Cheating Essays (Examples)

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Cheating and NASCAR Who's at the Wheel
Pages: 4 Words: 1419

Cheating at Nascar: Who's at the wheel?"
"If you don't cheat you look like an idiot," says it all; this comment was made by one of the icons of NASCA, Darry Waltrip, after he was caught cheating (amsey, 2010). NASCA is a gigantic organization where cheating is not only rampant, it is expected. Perhaps it is because NASCA was born in an environment of illegal activity where outsmarting the law was the only way to succeed. Today, however, there are many motivational factors that promote cheating in the organization. These factors are varied but they all eventually lead to the almighty dollar. Money is not the only reason that cheating is so pervasive in NASCA. In fact, the culture within NASCA is comprised of many aspects which contribute to unethical behavior. Cheating is so omnipresent throughout the organization that it will be extremely difficult to eradicate it, but not impossible. It…...



Baucus, M., Norton, W. Jr., Davis-Sramek, B., & Meek, W. (2008). Cheating and Nascar:

Who's at the wheel?. Business Horizons, 51, 379-389.

Caldwell, C. (2010, January). Darby's Legacy. Good or Bad for Nascar? Retrieved February

25, 2012, from

Cheating A Cultural Construct Cheating
Pages: 12 Words: 3828

This presented the troubling consideration that many of the current standard-bearers for physical excellence were the product of performance enhancing drug use. Moreover, this cast a dark shadow on what have been regarded as some of the game's greatest recent accomplishments, which had been achieved through cheating.
In that vein, Canseco's claim was succeeded by an admission that seemed to justify this reproach. Mark McGwire, Canseco's former Oakland Athletic teammate, admitted that he had actively used steroids throughout the course of the fabled 1998 season in which he dethroned Roger Maris as the single-season homerun champion (Ferrell, 1). To many, it called into question the true nature of his accomplishments. In 2002, Ken Caminiti dealt a similar blow to professional athletic achievements' credibility when he admitted that his 1996 National League MVP season was one largely propelled by steroid use. Further, he marked the number of active players in the…...


Works Cited:

Amato, P.R. & Booth, A. (2001). The legacy of parents' marital discord: consequences for children's marital quality. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81(4), 627-638.

BBC News. (2002). Enron Scandal at-a-glance. British Broadcasting Company.

Online at .

Ferrel, D. (2002). Steroid Use Among Teenages, FreshAngles.

Cheating Is a Relative Term and Most
Pages: 3 Words: 819

Cheating is a relative term and most likely has numerous different definitions that depend on the point-of-view of the event and persons involved. Human beings are not perfect and are expected to fall short of expectations on a daily basis. Due to the inherent flaws in man, cheating will definitely occur. My personal definition of cheating is as follows: cheating is an intentional act that intends to deceive or gain an unfair advantage over somebody else. Fairness and justice are important principles for society to follow in my opinion and when they are ignored consequences of an unpleasant nature should be expected by those within that society.
In today's world, technology has allowed distance education to be a practical and useful method of education. With this new technology comes a large responsibility of all parties involved to ensure that fairness and justice are demonstrated throughout the constructs of any online or…...

Cheating Students Cheat for a
Pages: 3 Words: 891

In severe cases, cheating can impact a student's professional development and even impact the lives of others. For example, student who cheats on a first aid exam and then performs a life-saving technique jeopardizes the other person's life. A law student who cheats his or her way through school does not provide adequate representation for clients. Any time a student gets away with cheating in class, a bad precedence has been set. That student learns that cheating leads to success, and may cheat in their business transactions and even in their romantic relationships. Cheating can essentially become a way of life.

If the student is caught cheating in school, the practical effects are more direct. First, the student violates the teacher's trust. That teacher is unlikely to spend time with that student and offer personalized support. The student might stop showing up for class at all. Some students cheat defiantly, pointing…...

Cheating and Plagiarism Have Proliferated
Pages: 3 Words: 1017

Materialism flourished as a core ideal of American culture throughout the 20th century and most likely fueled the tendency to cheat in school. Moreover, the secularization of American society made it so that students were not inundated with the fear of spiritual retribution for cheating. It is highly likely that in a secular society cheating becomes easier, and more acceptable. However, religion may have nothing to do with the prevalence of morality in a society. Instead, social cohesion might be the key to creating and maintaining morality. Social pressures dictate social norms. If cheating is socially sanctioned then students are more likely to cheat. If peers pressure their friends to refrain from cheating such as by ostracizing cheaters, then cheating would be less prevalent. egardless, cheating remains salient in American culture.
Shulman also points out that one of the reasons cheating persists on college campuses is the lack of universal…...



Fine, Ben. The World of Consumption. Routledge, 2002.

Robinson, Dadrian. Values, fear, morals prevent some students from cheating. The Fauman. Jan 25, 2008. Retrieved Oct 17, 2008 at

Schulman, Miriam. "Cheating Themselves." Santa Clara University. Retrieved Oct 17, 2008 at 

Winnail, D.S."Moral Decline Ahead." Tomorrow's World. Volume 4, Issue 4. 2002. Retrieved Oct 17, 2008 at

Cheating Both Men and Women Consciously or
Pages: 2 Words: 654

Both men and women, consciously or subconsciously, dream of connecting with a soul mate. Or, in other words, the archetypical dream is of an intimate relationship where each partner feels complete in the presence of the other. In fact, it could even be argued that it is this hope that leads to the expectation of mental and sexual fidelity from one's partner. Viewed from this perspective, I agree with Stephen O. Watters's contention that cybersex can be just as damaging to a relationship as a live affair because it runs the risk of diverting one partner's mental and sexual attention away from his or her mate, resulting in unfulfilled needs and discontent.

While it is true that sexual excitement and desire soon fade from a long standing relationship, the fact remains, that sexual fidelity is important in protecting an existing relationship. This is because there is ground to believe that casual…...

Cheating Is a Large Problem
Pages: 3 Words: 1062

I was raised to have a very strong moral and ethical code, and cheating has always seemed abhorrent to me from the first time I can remember being aware of it. Perhaps this kind of morality, similar to others like those regarding personal relationships and possessions, must be learned young if they are to be learned at all. According to J.D. Heyman et al. In their article, "Psssst...What's the Answer?," the authors state that "Anita Cava, co-director of the University of Miami Ethics Program, believes ethics should be taught as early as kindergarten" (Heyman et al., 37). This might not be a bad idea. At that age, children are not under all of the pressure that college students cite as a reasonable excuse to cheat. This makes it easier for them to understand and admit that cheating is wrong -- just ask any five-year-old if cheating is okay and…...

Cheating the Concept of Cheating
Pages: 3 Words: 870

The other principal objection relates to the fact that the poor would have much greater incentive to sell their organs while the rich would benefit more from the plan. This objection also must compare other areas of modern life where that is (already) no less true. Coal miners, loggers, and deep sea fishing are all exceptionally dangerous occupations normally held by those who have few other vocational opportunities and their labor provides power, lumbar, and food for those who are wealthier.

Academic Course Reflection

[Just let me know what you want me to do with this section and I'll take care of it.]


Examine the term cheating as it relates to one of the following as it relates to family, career or personal needs (Not academic)

DEFINE: Free write an extended definition of cheating based on the above. (2 paragraphs, 5 sentences each)


Review the following 2 essays. Respond…...

College Students and Cheating
Pages: 3 Words: 1073

Cheating is a significant problem among college students, and prior studies have shown that a majority of students either cheat or implicitly condone cheating. In order to study this issue in a particular campus setting, self-accounting surveys were performed on 161 students inquiring their opinions and experience regarding cheating, and the likelihood that they would report a cheater. This study concluded that while a majority of students believe that cheating is never justified, that same majority has participated in cheating either actively or passively, and would not be very likely to report cheating. This shows that cheating is not a problem with confused or "alternative" morality, but demonstrates a "hypocrisy gap" between student morality and student behavior.

Cheating is a significant issue in schools today. According to a study performed by California State University, "Most students (78%) reported cheating of at least one type." (Butler et al.) Past studies have apparently…...


Works Cited

Butler M, Ridley T, Allen M. "The Demographics of Cheating in College Students." CSU, Bakerfield. [Online] Available at Accessed 12 Jun 2004.

Rittman AL. "Academic Dishonesty Among College Students." Missouri Western State College. 1996. [Online] Available at Accessed 12 Jun 2004.

Ethics of Cheating Children Cheating
Pages: 3 Words: 1140

Part 3

In my observations, I watched children between the ages of seven to twelve at a middle school during recess. Most were Caucasian and middle-class, thus I was not able to observe racial or socio-economic differences, only gender differences. Some of my observations confirmed what I had read. Children who were angry, aggressive, and did not have a group of friends to talk to on the playground were more likely to cut in line to play on popular equipment. However, the gender difference was much more pronounced than the literature might reveal. Rejected girls seemed more likely to withdraw from games, than attempt to become involved and to cheat to show mastery through cheating.

Another interesting observation was that cheating was not confined to rejected children. I noticed that in one baseball game, a popular and well-liked and highly skilled child was 'inching' off of a base in an attempt to…...


Works Cited

De Mott, Dianne K. Daeg. "Cheating."   Encyclopedia of Childhood and Adolescence. 2008. 6 Mar 2008. "

Hollywood College Admissions Cheating Scheme
Pages: 10 Words: 2706

Introduction Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin are only a few of the actors whose careers have been unfortunately overshadowed by a cheating scandal. This article will show you that cheating is no joke, based on the experiences of those embroiled in the highest profile cheating scandal in recent years.
The Hollywood Cheating Scandal had less of an impact on academia than you might think, though. As newsworthy as these stories are, and how the scandal was broke, the involvement of high-profile actors from Hollywood only revealed what had ostensibly been going on for years among the general public.
In addition to explaining the details of the cheating—what it entailed and how it was carried out—this article will analyze some of the causes and effects of the cheating scandal. If you have been curious about the Hollywood Cheating Scandal and want to learn more, you have come to the right place.
The information in this…...

Art Cheat With Ace of
Pages: 2 Words: 760

The highlights on the victim and his hat, and the woman add interest and detail to the work.
This painting has extremely rich texture and pattern. Many of the details are intricate, and they make the painting come alive. The detail in the clothing makes it come alive, and it seems to have texture that the viewer could touch. The patterns of the fabric and the entire scene are quite vibrant too, and the give an overall feelings of depth and space that seems almost 3-D. The artist uses shading and shadow to create depth too, and it gives the effect of real fabric draped around the servant's head and in the tunic and feather on the hat of the victim. The texture of the four people's skin seems almost like porcelain and contrasts with the texture of the fabric they are wearing.

The clothing indicates this painting was painted during…...



Hubbard, Guy. "Clip & Save Art Notes." Arts & Activities Sept. 2002: 34+.

La Tour, Georges de. "The Cheat with the Ace of Clubs." Kimball Art Museum. 2006. 25 Sept. 2006.

Social Forces and Costs of Cheating Causal-Analysis
Pages: 2 Words: 699

Social Forces and Costs of Cheating
Causal-Analysis Essay

The rules of personal academic conduct generally require students to do the work necessary to complete class assignments on their own. Any effort to evade this rule in a manner that maintains the impression that the student is performing adequately, would be considered cheating.

Academic cheating can take many forms, from looking over the shoulder of a classmate during an exam, writing notes on inside of the palm or forearm, purchasing the answers from an online service, to paying someone to complete a take-home exam. The justifications a student might use for cheating can be just as varied, and can include being uninterested in the course material, struggling to keep up, a temporary personal crisis, scheduling conflicts, or arrogance. While all of us have experienced personal problems, scheduling conflicts, and boring class material, and some of us may have found instructional material too advanced, not…...

Student and Cheating
Pages: 3 Words: 980

Academic Dishonesty and Student Cheating
Academic dishonesty has existed as long as organized schooling, whether in the form of glancing at a neighboring student's examination, copying a classmate's homework, or plagiarizing source material in written assignments. According to many reports, academic dishonesty has increased dramatically in over the last several years and three factors, in particular, have been implicated as contributing factors.

The widespread availability of Internet sources represents a convenient opportunity to plagiarize online material, especially where instructors are less familiar with the Internet medium than students. Similarly, recent technological advances in communication technology (and the miniaturization thereof) has enabled students to devise clever new strategies to facilitate cheating during in-class examinations.

Interviews with students who admit to cheating reveals that many of them justify their academic dishonesty by reference to high profile accounts of corporate dishonesty and widespread deterioration of business ethics, in general (Boon). Others maintain that their demanding schedules…...



Boon, Miriam (2003) Student Cheating Rises at Stanford: Educational Outreach, Overhaul of Disciplinary System May be Contributing Factors. (Palo Alto Weekly Online Website; Embarcadero Publishing Company). Accessed June 12, 2004, at

Innerst, Carol (1998) Universities Retreat in War on Cheating. (Washington Times, Jan. 29, National Center for Policy Analysis Website). Accessed June 12, 2004, at

Slobogin, Kathy (2002) Survey: Many Students Say Cheating "OK" Website) Accessed June 12, 2004, at

Hollywood College Admissions Cheating Scheme Essay
Pages: 9 Words: 2714

The Hollywood Cheating Scandal exposed what life is like on the other side of the tracks—the side where wealth and fame are used to buy a way into top-tier schools for trust fund kids.  The college admissions cheating scheme involved some big names across a range of industries:  actors, actresses, fashion moguls, Wall Street guys, real estate giants, doctors and many others were all implicated in the scheme along with Ivy League teachers, coaches, and test takers.  This article will discuss what happened, why, and what it means for America.

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Can you help me find a title and outline for an essay on pornography?
Words: 478

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Words: 721

Topic 1: The Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Workplace

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The potential for AI to automate jobs and displace human workers, leading to unemployment and economic insecurity.
AI's impact on workplace privacy and surveillance, with AI-powered monitoring systems potentially infringing on workers' rights.
The need for ethical guidelines and regulations governing the development and use of AI in the workplace, to ensure fairness and protect workers' rights.

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How has cyber sex impacted intimate relationships in the digital age?
Words: 475

Cyber sex has had a significant impact on intimate relationships in the digital age. While it can enhance intimacy and sexual satisfaction for some couples, it can also introduce new challenges and risks.

One of the main ways cyber sex has impacted intimate relationships is by providing a new avenue for sexual exploration and communication. Couples who engage in cyber sex may find that it helps them to open up and communicate about their desires and fantasies in a way they may not feel comfortable doing in person. This can lead to a deeper understanding of each other's sexual needs and....

How can one navigate being attracted to someone else while in a committed relationship without jeopardizing their current partnership?
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2. Reflect on your feelings: Take the time to understand why you are attracted to someone else. Is it because of a lack of emotional connection with your current partner, or is it simply a physical attraction? Understanding the root cause of your feelings can help you address them more effectively.

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