
Pages: 3 Words: 928

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in most corporations, both public and private, has expanded exponentially in recent years (Favaro, 2001). Compliance requirements and increased dependence on accounting information has caused the role of the CFO to take on increased importance.
The role and responsibilities of the CFO vary from corporation to corporation and there is no hard and fast rule as to what the role and responsibilities of a CFO might be (Farag, 2011). Such roles and responsibilities can be extensive but there are essentially five major roles that nearly every CFO fills in the modern corporation. The first such role is to participate fully in the leadership of the corporation. In this role, the CFO, using his knowledge of accounting rules and principles, contributes to the overall corporate strategy and assists in formulating policy for the organization.

The second role filled by the CFO is to be actively involved in the…...



Farag, H. (2011). Evolving Capital Markets and the Changing Role of the CFO. In T.S. Environment, Ulrich Hommel (pp. 127-141). New York: Springer .

Favaro, P. (2001). Beyond bean counting: The CFO's expanding role. Strategy & Leadership, 4-8.

Zhang, I.X. (2007). Economic Consequences of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 74-115.

Responsibilities of CFO

Chief Executive's Tasks When Mintzberg's Model for
Pages: 3 Words: 925

Chief Executive's Tasks
When Mintzberg's model for CEOs is used, the above case study can be observed to have managerial activities that can be categorized into the interpersonal, informational as well as the decision-making roles that were displayed by the concerned manager.

The interpersonal roles that were executed by the manager included the speech that he was to give at the area police academy. The other instance is when he learnt from the communications officer that one of the motorcycle officers was involved in an accident and he went to wish him well in the hospital was an interpersonal role. The ride that the manager was to make in the holiday parade could also be categorized under interpersonal roles and finally the attending of the special ceremony at the city park that honors area law enforcement officers who had been killed in the line of duty.

The informational roles in the case study…...



Proven Models (2012). Ten Managerial Roles. Retrieved January 26, 2012 from

Business the Ethics of Executive
Pages: 10 Words: 3372

Removing losses from the company's books made the main corporation look more attractive. Enron appeared to be operating at a profit; a key factor in the valuation of any company's stock. By virtue of this "success," Enron was able to raise even more money for more investments.
The architects of all this "growth" profited accordingly. Ken Lay and his associates held large amounts of exceedingly valuable and overvalued stock. hen Enron's cheating was finally exposed, it became painfully apparent to what extent Ken Lay, Jeff Skilling, and other Enron executives had been making vast sums of money on the backs of gullible workforce, and a gullible public:

The "Enron Nine" (if we may call them that) are J.P. Morgan Chase, Citigroup, Credit Suisse First Boston, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Bank of America, Merrill Lynch, Barclays, Deutsche Bank and Lehman Brothers. These financial institutions collaborated with the now-bankrupt energy company in…...


Works Cited


Ballmer Steve Ballmer the Director and Chief
Pages: 3 Words: 803

Steve Ballmer, the director and chief executive officer at Microsoft Corporation, has contributed much towards the evolution of computers and computing power. The purpose of this essay is to examine Mr. Ballmer and his contributions towards this technological advancement which is known as computing. In this essay I'll give a brief biographical sketch of this individual and then describe his contributions and how they have significantly affected the industry and the world itself.

According to the profile, "Mr. Ballmer is 54 years old, has headed several Microsoft divisions during the past 30 years including operations, operating systems development sales and support." Steve Ballmer is known as a lively personality. His energetic leadership style seems to override his contributions towards computing industry, but nevertheless contextualize his experiences at Microsoft.

In Ballmer's early life, he grew up in Michigan and went to a private preparatory school and went to Harvard earned his bachelor's…...


Works Cited

Garza, G. "Why Apple Should Fear Steve Ballmer." Windows7news. 6 Aug 2011. Web.

Helft, Miguel. "Ballmer: The PC Will Continue to Thrive." The New York Times 17 Aug 2011. Web.

Katz, Jonathon. " Ballmer Says the Future is in the Clouds." Industry Week, 9 Mar, 2011. Web.

Murphy, Chris. "Global CIO; Steve Ballmer Interview: Hockey Stick Cloud Growth Ahead." InformationWeek 20 April, 2010.

Blankfein Llyod Blankfein Is the Current Chief
Pages: 3 Words: 854

Llyod Blankfein is the current chief executive officer (CEO) of Glodman Sachs and has held that position since 2006. Blankfein is a native of the Bronx (New York City) attended Harvard Law School, graduating in 1979 with a Juris Doctor degree. He worked as a corporate attorney for a couple of years until beginning his Goldman Sachs career as a precious metals salesman in London in 1981.

Moving up through the ranks, he continued working for Goldman until, in 2006, he took over the reins of the company from the outgoing CEO and has run the company since that time. Blankfein is one of the highest paid executives in the financial industry. In 2007, he earned almost $54 million, following 2006 when he earned even more. His base salary during those years was approximately $600,000 so the remainder of his compensation was his bonus that was paid in cash, stocks and…...



Academy of Achievement (2011) Stephen M. Case, accessed at website:   on January 30, 2011 ,

Kouzes, J. (2011) Leadership Management, accessed at website: on January 30, 2011,

Executive Level Financial Report CFO
Pages: 5 Words: 1288

In order to analyze the financial stability and health, several important liquidity and debt ratios are necessary. The current ratio, comparing the current assets to the current liabilities in a company, was 0.95 in 2007, decreasing gradually from 2004. It is generally recommended that this ratio is 1 or higher, however, 0.95 is a value close to that, giving a good reflection of the company's short-term financial viability. This is also important because any liquidity problems can then translate into bigger medium and long-term financial problems.

The financial leverage of the company, along with the debt to equity ratio, has, however, increased significantly from 2005 to 2007. In 2005, the financial leverage was 1.98 and the debt to equity ratio 0.40, while in 2007, the financial leverage was 2.91 and the debt to equity ratio 0.93. This shows that the company is starting to rely from on bank credits and debt…...

Discretion Police Chiefs and Discretionary
Pages: 7 Words: 2323

This alternative essentially redistributes some of the power within the department in order to facilitate more successful service in individual communities. This clearly makes discretion appropriate based on the individual needs of the community. Police Chiefs need to develop "new concepts to better satisfy the demands and needs of the citizens they serve," and as such, may have to use discretion in how the approach and interact with unique communities as they encounter them (Meese, 1993, p 1). Discretion on behalf of a police chief allows for greater success in implementing community policing methods.
Police chiefs also find themselves using various types of administrative discretion as well in regards to how they operate their police department and the officers in the field under them. A police chief's administrative discretion could even influence the discretionary actions of other officers in the field. For example, in 2010, a police chief in the…...



Daily Mail Reporter. (2010). Police chief tells officers: Don't follow the rules…use your common sense! Mail Online. Web.   -- use-common-sense.html 

Diamond, Drew & Mead Weiss, Deirdre. (2005). Community Policing: Looking to Tomorrow. U.S. Department of Justice. Web. 

Fridell, Lorie & Wycott, Mary Ann. (2004). Community Policing: The Past, Present, and Future. Police Executive Research Forum.

Kelling, George L. (1999). Broken Windows and Police Discretion: National Institute of Justice Research Report. U.S. Department of Justice. Web.

Making the CIO Strategist and Executive
Pages: 10 Words: 3006

CIO- Strategist and Executive
Currently, Information technology (IT) is integral in providing business services, and the organization of information on the company. Business process, policies and plans have shifted from the back of the office to the internet. As the business embraces e-commerce and other innovative implementations of IT that assists organizations, leadership in controlling the business information resources becomes significant. The invention of new approaches and the improvement of old ones using the modern information era require strong engagement of information management from the commencement (Leidner, Preston & Chen, 2010).

The efficient, effective, and inventive application of information technology facilitates a high degree of leadership and insight that surpasses the IT functions. esearchers assert that the demand for strong control of information management necessitated the presence of chief information officer (CIO) in executive departments and organizations. The CIO has numerous responsibilities and duties in managing information in the business sector (Chen,…...



Leidner, D., D.S. Preston, D. Chen. 2010. "An Examination of the Antecedents and Consequences of Organizational IT Innovation in Hospitals." Journal of Strategic Information Systems 19(3), pp. 154-170.

Chen, D., M. Mockler, D.S. Preston, A. Teubner. 2010. "Information Systems Strategy: Re-conceptualization, Measurement, and Implications." MIS Quarterly 34(2), pp. 233-259

Chen, D., D.S. Preston, W. Xia. 2010. "Antecedents and Impacts of CIO Supply-side and Demand-side Leadership: A Staged Maturity Model." Journal of Management Information Systems 27(1), pp. 231-267.

Chen, D., Preston, D.S., 2007"Understanding CIO Compensation through Managerial Discretion" Proceedings of the 1st China Summer Workshop on Information Management, Shanghai, China, July 2

Financial Officer
Pages: 8 Words: 2915

Financial Officer
For most parts of history, government financial executives have been taken as scorekeepers, and made responsible for collecting, processing and reporting the financial information that used by elected officials and senior managers who use them in making their decisions. The question is whether their role has now changed with the present importance of information technology. (From Scorekeeper to Business Partner: The Evolving ole of Government Financial Executives)

Now there is increasing evidence of the importance that information technology is getting in public administration and this is resulting in more and more insistence from the public that government financial executives have a greater say in all decision making activities of the government. The finance executives are now the individuals to lead the charge for getting an entrepreneurial type of government and have it judged based on its performance. For most of the finance executives now, the changes are leading to redesigning…...



Allison, Gregory. S. "Making the most of the New Blue Book" Retrieved from   / Accessed 26 August, 2005 

Ehrenhalt, Alan. (January, 2002) "The Problem with promises" Governing Magazine.

Retrieved from 

Accessed 26 August, 2005

Women Executives for Many Individuals
Pages: 3 Words: 873

As it pertains to the physical differences women have to miss some time at work after having a child to allow their bodies to heal. Missing this time from work can be detrimental to pursuing certain management positions. However men who become fathers do not have this same type of barrier. In addition, although many fathers are more involved with the daily care of their children, mothers are still the primary caregivers (Sumer, 2006). With this being understood, women often have a harder time balancing work and family life (Sumer, 2006).
In some cases it may be difficult for women to find childcare and as a result they may not have the luxury of being able to work the long hours that male counterparts can work. Some corporations have attempted to assist working mothers as it relates to childcare by offering childcare facilities in the workplace (Sumer, 2006). It appears…...



Mitra, a. (2003). Access to Supervisory Jobs and the Gender Wage Gap among Professionals. Journal of Economic Issues, 37(4), 1023+.

Nelson, T., & Levesque, L.L. (2007). The Status of Women in Corporate Governance in High-Growth, High-Potential Firms. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 31(2), 209+.

Sumer, H.C. (2006). Women in Management: Still Waiting to Be Full Members of the Club. Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, 55, 63+.

Starbucks Coffee Company Key Executives
Pages: 1 Words: 361

his keeps the costs low, and is facilitated by the fact that the company operates a relatively simple business model, with most of its business focus on operating its coffee shops.
Financial Strategy and Practice

he company's fiscal year was just completed and the financial results were:

Consolidated FY2011


Net Revenues


Cost of Sales

Store Operating Exp

Other Operating Exp

Depreciation and Amortization

General & Administrative Exp

otal operating Expenses


Gross Profit

Gain on sale of properties


Income from equity investments

Operating Income

Interest Income, net

Interest Expense



Non-controlling interst


Income axes

Net Income

he most recent quarterly revenue (Q4 FY2011) was $3,031.9 million.

he most recent quarterly net income was $358.5 million.

he current stock price (as of market close December 2, 2011) is $43.91. he stock price is trading near to the all-time high, but the company is continuing to expand and its financial performance has improved significantly over the past three years. hus, the stock price is probably going to go…...


The most recent quarterly revenue (Q4 FY2011) was $3,031.9 million.

The most recent quarterly net income was $358.5 million.

The current stock price (as of market close December 2, 2011) is $43.91. The stock price is trading near to the all-time high, but the company is continuing to expand and its financial performance has improved significantly over the past three years. Thus, the stock price is probably going to go higher in the coming year.

What title do you envision holding in your dream career choice?
Words: 424

1. Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

    In this essay, we will explore the roles and responsibilities of a CEO in a modern business setting.

2. Director of Marketing

    This essay will examine the key skills and qualities required to excel in a marketing leadership role.

3. Creative Director

    Exploring the duties and challenges faced by creative directors in industries such as advertising and design.

4. Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

    An analysis of the financial management responsibilities of a CFO and their impact on overall business strategy.

5. Human Resources Manager

    This essay will delve into the critical functions performed by....

How does the hospital hierarchy impact patient care and outcomes?
Words: 685

The Impact of Hospital Hierarchy on Patient Care and Outcomes

The hospital hierarchy plays a pivotal role in shaping the delivery of patient care and influencing the overall outcomes of medical interventions. The complex and multifaceted nature of this hierarchy involves a well-defined chain of command and responsibility, with each level possessing specific roles and accountabilities. Understanding the impact of hospital hierarchy is crucial for optimizing patient care, improving safety, and enhancing healthcare outcomes.

Chain of Command and Responsibilities
The hospital hierarchy establishes a clear chain of command, ensuring that decisions are made efficiently and that accountability is assigned appropriately. At the apex....

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