Chemotherapy Essays (Examples)

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Chemotherapy Cancer Is a Disease of the
Pages: 5 Words: 1831

Cancer is a disease of the body's cells. Cells in all the tissues and organs of the body constantly grow and divide to swap old and damaged cells and maintain the health of the body. Normally, all cells divide and reproduce themselves in a systematic and controlled manner. In cancer, however, some cells keep dividing without proper control, forming a lump (which is called a tumor). In leukemia, too many white blood cells are formed. Chemotherapy is the use of anti-cancer (cytotoxic) drugs to destroy cancer cells (including leukemia's and lymphomas). There are over 50 different chemotherapy drugs and some are given on their own, but often numerous drugs may be combined (this is known as combination chemotherapy). The type of treatment one are given for ones cancer depends on many things, particularly the type of disease one have, where in the body it started, what the cancer cells look…...


Martin VR, Walker FE, Goodman M. 1996. Delivery of cancer chemotherapy. In McCorkle R, Grant M, Frank-Stromborg M, Baird SB, eds. Cancer Nursing: A Comprehensive Textbook. Philadelphia, Pa: W.B. Saunders Company.

Yasko JM. 1998. Nursing Management of Symptoms Associated with Chemotherapy. Bala Cynwyd, Pa: Meniscus Health Care Communications.


Standardized Nursing Procedure Infusing Chemotherapy
Pages: 3 Words: 786

Completion of Oncology Nursing Society's Chemotherapy and Biotherapy Certification Course (UCHC, 2010, p.2).

(4) Establish a method for initial and continuing evaluation of the competence of those registered nurses authorized to perform standardized procedure functions.

Complete continued chemotherapy administering training and ongoing education

(5) Provide for a method of maintaining a written record of those persons authorized to perform standardized procedure functions.

Completion of the chemotherapy administration check list and return demonstration will be maintained by the HHS Education Department or in their personnel file. A copy of the document action will be given to the N for their file (HHS, 2001, p.8).

(6) Specify the scope of supervision required for performance of standardized procedure functions, for example, immediate supervision by a physician.

No supervision required upon completion of training and educational coursework

(7) Set forth any specialized circumstances under which the registered nurse is to immediately communicate with a patient's physician concerning the patient's condition.

Shortness of…...



Department of Health and Human Services. (2001). National guidance on the safe administration of chemotherapy. Washington: Department of Health. Web. Retrieved from: EBSCOhost Database.

Louisiana State University Health and Sciences Center of Shreveport. (2008).

Chemotherapy: qualifications to administer and monitor. LSUHCS. Web. Retrieved from: / policies/Nurse_TOC.cfm, on 3 October 2011.

Louisiana State University Health and Sciences Center of Shreveport. (2009).

Case Study on Hypersensitivity Reaction to Paclitaxel
Pages: 4 Words: 1285

TAXOL HYPERSENSITIVITY AND MANAGEMENT OF IRR Taxol Hypersensitivity and Management of Immediate Reactions with Pre-medicationTaxol (Paclitaxel) is a commonly prescribed chemotherapy medication for breast cancer treatment. Nevertheless, the administration of Taxol is not devoid of potential challenges, as a subset of patients may manifest hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) in response to this medication. These HSRs represent a clinical concern due to their capacity to induce adverse events, ranging from mild to severe, and necessitate vigilant pre-emptive strategies to mitigate their impact. Considering this, understanding the mechanisms underlying Taxol-induced HSRs and implementing effective management approaches is imperative to maximize the benefits of this vital chemotherapeutic agent while minimizing associated risks for cancer patients.Case PresentationPatient Information: Patient X, a 46-year-old female, initially sought medical attention due to the discovery of a palpable breast lump in the upper outer quadrant of her right breast, which prompted further investigation. Subsequent biopsy results delivered a distressing…...



DUBINSKY, S., PATEL, D., WANG, X., SRIKANTHAN, A., NG, T. L. & TSANG, C. 2022. Pre-medication protocols for the prevention of paclitaxel-induced infusion related reactions: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, 5627-5644.

EVIQ 2023. Premedication for prophylaxis of taxane hypersensitivity reactions (infusion related reactions and anaphylaxis).

WALKER, A. 2022. H2 antagonist withdrawal in pre-medication regimens before paclitaxel treatments. BOPA Position Statement, 2.

Sponsored by Roche Laboratories a
Pages: 3 Words: 890

The sample population for the stomach cancer trials included 594 patients that were Her2 positive. It is not known if patients in the stomach cancer trial included both males and females. Exclusionary criteria were not made available for either of the studies. All of the patients were receiving standard chemotherapy treatments, in addition to receiving Herceptin (Pollack, 2009). The sample populations for these studies were large for a clinical trial. Many times, it is difficult to find patients that fit the criteria for inclusion in the study. This was not a problem for these studies. The sample population of the study improves the validity of the study and confidence in the drug to be effective in patients that meet the criteria for administration of Herceptin.
The study design in both cases used a comparative study. One group was the test group and would receive the treatment being tested, in this…...



F. Hoffman-L Roche Ltd. (2009). Herceptin (Trastuuzumab). Retrieved June 6, 2009 from .

Pollack, A. (2009). Promising Results in Stomach and Breast Cancer Drugs. The New York

Times. May 31. 2009. Retrieved June 7, 2009 from

Radioimmunotherapy for the Treatment of
Pages: 16 Words: 6684

This has been the traditionally used mode of treatment for non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas, but the fact remains that there have not been many clinical trials conducted that would reveal the benefits of CHOP in comparison to various other chemotherapy options for the treatment of CLL, which is a very slowly growing form of cancer and is therefore conversely very difficult to treat and cure because of the fact that all the traditional methods of treatment, whether chemotherapy or radiation, are meant to quickly and rapidly destroy the fast growing cancerous cells. (Cancer Treatment and Prevention)
Curing a patient with the CLL or SLL forms of cancer is considered to be highly unusual, but it is true that these patients will b able to lead productive lives even after 6 to 10 years after the cancer have been diagnosed for them. A patient when he is making the choice of treatment for…...



Bischof, Delaloye a. (2003) "The role of nuclear medicine in the treatment of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (NHL)" Leuk Lymphoma. Volume: 44 Suppl 4; pp: S29-36

Cancer Treatment and Prevention" Retrieved at on 26 December, 2004

CHOP - complementary considerations. Lymphoma-tion" (2 October, 2004) Retrieved at   Accessed on 26 December, 2004 .

CHOP Patient Information Sheet" Newcastle General Hospital, Northern Center for Cancer treatment. (June, 2005) Retrieved at on 26 December, 2004

Body Surface Area-Based Dosing Flat- Fixed Dosing
Pages: 5 Words: 1439

Body Surface Area-Based Dosing
Flat- Fixed Dosing vs. Body Surface Area-Based Dosing of Anticancer Drugs in Adults: Does It Make a Difference?

Explain Body-Surface-Area-based dosage

Body Surface Area-based dosing is a critical formula applicable in the calculation of drug doses in the case of two types of patient groups. These two types of patient groups include cancer patient under the aspect of chemotherapy and pediatric patients. DuBois and DuBois derived the formula in the case of 1916 in a research which nine individuals took part (DuBois & DuBois, 1916). It is ideal to note that the average or normal adults have a BSA of about 1.73 m2. It refers to the current standard of care applicable in the determination of the dose of various chemotherapy drugs in relation to the body surface area of the patients on chemotherapy drugs. It is critical to understand that BSA-based dosing is a 'one size fits all'…...



DuBois D, DuBois EF. (1916). A formula to estimate the approximate surface area if height and weight were known. Arch Intern Med; 17:863 -- 871.

Boyd E. (1935). The Growth of the Surface Area of the Human Body. Minneapolis:

Gehan EA, George SL. (1970). Estimation of human body surface area from height and weight. Cancer Chemother Rep; 54:225 -- 235.

Scripture CD, Figg WD. (2006). Drug interactions in cancer therapy. Nat Rev Cancer; 6:546

Cross-Cultural Communication
Pages: 4 Words: 1450

Ocial Work Practice With Individuals: Engagement Strategies
First I need to get past Mr. Fahza's son in order to get to his father. I need the former's agreement because I need a smooth start. His son agreement would encourage a discussion under the right auspices.

According to The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) of 1990, Mr. Fahza has the right to be informed about his own clinical condition in order to take a decision about continuing with chemotherapy or going to the hospice and die peacefully. This is the strict approach of the western hemisphere.

The religion of Islam believes in death and resurrection of the body and soul, like Christianity. Islam also teaches about how to prepare for death, when aware that death is imminent. Statistics show that a vast majority of the American male population would want to know about the eventuality of dying because of a fatal illness in its final…...


Reference list:

Kagawa-Singer, M., & Backhall, L. (2001). "Negotiating cross-cultural issues at end of life." Journal of American Medical Association, 286(3001), 2993-. Available at:   retrieved: Oct 7th, 2014 

Koenig B.A., Gates-Williams J. (1995) "Understanding cultural difference in caring for dying patients." West J. Med. Sep 1995; 163(3): 244 -- 249. Available at: 

Coolen Phyllis R., DNP, MN, RN. (2012)Cultural Relevance in End-of-Life Care. EthnoMed. Available at: 

Rizvi, Sayyid Muhammad. What You Should Do Just Before Death. Available at:

Family Power and Authority Influences Introduce Topic
Pages: 2 Words: 814

FAMILY POWER AND AUTHORITY INFLUENCES Introduce topic Introduce speakers DEE What affirmative views topic Brad make opposing views. Declares debate open AFFIRMATIVE VIEW OPPOSING VIEW Give equal time members opposing team Facilitate discussion Dee rebuttal Dan ( affirmative rebuttal) Dan rebuttal Dee ( Negative rebuttal) Dee summary (restate proposition significant argument favor change) Dan summary (restate proposition significant argument favor change) (PLS ADDRESS ONLY THE DEE PORTION AND INTRODUCTION -- the AFFIRMATIVE AND REBUTTAL PORTION OF DEE BASED ON SCENERIO BELOWAND MORE IF YOU COULD ADD SPICE TO IT, THANKS)…THE TOPIC IS ABOUT ISLAMIC OR MUSLIM FAMILY WITH CULTURAL DILEMMA.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We live in a world that is nowadays prone to injustice, social inequality, and cultural discrepancies. Today's debate deals precisely with this type of reality: the reality of a family that was defined by a particular cultural background and has been shaped by another cultural environment. We are…...

George Washington University's Sonography Bachelor's
Pages: 2 Words: 511

Nevertheless, my passion for medicine remained which led to applying to the Technology Institute of Pharmacy at the university. Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond my control, I requested a transfer to the Nursing Institute at the university, yet because of my brother's failing health, I was forced to remain at home to care for him. Things changed in 2001, when I came to the U.S., knowing that I had a much better chance there to fulfill my dreams of becoming a medical specialist. Soon after, I registered at Northern Virginia Community College to major in science and after working full-time to pay for my studies, I am now in my last semester at NVCC, aiming for an Associate in Science which hopefully will open the door to pharmacy school. Overall, by obtaining a pharmacy degree, I could not only help people in the U.S. But also my own people in…...


My initial interest in pursuing a degree in the medical field came about when my brother developed a very serious disease. This event prompted me to wonder about his medical future regarding treatment in the form of surgery or chemotherapy, and due to the fact that we were living in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where I was born and raised, the prospects of my brother finding adequate treatment and care for his disease were rather poor. As a result, I decided to create the foundations for a career in medical science. Part of this required that I take the Ethiopian School Living Examination. In 1994, after competing against 167,000 other high school graduates, I received a passing score which made me eligible to attend Addis Ababa University; however, since Ethiopia follows the command economy, I ended up in social sciences rather than in my chosen field of medicine.

Nevertheless, my passion for medicine remained which led to applying to the Technology Institute of Pharmacy at the university. Unfortunately, due to conditions beyond my control, I requested a transfer to the Nursing Institute at the university, yet because of my brother's failing health, I was forced to remain at home to care for him. Things changed in 2001, when I came to the U.S., knowing that I had a much better chance there to fulfill my dreams of becoming a medical specialist. Soon after, I registered at Northern Virginia Community College to major in science and after working full-time to pay for my studies, I am now in my last semester at NVCC, aiming for an Associate in Science which hopefully will open the door to pharmacy school. Overall, by obtaining a pharmacy degree, I could not only help people in the U.S. But also my own people in Ethiopia. While a student at NVCC, I served the Ethiopian Community Development Council by providing outreach services for refugees seeking health assistance.

In conclusion, my personal desire is to expand and enhance my knowledge in the pharmacy field and thus be able to provide my services to communities in the U.S. And abroad, particularly in Ethiopia. Therefore, I am looking forward with much relish to participating in GWU's Sonography Bachelor's Program.

Analyzing Yalom's if Rape Were Legal
Pages: 5 Words: 2027

Yalom Analysis
The case surrounds Carlos, a man in his late 30s with a growing tumor that will not respond to radiation or chemotherapy. Carlos has been fighting this cancer for about a decade, but it is now to the point in which medical science can do no more for him. Carlos was referred to therapy by his oncologist, and responded somewhat to individual therapy but became combative and confrontational in group therapy. Carlos is a classic narcissist and misogynist. He has few friends, is estranged from his children, and is, at best cynical and sarcastic. However, through individual therapy, Carlos was able to come to some conclusions about the walls he built around himself, and the tremendous insecurity he harbored; typically using sex and sarcasm to cover up his need to belong. He eventually revealed that he had come up with two insights about himself and his relationship to the…...



Corsini, R., Wedding, D. (2011). Current Psychotherapies, 9th ed. Mason, OH: Cenage.

Yalom, I. (1989). Love's Executioner & Other Tales of Psychotherapy. New York: Harper


Marinol Medicine Is Designed to Treat the
Pages: 4 Words: 1168

Medicine is designed to treat the sick and the injured. Its function is to either treat a condition or to better severe symptoms from a medical or physical condition. Some medicines, when first introduced, are controversial because of the ingredients that are used. In the modern era, Marinol has become the subject of heated debate over whether or not it should be provided to patients. Despite the fact that it has been proven to help people when other medications have failed, there are still some places where the medication cannot be gotten simply because it contains a synthetic form of a substance which is illegal in most states. Marinol is not made from an illegal material, but a synthetic version which replicates the effects of that illegal substance. The drug Marinol is a brand name of a medication which is a synthetic form of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC which is dissolved…...


Works Cited:

Armentano, P. (2005). Marinol vs. natural plant. NORML.

Institute of Medicine (2002). Marijuana and Medicine: Assessing the Science Base. National Academy Press: Washington, D.C.

Loughlin, K. & Generali, J. (2006). The Guide to Off-Label Prescription Drugs. The Philip Lief

Group: Princeton, NJ.

Ethics as a New Graduate of Six
Pages: 5 Words: 1279

As a new graduate of six months working night shift on a small cancer unit, I am faced with a dilemma. Mr. V has been in and out of the unit several times over the last few months. He has liver cancer and has gone through several episodes of chemotherapy. His wife has been staying with him since his admission. There are two RN's on this unit.

Mr.V recently joined the hospice program. His current admission is for pain control with orders to start a morphine drip to be regulated for pain control.

The only set parameters indicated by hospital policy are to decrease the drip when respirations are less than twelve breaths per minute. Mr. V has requested that the drip be increased several times during my shift. Even though he does not appear to be in any discomfort, I increase the drip. On my final round of the shift, Mr.…...



Strevy, S.S. Myths & facts about pain. RN, 42-45. 1998, February.

C. Junkerman and D. Schiedermayer, Practical Ethics for Students, Interns, and Residents, 2nd Ed, Frederick, MD: University Publishing Group, 1998.

American Nurses Association. Code for Nurses With Interpretive Statements. Kansas City, MO: the Association. 1985.

Strevy, S.S. (1998, February). Myths & facts about pain. RN, 42-45.

Breast Cancer and Cancer
Pages: 8 Words: 2821

treatment using the drug, tamoxifen, and higher mortality rates in females aged over forty years. The peer-reviewed papers employed for this study reveal a dynamic scrutiny of the aforementioned link. Quantitative as well as qualitative research works have been utilized, with a comparison and contrast made of the most apt methodology employed by the researchers. The end goal is ascertaining whether or not it is a risky decision to not adhere to tamoxifen treatment and how much information patients possess with regard to the drug and its effects.
The esearch Question and its Importance

After the diagnosis of her health condition, Ms. Jones is prescribed tamoxifen as medication. For an entire year, Ms. Jones fails to consume this prescribed drug. Upon revisiting the hospital after a year of not complying with this recommended treatment plan, she is told that her cancer has reappeared and is much more lethal than before. She…...



ANS (2010) Cancer Facts And Figures 2010. American Cancer Society.

Banerjee, S., Saxena, N., Sengupta, K. and Banerjee, S. K. (2003) 17 alpha-estradiol-induced VEGF-A expression in rat pituitary tumor cells is mediated through ER independent but PI3K-Akt dependent signaling pathway. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun.300, 209-215.

Banning M (2012). Adherence to adjuvant therapy in post-menopausal breast cancer patients: a review cc_1295 1.10

Physiological Effects of Hodgkin's Disease in This
Pages: 4 Words: 1599

Physiological Effects of Hodgkin's Disease
In this paper I shall give an overview of Hodgkin's disease while focusing on its physiological effects. Specifically, the paper consists of an overview of the disease, describes how the disease affects the body cells and tissues, and how the treatment attacks the disease and affects the body, besides reviewing the treatments available.

Hodgkin's disease is one of the two (and less severe) types of cancer of the lymphatic system; the other type being non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. The disease is named after the British physician, Thomas Hodgkin, who first discovered the condition in 1832. Hodgkin's disease commonly occurs in young adults (between the ages of 15 to 35) and in older people (over 50-year-olds. However, about 10%-15% of cases have been diagnosed in children below 16 years of age. Statistics also show that more men than women are afflicted by it. ("What are the Key Statistics ... "…...



'Autologous Bone Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation" (2004). American Cancer Society. Retrieved on September 28, 2004 from   'Chemotherapy." (2004). American Cancer Society. Retrieved on September 28, 2004 from  'Do We Know What Causes Hodgkin's Disease?" (2004). American Cancer Society. Retrieved on September 28, 2004 from 

"Hodgkin's Disease." (2000) The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Columbia University Press: New York.

'Hodgkin's disease: Overview" (2004) Oncology Channel Retrieved on September 28, 2004 from / 'How is Hodgkin's Lymphoma and the Non-Hodgkin's Lymphomas Different?" (2004) Lymphoma Information Network. Retrieved on September 28, 2004 from

'How Is Hodgkin's Disease Treated?" (2004). American Cancer Society. Retrieved on September 28, 2004 from   'The Lymphatic System." (2004) CancerBACUP. Retrieved on September 28, 2004 from 

New Ways to Treat Cancer
Pages: 5 Words: 1980

neoplasm: "abnormal mass of tissue that results when cells divide more than they should or do not die when they should" ("NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms," 2016)
benign: noncancerous ("NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms," 2016)

malignant: cancerous ("NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms," 2016)

carcinoma: "Cancer that begins in the skin or in tissues that line or cover internal organs," ("NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms," 2016)

sarcoma: "A type of cancer that begins in bone or in the soft tissues of the body, including cartilage, fat, muscle, blood vessels, fibrous tissue, or other connective or supportive tissue" ("NCI Dictionary of Cancer Terms," 2016)

anaplasia: Features of cells which indicate malignancy ("Anaplasia," 2016).

Q2. Identify the correct name for both benign and malignant tumors in the following locations:

Benign Tumors/Malignant Tumors

Pancreas: Adenoma / Adenocarcinoma ("Tumors by name," 2016)

Fat: Lipoma / Liposarcoma ("Tumors by name," 2016)

Bone: Osteoma / Osteosarcoma ("Tumors by name," 2016)

Liver: Hemangioma / Hemangiosarcoma ("Tumors by name,"…...



About immunotherapy. (2016). Chemocare. Retrieved from: 

Anaplasia. (2016). USC. Retrieved from:

Can you help me come up with titles for my essay about gestational trophoblastic disease?
Words: 361

1. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: A Comprehensive Overview

This title establishes the essay's broad scope, encompassing an in-depth exploration of gestational trophoblastic disease, its various forms, and related topics.

2. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: Etiology, Diagnosis, and Management

This title highlights the three key aspects of gestational trophoblastic disease: its causes, methods of diagnosis, and available treatment options.

3. The Clinical Spectrum of Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: From Benign to Malignant

This title emphasizes the range of clinical manifestations associated with gestational trophoblastic disease, from non-cancerous conditions to more aggressive malignancies.

4. Gestational Trophoblastic Disease: A Journey Through Survivorship

This title takes a patient-centered approach, shedding light on the experiences....

What innovative treatments are being developed to address infertility in women?
Words: 522

1. In vitro maturation (IVM): This technique involves collecting immature eggs from a woman's ovaries, maturing them in a lab, and then fertilizing them with sperm before transferring the embryos to the woman's uterus. IVM can be a less invasive and more cost-effective option for women with certain types of infertility.

2. Ovarian rejuvenation therapy: This experimental procedure involves using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections or growth factors to stimulate the ovaries and potentially improve egg quality and ovarian function in women with diminished ovarian reserve.

3. Ovarian tissue cryopreservation and transplantation: This technique involves removing and freezing a piece of a woman's....

How do chemical reactions influence everyday life?
Words: 680

## Chemical Reactions: The Foundation of Everyday Life

Chemical reactions, the fundamental processes that alter the composition of matter, play a ubiquitous and profound role in shaping our everyday lives. From the air we breathe to the food we consume, from the clothes we wear to the medicines we take, chemical reactions are the driving force behind countless phenomena that permeate our existence.

### Food and Nutrition

Chemical reactions are essential for the digestion and metabolism of the food we eat. Enzymes, which are proteins that catalyze chemical reactions, break down complex carbohydrates into simpler sugars, fats into fatty acids and glycerol, and....

What are the key factors contributing to surgical site infections in obstetrics and gynecological patients?
Words: 429

Key Factors Contributing to Surgical Site Infections in Obstetrics and Gynecology Patients
Surgical site infections (SSIs) are a significant complication in obstetric and gynecological (OB/GYN) surgery, leading to increased morbidity, prolonged hospital stays, and healthcare costs. Understanding the key factors contributing to SSIs is crucial for implementing effective prevention strategies.
1. Preoperative Factors:
Diabetes and obesity: Impaired wound healing and immune function increase the risk of infection.
Smoking: Nicotine constricts blood vessels, reducing oxygen and nutrient delivery to the wound.
Malnutrition: Inadequate nutrition compromises immune function and wound healing.
Vaginal infections: Preoperative colonization of the vagina with pathogens can increase the risk....

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